Useful area of ​​a metal tile sheet. Metal tile sheet sizes. What's inside? Composition and structure of roofing sheets

What is metal tile? It's leafy roofing material, made of galvanized steel, which accurately imitates ordinary tiles. A roof covered with metal tiles looks elegant and impressive, and installation is carried out with minimal effort and financial costs. Thanks to these features, the material is very popular in Europe, Russia and the CIS countries.

However, the range of metal tiles is quite diverse, so choose optimal type roofing can be difficult. Let's consider the main characteristics and requirements for this material in order to know how to choose it correctly.

What's inside? Composition and structure of roofing sheets

Metal tiles have a multilayer structure. The base is usually taken from a sheet of metal made using cold rolling technology. Then the finished profile is subjected to stepwise processing. In particular:

    A layer of phosphate is applied to prevent corrosion.

    Priming is carried out in order to increase the adhesion of the metal to the finishing coating.

    Apply to the front surface polymer coating, various colors.

    The back side of the sheet is treated with a protective varnish.

As a result, metal tiles have the same composition, regardless of the manufacturer, however, roofing characteristics and quality may vary.

About composite tiles, a close relative of the subject of our conversation

What types of metal tiles are there? Available types of roofing materials

Profile types

All metal tiles available on the market differ in the type of profile, which gives the roof a unique pattern. In Russian construction market The following options are in high demand:


This is a rigid profile that accurately imitates ceramic tiles. Profiles of this type are characterized by a length 1 100 mm, 6 waves in steps 350 millimeters. The height of the profiling can increase or decrease, affecting the rigidity of the structure. The use of such metal tiles gives the building a classic look of modern architecture.


It is characterized by strict geometry and rectangular shapes. If you order metal tiles of this profile in brown, the roof will resemble a chocolate bar. The width of such sheets is 1,120 millimeters, structure - 5 waves By 224 mm, step height: 22.5 mm. The advantages of the profile are: minimum quantity joints, which saves material. Thanks to its strict shapes, the profile is suitable for residential and commercial development.


The profile of the metal tile is reminiscent of the popular “Monterrey”, with a more “lush” geometry. With standard sheet sizes, the wave height is 49 mm, accordingly, in low-rise construction conditions, a roof made of such a profile will look more attractive.


Quite an original profile, where a wave-like structure alternates with a flat base. Such metal tiles fit organically into any architectural style, therefore they are often used for the reconstruction of buildings.

In addition to the usual types of metal tiles, new models with original designs are appearing on the market. For example: “Bongo”, “Andalusia”, “Shanghai”. The sheets attract attention with a relief pattern (wave height up to 66 mm) and Z-shaped locking connections, which ensures installation without the use of external fasteners.

Types of metal profiles from Finnish colleagues

Metal tile sheet base materials

The types of metal tiles on the market usually differ in the type of profile. However, this is not the only one hallmark. A different base is used for manufacturing, which largely determines the characteristics of the roof. For example:

    Steel. This is the most common type of metal tile on the domestic market. The base material is usually coated with a layer of zinc to improve the roof's durability and corrosion resistance.

    Aluminum. This profile is less common, but has a number of undeniable advantages. In particular, aluminum is neutral to any external influences and therefore does not require additional processing. In addition, the material is quite light, which reduces the load on the foundation and support structures, installation does not require durable sheathing. The disadvantages of aluminum metal tiles include a very meager palette of colors and high cost.

    Copper. This is an initially expensive material that is rarely used in private construction. Copper metal tiles look impressive and pretentious, especially when covered with a greenish coating. The material does not require additional protection against corrosion, however, it is mainly used for the reconstruction of architectural and antique monuments.

It is worth noting that the most common and practical is galvanized steel metal tiles, which we will consider in the future.

Pros and cons to keep in mind

Like any building material, metal tiles have their advantages and disadvantages. TO strengths roofing the following points can be attributed:

    Durability. Without losing its properties and technical characteristics and, a metal roof can last longer 50 years.

    Resistance to temperature changes. Application range varies within -50/+70 degrees, which ensures the possibility of application in any region of the country.

    Diversity. Despite the identical manufacturing technology, the material boasts different shapes and colors.

    High strength. The width of the sheet allows you to minimize the number of joints. In addition, the sheets are usually laid overlapping, which significantly increases the tightness of the roof.

    Easy to install. Metal tiles can be laid on an old roof, which significantly increases the speed of work. For example, a team of specialists can install about 100 m2.

To the essential shortcomings the following applies:

    Restriction on roof slope angles. In order for metal tiles to fully cope with their tasks, the slope angle must exceed 14 degrees.

    Not suitable for roofs with complex geometries. During installation, you will have to adjust the wave and pattern, which increases the amount of production waste - up to 30% of the total.

    Relief structure. The wavy structure of the sheet can prevent the natural rolling of snow from the roof.

    Low sound insulation. To solve the problem, it is necessary to lay an additional layer of insulation.


It should be noted that metal tiles are manufactured in accordance with current GOST standards. This roofing material is characterized by the following technical parameters:

    Tensile strength - 300-490 MPa.

  • .

  • Service life - 20-50 years, depending on the thickness and type of polymer coating.

    Frost resistance - average values: 200 cycles freezing.

    Fire safety - steel does not burn, melting point is 1,500 degrees.

    Environmental safety - the profile material and polymer coating are non-toxic and therefore do not pose a threat to health and life.

It is worth noting that metal tiles tend to accumulate static electricity, so for such a roof the installation of a lightning rod is a prerequisite.

Table of characteristics depending on the type of coating

Roofing sheet dimensions

When manufacturing metal tiles, manufacturers try to adhere to standard sizes. It looks like this:

    Width: 1 160-1 180 mm.

    Length: 0.5-9 m.

    Thickness: 0.4-0.6 mm.

    Wave pitch: 350 mm.

The profile height varies within 39-46 mm, depending on the manufacturer. It should be clarified that the sheet width is divided into actual and useful, both parameters are indicated on the packaging. Considering that the sheets are laid overlapping, the usable width is usually 1 100 mm.

Table with the main sizes of some manufacturers

Manufacturer Profile name Full sheet width, mm Useful sheet width, mm Roll height, mm Profile height, mm Wave pitch, mm Wave width, mm
Poimukate(Finland) Tiilipoimu (TP) 1180 1100 18 44 350 183,3
Kruunukate (KR) 1120 1040 22 64 400 206
Pelty ja Rauta(Finland) PELTITIIILI 1190 1100 25 38 350 183,3
Mera System(Sweden) ANNA 1140 1050 15 30 350 175
EVA 1160 1100 15 25 350 183,3
BEAVER 1226 1140 15 20 145 145
RoofLine(Russia) RoofLine 1190 1120 20 22 350 183,5
Grand Line(Russia) Monterrey 1190 1100 18 23 350 183,5
Country 1188 1120 20 27 350 183,5
Metal Profile (Russia) Monterrey 1180 1100 14 25 350 183,5
Supermonterrey 1180 1100 21 46 350 183,5
Maxi 1180 1100 21 46 400 183,5
Cascade 1115 1050 22,5 25 350 224
MaxiCascade 1175 1120 22,5 25 400 224
Blachy Pruszynski(Poland) SZAFIR 350/15 1180 1100 15 40 350 184
SZAFIR 400/20 1180 1100 20 45 400 184
KRON 350/15 1180 1100 15 45 350 275
KRON 350/20 1180 1100 20 30 350 275
KRON 400/20 1180 1100 20 30 400 275
Blachotrapez(Poland) TAKOTTA 1190 1100 25 38 350 183,3
TACOTT S 1150 1100 24 40 350 183,3
Blachotrapez(Poland) Diament ECO 1200 1120 21 36 350-450 -
Diament PLUS 1150 1045 20 54 350 -
Joker 1210 1150 21 40 400 -
Kingas 1195 1100 20 43 350-400 -
Kingas ECO plus 1195 1120 21 42 400 -

Weight of metal tiles per 1m2

This parameter is usually indicated on the packaging and directly depends on the thickness and size of the sheet. Depending on the material used, weight indicators may vary. For example:

    Galvanized steel - 3.8 kg.

    Aluminum - 1.34-1.36 kg.

    Copper - 4.45 kg.

Data is valid for standard sizes and sheet thickness 0.5 mm. Weight is based on 1 m2. It is worth clarifying that the weight of a metal tile sheet can be influenced by the profile height and the thickness of the polymer coating.

Which is better? Brief comparative analysis

There are several types of roofing materials on the construction market, so buyers are often concerned with the question: “Which type to choose?” Let's consider a comparison of metal tiles with the most competitive types of roofing.

Metal tiles or corrugated sheets

These are very similar materials, made of galvanized steel with a polymer coating, but differing in technical characteristics. In particular:

    Thickness. The corrugated sheet looks more solid: 1.2 mm against 0.6 for metal tiles at maximum values.

    Weight. The thickness of the material increases its weight; therefore, installation of corrugated sheets requires a more durable base.

    Appearance. Metal tiles look more textured, so roofing made from this material looks much more interesting.

In terms of sound insulation and durability, both materials are identical, but corrugated sheeting wins in terms of price. Therefore, if reliability and simplicity are important, it is undoubtedly better to use corrugated sheets, beautiful design roofs and exquisite design - definitely metal tiles.

Metal tiles or Ondulin

Ondulin is a soft roof that is manufactured using the same technology and has standard sizes, regardless of the manufacturer.

Ondulin is much lighter than metal tiles, which simplifies the installation process. However, metal tiles look stronger, do not burn, but lose in terms of sound insulation. It is worth noting that ondulin is more expensive and cannot boast of a varied color palette. Therefore, when choosing roofing material for a private house, preference should be given to metal tiles; if we are talking about a small building (bathhouse, garage, veranda), it is better to use ondulin.

Metal tiles or slate

The first option undoubtedly wins here. Metal tiles do not require durable sheathing, are resistant to direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and are not afraid of moisture. However, slate has better sound insulation and attracts buyers at an affordable price.

How to calculate the amount of material for a roof

The calculations can be done independently without resorting to complex mathematical formulas. To do this, you need to calculate the length of the ridge and roof slopes. Let's consider the calculation of the roof for a typical house with gable roof, where the length of the skate is 9.5 m, stingrays - 6 m. The following formula applies here:

    Divide the length of the skate by usable width leaf ( 1.1 m). The result is 8.6 sheets. We round the resulting value to a whole number and get 9 sheets.

    The length of the slope is calculated by the wave step. Regardless of the manufacturer, this value is always 350 mm. As a result, to cover one side you will need 17.14 waves.

Standard sheets are characterized by a structure in 10, 6, 3 And 1 wave. Therefore, the amount of material is determined based on these features.

Colors available to the consumer

The available colors depend on the specific manufacturer and, as a rule, the choice ranges from 5-10 options to 50 different colors and shades. To ensure that the manager understands you correctly, remember the code desired color according to the RAL table.

Popular options according to RAL scale

At the end of the article there are photos of what the material looks like directly on the roof.

Additional elements for pitched roofs

To increase the tightness and reliability of the roof, additional elements will be required. The following products are used for metal tiles:


    Eaves parts of the roof.

    Design for the ridge part of the roof.

    Elements for internal corners.

    Wind bars.

    Adjacent planks.

    Passage nodes.

In addition, elements can be installed to improve roof safety: fences, stairs, walkways. Next on convenient schemes We will look at the main stages of work.

His Majesty Montage. Meet!

Before installing a metal tile roof, you should install the rafter system and sheathing. For rafters, it is enough to use an edged board with a section 150Х50 mm, treated with an antiseptic.

First, you should complete the installation of all pipes and ventilation ducts, and only then begin the installation of the roof.

The pitch of the rafters for metal roofing is taken at 600-900 mm, usually when installing wooden beams overlap, it is equal to the pitch of these beams.

Lathing. Preparing a wooden base for the roof deck

The lathing can be made either continuous or sparse. Continuous is arranged from edged boards, plywood, chipboard sheets. The distance (step) of the sheathing is set based on the step of the transverse wave.

When constructing sheathing from unedged boards, it is necessary to carefully remove the bark even before antiseptic treatment.

A vapor barrier material is first installed along the rafters to prevent condensation from getting on the surface of the attic insulation or on the roof insulation (if, of course, a warm roof is used).

We don't need condensation. Laying vapor barrier

Installation of cornice strips

The next stage is installation cornice strip along with drain hooks. The plank is mounted with an overlap 100-150 mm and fastened with self-tapping screws.

How to lift material onto the roof without damaging it

The lifting of sheets is carried out in the old, and most likely already familiar to many, old-fashioned way.

Direction and layout of roofing sheets

Installation direction depending on roof type.

Installation of metal tile sheets can be done on any side of the building, but you should immediately take into account the overhang of the material in 40-50 mm above the cornice.

When installing a metal tile roof, you should step on the surface only between the waves of the material (see the figure above), shoes should be used with soft soles.

How to properly fix metal tile sheets

The sheets are fastened with special self-tapping screws with spacers; they can be matched to the color of the sheets.

On 1 sq.m the roof requires at least eight self-tapping screws.

The overlap of the tile sheets is one wave in the horizontal direction, and in the vertical direction the sheets of material must be matched to the entire length of the roof slope.

Upon completion of installation of all sheets, the ridge is installed. There is nothing complicated about this; you can choose a metal skate of the desired color for sale. The ridge is attached with nails or self-tapping screws to the sheathing boards, the ends of the ridge are closed with special plugs.

Install thoroughly. Roof service life metal tiles amounts to at least 50 years!

Which brand is better to choose? Trusted manufacturers

If we talk about manufacturers, we can highlight the following brands:

    Finnish metal tiles are presented at Russian market company RUUKKI. This is one of the leading European manufacturers offering the Monterrey profile with Purex polymer coating.

    GRAND LINE. A Russian enterprise engaged in the production of metal tiles in accordance with the latest developments in this area. The model range is represented by “Monterrey” and “Country” profiles, coated with Polyester and SOLANO.

    MERA SYSTEM. A Swedish company that produces metal tiles made of galvanized steel with a sheet thickness of 0.45 mm. The company's products are resistant to sudden temperature changes and are available in a variety of colors.

Of course, there are many more manufacturers of metal tiles, but here are companies that have been operating on the Russian market for a long time and have earned the trust of customers.

Photos of the roofs of private houses. Take a look at the samples, maybe your roof will look the same!

To perform quality roofing works When using metal tiles, it is very important to know the size of the metal tiles. Because well-chosen parameters of a sheet profile allow it to be used in work with less waste. At the same time, the exact dimensions of the metal tile sheets make it possible to cover the roof with the smallest number joints, which will make the roof as airtight as possible. In the material below we will look at the dimensions of metal tile roofing.

A metal sheet with profile embossing is a roofing material that imitates standard tiles. The difference here is that natural tiles are small individual elements, while metal tiles are profiled sheets made from a thin steel alloy.

The base of the roof covering itself is quite thin (no more than 0.55 mm). Subsequently, the thickness, and therefore the strength of the material, is formed by applying a galvanized coating to the base and, after it, a protective primer layer. It can be polyester, pural, PVDF or plastisol. Polymers protect metal tile sheets from various mechanical damage and provide reliable adhesion to the roof rafter base.

Important: the dimensions of the metal roof tile sheet allow you to quickly and beautifully cover the entire roof, in contrast to laying natural tiles. Here the work will not be labor-intensive and painstaking.

Based on the type of metal used in production, all metal tiles are divided into the following types:

  • Steel. The most popular type of roofing. The demand for it is due to its good technical characteristics and favorable price. This is, so to speak, a classic among types of profile sheets.
  • Aluminum. This coating is distinguished by its lightness. But at the same time, the profile is protected from negative external factors by a special oxide film.
  • Zinc-titanium. The most durable of the presented types of metal tiles. At the same time, it has excellent flexibility combined with strength.
  • Copper. The most expensive type of roofing. However, it is not the most durable/strong. Soft copper can become deformed. But copper itself does not require painting and remains attractive in its natural form.

Parameters and dimensions of metal roofing tiles

Important: let us immediately note that the sizes of metal roofing tiles are not standard. That is, GOST does not regulate the parameters of roofing materials in any way. The coating has a fairly wide range of differences in profile height, sheet length and width.

  • The thickness of the metal roofing profile is decisive for the strength of the coating. The minimum thickness is 0.37 mm, but such a roof is rarely used due to its low strength. In particular, the thickness of the steel sheet is 0.45 mm. Copper and aluminum coatings are thicker (up to 0.8-1 mm).

Important: when purchasing material, it is advisable to measure the actual thickness of the coating and compare it with that indicated in the technical data sheet. If it is thinner than specified, problems may arise in transportation and installation of the roof. Such a roof will be more capricious and prone to deformation.

  • Sheet length. It varies in the range of 0.8-8 m. Such a variety of covering lengths makes it possible to cover the roof without horizontal overlaps with one continuous sheet, which increases the tightness of the roof.
  • Product width. Here the width range is 1.16-1.19 m. Often the width is determined by the size of the wave crest/profile.
  • Profile height. Most often it varies between 27-75 mm. Here you need to know that metal tiles with a profile of more than 50 mm are much more expensive, since this parameter increases the rigidity of the coating.
  • Profile pitch. Basically it is 35-40 cm, but there is always the opportunity to order other coating parameters for your roof.

Important: if you need special standard sizes of metal tiles designed specifically for your roof, the manufacturer can change the sheet parameters in one direction or another. This approach to covering a house makes it possible to reduce the cost of purchasing it.

Full and usable area of ​​metal tile sheets

It is not enough to know the metal tile sheet size for high-quality coating roofs. It is also necessary to understand that the profile also has a usable area. That is, a parameter calculated by subtracting centimeters in length and width for overlaps. Thus, the main area of ​​the covering sheet is calculated by measuring its width and length. The data is then multiplied.

The useful area (or simply width/length) of the material is calculated by simply subtracting the overlap width. As a rule, the vertical overlap for a metal roof tile is 6-8 cm. If a horizontal overlap is made, then it should be slightly larger (10-15 cm) to prevent water from getting under the roof.

Important: when laying the profile, all joints and overlaps are covered with a special sealing tape.


Parameter table:

Dimensions of metal tile sheets from the most popular manufacturers

Manufacturer name Total length, mm Length overlap, mm Useful length, mm Full width, mm Overlap width, mm Useful width, mm
Metalprofile 3650; 2250; 1200; 500 150 3500; 2100; 1050; 350 1190 90 1100
Grand Line 3630; 2230; 1180; 480 130 3500; 2100; 1050; 350 1180 80 1100
Stynergy 3630; 2230; 1180; 480 130 3500; 2100; 1050; 350 1180 80 1100
Finish Profiles 3600; 2200; 1150; 450 100 3500; 2100; 1050; 350 1185 85 1100
Poimukate 3630; 2230; 1180; 480 130 3500; 2100; 1050; 350 1180 80 1100
Interprofile 3620; 2220; 1170; 470 120 3500; 2100; 1050; 350 1160 60 1110
Mera System Anna 3620; 2220; 1170; 470 120 3500; 2100; 1050; 350 1140 90 1050
Mera System Eva 3620; 2220; 1170; 490 120 3500; 2100; 1050; 300 1160 80 1080
Pelti and Rauta 3630; 2230; 1180; 480 130 3500; 2100; 1050; 350 1180 80 1100
Weckman 3630; 2230; 1180; 480 130 3500; 2100; 1050; 350 1190 90 1100
Ruukki® Adamante 3650; 2250; 850 150 3500; 2100; 700 1153 28 1125
Ruukki® Finnera 705 45 660 1190 5 1140

Scope of application of metal tiles

The main purpose of such roofing material is to cover the roofs of residential buildings, cottages, shopping complexes and other residential buildings. However, it is worth knowing that roofing can be used provided that the slope angle of the slopes is observed. It must be at least 14 degrees. At the same time, the metal tile profile is ideal for covering large areas, because it has high level strength. However, it is better not to use metal tiles on roofs with complex configurations.

Important: use roofing metal tiles on the roof of houses in maritime regions is permissible, but subject to the purchase of a roof with a high-quality and special polymer coating that protects against salt.

Parameters of additional roofing elements

In addition to the fact that metal tiles have certain dimensions, it is worth knowing that other additional roofing components also have their own standards. In particular, at the ridge and the wind panel (gable). Here the length of the products is basically 2 m. But it is worth remembering that when laying them, about 10 cm of the useful length is always spent on overlaps. That is, to calculate the total length of the ridge or gable, you need to divide their actual length by 1.9. The resulting value is rounded up.

Advice: before buying metal tiles for the roof, you should correctly calculate everything using the table presented above. That is, pay attention to the standard sheet sizes (dimensions and dimensions) of the roofing covering for each type of profile. This way, your metal roofing will be made with the least amount of waste.

Metal tiles are a modern roofing material that consists of sheets of aluminum, copper or, most often, galvanized steel made by cold stamping, imitating the texture of ceramic tiles.

To protect against the harmful effects of atmospheric phenomena, the sheets are covered with layer of polymer materials.

Sales of metal tiles are growing every year, and they are increasingly used in both municipal and individual construction projects.

Let's try to understand the reasons for this popularity, the varieties and features of the use of this material. In this article you find out the size of the metal tile sheet for the roof and other technical characteristics.

When talking about the geometric dimensions of a sheet, they mean three parameters: width, length and thickness. Now let’s look at GOST metal tiles.

So, dimensions metal tiles for roofing:

  1. Width116-119 cm, working width metal tiles about 110 cm;
  2. The length of the metal tile sheet is from 50 to 900 cm;
  3. Thickness metal tiles vary depending on the type from 0.4 to 0.6 cm.

The width of metal tiles for roofs of any type, brand and length, as a rule, ranges from 116 to 119 cm. This is very simple to explain - the manufacturer ties the width of the metal tile sheet to the width of the raw material, which, in this case, is the metal sheet.

Metal tile sheets are formed at rolling mills of metallurgical enterprises, where standardized equipment with standard roll sizes is used.

Much greater variety can be found by looking at the list of possible lengths. Rolled metal supplied to factories for the production of metal tiles may have length up to 9 meters– this reduces loading and transportation costs. Of course, installing a roof from sheets of this size would be extremely difficult.

Therefore, the sheets that go on sale are much shorter. The length of the metal tile is set by the manufacturer and can be arbitrary, but most often one of the standard sheet sizes is used (all sizes are plus or minus 3 cm):

  • ultra-small – 50 cm;
  • small – 120 cm;
  • medium – 225 cm;
  • large – 360 cm;
  • very large – 450 cm.

Many companies also provide cutting services sheets in length according to customer needs. One of the most popular types of metal tiles today is.

Metal profile: dimensions of metal tiles

The thickness of metal tiles is usually understood as thickness of its metal layer. If the previous two indicators characterized exclusively ease of installation, then the thickness of the metal roofing tile is also operational parameter.

It must provide an optimal balance between the reliability of the structure and its weight. This condition corresponds to sheet thickness 0.5 mm, it is also the most common. Metal tiles of smaller thicknesses are used in small auxiliary structures, large ones - in the case of a roof of a sparse frame of a large area and under the condition of high strength of load-bearing walls.

Wave height of metal tiles and sheet profile

Wave metal tiles are called a vertical line consisting of conventional cells, and wave sizes– distances between the centers of neighboring cells of two waves (step) and the distance from the bottom to top point one cell (height).

Most manufacturers use one of two standard wave steps – 185 mm or 350 mm.

Wave size metal tiles are within:

  • from 20 to 30 mm – small standard height;
  • from 30 to 50 mm – average standard height;
  • from 50 to 70 mm – high height (usually only for expensive varieties).

A sheet profile is understood as a characteristic pattern formed by wave cells, a certain unique pattern. The profile is developed by the manufacturer's design department and can be absolutely anything. The only requirement to the profile of the metal tile covering - compliance with your aesthetic views.

Advantages and disadvantages

To the main advantages of metal tiles can be attributed:

  • relatively small price;
  • big service life;
  • small specific weight;
  • durability to the effects of atmospheric phenomena;
  • attractive appearance;
  • fire department safety.

The low cost of roofing is most clearly evident in comparison with its main historical competitor - ceramic tiles. Mechanization of production, possibility of simultaneous operation large quantity production lines and the availability of the materials and technologies used make metal tiles a low-cost material to manufacture.

And considering reliability finished product, strength and resistance to impacts, it is obvious that in the ratio of cost to service life, metal tiles leave all other roofing materials far behind.

But it is the appearance that is often a stumbling block for people who are thinking about purchasing roofing materials, but do not have the proper experience in this. They expect some kind of surrogate ceramic tile roof, not realizing that it has long faded into the background not only in quality, but also in design.

Modern metal tiles are manufactured symmetrically and neatly, and perfection technological processes allows you to imitate any shape. So metal tiles are suitable even for projects with a clearly defined retro style.

In the case of fire safety, everything is more than obvious. None of the metal tile components are capable of burning, smolder, or in any way contribute to the emergence or spread of a flame.

Advantages of coverage

However, one cannot deny the obvious flaws metal tiles. These include:

  • excess material consumption during installation;
  • fast wear due to damage to the top layer;
  • relatively low noise insulation;
  • danger melting of snow layers.


The overconsumption of material is explained by the fact that the size of the metal tiles for the roof is fixed values, which is why it is inevitable that extra scraps metal tiles. This overspending is especially noticeable when covering roofs of complex shapes with many angles and bends.

It would be unfair not to notice that the same drawback common to almost all roofing materials, with the exception, perhaps, of ceramic tiles.

  1. The most common type of damage to the top layer (polymer) is chips, cracks and peeling as a result of mechanical damage, for example, during transportation, cutting a sheet or. In places where the polymer layer is damaged, corrosion usually occurs quickly., which is fraught with the loss of not only aesthetic properties, but also the tightness of the roof.
  2. The sound insulation properties of the coating are a controversial issue. Noise insulation will indeed be extremely low if the sheets are mounted directly to the frame. Then every drop of rain, not to mention hail, will resound under the roof. However, when using a sound-insulating substrate and using metal tiles, the sound insulation of the structure will be in no way inferior to any other type of roofing.

Due to the specific shape of the leaf surface, snow layers may melt, which can be dangerous to the life and health of others. Solving this problem is very simple - just use .

Additional elements

These are roofing parts that do not fulfill the purpose of the roofing material, but are necessary for fixing it, making joints and turns, installing additional structures, ensuring tightness, and draining excess precipitation. The main types of additional elements are:

  • – a profile in the shape of a corner, cornice, semicircle or complex shape, installed at the junction of sheets of metal tiles on the upper ridge;
  • end strip– a profile in the shape of a corner or a complex shape, covering the front and rear ribs of the roof;
  • strips of external and internal corners– profiles in the shape of a corner or a complex shape, designed for turning metal tiles at the appropriate angle;
  • valley plank– a complex-shaped profile that provides the lower joint of the roof wings, as well as the removal of excess precipitation from this joint;
  • low tide– a profile in the shape of a wide channel or semicircle, located at the edge of the roof slope and performing the function of draining rainwater;
  • – a triangular profile that prevents the sliding of snow layers;
  • stubs– figured products from sheet metal, providing sealing of joints of straight surfaces with surfaces of complex shape.

Additional elements

In addition, some sources indicate stairs, hatches, cornices, caps, chimneys, even insulation and self-tapping screws as additional elements. Of course, all this is necessary when installing the roof, but how to classify these items is a controversial issue.

This coating is the material of the future, superior to most competitors in economic, ergonomic and performance indicators. We hope our article was useful for studying the basic parameters of metal tiles, their properties and types.

Useful video

Technical dimensions of the sheet in video format:

So, what is metal tile? Metal tiles are a type of profiled sheet made of thin-sheet galvanized steel with a characteristic appearance that imitates natural tiles. Roofing material in Russia and the CIS countries has long become “national”, which is not surprising. At a relatively low price, this roofing material is known for its reliability and, therefore, long service life.

Main technical characteristics of metal tiles

In this article, we will analyze in detail and in an accessible language the main technical characteristics of metal tiles, find out what you should first pay attention to when purchasing this roofing material and thanks to what properties metal roofing has become so in demand in the construction market.

Roof slope for metal tiles

Minimum slope roof for metal tiles is 14 degrees

Unlike soft and built-up roofs, metal tiles should be laid taking into account the minimum permissible angle roof slope relative to the horizon. First of all, this technical characteristic is related to the optimal distribution of wind and snow loads on the roof. Therefore, in the southern regions, metal tiles can be used for flatter roof structures.

It should be added that this rule is relevant for all types of roofs made of thin sheet metal.

Dimensions of metal tile sheets

The width of the metal tile sheet, depending on the profile height, ranges from 1.1 to 1.19 m. The higher the profile, the smaller the width. This is due to the typical size of a flat sheet (1.25 m), from which metal tiles are subsequently profiled.

The width of metal tiles with a Monterrey profile is 1.18 or 1.19 m, and the useful (working) width is 1.1 m

Metal tiles of any profile and shape are usually cut to fit a given roof size. But you can often find a standard (typical) length of metal roofing sheet. Its dimensions directly depend on the size of the wave. Sheets are cut in multiples of 1, 3, 6 and 10 waves plus 10-15 cm for subsequent overlap. For example, for the most common Monterrey profile, which has a wavelength of 0.35 m, standard sheets will have a length of 1 wave - 0.5 m, 3 waves - 1.18 m, 6 waves - 2.25 m and 10 waves - 3. 65m. Dimensions may vary slightly from those shown above.

Profile types Monterrey

For more information about all types of metal tile shapes, see the article. Here we will analyze the most popular models of this roof.

Appearance of metal tiles Monterrey

Monterrey. In this profile, the metal tile has a width of 1.19 m (useful 1.1 m) and a wave pitch of 0.35 m. The roof has a classic, attractive appearance. Profile height: 25+14mm.

Monterrey sheet sizes

Supermonterrey. It differs from the previous model in the height of the profile, due to which this metal roof has the maximum resemblance to natural (ceramic) tiles. Profile height: 25+21mm.

Appearance of Supermonterrey metal tiles

Maxi. The profile is almost identical to that of the Supermonterrey. The only difference is the longer wave pitch (0.4m).

Appearance of Maxi metal tiles Dimensions of Maxi metal tiles

Composition of metal tiles

The main point when choosing metal tiles is not what it looks like, but what it consists of. Let's consider the composition of metal tiles layer by layer.

Composition of metal tiles

Polymer coating. Protects the roof from exposure to natural factors and mechanical damage. Further in the article we will briefly examine the main ones.

Priming. Primer layer gray is an additional protection of metal from corrosion.

Zinc. Metal tiles with the highest zinc content, as a rule, last much longer than their counterparts. Below we will dwell in detail on this important component of a metal roof.

Steel. Currently used in thicknesses from 0.35mm to 0.52mm.

Protective paint. Not used on all models. You can easily identify metal tiles with an additional coat of paint. Typically the paint is applied in the same color as the roof itself (as opposed to the gray color of the primer).

Polymer coatings

You can read more about the types of polymer coatings in. Here we will analyze the main ones.

Polyester-, perhaps, the most common and vulnerable coating of metal tiles due to its inexpensive cost. The coating thickness does not exceed 25 microns. Polyester is characterized by a glossy smooth texture. The coating least of all protects the roof from “fading”, i.e. loss of factory color.

Polyurethane. In contrast to polyester, we can cite as an example the most durable coating for thin-sheet roofing. A polyurethane coating (known as “pural”) will best protect the material from natural weather conditions and ultraviolet radiation.

Amount of zinc

Along with the polymer coating, the amount of zinc in the roof is the most important technical characteristic of metal tiles. This indicator is the main protection against corrosion. Without sufficient zinc content in the steel sheet, all other components simply do not matter.

Zinc content is measured in g/m². As a rule, in inexpensive options for a metal roof this figure does not exceed 100 g/m². For greater savings, such products are produced in thicknesses of 0.4 or 0.45 mm (OH). The normal content is considered to be a zinc layer of class 2 (140 g/m² and above). Such metal tiles include, for example, Norman (manufactured by Metal Profile) or roofing from Grand Line with a polyester coating. In metal roofs with polyurethane coating, the zinc content can reach 275 g/m² or higher.

Metal tile thickness

Materials made from thin sheet steel have a thickness from 0.33 to 0.9 mm. Metal tiles, in turn, are limited to the range of 0.4-0.52mm. Sheet thickness is an important technical characteristic that affects the roof’s ability to withstand mechanical loads without changing its shape and tightness. Particular care should be taken when choosing a metal roof in the central and northern regions, where the roof structure is often influenced snow load. Conventionally, tiles according to their thickness can be divided into 3 classes:

  • Economy Most often produced with a thickness of 0.4 mm, low-quality materials with a thickness of 0.33 mm are found;
  • Standard. This class includes metal tiles OH (general purpose) with a thickness of about 0.45 mm;
  • Premium Metal tiles with a sheet thickness of 0.5 mm and above.

It is best to choose metal tiles for roofing with a thickness of 0.5 mm!

In the central region of Russia, premium segment products should be installed on the roof. This will protect the roof from mechanical damage and the effects of atmospheric phenomena (ice, snow, hail, etc.).

Metal tile weight

This technical characteristic is important primarily for the transportation of the roof, as well as its installation. The weight of metal tiles may vary slightly depending on its shape and thickness. It is generally accepted that the average weight of metal tiles is 4 kg/m² and 5 kg/m² for sheet thicknesses of 0.4 and 0.5 mm, respectively.

Warranty for metal tiles and their service life

Let us immediately note that the “warranty” and the real “service life” should, of course, differ in favor of the latter. But theory does not always work in practice.

As a rule, the optimal warranty for a premium roofing series should be considered 15-25 years (not 50 or 60). During this period, you can easily prove the origin of this material according to the factory marking indicated on it in the locking part of the metal tile, on which the manufacturer, name and series (or date) of production are indicated.

You should only buy labeled products!

In accordance with the above characteristics (polymer coating, amount of zinc and metal thickness), production organizations assign a warranty period for metal tiles, during which they are obliged to replace the material with a similar one.

For economy-class metal tiles, the manufacturer’s warranty often does not exceed 3 years. For example, Monterrey metal tiles with a thickness of 0.4 mm from the Metal Profile plant have a warranty of only 1 year. For the “standard” class, the terms can be increased to 10 years (for example, Norman from the Metal Profile plant or GL PE 0.5 from the roofing manufacturer Grand Line).

To familiarize yourself with the process of installing metal tiles, we offer video instructions for installing metal tiles from the Metal Profile plant and tips on choosing and features of metal roofing production from the Grand Line manufacturer.

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Metal tiles have gained undisputed leadership among all types roofing coverings 15–20 years ago and since that time it has reliably maintained its position. Like any materials, metal tiles have both strengths and weaknesses. But in its complex performance characteristics completely satisfy the majority of users. When choosing a specific type of roofing, several factors must be taken into account. Some influence the technology of work, others influence the duration of operation, and others influence the creation of various architectural projects.

Professional builders understand the dimensions of metal roofing tiles not only as length and width, but also as a fairly large list of other sizes. There is no general international standard for metal tiles; only the technical characteristics of thin-sheet rolled products are controlled. All other dimensions are set by manufacturers independently and then used to draw up technical specifications.

The length of metal tiles ranges from 40 cm to 8 m. The short ones are called piece tiles and are produced in the form of narrow strips with a standard sheet width.

The width of the metal tile is 1.12–1.20 m. Moreover, the material has two widths and lengths: technical and installation.

Technical specifications indicate the maximum dimensions around the perimeter of the sheet, installation ones characterize only the usable area of ​​the material minus the longitudinal overlaps and lateral overlaps. These values ​​differ for each manufacturer; discrepancies range from a few millimeters to several centimeters.

Sheet sizesDescription and what they influence

This size is determined by the sheet metal manufacturer, mainly standard values, there are slight variations depending on the country of manufacture. During calculations, the total length and width are not taken into account; they should only be taken into account when transporting and storing materials.

Very important parameter, is used when determining the amount of roofing materials for each roof, taking into account its size and slope configuration. The effective length and width may be several centimeters less than the maximum, depending on the types of metal tiles and the technical characteristics of the manufacturers’ equipment.

Domestic standards for sheet metal set a thickness of at least 0.6 mm, but in practice it is very difficult to find metal tiles with such dimensions. There are two main reasons for this phenomenon: the backwardness of domestic equipment, which does not allow for thin rolled products, and the desire to reduce the cost of metal tiles. The price of metal has a significant impact on the final cost of the roof. Most metal tiles have a thickness in the range of 0.4–0.5 mm. The thickness of rolled products has a slight effect on weight and durability.

The service life of the roofing covering depends 80% on this parameter. The amount of zinc can be measured in two ways: thickness or mass per square meter. The thickness of zinc is at least 20 microns, the value can be strictly controlled, and therefore metal tiles are almost never used by manufacturers. The fact is that galvanizing processes are standardized and have strictly limited tolerances. In a galvanizing situation, the spread in thickness should not exceed ±10%. Manufacturers of metal tiles use another method to characterize galvanizing - the mass of zinc in grams per square meter of area. This parameter controls the quality and uniformity of the coating very conditionally.

The service life of the roof depends approximately 15–20% on the quality and thickness of the polymer paint. Color shades provide great influence on design solutions. The technology for performing roofing work does not change in any way depending on the color of the sheets.

This parameter plays an important role; builders take it into account when determining the lathing pitch. As for the design, there is no big difference; therefore, the wavelength differs slightly between manufacturers.

The installation technology is not affected; only designers pay attention to these parameters. The standard wave height is 1.8–2.5 cm, the wave pitch is 35–40 cm. The higher the wave height, the higher the bending resistance.

How do the dimensions of a profiled sheet affect its characteristics?

The influence of sheet sizes on design and operational properties shingles are much more complex than they may seem to inexperienced consumers. The reason is that the roofing material is made from rolled flat galvanized painted metal. Numerous final manufacturers have only a primitive bending line with a set of rollers for shaping the profile; they purchase rolled metal. Profiles are obtained by drawing out the metal and, accordingly, drawing out all its protective and decorative coatings(zinc, primers, polymer paints, top coatings for the front surface).

Video - Production of metal tiles

The greater the height of the profiles, the higher the bending resistance of the tiles. This simple physical dependence is welcomed by all developers.

In addition, a roof with a high profile looks more prominent, which gives it special prestige. But few consumers think that increasing the stability of the coating due to the height of the profile has one very unpleasant consequence– reduction of service life.

Why? It's very simple. The thickness of zinc and polymer paint is controlled on a flat metal sheet; during its deformation, the surface area of ​​the metal increases and the thickness of all coatings in these places decreases proportionally. If we add to this phenomenon the influence of the quality of the materials used on deformation (some of them form microcracks when significantly stretched), then negative consequences become even more significant.

Sheet size of metal tiles from some companies

NameTotal lengthUseful length (net)Overlap along the slopeOverall widthUseful width (net)Overlapping width


3620–470 mm3500–350 mm120 mm1160 mm1100 mm60 mm


3650–500 mm3500–350 mm150 mm1190 mm1100 mm90 mm

3630–480 mm3500–350 mm130 mm1180 mm1100 mm80 mm

3630–480 mm130 mm3500–350 mm1185 mm1100 mm85 mm

3630 –480 mm130 mm3500–350 mm1180 mm1100 mm80 mm

3630–480 mm130 mm3500–350 mm1180 mm1100 mm80 mm

3620–470 mm120 mm3500–350 mm1140 mm1050 mm90 mm

3630–480 mm130 mm3500–350 mm1190 mm1100 mm90 mm

3630–480 mm130 mm3500–350 mm1180 mm1100 mm80 mm

3650–850 mm150 mm3500–700 mm1153 mm1125 mm28 mm

The variation in sizes is caused by differences in the side locks and does not have any effect on performance. A few millimeters do not save material, especially since there is always several square meters of unproductive waste.

Sheet profile dimensions

Manufacturers regulate the height of the wave; they produce several types of products that differ in the type and parameters of sheet geometry. Conventionally, three classes are distinguished on this basis.

  1. Economy Wave height ranges from 12–30 mm. This coating is used on government, commercial and industrial buildings.
  2. Average. The most common, used on most building roofs. Looks great on private homes.
  3. Elite. Such metal tiles cover the roofs of prestigious buildings; the cost of the material is not much different from some types of piece tiles.

As for the service life, they depend not only on the profile dimensions, but also on the technical parameters of the sheet. This is a rather complex relationship, we will talk about it below.

Wave pitch 180–185 mm, than more waves, the higher the roof’s resistance to bending loads. But there are limitations - metal tiles in appearance should resemble natural ceramic ones as much as possible, and they have a standard width.

Practical advice. Before purchasing a roof, carefully inspect the surface of the sheet for the symmetry of the profile. The waves should be smooth, without scratches or damage to external surfaces. If additional lines are visible on the bends, this indicates wear on the production equipment. It’s not worth buying such metal tiles, the sheets will not fit tightly, there will be problems with locks, etc.

Why is it important to choose the right sheet length?

Prices for metal tiles

Metal tiles

Most customers are sure that when placing an order for the purchase of metal tiles, the length of the sheet affects its cost and buy standard sizes. Manufacturers are interested in increasing the number of sales and are trying in every possible way to attract new consumers. To do this, they expand the client's capabilities and give them the right to choose optimal sizes coverings. This approach benefits both parties. The manufacturer loses nothing, production costs do not increase, and it takes a few minutes to re-adjust the line according to the length of cutting sheets. And the buyer has the opportunity to improve the appearance of the house, simplify the installation process and reduce waste.

Of course, company representatives give professional advice by measuring the length of sheets. It must be a multiple of the size of the waves - this profile element cannot be cut, it must only be whole.

What is the correct way to deal with length in each individual case?

You should not order long sheets for hipped and complex hip structures of the rafter system. The fact is that such roofs require frequent cutting of sheets at the joints of the slopes at the junction points; cuts are made at an angle. The width of the sheets is standard, which means that the longer they are, the more quantity waste. The optimal length should take into account the width of the slope; the layout of rectangular sheets is selected so that the area of ​​the cut triangle is minimal.

It is not recommended to buy sheets longer than four meters. There are roofs with simple gable structures; their length can reach six meters or more. There are those who want to order metal tiles of the same length, but roofers do not advise buying such large sheets for several reasons.

Common misconceptions when choosing sheet sizes

Unfortunately, not only inexperienced consumers, but also some roofers cannot accept the right decision when choosing metal tile sizes. This happens due to several misconceptions.

  1. The more joints, the larger the total area of ​​​​materials and, accordingly, the roof costs more. Theoretically, this is so, the client pays the cost of the total, not useful, area of ​​metal tiles. But in practice, the optimal length allows you to save on delivery, transportation and warehousing. In addition, the risks of sheet damage due to kinks during installation are minimized. As a result, the optimal length is always economically justified; long sheets are more expensive.

  2. Each horizontal overlap of metal tiles has negative impact on the tightness of the coating, hence the desire to order sheets as long as possible. This is wrong. The extension of sheets is carried out along the line of the locking connection, and its design, even theoretically, does not allow the occurrence of leaks or other deviations in tightness.

  3. All horizontal overlaps are visible on the finished roof, which significantly worsens the appearance of the building. This misconception is easy to refute; it’s worth looking at already finished roofs. Where used quality material, experienced roofers worked and the recommended technology was not violated, no connections or overlaps were visible. The roof is smooth and without longitudinal lines, the appearance closely resembles natural tiles.

Practical advice. How longer sheets, the more experienced roofers are needed. They must be able to solve all problems that arise during the work and prevent damage to the roofing material.

The simplicity of the technology for producing metal tiles has become the reason that in every region of our country there are dozens of companies engaged in this business. The differences between them are small; production equipment belongs to the simplest class; maintenance requires several workers and small production facilities.

The main influence on the quality of the roof is made by the metal sheet, and all companies buy it from third-party suppliers. To produce sheets, you need not only the most modern, expensive and very technologically complex equipment, but also highly qualified personnel.

Unfortunately, many domestic mills cannot produce rolled products of modern European quality; most raw materials have to be purchased abroad. As always, there are two markets: Asian and European. European products are always of high quality; Asian products should be approached very carefully.

Most companies involved in the production of metal tiles do not want to show customers a quality certificate for raw materials; they only advertise the general technical parameters of the product.

What sizes of metal tiles should experienced consumers pay attention to?

Metal thickness

This size has a universal effect; several parameters depend on it:

  • roof resistance to mechanical loads;
  • weight of the roof covering;
  • duration of operation;
  • price.

But the influence of the thickness of the metal sheet on all of the listed performance characteristics is secondary. Iron oxidation processes occur quite quickly; there is almost no time difference for sheets with a thickness of 0.45 mm and 0.5 mm. Durability depends on the characteristics of the zinc coating and polymer paint. The bending strength of flat sheets with a difference in thickness of several hundredths of millimeters also changes slightly; stability is achieved due to the characteristics of the profile contours, their number, location and geometry.

In most cases, during foundation calculations and rafter systems The weight of roofing sheets made of thin sheet steel is not taken into account. Loads are compensated by using a safety factor for all loaded architectural elements and components of the house.



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