What is drainage and why is it needed? Prices for drainage work. Open and closed drainage

Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992.

See what “DRAINAGE” is in other dictionaries:

drainage- a, m. drainage m. 1. In agriculture and construction, removal of groundwater from structures, drainage of soil using drains. Wetland drainage. BAS 2. Drainage or water draft consists of various operations performed for the purpose of... ... Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

DRAINAGE- (French drainage, from English drain drainpipe). 1) drainage of damp areas using underground pipes. 2) (surgeon) removing pus from a wound using a tube or lint. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N.,... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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DRAINAGE- DRAINAGE, drainage, drainage of wetlands by means of underground ditches filled with stone, fascinite or brushwood, along with drainage by open above-ground ditches, was known in ancient times and was used to make ... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

Drainage- natural or artificial drainage of aquifers, water flow into natural depressions (rivers, lakes, etc.) or artificial structures (canals, wells, mines, etc.). Geological Dictionary: in 2 volumes. M.: Nedra. Edited by K.N.... ...Geological Encyclopedia

drainage- drainage, drainage system, sewerage, drying Dictionary of Russian synonyms. drainage noun, number of synonyms: 7 drainage (5) ... Dictionary of synonyms

DRAINAGE- (French drainage, from English, drain to drain), drainage of agricultural land using special hydraulic structures(wells, canals, etc.). Drainage is used as a mandatory technical technique when draining swamps, when combating... ... Ecological Dictionary

DRAINAGE- a method of draining wounds (body cavities), removing liquid discharged pus, effusion, etc. from them using tubes, rubber or gauze strips ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

DRAINAGE- a system of underground canals (drains), through which agricultural land is drained, underground (ground) water is removed from structures and its level is lowered. Water from the drainage network is usually removed outside the drained area... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Drainage- a method of draining a particular area by artificially lowering the groundwater level. Depending on the devices used to capture drainage water, horizontal, vertical and combined drainage are distinguished... Geological terms

DRAINAGE- DRAINAGE, drainage, male. (French drainage) (special). 1. Draining the soil through a system of ditches or pipes. || System of drainage ditches or pipes. 2. Removing pus or fluid from the wound using a tube (med.). Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov.... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

What are drainages
Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992. See what “DRAINAGE” is in other dictionaries: drainage - a, m. drainage m. 1. In agriculture and construction, tapping

What is drainage

The term “drainage” refers to the forced removal of groundwater from a given territory or from its surface layer. Often, during the construction of buildings, there is a need to carry out drainage measures. Such actions help not only strengthen the foundation, but also the entire building.

Conditions for drainage

Before carrying out any construction work it is necessary to collect information about this site.

The information should be as follows :

  • the uniqueness of the soil layer,
  • terrain features,
  • average annual precipitation,
  • groundwater flow level,
  • the likelihood of moisture removal during heavy rains or spring floods.

Drainage activities are carried out under such conditions :

  • groundwater pass very close to the ground, within 0.5 m,
  • the presence of clay or su clay soils specific substrates.

Presence of sedge, cattail and others on the territory moisture-loving plants, poor growth of cultural plantings provide grounds for checking the height of groundwater and soil composition.

In this case, contacting specialists will be useful. They will definitely find out whether there is a need for such events.

In any case, drainage is necessary where there is a basement or ground floor.

The need for drainage

Due to periodic saturation of the soil with moisture, constant movement of the foundation can occur. As a result of such unfavorable influences, cracks in the walls, distortion of doors and windows, and the appearance of dampness and water in the basement are observed.

A drainage system is necessary where damp soil is constantly present and puddles in the area do not dry out for a long time. Excessive moisture has a detrimental effect on the growth of any plants.

The need for drainage measures arises under the following circumstances:

  • as a result of waterlogging of the soil,
  • drainage of rain and groundwater from the basement, lower floors, foundation, as well as the roof when installing a drainage system,
  • growing in this place large quantity moisture-loving plants,
  • location next to an adjacent site of buildings with a deep foundation,
  • subsequent organization on the territory of artificial reservoirs.

Types of drainage

Taking into account design features drainage system, there are different types of drainage:

Each of the presented varieties serves a specific purpose. To completely get rid of unnecessary moisture, several types of drainage are usually used simultaneously. In order for the selected system to be determined as accurately as possible, the number and slope of drainage wells and the distance between parts of the drainage system should be calculated.

Point drainage is a system in which rainwater is received, then flows out of drainage pipes and discharges the liquid into a specially equipped sewer system.

Rainwater collection is carried out in the following places:

  • at the entrances of houses,
  • in parking lots,
  • in underground passages and on pedestrian paths.

These structures appear to be small recesses equipped with strong gratings.

A linear drainage system is created to drain rainwater, melt water or industrial wastewater.

Examples of such a device can be seen in the process of building roads, sidewalks, and open areas. A drainage system of this type is represented by channels of insignificant depth, the base of which is treated with concrete or other material. Such recesses are covered with durable gratings.

Sample Linear Drainage

The internal type drying system is used in conditions industrial enterprises. For this purpose, pipes, trays, and ladders are used. These details must be characterized by:

  • stable base, not afraid of exposure to chemicals,
  • distinguished by ease of care,
  • stand out for a long operational period.

Underground drainage is carried out to get rid of high groundwater levels.

An open drainage system, despite its external unattractiveness, is considered one of the most profitable from an economic position. However, exposed areas can be very dangerous in terms of injury.

Right installed system drainage allows any site owner to protect themselves from basement flooding, tidy up the wetland, and allow plants to be in suitable conditions.

What is drainage
What is drainage? The term “drainage” refers to the forced removal of groundwater from a given territory or from its surface layer. Often, during the construction of buildings, there is

  • What's happened drainage works and how they are produced
  • Drainage systems: types, installation
  • What is drainage
  • What is lymphatic drainage and how is it done?

What is drainage and where can it be found?

Speaking in simple words, drainage is the removal of excessively accumulated fluid from any area. As already noted, this concept is widely used in construction. When planning the construction of any building special attention should be given to drainage systems, because our friend contained in the earth - water, can very quickly turn into an enemy, destroying the basis of the building - the foundation. Therefore, in order to avoid such troubles, it is necessary to think about how the drainage will be arranged even before the construction of the building.

In addition to construction, the term “drainage” is actively used in medicine. Its most important task is to ensure constant evacuation of fluid from a wound or hollow organ, the natural outflow of contents from which is difficult as a result of injury or illness.
But besides such emergency situations drainage is also used for the correction of skin areas, in particular for the treatment of cellulite. This procedure is called lymphatic drainage.

Lovers indoor plants know firsthand useful function drainage. It helps to quickly get rid of excess water in the plant pot that remains after watering.

In agriculture, drainage is absolutely necessary so that the farm owner does not lose his crop. Particularly in need of drainage are plots of land located in lowlands, since the water accumulating in them does not allow the plant to develop properly and will ultimately lead to its death.

How is drainage done?

When working with soil, whether in the field of construction or agriculture To create drainage, so-called drains are used - pipes or other cavities with special holes throughout the surface through which water penetrates and is discharged to the intended place.

In indoor plant growing, it is important to remember that the drainage material should not rot, damage the roots or mold, or produce any chemical processes. For drainage, you can use, for example, crushed stone, gravel, expanded clay or broken brick.

If in the two above areas drainage can be done independently, without resorting to the help of specialists, then in the medical field, drainage is installed by a doctor. Tubes or catheters, as well as rubber or gauze strips, are used to perform drainage. As the wise King Solomon once said: “There is nothing new under the sun.” Drainage was used in medicine by her father, Hippocrates.

What is drainage work and how is it done?
👍, The often used word of French origin “drainage” evokes in the common man associations associated with the earth and everything on it...

What are drainages

The pot should be arranged well drainage.

They made a puncture and placed drainage, breathing became easier.

Place a stake in the center of the hole and make a stake at the bottom drainage made of broken brick, crushed stone and shell rock 10 cm thick.

Synonyms for the word "drainage"


1. Those. Drainage of the soil through a drain system, as well as the drain system itself. Soil drainage. Swamp drainage.

2. Honey. Removing pus and fluid from the wound using a special tube or gauze strips. Wound drainage.

3. Honey. A rubber or glass tube with holes inserted into the body cavity, into the wound to drain pus and fluid. Introduce drainage.

Source (printed version): Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics. Research, Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. lang., Polygraph resources, 1999, (electronic version): Fundamental electronic library

Drainage (French drainage) is the natural or artificial removal of water from the surface of the earth or groundwater. Land often needs to drain groundwater or storm water to improve agricultural practices and construct buildings and structures.

Drainage (in construction) is a method of collecting and draining groundwater from a site and structures using a system of drainage pipes, wells, canals, underground galleries and other devices.

Drainage (in engineering) - a device or system for draining (discharging) liquid accumulating in the internal cavities (rain water, excess fuel, oils, etc., during precipitation or when leaks occur due to leaks) outside the device, unit or product in order to prevent damage and destruction of the device. In the simplest case, it is simply a hole in the bottom (drainage hole).

Drainage (in aviation) - communication of closed tanks with the atmosphere to prevent their deformation atmospheric pressure when the liquid level fluctuates. As a rule, the drainage air intake is located on the flight side and the tank is inflated by high-speed pressure, and the tank itself has a float valve that closes the drainage when the tank is filled to prevent the release of liquid through the drainage.

Drainage (in crop production and floriculture closed ground) - a permeable material that is poured onto the bottom of a container for growing plants to quickly drain excess water when watering. Ceramic shards, coarse sand, small pebbles, small fractions of expanded clay and other inert materials are used.

Drainage (in medicine) is a method of creating, using drainage, a constant outflow of contents from a wound cavity or a hollow organ, the natural evacuation of contents from which is impaired due to illness or injury.

Valve drainage is a procedure used for the evacuation of exudate from the pleural cavity (siphon drainage), the purpose of which is to avoid the absorption of air and liquid into the cavity.

Aspiration drainage is used in the treatment of purulent surgical diseases.

Intestinal intubation is drainage of the small intestine, carried out with the aim of unloading it from accumulated toxic stagnant content (for example, in case of intestinal obstruction).

DRAINAGE, A, m.[fr. drainage] (special). 1. Drainage of the soil through a system of ditches or pipes. || System of drainage ditches or pipes. 2. Removing pus or fluid from a wound using a tube (med.).

For protection suburban area To prevent flooding, drainage work must be carried out. The cost of services from professional companies can range from 10 thousand rubles or more. It is important that all activities are carried out efficiently.

Drainage work is a set of measures aimed at removing water from the site and constructing a system that ensures timely drainage of liquid from the site without human intervention. Such systems include canals and wells.

There are two technologies for installing structures, the choice of which determines the prices for drainage work:

  1. Open method. Drainage channels are constructed by digging shallow trenches. The walls form concrete structures U-shaped profile, covered with a metal grill on top.
  2. Private method. Drainage pipes, distinguished by the presence of holes in the walls, are buried underground, a sand cushion is placed on top and everything is covered with a layer of soil.

In both cases, melt or storm water is collected in channels and then removed from the site due to the slope of the trenches. An important component are wells, which serve to collect and remove fluid and repair and maintain the system.

Types of wells

The choice of the required type of well depends on several factors: the presence of a natural reservoir nearby, the characteristics of the soil composing the site, the volume of melt and storm water, and the required reliability of the system.

The final cost of drainage work depends on the type of drainage well. garden plot. There are 4 designs in total:

  • the collector type is a mandatory element; it is used for preliminary collection of liquid and its subsequent redirection to the wastewater reservoir;
  • the rotary version is installed in the nodes of the pipeline system, turns, and is used to clean drainage pipes from silt and pollutants;
  • the inspection well has dimensions that allow a person to be inside and is designed to control the system;
  • absorption well - has a depth of over two meters and is installed in areas where it is impossible to drain water.

The last three varieties presented act as additional elements. Their main task is to optimize work drainage device. The price with their implementation may increase significantly.

In what areas is the system installed?

Drainage work is necessary for areas subject to visible flooding due to rain and snow melting. The creation of such structures is necessary if the basement:

  1. They are located in the zone of capillary humidity.
  2. The upper boundary of groundwater is located at a distance of less than 50 cm from the floor.
  3. Equipped in buildings with a shallow foundation.

Professional companies must carry out the drainage installation. The price per m.p. of such services should not worry you. By trying to complete a task on your own, you may break water balance site, lead to flooding of neighbors and your own.

No.Name of workUnit of measurementPrice, rub.
2. Arrangement surface drainage, depth up to 1 mlinear meter 1000/1200
3. Arrangement deep drainage, depth 1-1.5 mlinear meter1500/2000
4. thing39900
Ring drainage
1. Drainage system design
2. Arrangement of ring foundation drainage, depth up to 1 mlinear meter2400/3200
3. Arrangement of ring foundation drainage, depth up to 2 mlinear meter3850/4800
4. Arrangement of ring foundation drainage, depth up to 2.5 mlinear meter4950/7100
5. Collector device well 3 m deep, d 1 mthing40000
Wall foundation drainage
1. Drainage system design
2. Arrangement of wall foundation drainage, depth up to 1 mlinear meter2750/3850
3. Arrangement of wall foundation drainage, depth up to 2 mlinear meter4300/7150
4. Arrangement of wall foundation drainage, depth up to 2.5 mlinear meter6100/9900
5. Collector device well 3 m deep, d 1 mthing40000
Foundation waterproofing
1. Excavation work, if necessarym3800
2. Coating and pasting works, 2 layersm. sq.2000
3. Insulation of the foundation with polystyrene foam slabsm. sq.700
4. Geomembrane protection of foundation waterproofingm. sq.400
Storm drain
1. Arrangement storm sewer shallow, up to 1 m, storm water inlets - up to 15 pieceslinear meter1200
2. Construction of shallow storm drains, up to 1 m, storm water inlets - more than 15 pieceslinear meter3000
3. Arrangement of storm drainage to a depth of 1.5-1.6 m (freezing depth)linear meter3000
4. Installation of an additional rainwater inletthing2600

Excessive moisture on the site harms not only plantings, but also buildings. Plant roots in water rot under the influence of pathogenic bacteria. Only a few crops can survive in overly wet soil. Greater threat groundwater carried for the foundations and basements of houses.

Fungus forms here, as a result of which the building can gradually collapse. To reduce soil moisture, special drainage systems are created.

The main function of the drainage system is to collect excess moisture from the site. Water enters the site in two ways: from above in the form of precipitation, and from below in the form of groundwater. If the soil moisture is normal, precipitation is quickly absorbed into the ground, and groundwater does not cause problems for plants and buildings. In this case, there is no need for a drainage system.

It is necessary to drain the area where the soil remains constantly moist. There are a number of signs that allow you to determine that a site needs a drainage system. Drainage should be installed:

  • If, after precipitation, puddles remain on the surface of the earth, which long time do not dry out.
  • When cultivated plants quickly die for no apparent reason.
  • If the basement of the house is always damp, fungal growths quickly form on the walls.
  • The soil is always moist, even in the warm season in the absence of precipitation.
  • Of the weeds on the site, those that love moisture (nettle, cattail) predominate.
  • There are rivers, ponds, lakes or swamps in the immediate vicinity of the site.

All these signs indicate that groundwater is no deeper than 1.5 m from the surface of the earth. This means that it is necessary to create a system for adequate drainage of the site.

This is important! When landscaping a new site, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the houses and soil of the neighbors. If the signs listed above are found in their areas, then the groundwater in this place lies high and it is better to install a drainage system immediately.

What is a drainage system?

The drainage system consists of drainage pipes and drainage wells. The pipes are perforated: along their entire length they have through holes located at a distance from each other. The pipes are installed at an angle so that water can flow through them to the wells.

There are several types of wells:

  1. Rotary or inspection wells. They are installed in places where pipes are turned. They are necessary to audit the system and clean it as necessary.
  2. Filter wells. In them, water is filtered through layers of sand, gravel and crushed stone and goes into the deep layers of the soil.
  3. Water intake wells. They must be installed where water cannot penetrate the soil on its own at a certain depth. For example, if there is too much groundwater. Water intake wells are connected to drainage pumps that pump water into natural reservoirs or sewers.

Name installation work

Price, rub.

Installation of surface drainage of the area, up to 1 m deep.

Installation of deep drainage up to 2 m deep.

Installation of an inspection drainage well, up to 1 m deep.

Installation of an inspection drainage well, up to 2 m deep.

Installation of an inspection drainage well, up to 3 m deep.

Cost of foundation ring drainage

Ring foundation drainage, up to 1 m deep.

Ring foundation drainage, up to 2 m deep.

Ring foundation drainage, up to 3 m deep.

Construction of a collector well

Cost of wall foundation drainage

Installation of wall foundation drainage up to 1 m deep.

Installation of wall foundation drainage up to 2 m deep.

Installation of wall foundation drainage up to 3 m deep.

Construction of a collector well

* The indicated cost of drainage installation work is for informational purposes only and is not a public offer (Article 435 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)
Pricing for drainage work also depends on the volume, distance of the site and other factors.

Foundation drainage system

The drainage of the foundation of the house allows you to reliably and efficiently strengthen the structure. The safety and service life of a building depends on many factors.

Low ability for soil to absorb water. The structure of a house built on wet soil is constantly tested high blood pressure water. The accumulation of excess moisture leads to flooding of the basement of the house and the gradual destruction of the structure as a whole.

Groundwater level. During certain seasons of the year, this indicator increases. As a result of flooding of the basement of a building, the structural elements of the house are destroyed. High humidity also leads to rotting of grass and flowers on lawns, the root system of ornamental and fruit trees and bushes. The foundation of the house requires reliable drainage protection. Site drainage is used to protect the land. Carrying out drainage work along the perimeter of the foundation and the ground around it is aimed at significantly reducing the likelihood of many problems that contribute to lowering the water level through its artificial reduction and effective drainage. At the same time, the moisture level is constantly under strict control.

Wall drainage

  • depth of groundwater;
  • type of drainage system;
  • geology.

Wall drainage and foundation drainage are necessary to reliably protect your home. Modern system different high efficiency, it helps to remove nearby groundwater and excess moisture from the basement, foundation and basement. Ideal option protecting the structure from destruction is the installation of a wall drainage system and foundation drainage.

The company's professional experts will help you decide:

  • with a choice of drainage type;
  • slope for displaying its marks;
  • a place for receiving rain, melt, and groundwater;
  • view of the foundation in a vertical section.

Drainage work is so simple that anyone can do it home handyman without having certain skills and knowledge. The installation of this system is carried out at the design stage of a residential building, so that there is no need to dig up paths and lawns. To protect the adjacent territory of structures from precipitation and groundwater, you can use one of the existing methods.

Types of drainage

If you decide to carry out drainage work, you should first become familiar with the main types of drainage. This system may have a closed or open type. The first type includes two design methods: combined and simple. Combined involves the installation of drainage pipes and drainage channels. Regarding open method, then it is one of the simple and inexpensive options. To equip it, drainage ditches will have to be laid along the perimeter of the site.

Drainage work is often carried out by owners of country and private houses themselves. At the first stage, it is necessary to carry out a design according to which individual elements of the sewerage system will be arranged. The distance between drains will depend on the characteristics of the soil. So, the maximum distance for is 10 meters. If there is loam on the site, then this parameter increases to 20 meters. On sandy soils The maximum distance between drains should be 50 meters. If you want to speed up the drainage of the area, then the drains should be located as close as possible.

Description and principle of operation of the surface drainage system

Drainage work can be carried out on the basis of a surface system that protects buildings and soil on the site from excess moisture resulting from melting snow and rain. If we are talking about a linear type of surface system, then it is a complex of open trays mounted with a slight slope to the point of water collection. The last one to act is to appearance the area has not been damaged, the trays are covered with special plastic or metal bars. This type of drainage is most often used in places where groundwater is low.

In order for the meltwater removal system to work as efficiently as possible, the scheme must include special devices called sand traps. Their main function is to retain small debris such as tree seeds, leaves, as well as pebbles and sand. A point type of surface drainage system is water collectors that are connected to each other by underground pipes. According to the latter, water flows into the sewer well. Such storm water inlets are installed under drainpipes, as well as in low areas of the site. Their presence is mandatory and under water pipes which are located on the street.

Description and principle of operation of the deep drainage system

If the groundwater in the area is deep, you can install a deep drainage system, which involves the use of perforated pipes. They are located underground and are called drains. Water enters through the holes and reaches the collection point. The operation of the drainage pipe allows you to effectively drain the site, extending the life of buildings, while preventing the foundation from being washed away by groundwater. To create a deep drainage system, it is necessary to lay pipes with a slope that will be directed to the place where water is collected. The liquid can be discharged into a storage well or

In order to monitor the functioning of the network, inspection wells are included in its composition. Cleaning the system can be done independently, it’s not that difficult work: The drainage system is cleared of debris through inspection wells. In this case, a stream of water is pumped into the pipes, the direction of which should be opposite to the normal movement of the liquid.

Deep-type drainage systems must be located in an area where groundwater is located at a distance of 2.5 meters or less from the surface of the earth. This also applies to clay soils, as well as soils that do not cope well with water filtration. It is possible to install a deep drainage system in low-lying areas; it is especially important to build such a system around the perimeter of the house and other buildings, which will eliminate the destructive effects of water on the foundation.

Working principle of a surface drainage pump

If you decide to purchase the appropriate equipment to equip the system, then you should know the principle of operation of the drainage pump. The surface version of these units is installed at the edge drain hole, a hose is lowered to the bottom of the tank through which waste is pumped out. To ensure the pump operates automatically, a float mechanism is connected to the switching lever, which is necessary to monitor the water level in the pit. As soon as the drains rise above a certain level, the float will rise with it, turning on the device.

The drainage pump has an inlet pipe through which liquid is sucked from sewage pit. The device also has an outlet pipe, it is led outside. Water should not be allowed to get into the engine, otherwise the device will fail, so the pump must have time to pump the wastewater faster than its level in the pit rises.

For reference

The operation of the drain pump will be effective if the equipment is connected to sewer system using pipes. For this reason, when installing equipment, you must know the diameter sewer pipe accurate to the millimeter. As the main advantage of the above drainage pumps Their mobility is important, since the device can be easily moved to the desired location, and if a breakdown occurs, repairs are carried out quite easily and quickly.

Operating principle of a submersible drainage pump

Drainage work, the cost of which may seem quite high to some owners of private houses, you can do yourself. In addition, the system may include submersible pump, the operating principle of which is the same as that of externally located equipment, but the design is slightly different. The equipment should be lowered into a pit, which is filled with wastewater, after which the water is sucked in by the pump itself through a hole in the bottom. This part of the unit is protected by a mesh filter, which prevents large particles and stones from entering, which could cause rapid breakdown of the unit after starting work.

Cost of work from specialists

Drainage work, the cost of which is 2,900 rubles per linear meter, is carried out today by many organizations. The mentioned amount is requested if the depth of laying the elements does not exceed 1.5 meters.



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