What to cook from a mixture of frozen vegetables. How to cook frozen vegetables. Vegetable stew from frozen vegetables, recipe

Frozen vegetables are a real lifesaver for those housewives who do not have time to prepare complex dishes consisting of a large number of vegetables. One package can contain everything you need for a tasty and healthy meal. There is no need to cook vegetables for a long time, wash them, cut them and process them in other ways.

More than one spear has been broken in the debate about the benefits of frozen vegetables. Opponents of freezing claim that special dyes are added to vegetables, thanks to which they have such a rich color. That during freezing they lose all their useful qualities and there is no use in using them.

This is all a little different. Vegetables retain their rich color during deep “shock” freezing, which also preserves beneficial nutrients. This type of freezing is the only correct one; products with the corresponding icon on the package can be purchased with confidence. But you need to check whether they have been defrosted, since in this case they will really be completely useless.

This is easy to check; you need to carefully feel the bag of frozen vegetables for the presence of ice lumps; if there are any, it is better to refuse the purchase.

If you are satisfied with the quality of frozen vegetables and their production time does not exceed six months, then feel free to buy home, etc., so that you always have on hand a set of vegetables with which you can prepare delicious and healthy dishes throughout the year.

If you decide to cook frozen vegetables, you don’t need to thaw them, since in this case they will lose all their vitamins and partially their taste, throw them straight into the hot water or on a hot frying pan, this guarantees excellent result and takes a minimum of time.

You can use a variety of frozen vegetable combinations for this recipe.


  • - 2-3 pcs.
  • Frozen vegetables - 1 package
  • - 2-3 cloves
  • - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • - for frying
  • - to taste

Cut fresh eggplants into medium-thick slices. Dip them in flour and fry on both sides.

Fry frozen vegetables until cooked, not forgetting to add salt.

Peel the garlic and finely chop it or squeeze it through a garlic press. Place it on the eggplants and pile the fried vegetables on top.

The appetizer is ready.

Frozen Mexican mixed vegetables and frozen seafood cocktail work best for this recipe.


  • Frozen seafood - 500 gr.
  • Frozen vegetables - 500 gr.
  • - 100 gr.
  • - 1 tbsp. l.
  • - 2 tbsp. l.
  • - 80 ml.
  • - 35 ml.
  • - to taste
  • - to taste

Heat some oil in a frying pan and fry the seafood cocktail in it. At the end of cooking, add salt, pepper and a little lime juice. Leave the seafood to cool.

Place frozen vegetables in another frying pan, cover them with a lid and leave to simmer for 5-7 minutes. Then add soy sauce and a little olive oil to them, fry until fully cooked.

Wash the lettuce leaves thoroughly, dry them, chop them finely, mix them with seafood and fried vegetables.

Mix Dijon mustard and remaining oil and add to salad. Mix everything thoroughly and serve.

Spinach soup


  • Frozen spinach - 1 package
  • - 0.5 l.
  • - 1 glass
  • - 1 pc.
  • - for frying
  • - 2 cloves
  • - 1 pinch
  • - to taste
  • - to taste

Chop the onion and garlic and fry in a heated frying pan in oil until transparent.

Add spinach to the onion and garlic and simmer for 5 minutes.

Boil water, add fried vegetables and cook for 10 minutes.

Pour the soup into a blender and puree until smooth.

Pour the soup back into the pan, add salt, pepper and a glass of cream. Bring to a boil and turn off. Add nutmeg and let it brew under the lid for a couple of minutes.

Serve hot.

The preparation time for this dish takes no more than half an hour, so it is ideal for very busy people who do not have time to spend a lot of time preparing food after work.


  • Frozen vegetable mixture - 500 gr.
  • - 1 pc.
  • - for frying
  • - to taste
  • - to taste
  • - 50 ml.

Chop the onion.

Add oil to a saucepan or deep frying pan with a thick bottom, heat it and fry the onion until golden.

Add frozen vegetables to the pan. Mix thoroughly. Add salt and pepper, pour in water, reduce heat and simmer for 20-25 minutes.

Bright vegetables are ready.

Vegetable casserole

To prepare it, you can use frozen vegetables purchased separately or a ready-made vegetable mixture.

Frozen vegetables are not only an inexpensive way to replenish vitamin reserves winter period, but also a significant saving of time and effort on preparing delicious and healthy food. You can freeze vegetables for future use yourself in the fall or buy them at your local store at any time of the year. Not only are each vegetable frozen individually - corn, peas, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower and other crops - but also in the form of various mixtures.

You can cook frozen vegetables quickly and tasty in just a few minutes, because unlike fresh vegetables, they are already washed, peeled and cut, and they cook twice as fast. And there are much more vitamins and beneficial properties in such products than in vegetables that are sold in stores out of season.

Types of vegetable mixtures

You can freeze any vegetables; thrifty housewives even prepare potatoes for future use, already peeled and chopped, for example, for instant cooking French fries or country-style potatoes, this is very practical and such preparation can help out in any situation.

However, the most convenient option is to use a frozen mixture of different vegetables. This will help you quickly prepare a wide variety of dishes, from stews to casseroles and soups. Vegetables are combined according to your taste or you buy time-tested mixtures, the most popular of which are:

  • Hawaiian blend. Consists of half-cooked rice, corn kernels, green peas and sweet paprika. Thanks to the presence of rice, you can prepare a full-fledged side dish or vegetarian dish from it in 15 minutes without any effort. The mixture goes very well with shrimp, various seafood or mushrooms.
  • Lecho. A popular dish, the obligatory ingredients of which are sweet bell pepper and tomatoes. In addition, onions, carrots, zucchini are added to this mixture, and during the cooking process fresh garlic and greens.
  • Mexican vegetables. The mixture got its name from the presence of red beans and corn, which are so popular in this sunny country. In addition, it includes green beans, peas, onions, sweet pepper and carrots, sometimes with the addition of eggplant and celery. This mixture makes excellent burritos and savory salads.
  • Ratatouille. This dish does not need additional advertising. Traditionally contains zucchini, eggplant, pepper, tomato and onion.
  • Paprikash. The mixture is used to prepare goulash or stew. The main mass is paprika; in addition, the composition includes tomatoes, zucchini, beans, carrots and onions.
  • Chinese mixture. The popularity of oriental cuisine is growing every day, so a mixture of black mushroom, bamboo shoots, bean sprouts, cabbage, carrots and onions is becoming more and more in demand. It is fried in sesame oil with the addition of chili pepper, garlic, ginger and soy sauce.

Separately, I would like to note that you can even freeze the mixture for making borscht, regular or green. You need to chop and freeze the necessary ingredients - beets, carrots, onions, tomatoes, peppers or spinach with onions, carrots and sorrel.

Delicious dishes

What can you prepare from this variety of frozen vegetables? There are many options:

  • soup, cream soup, cream soup;
  • vegetable and meat stew;
  • stewed vegetables in sour cream, tomato and cream sauce;
  • fried vegetables;
  • side dishes;
  • salads;
  • omelet and scrambled eggs;
  • casseroles.

Frozen mixtures allow you to prepare your favorite dishes in as little time as possible. short term. Vegetables are added 10-12 minutes before the dish is ready. Prepared with fresh seasonal vegetables, meat, fish, mushrooms and seafood.

Cooking methods

Frozen vegetables are boiled, fried, stewed, baked and steamed. To do this, use a regular stove, slow cooker, oven or double boiler. Each method has its own characteristics. If vegetables are cooked with meat, fish, other fresh vegetables, then they are added towards the end of cooking; vegetables cannot be overcooked, otherwise they will not be beneficial.

On the stove

Frozen vegetables are fried, stewed and boiled on the stove. Cook them in salted water, placing the mixture in boiling water without defrosting, cooking time according to the instructions on the package. If you froze the vegetables yourself, the cooking time is approximately as follows:

  • all types of cabbage, carrots, zucchini, eggplants are boiled for 7-8 minutes;
  • beans and corn will be cooked in 5 minutes;
  • green onions, spinach, sorrel and other leafy crops will be ready in 2-3 minutes.

In a frying pan

The simplest and affordable way– cook frozen vegetables in a frying pan. They can be fried or stewed.

To fry, place the product in a very hot frying pan with a small amount of oil, cook for several minutes until the moisture evaporates, sprinkle with spices and add soy sauce if desired. Fry for another 3-5 minutes until done. If you cover the pan and cook over low heat, they will simmer.

In a slow cooker

Cooking frozen vegetables in a slow cooker is a matter of just a few minutes. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • vegetables are placed in a special net;
  • pour water into the multicooker;
  • add spices;
  • turn on the “steam cooking” mode, time 30 minutes.

This method will save maximum quantity vitamins

In the oven

Before cooking frozen vegetables in the oven, they are first fried in a pan for a few minutes to remove excess moisture and prevent the vegetables from turning into soup in the oven. You can pre-defrost them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Next, the mixture is placed on a baking sheet and sprinkled with oil. Salt the dish and sprinkle with spices at the end of cooking. Bake for 20-30 minutes at 180 degrees. A few minutes before cooking, you can sprinkle the vegetables with grated cheese.

Food preparation

It is not recommended to defrost frozen vegetables, because this may cause them to lose some of their vitamins. They are removed from the freezer immediately before cooking and placed on a hot surface or in boiling water.

It is also important to consider that during the cooking process vegetables will release large number moisture, so it is important to choose the right processing method to obtain the required consistency of the dish.

You can freeze vegetables yourself, and you will be confident in the quality of the raw materials; you can choose not only what products to add to this or that mixture, but also the cutting method.

When preparing frozen vegetables and mixtures of them, you need to consider several important nuances:

  • You cannot cook such a product for longer than 10-12 minutes, otherwise the vegetables will become soggy and lose their taste and benefits;
  • vegetables inside the package should not be collected in a solid lump;
  • You should not purchase the mixture if the manufacturing date has exceeded six months;
  • no need to rinse frozen vegetables before cooking;
  • When purchasing, you need to make sure that the vegetables were prepared using the “shock” freezing method, which preserves most of the vitamins and microelements.

In dishes healthy eating Convenient to use frozen vegetables. Cooking time vegetable dishes and them beneficial properties is an incredibly interesting and relevant topic.

How to properly freeze and store vegetables?

Optimally maintain in freezer temperature from -18 to -24 degrees. You can purchase ready-made frozen vegetable mixtures or prepare the products yourself. It's good to buy containers or suitable bags and make small portions.

Only fresh ones can be stored quality products. They should be washed, cut into random pieces, dried thoroughly, laid out on a horizontal surface in a thin layer, placed in the freezer for several hours, then removed and packaged in packages for long-term storage.

It is advisable to label each portion, indicating the date of freezing. It is important to store vegetables and other supplies in airtight containers and at a stable temperature. Thus, we will get pieces of vegetables that do not stick together and will remain fresh for a long time.

What vegetables can be frozen in the freezer?

These healthy eating components will serve you well in the kitchen:

  • green beans;
  • beet;
  • potato;
  • celery;
  • cauliflower;
  • carrot;
  • peppers;
  • eggplant;
  • corn;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • broccoli.

IN good refrigerator You can freeze anything. In addition to vegetable supplies, it is worth adding celery, parsley, spinach, sorrel, cilantro, basil, arugula, lettuce, green peas, berries and mushrooms.

Features and shelf life of vegetables in the freezer

Zucchini and pumpkins can be stored frozen for 10 months, peppers for about 3-4 months, tomatoes for 2 months. Almost all other vegetables can be stored for up to 12 months. If the product has a rigid structure, then it is recommended to immerse it in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then dry it and proceed to freezing. Brief boiling is called blanching. When storing purchased vegetable mixtures, you should adhere to the information on the packaging.

Are vitamins preserved in frozen vegetables?

It is believed that after storing in the freezer, the usefulness of vegetables decreases insignificantly. According to some data, some frozen foods contain more valuable substances for the body than fresh ones. Scientific research showed that antioxidants, beta-carotene, lutein, anthocyanins, vitamin C and polyphenols are well preserved.

The maximum amount of vitamins and other elements can be saved if you use shock freezing. Fortunately, many modern refrigerators there is such a function. In industrial conditions, all conditions for maximum usefulness of products are provided, the most low temperatures and ultra-fast freezing. To ensure that any vegetables do not lose their aesthetic appearance and taste, they should be defrosted immediately before eating.

Frozen vegetables: no less healthy than fresh ones, they last a long time in the freezer and cook quickly

How long to stew frozen vegetables?

If you use store-bought frozen products, you need to read the instructions on the packaging and prepare them according to the manufacturer's recommendations. When you plan to prepare your own stock from the freezer, stewing in a sealed container is required for 20-25 minutes. The result is a healthy vegetable stew.

It is better not to fry foods, but to stew or steam them. Place the food in a heated frying pan or in boiling water. A minimum of oil and favorite spices are added. When frozen vegetables are stewed in a frying pan, the cooking time can be calculated visually based on the properties of the products - as soon as they have softened, they can be considered ready.

Vegetables from the freezer can be used to prepare a delicious casserole. To do this, vegetables boiled until half cooked with any additives are poured with a mixture of raw eggs with milk, sprinkle with cheese and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for just 15 minutes.

How to make soup from frozen vegetables?

For delicious dietary dish The following components will be required:

  • frozen green beans - 200 grams;
  • frozen red onion - 200 grams;
  • frozen tomatoes - 200 grams;
  • frozen bell pepper - 200 grams;
  • frozen celery - 200 grams;
  • frozen green peas - 200 grams;
  • fresh carrots - 1 piece;
  • fresh onion - 1 piece;
  • half fresh chicken breast;
  • soy sauce - 2 tablespoons;
  • seasoning marjoram and peppercorns - optional.

To prepare a quick and simple dish you will need the following finely chopped ingredients. The ingredients can be varied, for example, instead of the specified frozen vegetables, use any vegetable mixture from the store.

First, put the meat in water. You need to wait until it boils, change the water and put the chicken back on the boil. Next, add onions with carrots and, if required, soy sauce with peppercorns.

After 25 minutes of cooking, remove all products from the broth. Now put chilled products in it, without pre-defrosting. The onions and carrots do not need to be returned to the soup, but the fillet should be cut and placed in the dish.

To correctly determine the readiness of vegetables, you should focus on softening the product with highest density. In our case, this is celery. When all the products become soft, add marjoram and stop cooking. Bon appetit, we have a hearty and light first course.

In addition to soup, casserole and vegetable stew, you can prepare salads with vegetables stewed in a pan from the freezer with the addition of seafood.

America is a country of lovers of frozen semi-finished products, it is not surprising that they set aside a whole day for them. In our country, frozen foods, it would seem, are not in particular demand. That's what I thought when I saw the mention of this holiday... And then I looked in the refrigerator.

Frozen bags of vegetables - not in demand? Or maybe no one eats dumplings and frozen cutlets... Long gone are the days when dumplings had strings of veins and thick gray dough, which also became slimy when cooked. And the cutlets contained anything but meat. And even further from us are the times when all these frozen semi-finished products, when cooked, became tasty and nutritious dishes. They were a long way from homemade cutlets and dumplings, but in the frozen food department you could buy an edible lunch... Now, of course, there is no 100% guarantee that you will come across excellent dumplings or cutlets, but you can choose good ones.

What about the frozen vegetable section? Aren’t Hawaiian and Mexican mixtures in demand, no one makes soups from frozen spinach or ready-made borscht mixture... Of course, Frozen Food Day would be celebrated with success in Russia as well.

We will talk about frozen vegetables. Moreover, the post will be in great demand simple dishes of them.
It's hard to say how many dishes you can come up with using frozen mixtures. After all, these packages - huge amount, it all depends on their contents and the taste preferences of the buyer. But there are three main uses.

Vegetables in a frying pan

The simplest and probably the most easy way preparations. Heat the pan, open the bag and lay it out. Keep the frying pan over high heat and without a lid for a few minutes so that the vegetables defrost and the water evaporates, then you can add a little oil, add pepper, salt, and other spices (coriander, fennel, almost any pepper, cumin, turmeric work well...). Close the lid and simmer the vegetables until soft. That's all. You can serve it as a side dish, you can add it to porridge or potatoes, or you can eat it on its own.

Vegetables in a pan

Not every vegetable mixture will work, but many will. And not necessarily specialized ones, those whose label says that this is a future soup. Broth - depends on preferences, you can pre-cook meat or chicken and “launch” vegetables into it. You can simply make the soup vegetable. In this case, it would be better to fry onions and carrots for the soup, you can add tomatoes. So, fry it, add potatoes or cereal (if necessary) to the soup, cook a little and add frozen vegetables, and then sauté. Bring to a boil, add salt and pepper - the soup is ready. Little secret: if the soup is not lean, you can add it to it at the end of cooking small piece butter.

Vegetables in dough

You can use any dough: vegetable pies are good with yeast, puff pastry, or shortcrust pastry. Prepare the filling in a frying pan - simply fry the vegetables until almost done. You can add cheese. And then roll out the dough and make a kulebyaka with filling. You can also do open pie, but in this case it would be good to “bind” the filling, for example with a beaten egg with the addition of cream - an omelette mass.

In winter, frozen vegetables are a godsend for every housewife who monitors the family’s diet.

In order for them to retain all their nutritional properties, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their freezing.

Some vegetables are doused with boiling water for blanching and then dipped into cold water.

Cookbooks contain a huge number of cooking recipes that delight with their nutritional and valuable properties.

Important to remember! The main rule of deliciously cooked frozen vegetables is the duration of their heat treatment.

If used ready mix from the store in bags, then on the packaging there is detailed description with instructions.

Below are best ways preparing frozen vegetables that can be served:

Cooking method Recipe
Pan The frying pan is placed on the stove. There is no need to add oil, and the vegetables do not need to be defrosted first.

The gas must be set to burn intensely for better evaporation of moisture. After the water has evaporated, reduce the gas and cover the pan with a lid.

They need to be simmered thoroughly until fully cooked. Must be served as a side dish

Multicooker Vegetables must be carefully placed on a mesh, which is intended for steaming dishes.

Water is poured into the multicooker bowl. You need to add salt and spices to your taste. Next, turn on the multicooker and set the steaming mode.

The duration of heat treatment does not exceed 25 minutes. With this method of preparation, the product will retain nutrients and taste.

Oven Before baking frozen vegetables in the oven, you must first fry them in a hot frying pan.

The moisture will evaporate from them, the dish will hold its shape better. They are then placed in special form which needs to be lubricated with oil.

It is better to use vegetable or olive oil. Salt and seasonings are added at the end to prevent all the moisture from evaporating prematurely.

Baking duration is 25 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees. 5 minutes before complete readiness, take out the baked vegetables, add salt and seasonings to taste.

You can sprinkle the dish with grated cheese on top - regular or processed. They will taste better if served with sour cream. Rice or potatoes are suitable as a side dish

Microwave You need to cook in a special container made of heat-resistant glass. It is necessary to have a lid because steam must be involved in the process of cooking vegetables.

Vegetables are poured into a plastic or ceramic plate and leveled. You need to set the power mode to 600 W for 3-4 minutes.

It is necessary to regularly monitor the cooking process. The vegetables are mixed once. At the end you need to add salt, pepper and other seasonings

As a side dish Pasta, chicken with rice or mushrooms, risotto, bulgur, salads are great.

Vegetables perfectly retain their nutritional properties even after long-term freezing. Spring dishes will delight all family members.

Casserole with meat and vegetables Even little gourmets will love it. For kids, they can be steamed in a double boiler.

How to properly freeze vegetables for the winter with your own hands?

To properly freeze vegetables for the winter with your own hands, you need to consider a few simple rules:

  1. Select You need products that have no dents (they must be ripe).
  2. Before freezing need to be washed and dried thoroughly.
  3. Some types amenable to blanching (stopping the oxidative process inside the product to improve taste).
  4. Dry vegetables crushed and placed in a container for freezing (cubes, half rings, circles).

Cauliflower and broccoli pre-wash in a colander, cut into inflorescences and pour over boiling water. Next, place it in cold water, dry it and put it in the freezer.

Sweet peppers are washed and dried. Can be chopped into strips or cubes. This preparation is added to soup, salads, stews and other dishes.

Green peas are frozen in bags. Before freezing, you need to peel them from the pod. There is no need to defrost it before cooking. It is immediately added to soup, pilaf, and vegetable stew.

Eggplants are prepared clean and dried. So that they retain all their taste before freezing, you can fry them.

Place whole tomatoes and store in the freezer until added to the dish. Tomatoes large size pre-cut into two or more parts.

This is an excellent semi-finished product that is used in winter to prepare delicious sauces, pasta, vegetable stews and pizza.

Hearty frozen meat meals

Meat is a valuable food product known for its nutritional value. It helps a person restore all his strength and also increase his efficiency.

Housewives will be able to prepare meat casseroles with vegetables, which are considered a healthy and satisfying dish.

Important to remember! Meat is a difficult product for the stomach, so it is necessary to cook them together with vegetables.

Fiber brings enormous benefits to the body. Many nutritionists recommend including stewed dishes without oil in your diet for weight loss.

Red and red go well with meat (pork, beef, chicken) green vegetables, which contain minimum quantity starch.

They help It is better to digest animal protein.

All the important substances contained in vegetables contribute to the rapid elimination of toxins and cholesterol.

Before cooking, you need to prepare the dishes. In order for food to retain all its nutrients, it is necessary to use dishes made of cast iron and heat-resistant glass.

Fried beef with vegetables


  • Beef pulp.
  • Champignons.
  • Red pepper (sweet).
  • Green peas.
  • Green beans.
  • Onions.
  • Celery.
  • Ginger.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Salt.
  • Spices to taste.


  1. The meat should be chopped into medium-sized pieces. To make it aromatic and soft, it is recommended to marinate it in spices for several hours.
  2. Prepared vegetables are peeled and cut into strips. It is necessary to fry for about three minutes in a preheated frying pan.
  3. After the meat is marinated, it must be fried in hot oil and stirred constantly until cooked.
  4. Place it on a large platter in the middle of the plate, and place the cooked vegetables next to it.
  5. The culinary masterpiece is ready and can be served.



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