How can you dilute polyurethane varnish? Polyurethane enamel: description, characteristics, types, application. Other useful properties of these solvents

Parquet chemicals are a group of products used to protect and decorate wooden floor, wall and ceiling coverings. This includes varnishes and paints, primers and putties, stains and tinting, adhesives, antiseptics, solvents and thinners. Most store-bought wood varnishes are usually liquid, ready-to-apply mixtures. The question arises: is it possible, and how, to dilute the varnish if it is too viscous?

When diluting varnish, it is important to maintain the correct proportions

To answer this question, you need to consider several factors. First, we pay attention to the basic composition of the mixture. Secondly, we select the desired solvent. Thirdly, when mixing, we maintain proportions so as not to reduce the quality of the material. Let's take a closer look at how you can dilute thickened varnish and how to do it correctly? And also, what should I use to remove the old protective coating from wood and how should I care for the tool?

Dilute, dilute or dissolve

At first glance, there is no difference. By using special means we bring the varnish substance into “working condition”. A solvent is a liquid that dissolves dried varnish, bringing it from a solid to a liquid state. We use a thinner if we need to change (reduce) the viscosity of paints.

Some types of organic eluents perform both roles, but some may be effective in one task and completely useless in another. For example, white spirit can be used to dilute compositions of polyurethane, alkyd and oil groups. But if the varnish has dried, it will not be possible to dissolve it with white spirit.

White spirit can be used to thin some varnishes.

But shellacs, on the contrary, are equally dissolved and diluted with denatured alcohols. But let's not go into such subtle details.

If you need advice on what to thin varnish or what to use for thinning paints, it is better to consult with specialists in this field.

We propose to consider in detail which solvents need to be used in specific cases.

Polyurethane mixtures

Polyurethane varnishes, paints, primers, adhesives, etc. contain polyurethane - a modern polymer. The totality of its properties surpasses such well-known materials as rubber, plastic, rubber, and metal. To obtain high-strength paint and adhesive solutions, in industrial production it (polyurethane) is mixed with special chemicals.

A lot of polyurethane varnishes are produced and water based. This parquet chemistry is environmentally friendly and non-toxic.

If it is necessary to make the substance more liquid, you can use the following as a diluent for polyurethane compounds:

  • toluene;
  • xylene;
  • acetone;
  • eluents such as R-4, R-5.

Acetone - good remedy for diluting polyurethane varnishes

Alkyd mixtures

Alkyd compounds have good adhesion, moisture resistance, insensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, and strength. They can be used for outdoor and interior work. Alkyd mixtures contain a main component, organic solvents, driers (for faster drying), and additives. The main component may be:

  • pentaphthalic resin;
  • glypthal resin with cotton oil;
  • a mixture of melamine-formaldehyde and alkyd resins.

To enhance the properties of materials, elements of alkyd resins are often included in multicomponent varnishes, paints, and enamels. The traditional thinner here is white spirit.

Bitumen mixtures

Bituminous varnish is a mixture of a special grade of bitumen, various resins and oils. After drying, a durable black film is formed on the surface, moisture-resistant and impervious to chemical attack. It is considered quite new in household use material. Belongs to the inexpensive category. It is often used as an anti-corrosion protective layer.

For wooden surfaces it is used when there is no need to emphasize the natural texture of the base (instead of paints). Bitumen material has found application as decorative covering for the effect of aging surfaces (patina). Another unique feature of bitumen mixtures is cold gluing. The bitumen solution is diluted with white spirit.

To prevent it from thickening during storage, the container must be airtight. The storage location should be dark (without direct solar radiation), with moderate temperature and humidity.

Bituminous varnish protects the surface very well from moisture and chemical influences, diluted with white spirit

Yacht varnishes

It is one of the most effective means of protecting surfaces made of natural wood. Already from the name the features of the area where it is used are clear. At the same time, the yacht composition is excellent for woodworking inside and outside of any objects (not just boats, boats, yachts). It is impervious to moisture, temperatures, and aggressive environments.

Yacht varnish. Main properties:

  • high degree of protection of wooden structures;
  • physical and mechanical immunity to the influence of external environments;
  • durability, extending the life of wood.

To achieve such results, toxic substances are used in the production of the material. chemical elements(toluene, xylene). There are several production technologies:

  • alkyd yacht (based on the organic solvent white spirit);
  • urethane-alkyd yacht (the eluent is the same, but in smaller quantities);
  • alkyd-urethane yacht (solvent additives are highly volatile);
  • acrylates (water-based compounds).

Dilutes yacht varnish with white spirit, no more than 5% of the total volume. The solvent acts on the substance only in fresh. After drying the varnish parquet flooring will become immune.

Varnish for yachts, boats, boats has high wear resistance and can also be diluted with white spirit

How to remove dried varnish

The above basically lists ways to improve the consistency if the varnish has thickened. What should you do to remove varnishes and paints from painting tools? Is it possible synthetic material remove from wood after application?

Old furniture or wood just won't work. Typically, scraping or grinding is used where possible. For non-mechanical removal, the type of solvent is selected individually. The main composition and chemical properties varnishing.

The simplest way to remove an unusable parquet protective coating is to use a special remover. The substance is a chemical mixture. You can use liquid, gel or powder. With the simplest types paint and varnish materials Acetone works. Denatured alcohol is more suitable for removing shellac.

First, a liquid, gel or powder is applied to the varnish surface. Then you need to wait until the film softens. To speed up the process, it is recommended to cover the treated surface with polyethylene. After some time (from 40 minutes to 4 hours), old varnish will begin to swell and darken. What to do next?

To remove softened varnish, it is more convenient to use a spatula. You need to work carefully so as not to damage wooden surface. What to do if it’s old the first time protective coating not completely removed? If necessary, the treatment can be repeated.

To remove residual substances from painting tools, use:

  1. Water-based parquet varnish is washed off with a warm water-soap solution;
  2. White spirit, kerosene, turpentine are suitable for most paints and varnishes based on organic solvents. The remaining substances are rinsed well, then the instrument is washed with some product household chemicals and rinse thoroughly in water.

When choosing the type of eluent for diluting paint and varnish mixtures, it is important to carefully study the composition, as well as use the manufacturer’s recommendations indicated on the packaging.

Don't forget about the funds personal protection, especially if you have to work with strong-smelling, quick-drying compounds. Ventilating the room during and after work will protect against poisoning by toxic fumes. These materials should be kept away from children.

Why is polyurethane varnish needed for wood?

Products made from natural wood have enjoyed great success for many years. It is no secret that natural material requires reliable protection, since it is afraid of moisture, is not resistant to technical fluids, and has difficulty resisting natural atmospheric influences and mechanical damage.
For maximum reduction negative consequences, wood products must be processed using various chemical compounds. And polyurethane varnishes are becoming one of the best helpers in this matter.

Types of polyurethane varnishes

The most commonly used two-component polyurethane varnish, modern manufacturers They offer exactly this composition.
In the case of one-component polyurethane varnishes, everything is very simple. You don't need any additional preparation to use them. This varnish consists of several independent components. There is an opinion that the use of two-component products is difficult, this is not so. Before applying it to the surface, you will simply need to mix the base and hardener well in certain proportions. The correct proportions are almost always indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging or in the instructions. Therefore, there are no problems.

According to the degree of gloss (gloss), the varnish is divided into:

  • glossy;
  • matte.
Matte polyurethane varnish has various levels of gloss from 10 to 90. The buyer can choose the percentage of gloss at his discretion, depending on the task and the desired effect.
Advantages and advantages

By choosing a polyurethane varnish for natural wood, you get numerous benefits:
polyurethane varnish coating creates reliable protection against negative mechanical impact, dirt, grease, dust;

  • varnish increases the service life of any product, even if they are subjected to regular and intense loads. An example is the parquet floor of the hallway;
  • polyurethane coating has increased level abrasion resistance;
  • a product on which a layer of varnish is applied receives better aesthetic characteristics. Amazingly beautiful and original structure natural material is not hidden by a layer of opaque material, because such varnish is highly transparent;
  • elasticity. Thanks to the special consistency, applying polyurethane-based varnish to wood is easy and simple, even if the product has a complex configuration. In case of moderate deformation, cracks will not appear on the treated surface. In addition, the composition has good adhesion and will not peel off.
We must not forget that the composition must be applied in a dry room on dry wood. Even slightly damp wood needs to be pre-dried.
Terms of use.

Before using polyurethane varnish on wood, you need to carefully prepare the wood surface. To do this, you must rid it of dirt and polish it. The polyurethane varnish itself is applied using a sprayer. Here a lot depends on how large the surface that needs to be treated is. Taking into account the chosen method, the desired consistency of the product is selected. In certain situations, the composition is diluted with a synthetic solvent.
Two-component polyurethane varnish requires compliance with its own rules. One of the most important things says that it is necessary to observe the proportions when mixing very strictly. If you do not pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations, which he indicated in the instructions, then as a result the mixture will not harden, crack or fall off. The finished mixture has a limited lifespan; after mixing, the polymerization process occurs. If the finished mixture of varnish and solvent dries, it cannot be diluted; polyurethane varnish is irreversible.
Always prepare as much compound as you need to apply at one time. There is no need to stock up on wood varnish when preparing it for future use.
The number of layers required varies and depends on how it will be used in the future. wood material. But general recommendation The advantage is that you don’t need to skimp on the composition and apply less than two layers. You must wait before applying a new coat. How many? You can find this information in the product instructions. There is no need to refuse to follow the rules.
To mix two-component polyurethane wood varnish, use the special container in which it was sold to you. Make sure that all remnants of the second component fall into the container as close as possible to the first. You can break correct proportion composition if there is a lot of mixture left on the walls and bottom of the jar. The broken proportion, in turn, will lead to the fact that all characteristics and operational properties the varnish will deteriorate.
Before you apply polyurethane wood varnish, you need to mix it well. Make sure that the temperature in the room during treatment is positive. The drying period of the finishing layer in most cases is approximately 7-8 hours.

How to choose?

Purchasing protective compounds for wood processing can always be called an important process. After all, the cost of wood has remained high for many years. If you don’t know how to choose a polyurethane varnish, start from what properties it should have and what qualities are most valuable to you. For example, if you decide to purchase a composition to apply it to the floor, then determine in advance the intensity of future loads. In the case of floor covering, which is not intended for large crowds of people, you can choose a polyurethane wood varnish that does not have high degree protection. If you want to treat a floor on which “mass gatherings” will be held in the future, and which quite possibly will be constantly and heavily soiled, choose products that have the maximum degree of protection and abrasion resistance.

Any polyurethane varnish for wood has good adhesion. It is resistant to chemicals. But if you want to get the maximum, then choose two-component formulations. They are the ones who stand out best performance in strength and elasticity.
If you can't choose polyurethane varnish for wood on our own, just contact the sales consultants of the Europroject-Center company for help. You can also familiarize yourself with the information in the catalog on the website.

However, we would like to say that these products are in any case high-quality and high quality. If you choose a product from a well-known manufacturer Sayerlack, who cares about its reputation, you will always achieve the desired results. But if you try to save money, then in this case you can become the owner of low-quality products. Choosing a polyurethane varnish for wood is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The cost of products is affordable and low, and therefore savings are simply inappropriate here. The Europroject-Center company offers a wide range of two-component polyurethane varnishes for Sayerlack wood.

With varnish you can highlight the natural beauty of wood, while at the same time protecting the surface from external influences. However, in cases where the surface is subjected to heavy loads, it is very important to choose the right composition.

Polyurethane varnish for wood provides a very strong, durable coating and does not overlap natural beauty natural wood.

What is polyurethane varnish?

Polyurethane varnish is protective composition, which is suitable for covering wood, fiberboard, chipboard, and other similar materials. It is different from other varnishing compounds high degree of protection.

Due to its durability, polyurethane varnish reliably protects the surface from impacts, moisture and wind, mold and mildew and other aggressive influences. environment. It can be applied using a brush, roller or spray gun.


According to their own physical and chemical properties polyurethane varnish is close to rubber materials, which provides it with greater resistance to impacts and other deforming mechanical influences.

Other peculiarities compositions based on polyurethane:

  • hardening time - up to 3 weeks;
  • coating durability - at least 10 years;
  • heat resistance up to 110°C.

Advantages and Disadvantages

In addition to strength and durability benefits polyurethane varnish include:

  1. good decorative properties;
  2. high adhesion even to polished surfaces;
  3. self-extinguishing ability;
  4. elasticity;
  5. high resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  6. resistance to light;
  7. vibration resistance;
  8. chemical inertness.

Due to their inertness, polyurethane-based varnish compositions resist the most aggressive chemical agents such as ammonia, acetic, sulfuric, hydrochloric and other acids.

TO shortcomings include:

  1. long drying time for some types of polyurethane varnish;
  2. before using a two-component composition, the base and hardener must be combined and mixed thoroughly;
  3. After mixing two-component polyurethane varnish, the finished composition is suitable for use only for a limited period, which can be up to 12 hours.

Types of polyurethane varnishes

There are one-component and two-component varnishes. The former are sold immediately in a ready-to-use form, and before application they only need to be diluted with a solvent if necessary.

In the case of two-component varnish, sold separately base and hardener, which must be mixed immediately before.

Such mixtures differ from one-component ones in their increased durability, therefore they should be used to cover surfaces and parts designed for use in the most difficult conditions.

Polyurethane varnishes are sold in cans and can be applied with a brush and roller or diluted to the desired consistency and poured into a spray gun.

Polyurethane varnishes in the form of sprays are produced in cans and are immediately ready for application to the surface by spraying.

Depending on the solvent used, there are:

  • alkyd varnishes;
  • urethane;
  • varnishes based on organic solvents;
  • water-based polyurethane varnishes.

Color variations

Depending on appearance , which they give to the surface after drying, polyurethane varnishes are:

  • glossy;
  • semi-matte;
  • matte.

Wood coated with glossy polyurethane varnish looks very attractive, especially if after the composition dries polish it using special pastes. But any defects, such as scratches, will be more visible on this coating.

Therefore, it is undesirable to paint a surface that is subject to mechanical stress with a glossy composition.

In addition, applying glossy varnish so that the surface looks good is more difficult than matte.

There are colorless polyurethane-based varnishes and compositions that contain pigments and give the surface certain shade.


Polyurethane varnishes are used to cover surfaces in cases where it is important to obtain a strong and durable coating. They can be painted:

  1. external walls;
  2. garden buildings;
  3. furniture;
  4. musical instruments;
  5. parquet;
  6. stairs;
  7. yachts.

But polyurethane varnishes are also used for painting other surfaces that are not subject to severe stress - for example, interior walls houses and ceilings.

What is the recipe for wood varnishes?

As hardener for two-component varnishes Isocyanates may be used. Polyisocyanate is a dark brown liquid mixture that contains diphenylmethane diisocyanate, isomers and homologues. Reacting with the base, this composition forms polyurethane.

To obtain a color coating you need use pigments. They must be selected taking into account the solvent that is suitable for the selected varnish.

To make varnish desired color, you can use tinting services offered by retail outlets selling paint and varnish materials.

Features of application to the surface

Before applying the two-component varnish, it the ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. To do this, the hardener is introduced in small portions with continuous stirring.

Then the varnish must be cured certain time so that air bubbles come out - from 15 minutes to 1 hour depending on the specific composition. The shelf life of the finished mixture can range from 3 to 12 hours.

If it is necessary to apply a multi-layer coating, each subsequent layer must be applied after the previous one has dried “touch-free”. At temperatures around 20°C this means that the interval between coats should be about 2 hours.

Using transparent polyurethane varnish you can get a beautiful mirror surface. To do this, after the applied composition has dried, it must be polished and sand with specialized paste using polishing water.

After coating with polyurethane varnish, the wood is transformed, acquiring attractive appearance, and at the same time receive strong and durable protection from external influences.

Polyurethane-based compounds can be used to paint surfaces that are subject to heavy loads, such as external walls houses, floors and stairs, as well as internal walls, ceilings and any wooden parts. At correct application such coverage enough for ten or more years.

Learn more about polyurethane varnish on an alkyd-urethane base for wood from the video:

Polyurethane paint will help protect the surface from various mechanical, chemical or atmospheric influences. It differs markedly from other analogues, both in technical and operational qualities.

Why is she so good? In this article we will try to answer this question, consider the types, differences, characteristics and areas of application of polyurethane paints.

Decorative coating created using polyurethane paint

The unique qualities of this coating make it an order of magnitude higher than other paints and varnishes.

Distinctive features of the paints are:

Polyurethane based paint long time serves where ordinary paint coatings quickly become unusable.

Types of paints

By composition polyurethane paints divided into two types:

  1. One-component – ​​immediately containing all the necessary substances (thinners, hardeners, driers, etc.).
  2. Two-component - before work, requiring mixing of two components from separate containers.

Manufacturers offer several types of paint, let's figure out how they differ from each other.

Polyurethane paint based on organic solvents

Speaking in simple language, this is regular paint modified with polyurethane.

It belongs to the type of one-component paints and consists of several components:

  • Polyurethane.
  • Solvent (toluene, xylene).
  • Coloring pigment.

Hardening or polymerization occurs under the influence of atmospheric moisture, which reacts with the binder components included in the composition.

Important! Dry air in the room does not help the composition set, so surfaces painted with polyurethane paint should not be dried with hot air. Simply put, the higher the humidity in the room, the faster the floor will dry, and vice versa.

After application to the surface, one-component polyurethane paint gains strength after 48 hours. The coating becomes completely waterproof, especially wear-resistant, and resistant to aggressive environments.

Water-dispersible polyurethane paint is excellent for painting baseboards and walls.

This is a one-component paint that uses plain water instead of a solvent. It has no poisonous odor and is completely harmless when painted.

The components of the mixture are evenly distributed in the aqueous medium and form a stable dispersion. As water evaporates, they gradually move closer together and then stick together upon contact. As a result, we get a thin, durable film that has both decorative and protective properties.

They buy it mainly for painting walls in rooms with high humidity(cm. ). Paint for polyurethane stucco molding or baseboards can also be water-dispersed, as it is particularly elastic and does not crack when bent decorative details.

Important! Since the paint contains water, it can freeze at low temperatures. After defrosting, technical indicators decrease noticeably.

Alkyd urethane paint

This one-component paint includes the following components:

  • Alkyd-urethane varnish (used to form a film).
  • Drying agents for quick drying.
  • Thinners.
  • Pigments.
  • Other targeted additives.

Using polyurethane enamel you can create decorative and protective films with different textures and degrees of gloss. It is used for both internal and external work. For example, polyurethane floor paint based on alkyd resins can cover both the floor in the garage and paths in the yard.

The paint is resistant to temperature changes in the range from -60 to +60 degrees, is not afraid of moisture, has excellent abrasion resistance, and is easy to apply with a roller, brush or spray. Thanks to the driers contained in the composition, the paint dries quickly (1.5–2 hours), and when used on metal it serves as an excellent anti-corrosion agent.

Two-component polyurethane paint

It is produced and sold in two containers - separately containing resin and hardener.

The advantages of this division are as follows:

  • The ability to prepare the required amount of solution “at one time”, while the remainder does not lose its quality during further storage.
  • Curing and polymerization of paint occurs without the participation of moisture.
  • The coating is more durable and wear-resistant than when using one-component compounds.

Two-component polyurethane paint is used for surfaces that are particularly susceptible to negative influences. It is resistant to soluble acids, alkalis, oil, various types of fuel, and is not afraid of sea and running water, wastewater.

Do-it-yourself mixing of components is done in a separate container. construction mixer until the composition is completely homogeneous. The prepared mixture has a short lifespan (no more than 6 hours), so the consumption must be calculated in advance, otherwise the remainder will have to be thrown away.

The strength and durability of the coating directly depends on following the mixing recommendations provided by the manufacturer's instructions supplied with the paint. In addition, it indicates the number of possible layers, the type and volume of solvent, and application conditions.

Comparative table of distinctive features of paints

Let's summarize the main distinctive properties various types mixtures, and we suggest you look comparison table pros and cons of polyurethane paints:

Paint type Advantages Flaws
Polyurethane based on organic solvents

High wear resistance.



Protection of metal from corrosion.

Resistance to mechanical and chemical influences.

Toxicity of solvents.

Cures quickly when exposed to air, which may prevent uniform application.


Odorless, diluted with water.

Excellent for painting walls in damp rooms and covering decorative polyurethane parts (plinths (see), stucco).

Affordable price.

Compared to other analogues, it has less wear resistance.

Doesn't fit well on smooth surfaces.

Freezes at low temperatures.


Forms a durable, elastic coating.

The solvent used is white spirit, which has a low odor and increases the cure of the paint, allowing for an even coat.

Dries in a couple of hours.

Low cost.

Small thickness of one layer.

Apply only at positive temperatures.


Fireproof, can withstand temperatures up to 100 degrees.

Particularly durable and wear-resistant, can be used in areas with heavy loads (for example, painting the floor in a garage).

Creates an even, durable coating.

Low viability of the solution (no more than 6 hours).

Do not apply to a damp substrate as there is a risk of foaming of the painted layer.

Used at temperatures from +5 to +30 degrees.

High cost.

Important! Regardless of the type and type, polyurethane enamel on a polyurethane basis is applied only to the prepared surface, which must be cleaned of dirt, dried, and, if necessary, primed. Ensuring good adhesion and obtaining high-quality coating. It is recommended to purchase primer specifically for the selected paint and from the same manufacturers.

As mentioned above, all polyurethane-based polyurethane paints are not only decorative, but also protective functions. For example, polyurethane paint for metal protects structures from corrosion; some types begin to foam upon contact with open fire, which delays the deformation of the metal for up to 1.5 hours.

Coating porous surfaces (concrete, wood and others) completely isolates materials from moisture penetration, and also protects them from the appearance of fungus, mold or microorganisms.

Which manufacturer to choose

Particularly popular and in demand on Russian market are polyurethane paints from the following manufacturers:

Manufacturer Types of paints Characteristics Places of application

Enamel "Elakor - PU"High strength, wear resistant.Any type of floor. Covering concrete and wooden surfaces.
Metal-Enamel-60, Metal-Enamel S/SHigh anti-corrosion protection. UV protection.Flooring on a metal surface. Coating of tanks, containers, walls and structures in the open air.
Food paint Elakor-PU “Eco” Enamel-60Strength, resistance to mechanical shock and chemical attack.Surfaces made of metal, concrete, wood that have direct contact with drinking water and dry products.

One-component paint “PURAKOR”Primer enamel with the addition of corundum particles provides a durable, non-slip, impact-resistant, thin-layer coating.
Two-component enamel “PURAKOR-2K”Particularly durable wear-resistant coating, resistant to any mechanical and chemical influences.Concrete floors with high load (garages, retail premises, warehouses, etc.)

Two-component matte enamel “POLIURPONT TDR 20”Anti-corrosion, resistant to atmospheric influences and chemical environment.As a primer for concrete floors. As a single-layer coating for metal, aluminum, galvanized surfaces.
One-component enamel “POLIURPONT TDR-50”High adhesion to ferrous or slightly corrosive metals, as well as wood and concrete.For floors with prolonged contact with water, chemical compounds subject to high loads.
PolytekTwo-component paint PU-1358Resistance to medium and high loads, use at above-zero temperatures, Resistance to atmospheric influences. Apply in a thin layer.Concrete, asphalt floors, metal bases.
One-component paint PU-2356Resistance to medium and high loads, use at positive temperatures, Resistance to atmospheric influences. Apply in a thin layerConcrete, asphalt floors, metal bases. Applicable both inside and outside the building.

It must be said that paints from the manufacturer Teohim are in particular demand, due to their more affordable price and variety of products. Elakor teohim enamel, varnishes and primers will satisfy the most demanding customer; their scope of application is much wider than that of other manufacturers.


We have clearly talked about polyurethane enamels, now you know what polyurethane-based paint is and understand the difference between various types and types of coatings. We advise you to carefully look at the photos and videos in this article in order to finally understand everything about these coatings.

Solvents are often used to dilute paints and varnishes (paints, varnishes, enamels, glues). They come in all kinds of varieties. And each of them has its own characteristic properties. In this article we will tell you in more detail what a solvent for acrylic paints, oil paints, varnish, glue.

Acrylic solvent

This composition is often used to dissolve polyurethane resins, two-component acrylic paints, and primers. Despite the fact that acrylic paints can be diluted with ordinary water, the use of this solvent significantly speeds up the process when the coating layer dries. In addition, its use allows you to achieve an even and smooth painted surface without the formation of any smudges or white-milky deposits.

Solvent for acrylic has the form of a transparent liquid with a specific odor. It is produced in several versions, which differ in drying time (slow, medium and fast). And they are used in certain conditions, depending on humidity and air temperature. For example, in cold weather it is better to use a composition with a high evaporation rate. On a hot day, on the contrary, it is advisable to use a solvent with low level evaporation.

It is advisable to store the composition in well-ventilated, cool and dark rooms (without access of UV rays to the packaging). It is also important that basic norms and standards apply fire safety. The packaging itself must be tightly closed and in an upright position.

Solvent for oil paints

For thinning paints oil based The following solvents are often used: white spirit, gasoline, acetone, turpentine. We will tell you in more detail about each of them. So, white spirit is produced during the distillation of oil. It is used for dissolving alkyd, bitumen, oil paints, as well as for rubbers, drying oils, epoxy esters and polybutyl methacrylate. Nefras 150/180 can also be used instead (as a substitute). Turpentine - manufactured industrially when processing pine wood.

The following types are distinguished: dry distillation, steam, sulfate, extraction. The best is considered to be the one that contains more pinene. It is used to dilute oil, glyphthalic, bitumen, and pentaphthalic paints. Acetone is prepared by treating cumene hydroperoxide. It is a good solvent for varnishes and paints based on vinyl polymers. It is also used for diluting polyacrylates, epoxy resins, chlorinated rubber, vinyl chloride copolymers.

Solvent for glue moment

A glue solvent is necessary not only during the process of applying the composition, but also when the mixture has already dried. For example, there may be times when you need to remove some parts or wipe off a stain. The best solvents for superglue are generally ethyl acetate, xylene, butyl acetate and acetone. Sometimes thinners for acrylic and polyurethane varnishes and paints are also suitable. Let's talk about them in more detail. Ethyl acetate - used for nitrocellulose and polyacrylate paints and varnishes. Like acetone, it can dissolve almost all polymers.

Xylene solvent - consists of a mixture of isomers, which is obtained from coal or oil. Therefore, it is divided into stone and oil. It is used for phenolic, alkyd, chlorinated rubber, bitumen, epoxyphenol paints and varnishes. Butyl acetate is made by heating acetic acid and butyl alcohol with the addition of catalysts. Used for diluting oil esters, chlorinated rubber, fats, cellulose. And if you add a small amount of butyl alcohol to it, it can prevent the formation of a paint film.

Varnish thinner

In order to dilute the varnish, you can use the following solvents: benzene, R-4, R-4A, 646. If we talk about the first one - benzene, then it is obtained by pyrolysis of raw rock benzene and oil. It is an excellent thinner for rubbers, fats, oils, waxes, cellulose, esters, silicone and cresol-formaldehyde resins. If you need to dissolve polyurethane varnish, then compositions R-4 and R-4A are also suitable.

The main ingredients of these mixtures are: esters, ketones, hydrocarbons. It also contains some components that can significantly increase the efficiency of dissolving paintwork materials. They are used for many paints and varnishes - varnishes, putties, primers, enamels. 646 solvent is suitable for surface treatment before applying paint and varnish(degreases it), and also effectively dissolves nitro enamel and nitro varnishes.



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