Bush with pink flowers without leaves. Trees and shrubs blooming in spring - photo. Flowering shrubs for the garden - types

When landscaping their plot, every owner wants to see it blooming from early spring to late autumn. If you approach the assortment wisely, you can choose flowering shrubs for your dacha so that even in late autumn there will be bright colors in the garden.

Shrubs blooming in spring

After a cold winter, the spring mood in the garden is brought by those shrubs that not only bloom early, but also their flowers bloom before the leaves open. Also pleasing to the eye are those plants that bloom in the spring simultaneously with the opening of the leaves, but their flowering is so abundant that there are no branches or leaves from under bright inflorescences not visible.

The following berries are berries, white, translucent. Lady of the night - energetic and fast growing plant, it is usually used in isolation, but works well in small groups. This is an indispensable thing in aromatic gardens, “senses” and butterflies. It can be managed as a tree and climbing, as well as pruning and training, thus fragrant sidewalks, patios and covering arbors, arches, trusses, among other supports. To soften the strong perfume, it should be planted in the shade so that its flowering will be less intense.

It should not be used near dorm windows, especially in sensitive rooms and children. Its pungent aroma is said to be one of the strongest among plants; some people find it disgusting. Its flowers attract many species of bees, hummingbirds and butterflies. Caution, all parts of the plant are toxic and may cause vomiting, mucosal irritation and hallucinations, among other symptoms. Lady of the Night is considered an invasive plant, primarily in grasslands.

There are also quite modest specimens, but their flowers are very fragrant. The most popular shrubs are: blooming in spring:

  • forsythia
  • spring spirea
  • bean
  • Japanese
  • rhododendron
  • mock orange
  • lilac


When forsythia blooms in the garden in the spring, it may seem as if a piece of the sun has settled in it. The bush is one of the first to bloom, there are no leaves on it yet, the surrounding plants stand with bare branches, and the forsythia blazes with a bright yellow torch.

It should be cultivated in full sun or partial shade, in fertile soil, creamy, enriched organic matter and regularly irrigated. Does not tolerate salinity, severe frost or intense cold. It can also be planted in pots with more frequent fertilization and irrigation. Pruning should be done after the main flowering. It is multiplied by seeds and cuttings of semi-woody branches.

There is no one who is indifferent to the lady of the night. One of the most popular shrubs in the country, both for vigor and planting, is a torch found as arboreta on sidewalks and in landscape sensory projects. Its rapid evolution and easy spread make the lady of the night an invasive plant, especially in pastures, but since ornamental plant appreciated and distributed by Brazil.

The genus Forsythia includes several species, cultivars which are quite unpretentious, tolerate drought well and low temperatures. The genus itself belongs to the Olive family. The following types are suitable for planting in the garden:

For its development, it is enough to grow it in fertile soil, enriched with organic matter, easily drained and irrigated with regularity. It can be planted directly on the soil or in vases and pots, as it is often pruned after the first flowering.

Lady in the Night can reach up to four meters in height, but if the purpose is decorative then trimming and growth, such as using lobes or wires to ensure uniform growth, is critical. These are tropical shrubs, so they are not tolerant of frost and extreme cold, as well as salt flats.

  1. hanging forsythia is a deciduous shrub, its height is up to 2.5 - 3 m, the shoots are arched, hanging, the flowers are large, up to 3 cm in diameter, collected in bunches of 2-6 pieces, looks impressive on trellises, has decorative forms with variegated foliage, purple trunks;
  2. forsythia intermediate - bushes up to 3 m high, shoots straight, unpretentious and frost-resistant, has a huge number of decorative forms;
  3. forsythia ovate is the earliest flowering of all forsythia, the height of the shoots is up to 1.5 m, the leaves also become decorative in the fall, acquiring a purple-yellow color.

In the garden, forsythia is best placed against the background, along paths, in small groups. Considering that the plant is most decorative only in spring, you can plant it near forsythia flowering perennials. The plant is quite easy to grow.

The leaves of the lady of the night are oval, dark green and have a leathery texture. The highlight is undoubtedly the inflorescences, which come with a vengeance mainly in spring and summer: the flowers look like small tubes and emit an intense aroma that some love and others cannot support, especially at night.

One hint to reduce the penetrating odor is to plant the lady of the night in the shade. Thanks to this perfume, the lady of the night attracts many birds and butterflies, making her ideal for outdoor viewing environments. But be careful: the leaves, flowers and stem are toxic and can cause nausea, vomiting, hallucinations and irritation if taken orally. It is recommended not to install night monitors near windows or where there are people sensitive to their penetrating odor.

It tolerates dry periods well and can be cut. Forsythia loves well-lit places; partial shade is also suitable. The soil needed is light, sandy, mixed with leaf soil. Reacts well to the addition of lime.

At the beginning of spring, you need to carry out 2-3 fertilizing with universal mineral fertilizers. Forsythia does not tolerate waterlogging, so it should only be watered during severe drought. Shrubs that bloom in spring are being replaced by plants that bloom in summer.

Night Jasmine or Lady of the Night

How to plant night lady or night jasmine

Popular names: evening jasmine. A bush plant that can reach a height of up to 3.0 m, irregular shape, straight and very branched. Its opposite leaves have a corium-like consistency, are green, shiny, oval, narrow and pointed.

The flowers are very small, cream-colored, collected in racemo-type inflorescences at the tip of the branches. It blooms from late spring to late summer depending on the region. It can be grown in hot areas of the country, but does not adapt well to very cold winter regions.

Shrubs blooming in summer

A selection of shrubs flowering in summer period, very big. When choosing them for your dacha, you can decorate the area with long-flowering plants in a certain color scheme. Summer blooming shrubs:

  • summer spirea
  • hydrangea
  • Kuril tea
  • caragana
  • budleya
  • euonymus


The flowering time of this shrub is early summer. Flowers pink, lilac, purple. Flowering duration is up to 15 - 20 days. The shape of the flowers is elongated graceful bells. The plant is suitable for planting in the shade. Weigela tolerates pruning well and is suitable for hedges.

To grow this shrub, we must choose places with a large number sun and soil rich in organic matter. Open the hole twice to release the chest and bottom to unpack the soil. Place some construction sand in the bottom to drain the water and add a mixture of well-aged corral fertilizer, about 1 kg per molt, with an organic compound and 100 g bone meal.

Sit down with the teacher. Complete with an organic compound to easily compress soil and water. In the next few days, water on days when there is no rain, then install irrigation. To connect the plant with the mentor for direct riding, we must make 8 with the cord, avoiding suffocating the plant.


The genus of plants Euonymus includes several species that are used in landscaping. It is worth noting the warty euonymus. Shrub up to 2 m tall. The shoots are bright green. They are dotted with dark growths "warts". The plant is slow growing.

The flowers are original, red-brown. Flowering time is June, flowering duration is up to four weeks.

The material of this cord will be better if it is made of cotton or jute, it will rot over time, it is already made of non-plastic, which can cause damage to the sheath. The flower of this plant has an intense aroma, especially at night, so we should avoid planting it near hostels.

Spread of Cestrum's nasopharynx

We do not recommend growing them in homes where there are people with breathing problems. Propagation of this shrub is done from seeds or by cutting branches. Seeds will be collected in the fall and sown in the spring. Commercial growing bags or seedlings are used, with a charcoal-based rice husk substrate mixed with an organic compound in equal parts.

In the summer, the warty euonymus may not make the right impression in the presence of its brighter neighbors, but with the onset of autumn its bushes transform. The leaves turn pink, and the fruits are red capsules with brown or orange bracts that look like bright lanterns.

This autumn outfit is why dacha owners love euonymus. The plant grows well in the shade; most species have high winter hardiness. Separately, it is worth paying attention to the still quite rare, but no less flowering shrubs for the garden.

Keep the substrate moist and protected until emergency. After a height of 20 cm, the plant can be grown collectively in the sun. In the spring, pruning branches aimed at more correct form. It is then used to distribute by cutting using pointers.

The best season is from early spring, and cuttings are removed so as not to compromise the flowering of the plant. Cestrum noctrunum - lady of the night. This plant is highly cultivated in the southeast for street afforestation. Its use is limited due to its intense perfume. It can be grown as a bush, isolated in lawns, or in combination with colorful trees and shrubs.

Rare shrubs for the garden

The following plants are not very popular, but they can still be used in landscaping:

  • cletra
  • scumpia
  • dedesnea
  • lily of the valley or chalesia tree


This plant is one of the most attractive late flowering shrubs. Most often in gardens you can find alder clethra. She belongs to the Vereskov family. Blooms in late summer - early autumn. The inflorescences look like tall thin candles of pink or white color.

Shrub 2 to 3.5 m high, alternating leaves, oblong lanceolate or elliptical, glabrous, sharp bases. Axillary and terminal inflorescences, sessile flowers, agglomerate, yellowish or whitish, cup. The fruits are ovoid berries, black when ripe. The leaves are crushed, causing bad smell, and the crushed fruit turns their fingers purple.

The bush is more than 1 m in height, the cylindrical branches are more or less thin. The leaves are short-petiolate, oval-oblong or oval elliptical, skin-membranous. The inflorescences are usually axillary, sessile, small, yellowish-green. The cups are more or less tubular. The fruits do not stain your fingers when crushed. Flowers at the Cormib terminal, lying, orange in color.

The flowers have a very delicate, refined aroma. Bushes are usually up to 2-3 m in height, there are miniature varieties whose height is up to 0.9 m. It grows well in moist places under the protection of tall plantings. It is advisable to place it so that there is shade on the site after lunch.

Shrub or small tree can reach a height of up to 4 meters. The branches are twisting, pendulous, the leaves have long petioles. Inflorescences are terminal or axillary, sessile flowers, small, bell-shaped cup, light green corolla with a pleasant aroma. Flowers from December to January.

Animals susceptible to intoxication. In natural conditions: cattle; is harmless to horses, pigs, rabbits, guinea pigs and birds. Experimental conditions: cattle, sheep and goats. Conditions conducive to intoxication.

Needs extra. When grown on site, clethra is irreplaceable where high humidity, bordering a swamp. In this case, it doesn’t even harm her bright sun. At a young age, it is better to cover the clethra with spruce branches for the winter. Propagates well by root shoots. Late varieties They bloom in September; in autumn, clethra has unusually bright foliage.

Dry season. After cleaning and burning, they prefer budding plants. If there is a shortage of food, animals swallow the growth. Active principle: glycoside of the saponin group. The concentration of this principle is greater in unripe fruits and leaves, which change their intensity under the influence of certain factors, such as the vegetative stage of the plant, the phase of germination, fruiting, etc.

Symptoms of intoxication: Often the cattle are already found dead in the pastures. Symptoms may appear several hours after administration or even take days. In general, the evolution is acute, with the death of the animal around 24 hours or even 72 hours. In chronic cases, the course ranges from 2 to 7 days.


This shrub has several poetic names:

  • silver bell tree
  • lily of the valley tree
  • snow drop tree

The plant belongs to the Styrax family. While the shrub is quite rare in landscaping, it is very attractive. In June, large white bells resembling lilies of the valley appear among the leaves. By the end of summer, fruits similar to pears are formed. For growing in temperate climate Galesia carolina is suitable.

Apathy; sadness; anorexia, scar paresis; arched back, shaggy hair; dry nostrils, polyuria and tendency to isolate. Typically this phase lasts from 4 to 5 hours. Cattle enter the second phase lasting approximately 1 to 14 hours, and symptoms are predominantly nervous: muscle tremors, agitation, aggression, uncoordinated movements; mydriasis; opalescent eyes and glazed bottoms; stiff neck, arched lower back, weight loss and rapid weakening; mucous membranes are moist, swollen and slightly yellowish, urine is also slightly yellowish, profuse sialorrhea; constipation, inflammation of the rectal mucosa, intestinal pain, which gradually intensifies, and the animal grinds its teeth and groans.

It is better to plant it in a place protected from the wind with fertile soil. The plant has a fairly large crown and is not suitable for small gardens. To preserve decorativeness it requires sanitary trimmings dried, frozen and damaged branches. In addition to the above plants, decorative purposes You can also grow the following flowering shrubs, the fruits of which can be eaten:

Tachycardia and finally bradycardia with cardiac arrhythmia and shortness of breath; pulse becomes weaker; breathe noisily and faster; prostration; pedal movements; hypothermia and death with very pronounced tremors. Cestrum nasopharyngeal intoxication usually manifests as nausea, vomiting, and a neurological condition characterized by psychomotor agitation, hallucinations, and behavioral disturbances. Mydriasis and dry mucous membranes are also common.

This is done through a set of data: history, symptoms, autopsy and laboratory examination. The presence of the plant in the pasture and depending on the amount of arable plant and the number of affected animals. Species affected: ruminants. The presence of mountains and bays with hematophagous bats.

  • currants of all colors
  • blackberries
  • hawthorn

The range of decorative flowering shrubs is currently very wide; you can find them in special stores, including online; all you have to do is make the right choice.

Review of a rare shrub - cletra:

Note. The presence of animals poisoned by Koerana on a property does not exclude the presence of rabid livestock. Rage: brain histopathology. Koerana: serum biochemistry, urinalysis, hemogram. Rage: no pathognomonic changes. Koerana: liver " nutmeg", the dryness of the omaso content.

The plant must be picked with a hoe when still small. The plant should be cut and its twine treated with an appropriate herbicide. Cut out plant parts should be burned because even dry they are toxic. Toxic plants and poisoning by veterinary medicine.

If your garden lacks brightness or some zest, then garden flowering shrubs are exactly what you need. Beautiful flowering shrubs will add cheerfulness, brightness, style to your garden and diversify its landscape. Flowering shrubs always attract glances, and their bright colors improve your mood. So flowering shrubs are simply necessary for the beauty of the dacha. And in this case, let's take a closer look at what types of flowering shrubs exist.

Flowering shrubs for the garden - types

There are a great variety of flowering shrubs, but in this article we will talk about the most popular and interesting ones, dividing them for convenience into three groups, according to the time of their flowering - spring, summer and autumn.

Shrubs that bloom in spring:

  • – this low shrub blooms early spring. Its flowers are bright yellow and bloom before the leaves.
  • Magnolia – The white flowers of this beauty also appear in the spring, filling your garden with their wonderful scent.
  • Lilac - at the end of spring, this beautiful shrub becomes, perhaps, one of the most beautiful in the entire garden. A delicate aroma lilac, filling your area in the same way as the eye-pleasing shades of lilac flowers, cannot but please you.
  • Almond - its soft pink flowers will add lightness and pleasant spring tenderness to your garden.
  • Rhododendron - These shrubs come in a variety of pink shades and look like large clouds of color that add a pop of color to your garden.
  • Camellia - the delicate flowers of this shrub look like small roses that would suit the outfit of a fairy-tale princess
  • Canadian serviceberry - this shrub blooms in May with small white flowers, and in the fall the leaves of the serviceberry acquire a crimson hue, which also looks very impressive in the garden.
  • Viburnum and rowan are well-known shrubs that will decorate the garden with their beautiful color in spring, and add brightness to it in winter with their red berries.
  • - one of the most beautiful bushes blooming in spring. Its bright red and pink flowers look very impressive in the garden. In addition, Japanese quince is a frost-resistant flowering shrub, which is a definite plus.

Summer blooming shrubs:

  • Barberry - In early summer, barberry is covered with cute bright yellow flowers, and in the fall red berries appear on its branches. As a result, we can say that barberry decorates your garden for six months - not only with flowers, but also with berries.
  • Skumpia - this shrub looks very impressive, as its small flowers, collected in “panicles,” from a distance resemble a kind of smoky cloud.
  • Deutzia is one of the unpretentious flowering shrubs. Its white flowers will brighten your garden in early to mid-summer.
  • Hibiscus - hibiscus bushes bloom very luxuriantly at the end of summer, delighting the eye with their varied colors - white, blue, pink, red.
  • Weigela – Weigela flowers slightly resemble stars that have fallen from the sky. And the various pink and burgundy shades of this shrub are very pleasing to the eye. Weigela blooms very profusely at the end of spring and the first month of summer, and can bloom again at the end of summer, but on a smaller scale.
  • Jasmine is another very unpretentious shrub, which blooms in summer. Its delicate white flowers exude an incredibly pleasant scent that will envelop your entire garden with its fragrance.



2024 “mobi-up.ru” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs