Lensa roses. Musk roses - varieties. Where is the best place to plant bushes?

Musk roses, which belong to the landscape plants. In addition, caring for them will not cause trouble for the owner.

Peter Lambert was the first to breed a group of musk hybrids. Because of this, he is considered to be the founder of this type of rose. He considered it his task to develop varieties that would have repeated flowering that lasted the whole summer. And at the same time, their external beauty and aroma will not be lost. The first musk hybrid that he managed to breed was “Trier”. The variety bloomed well several times during the summer and also had beautiful white buds. Subsequently, the breeder will create many more varieties, the most beautiful of which is still considered “Mozart”.

Modern Roses are those varieties that were propagated after most people imagined these types when they think of roses. Classifying modern roses can be difficult because many have old garden paintings in their pedigree, but they are largely classified by growth and flowering characteristics. Unlike old garden roses, which bloom once a year, modern flowers bloom continuously. They also have larger size flower and more long term service vases, but have no fragrance and are less hardy and disease resistant.

After some time, work in this direction was picked up by the Pemberton family. They also created many musky varieties, the most popular of which were: “Cornelia”, “Felicia”, “Mon Light”. Every year everything more breeders began to get involved in the breeding of musk hybrids.

Although the rising roses don't really rise like grape vines They have rigid, vertical canes that can be manually trained along the support. Some canes can reach 15 meters. Climbing roses produce more flowers when grown horizontally rather than vertically. They are usually attached to walls, fences and overpasses. They tend to have large flowers and are almost always repeated.

Although David Austin is not officially recognized as a separate class, sometimes called English roses popular among consumers and retailers. David Austin began breeding roses over 50 years ago with the goal of creating a new group of roses that was different best characteristics both old and modern roses. Hundreds of varieties of David Austin roses feature the rosette shape and fragrant scent of old roses with the ability re-blooming and a wider color range of modern roses. Despite their popularity, they are susceptible to disease and are not as hardy as other varieties.

No matter how hard breeders try to create new varieties, musk roses are still rare in our country. Since, in comparison with lush terry and large buds of other types, they look unprofitable. But this does not in the least prevent us from appreciating them. What is it worth just for them? delicate aroma, which can be heard from afar even on cloudy days. And the peculiarity of some varieties is to have a short interval between flowering, which is why it seems that it lasts without stopping. Not a single remontant rose can boast of such qualities.

Each stem produces a cluster of large flowers in the classic hybrid tea form. They tend to be disease resistant and are generally hardy and easy to care for. These roses are known for their stocky, tough shrubs and are often used in landscaping in public parks and public spaces. Grandiflora roses are a class created in the last century to classify crosses between hybrid tea and Floribunda roses, which do not fit into either category. Grandiflora roses have large, showy flowers that are produced on long stems, either singly or in clusters of three to five flowers.

Description of the species

The flower has both enough tall, about two meters in height, and in small compact forms. To prevent the bushes from falling down as they grow, they are planted near a support. Otherwise, the bush will spread wide and the branches will end up on the ground. Musk roses have small buds, which are rarely double, but this is not scary, since when abundant flowering it's not noticeable. The decorative effect of the bush is achieved precisely due to their large quantity. First, the apical buds begin to open, then, after they fade, buds appear on the side shoots, and the bush is even more covered with flowers. Moreover, they are all revealed together. During this period it is difficult to even look at the foliage.

Their bushes tend to be larger and more upright than hybrid teas. Also known as "landscape" roses, this type of rose was developed to satisfy the desire for a garden rose that offers color, form and fragrance, but is also easy to care for. They tend to reach a maximum height of three feet, although some only grow as one leg, and they are usually wider than they are tall. Generally, soil roses are disease resistant, pest resistant, repeat blooming, short growing and low level service.

Hybrid tea roses have been a favorite of modern roses and come in a wide variety of color ranges. They are known for their long, straight stems, which make them an extremely popular cut flower. Hybrid tea roses have large, well-formed, pointed flowers that can be up to five inches in diameter. They are the least hardy of modern roses and have a reputation high level service.

The flower has a delicate musky aroma, which is similar to the smell of flower honey. It is because of him that this species received its name. One bush of such a rose is enough on your personal plot so that the air around is saturated with its aroma. The most fragrant varieties will be:

Miniature roses are miniature versions of hybrid tea roses. They have small stems, leaves and flowers and are hardy and versatile plants. The miniatures come in a wide range of colors including pink, orange, white and yellow. Majority miniature roses bloom continuously for two to three weeks at a time. They are often marketed and marketed as indoor plants, as they grow well in containers and are only six to eighteen inches tall. They also work well in tight boundaries and small garden areas.

Where is the best place to plant bushes?

They usually have large clusters of small flowers and come in shades of white, pink and red. They are ideal for containers or small gardens. Ramblin' roses, or wanderers, are vigorous growers with numerous clusters of small to medium-sized flowers and long, flexible canes. They multiply frequently, but may be recurring or continuous. If they don't have a support system, ramps will grow along the ground and cover anything in their path, such as buildings, cars, plants and trees.

  • "Pax", which has semi-double former buds;
  • "Daphnia", which has a creamy tint;
  • "Vanitu" with bright pink flowers;
  • “Buff Beauty” with its characteristic creamy apricot shade;
  • "Cornelia", characterized by multi-colored flowers from white to pink.

But if well trained, strays can be used to decorate structures such as arches and pergolas. Shrub roses include a wide variety of roses that do not fit into any other category. Many of them are crossroads between old gardens and modern roses and combine features from each. They are generally hardy, comfortable plants. Bloom style can be single, cabbage or any other, and the level of flavor varies. Majority bush roses are repeating bloomers, and their growth tends to be graceful and spread easily.

Planting and caring for roses

Musk roses are propagated by cuttings and layering. Seed propagation will contribute to the loss of the parental properties of the plant, so it is practically not used.

The bushes take root well and tolerate severe frosts. Adult specimens are lowered to the ground for the winter.

Roses are planted in open ground, both in spring and autumn. In summer, they can be planted with a closed root system.

Old garden roses, sometimes called heritage or heritage roses, are a traditional class of roses bred before the arrival of the hybrid tea rose. These roses are known for their strong fragrance, high petal count, flower shape, disease resistance, and ability to withstand colds. They usually bloom once a year during the summer months.

Features of musk roses

They have tall, elegant bushes with lovely blue-green foliage and white or pale pink flowers. Alba roses bloom once in late spring or early summer and are among the heaviest of roses - they are disease resistant, low maintenance and can tolerate shade and cold conditions. They have beautiful full flowers in different shades pink, white and red in color and often have an intense and intoxicating aroma. Bourbon roses usually have very few or no thorns.

Places for growing musk roses are selected sunny, which are slightly shaded in the afternoon. The flower needs good soil drainage, otherwise root system will begin to rot. Therefore, it is better to plant them on a hill, thus preventing the accumulation of moisture.

For planting, a hole is dug at least 50 centimeters deep, as well as into a tire. A drainage layer and nutritious soil, including organic matter, are placed at the bottom. It is advisable that it stands for several weeks, this will affect its subsidence. If this is not done, then you need to compact it well so that it does not subsequently sag along with the bush.

They can be trained to rise and they repeat. They can also be called genera of Provence after the partition of France, where they were once grown. Colors range from white to pink, and the flowers often droop or nod due to their large size. Because these roses are so fragrant, they are often used in the fragrance industry. Introduced to the West in the late 18th century, Chinese roses- a complex group that has contributed greatly to the origin of modern hybrid roses. They tend to be fragrant and have smaller, more compact flowers compared to other varieties.

The seedling in the hole is placed on a mound, and the roots are carefully laid out. The bush can be watered after filling with soil, as well as immediately before it.

After musk roses are planted, they are hilled. It is good to mulch the soil around the bush, this way you will retain additional moisture and prevent the growth of weeds.

Where to grow musk roses?

Chinese roses are multi-colored and bloom multiple times during the summer and late fall. The plants are somewhat delicate and may need protection in colder climates, but most are very disease resistant. Originating in biblical times, Damascus roses are among the oldest roses in the world. There are two groups of Damascus: Summer Damascus, which blooms once in the summer, and Autumn Damascus, which blooms in the summer and has a second bloom in the fall. These roses are presented in different colors white to dark pink and have very fragrant flowers that are often used in the perfume industry.

The musky species is unpretentious in care, but if you give it constant attention, it will definitely respond to it. good growth, active and lush flowering. Resistant to various diseases. But still, excessive moisture can cause disease in the plant - powdery mildew. Treating the bush with fungicides helps to cope with it, but if you notice aphids or caterpillars on the leaves, then prompt treatment with insecticides is important.

They are sometimes called roses of French or provincial origin. Gallic roses come in shades of pink, red, purple and can even be striped. Some varieties are highly aromatic. They bloom once during the summer and are tolerant of shade and cold. Although hybrid roses Musks are not officially considered "Old Garden Oscars"; they are generally grouped with them. They were mainly grown by Reverend Pemberton in the early twentieth century. These roses have single flowers with five petals in clusters and have a strong musky aroma, light and sweet.

When caring for a musk rose, pruning is required, which involves removing a third of the shoots, and also removing all broken and dried branches. Young plants need to remove the buds, as they will prevent it from taking root as quickly as possible. It is important to remember that such roses are decorative pruning don't need it.

Hybrid musk roses also have healthy, shiny, dense foliage and are generally disease resistant. Although they were eventually overshadowed by their descendants, hybrid teas, hybrid everlasting roses became the world's most popular rose among gardeners and florists in the nineteenth century. They are known for their wonderful scent and ability to bloom repeatedly.

Although they are not officially considered "Old Garden Oscars", they are generally grouped with them. They have rich green foliage, a wonderful scent and are generally disease resistant. Their small, simple flowers have a limited color palette and are best enjoyed on bushes as they are not a classic pink. Known for the moss-like growth that covers the top of their stems, Moss Roses are highly fragrant and come in wide range beautiful rose flowers. They are known for the pleasant forest scent or balm they give off when rubbed, and are cherished for this trait.

The plant needs good and regular watering, but it is not needed frequently. Since excessive hydration will negatively affect it.

Care in winter period will consist of hilling and covering the bush with special materials. It is first bent to the ground. This is easy to do as rose branches are very flexible. This procedure is necessary to prevent the shoots from freezing.

Their shrubby plants are mainly grown for their exceptional beauty. Moss roses are wrecks and their hardiness varies. Originating from China, 'Noisette' roses became the first roses to be bred in America with the help of John Champney, a rice farmer in Charleston, South Carolina. They bear fragrant clusters of flowers in a wide range of colors and have tall, bushy plants. This group of roses was named after the Duchess of Portland after she was given the rose that produced the entire class of Portland roses.

There were once many varieties, but today only a handful remain. Some can have a strong scent, and the flowers tend to have very little stem so that the leaves are tightly packed around the flowers. They fly primarily in the summer, but may also continue to fall.

This type of rose is best placed in the background of the garden due to the fact that its flowers are not as attractive as those of hybrids, but from a distance they look good and combine well with other flowers.


Beautiful, healthy, very frost-resistant, hardy roses that bloom constantly and abundantly until late autumn with an aroma unlike that of other roses with spicy notes of cloves, nuts and rose oil. Not only the flowers are fragrant, but also the leaves! These roses are also amazing because they bloom along the entire length of the shoot! And besides, musk roses tolerate shading well.

Originating in China and one of the only parents of the modern hybrid tea rose, tea roses are named for their aroma, which is reminiscent of Chinese black tea. They come in a wide range of colors, including white and pastel shades of pink, yellow and apricot. The flowers are large and fragrant with a delicacy of shape and color not found in today's roses. Their petals tend to roll back at the edges, producing medium petals with pointed tips. Tea roses repeat and are resistant to disease.

Musk roses: care

Roses are roses wild roses which include natural views that have not been hybridized. They are very hardy plants that survive with minimal maintenance and are often characterized by five-petaled flowers that bloom in early summer. Many rose species grow quite large and can even form thickets.

These roses look great in single and group plantings in natural-style gardens.


(Alden Bisen)

Lens, Belgium, 1996

A very unusual variety! The inflorescences are pink at first, then turn a little green, which makes the rose bush look like a hydrangea! Gorgeous landscape rose!

Height 1.5-1.8 m, bush diameter 1.2-1.5 m.

Small pink flowers 2-3 cm in diameter are collected in large pyramidal inflorescences.

Blooms profusely, continuously and continuously until frost.

World awards: certificate of the rose competition (Genoa, Italy, 1998), certificate of the rose competition (Geneva Switzerland, 1998).



Bentall, 1937

Amazing "hydrangea type" rose. The easiest to grow, blooming continuously until frost. In hot climates it can grow in partial shade. There are almost no thorns on the rose.

Height 120-150 cm, bush diameter 170 cm.

Soft pink simple flowers 3-5 cm in diameter appear on the rose in incredible quantities. In autumn the bush is covered with bright red fruits. The variety is excellent for wide borders, hedges, and as a container plant. This rose does not need to be pruned. She is good at her natural size.

Blooms profusely and continuously until frost.

A very frost-resistant and disease-resistant variety.


(Bouquet Parfait)

Lens, Belgium, 1989

Each inflorescence of this rose is a real fragrant bouquet!

Height 1.3-1.5 m, bush diameter 1.3 m.

The flowers are cream-pink with a yellow eye, spherical-rosette-shaped. Flower diameter 4-5 cm.

Blooms profusely and continuously.

A very frost-resistant and disease-resistant variety.



Lens, Belgium, 1998

A universal variety, well suited for mixed borders, hedges, and cutting! Very resistant to all weather conditions.

Height 1.2-1.5 m, bush diameter 1.5 m.

Very large clusters of simple flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm have a light aroma and last a very long time on the bush.

It blooms very profusely and for a long time.

Very winter hardy and very disease resistant.



Pemberton, UK, 1925

A beautiful, profusely blooming fragrant rose with double, slightly drooping flowers. Tolerates heat, shade and rain very well.

Height 1.5-2 m, bush diameter 2-2.5 m.

The bush is fountain-shaped. Double flowers of apricot-pink color with golden stamens. During the flowering period, 10-12 flowers appear on one peduncle at the same time.

Frost-resistant and disease resistant.

World awards: title of "Classic Scrub" of the American Rose Society AARS (1998-1013)



Pemberton, UK, 1928

One of best hybrids musky rose! A delightful and very fragrant rose with gracefully drooping flowers in pastel colors! Incredibly beautiful, tolerates hot summers well. Shade-tolerant.

Height 1.8-2.2 bush diameter 1.5 m

Semi-double flowers with a diameter of 5-7 cm have a rich musky aroma.

Blooms continuously and for a long time until frost.

Winter-hardy, disease resistant.

World awards: winner of the competition of the American Rose Society AARS (2000).



Lambert, 1937

Wonderful continuously blooming rose! It can easily be planted in fairly shady places.

Height 1.3-1.5 m, bush diameter 2 m.

Numerous deep pink flowers with a white eye, 3-4 cm in diameter, have a light, pleasant aroma.

Blooms profusely and continuously until late autumn.

A very frost-resistant and disease-resistant variety.



Pemberton, UK, 1924

One of the most famous and popular musk hybrids. Tolerates partial shade and poor soils. By autumn, the rose bears fruit of an unusual coral-pink color. Suitable for growing as a small climbing rose.

Height 1.8-2 m, bush diameter 2 m.

Quite large flat-cup-shaped double flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm have a rich musky aroma.

Blooms profusely and continuously until frost.

A very frost-resistant and disease-resistant variety.


(Robin Hood)

Pemberton, UK, 1927

One of the brightest musk roses that blooms until frost! Flowering bushes They look like crimson balls, since behind the numerous flowers the foliage is practically invisible. Tolerates partial shade.

Height 1.3-1.5 m, bush diameter 1.2 m.

Small crimson flowers with a diameter of 2-3 cm with bright yellow stamens appear on the bush in inflorescences of incredibly large sizes.

Very abundant and long-flowering variety.

A very frost-resistant and disease-resistant variety.



Lens, Belgium, 1997

A magnificent rose with a rich musky aroma. Tolerates rainy weather well.

Height 1.2 -1.5 m, bush diameter 1.5 m.

Flower simple, creamy white colors with a diameter of 5-7 cm has rich aroma musk rose.

Flowering is very abundant and continuous until late autumn.

Very frost-hardy and disease-resistant variety.


(Sally Holmes)

Holmes, UK, 1976

An incredibly beautiful and profusely blooming rose for hot climates. One of her "parents" is the most famous variety Ballerina. An excellent choice for hedges and solitaire planting.

Height 1.3-1.5 m, bush diameter 2 m.

Simple creamy honey flowers with bright yellow stamens, 7-8 cm in diameter, have a pleasant aroma.

Blooms very profusely continuously until frost.

A very frost-resistant and disease-resistant variety.

World awards: WFRS Hall of Fame 2012



Lens, Belgium, 1984

A bright rose that does not change color until the flower completely withers! The aroma is slightly reminiscent of juniper.

Height 1-1.2 m, bush diameter 1 m.

Small semi-double pink-lavender flowers with a white center with a diameter of 2-3 cm have a very rich aroma.

Blooms profusely and continuously until frost.

A very frost-resistant and disease-resistant variety.

World awards: bronze medal of the rose competition (Baden-Baden, Germany, 1984)



Lens, Belgium, 1996

Very hardy fragrant rose dazzling white with huge caps of small flowers, a bit like lilac inflorescences.

Height 1-1.2 m, bush diameter 1 m.

It blooms profusely and continuously along the entire length of the shoots.

A very frost-resistant and disease-resistant variety.



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