Beautiful house designs 1st floor. Projects of one-story houses

Have you already become the happy owner of a plot of land, but have not yet figured out what to build on it? After all, the choice is great: beautiful one-story houses, two-story cottages and even entire castles... Your eyes are simply wide open!

We invite you to get together and talk about one-story buildings. Let's look at various beautiful projects one-story houses and cottages, we will discuss their advantages and, of course, enjoy the colorful photo illustrations. We have been looking for them all over the world for you!

Modern one-story houses: pros and no cons

Perhaps a one-story house does not have many advantages over its tall counterparts. But they are very compelling:

  • Budget-friendly, because you won’t have to spend money on building a second or third floor. This will allow you not to skimp on the quality of building materials and the spectacular exterior design of the building. Agree, the external attractiveness of your “dream home” is no less important than its practicality and durability. The exquisite facade of a one-story private house will decorate the territory and be a source of your pride.
  • The layout of one-story buildings can be done without internal stairs (except those leading to the roof or attic). If there are children or elderly people in the family, you will be sure of their safety. No more difficult climbs, uncomfortable descents and no risk of traumatic falls!
  • Do you think that one-story buildings are too small and cramped? Not even big house It’s possible to make it quite roomy thanks to a well-designed project. Entrust its development to good specialists.

But before you run to the architect, try to imagine your Ideal Home. So, we admire the photo projects of modern one-story houses, analyze them, and make a choice.

Frame one-story houses - beautiful and economical

In Germany, Finland, Japan and the USA frame houses- recognized favorites of the public. They are confident leaders in the market of low-rise buildings. The basis of such a building is a frame made of wood or metal, sheathed on both sides decorative panels. Inside the walls, as a rule, are filled with insulation. That is why frame houses are considered the most energy efficient. In addition they:

  • quite light and do not require a powerful foundation;
  • built quickly;
  • are inexpensive.

But frame technology Not only is it profitable and convenient, it is also beautiful.

The layout of the house can be any, the design of the facades can be very diverse and aesthetically pleasing. Do you want a beautiful one-story house with large windows in a minimalist style? Please! An original "village" building with facades made of wooden lining? No problem! For lovers of the European Middle Ages - a classic of the frame genre: a charming house in the tradition of the German half-timbered style. For the modern and daring - a daring (and very expensive!) rethinking of the same traditions: a half-timbered house with walls made of durable glass.

A frame building can handle any incarnation!

Beautiful wooden one-story houses

Tree is our ancestral building material, natural and eco-friendly. Time-tested, covered in fairy tales and legends. Keeping living warmth. And this is not a metaphor, but physics. Just imagine: with the same thickness of walls for heating wooden house you need 4 times less energy resources than for brick heating.

So a house made of timber or logs is simply irreplaceable in climatic conditions north. And choose the design yourself. A wooden Russian hut will serve you faithfully, just as it served our ancestors for centuries. It will warm, protect and whisper a native fairy tale.

Romantics will be enchanted by rugged beauty alpine style chalet. It is shaped by powerful energy two natural materials- wood and natural stone. The main feature of a “shepherd’s hut” is its sloping roof, protruding far beyond the walls. In bad weather, it reliably protects the house from precipitation and strong winds.

The interior walls of a wooden house do not need additional finishing. It's beautiful, fashionable, environmentally friendly. Take note of a little trick from Finland. In traditional Finnish house An attic is allocated for the bedroom. They build it from coniferous species, usually from pine. Of course, without any plaster. Imagine how sweet it is to fall asleep under the arches of an amber tree, inhaling its beneficial resinous aroma!

Do you dream of something beautiful? wooden house, but the high cost deters natural material? We offer a compromise. Use wood siding as finishing. It looks quite decent and will significantly save your money.

Beautiful one-story brick houses

Brick houses are practical, reliable, and durable. And, importantly, they are more fireproof than wooden ones.

Brick allows you to create architectural wonders, forming columns, arches, original ledges and borders. Drawing brickwork mesmerizing. You can choose your ideal color from a variety of noble shades.

This universal building material will allow you to implement a project of any complexity. From a laconic house with large panoramic windows in a minimalist style to an elegant mansion in English taste. Take a look at the photo and see for yourself!

Projects of beautiful one-story houses - layout nuances

With attic

Make the most of your one-story home. No more dusty attics! The space under the roof is additional space for a bedroom, dressing room, nursery or study.

The peculiar geometry of the attic room is fraught with special charm. This is space for original design experiments. And the roof with those overlooking it skylights can become a real work of art.

In addition, the word “attic” emanates French charm and bohemianism. Imagine with what pleasure you will tell your friends: “We are building a house with an attic!”

With bay window

An architectural projection with windows - a bay window - was invented a very long time ago and for a purely utilitarian purpose. In a medieval fortress, it allowed archers to see the enemy better and aim at him more conveniently.

The wars of knights are a thing of the distant past, but the bay window still serves us. It increases the area of ​​the room and improves its illumination, which is especially valuable in northern latitudes.

In addition, the bay window has long been turned into elegant decoration facade. Having chosen the original design of a one-story house with a bay window, you probably will not regret it.

With terrace

If you want to enjoy life in a private home to the fullest, choose a project with a terrace. It will allow you to comfortably be on the fresh air, will protect from the burning sun or drizzling rain. The open terrace is a rest and relaxation area. It’s nice to sit here with a book or a cup of tea, inhaling the aromas of a blooming garden.

A one-story house with a terrace surrounding the entire perimeter of the building looks beautiful and unusual. But don't forget that even open terrace may darken the room. Therefore, its location needs to be carefully considered.

With garage

Nowadays, a car has become an integral part of life for many. Therefore, one-story houses are increasingly being designed with a built-in garage.

Such an extension saves not only the area of ​​the site, but also your money. After all, the walls and roof of the garage will be common with the main building. It is easier and cheaper to install heating and other communications here.

Make sure that the garage has direct access to the house. Then in bad weather you won’t have to run to your car in the rain.

The built-in garage has additional advantages. A gym, a workshop and even a sauna are often set up here.

With large windows

Panoramic French glazing looks very impressive both from the outside and from the outside. inside. Large windows give much more light and turn the surrounding landscape into part of the interior of the living space. When developing your project for a beautiful one-story house, you can arrange panoramic windows in any of the rooms: bedroom, living room, kitchen.

It is worth considering that a house with huge windows will be good in picturesque countryside spaces, where there are no other buildings nearby. In the city or small summer cottage neighboring houses are crowded so close to each other that you risk feeling like you are in an aquarium. To protect your privacy, you will have to live behind drawn curtains, and all the effect of the magnificent windows will be lost.

Flat roof

Modern one-story houses with a flat roof came to us from Western countries with a warm climate. This is a completely new attitude to space. The stylish, laconic design surprises with its versatility. After all flat roof turns into blooming garden or a green lawn, a sports ground, a recreation area - and even a swimming pool!

This is a delightful solution for small areas.

We hope our journey to beautiful world one-story houses was useful for you.

We are happy if this article gives you the dream of an Ideal Home. Because dreams come true!

Beautiful one-story houses, or what it is - perfect home updated: May 10, 2018 by: Kyiv Irina

07/06/2016 13:32:00 | website | 9231 views

“My home is my fortress” - this famous English proverb for several centuries has not lost its relevance. Having your own home for many citizens of our country over time becomes the main goal of life. And this is understandable - in most cases, isolated life is better than communal living in multi-storey buildings, even if we are talking about modern new buildings. One of the most available options construction of your own home becomes a one-story house, which is erected on a land plot for the appropriate purpose.

Architectural studio Shop-project offers services individual design cottages.

What is good about a one-story house?

  • such relatively light buildings do not exert serious loads on the foundation and soil, which allows us to talk about the durability of the foundation. Accordingly, the service life of all structures increases, and the absence of upper floors reduces the requirements for load-bearing walls;
  • communication systems in such houses have a simple topology, which significantly simplifies the task of design and installation;
  • There are no stairs in one-story houses. Therefore, if there are children or elderly people in the family, such a home can be safely called the best option;
  • costs for construction, and subsequently for repairs, of a one-story house will be significantly lower compared to a similar building with two or more floors

The construction of a one-story house, like any serious construction project, begins with a project. The design of one-story houses is carried out by architectural bureaus, whose specialists are ready to take into account, as far as possible, the basic wishes of the customer.

Basic components of construction projects

Any construction project can be divided into the following components:

  1. Draft design;
  2. Architectural section with visualization;
  3. Design section (drawings and diagrams of main structures),
  4. Engineering and communication systems (water supply, heating, sewerage, ventilation, electrical networks).
  5. General estimate with a list of all work and materials
You can read the design documentation, developed by architects and designers of the Shop-project studio.

What project developers take into account

  • results of geological surveys. Every land plot has individual characteristics that should be taken into account when choosing the type of foundation and layout of the basement (underground garage);
  • planned format of residence – year-round or seasonal;
  • house layout with proper placement of residential and non-residential premises. When designing a one-story house, this nuance is especially important, since in most cases the designer needs to avoid the presence of passage rooms;
  • location of toilets, bathrooms and kitchens with the most convenient accessibility;
  • communications topology developed taking into account the locations of supply and consumption;
  • the location of the boiler room, which is often located in a garage or basement (if there is one);
  • current regulations and standards, in which for one-story houses of a certain area the sizes of living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms and bathrooms are indicated, based on the number of residents

What to choose - a standard project or an individual design?

It is quite difficult to answer this question today, since the number of good standard designs for one-story houses is growing every day. It is clear that you can save money on a template option, but the vast majority of families with inflated demands prefer to order more expensive individual projects.

There is one important detail here - many design bureaus are ready to make the necessary adjustments and additions to standard projects, according to the wishes of customers. Therefore, in some cases it makes sense to adjust the standard project you like to your own preferences.

Those who love bright individuality in all aspects of life should understand that even the most talented architect, realizing all your ideas, will be guided by current standards and objective conditions of future construction. Therefore, the customer’s imagination in this case will be limited to a certain extent by technical and practical considerations.

When choosing standard projects it is necessary to define a list of specific criteria, which will significantly narrow and simplify the search. Such a list may include the area of ​​the house, approximate layout, number of rooms, type of roof, general style of the building and other characteristics.

Types of one-story buildings

1. A classic one-story house is a comfortable budget solution.

In this case, the project is developed for a one-story building with a total area of ​​60 to 80 square meters. meters. The interior spaces are a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms and a storage room. This one-story house is perfect for a family with one child or two small children. A simple layout in this case is a plus, since this topology simplifies communication schemes. The living room is combined with a kitchen like a studio apartment with the possibility of installing a fireplace.

Exit to the terrace from the living room can be equipped sliding doors With panoramic glazing. In good weather, a terrace with a canopy and a massive table will allow big company have lunch or dinner in the fresh air, bringing dishes directly from the kitchen. Classic gable roofing will provide long-lasting protection interior spaces from precipitation, reducing the cost of construction in general. Large windows will create the necessary light comfort in the living room and bedroom, and a spacious storage room will allow you to store various things as needed. This project successfully combines convenient practicality with absolute savings on the construction and operation of a compact structure.


2. A three-bedroom house - the obvious benefits of a well-thought-out layout

A family of four, even if two of them are children, will still require three bedrooms over time. Therefore, such a project will be especially in demand when ordering a home for a family with two teenagers or, as an option, with one child and three adult parents. The area of ​​such houses starts from 120-130 square meters. meters, allowing you to place three separate bedrooms with an entrance from a small common corridor.

In this case, the pantry is located next to open kitchen, and the bathroom is near the bedrooms at the end of the common corridor. The spacious living room can be equipped with a fireplace, and the spacious covered terrace can serve as an outdoor dining room for household members and guests. As a rule, such houses are equipped with a multi-pitched roof made of flexible or metal tiles. The key advantage is the three bedrooms located in a relatively small area. And one more interesting point– the living space in such a building can be increased by about 35-40 square meters. meters due to the arrangement of the attic in the attic.

3. Large house with two bedrooms and three bathrooms

The area of ​​one-story houses in this category starts from 160 square meters. meters, allowing you to conveniently distribute a spacious living room, a spacious storage room, two bedrooms with adjacent bathrooms, a kitchen-dining room and a hallway throughout the living space. The boiler room is located in a separate room adjacent to the corner bathroom. The kitchen opens directly onto the terrace, which can be used as a dining room.

This project rightfully belongs to the European options, in which the number of bathrooms is of particular importance. Special mention should be made of the spacious hallway, in which you can install a spacious wardrobe with all the ensuing advantages. As in the previous version, the attic, located under a multi-pitched roof, can be turned into another sleeping area.

4. Family house with a corner window – cozy comfort with a good mood

In this case, the designers managed to correctly place 110 square meters. meters there are three bedrooms and a living room combined with a kitchen. The most interesting architectural solution was corner window which provides maximum light flow into the kitchen. A spacious living room with a fireplace becomes the epicenter of the day area, and three cozy bedrooms with adjacent bathrooms clearly indicate a comfortable area for relaxation. Such a project can be safely considered as an American version, in which each room is highly functional and practical.

In spacious interior corridors, without loss of traffic, it is easy to install a wardrobe or a regular chest of drawers for storing clothes and shoes. A fairly large family can comfortably live in such a house, spending time together in the living room or on the terrace. In this case, each household member will have personal space, which is especially important if there are children. adolescence. The classic hip roof is made of metal tiles. The facade of the house can be decorated flower beds located under the window sills.

5. miniature house with a spacious covered terrace - maximum benefit with minimal dimensions

The total living area in this project is only 65 square meters. meter, while the impressive terrace with a roof occupies 30 “squares”. However, this house has three bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen combined with a living room.

This home is ideal for a seasonal holiday, but if desired, cozy home a small family from three people. The outdoor fireplace located on the terrace is ideal for preparing grilled dishes and classic barbecue. The terrace itself can be arranged according to the tastes and preferences of the owners. Typically this space is used as an outdoor dining room with a separate place to relax on hammocks and sun loungers.

6. A spacious one-story house with a garage for two cars - all together with comfort under one roof

Such a massive structure is being erected from aerated concrete blocks on a building site with an area of ​​about 190 square meters. meters. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two storage rooms, a living room connected to the kitchen and a spacious garage of 36 square meters. meters - all this determines a residential infrastructure that is convenient in all respects.

Such projects are chosen by wealthy business families who have a constant need for two cars. A competent layout ensures a pronounced comfort of living and moving around the rooms. The sleeping area is separated from the living room by a spacious corridor. This development is an excellent option for a respectable home for a modern family of three, each member of which claims a separate personal space.

And a little about the shortcomings....

  1. The construction of one-story houses is associated with high costs to create efficient and durable roofing systems. How larger area home, the larger and more expensive the roof - this fact should be taken into account both when designing and when planning budgets. It’s good if you can get by with a classic gable roof. But as practice shows, such a solution in most cases is not suitable for the construction of objects of this type.
  2. The presence of walk-through rooms reduces the comfort of living. If the project allows you to avoid such premises, then we are talking about interior corridors in which it is necessary to properly organize lighting. Sometimes walk-through rooms become the only solution to increase the number of living spaces, in particular bedrooms. The examples above are the most successful projects allow you to see how to avoid such situations.
If we are talking about a living space for three to four people with an area of ​​60 sq. m. meters up to 120 sq. meters, the optimal solution is definitely one-story houses. Today, it is these low-rise construction projects that make it possible to acquire your own comfortable home at a relatively low cost, which can be designed to suit the needs of the future owner.

When choosing a project to build a house, you should pay serious attention to the number of storeys. From the right choice directly depend very much important indicators future housing:

  1. cost-effectiveness in the construction and operation of a ready-made building
  2. functionality and comfort of the future home.

The main factor influencing the number of floors is the size of the site. A one-story house requires a fairly large plot. For small and narrow areas It is better to choose projects with several floors.

Advantages of one-story house projects

  • The most expensive part of construction is the foundation. For a one-story house, there is no need to design a reinforced foundation, as for houses with several floors. It would seem that the benefit is obvious. But the need to lay a foundation over a large area reduces this advantage to nothing.
  • But you can save significantly on the construction of walls. Due to the fact that they do not need to be reinforced to accommodate the additional load of the second floor, erecting walls for a one-story house will cost less.
  • In the project, 1 floor of the house is assumed simple circuits engineering systems. And, therefore, it is more economical than installing similar systems in a two- or three-story building.
  • One-story house, especially simple in shape, easier to build. In addition, maintenance and repair costs can also be significantly reduced.
  • The absence of stairs allows for more efficient use of living space. In addition, rooms located on the same level make everyday life easier, and are even preferable if there are small children or elderly people in the family.
  • Another plus in favor of the 1-story building project is psychological. In such houses a special feeling of unity of people is created. This is especially important if there are small children in the family.

Disadvantages of a one-story house project

There are few of them, but they exist. And it’s worth talking about them.

  • If a large house is being designed, then difficulties may arise with the so-called passage rooms - living spaces that can only be accessed through other rooms. And this affects the comfort of the home.
  • The design of a one-story house involves high costs when installing the roof due to its large area.

Let's sum it up

  • On a large plot it is more profitable to build a 1-floor house.
  • One-story project most economical for house areas up to 100 m2.
  • With a house area of ​​100 to 200 m2, the number of storeys of the house does not affect the cost of construction. Rather, it is a matter of your preference and taste.

Our company’s catalog of projects has enough options, for example, that will satisfy all the requirements that you have for modern housing.

Families with older people or small children usually want to buy a one-story house project. Often, for them, a staircase is not the most convenient solution in the house, therefore, if safety is the main priority for a family, a one-story house project is suitable for them.

Our specialists regularly create one-story houses (projects), photos, prices and characteristics of the completed work are presented on our website. When working on such a project, we try to rationally plan the interior space of the house in order to fully use its capabilities. We can create a project for a one-story house in which a large family will live quite comfortably. It should be noted that prices for one-story houses (projects) are lower than for larger buildings.

The low cost of such projects is explained by the reduction in the cost of calculating heating, water supply, other communications, stairs, etc. The fact that such buildings do not have a second floor greatly simplifies the work of architects and reduces the budget that can be spent on construction. Moreover, this saving will continue for the future, because while living in such a house, the family will pay for public utilities smaller funds. The time frame for completing the work is also reduced if you use projects of one-story cottages.

The peculiarity of creating a one-story house is that it can take up a little more space on the site, and it requires a larger foundation, since everything functional rooms will be placed on the same level. This is not entirely convenient if the customer owns small area land, or the soil in this place is relief.

All these nuances are carefully clarified by our specialists, who always visit the construction site before starting work on the project. They check not only the properties of the soil, but also the elevation changes, find out what the situation is in this area groundwater. This information is necessary to determine optimal solutions included in projects of one-story houses, construction prices.

One-story houses (projects and prices for which are presented on our website) are much more convenient than buildings with more floors, but have one minor drawback - the view from the window in such a house will be the same as the view from the porch. Despite the visual fusion with nature, you will not be able to admire the beautiful views of distant landscapes in such a house. Therefore, if you decide to order a project for a one-story house, carefully weigh the pros and cons again. Better yet, tell our specialists about your priorities and needs, and he will give you competent advice on the type of housing that will suit you perfectly.

Turnkey one-story houses: projects and prices

When choosing the number of floors of a house whose construction you are ready to begin, remember these truths:
1. The number of storeys of the house is direct relation to its functionality and zoning of premises;
2. The cost of construction and the amount of material costs for maintaining this building in the future depend on the number of floors.

The foundation in such a project is built larger in area, but not as powerful as in taller structures. It will have to withstand a relatively small load, so there is no point in spending money on a heavy-duty foundation. In this case, you can also save on the cost of the walls. They will be lower, and they also need less strength, since they will not have to withstand the upper floors and ceilings, but only the roof. All engineering communications, included in the project of a one-story house will be less branched, and, therefore, simpler and less expensive.

If you decide to buy a one-story house project, then you should pay attention to a few more features. Firstly, when designing a one-story house, it is almost impossible to avoid walk-through rooms. If the area of ​​the building is rather large, it will definitely have several rooms that can be entered not only from the corridor, but also from other rooms. Secondly, the cost of the roof will be significant, since its area will be quite large. If the overall budget is acceptable to you and the advantages that single-story house projects have are more important, then choosing them will be quite justified. The main question, as always, what is more important for the customer is the construction budget, beautiful view from the window, luxurious staircases and separate rooms or, conversely, space and comfort on one level.

It should be noted that turnkey one-story houses, the projects and prices of which you can find in our portfolio, do not always have a low cost. The customer will be able to save money if the square footage of the building is not planned to be too large. If its area is, for example, 500 sq. m., then the project of a one-story house will make the construction cost significantly higher than a building with several floors.

One of the important positive aspects that a well-planned finished project one-story cottage, is psychological factor. Psychologists say that living in such houses has a positive effect on relationships between family members. They feel unity, equality and show more patience and respect for each other than those who live in a split-level house. Such unity is especially important in cases where there are children in the family.

Contact us, and our specialists will help you choose and buy a one-story house project, find best option to build your own home. If the implementation will take place with the involvement of our construction department, then in the design department, with the help of design engineers and architects, we can make changes based on the wishes of the customer (but in accordance with building codes and rules). Thus, for many of our clients, we create truly the best and personally tailored one-story houses, designs and prices that fully meet their expectations.



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