How to choose a winter blanket rating. Which duvets are the warmest? How to choose a warm blanket

Most often, manufacturers of camel wool blankets produce similar models with minor changes and modifications. This lightweight, lightweight blanket is all-weather and a warm blanket.

What are the differences between them?

All blankets differ only in the density of the filler, which affects the thermal effect. Down-filled duvets differ in weight from wool-filled duvets because down is much lighter. But in terms of thermal effect, a blanket using camel down is superior to woolen ones, and besides, they are much more expensive.

Types of camel wool blankets and how to choose the right one

In order to choose the right camel wool blanket, you must first understand what types they are. Blankets of 2 types are made from camel wool - from closed wool and from open. An open blanket is made by weaving, a closed one is quilted. Previously, only open blankets were made, they enjoyed well-deserved popularity, but with the advent of new technologies, consumer preferences have changed.

Open models are thin, but heavy and coarse, the pile comes off, however, they are very warm. For this reason, they are very comfortable and well keep heat of a body of the sleeping person. Now closed blankets are made from camel wool, they are soft, light, with a variety of patterns. In order to choose the highest quality blanket, you need to pay attention to the presence of wool and fluff in it.

You also need to find out about the density level of the wool filler, what fabric is used for the wool cover, and also find out which country is the manufacturer. Young camels made from fluff are especially valued, because a blanket made from fluff is very soft and silky, unusually light, but retains heat well. Blankets made only from down are quite expensive. Much cheaper, but no less warm and durable blankets made of camel wool and down.

Wool and down are combined by thermal bonding, during which a homogeneous material is obtained, which replaces camel down. Synthetic fiber is usually used for bonding.

Review of the best manufacturers of camel blankets

Mongolian blankets made of camel wool are more popular. Since it is in Mongolia, according to traditional medicine, blankets made from camel hair are recommended for treatment. Now there are many different companies on the market for manufacturers of this product, but quality products tend to be expensive. Therefore, if you decide to buy a camel wool blanket, pay attention to the product label, the company that produces it and the place where the raw materials are collected.

Wool blanket from Mongolia (Gobi)

Blanket, made in Mongolia, made on the basis of camel wool, with a floral pattern, has long term use, more than 10 years, which is verified by medical research. Because camel hair is used in traditional medicine, then the blanket has healing properties. Reliably warms and relieves static tension of muscles and joints. Hygroscopic, because it is respected constant inflow fresh air A person sleeping under such a blanket does not sweat, and feels comfortable and comfortable.

Camel hair contains the largest amount of lanolin, which is beneficial for the skin, a small effect of tingling with villi acts as a kind of therapeutic massage, due to which blood circulation improves and swelling disappears. Packaged in a transparent zippered plastic bag.

Filled with camel down "Sahara"

Blankets made from camel wool deservedly enjoy great popularity among buyers. Since camel hair or down tend to relieve static tension from tired muscles and are not electrified. Lightweight, durable and thermally conductive, the blankets are also hygroscopic, which allows you to keep dry heat. With a slight overheating, sweat evaporates easily.

The price of the blanket corresponds to the quality of the product, since the filler is made of natural camel down, which is qualitatively different from other models of camel wool blankets. Since down is more valuable than wool. Quality combined with comfort are the main advantages of this product. Producer Russia, cover fabric 100% cotton.

Plaid Karakum Fleece from Dargez (Dargez)

Convenient and comfortable to use, the Karakum blanket, manufactured in Russia, is made from natural ecological raw materials - 100% camel down. Dyes were not used in the manufacturing process, it is made without dyeing and has a beautiful beige color. Blankets and blankets made of camel down perfectly retain body heat, the body relaxes and breathes during sleep. Irreplaceable and universal option for recreation, all season, suitable for both summer and winter. Pleasant to the touch, has a soft, silky texture, does not cause the effect of causticity, comfortable for the body, does not itch.

The therapeutic feature of camel hair enhances metabolic processes, relieves inflammation and, providing warming up of the body, helps in the treatment of pain in the joints and muscles. Camel down is hygroscopic and absorbs body moisture, leaving the most dry warmth, which is invaluable for colds. The edges of the plaid are processed with fabric finishing, good density of the product. Packed in a bag made of polymers, the sizes of the blankets are different - 100x140, 170x200, 140x200.

Lightweight version (Verossa)

The filler in the Verossa blanket is natural camel wool, which is why created effect dry heat, perfectly affects the relaxation of muscles and warming up the joints during sleep. Static tension is removed, the body completely relaxes and fully rests. The blanket maintains the temperature of the body, which is beneficial for the skin and protective functions of a person.

The size of the blanket is standard: 200x220, made using 100% cotton, the cover is not removable, geometric ornaments are used in the blanket. The model is all-weather, the density and weight of the filler is 300gr/m2. Washing and ironing is not recommended, dry cleaning is allowed. The model is sold in a standard plastic bag.

Quilted Baby Blanket by Billerbeck

Billerbeck baby camel wool quilt is made from combed camel wool. Billerbeck is a leading European manufacturer of bedding, blankets and pillows. The blanket was developed in joint medical research with scientists who deal with problems of orthopedics, healthy lifestyle life, sleep and rest.

The unique property of wool is the preservation of the body temperature of the sleeping person, the lightness and tenderness of the blanket, will protect your child's sleep. Camel wool has healing properties, normalizing blood circulation, soothing joint pain, thanks to this, sleep is strong and calm. The product has passed the Ukrmetrteststandard test, has a certificate of quality and compliance with sanitary and hygienic safety standards for your health.

  • Manufacturer: Billerbeck company - Germany - Ukraine
  • Blanket size and weight: 110x140 - 400 gr
  • Case material: 100% super soft, micro modal satin
  • White color
  • Cover type: quilted

How to wash a camel blanket in the washing machine

If you purchased a camel wool blanket, be sure to carefully read the rules for caring for it. Usually, the manufacturer on the tag indicates whether it can be washed, at what temperature, by what means, or only dry washing is allowed. If your blanket is made of natural camel wool, then wash it in washing machine Not recommended. Most often, dry cleaning is allowed. You can wash the blanket by hand, at a water temperature of no more than 30 degrees, for this you need to soak it for 15 minutes, then gently wring it out, do not twist it and dry it.

Drying is recommended in a horizontal form in a well-ventilated area. But now there are many washing machines with different modes, including a delicate mode. It is in this mode that you can wash the blanket. The water temperature is 30 degrees in a delicate mode and also with a delicate spin.

In our next article, we will tell you how to choose the right duvet filler. After all, your well-being and health will depend on the correct choice.

About which blankets are the warmest, customer reviews are very different. It is important to choose the right blanket and pillow, as they help a person to fully relax. In the morning it is important to wake up cheerful, fresh, in good mood rested. When choosing the warmest blankets, you should take into account the climatic features of your area, weather and also the time of year. The quality of the insulation of the apartment is also important. winter period of the year.

What factors influence the selection of a new blanket

In order to correctly assess which blankets are the warmest, you need to consider the following factors:

  • the degree of warmth (largely depends not only on the materials, but even on the bedding used, for example, under a cotton duvet cover it will be more comfortable than under a silk one);
  • size (have different variants: under one of them you can immerse yourself in an afternoon nap or just a little rest, and under the other it is more convenient to fully sleep at night);
  • composition or filler (there are a lot of options here, so you should take a closer look at each of them, in some cases acquiring several options at once).

The warmest blankets should keep a person at a constant temperature during sleep, despite the weather conditions. Regardless of which filler was chosen for the blanket: sheep or camel wool, silk, synthetics, soy fiber, bamboo, fluff, it is important that it has a thermoregulatory function.

By size, all blankets are usually divided into three main groups:

  • one and a half;
  • double;
  • eurosize.

It is difficult to say which blanket is the warmest of the one and a half models, as manufacturers offer sizes of 155 x 200 cm, 150 x 210 cm, 145 x 205 cm, 140 x 200 cm. The size is affected by the standard that applies in the manufacturing country. In Russia, a one and a half blanket is offered in the size of 145 x 205 cm. Double beds in the Russian standard - 175 x 205 cm.

How to determine the degree of warmth of a blanket

In order to understand which blankets are the warmest, you need to evaluate their warming capacity, that is, the degree of warmth. You can purchase warm, all-weather, lightweight, light summer blanket. Options with the same fillers may have varying degrees heat, this is affected by the amount of "warm substance" used.

The warmest blankets are downy. Next to them are those made of sheep's wool blankets, which have a more impressive weight, but they are less warm. If you are allergic to wool, you can buy eucalyptus or bamboo blankets instead, or opt for models made from synthetic fillers. Also, silk-based fabrics are not dangerous for people who are prone to allergies.

Choosing a blanket for a child

What blankets are the warmest and lightest, safest for children? It is desirable that for a child it be sewn from natural natural material, not causing allergies. Children who cannot tolerate wool, fluff of pets, who cannot wear woolen things, will not be able to sleep under sheep or. In addition to allergic reactions, such options can provoke Quincke's edema and cause bronchial asthma. For small children, blankets with modern synthetic fillers can be advised, they are easy to care for, ticks do not settle in them, and the risk to the child is minimal.

Synthetic-filled blankets are also suitable for preschoolers.

Older children who do not suffer from allergies can use the option with feather or camel filler.

How to choose for adults

What are the warmest and safest blankets for adults? Each person has their own preferences, which must be considered when choosing. In order to understand which blankets are the warmest, you can take a closer look at one of the following options before buying:

  • Bulky and light, they are comfortable to wrap up in bad weather. They can be with a synthetic filler, on a down or feather basis.
  • Compact and dense, made from natural materials (sheep or camel wool), suitable for people with problems with the joints and spine. For adults suffering from allergies, bamboo or soy blankets can be recommended.
  • Created from natural silk, they are not only pleasant for the body, they relieve static stress that accumulates overnight.

About manufacturing methods

The mechanical method of manufacturing involves the division of blankets into three groups: cassette, quilted, and also karostep. They have a minimum cost. They consist of several sections. The filler that is used in such blankets is wrinkled and rolled inside, so they lose their positive characteristics and shape. Among such blankets, one can note wadded and downy quilted blankets. Karostep is a blanket that has a line on the surface, made in a variant of the pattern. As a result, even without a duvet cover, it looks very stylish and beautiful.

Among those parameters that are important to consider when choosing a new blanket, you need to name the material and size of the blanket. should match the width of your bed or be slightly larger than it. What is the warmest blanket made of? Let's try to figure it out.

The main characteristics of the duvet

So, what is the warmest blanket made of? Of course, the most popular option for natural filler is the feather and down of any waterfowl. Such a filler gives airiness, lightness, elasticity. Down provides full air circulation, besides, it has excellent heat-conducting properties. Among the shortcomings of duvets, it is necessary to highlight the absorbency of moisture, so they gradually become damp. This blanket contains at least 10% down, therefore elastic and voluminous.

Some manufacturers add a coarse pen to the composition, which may cause certain inconveniences. It is advisable to purchase such a duvet, which contains 40% feather and 60% down. Washing is then performed at a temperature of more than 60 degrees, drying - in a straightened form, it is advisable to ventilate it in the fresh air.

The main characteristics of silk filler

The lightest and warmest blanket at present is silk. The material has excellent antibacterial characteristics, has a long service life. Among the disadvantages of this silk filler is the high cost.

Advantages and disadvantages of wool filler

Thinking about which blanket is the warmest, many buyers opt for natural wool products. This material perfectly keeps heat, has the long operational period, insignificant weight.

Bamboo duvet filler

Bamboo fiber is a natural, environmentally friendly material with excellent antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Such blankets have a reasonable cost, they are similar in their characteristics to natural silk.

Summing up

So, answering the question of which blankets are the warmest, after reading the reviews, it can be noted that the choice is an individual event, which depends on the personal preferences of the person, his state of health, and material wealth. When choosing, you need to take into account the time of year in which you plan to use the blanket, climatic conditions, humidity of the room, as well as the age of the person who will use it.

Literally a few decades ago, during a time of total shortage, camel wool blankets could not be bought on the free market, many kilometers of queues stood behind them, they were bought by appointment and even inherited.

Now everything is much simpler: on the Internet there are a sufficient number of sites where you can purchase the necessary bed dress any price category, but it is better to contact the manufacturer - this is a guarantee of high quality and wide choice products.

Camel wool blankets - pros and cons

  • Camel wool blankets have a number of peremptory advantages that enable them to take a leading position in an extensive family of bedding:
  • Wear resistance and long service life. The service life is about 15 years, although in practice the blanket successfully copes with its duties without loss of aesthetic characteristics for at least 25-30 years, subject to proper care.
  • Lightweight and antistatic properties. Natural camel wool does not accumulate static electricity. Its weight with the same volume is two times less than bird fluff.
  • High hygroscopicity. Camel wool perfectly absorbs moisture without retaining it.
  • Good thermal conductivity. Wool perfectly retains heat; in terms of thermal insulation characteristics, it is only slightly inferior to bird down.
  • Therapeutic action. Lanolin, which is found in large quantities in camel hair, remains in it even after multi-stage processing. Animal wax renders positive impact on the health of the human body.
  • Elasticity. Woolen blankets and plaids, even after numerous washes, do not lose their original shape.

With a lot of advantages, such bedding also has disadvantages. These include the following:

Natural fibers can cause allergies, but it is possible to minimize the risk of allergic reactions. You just need to regularly ventilate the product and periodically (once a year) take it to dry cleaning.

High price. Samples made using natural camel wool cannot be cheap.

Before a wide range advantages, disadvantages of products are simply lost.

How to choose the right camel wool blanket?

Key points to pay attention to in the selection process ideal option for yourself or your family are multifaceted:

  • First you need to decide on the optimal type. There are only two of them: a product with an open pile or a closed pile (quilted blanket). The second option, due to the soft texture of the cover and the variety of colors and styles, is the most preferable. Hard textured wool pile will not create discomfort during use.
  • Case material. This parameter must be paid attention to if you choose a quilted pattern. The cover must be made of natural densely woven fabric with a uniform color.

  • The density of the product is an important criterion. A thinner one will give life-giving coolness in summer, and a denser one will perfectly warm in winter and in the off-season.
  • Product quality. Before you buy a blanket, carefully inspect it from all sides. The edges should be neatly finished and the texture of the filler should be uniform.

It is possible that our tips will help you choose the perfect option for yourself.

Healthy and comfortable sleep is the key to a wonderful mood and a fruitful day. That is why it is very important to choose the right blanket that will create an atmosphere of comfort and allow you to relax while relaxing.

Modern textile companies produce such a wide variety of bedding that it is very difficult for an untrained buyer to make right choice. Blankets, thick and thin, winter and summer, with natural and synthetic insulation filled the store shelves. In order not to get lost in this abundance and buy a really convenient and high-quality product, you should pay attention to several important details.

Product size

Difficulty of choice

The blanket should be comfortable and warm, but if it is short or, on the contrary, hangs down to the floor, it will become uncomfortable to sleep under it. Before buying, you should know exactly the length and width of the product based on the size of the bed and individual wishes.

All blankets produced at textile enterprises, depending on the size, are divided into several groups.

  • Baby. They have dimensions of 110x140 m; 100x135 m.
  • Single and one and a half. Standard Width products 140-160 cm, length 205-215 cm. European-made sets are marked 1-bed, 1.5-bed. The best option for people who are accustomed to sleep alone, or teenagers.
  • Double rooms. Products usually have a length of 200-220 cm and a width of 172-200 cm. Imported products are labeled 2-bed. Double duvet is suitable for couples and large people.
  • Euro. For those who prefer long and wide beds, you should opt for blankets of large sizes - 220x240 cm.

The mass of a blanket is of great importance for a comfortable sleep, especially if a person suffers from lung diseases or of cardio-vascular system. Bedding filled with sheep and or batting is considered heavy. Lightweight includes all synthetic fillers, as well as products with eiderdown and goose down.


natural materials can cause allergies

Many people seek to surround themselves natural materials, not suspecting that they are capable of causing an allergic reaction. If a person has a tendency to this disease, then products with natural fillers are contraindicated for him.

When in contact with wool or down, allergy sufferers experience skin irritation, endless sneezing and coughing. In addition, exacerbation can be caused by dust mites, which live and multiply perfectly in materials of natural origin.

Sewing method

When choosing a blanket with filler, you need to pay attention to the method of its distribution and tailoring of the product. If the sections in which the insulation is located have too big sizes, then the fiber will quickly clump. As a result, the product will not only lose its aesthetic appearance, but will also retain heat worse.

Comic criteria for choosing a blanket

There are several ways to sew.

  • Quilt blanket. By using sewing equipment lay parallel seams. This method is considered the most poor quality, since there are too large spaces between the stitches. Over time, the insulation is collected along the seams, and the product loses its original qualities.
  • cassette method. Textiles are sewn in such a way that square sections are formed. small sizes, for example, 10x10 or 15x15 cm. The insulation is firmly held in one place without moving outside the square.
  • Karostep. The stitch forms a pattern with small cells various forms and sizes. In such blankets, the beauty of the figured surface is combined with the quality and durability of the product.

Blankets for winter

Of course, it must be dense and warm, capable of warming even with insufficient heating. Here are a few models that have all the qualities of a winter blanket.

  • Fluff. The filler from the down of waterfowl: eiders, ducks, goose is often used to make blankets. Such products are unusually light and soft, perfectly retain heat, freely "breathe" and absorb water. One of the advantages of down products is ease of care. It is enough to dry the product in the sun once a year, and then ventilate it, and it will become like new. The disadvantage is the high cost and the possibility of an allergy to fluff.
  • Wool. There are two types of woolen blanket: in the form of a woven blanket and as textiles with filler. A thin blanket can be used at any time of the year, while a filled blanket, thicker and warmer, is preferable in winter. Wool fibers have high thermal conductivity, breathability and hygroscopicity, therefore, under wool blanket creates a favorable microclimate for recreation. In addition, it is noticed that wool has a healing effect on the joints.
  • Cotton wool. Cotton-filled blankets, wadded in a different way, are familiar to everyone since childhood. They perfectly retain heat and absorb moisture. Under such a blanket it is impossible to freeze even in severe frosts. However, the cotton filler has many disadvantages, the main of which is a lot of weight. In addition, cotton wool almost does not conduct air and quickly clumps into clods. Caring for products with cotton filling is also very difficult, since they cannot be washed.
  • polyester fibre. Blankets with synthetic fillers (sintepuh,) are suitable for people with allergies. They are easy to care for, durable and quickly restore their original appearance after deformation. Polyester fibers do not absorb foreign odors and do not contribute to the growth of microorganisms. Light and warm blankets made of synthetic fibers today are in no way inferior to products with natural fillers.

Summer blankets

As summer products, thin and light bedding is chosen that can maintain a microclimate and remove moisture. Products from the following materials can easily cope with these tasks.

  • . A thin, woven cotton blanket is incredibly comfortable on sweltering summer nights. It perfectly "breathes", absorbs sweat and water and keeps you cool during sleep. Cotton products do not cause allergies, adults and children can use them. It is also important that they do not require special care, they are easily washed by hand and in washing machine at high temperatures.
  • Bamboo. Bamboo fibers, hygroscopic and hypoallergenic, among other advantages, have an antimicrobial effect. Scientists suggest that more than 80% of bacteria spontaneously die on the surface of bamboo products. Bamboo-filled duvet is lightweight, easy to wash and dries quickly.
  • . Silk-filled quilts are more of a luxury item than a daily use. There is only one drawback of this textile - the significant cost of the product. The high thermoregulation of silk, combined with hygroscopicity, makes textiles from this material the best option during the warm season.

How to be a new blanket depends on the preferences and capabilities of the buyer, and not always a high price is an indicator of the quality and comfort of the product.



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