Agrochemical examination and monitoring of soil fertility in the Dubovskoe agricultural complex, Shpakovsky district. Agrochemical examination of soils and its role in nutrition diagnostics Agrochemical examination of soils

Large-scale agrochemical examination of soils is carried out by agrochemical service centers located in each region. The frequency of inspection depends on the intensity of use of fertilizers and ameliorants. Thus, at variety plots, in experimental farms of research institutes, and on reclaimed lands, agrochemical examinations are carried out every 3 years. In farms where NPK saturation is more than 180 kg/ha - after 4 years. With a low level of fertilizer use - after 5-7 years. When conducting agrochemical examination, any enterprise, agricultural land is divided into plots. An elementary area is an area that can be characterized by a single mixed pattern.

In samples taken from soil plots, indicators are determined that make it possible to assess the level of soil fertility (pH, G, K, P, microelements) and the environmental safety of land (Me heavy content, pesticide residues, radionuclides). The survey results are issued in the form of agrochemical cartograms with an explanatory note and field passports with a diagram of certified areas.

An agrochemical cartogram is a map of a farm with plotted contours that determine the characteristics of soils in relation to agrochemical indicators. The basis for compiling cartograms are standard groupings, established classes (groups of soils according to the degree of acidity, humus content, mobile forms of nutrients, etc.) Each class corresponds to a specific color, in which the highlighted contours are painted. The scale of agrochemical cartograms is equal to the scale of soil maps: in the non-chernozem zone 1:10000; in the steppe zone 1:25000.

The explanatory note contains an analysis of changes in agrochemical indicators for the period between the last 2 studies, as well as recommendations for reclamation measures and the use of fertilizers.

The field passport is issued in electronic form, contains data on the natural-economic and soil-agrochemical state of the site. The field passport contains three parts: targeted, soil-agrochemical, and operational. The address part indicates: region, district of the enterprise, type of land and crop rotation, field number and its area. In soil-agrochemical: soil type and GS, pH, G, content of mobile forms of nutrients. The operational part contains information about the use of fertilizers and ameliorants, crops cultivated in a given area and their yield. Electronic versions of field passports expand the possibility of statistical processing of agrochemical survey results. For example, using a computer, you can extract data on the content of nutrients in a specific type of soil or generalize the results for several enterprises.

An agrochemical cartogram is a map on which, in various colors or shading, it is shown how the arable layer of soil is provided with nutrients (usually phosphorus, potassium, less often nitrogen and microelements), as well as its acidity or alkalinity. To compile agrochemical cartograms of an agricultural or farm enterprise, an agronomic survey of soils is carried out. Crop rotation fields are divided into sections (2-5 hectares) that are uniform in soil, topography, and fertilizers applied in the past. Several soil samples are taken from each site to form a mixed sample weighing about 1 kg. The soil is analyzed, i.e., the content of phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, and its acidity are determined. The contours of the plots are drawn on the farm map. Areas with the same content nutrients or similar acidity are painted over with the same color. Usually several agrochemical cartograms are compiled. On one you can see the supply of soil with phosphorus (cartogram of the need for phosphorus fertilizers), on the second - with potassium (cartogram of the need for potash fertilizers), on the third - acidity and salinity of the soil (cartogram of the need for liming or gypsum). Agrochemical cartograms are very visual. They show which soil in a plot or field is poor in phosphorus, and where lime should be applied first in order to eliminate soil acidity that is harmful to agricultural plants. Having agrochemical cartograms, it is possible to calculate the doses of fertilizers for individual crops and the overall need of the farm (district, region and even country) for fertilizers and chemical ameliorants (lime, gypsum, etc.).

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Coursework on the topic:

“Agrochemical examination and monitoring of soil fertility in the Dubovskoye agricultural production complex of the Shpakovsky district”


1. Monitoring soil fertility indicators in connection with long-term agricultural use

1.2 Influence of mineral and organic fertilizers and other methods of mobilizing fertility for agrochemical soil indicators

2. Conducting a comprehensive agrochemical survey of agricultural soils

2.1 Goals and frequency of comprehensive agrochemical soil survey

2.2 Planning and organization of work, desk preparation of a cartographic basis for conducting an agrochemical survey of soils


The main condition for the stable development of the Russian agro-industrial complex is the preservation, reproduction, and rational use of the fertility of agricultural lands. Currently, in many farms in the country, the rate of soil degradation has sharply increased, which is associated with a lack of funds invested in production. Similar problems arise when conducting agrochemical monitoring of land fertility, which is systematically carried out by the Agrochemical Center of district or regional significance. In our country, such research has been conducted since 1964.

Since July 16, 1998, the Russian Federation Law “On State Regulation of Ensuring the Fertility of Agricultural Lands” has been in force.

The main direction for the practical implementation of this law is agrochemical maintenance of agricultural lands. Agrochemical survey helps provide agricultural producers with comprehensive agrochemical information, helps to correctly and rationally conduct activities to develop agrochemical and land reclamation technologies for scientific research in the field of ensuring land fertility.

Agrochemical inspection is carried out on all types of agricultural land, and is also carried out by experts in soil certification of land plots, specialists from departments of soil-agrochemical surveys, state, republican, regional and regional centers of agrochemical service. During agrochemical examination, the content of humus, macroelements, microelements, heavy metals and radionuclides is determined in soils

Systematic use of organic and mineral fertilizers accompanied by changes in the physical and chemical properties of soils.

Physico-chemical properties of soils in addition to the direct effect on the crop cultivated plants have a significant impact on the nutritional regime of soils, their biological activity, determine the nature of the transformation of fertilizers applied to the soil in the arable horizon, and under conditions of leaching water regime they determine the possibility of movement of certain compounds into deeper layers of the soil.

Control over agrochemical inspection is carried out by the Central Research Institute of Agrochemical Inspection.

Land surveys were previously carried out for the purpose of a general assessment of soil fertility during land reclamation. However, when assessing the effectiveness of the use of fertilizers, their insufficient cumulative effect on the yield and quality of products was explained by the poor level of literacy in their use, and the agrochemical state of the soil was not taken into account. Agrochemical examination must be carried out through a certain amount years depending on the conditions of use of agricultural land.

Agrochemical examination in modern conditions farming is a necessary measure to allow control over the preservation and reproduction of soil fertility.

fertilizer soil agrochemical cartogram

1. Monitoring soil fertility indicators in connection with

long-term agricultural use

1.1 General information about the farm

SEC "Dubovskoe" is located in the north-eastern part of the Shpakovsky district of the Stavropol Territory. It was organized in 1965 as a result of the disintegration of the Pelagiadsky state farm. In 1977, a new disaggregation of the state farm took place, as a result of which the Verkhnedubovsky and Dubovsky state farms were formed within the existing boundaries.

Direction economic activity SEC grain and livestock farming. The crop growing industry is represented by:

field farming (production of grain and industrial crops):

feed production;

vegetable growing;

gardening and viticulture.

Livestock industry:

poultry farming

sheep farming

dairy and beef cattle breeding.

The central estate of the farm is located in the village of Dubovka, located 22 km from the regional center of Mikhailovsk and 35 km from the regional center of Stavropol.

Land use consists of one massif with an area of ​​17646.5 hectares.

Farm soils are represented by:

1. Chernozems:

1.1Ordinary ordinary chernozems

Area: 4293 hectares. They are found in the northwest and south of farms on the plain, gentle and sloping slopes and on the tops of ridges.

1.2Ordinary carbonate chernozems

Area - 5543 hectares. Ordinary carbonate chernozems are the most common soils on the farm. They formed almost throughout the entire territory of the SPKk, lie on the plain, ridge-like elevations, sloping and gentle slopes and therefore represent large number varieties, they are often divided into 2 subgroups:

a) not eroded

b) eroded

1.3 Ordinary deep-boiling chernozems

Area: 329 hectares. These soils are not widely used on the farm territory. Occurs in higher areas of the farm in the northern and central parts in single massifs

2. Meadow - solonchak

Area - 691 hectares. They occur in the floodplains of the Razvilka and Kizilovka rivers and the Sukhoi stream.

3. Alluvial meadow slightly saline soils.

Area: 435 hectares. They lie in the floodplains of the Razvilka and Kizilovka rivers. A characteristic feature of the chernozems of the farm is the low content of humus, but its significant penetration along the profile into depth.

In 1969, the SPK had the following composition of agricultural land (Table 1).

Table 1 - composition and structure of land in the Dubovskoye agricultural production complex for 2007


Total land area

incl. agricultural land of which:



perennial planting

Sown area, incl.

Cereals incl.

lake wheat

lake barley


Technical incl.


Feed products, incl.

corn for silage

annual herbs

perennial herbs

pure couples

It should be noted that the largest territory of the farm is occupied by arable land (75.1%). Pastures 15.1%.

It is advisable to cultivate winter and spring crops on the farm territory. Also, a large sown area is occupied by forage crops, 19.02% or 1689 hectares.

1.2 The influence of mineral and organic fertilizers and others

ways to mobilize fertility on agrochemical soil indicators

Soil fertility is the ability of the soil to satisfy the needs of plants for nutrients, moisture and air, as well as to provide conditions for their normal life.

Soil is the source of material well-being for humanity, the greatest gift of nature. Therefore, the protection and reproduction of soil fertility is the fundamental basis of highly productive agriculture and obtaining high yields. An important indicator of high soil fertility is the presence of a sufficient supply of macro- and microelements necessary for plants, which are in a form accessible to plants (Mineev, 2004).

The main indicators of soil fertility include the following:

Agrochemical - humus content, soil solution reaction, state of the soil absorption complex (the amount of absorbed or exchangeable bases, hydrological and exchangeable acidity, cation exchange capacity). The degree of base saturation, gross content and mobile forms of macro- and microelements necessary for plant nutrition.

Agrophysical - granulometric composition, structural state, bulk density, total porosity, water, air and thermal properties and soil regimes.

Biological - total number microorganisms, their species and group composition, enzymatic activity, nitrifying, denitrifying and nitrogen-fixing activities of the soil, intensity of cellulose decomposition in the soil, intensity of CO2 release.

Environmental - content in the soil of substances and elements of pollutants (heavy metals, residual amounts of pesticides, etc.), pathogenic microflora, etc.

It is known that the lack of even one nutrient significantly restrains the growth of productivity, so strict control over the content of nutrients in the soil and their consumption by plants is necessary. Unfortunately, there are no deep scientific developments on the accumulation and migration of nutrients in the soil as a result of complex agrochemical cultivation of fields, developments on the use of high doses liquid fertilizers, industrial waste, etc.

In the 90s, there was a sharp decrease in the use of fertilizers in Russia - 9-10 times. As a result, the humus content decreased, soil acidity increased, and the balance of nutrients became negative. Without the use of fertilizers, soil fertility quickly decreases and, as a result, yields sharply decrease (B.A. Yagodin, 2002).

Among the factors contributing to the degradation of fertility, the most significant are the following: erosion, gouging, dehumification, acidification, alkalization and salinization, pollution and biochemical pollution. Anthropogenic activity has a significant impact on the course of the soil-forming process and the formation of soil fertility. Under anthropogenic influence, soil fertility increases or noticeably decreases from the original as a result of ignoring known techniques aimed at preserving it. The systematic use of organic and mineral fertilizers is accompanied by changes in the physical and chemical properties of soils.

The physicochemical properties of soils, in addition to their direct effect on the yield of cultivated plants, have a significant impact on the nutritional regime of soils, their biological activity, and determine the nature of the transformation of fertilizers applied to the soil in the arable horizon. Long-term application of manure, as a rule, increases the amount of organic matter and absorption capacity of soils, reduces metabolic and hydrolytic acidity and increases the degree of soil saturation with bases, i.e. improves physical and chemical properties soil

Long-term use of mineral fertilizers deteriorates soil properties. This is explained by the absorption of cations included in fertilizers by the soil and the acidification of the reaction of the soil solution as a result of the displacement of hydrogen and aluminum from the absorbing complex, as well as the physiological acidity of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers. With the correct application of mineral fertilizers, soil acidity not only does not increase, but in some cases it even decreases.

Long-term use of organic and mineral fertilizers increases the total carbon content and enriches the soil with mobile nitrogen available to plants. With the systematic application of fertilizers, the gross content of phosphorus, the supply of its mobile compounds increase, and the mobility of phosphorus increases.

Thus, an optimal soil nutritional regime can be created only with the correct combined use of organic and mineral fertilizers.

1.3 Dynamics of soil fertility in the Dubovskoye agricultural production complex

According to the natural and agricultural zoning of the land fund of the USSR, the territory of the economy belongs to the steppe and forest-steppe province.

Land use of the Dubovskoye agricultural complex is located in the fifth agroclimatic region, characterized by a moderately humid climate. The soil cover is represented mainly by ordinary chernozems, and a subordinate position is occupied by meadow and alluvial meadow soils. The lands are characterized by medium loamy and heavy loamy granulometric composition.

Table 2 - comparative characteristics the last two cycles of soil-agrochemical survey of the farm’s arable land

Grouping soils by nutrient content

area, ha

area, ha

Mobile phosphorus (P2O5)

Exchangeable potassium (K2O)

2. Conducting a comprehensive agrochemical survey of soils

agricultural land

2.1 Goals and frequency of integrated agrochemical

soil surveys

A comprehensive agrochemical survey of soils on agricultural land is carried out with the aim of monitoring the direction and assessing changes in soil fertility, the nature and level of their pollution under the influence of anthropogenic factors, creating data banks of fields (working areas), and conducting complete certification of land (working) soil areas.

To compile agrochemical maps, cartograms and field passports, to develop recommendations for determining optimal doses of fertilizers for cultivated crops, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive agrochemical survey.

The content of mobile forms of nutrients, soil reaction, the composition of absorbed cations, and the degree of saturation with bases change much faster, especially under the influence of ameliorants and fertilizers. Therefore, agrochemical examination of soils according to these indicators must be carried out after certain periods (1, 3, 5, 7 years or more), which are shorter, the higher the saturation of crops with mineral and organic fertilizers and ameliorants.

Large-scale agrochemical surveys and soil mapping are carried out by the design and survey centers and chemicalization stations of the Agrochemical Service available in each region, territory and district of the Russian Federation at the request of farms, farmers and other land users. Along with agrochemical maps (passports) of the results of regular surveys, land users also receive recommendations on the rational use of fertilizers and ameliorants for cultivated crops, developed by specialists from centers and stations based on the results of the latest survey. Recommendations for the use of fertilizers received by the land user from centers and stations must necessarily be clarified taking into account the specific conditions of each field, the type and yield of predecessors, specific agricultural practices, crop varieties, meteorological conditions of the year, economic opportunities and market conditions.

The results of the agrochemical survey are used in the development of technologies, recommendations and design and estimate documentation for the use of chemicalization agents, as well as in the scientifically based determination of the need and distribution of mineral fertilizers at all levels of agricultural production management, in the certification of land plots and soils, and in the cadastral valuation of land.

2.2 Planning and organization of work, desk training

cartographic basis for carrying out agrochemical

soil surveys

The work plan determines the annual volume of soil areas subject to inspection by type of land, the number of agrochemical, toxicological and radiological analyzes by type, indicating the methods for their implementation. The order of work execution is established by administrative districts. An agrochemical survey of soils in an administrative district should be carried out in one field season.

Soil surveys are carried out in accordance with work plans agreed upon with regional agricultural production management bodies, as well as with the heads of farms, collective farms, cooperatives and other forms of ownership.

The cartographic basis for conducting a comprehensive agrochemical survey is the plan of on-farm land management of the land use territory with the boundaries of soil contours and the boundaries of working areas marked on them, allocated during land assessment work by specialists from StavNIIgiprozem.

The work on preparing cartographic materials consists of the following stages:

Receiving land management plans, soil maps, cadastral maps, on-farm land assessment maps from the departments of land use, land management and soil protection, agricultural production departments;

Transferring the boundaries of soil types, subtypes, land plots and their cadastral numbers to land management plans;

Drawing up a statement of comparison of the numbering of land plots adopted in practical work GCAS (GSAC), with a single cadastral numbering, currently adopted.

In the foothill, forest-steppe and steppe zones, mountain areas, field agrotechnical survey is carried out on a scale of 1: 10,000 and 1: 25,000, in the semi-desert zone - on a scale of 1: 25,000. On irrigated lands, the survey is carried out on a scale of 1: 5,000 - 1: 10,000.

A soil scientist-agrochemist collects information on the use of fertilizers, land reclamation, and crop yields over the past 3-5 years and enters them into the journal of agrochemical soil examination.

After conducting an agrochemical examination on the farm, the following documents are drawn up:

The act of acceptance of work on field agrochemical examination of soils is drawn up by the soil scientist-agrochemist who conducted the agrochemical examination of soils, and is signed by the head of the enterprise or the chief agronomist. Signatures are certified by seals.

A work order report is drawn up by a soil scientist-agronomist for all types of work carried out on the farm, with a mandatory indication of the technical days spent on completion individual species work related to the survey. The work report is approved by the head of the soil and agrochemical research department.

The acceptance certificate is filled out by a soil scientist-agrochemist in two copies.

2.3 Rules for collecting soil samples

Taking soil samples in the field is a very important part of the work on compiling agrochemical cartograms. If proper sampling is not ensured, subsequent soil analyzes will be greatly undermined.

Mass analysis data is distributed over a certain area. Therefore, the soil sample must be typical for the entire arable layer of the characterized area, or at least its predominant part.

Given the heterogeneity of the territory, it is customary to take mixed samples. They are made up of “individual” samples taken at different points of the study area.

Soil samples are taken over a period of 1.5-2 months in the spring, and 1.5-2 months in the fall. Samples are taken with a drill to the depth of the arable layer or deeper. A mixed sample is made up of 5-10 individual soil samples taken evenly over the entire area of ​​a plot ranging in size from 5 to 10 hectares.

The most common method is to take samples along a route line running along the axis of the site. The fields are divided into rectangles. A route line (course) is laid in the middle of each rectangle, at the beginning and end of which two-dimensional markers are placed.

The stroke is divided into parts equal to the length of the side of the elementary section, by the number of individual samples, from which one mixed sample is made. When taking samples, entries are made in a diary about the condition of the crops and the characteristics of the soil cover.

The sample is supplied with a label indicating the sample number, the depth at which it was taken, the name of the collective farm, crop rotation and field number, the crop, the date of collection and the name of the person who took the sample.

3. Compilation of agrochemical essays

3.1 Registration of agrochemical cartograms

Agrochemical cartograms are compiled for all types of agricultural land use for all indicators determined during an agrochemical survey of soils.

During an agrochemical examination, the content of humus, available phosphorus and potassium, and pH are determined. Based on the results of the analysis, cartograms of humus, the reaction of the soil environment and the provision of soil with available phosphorus and potassium are compiled.

The main documents for compiling agrochemical cartograms are a field statement, analytical statements and a working field copy of the on-farm land management plan with plotted soil contours, as well as the boundaries of all land plots.

Soil groups or classes


soil density


Soil acidity

Soil phosphorus supply

Soil potassium supply

very low

dark red


light yellow


turquoise blue




light blue

light orange


very high

dark blue

dark brown

Using a color scale, you can easily and accurately determine the soil group or class, as well as the soil’s supply of potassium, phosphorus, humus content and soil acidity.

Research has shown that for different types soils (chernozems, chestnut soils, etc.), it is impossible to use any single method for determining available phosphorus and potassium and create a single scale for dividing soils according to their content. Depending on the characteristics of the soil, methods for determining plant nutrition elements should be differentiated. The design of cartograms consists of the following work:

Preparation of copies of the plan (for cartograms of the reaction of the soil environment, humus content and the supply of soil with phosphorus and potassium).

Drawing a grid (elementary plots) on a copy of the land use plan (numbering with a simple black pencil and highlighting the soil contours with a thick line in black ink).

Inscribing the results of the analysis in the center of each (elementary section on the plan) with a simple black pencil. These figures (by class) are transferred to the plan from the free analysis table.

Tracing contours (elementary areas) with colored pencils or shading them.

Painting or shading adjacent areas with similar indicators that coincide with the boundaries of the supply of nutrients, humus content, and pH.

Agrochemical cartograms are drawn on thick paper, or blue, glued to gauze. At the top of each cartogram its name is given, at the bottom there are explanations with symbols. In the bottom right corner, indicate the date of compilation and put the signature of the researcher. The cartogram is made for 4-6 years.

Soil reaction cartogram (pH)

A cartogram is compiled for each farm. It shows the contours of soils, varying in degree of alkalinity and acidity. When compiling cartograms, using the pH values ​​marked on the land use plan, draw the boundaries of the areas and indicate the group number according to the legend (Table 7).

The explication of the cartogram for the reaction of the soil solution should contain: group number, coloring, degree of acidity, pH value and area of ​​soils of varying pH degrees by groups and lands: arable land, fallow land and pastures.

The pH value is inscribed on the map at the center of the elementary plots to which the numbers of the mixed soil samples were assigned (Table 7).

A cartogram of the reaction of the soil environment serves to identify areas on the farm that are subject to chemical reclamation. However, the choice of areas and the establishment of a priority for chemical reclamation are determined not only by the properties of the soil, its pH, mechanical composition, but also by a number of other factors: the characteristics of agricultural crops, the use of fertilizers (organic and mineral), and the availability of fertilizers for chemical reclamation. Therefore, on the cartogram of the reaction of the soil environment, the “need” or the order of reclamation measures is not indicated. This should be given in explanatory note to the cartogram.

Table 7 - grouping of soils according to the reaction of the soil environment (determined potentiometrically in a salt extract)

Using the table data, it is possible to determine the reactions of the soil environment for each group of areas and establish the exact pH value for each group.

Cartogram of available phosphorus content

A phosphorus cartogram is compiled for farms in all zones. Using methods developed for determining soils (for example, the Chirikov method for determining mobile phosphorus in leached soils, the Machigin method for carbonate soils) it is possible to obtain data for these soils that, to a certain extent, interact with the results of field and vegetation experiments. Data from the analysis of mixed samples for the content of available phosphorus are entered into a schematic map with elementary sections. Cells with the same values according to the content of available phosphorus within one gradation according to the explication (Table 8) are combined into one agrochemical contour, which is painted in the appropriate color or shaded according to the explication.

Table 8—grouping of soils according to the content of available phosphorus


very low


very high

Contours with a very low phosphorus content are painted red, low - pink, medium - yellow, high - green, high - blue, very high - blue.

The cartogram contains an explanation that indicates the named determination methods, the number of soil groups, color, amount of P2O5 and soil areas by group and land.

Cartogram of metabolic potassium content.

On the potassium cartogram, soil contours are distinguished that differ in the content of exchangeable potassium. Sampling points are indicated by an icon (x), and the K2O value (mg per 100 kg of soil) is placed next to it. The technique for identifying contours is the same as for cartograms of the reaction of the environment and phosphorus. Contours with very low potassium content are painted red, low - pink, medium - yellow, high - green, high - blue, and very high - blue (Table 9).

Table 9 - grouping of soils according to the content of exchangeable potassium


very low


very high

If the farm has different genetic types of soils or several varieties that differ sharply in mechanical composition, then on potassium cartograms it is advisable to draw their boundaries and put indices, since when using data on the potassium content in soils to establish methods for fertilizing soils with potassium, it is necessary to take into account their mechanical compound. At the same content of exchangeable potassium, light soils need potassium fertilizers to a greater extent (for crop rotation) than heavy soils.

Explication of potassium cartograms should contain: group number, coloring, amount of K2O (mg/kg) and areas of soils with different potassium content by groups and areas.

Cartogram of humus content

Table 10 shows the grouping of soils by humus content. Agrochemical cartograms can also be combined, when one indicator is shown by coloring, and the content of mobile P2O5 and K2O is shown, respectively, by a triangle. The color of the circle or triangle corresponds to the coloring scales of the available P2O5 and K2O. On the cartogram, each color corresponds to the provision of humus content in a given area: for example, very low humus content is painted red, low - pink, medium - yellow, high - green, high - blue, very high - blue. The cartogram contains an explanation that indicates the group number, coloring, humus content and the area of ​​soils with different humus content (arable land, fallow land and pastures)

Table 10 - grouping of soils by humus content


very low


very high

3.2 Approximate content of an agrochemical essay

Attached to the cartogram explanatory note, which contains basic information about the region (region): geographical location, layout of farms in the region, detailed agrochemical characteristics of soils with the appendix of tables on the content of plant nutrients and the degree of soil acidity by farms in the region.

It analyzes the results of the latest survey cycle of soils on agricultural land and reflects the nature of changes in the content of plant nutrients across survey cycles; Tables of recommended doses of fertilizers for the region are provided, indicating the planned crop yields and recommendations for liming soils.

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The results of an agrochemical soil survey are the basis for the development of a scientifically based fertilization system and measures to increase soil fertility and crop yields. They are used to determine the need and draw up plans for the use of fertilizers, to develop recommendations for design estimates, the cultivation of agricultural crops using intensive technologies, the cultivation of programmed crops and for other purposes of agrochemical services at all levels of agricultural production.

The main objectives of agrochemical soil examination are:

1) obtaining reliable and objective information about the state of soil fertility;

2) system analysis and evaluation of the information received;

3) certification and comprehensive assessment of soil fertility of each land plot (field);

4) soil certification of land plots;

5) development and annual submission to the Government of the Russian Federation of a national report on the state of soil fertility of agricultural lands; similar work is being done at regional and local levels;

6) development of target programs in the field of ensuring soil fertility of agricultural lands at the federal, regional, district and economic levels;

7) development of projects for the production of crop products (grain, potatoes, vegetables, fruit and berry products, grapes, feed, etc.).

Of particular importance in increased efficiency mineral and organic fertilizers are currently being used rationally. That is, the application depends on the soil fertility in each specific field and the needs of the crop being sown.

Fertilizer is a powerful means of increasing crop yields. They provide at least half of the yield increase.

Based on the results of soil analyses, agrochemical cartograms are compiled on a scale (usually 1:10000) and recommendations for the use of fertilizers.


Agrochemical soil examination includes several stages.

The first stage is preparation for an agrochemical examination. On at this stage all available data for each specific land plot (soil maps, cadastral number, indicators of previous agrochemical surveys, etc.) are collected, analyzed, systematized and summarized. With the help of modern satellite images and on-farm maps, the contours of land plots are identified.

Just 10 years ago, traditional surveys were carried out manually, and most importantly, without precise reference to the area. Moreover, the dimensions and location of an elementary section were determined “by eye,” approximately, which accordingly gave an approximate result. This especially affects the comparison of analysis results across different years, since the next time the sample is taken not in the same place as, for example, a year ago, but with an error of tens of meters or more.

On the other hand, wide variations in agrochemical parameters are observed almost everywhere in the arable areas of our country. Research conducted at the Agro testing site of the All-Russian Research Institute of Agrochemistry named after. D.N. Pryanishnikov, in particular, showed that on a plot of 4 hectares, divided into 400 equal-sized (10 x 10 m) plots, the humus content in individual plots ranged from 1.15 to 3.1%, that is, according to the accepted gradation, from very low to high security.

The latest achievements of science and technology, especially in the field information technology, allow you to achieve high quality new level soil surveys.

For agrochemical examination in an “accurate” way, land remote sensing data (satellite images), GPS-GLONASS receivers and automatic samplers are used. Application modern technologies allows you to get more accurate maps spatial distribution of agrochemical indicators within each field.

Then, before taking soil samples in the field, it is necessary to determine the size of the elementary area from which one combined sample will be taken.

The maximum permissible size of elementary plots for the North-West of Russia is 5 hectares. When used annually phosphate fertilizers more than 90 kg d.v. /ha, the size of elementary plots is reduced to 2 hectares, at 60-90 kg of a.i. /ha - 4 hectares, on irrigated lands - 2 hectares. Also, when ordering an agrochemical survey, at the customer’s request, elementary plots can be reduced (up to 1 hectare), for example, in small fields for vegetable crops.

When developing a map of elementary plots, soil differences in fields, granulometric composition of soils, relief, etc. are also taken into account so that the elementary plot is as homogeneous as possible (For example, a sharp boundary between the transition of bog and soddy-podzolic soils, soddy-carbonate and soddy-weakly podzolic, etc. .d.).

Each elementary section is assigned a unique number. Preliminary route moves are drawn.

The next stage of agrochemical land survey is sampling.

Geographically referenced fields and routes, broken down into elementary sections, are entered into the GPS-GLONASS navigator. Arriving at the field, the agrochemist clearly sees in real time what elementary area he is in, as well as the route along which he must move.

Moving along the route, the agrochemist manually selects point samples in an elementary area. Our agrochemical service also uses automatic samplers. The entire path traveled is recorded in the GPS-GLONASS navigator, thanks to which, even after several years, it will be possible to follow exactly the same route in this field, as well as clarify the contours of the fields and their shape.

From point samples of one elementary area (about 40 point samples) a combined sample is made.

The next stage of agrochemical land survey is the analysis of selected samples in the laboratory.

Selected and labeled samples are sent to the laboratory for testing. Samples are examined for basic indicators of fertility (pH, available phosphorus and potassium, magnesium, calcium, hydrolytic acidity, organic matter, etc.). At the request of clients, the list of studied indicators can be expanded.

The last stage of the agrochemical survey of land is the synthesis of data and preparation of survey materials for release.

All collected data (research, navigator tracks, electronic maps) is processed using special program GIS (geographic information system).

The customer is issued:

1. Cartograms for acidity, content of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium, organic matter, particle size distribution on paper and electronic media.

2. Explanatory note.

3. At the request of the customer, doses of fertilizers for specific crops can be calculated.

Electronic maps can subsequently be easily used in precision agriculture programs or any other GIS systems.

To help agronomists, FSBI SAS "Velikolukskaya" also provides an electronic field book program, which allows you to store and systematize all information on each field of the farm.

The modern approach is one of the main elements of “precision agriculture”, which today is rapidly developing throughout the world and is rightfully considered very promising in many respects.

Agrochemical soil analysis- an event carried out to determine the degree of soil supply with basic elements mineral nutrition, definitions mechanical composition soil, pH and degree of saturation with organic matter, i.e. those elements that determine its fertility and can make a significant contribution to obtaining a qualitative and quantitative harvest.

Talking about agrochemical soil analysis, first of all, we mean monitoring the content of certain components on agricultural lands and lands intended for growing any crops (farm lands, garden plots, summer cottages and much more).

Soil research
carried out on pre-selected samples. In accordance with current regulations in the field of soil analysis and sampling methods, samples can be collected using the “envelope” method or the “grid” method.

Depending on the area of ​​the territory used and the type of analysis, the sizes of the laid sites also vary. To monitor the condition of agricultural land, for every 0.5 - 20 hectares of territory, at least one test site measuring at least 10mx10m is laid out. In this case:

The homogeneous cover of the area requires sampling on sample plots of 1 - 5 hectares to determine the content chemicals, structure and properties of soil; sampling on sample plots of 0.1 - 0.5 hectares to determine the content of pathogenic organisms in the soil.

Heterogeneous terrain cover; sampling on sample plots of 0.5 - 1 ha to determine the content of chemicals, structure and properties of the soil; sampling on sample plots of 0.1 hectares to determine the content of pathogenic organisms in the soil.

Sampling scheme for agrochemical soil analysis
looks like this: taking into account the above recommendations, a test site is laid out on the territory. Along the diagonals running from one corner of the site to the other corner, point samples of the topsoil are taken, the mass of which should not be less than 200 g. We mix the resulting spot samples with each other, thereby obtaining the combined sample we need. A pooled sample consists of at least 5 point samples taken from one sample site. The weight of one combined sample must be at least 1 kg.

Agrochemical soil analysis reflects the condition of the soil according to the following main indicators

- Main agrochemical indicators (6 indicators):

pH - soil acidity- this is a property of soil caused by the presence of hydrogen ions in the soil solution and exchangeable ions of hydrogen and aluminum in the soil absorption complex.

Soil organic matter- this is the totality of all organic matter, in the form of humus and animal and plant remains, i.e. an important component of the soil, representing a complex chemical complex of organic substances of biogenic origin and determining the potential of soil fertility.

Granulometric composition- the mechanical structure of the soil, which determines the relative content of various particles, regardless of their chemical and mineral composition.

Hydrolytic acidity- soil acidity, manifested as a result of exposure to hydrolytic alkaline salt (CH 3 COONa). Determining hydrolytic acidity is important when solving practical problems related to the use of fertilizers, liming, soil phosphorite treatment and other agrochemical methods.

Sum of absorbed bases- the degree of soil saturation with bases, shows what proportion of the total amount of substances retained in the soil is accounted for by absorbed bases.

Nitrates- total salt content nitric acid. These substances are dangerous to humans and can accumulate in agricultural products due to excess nitrogen fertilizers in the soil.

- Macroelements:

Mobile phosphorus- form of phosphorus assimilated by plants (P 2 O 5). A source of food for plants, a carrier of energy. It is part of various nucleic acids, and its deficiency dramatically affects plant productivity.

Exchangeable potassium- a mobile form of potassium in the soil, which plays an important role in plant nutrition. Plays a significant role in plant life, affecting the physical and chemical properties of plants.

Nitrate nitrogen- nitrogen contained in the soil in the form of nitrates, used by plants to form amino acids and proteins.

Ammonium nitrogen- nitrogen is an ammonia compound that is used by plants for the synthesis of amino acids and proteins.

Iron- an element involved in the formation of chlorophyll, being an integral part of the green pigment. Regulates the processes of oxidation and reduction of complex organic compounds in plants, plays an important role in plant respiration, as it is part of respiratory enzymes. Participates in photosynthesis and the transformation of nitrogen-containing substances in plants.

- Microelements:

Cobalt- a microelement necessary not only for plants, but also for animals. It is part of vitamin B 12, the deficiency of which disrupts metabolism - the formation of hemoglobin, proteins, nucleic acids is weakened, and animals become ill with acobaltosis, tabes, and vitamin deficiency.

Manganese- a microelement that takes part in redox processes: photosynthesis, respiration, in the absorption of molecular and nitrate nitrogen, as well as in the formation of chlorophyll. These processes occur under the influence of various enzymes, and manganese acts as an activator of these processes.

Copper- a trace element necessary for plant life in small quantities. However, without copper, even seedlings die. The gross content of copper in soils ranges from 1 to 100 mg/kg of dry matter.

Molybdenum- a microelement that plays an exceptional role in plant nutrition: it participates in the processes of molecular nitrogen fixation and restores nitrates in plants. With its deficiency, plant growth is sharply inhibited; due to disruption of chlorophyll synthesis, they acquire a pale green color (leaf blades are deformed and leaves die prematurely). Legumes and vegetable plants(cabbage, leafy vegetables, radishes).

Zinc- a microelement involved in many physiological and biochemical processes in plants, being mainly a catalyst and activator of many processes. Lack of zinc leads to metabolic disorders in plants.

Nickel- a microelement that takes part in enzymatic reactions in animals and plants, necessary for the normal development of living organisms. Increased nickel content in soils leads to endemic diseases - ugly forms appear in plants, and eye diseases in animals associated with the accumulation of nickel in the cornea.

- Toxic elements:

Cadmium- one of the most toxic heavy metals is classified as hazard class 2 - “highly hazardous substances”. The source, which is in the soil, is industry.

Lead - heavy metal, which is highly toxic. The presence of elevated concentrations of lead in the air and food poses a threat to human health. Automobile exhaust accounts for about 50% of total inorganic lead.

Chromium- connection of the 1st hazard class; a trace element found in trace amounts in living and plant organisms. Excess chromium in soils causes various diseases in plants.

The presence of chromium in soils (up to 50-70 mg/kg of dry soil) causes its movement along food chain: soil - plant - animal - human. The main sources of chromium and its compounds into the atmosphere are emissions from enterprises where chromium and its compounds are mined, received, processed and used. Active dispersion of chromium is associated with the combustion of mineral fuels, mainly coal. Significant amounts of chromium enter the environment through industrial wastewater.

Mercury- highly toxic chemically resistant element. Refers to dispersed elements (rare). The amount of mercury released into the environment in the current century as a result of anthropogenic activities is almost 10 times higher than natural intake and amounts to 57,000 tons.

Arsenic- microelement. Referred to as dispersed elements. Arsenic is a trace element necessary for the functioning of living organisms. At elevated concentrations, arsenic has a toxic effect on living organisms. The content of arsenic in the soil determines its content in natural waters.

Benz-a-pyrene- complex chemical compound, related to the so-called PAHs (polyaromatic hydrocarbons). An element of hazard class 1, formed during the combustion of hydrocarbons, regardless of their state of aggregation (liquid, solid, gaseous). It is the most typical chemical environmental carcinogen, dangerous to humans, even at low concentrations, since it has the ability to accumulate in the human body. In relation to the environment natural environment, and directly to its factors, we can say that the highest concentrations are in the air and soil. Given this, benz-a-pyrene is very easily transported throughout the food supply. Each subsequent level of the food chain is accompanied by significantly increased concentrations of the carcinogen.

Petroleum products- hydrocarbons, or more correctly, a mixture of them, which may include more than 1000 independent organic substances. Each of these compounds can be considered as an independent toxic substance. In practice, the assessment of pollution of a particular object with petroleum products is carried out in the following areas: the content of light fractions (considered the most toxic to living organisms and the environment, but due to their evaporation, they ensure rapid self-purification of the soil), the content of paraffins (relatively toxic substances, mainly affecting the physical properties of the soil), sulfur content (determining the degree of hydrogen sulfide contamination of the soil).

- Bacteriology:

Coliform Index- shows the number of bacteria of the E. coli group per 1 g of soil. Coliforms are saprophytes of the intestines of humans and animals. Their detection in the external environment indicates its fecal contamination, therefore E. coli is classified as a sanitary indicator microorganism.

Enterococcus index- a sanitary-bacteriological indicator characterizing the quantitative content of bacteria of the genus Enterococcus (p. Enterococcus) in 1 gram of soil, also known under another term - “fecal streptococci”.

Pathogenic bacteria, incl. salmonella- a sanitary-bacteriological indicator characterizing the quantitative content of bacteria in 1 gram of soil, capable of causing infectious diseases under appropriate conditions.

Agrochemical soil analysis is of no small importance. It promotes the adoption of expedient and thoughtful decisions that contribute to the organization of measures to increase efficiency and increase the fertility of the lands used. Specification of tasks for a particular type of cultivated crop will not take long and will allow you to get a rich harvest - the desired result of any farmer.

A comprehensive agrochemical survey of soils on agricultural land is carried out with the aim of monitoring the direction and assessing changes in soil fertility, the nature and level of their pollution under the influence of anthropogenic factors, creating data banks of fields (working areas), and conducting complete certification of land (working) soil areas.

To assess the condition and dynamics of the agrochemical characteristics of agricultural lands (arable land, perennial crops, forage lands, fallow lands), it is planned to continue conducting a systematic large-scale agrochemical survey of agricultural lands, which is an important component of the overall monitoring of the condition of these lands.

The main objectives of agrochemical monitoring of land conditions are:

Timely detection of changes in the state of fertility of agricultural land;

Their assessment, forecast for the future and taking the necessary measures to preserve and improve soil fertility;

Information support for the land cadastre for state control of soil fertility and land protection.

Agrochemical examination is carried out on all types of agricultural land - arable land, incl. irrigated and drained, forage lands, perennial plantations and plantations, fallow land.

The frequency of agrochemical examination of soils is established differentially for different natural-economic zones of the Russian Federation.

Timing for re-examinations:

For farms using more than 60 kg/ha a.i. for each type of mineral fertilizer – 5 years;

For farms with an average level of 30-60 kg/ha a.v. application of fertilizers for each type – 5-7 years;

For irrigated agricultural land – 3 years;

For drained lands – 3-5 years;

For experimental farms of complex chemicalization and when introducing innovative projects (regardless of the volume of fertilizers used) – 3 years;

At the request of farms using high doses of fertilizers, it is allowed to reduce the time between repeated surveys.

Along with the main tasks of agrochemical examination of soils, there are other tasks, such as: landscape-agrochemical, ecological-toxicological, herbological and radiation assessments and monitoring changes in the ecological state and fertility of agricultural soils. lands.

An integral part inspection of farmland is to conduct visual monitoring of the manifestations of phototoxic effects and the effects of herbicides on agriculture. culture.

Phototoxicity of herbicides refers to the toxic effect of the herbicides themselves, their residual quantities and metabolites contained in the soil from previous treatments on agriculture. culture. Phytotoxicity manifests itself in the form of general chlorosis of plants, yellowing, curling of the tips and edges of leaves, stems and other parts of the plant, stunting of plants, drying out, lack of seedlings, etc.

Visual control of herbicidal phytotoxicity is carried out during the collection of soil samples. During the monitoring process, the intensity (nature) and scale of plant damage is assessed in points.

Sampling is carried out according to generally accepted methods to the depth of the arable layer. For lands where cases of herbicidal phytotoxicity have been identified, the history is studied by collecting information from the farms, which should include information about the culture.

Simultaneously with the collection of soil samples in the field, radiological examinations are carried out. Radiological examination is carried out by measuring the gammaphone and taking soil samples. To determine the exposure dose rate of soil gamma radiation, it is recommended to use the DRG-01T dosimeter. If this device is not available, you can use the DRG-05M dosimeter or the SRP-88N scintillation geological exploration device. In accordance with the technical description, the accuracy of the device’s operation is checked in the laboratory or its state inspection is carried out. (A.N. Esaulko, V.V. Ageev, L.S. Gorbatko et al., 2011)

Planning and organization of work, desk preparation of a cartographic basis for conducting an agrochemical survey of soils.

Agrochemical soil examination is carried out in accordance with work plans agreed with regional agricultural authorities. production, as well as with the heads of farms (peasants), collective farms, cooperatives and other forms of ownership.

The work plan determines the annual volume of soil areas to be surveyed by type of land, the number of agrochemical analyzes by type, indicating the methods for their implementation. The order of work is established by administrative districts. An agrochemical survey of soils in an administrative district should be carried out in one field season.

The work plan for the current year is drawn up by the head of the department of soil and agrochemical research.

Agricultural area lands subject to inspection are taken into account as of January 1 of the year preceding the agrochemical inspection.

The approved work plan for agrochemical soil examination is communicated to customers no later than November 15 of the year preceding the agrochemical examination.

The conclusion of agreements with farms to conduct an agrochemical survey of soils is carried out no later than December 15 of the year preceding the agrochemical survey.

Plan for conducting an agrochemical survey in the department of soil-agrochemical surveys, field groups are organized consisting of the head of the group, chief, leading, senior specialists and specialist soil scientists-agrochemists. The number and composition of groups are determined by the volume of soil-agrochemical surveys.

The head of the soil and agrochemical survey department is responsible for the planning, organization and quality of agrochemical soil survey and compliance with contractual obligations.

The cartographic basis for conducting an agrochemical survey of soils is, as a rule, an on-farm land management plan.

The preparation of a cartographic basis for agrochemical soil survey is carried out by specialists from cartographic materials groups.

The work on preparing cartographic materials consists of the following stages:

Receiving from the departments of land use, land management and soil protection of production departments of agriculture land management plans, soil, cadastral maps, maps of on-farm land assessment;

Transferring the boundaries of soil types, subtypes, land plots and their cadastral numbers to land management plans;

Drawing up a statement comparing the numbering of land plots adopted in the practical work of the GCAC with the unified cadastral numbering currently adopted.

The primary object of state cadastral valuation is agricultural land of associations of peasant farms, collective farms, and agricultural enterprises. cooperatives, joint-stock companies of state and municipal enterprises, subsidiary agricultural enterprises. enterprises, agricultural research and educational institutions, other enterprises, organizations and institutions, peasant farms, district land redistribution fund, agricultural. land.

Objects of cadastral assessment are grouped within the boundaries of former collective and state farms before their reform, on which soil survey materials were compiled and on-farm land assessment was carried out. The initial land-registration and resulting land-assessment information of the primary objects of cadastral assessment is generalized by administrative, land-assessment districts (if zoned) and the subject of the Russian Federation as a whole.

The list of objects of cadastral valuation of administrative districts in the context of former farms is compiled in accordance with the form established at the beginning of the year for the cadastral valuation of the district's land fund. The list includes owners, landowners and land users.

The list for each cadastral valuation object indicates its name, cadastral number, and total agricultural area. lands, incl. arable land.

Cadastral valuation objects are named according to their name legal entity, rural, city administration, last name, first name and patronymic of the farmer. The cadastral number includes the code of the subject of the Russian Federation, administrative district, former farm and object of cadastral valuation.

Information about agricultural areas. lands, incl. arable land, is collected according to land cadastral registration data as of January 1 of the year of the cadastral land assessment. The data is clarified in the district when the list of cadastral valuation objects is agreed upon.

For each farm, at least 10 copies of the planning basis are prepared. Three copies of the cartographic base with plotted soil contours are handed over to the head of the department of soil-agrochemical research - 1 copy is used for field work; 2 – serves to transfer elementary sections and sample numbers; 3 – is spare; the remaining copies of the planning basis are used to compile the author's copies of agrochemical cartograms. (A.N. Esaulko, V.V. Ageev, L.S. Gorbatko et al., 2011)

To survey eroded soils, only a plan basis is used on which the contours of soils of varying degrees of erosion are outlined.

For agrochemical examination of irrigated agriculture. land, a map (plan) of irrigated land is used.

In non-chernozem, forest-steppe and steppe zones, mountain areas, field agrochemical survey is carried out on a scale of 1:100000 and 1:25000; in semi-desert and desert zones - on a scale of 1:25000. It is allowed to reduce the scale to 1:50000, provided that all agricultural land plots are clearly identified on a cartographic basis. lands. On irrigated lands, the survey is carried out on a scale of 1:5000 – 1:10000.

When leaving for field work, specialists conducting agrochemical examinations are issued cover letters signed by the head of the district agriculture department., necessary equipment, work order report for work. Field work is carried out at a temperature not lower than +5 0 C.

Upon arrival at the farm, the soil scientist-agrochemist collects information about the use of fertilizers, land reclamation, and agricultural yields. crops over the past 3-5 years and enters them into the log of agrochemical soil survey of the farm.

Together with the agronomist of the farm, the soil scientist-agrochemist goes around and inspects the land, clarifies and applies visual changes in the situation to the land use plan (new roads, field boundaries, forest plantations, etc.). In irrigated areas, salt deposits are observed on the surface. The placement of agricultural crops is being clarified. crops, their condition, degree of weediness, compliance of the area configuration with the cadastral number of the land plot are noted land plots, systematically fertilized with high doses of fertilizers, the fields are eroded, obsolete and full of rocks. All this data is entered into the “Journal of Agrochemical Soil Survey...” and noted on the land use plan.

To compile soil certificates for land plots and clarify the total areas of various types of agriculture. of land, a soil scientist-agrochemist checks the compliance of the total area of ​​each agricultural area. lands with cadastral map information.

Certified land plots are allocated by a soil scientist-agronomist and the chief agronomist of the farm according to the cadastral map before conducting an agrochemical soil survey. In this case, the existing land use system and numbering of the cadastral map are taken into account. The layout of land plots must necessarily correspond to the cadastral map.



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