Sandblasting wood. Sandblasting equipment for wood Sandblasting by professionals

Sandblasting wood is very popular in Moscow and is one of the main activities of the Ecoblasting company. We work for modern equipment, we guarantee high quality work without harm to materials. Our staff employs only experienced specialists who have cleaned and sandblasted hundreds of different wooden products, structures and buildings. Many people trust us, and you can see photos of our work in the gallery on the website. Call and order wood processing now!

The final cost depends on the volume and conditions of the work performed.

Why sandblast wood?

  1. We are returning the previous appearance of wooden structures. Over time, every wood loses its appearance, becomes less attractive, and darkens. Sandblasting returns it to its former color, removes all dirt and stains.
  2. Removing paint, products chemical protection and other elements from wood. Even old wood you can bring it back to life, and it will look no worse than new.
  3. Preparation before painting or protection. Stripping wooden beam, boards or log frame using sandblasting - this is a quick and effective way processing, which allows you to remove all contaminants and macroelements from the upper layers of wood.
  4. We remove rot and mold. All types of biological corrosion of the upper layers of wood can be removed using abrasive materials applied under high pressure.
  5. We increase service life wooden product 4 times. Due to improved grip paint and varnish material With the surface of the wood, the shelf life of the protective suspension increases, the material does not corrode, and the wood lasts much longer.
  6. Artificial aging of wood. Sandblasting is used to make luxury furniture in an antique style, where the age is artificially increased due to abrasive treatment.

Sandblasting is used to protect wood from various kinds influences, and for decorative purposes, where the material needs to be given a certain appearance with the desired effect. The Ecoblasting company can perform any operations with wood at the request of the client. You can order sandblasting of an object with specialists visiting your address right now.

Examples of work

Sanding the log house wooden houses with departure.

Our advantages

  • We work with any volumes. We have enough specialists and technical means in order to process not only small details made of wood, but also entire houses.
  • Minimum prices. We work at the expense of regular customers who recommend us, so we do not pursue one-time benefits. We have installed low prices to work.
  • Best quality. We know how to do our job and our clients are always satisfied. The best equipment and experienced specialists.
  • We quickly accept orders and work whenever the client needs it.
  • We process all types of wood, including varieties with super-dense wood.

Prices for sandblasting surfaces

Need a specific order? Call us and our specialists will calculate the cost of work on your site and answer all your questions!

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The tree is very beautiful and environmentally friendly material for building a house. But it is also very capricious and requires a professional approach to finishing and care. Without regular special treatment, appearance wooden facade And interior walls will sharply lose its attractiveness and require restoration work.

For example, let's look at a log house, the walls of which were not treated after construction for 15 years. The wood darkened and began to look rather gloomy.

Or the frame was initially not completely polished. Which also looks pretty untidy.

How to add shine to the appearance of a wooden house?

Exterior restoration wooden house involves re-finishing, before which it is necessary to carefully sand the entire surface and all joints, otherwise the painting will not be of the highest quality and will definitely not last long.

Sanding can be done with a grinder (traditional method), and many people often do this. But the availability and low cost of this method are quite deceptive. In fact, such an event is extremely labor-intensive and time-consuming. It can take weeks or even months to completely treat your home.

I can tell you from my own experience, I hired a worker to polish two small rooms in the log house of the bathhouse, it took a very long time. Approximately 50 sq.m. He polished the log walls for a whole week. At the same time, in addition to paying for the work itself, I spent money on 10 expensive grinding wheels for an angle grinder and respirators. One grinder burned due to wood dust, and the second had to be cleaned after every working day.

Imagine how much time it will take to clean all the logs by hand. And if this is not a bathhouse, but full house 150 meters and two floors?

Abrasive method - quickly and efficiently

The traditional method has an excellent alternative - abrasive jet grinding technology. Under high pressure, the abrasive composition is applied to the log and removes the required layer. The surface processing speed is incommensurate with the traditional method - it is quite possible to sand 100 square meters. meters of walls in one day. The quality of grinding also cannot be compared with an angle grinder, because there is no abrasive hard to reach places. It easily passes through all joints and corners, gently sanding the surface.

Abrasive jet grinding can be used for any type of wood: rounded logs, hand-cut logs, profiled timber, laminated veneer lumber, any type of imitation timber or log, etc.

In addition, the abrasive restoration and cleaning method wooden wall Ideal for removing, for example, old paint layers. It is impossible to remove paint from wood by hand. A sandblasting machine will do this in 1 day.

Cost of abrasive wood processing

What is interesting and important is that the cost of sandblasting is quite comparable to traditional way, if you order a service from a professional team, and the total wall area is more than 200 square meters. meters.

The main thing here is still the timing and quality of the final work.

After sanding, the “bare” wood of the log house must be coated protective layer V as soon as possible. To do this, it is recommended to use environmentally friendly paints and oils.

Equipment for sandblasting wood

Sandblasting machines are designed approximately the same and differ only in the method of supplying abrasive. Ejector devices carry the abrasive with a passing air flow, as if picking it up along the way, and pressure devices roughly squeeze the abrasive out of the tank.

Because of this difference, it turns out that the ejector method is more gentle for the material being processed (used for wood), while the pressure method is rougher (metals, stone).

Air is supplied to the sandblasting machine by any compressor whose power is suitable for a particular device.

The most widespread Contracor sandblasting machines German made. Follow the website link to the catalog of the official dealer in Perm.

  • Sandblasting

    Sandblasting is used as one of the types of surface cleaning from corrosion, paint, layer scale, carbon deposits and other contaminants. It can also be used to create a microrelief and give the material artificial aging.

    Sandblasting is used as one of the types of surface cleaning from corrosion, paint, layer scale, carbon deposits and other contaminants. It can also be used to create a microrelief and give the material artificial aging.

    Ordering sandblasting with us, you will receive:

    • quick cleaning from dirt and rust
    • reduction of time for maintenance
    • deep cleaning for anti-corrosion work
    • surface preparation for polymer painting

      Perfect cleaning

      Ideal preparation of material for polymer painting and anti-corrosion protection.

      Save time

      Sandblasting will quickly get rid of all types of dirt and corrosion. Several times more effective than other types of cleaning.

  • Anticorrosive

    Using the latest European mixtures to protect metal from corrosion, we guarantee the operation of your facilities and work installations for many years. Therefore, you can forget about rust for a long time and not worry about operating conditions.

    Using the latest European mixtures to protect metal from corrosion, we guarantee the operation of your facilities and work installations for many years. When applying the solution to metal structures or a car body, we adhere to world standards of anti-corrosion treatment. Therefore, you can forget about rust for a long time and not worry about operating conditions

    Ordering anti-corrosion treatment with us, you will receive:

    • surface that can withstand high humidity
    • reduced exposure to aggressive reagents and mechanical wear of the structure
    • slowing down and suppressing corrosion in objects with a long service life.
    • creation of a self-healing protective layer on the metal surface.

Today, sandblasting of surfaces is carried out using ice, glass and steel. What is the essence of technology and what is it used for?

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In the photo:

One day, while in the desert, General Benjamin Chu Tilghman noticed interesting thing. At strong wind grains of sand hit the window glass and left something like an engraving on it. Returning home to the United States, Tilghman patented sandblasting technology and opened his own company. This happened back in the 19th century. Since then, technology has changed, but the basic principle remains the same.

How do they do it?

Sandblasting is defined as “the treatment of a surface by damage.” But why spoil good thing? There may be several answers. For example, to give it a unique look - to decorate it, as the general thought, with some kind of engraving. Or artificially “aging” it, because it’s so fashionable now. Or make it safer to use - this applies, in particular, to floor tiles.

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In the photo:

When finishing these original coffee tables and lamps used sandblasting technology.

At first, sand was simply poured onto the surface of the material, which was crushed in a circular motion using a slab, creating roughness. Later, sandblasting units were invented that sprayed sifted sand. This was harmful for workers who, due to inhalation of sand dust, developed an occupational disease - silicosis. Now glass beads, steel shot are used as an abrasive instead of sand. synthetic materials and even dry ice! That is, the name “sandblasting” no longer corresponds to the essence of the technology. It would be more correct to call it abrasive blasting, but somehow this term did not catch on.

What is being processed?

Glass. Perhaps most often we see sandblasted glass and mirrors. They are used in the design of walls, partitions, shower cabins, showcases, doors, tables, cabinets. In public places it is used to write the name of the establishment or apply corporate symbols on the door or mirror.

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In the photo:

Very often sandblasting is used to design glass doors and interior doors. By removing glass particles at different levels, you can get a three-dimensional pattern.

The glass layer is removed in certain places- a matte pattern is obtained. If you remove glass particles at several levels, you get a three-dimensional image. A stencil is used to reproduce a specific design. It is easier to handle large flat objects, since small ones are difficult to secure properly. The nature of the image depends on the depth of processing and the grain size of the abrasive.

Wood and metal. Wood is treated to give it an aged look, and sometimes using sandblasting technology to wooden surface a relief pattern is applied.

The relief pattern of wood can be obtained using a sandblasting machine.

As a rule, oak and wood are used for this coniferous species- spruce, larch.

When processing metal, they also pursue purely decorative purpose: the surface becomes matte and textured.

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In the photo:

Metal parts of furniture are also processed by sandblasting to obtain matte textured surfaces.

Stone. Firstly, scratches are less noticeable on a sandblasted relief surface. This is important for countertops, walls, and floors - for all areas where stone slabs can be used. Tiles with a non-smooth surface are more difficult to slip on, which is important for kitchens and bathrooms.

Is there an alternative?

Need I say that sandblasting is a troublesome and expensive process? So they came up with a replacement for him. Like any image, a relief design can be replaced with... that's right, a sticker. An adhesive film that imitates a treated rough surface is used when it comes to transparent material- glass. Even the concept of sandblast effect appeared - imitation of sandblasting matting. This technology has its advantages: it is cheaper, and films can be made textured and colored.

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From a strict European point of view American interiors are characterized by unbridled eclecticism. However, it also contains certain principles that allow you to create cozy home with a bright personality.

Artificially aged furniture, unlike antique furniture, is quite affordable, which is why it is very popular. However, few people know what techniques are used to age wood.

The fashion for materials in construction is changing. Today, ubiquitous plastic is being replaced by original solutions based on wood raw materials. Wood is durable and durable material. But it requires quite high processing costs compared to artificial materials. Sandblasting coatings is a modern and relatively inexpensive way to add wood individual style And attractive appearance.

Sandblasting and its fundamental advantages

Sandblasting is the application of wood, metal, or concrete covering abrasive materials under high pressure. Unlike traditional methods grinding, the sandblasting machine acts precisely and does not leave obvious marks mechanical impact. This method is used for the following purposes:

  1. To prepare wood for painting. Wood material tends to deteriorate. And if you apply it to unprepared raw materials varnish coating, it will quickly become covered with cracks and lose its attractive appearance. A specialist, using a sandblasting machine, removes the minimum layer of wood damaged by moisture and air, ensuring maximum adhesion of the paint or varnish to the base.
  2. For restoration of old wood. When a tree suffers from moisture and air for a long time, the top layer loses its density and begins to rot. A sandblasting machine knocks out the soft parts of rotten wood, renewing the material. Moreover, the Moscow company Ecoblasting carries out restoration of wood even after a fire. The company makes a discount for disaster victims and sands the coating using the soda blasting method, which leaves no marks and is environmentally friendly.
  3. For stylizing wood in an antique style. This method is called “brushing”. It is used when you need to emphasize the texture of wood and create the appearance of rough processing.

Advantages of deep sandblasting in wood brushing

You don't always want wood to look like new. Often, on the contrary, the material needs to be artificially “aged” to give it a unique look. In this case, use either grinding machine with an abrasive disc or sandblasting. The abrasive disc leaves deep grooves when grinding. The wood looks more scratched than old. In addition, deep marks are difficult to soak protective compounds. This means that the durability of such wood decreases.

Deep sandblasting works in the opposite way. The machine precisely cuts out softer layers from the coating, doing in a matter of minutes what nature already does during the natural aging of wood. Therefore, such wood looks more “natural” than its disc-sanded counterparts.

Equipment and required qualifications

The sandblasting method includes a whole list of machines for working at different stages of processing. In particular, the Ecoblasting company uses a Contractor DBS-200 sandblasting machine for basic processing, but when it comes to restoration work or preparation for painting, the soda blasting method is used, which provides better surface cleaning.

Why is it important to order turnkey services from specialists?

  • accompanied by a lot of noise and large amounts of dust;
  • requires the involvement of highly qualified specialists;
  • needs a whole range of equipment;
  • leaves behind large number construction waste.

Conscientious contractors minimize risks by ensuring high-quality processing and the result. Specialists from Ecoblasting clean wood at an average speed of 1 m2 per minute, which means the whole job will take no more than a few hours. After processing, construction waste quickly removed, because the technology does not use toxic and highly dispersed substances.



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