How to lubricate molds for paving slabs at home. Lubricant for plastic molds of paving slabs Silicone lubricant for molds of paving slabs

Whatever tile you undertake to make, ordinary cement, Portland cement or plastic, in any case you need to discuss how to lubricate the molds for paving slabs so that there are no bubbles, and the product turns out to be of high quality and durable. It is recommended to carry out such work before pouring the material into the mold.

Sidewalk paving stones

Main characteristics of lubricant for tiles (paving stones):

  1. A lubricant is an oily liquid, emulsion or solution, most often saline.
  2. Really quality product should not affect the color and structure of the resulting product, including at home.
  3. An important condition for the normal removal of paving stones from the mold is the timely lubrication of the mold. Otherwise, the product will stick and will not turn out neat.
  4. The structure of the paving stones is such that there should be no tiny holes in its cavity, indicating that there were air bubbles in the mold during the hardening process. The product must be a monolith without any defects.
  5. Manufacturing process paving stones involves carefully applying lubricant inside the mold.
  6. Whatever you decide to lubricate the molds for paving stones or tiles at home, this solution can be diluted with water. The exception is already finished goods, which have prohibitions on this. Any manipulations should not go against the instructions for use of the composition.
  7. If we raise the issue of safety precautions, then the use of special clothing and personal protective equipment not necessary.

How can you lubricate the mold for creating paving slabs: the main types of lubricants

How to lubricate molds for the production of paving slabs made at home is a simple question. There are a lot of different substances that can be used to solve the problem. But it is important to note that this can be a self-made composition or a lubricant purchased in a store.

A homemade solution can be presented in the form:

  • motor oil;

Motor oil

  • salt-based mixtures;
  • soap cleaning solution.

The instructions for using motor oil as a lubricant are to lightly apply a layer of the substance to the inner surface of the mold. This work is performed using an ordinary kitchen sponge with the obligatory use of rubber gloves to protect your hands. This composition is used very often due to its low cost and ease of acquisition. But in this case there are also disadvantages: the oil can affect the color of the finished paving stones.

You can also clean the mold using a saline solution, and this method is also effective. Positive aspects its applications: ease of implementation and low cost, negative: the presence of salt stains, which practically cannot be washed off.

Also used as a lubricant liquid soap(or soap solution). But in this case the mold will get dirty.

Lubricating the mold during the production of paving slabs: purchased

If desired, you can purchase lubricant for paving molds in the store. Such specialized substances will make it possible to produce large batches of tiles without additional stops for constant mold washing, as happens with homemade species lubricants

The most common variations of the lubricant composition are the following:

  • KSF-1 is distinguished by its affordable price and absolute environmental safety;
  • Krystal is an oil from which an emulsion will later be created for application to the mold. It is recommended to spray this substance rather than apply it with a sponge;
  • Nometal is recommended for use if the paving stone material contains a metal component. An additional advantage of such a lubricant is the prevention of corrosion;
  • Agate is suitable for any type of paving stones. Its main advantage is considered to be savings in the application process;
  • Separen is specifically transformed on the mold, forming a film. This allows the product to be easily removed;
  • Emulsol is diluted with water in a certain ratio. Everything is indicated in the instructions. Thanks to this, the substance will last for a long period of time.

How to clean cement from paving slab molds?

In the process of making paving stones, sooner or later you will be faced with the question of how to wash the molds for paving slabs. Because in any case they become contaminated not only by the solution itself, but also by the added pigment components.

In this case, it is recommended to use one simple tip: make your own solution from water and hydrochloric acid. This substance will allow you to clean the building material from which the sidewalk will be made. But immediately prepare plain water next to it. You will use it to wash off the hydrochloric acid itself.

Important! Since in this case you will have to wash off the aggressive substance, it is necessary to use hand and eye protection - mittens and safety glasses with transparent lenses. So that the electrolyte does not get on the skin or eyes.

Once you decide to wash the mold, the brine solution does not need to be drained. You pour it from mold to mold. And then they completely dispose of it, remembering that this is a dangerous and aggressive liquid that can harm the environment.

This way, you can ensure uninterrupted production and easily clean the mold from contamination. This is the only way to achieve high-quality, durable and beautiful products.

To understand how and with what you can lubricate paving molds at home, we recommend watching the following video:

Lubricant for paving slab molds plays an important role in the production of tile products. Certainly, concrete mortar, dyes, plasticizers and the right technology directly determine the quality of future tile products. Good lubrication makes it easier to remove products from molds and preserve (or even improve) them appearance. Moreover, it prevents the appearance of pores on the front side of paving slabs and paving stones.

For high-quality styling tiles, it is necessary to carefully prepare the molds for its manufacture.

Before pouring concrete into molds, they must be thoroughly cleaned and lubricated. By the way, they are made from various materials and there are metal, plastic, polyurethane, wood (formwork).

High-quality lubricant does not affect the shape, does not change the color of the cast tile and does not have a destructive effect on it.

The choice is quite diverse: all kinds of emulsions, powder and soap solutions, concentrates mineral oils etc.

Variety of mold release agents

To produce a small volume of tile coverings, you can contact the nearest service station and purchase lubricant for a nominal price or for free. For large volumes of tiles and paving stones, special domestic and foreign lubricants are used. We list the most popular and frequently used in the manufacture of paving slabs and paving stones:

At home, you can make lubricant based on motor oil.

  1. KSF-1. Available in the form of a homogeneous paste, it is characterized by low consumption, ease of application, provides an even, smooth surface and does not leave colored stains on it. The lubricant is non-toxic, dissolves well in cold and warm water. It is used in the form of an emulsol - a 9-10% aqueous solution. You can lubricate the molds with any means at hand. Used for plastic, metal molds and formwork.
  2. Kristal, based on light mineral oils, is an environmentally friendly product, has excellent anti-corrosion properties, and is used for metal and wooden forms. Apply with a brush or spray.
  3. Nometal also protects metal forms from corrosion, cracks and pores.
  4. Agate, used for any shape, is a very economical lubricant, allowing 1 liter to cover 35 square meters. m. surface, has many positive reviews.
  5. Anti-adhesive concentrate Tiprom 90 based on silicones, which has water-repellent properties, is usually used for the production of large slabs in metal and polymer forms. Does not respond to temperature.
  6. Emulsol, made on mineral based, often used in construction to lubricate formwork. Consists of biodegradable substances. It is applied with a sponge or spray, is quite affordable and is very suitable for the manufacture of paving slabs, without requiring subsequent grouting or finishing.

Many lubricants are available in the form of concentrates. Concentrates differ in that you can get more of the finished product from them. To do this, add them to water and stir for 5 minutes.

How is lubricant applied and is it possible to save money on it?

For easy removal of paving stones, the mold must be lubricated.

Apply a thin layer of lubricant to each mold with a brush or spray, depending on the selected lubricant. Before application, as already mentioned, you need to thoroughly clean the molds of debris and dirt. They need to be lubricated immediately before pouring concrete. No special clothing is required to apply the lubricant. It is enough to wear gloves to protect your hands from contamination. If the spraying method is chosen, it is better to wear a respirator.

When applying with a brush, you need to ensure that all corners are treated and the bristles do not remain in shape. Any little thing can ruin the appearance of the tiles.

It should be noted that lubricant not only improves the process of removing tiles, but also significantly extends the service life of the molds, reducing the load on them.

Now here is a recipe for a simple and cheap DIY lubricant. Take 50 g of motor oil and dilute it in 1.5 liters of water. Shake it up. This needs to be done for quite a long time. We test on the product. You can experiment with proportions. A greasy lubricant can create pits in the tiles or oil stains on the surface, while a weak lubricant will worsen the removal process.

Some tilers use a saline solution to rinse molds. Hydrochloric acid is diluted with water, and forms are lowered into a 7-10% solution. Then they don't lubricate.

Some people use soapy water. It is prepared from ordinary soap or dishwashing liquid. Naturally, the savings are obvious, and the slipping of the tiles out of the molds will also please you, but they remain very dirty after it.

To summarize, let us once again outline the three main functions of a release agent:

  • easier removal of products:
  • reducing labor costs for cleaning molds and formwork;
  • maintaining the quality of products and their appearance due to the fact that the concrete does not stick to the form and the tiles do not have to be “torn off”.

By saving on lubricant, you can lose much more on discarding. Even when producing tiles for their own needs, everyone wants them to be beautiful, strong and durable.

Before the concrete solution is poured into the mold for making paving slabs, it must be properly lubricated. When wondering how you can lubricate a mold for paving slabs, it should be noted that there are plenty of options:

  • concentrates based on petroleum oils;
  • emulsions;
  • powder and soap solutions;
  • other lubricants.

The main condition is that the lubricant should not affect the final product: neither on shape, nor on color, and especially not on technical specifications products. It is also very important that the lubricant allows the paving slabs to be removed from the mold fairly easily.

Types of lubricants for paving slab molds

One of the most common lubricants in tile production is KSF-1. Its main advantages are low consumption, ease of use and low cost. For metal forms, it is better to use Nometal, which can protect the metal from corrosion processes and the formation of cracks.

An anti-adhesive concentrate can also be used as a lubricant for paving slabs. Its use is justified for metal and polymer workpieces. This substance has water-repellent properties and does not react to temperature.

The good thing about the concentrate is that it can be diluted with water at any time. You don’t need any special skills for this, just stir the solution for 5 minutes. No special clothing is required when applying the lubricant.

If you want to not only freely remove tiles from the molds, but also skip the washing procedure, then you should use a 10% hydrochloric acid solution. There is a method that completely eliminates the use of lubricants by using a simple antistatic agent. However, he is not that good.

To lubricate or not - that is the question.

For many manufacturers of small-piece concrete, including paving slabs, the issue of lubricating molds for better separation finished products and reducing the number of rejects during stripping. As you know, release agents are always used in the production of large reinforced concrete products. But often, in the production of such products decorative properties are not as important as in the production of paving and, moreover, facing tiles. In turn, it should be noted that careless attitude to the release agent and the process of its application can lead to loss of presentation and damage to decorative products. How to do it - you ask. Let's try to understand the process of lubricating molds.

So, lubricant is used to prevent concrete from sticking and form contamination - this is understandable. The lubrication process can be done manually - with a brush. Or you can spray a release agent, for example, with a spray gun or spray gun. The molds are lubricated immediately before the concrete is formed, each mold is lubricated separately.

Experience shows that it is possible to establish a production process without lubrication, but this entails an increased load on the mold and more frequent cleaning. For example, the Noria company has been producing paving stones using the injection molding method since 2001. During its entire existence, the mold lubrication process was introduced for only one season. Various lubricants of domestic and imported production were used. The lubricant was applied manually and later with a spray gun. But the result did not suit the production manager - with an increase in production volumes of paving stones (Antique No. 2, 52 pcs./m2), the lubrication operators could not cope with the process. Imagine, production reaches 130 - 150 m2 per shift, and if there are 52 pieces in 1 m2, then the lubrication section must process more than 6000 pieces. forms per shift. Errors by the lubrication operator lead to an increase in scrap, plus the cost of labor and materials increases the cost. As a result, this enterprise has improved the mold washing area and the concrete composition (now the composition is strictly controlled by the w/c ratio - the “harder” the solution, the less it sticks to the formwork). And it has successfully existed without lubrication for more than 10 years.

Today there are many domestic and imported lubricants on the market. Let's consider several options:


Emulsol is a modern water-based lubricant, easy to use and inexpensive. It consists of biodegradable substances, which eliminates the adhesion of concrete to the surface of the form. Lubricants of this type are made from environmentally friendly substances; they do not require special safety measures when working with them. When applied evenly in a thin layer, the lubricant significantly reduces the adhesion between the concrete and the mold, the porosity of the surface of the products, and does not leave stains, which allows you to obtain products with a smooth and clean surface without subsequent finishing or grouting.

Emulsol prepared in a ratio of 1/3 to 1/5 with water. It is applied to each form with a brush or by spraying, carefully coating the corners and edges of the front surface of the form. In conditions high level pH in water, you can add soda ash to the solution (2% of the emulsol mass fraction).

It is worth stirring the solution thoroughly, although the lubricant dissolves well in water. Emulsol can be used not only for plastic molds, but also for metal ones. It perfectly protects metal from corrosion. It is not recommended to prepare the emulsion for more than one shift.


New generation anti-adhesive lubricant for molds and formworks, based on animal fats and surfactants.

When applied to cold and hot molds and during heat treatment, it does not decompose and does not release into the air. production premises products with a strong odor or harmful effects on humans and the environment.

Scope of application:

  • used in the production of prefabricated and monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete products and structures
  • effective both for molding products without heating and using heat and humidity treatment (HMT).

The main purpose of lubricants for metal molds is:

  • facilitating the separation of concrete from the mold or formwork material
  • security good quality the outer surface of products by reducing the number of defects - tears, peeling, etc.
  • protection of metal forms from corrosion


  • absence of oil stains on the surface of products
  • reducing costs for final finishing concrete structures
  • does not leave marks, does not change the color and texture of the surface

The lubricant is a concentrate that should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 part lubricant to 3-6 parts water. In this case, no water preparation is required.

Apply the lubricant to a dry surface free of concrete residues. Applying excess lubricant leads to a decrease in the quality of the concrete surface, waste of material and unnecessary increase in cost.

Lubricant consumption when applied to molds with a brush or brush is from 30 to 50 g/m2.

Any garden or vegetable garden needs beauty and care. The most best choice, at the same time, there will be laying of tiles on the paths. It will help improve the appearance of the dacha, creating an atmosphere of prosperity and neatness. You can purchase tiles in a store or create your own. All that is needed to accomplish the last point is a little skill, the presence necessary materials and properly selected lubricant. Lubrication is necessary to create the shape of paving slabs. It can be self-made or specialized. The choice of what to lubricate with often depends on the level of production, as well as the structure of the formwork.

Varieties of paving slab shapes

Tiles are small pieces of concrete that have different shapes and laid on the path.

There are several types of structure:

  1. In the shape of a rectangle.
  2. Free
  3. Universal.
  4. In the form of a model.
  5. Castle.
  6. Ecological.

Among other things, tiles can be cast or pressed. The second option requires the presence of special devices, as well as skills and abilities. Doing it yourself is a rather difficult and time-consuming process. It is much easier to make cast tiles. To do this, you just need a little patience, strength and skill.

Materials for pouring: plastic, concrete

There are types of tiles based on the content of materials:

  1. Made of cement and sand.
  2. Made from baked clay.
  3. Made of rubber.
  4. Made of plastic.
  5. Made from granite.

Cement tiles have a number of positive properties: they are durable and do not fade even after long term operation, does not allow moisture to pass through.

Clay paving stones come in a variety of colors and have anti-slip properties.

The rubber pieces are made from polyurethane, a material widely used in the soles of shoes. This tile is characterized by softness and slight surface roughness.



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