Source - Hydrography of Udmurtia. Pollution of surface waters of the Udmurt Republic

Nature of Udmurtia Geographical location Natural areas Climate and waters Tectonics, relief, minerals Output

Geographical position The Republic is located in the east of the East European Plain. borders the Perm Territory, the Kirov Region, the Republic of Tatarstan, and the Republic of Bashkortostan. The extreme points are located on the borders of Glazovsky, Karakulinsky, Kambarsky, Syumsinsky districts. The federal road runs through the north of Udmurtia railway Kirov - Perm, in the south - Kazan - Yekaterinburg. 58°38" 55°12" 54°26" 51°10" MENU

Tectonic structure The territory of Udmurtia is part of the Russian Platform, its geological section consists of a crystalline basement and sedimentary cover. The foundation is represented by crystalline rocks of Archean and Lower Proterozoic age. The thickness of the sedimentary cover varies from 1.5–2.0 km in the west to 4–6 km in the east and more than 6–7 km in the southeast of the republic.

Relief The Republic lies in the east of the East European Plain and consists of a number of hills and lowlands. Although the hills (Verkhnekamsk, Mozhginsk and Sarapul) occupy most of the territory, their heights do not exceed 350m. To the south of Cheptsy there are hills: Krasnogorskaya, Tylovaisko-Multanskaya. There are 3 lowlands: Kilmezskaya, Chepetskaya, Kamsko-Belskaya. The entire territory is heavily dissected by river valleys, ravines and ravines. The highest point is 332 m, the lowest is 53 meters.

Mineral resources Oil, peat, coal and brown coal are widespread on the territory of the republic. Deposits of various building materials are widespread. There are deposits of mineral paints: ocher, black paint, volkonskoite. MENU

Fuel minerals Oil deposits are found almost everywhere, with the exception of the northwestern and extreme western regions. In general, the oil is heavy, tarry, with a depth of 680 to 2000 meters. More than 400 peat deposits have been explored in the republic. Peat is suitable and used for the preparation of fertilizers and fuel on an industrial scale. Hard and brown coals have been identified. Brown coal lies at a depth of 2 to 70 meters from the surface. Layers hard coals lie at a depth of 1000 to 1100 meters.

Construction materials Carbonate rocks can be used as raw materials for the production of lime, lime flour and construction crushed stone. Low-melting clays and loams are widely used for the production of bricks, expanded clay, and tiles. The largest reserves of sand have been identified in the valleys of the Kama and Selychka rivers. Sands can be used both for molding and for construction work. The Vala and Kilmez river valleys are promising for identifying new sand deposits.

Mineral paints Deposits of mineral paints are found in different parts republics: ocher - in Balezinsky, Alnashsky, Kiznersky, Grakhovsky districts; Black paint (feather clay) - in Debessky, Syumsinsky, Seltinsky and Uvinsky districts; Green paint (mineral volkonskoite) - in Sharkansky, Yakshur - Bod'insky, Debessky, Kezsky, Yarsky districts. Udmurtia is one of the few regions of the world where this mineral is found. MENU

Climate of Udmurtia The climate of Udmurtia is temperate continental with distinct 4 seasons. The most high temperatures are observed in the summer in the southern regions, the lowest in northern regions. In winter, isotherms deviate from the latitudinal direction under the influence of intrusion warm air from the Atlantic. Therefore, the highest temperatures are observed in the southwest, and the lowest in the northeast. The “Pole of Cold” is Debes, where cold air stagnates in depressions and the most low temperatures. Udmurtia is part of a zone of sufficient moisture; the annual amount varies from 600 mm in the north to 500 or less in the south. The warm period accounts for up to 70% of precipitation.

Udmurtia is extremely rich in water resources water resources. Surface waters are represented by rivers, lakes, ponds, swamps, and springs. All rivers belong to the Vyatka and Kama basins. The total length of the rivers is about 30 thousand km. The density of the river network increases from south to north to 0.80 km per sq. km. There are 368 small rivers with a length of 10 to 100 km, 17 medium (from 100 to 500 km) and large (more than 500 km). The rivers are fed by rain, melt and groundwater. The water regime clearly shows spring floods, summer low water, summer and autumn floods, and winter low water. There are more than 600 ponds on the territory of Udmurtia. The largest ones include Izhevsk, Votkinsk, Kambarsky, Pudemsky.

Boundary of the Vyatka and Kama basins Factory ponds Mineral springs Average long-term water flow, cubic m/sec. To determine the value, click on a specific triangle. MENU Lekma 9.8 Kilmez 89.5 Loza 7.7 Vala 21.4 Kama 1730 Siva 21.5

Natural areas The territory of Udmurtia is located within two landscape areas: taiga and subtaiga. The border between them passes just south of Izhevsk. The southern taiga subzone is characterized by a moderately warm and moderately humid climate. A developed river network is associated with the climate. Dark coniferous forests predominate (Norway and Siberian spruce, Scots pine, Siberian fir) on soddy-podzolic soils. Taiga forests are rich in fauna: about 60 species of mammals, more than 150 species of birds, 40 species of fish. The subtaiga zone is characterized by a warmer climate. In the forests there is a mixture of dark coniferous and broad-leaved (linden, maple, elm, elm) species. Soddy-podzolic and gray forest soils are formed under mixed forests. MENU

The quality of almost all surface water bodies Udmurtia does not correspond regulatory requirements . Powerful sources of water pollution are agricultural production (raising cattle, chemicals agriculture) and the oil industry. Therefore, the priority pollutants in surface waters The main objects of the republic are petroleum products, nitrogen compounds and heavy metals. In the Izhevsk, Votkinsk and Kambarsky reservoirs, along with the indicated pollutants, additional negative impact Blue-green algae blooms affect water quality.

In cities, surface water sources are susceptible to pollution from untreated wastewater. As a result of the discharge of untreated wastewater, the unsatisfactory condition of the sources is observed. For example, the Izhevsk Reservoir is used for wastewater discharge, and based on permitting documents, the volume of permitted discharge is more than 6,800 thousand m3 per year. About 34 thousand m 3 of wastewater is discharged into water bodies untreated.

The highest pollution is typical for Izh River below the city of Izhevsk and all small rivers in the city. The Izh River is polluted by wastewater from the Izhevsk industrial hub, among which discharges from the engineering, defense, and electrical industries predominate. IN Pozim River arrive waste water engineering, agricultural enterprises and airport. There is a steady excess of standards for petroleum products and metals here - these are “heavily and extremely polluted” rivers.

Water Kama River near the city of Sarapul belongs to the category of very polluted waters. Typical contaminants are copper, iron and zinc.

The rivers also belong to the category of “polluted” and “heavily polluted” rivers. Syuga and its tributaries, river. Kambarka below the pond, r. Votka below the pond, r. Yagulka below the village. Yagul. They exceed standards for organic substances, chlorides and petroleum products.

Water Cheptsa River accepts wastewater from the engineering industry and agricultural facilities. In the upper reaches near the village. The river water is classified as highly polluted water. A number of characteristic pollutants included copper, zinc, and iron. In addition, the waters of the Cheptsa River below the village of Balezino have an excess of phenols and oil products.

The largest part of the rivers of the Udmurt Republic (Pyzep, Lekma, Yunda, Ita, Loza above the village of Igra, Kilmez, Votka above the pond, Nylga above the village of Nylga, Umyak, Adamka, Vala in the upper reaches, Sarapulka) are classified as “moderately polluted” .

The rivers of sparsely populated areas (the right tributaries of the Cheptsa River, the Kampyzep River, the Kyrchma River and other rivers of the Kilmez Lowland, the upper reaches of the Nylga, Uva, Loza, Kyrykmas, Umyak) have a “satisfactory” and “favorable” condition in some places.


  1. Republican target program " Clean water for 2011 - 2015”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 22, 2010 No. 356;
  2. About the state of the environment natural environment in UR in 2011: State report. - Izhevsk: Publishing house, 2012. - 246 p.: ill. 47.

- subject Russian Federation, is part of the Volga Federal District.

Square— 42.1 thousand sq. km.
Length: From north to south - 320 km, from west to east - 200 km.

Population— 1528.5 thousand people (2009 data)
Population density – 36.3 people. per 1 sq. km.
The share of the urban population is 67.8%, rural - 32.2%.

Administrative center- city of Izhevsk.

Geographical location.
The Udmurt Republic is located in the western part of the Middle Urals, in the European Urals, in the interfluve of the Kama and its right tributary, the Vyatka. The surface is a hilly plain, dissected by river valleys and ravines, which gradually decreases from north to south and from east to west. Highest point- 332 meters, located in the northeast of the republic on the Verkhnekamsk Upland. In the south are the Mozhginskaya and Sarapulskaya uplands. In the west, in the river basin. Kilmez is a poorly drained and in places swampy lowland. The lowest point of the republic is 51 meters, in the southwestern part, almost on the border with the Republic of Tatarstan, in the floodplain of the Vyatka River.

Borders: In the west and north - with the Kirov region. In the east - from Perm region. In the south - with Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.

The Udmurt Republic is located in a temperate thermal zone and is located in a zone of inland climate, which is characterized by hot summers, cold, snowy winters and well-defined transition seasons.
The average annual temperature in the republic ranges from 1.0 to 2.5 °C. Temperatures in winter range from -20 to -10 degrees, in summer – from +15 to +22 degrees. Most warm month of the year - July (+17.5 - +19 °C), the coldest is January (-14 - -15 °C). Maximum temperatures reach +37-38 °C. Period from average daily temperature below 0 °C lasts 160-175 days, starting in late October and ending in early April.

Stable snow cover forms in early to mid-November, and at the latest in early December. Its height reaches its maximum in mid-March, on average 50-60 cm. The average duration of snow cover is 160-175 days.
The average annual precipitation is 500 mm. During the warm period (above 0 °C) 65-75% of the annual precipitation falls. The maximum precipitation occurs in July (62-74 mm), the minimum in February (24-32 mm). The northeastern part of the republic is moistened most by precipitation, and the southwestern part the least.
The growing season lasts from late April to late September.

Water resources.
The territory of Udmurtia belongs to the Kama basin and has a dense, well-developed river network. The total length of all the rivers of the republic is approximately 30 thousand km.
Both of the largest rivers of the Udmurt Republic - the Kama and Vyatka - have their sources in the north of the republic, but after a few kilometers they leave its territory. After traveling hundreds of kilometers, both rivers return to Udmurtia - in the southeast and southwest, respectively.
Most rivers of the Udmurt Republic are up to 10 km long. - their number exceeds 7000. The number of small rivers (from 10 to 100 km long) is 368, and medium (from 100 to 500 km) and large (more than 500 km) - 17. The largest rivers are the previously mentioned Kama and Vyatka, as well as Cheptsa, Kilmez, Izh, Siva and Vala.

The rivers of the Udmurt Republic are predominantly fed by snow. The average time for freeze-up is mid-to-late November, break-up is mid-to-late April. The flood begins approximately in mid-April and lasts from one month (small rivers) to 40-45 days (large rivers). Of the rivers, only the Kama and Vyatka are navigable.

In addition to rivers, there are more than 600 ponds on the territory of the republic, the largest of which are Izhevsky, Votkinsk, Kambarsky and Pudemsky.
From the southeast and south, Udmurtia is washed by the Votkinsk and Nizhnekamsk reservoirs, formed on the Kama River as a result of the construction of hydroelectric dams.

Flora world.
About half of the territory is covered with forests (mixed and coniferous). The main forest-forming species are spruce, pine, birch, aspen, fir, and linden. The vegetation is rich and varied: the modern flora of Udmurtia includes 1,757 plant species. The main zonal type of vegetation is taiga. At the same time, Udmurtia is located in two subzones, the border between which is an imaginary line passing through Vavozh - Izhevsk. The territory north of this line is located in the southern taiga subzone, and to the south - in the deciduous-coniferous forest subzone.

Animal world.
The fauna of Udmurtia is typical for the forest zone. The local fauna includes 49 species of mammals, including elk, bear, squirrel, hare, wild boar, ermine, wolf, etc. Birds: hazel grouse, wood grouse, black grouse, partridge, etc. The rivers are home to bream, roach, perch, ide, burbot .

114 oil fields have been discovered on the territory of the republic. The republic also has peat reserves and nitrogen-methane deposits, building materials ( quartz sands, clays, limestones), is rich in mineral springs and healing mud.

The natural conditions of the republic are favorable for the development of forest vegetation. Forests - spruce, fir, pine, larch, birch, linden, aspen. The area of ​​forest fund land is 1611.3 thousand hectares.

Water resources:

Surface waters.

The water resources of Udmurtia are represented by river flow, waters of artificial reservoirs, and groundwater.

The territory of the Republic entirely belongs to the Kama River basin. It is covered by a dense hydrographic network, including about 600 rivers, streams and over 2000 springs. The feeding nature of surface water bodies is predominantly of the snow type with clearly defined phases of the level regime: spring flood, summer low water, summer-autumn rain flood and winter low water. The river network is quite well developed; river network development coefficient is 0.43-0.53 km/km2. Being in a zone of sufficient or excessive moisture, most rivers are characterized by a significant amount of flow. The runoff module ranges from 7-8 l/sec per 1 km2 in the northern regions of the republic to 5-4.5 l/sec per 1 km2 in the southern regions. According to the hydrochemical composition, the rivers of the Udmurt Republic are classified as hydrocarbonate waters with low mineralization. The degree of mineralization ranges from 200 to 500 mg/l. Turbidity river waters, not contaminated with industrial waste, does not exceed 100-250 g/m3.

In Udmurtia, two large rivers of the European territory of Russia - the Kama and Vyatka - originate, and the flow of the Izha, Vali, Cheptsy, Umyaka, and Kilmezi is formed.

The main waterway of the republic is the Kama River. It originates on the Verkhnekamsk Upland, in the northeastern part of Udmurtia, in the village of Karpushata (near the village of Kuliga). Its length is 2032 km, and within the republic - 225 km. The basin area is 521,700 km2. The largest right tributary of the Kama is the river. Vyatka. In addition to the Vyatka, the right tributaries of the Kama River on the territory of the Republic are the Siva and Izh rivers. Toima, Bolshaya Sarapulka. Malaya Sarapulka. The left tributaries of the Kama River within the Republic are Kambarka, Bui, etc. The south-eastern border of the republic partially runs along the Belaya River, which is the largest left tributary of the Kama River.

The largest tributaries of the river. Vyatka on the territory of the republic - the Cheptsa rivers (length 524 km, basin area 19126 km2), Kilmez - 270 km (of which 195 km across the republic) and basin area - 17240 km2. In the southwest of the republic there are such left tributaries of the Vyatka as the Umyak and Lyuga.

There are about 1,900 ponds and reservoirs on the territory of the Udmurt Republic (total area 16,500 hectares). Their size varies: from several hundred square meters up to several square kilometers. The area of ​​the Votkinsk reservoir on the territory of the republic is about 5000 hectares, the Izhevsk pond is 2180 hectares. Votkinsk pond - 1880 hectares, Kambarsky - 410 hectares, Pudemsky - 340 hectares.


Fresh groundwater on the territory of the Republic are confined to deposits of the entire section of the sedimentary sequence.

The explored exploitable reserves of fresh groundwater amount to 148.7 thousand m3/day.

The republic is characterized by widespread mineral waters, including medicinal: drinking, dining and balneo-therapeutic use - hydrogen sulfide, sodium chloride brines. Many types of mineral waters are among the most valuable, containing biologically active components: hydrogen sulfide, bromine, boron.

Almost all surface water bodies in Udmurtia do not meet regulatory requirements for hydrochemical indicators. The results of long-term observations of the state monitoring network indicate that the priority pollutants in surface water bodies republics are petroleum products that are easily oxidized organic matter(according to BOD5), nitrogen compounds, heavy metals.

Fresh groundwater in Udmurtia is mostly unprotected or insufficiently protected from surface pollution, and its quality is affected by economic activities.

Forest resources:

The natural conditions of the republic are favorable for the development of forest vegetation. Forests - spruce, fir, pine, larch, birch, linden, aspen. The area of ​​forest fund land is 1611.3 thousand hectares.

As a result of active measures for reforestation on lands not covered with forest vegetation and non-forest lands, the area of ​​land covered with forest vegetation increased by 4.2 thousand hectares, and land not covered with forest vegetation decreased. The area of ​​coniferous plantations increased by 8.2 thousand hectares due to the transfer of open forest crops to lands covered with forest vegetation, as well as due to thinning in soft-leaved plantations and their transfer to coniferous farming.

164.6 million pieces were grown in forest nurseries. standard planting material, including 31.8 million units. seedlings.

The sanitary condition of the forests is satisfactory.

To ensure timely detection of forest pests and diseases, forest pathological monitoring is carried out.

My Udmurtia - Spring Land.

I live in Udmurtia, this is my homeland, and my story is about it. And although Udmurtia occupies a very small place on the map of Russia, there is something to be proud of here! Udmurtia is famous for the beauty of its nature: coniferous forests, wide fields, water meadows. But first of all, Udmurtia is a land of springs. In the republic huge amount underground sources of the purest drinking water, this is a real treasury of the main wealth on earth. And this is something to be proud of.
I want to talk about two springs in Udmurtia, which are undoubtedly a valuable attraction of the republic, but at the same time remain little known - these are the sources of the rivers Izh and Votka.

The city celebrated its 250th anniversary in 2010. Izhevsk- the capital of the Udmurt Republic, a glorious city of gunsmiths, built on the river Izh, which played a huge role in the history of the city.

Izhevsk. Central square. Monument to Friendship of Peoples.

The main building of the arms factory in Izhevsk

And the Izh River (Osh in Udmurt) begins with an ordinary spring, half a kilometer from the village Malye Oshvortsy Yak-Bodinsky district.

Let's take a short trip there, especially since it is close to Izhevsk - only about 70 km. The road is good, there are few cars and in an hour we will be in the village of Malye Oshvortsy. The village is very small, with only 100 inhabitants.

The village pond in the village of Malye Oshvortsy is formed by the Izh River.

We go around a small but picturesque village pond, by the way, it was formed by the Izh River, then the road along the field and here in front of us beautiful slide, from which our river flows.

Forest is the main wealth of Udmurtia.

All around is real Udmurt nature: impenetrable coniferous forests and grass almost as tall as a person, in which even an SUV can get lost.

In the tall grass...

The nature of Udmurtia is rich in a variety of plants and herbs.

This is where it starts Izh River. Its name is associated with the name of the ancient Deity Osha, the ruler of the underground and underwater world, who has the appearance of a lizard or dragon.

At the source of the Izh River.

Source of the river local residents called Ochmes, which literally means a spring, the water in it is clear and very cold.

The source of the Izh River.

The spring is fenced with a wicker fence, and the descent to the water is paved with stone steps.

Descent to the spring.

There is a shield installed near the spring, on which detailed information about the Izh River is written, a little further away - wooden gazebo, inside which there is a table with benches. Chinese bells are hung under the roof. This amazing place full of charm, it is very beautiful, quiet and peaceful. Let's stop here, sit in the shade of the gazebo, listen to the music of the wind, forgetting for a while about the bustle of life...

Gazebo at the source of the Izh River.

According to the information plate, the river was formed by the confluence of the Bolshoi and Small Izh, flows through the territory of Udmurtia and Tatarstan in the direction from north to south, it is the right tributary of the Kama. The total length of the river is 259 km. The width of the river ranges from 22.0 to 28.0 meters, depth - from 0.9 to 2.5 meters. The only city on the river is Izhevsk.

Information board.

Did you know that “Izh” is not only a river in Udmurtia and Tatarstan, a river in Kirov region, a village in the Kirov region and even an island in Croatia!

The Izh River is the main source of food Izhevsky Pond- unique of its kind. This is the largest artificial reservoir in Europe among reservoirs not intended for the production of electricity. Known to have been dug by hand, it is 12 km long and ranges in width from 0.5 to 2.5 km. The pond, like a colossal bowl with an area of ​​26 square kilometers, is filled with 76 million cubic meters of water. Izhevsky Pond was created in 1760 for the needs of an ironworks. Filling the reservoir with water lasted for 3 years.

Izhevsky pond.

And not far from the source of Izh, just two kilometers, among the largest oil field in Udmurtia - Kiongopsky- there is another spring - the source Votka River(in Udmurt "Idzi").

Map of the location of the sources of the Izh and Votka rivers.

The Votka River gives life big city Votkinsk is the same as Izh Izhevsk. The fate of these rivers, like the cities, is largely similar, judge for yourself:

1. The sources of the rivers originate only two kilometers from each other;

2. Both rivers gave birth to two major cities Udmurtia;

3. Both rivers were artificially dammed, as a result of which two of the largest industrial centers of Udmurtia emerged - Izhevsk and Votkinsk factories producing military-industrial complex products;

4. City ponds, their water areas and embankments are similar to each other in appearance, like two twin brothers, their difference is only in size, and are a favorite vacation spot for city residents;

Embankments of Votkinsk and Izhevsk ponds.

5. Both rivers, running away from their sources each to their own city, meet again in the Kama and, without being separated, run to the Volga and the Caspian Sea;

6. Both cities are connected by a common two-century rich history;

7. Each of the cities is firmly associated with two of the most famous names in the whole world: the great one was born in Votkinsk Tchaikovsky, the famous Kalashnikov.

Monument to P.I. Tchaikovsky in Votkinsk

Monument to M.T. Kalashnikov in Izhevsk

To get from the source of the Izh to the source of the Votka you need to go off-road; there is no asphalt in these remote places, there are only clay field roads along which oil workers use their heavy equipment to get to the most remote oil fields. Due to the property of clay, which almost instantly transforms from stone into liquid mud under the influence of water, these roads are quite dangerous. It’s impossible to find yourself here in the rain, it’s easy to get stuck, and there’s nowhere to expect help.

Clay road to the source of the Votka River.

Having quite lost our way along the extensive network of bright red roads, we suddenly stumble upon a sign "Source of the Votka River - 380 m". Hooray! Then follow the arrow only on foot.

Signpost to the source of the Votka River.

The places here are harsh - grass higher than the waist and such a variety of species that even a phytobiologist could not dream of, among which there are plenty of stinging nettles, prickly burdocks and cutting sedges. And clouds of flying bloodsuckers. In general, a real test for the strong in spirit. Traces of civilization appeared ahead: in the middle of a large clearing wooden table with benches. They practically “drowned” in the tall grass:

At the source of the Votka River.

Clubfoot bear.

Found it! Here is the source Votka River. Water flows through a wooden pipe into a bathhouse made of logs, and a log bridge is thrown across the river.

Spring water.

The edge of the stream is fenced with a wicker fence, and all around there is an impenetrable, mysterious forest... All this gives the place a special, fabulous flavor.

Log bridge over the river.

A team of schoolchildren, teachers and students of the Udmurt State University, studying animals and flora republics.

Unfortunately, last summer disaster struck: a powerful, merciless hurricane broke a huge spruce tree, which fell straight onto the gazebo, like a matchstick. There was no chance to resist the fairytale hut. And for a whole year now, the shapeless pile of boards, which used to be a carved gazebo, has been overgrown with weeds and rotting...

Fallen tree.

Collapsed gazebo.

A sad bear near a fallen gazebo.

A sad sight... But there lives in my soul the hope that good fellows will be found who can revive this amazing place, so that our Udmurtia will once again find its little fairy-tale corner, where two Udmurt rivers originate - brother and sister - Izh and Votka.

And the hospitable Udmurt land is always happy to welcome guests from other regions, welcome!

Italmas is the favorite flower of the Udmurts, the golden symbol of Udmurtia, a symbol of love, fidelity, hope and joy...



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