Formula for calculating square meters of a room. How to calculate square meters

From time to time we are faced with the problem of how to calculate square meters: when calculating payment for public utilities or during renovation, when you need to calculate how many rolls of wallpaper are needed to cover the walls, or how many cans of paint.

In fact, all this data is indicated in the technical passport, which gives a clear layout of the apartment, indicates the number of square meters of each room and the total area of ​​the apartment.

How to calculate square meters of walls

If you don’t have a passport, but you still need to find out, for example, how to calculate square meters of walls, then doing this, in fact, is not so difficult. For this you will need school knowledge geometry. Namely, the formula for the area of ​​a rectangle is S= a*b. That is, you need to multiply the height of your walls by the width. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Measure the width of the wall. It is best to do this along the line of the floor or ceiling, since these lines are most perpendicular.
  2. Change the height of the wall. This is the distance from floor to ceiling. As a rule, in "Khrushchev" it is 2.5 m, in "Brezhnev" - 3 m, in "Stalin" - 3.5 or 4 m. But it is best to measure it yourself so as not to make a mistake.
  3. Find out the area. The resulting values ​​should be multiplied among themselves - and you have the sum of square meters of one wall.
  4. Sum of areas. Since the room has not one wall, but four, the same operations need to be done with the remaining walls, and then add up the resulting 4 areas. As a result, you will have square meters of walls throughout the room.
  5. Subtract the excess. Each room has at least one entrance. IN modern apartments Redevelopments with different arched and other openings are very fashionable. Naturally, if you need to calculate the number of rolls of wallpaper, then you do not need this distance. Therefore, measure the height and width of the opening, multiply them and subtract the resulting number from the total number of meters of walls.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. If you are interested in how to calculate the square meters of a room, then it is even easier.

How to calculate square meters of a room

The basic formula is still the same. Only now we need the length and width of the floor.

  1. We measure the width. If you have furniture along the wall, you shouldn’t immediately drag it somewhere. You can easily measure the width along the wall or ceiling - the room consists of rectangles, and its parallel sides are equal.
  2. We measure the length. We measure the adjacent wall/floor/ceiling.
  3. Finding the area. We multiply the resulting numbers - and that’s it.

It's that simple.

At times it is necessary to find out the area or volume of a room in order to make calculations for the purchase various materials for construction or renovation of premises. During the renovation process, you have to measure the area of ​​the walls in order to determine the amount of wallpaper or other finishing materials. As a rule, calculations begin with measurements. Measurements are taken using a tape measure or other methods.

This is not a complicated process as there are certain formulas. In this case, it is enough to determine the size. To do this you need:

  • purchase a tape measure, the most ordinary one, preferably 5 meters;
  • take paper, pencil or pen;
  • Have a calculator, although it is not difficult to calculate on paper.

With the help of this minimal set of devices, everything is carried out necessary calculations. It’s better, of course, to have an assistant, but, as a last resort, you can do everything yourself. The dimensions of the room are measured along the walls, if they are not filled with furniture. If you need exact dimensions, then better furniture set aside and clear the walls. Only after this is it recommended to take all measurements. At the same time, one should take into account the fact that the right rooms, with right angles practically does not exist when it comes to premises built back in Soviet times. In this regard, it is necessary to take the measurement process very seriously.

Rectangular rooms

If the room has a regular (relatively) rectangular shape, without all sorts of protrusions or niches, then its area is calculated quite simply. First, you need to measure the length and width of the room, and then write down the results on a piece of paper so you don’t forget. Measurements can be made in both meters and centimeters. If measurements are made in meters, then a comma is placed after the whole values ​​of meters, and then centimeters are written. For example, 4 meters, 35 centimeters should be written: 4.35 m.

Having measured the length, for example, 2.35 m and width 1.4 m, the data is multiplied. For example: 2.35 m x 1.4 m. The result is 3.290 m2 or 3.29 m2. As a rule, there are always two digits after the decimal point. If there are more of them, then the value is rounded according to the rules that were set out in primary school schools. In this case, you can round either to meters or to centimeters, depending on the required accuracy. In general, it is sufficient to measure with an accuracy of meters and only occasionally is it necessary to measure with an accuracy of centimeters.

Irregularly shaped room

Not all rooms have correct form. Quite often there are rooms with protrusions various shapes. In such cases, the rooms are divided into separate squares, rectangles or triangles, depending on the configuration of the projections. Then all the protrusions are measured, after which their area is calculated and all the results obtained are summed up.

The photo above shows an example where there is a rectangular ledge in the room. In this case, the area of ​​the room is calculated as follows:

  1. The total area without protrusion is calculated: 3.6m x 8.5m = 30.6m2.
  2. The area of ​​the protrusion is calculated: 3.25 m x 0.8 m = 2.6 m 2.
  3. The results obtained are added up: 30.6 m 2 + 2.6 m 2 = 33.2 m 2.

There are rooms with sloping walls. Proceed as follows: the wall is broken so that a rectangle and a triangle are obtained (see figure below). As a result, for calculations, it is necessary to have five sizes. Subsequently, the areas of the figures are calculated separately, and then all the results are either added or subtracted, depending on the nature of the protrusion.

The square is calculated in this order:

  1. The main rectangular part is calculated: 6.5 m x 1.4 m = 8.96 m 2. Rounding we get 9.0 m2.
  2. The area of ​​the small rectangle is calculated: 2.7m x 1.9m = 5.13m2. When rounded we get 5.0 m2.
  3. The area of ​​a triangle having a right angle is calculated (1.3m x 1.9m) / 2 = 1.235m2. Rounding it will be 1 m2.
  4. In conclusion, the results obtained are added up: 9+5+1 = 15 m2.

Such calculation accuracy is absolutely acceptable. As a rule, the layout of rooms can be varied, but the calculation rules are absolutely the same: everything is divided into separate, independent figures, the area of ​​the individual figures is calculated, and then everything is added up, or maybe subtracted, depending on the configuration of the protrusions. This is especially true when determining the floor or ceiling area.

How to calculate wall area

You need to know the square footage of the walls when you plan to purchase finishing materials, such as wallpaper, putty, paint and others. If this is a blank wall, then everything is simple - the height and length of the wall are measured, after which the results are multiplied. If there is a window or doorway in the wall, then you need to determine how much area they occupy and subtract it from the total area of ​​the wall. That's why:

  • measure the height of the walls and their width;
  • find out the height and width of doorways;
  • measure the height and width of window openings.

Blind wall

  • 2.5 m x 6.0 m = 15 m 2 – area of ​​a blank wall.

Wall with doorway:

  1. Total wall area: 2.5m x 6.0m = 15m2.
  2. Doorway area: 2.1m x 1.0m = 2.1m2.
  3. Wall area without doors: 15m2 – 2.1m2 = 12.9m2.

Wall with window opening:

  • Total wall area: 2.5m x 4m = 10m2.
  • Window opening area: 1.3m x 1.5m = 1.95m2.
  • Wall area without window: 10 m2 – 1.95 m2 = 8.05 m2.

As a rule, the total area of ​​all walls is calculated. To do this, take and add the results of the areas of each wall. For example: 15m2 + 12.9m2 + 10m2 + 8.05m2 = 45.95m2.

Sometimes, for some calculations, it is necessary to know how much volume a room occupies. For such calculations, you need to know one more figure: not only the length and width, but also the height of the room. As a result of the calculations, the cubic capacity (volume) of the room is obtained, which is indicated in cubic meters. For example:

  • room length – 6 m;
  • room width – 4 m;
  • room height – 2.5 m.

Now you need to multiply all the indicators: 6m x 4m x 2.5m = 60m 3. So, it turns out that the volume of the room is 60 m3.


Such accuracy of calculations does not particularly affect the final result, since few people purchase facing materials based on such calculations. As a rule, any facing materials are purchased with some reserve. If, for example, they count the number ceramic tiles, then calculations are made by the number of pieces, based on the laying diagram. Even in this case, it is taken with some excess. This is also due to the fact that emergency situations related to damage are possible. facing material. This is especially true when the work is done independently, without the involvement of professionals.

This also applies to materials such as wallpaper, linoleum, laminate, various linings, siding, etc. You must always remember that during work, waste appears and, moreover, there can be a lot of it if the dimensions are arbitrary, without taking into account the use of certain materials.

This approach is especially relevant when laying linoleum, which has standard sizes in width. As for its length, you need to measure everything very accurately and always 10 centimeters, but add it. If you miscalculate, it can be costly.

Let's say you want to start renovating your own apartment. To do this, you need to decide on the quantity necessary materials and the amount of money that will be spent on them. So, the budget for repair work is directly related to the quadrature, i.e. with the area of ​​the room measured in square meters. Today we will figure out how to calculate the area of ​​your (or any other) room or even an entire apartment. Let's consider some aspects and nuances.

How to calculate the square footage of a room

Now let's take a closer look at how area is calculated. It is worth considering that the shape of the room is not only rectangular. There are other cases, in each of them the calculation occurs differently. Let's look at various examples.

What is needed for calculation

In order to quickly calculate the required area you will need:

  • Tape measure (with or without lock);
  • Paper where you will write everything down, pencil and pen;
  • A calculator for calculations, but you can do it in your head and in a column on paper.

This entire set is available in almost any home. It's better to take measurements with someone. It will be more convenient, but you can also do it yourself.

The first thing you should do is measure the walls. This is done along them. You can also measure in the middle if they are filled with furniture.

3 by 3 how many square meters

To calculate a room 3 by 3 square meters, there is a fairly simple formula: you simply multiply the measured length by the width. That is, we take 3 and multiply it by 3 and it turns out that a room 3 by 3 meters is 9 m².

3 by 4

Here it is calculated in the same way as in the previous formula. We take and multiply the two values ​​3*4 and get 12 square meters.

3 by 6 how many m² will it be

And nothing new appears here. Again we take two values ​​- 3 and 6, and then multiply them. The result is 18 m².

Rectangular room

If the shape of the room is correct, which is very convenient, and there are no protruding parts, you can easily measure the area of ​​the room.

Take a tape measure and use it to measure the length and width of the room. Write down the obtained values ​​on a piece of paper so as not to forget. Record the value in meters. Then these numbers should be multiplied to get the area of ​​the room in square meters. By the way, it is advisable to leave two digits after the decimal point, so if anything happens, you need to round it off.

Irregular shape of the room

Sometimes in apartments, and most often in private houses, there are rooms that differ from the rectangular shape.

To measure the square footage of a room that is not rectangular or square in shape, you will have to divide it into various shapes such as rectangles, triangles, and so on.

  • If you need to calculate the area of ​​a room in the shape of a circle, you should use the formula S = D2/4, where D is the diameter of the room.
  • The area of ​​a triangular section is calculated using Heron's formula S = √ (P/2(P/2 -A) x (P/2 - B) x (P/2 - C)), where the letters A, B, C mean its sides , and P is the perimeter, respectively.
  • To calculate the area of ​​the terrace if you have private house, you need to sum up the area of ​​the rectangle and the semicircle.
  • In the case when a segment needs to be calculated, the formula R2/2 (/180 – sin) is used. This is a rather complicated calculation. The letter “a” refers to the angle of the segment, which is expressed in degrees.

How to calculate the square footage of a wall

Calculating the area of ​​the walls is necessary when you are purchasing materials - wallpaper, plaster, etc. In this case, in order to calculate the square footage of the wall, additional measurements will be needed, for example, how high is the ceiling.

Wall, excluding windows, doors

Calculate the square footage of the walls easy to use simplest formula– the length of the wall is multiplied by the height. Let's say the height is 2.7 meters and the width is 7 meters, then S = 7 * 2.7 = 18.9 m2. This is how the wall area is calculated.

How to calculate the square footage of the floor

In this case, it all depends on the geometry of the room. If the room is of the correct shape, then to find out the floor area, you should measure the length or width of the rectangle or square. Square meters are calculated using the formula S = H*B. Where "H" means the length of the room, and "B" the width. If the room is square, it is enough to simply square the length of the side.

Floor excluding stove, fireplace

To do this, you should exclude these elements from the total area, that is, before calculating the total area, you need to find out the square meters of a specific object:

  1. We calculate what size your floor is.
  2. Then you should calculate the square footage of the area where the stove or fireplace is located.
  3. Now from the total area you need to subtract the one that touches the stove or fireplace.

Room volume

In some cases, you need to calculate the volume of the room. This is not difficult to do, you just need to multiply three values: width, length, height. This quantity is measured in cubic meters and is also called cubic capacity. That is, the same formula as for calculating the area of ​​a room, only a third value is added, and that’s it.


Now you have received the answer to the question of how the area of ​​​​any room is calculated. Even if it is complex, it’s okay, you need to break it down into simple shapes. You can also use an online calculator to calculate the square footage of the room. It can be a great help in some cases. By the way, always have 5-10% of materials in stock, as there may be errors in the calculation.

The same online calculators may also not work correctly. The best way calculate everything - do it yourself.

Calculating the area (S) of each room is important when buying or selling an apartment. A larger footage will result in a higher price and attractive terms for its sale. Counting is also needed when performing construction and installation work, cosmetic and overhaul housing. You can use the services of specialists, but you can simply perform the primary procedures yourself.


The parameters of residential and other premises are indicated in the technical documentation of the house. They may be indicated inaccurately or change due to reconstruction or reorganization of the facility. Documentation may also be temporarily lost. It is easier to perform counting manipulations yourself using simple tools.

What is it

To calculate the area of ​​a room, you need to take into account its dimensions. Calculations are performed using technical tools. The calculation depends on the parameters of the space and its shape. Carried out by homeowners and other interested parties before selling a house or during renovation work.

Who does it apply to?

The calculations are carried out by the owners of apartments or private houses. There are no legislative (mandatory) norms obliging changes to be made. They can be performed by repairmen, sellers, real estate buyers, and workers when installing furniture (for example, kitchen units).

Measurements are taken by workers performing finishing living space. The manipulations can be carried out by real estate agents and their assistants - if necessary, measure the parameters and state them when submitting an advertisement for the sale of an apartment.

Features of the procedure

When calculating, you should take into account the geometric configuration of the living space and the corresponding formulas. You can calculate the footage of a square, rectangular, triangular, diamond-shaped space. Calculation tools are available in almost every household.

Allowed to use:

  1. Roulette.
  2. Pencil or markers.
  3. Calculator, including in online format.

Calculations are carried out in an elementary manner and are accessible to persons who do not have a higher technical education.

If the space is filled with furniture, it should be moved away or taken out while measurements are taken. To facilitate the procedure, measurements can be taken in the center.

The main condition is to ensure that the imaginary line along which the measurements are taken should be located according to the parameters 90* to the wall.

Calculations are performed using a tape measure. The count should be from scale 0 to the limit value. After receiving the data, they should be multiplied using the formula. S = ab, that is, we multiply the length with the height.

Calculations are thus performed using the simplest geometric formulas. If there is a niche in the main room, then its area must be calculated using a similar formula and added to the floor footage.

If there are bulges in the room, then their area should be calculated separately and later subtracted from the total footage of the room.

If the room has an irregular shape, then it should be mentally divided into other shapes. Then you should calculate the size of each figure and simply add the results.

The following parameters are used for the triangle:

If the room has a circular shape, then for this you should use the parameter π – 3.14. In order to calculate the radius, you should find out the longest distance between the walls and divide the resulting size by two. The main task is to take measurements carefully so as not to perform calculations with an error and not to repeat the procedure again.

When installing the floor, you need to find out the area of ​​​​the space that the furniture occupies. The resulting size must be subtracted from the total footage.

If you need to re-glue wallpaper, sometimes you need to find out the area of ​​the walls. Their calculations are carried out similarly to the floor area, only the height parameter should be used together with the width. Result in sq. m is obtained by multiplying the length of the wall by its height parameter. Measurements can be taken with a regular or laser tape measure.

It is especially important to make S window, door and other openings. It is necessary to calculate the area of ​​each opening. The results should be added up and calculated from the total area of ​​the room.

To get accurate parameters, experts recommend starting to measure the wall in three positions (beginning, middle, end). The information obtained must be summed up and divided by 3. The arithmetic mean should be calculated in a similar way.

This will help to avoid errors, even if the walls are not the smoothest. To measure the openings of windows and doors, it is not recommended to focus on their correct shape. It is recommended that you measure the four sides yourself, not just the two touching sides. This will allow you to find out the accuracy of the parameters when installing a new double-glazed window.

To calculate the S of a square room, you need to calculate the square of the length of its side.

For example, the side length of a room is -4 m. 42 = 16 m2.

If the room has a rectangular configuration, then the area is equal to the product of the length and width.

For example. The length of the room is 8 m - width 5. 5 * 8 = 40 square meters (S).


To calculate, you must have minimal mathematical knowledge and necessary tools. The homeowner or other interested parties need to accurately measure the parameters of the home so that there are no unexpected deviations during the calculation.

If the room irregular shape, then you will need to carry out measurements on a segmental basis - that is, divide the room into equal geometric shapes and perform calculations step by step.

Calculation formula

Any complex formulas, for example, from higher mathematics, is not provided. You should focus on formulas characteristic of ordinary geometric shapes.

If the room is square, then it is:

If the room is rectangular in shape, then you need to take into account the formula:

a*b (product of length and width)

To calculate the area of ​​the walls, you need to be guided by the formula:

(p*h) – product of length and height

If there are a niche or projections in the room, then their area must be subtracted from the total S of the room.

Situations are possible when the room is non-standard, for example, equipped as a studio and has a triangular shape, then measurements should be taken taking into account the formula by which the area of ​​the triangle is calculated. It is equal to the product of half the base of the figure and the height, i.e. 0.5ah

If the room has a diamond shape, then you should be guided by the formula:

Calculus example

When making calculations, it is necessary to thoroughly determine the length, width, and height of the room. If S walls are calculated, then we use a regular or laser tape measure and take measurements.

For example, near the room rectangular shape– then we multiply the length by the height.
Room length – 6 m, width 4.

Thus, the area of ​​the room will be equal to:

5*3= 24 sq. m

If the room square shape, then we use the elementary form – a2. For example, the length of one side of a square room is 4 m2.


42= 16 m.2

If the room has a triangle shape - for example, a design workshop, then find out the length of the base. For example, it is equal to 5 square meters. m. Height – 2.6 m.

Thus, we multiply:

5/2*2.5m2= 6.25 sq.m.

If the room has a diamond shape, then you should multiply the height of the room by its base - ah - for example, the base of the room is 5 m, the height is 3 m:

5*3=15 m

Using an online calculator

On sites specializing in construction and repair work, provided different types calculators.

It is enough to enter the parameters of the room into the fields, having previously measured them thoroughly, and you can get the desired result.

For example, the height of the room is 2.5 m, the width is 4 m, and the length is 6.8. It is enough to indicate these parameters in the above calculator form, and we will get the desired result (in the “wall area” section). Thus, S walls, for example, in the hall of a large mansion, is equal to 54 sq.m.

For more complex calculations, especially if the room is of irregular shape, you can use the following calculator:

First, you should take the necessary measurements yourself and enter them into the lines, then click the “calculate” button:

We press the button and get the following results:

Even if you have a calculator, it is advisable to double-check all calculations in manual mode and several times.

Video: how to calculate

Important aspects

Care should be taken to ensure accuracy in advance measuring instruments. Roulette better work with a partner who can record the measurement results. If measurements are necessary to enter data into technical documentation, then the BTI engineer is doing the work.

Legislative framework

Everyone who has started a renovation is faced with the need to calculate when purchasing exact quantity building materials.

In order not to overpay and not find a shortage, you need to know how to calculate the square meters of a room, walls, floor, ceiling.

Everything is quite simple, but difficulties may arise with calculating the area of ​​​​non-standard premises. How to calculate the area of ​​a room in square meters? Formulas with examples below.

Armed with a tape measure, a calculator and a notepad, you can start with the simplest thing - calculating the square footage of the wall (ceiling, floor - it doesn’t matter if it’s a rectangle, the calculation is the same).

The width and height to the ceiling are measured. Sometimes you can even see by eye that the corners of a room are not ideal.

Then it’s worth taking measurements in several places - for example, taking the height on one side of the wall and on the other.

If the numbers are different, the arithmetic mean is calculated (both indicators are added and divided by 2).

To find out the number of square meters, you need to multiply the length by the height of the wall. For the floor - length by width.

  • Example: wall width 3.6 m, height – 2.9 m.
  • The area of ​​such a wall will be 3.6 x 2.9 = 10.44 m2.

A calculation is made for each wall, and the results are added up.

Calculation of room square footage

Not always, the room is a regular rectangle. There may be a lot of special cases. Let's look at some of them.

Floor and ceiling in a room with a storage room, bay window, niche, etc.

How to calculate a square meter of flooring? The basic principle is this: the total area needs to be divided into separate parts to get simple figures, and calculate the quadrature for them separately, and then add up all the results.

Example. The room was combined with a balcony and made warm loggia. You need to calculate the floor area for the entire resulting room:

  1. Length and width are measured large room(let's say 5 m by 6.7 m).
  2. The results are multiplied (5 x 6.7 = 33.5 m2).
  3. The length and width of the loggia are measured (let's say 2.1 m by 1.4 m)
  4. The results are multiplied (2.1 x 1.4 = 2.94 m2)
  5. The first total and the second total add up (33.5 + 2.94 = 36.44 m2)

The same is done if you need to add the area of ​​other rooms and elements.

The exterior cladding of a house is done not only for beauty, but also to protect the structure from external factors. Here you will find recommendations for choosing a house cladding material depending on the material of the building itself: brick, wood, frame house.

Wall, excluding windows, doors; floor excluding stove

Windows, doors, stove - these are also rectangles, the square footage of which will need to be calculated separately. The only difference is that these indicators will need to be subtracted from the total area.

Example. There are two identical windows on the wall. You need to find out how much material will be used to finish the wall without taking into account windows:

  1. The length and height of the wall are measured (For example, 2.5 m x 4.5 m).
  2. The total square footage of this wall is found (2.5 x 4.5 = 11.25 m2).
  3. The height and width of the window are measured along the edge of the frame (90 cm (0.9 m) by 1.3 m).
  4. The area of ​​the window is found (0.9 x 1.3 = 1.17 m2).
  5. We have two windows, so the figure doubles (1.17 x 2 = 2.34 m2).
  6. We subtract the area of ​​both windows from the total square footage of the wall (11.25 – 2.34 = 8.91 m2).

The same applies if you need to exclude doors or other elements (radiators, fireplaces, stoves or even furniture) from the area.

Round (and semicircular) suspended ceiling elements, windows, columns, heating boilers, etc.

In some cases, you can find out the diameter (and therefore the radius) simply by applying a tape measure, as is the case with elements suspended ceiling and windows. Then the formula for the area of ​​a circle by radius will be:

S = π r 2

  1. Using a tape measure, measure the diameter of the window (for example, 80 cm).
  2. Divide the diameter in half, find out the radius (80:2 = 40 cm, or 0.4 m).
  3. We calculate the area. π always = 3.14. (3.14 x 0.4 2 = 3.14 x 0.16 = 0.5024 m2).

If the diameter cannot be simply measured, such as with a column or pipe, you will need to measure the circumference.

Formula for the area of ​​a circle based on its circumference:

S = L 2 :4 π

Example. There is a column. You need to find out the floor area in the hall without it:

  1. The length and width of the room are measured and its area is found (for example, 19 m2).
  2. The circumference of the column is measured with a tape measure (let's say 88 cm, or 0.88 m).
  3. The formula calculates the area of ​​the column (0.88 2: 4π = 0.7744: 4x3.14 = 0.7744: 12.56 = 0.62 m2.
  4. The area of ​​the column is subtracted from the area of ​​the room (19 – 0.62 = 18.38 m2).

In the case of a semicircular element, we do the same, but at the very end we divide the result by 2.

Example. You need to find out the area of ​​a window with a semicircular (arched) top:

  1. The width and height of the rectangular part of the window are measured (for example, 1.1 m by 1.4 m).
  2. The area is calculated (1.1 x 1.4 = 1.54 m2)
  3. The diameter of the round part will correspond to the width of the window (ours is 1.1 m).
  4. Radius is half the diameter (1.1:2 = 0.55)
  5. The area of ​​the circle is found (3.14 x 0.55 2 = 3.14 x 0.3025 = 0.95 m 2).
  6. Area of ​​the semicircle (0.95:2 = 0.475 m2).
  7. The areas of the rectangular part of the window and the semicircular part are added up (1.54 + 0.475 = 2.015 m2).

How to calculate the quadrature of a curved room?

Sometimes in rooms one of the corners is “cut off” or the wall is at an angle. Then the same principle of dividing complex figures into simpler ones applies, but some of them will be triangles.

IN complex tasks, good drawing- this is half the success. Create a floor plan that will help you “divide” the space on paper rather than in your mind.

Sloping corners in a room

In essence, such a room is a rectangle from which a triangle has been “cut off”. Having found the area of ​​this triangle and subtracting it from the total quadrature, the area of ​​the room remains.

The area of ​​a triangle is found by the formula:

S = ab :2

Where a and b are the legs, or sides perpendicular to each other.

The slanted part is the hypotenuse, which is not required for calculations.

  1. To find out “a”, measure the width of the wall where the cut begins, and then the opposite wall and find the difference between them (for example, the beveled wall is 1.7 m, and the opposite one is 3 m, which means “a” = 1.3 m) .
  2. “b” is found similarly, only the lengths of the room are compared (for example, 5 m and 3.6 m. Calculation: 5 – 3.6 = 1.4 m).
  3. The area of ​​the “cut” triangle is calculated (1.3 x 1.4:2 = 1.82:2 = 0.91 m2).
  4. According to earlier measurements, if the room were rectangular, its dimensions would be 5 m by 3 m. This means that the square is 5 x 3 = 15 m2.
  5. From the total quadrature we subtract the area of ​​the triangle (15 – 0.91 = 14.09).


So, calculate the area of ​​any, even the most complex room you can if you break it down into simple figures and remember a few formulas from school course. Remember that you need to round up so that there is excess material left, and in general you should always have 5 - 10% of spare material on hand.

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