The refrigerator compartment has stopped working. What is the reason: the freezer freezes well, but the refrigerator “cries”

When household appliances break down, it’s time to panic. It happens that the refrigerator works, but does not freeze. Sometimes simple problems You can fix it yourself; only a master can handle complex problems!

Possible causes of failure:

Why is the refrigerator not freezing yet (the compressor is running)?

  • There is a blockage in the refrigerator system. It is necessary to clean the parts, wash or blow out the capillary tube. You can’t do it without special tools and a qualified specialist.
  • In refrigerators with No Frost, tubular electric heaters, which serve to defrost the cooling radiator, fail. Fan icing occurs when the cooled air shaft freezes. Then the refrigerator needs to be completely defrosted. Replace non-functioning electric heaters.

Why doesn't the refrigerator freeze, but the freezer works?

Only an experienced specialist can accurately determine the cause. If the refrigerator works but does not freeze, only a repairman knows what to do refrigeration equipment! A broken refrigerator cannot always be fixed on your own: it requires qualifications and equipment.

Call "RemonTechnic"! The technician will ask clarifying questions about the model to understand the cause of the problem. household appliances, signs of its breakdown. Will arrive at your place at the agreed time and as soon as possible will fix the problem. Your refrigerator will work! After all, we have qualified specialists, original spare parts, and high-quality equipment. Prices are affordable, many can take advantage of discounts. The company is responsible for the quality of work and a guarantee for repairs is mandatory!

Video on repairing a refrigerator if it works but does not freeze

One of the most common breakdowns of refrigeration chambers is a decrease in temperature to the point that food freezes both below and above. As a rule, it is impossible to cope with such a malfunction without some experience, but sometimes the cause of the breakdown is trivial and you can restore normal operation on your own. Next, we will tell readers of the site what to do if the refrigerator freezes the food in the refrigerator compartment too much!

The simplest reason severe frost the thermostat is considered to switch to a lower one temperature regime. This happens extremely rarely, but it still happens sometimes. If you don't know why your refrigerator freezes food too much, check this first. Optimal value, on which the regulator should be installed - 2-3.5. If you have new refrigerator cools a lot, set the temperature on the dial within +4 / +6 degrees.

By the way, newer models of equipment have a super freeze button. Also check if it is turned on. Perhaps the reason for the severe freeze is that someone accidentally turned on this mode!

The second malfunction due to which refrigerator may freeze food more than necessary - damage to the seal on the door. A clear sign Damage to the gum is the formation of icing in the freezer and a small puddle of water that has not yet frozen. In the refrigerator compartment at this time the snow on the back wall can become very frosty, which is why the food freezes. Replacing the rubber band yourself or simply restoring it shouldn’t be difficult for you, as the video tutorial below confirms!

How to replace the rubber seal?

The third breakdown is clogging drainage hole under the fruit and vegetable drawers. Drainage is needed to allow condensation from the walls to flow out of the refrigerator compartment. If the holes become clogged, water will remain in the vegetable tray and freeze, thereby severely freezing the food in the refrigerator. Cleaning the drainage holes is not at all difficult, you just need to defrost the chamber and pour it into the clogged area warm water(do syringe).

If your new refrigerator with the No Frost function is too cold, we recommend watching this video:

Proper cleaning drainage system

Now let's move on to more complex breakdowns that you are unlikely to be able to repair yourself. If the recommendations above did not help you, then the problem is in the technical part and you will have to call a specialist for repairs!

If the refrigerator gets very cold and does not turn off, most likely the refrigerant - freon - has evaporated from the system, due to which the temperature in the chambers decreases. The cause of freon leakage is the appearance of microcracks in the cooling system or blood clots. Specialists will be able to quickly find cracks, solder them and fill them required quantity freon for work (or to clear blood clots). You can read about other reasons in the corresponding article.

Also, a likely culprit for the fact that the refrigerator compartment began to freeze heavily with snow on the back wall may be a faulty thermostat. This circuit element breaks either as a result of mechanical damage or contact with moisture. Try to find the thermostat, visually inspect it and, if you know how, ring it with a tester. If the thermostat does not work, simply replace it and the problem of severe freezing will be solved.

How to replace the thermostat?

Please note that thermostats are installed in refrigerators with electromechanical control (older ones). New models are equipped with an air sensor, which must also be found, checked and replaced if necessary!

Well, the last, sixth reason why the lower chamber is very cold, but the upper one is not freezing is the sticking of the valve, which just helps to switch the cooling modes of different compartments. The broken valve must be found and replaced with a working one.

Symptoms: everything is fine in the freezer, but in the refrigerator compartment the temperature is high and the compressor runs non-stop, which gets very hot.

Since the refrigerator compartment is used, as a rule, much more often than the freezer, problems with it occur much more often. If you notice that the refrigerator has become worse at cooling or is not freezing at all, immediately begin to deal with the problem.

To begin with, we advise you to carry out a simple task on your own: it is possible that the original reason is simple to the point of banality: the refrigerator is not installed correctly (crooked or too close to heating battery), problems with electrical wiring, the seal has dried out, the defrost button has stuck and other little things.

If no visible simple faults are found, then the cause is a breakdown of one of the internal units of the refrigerator: thermostat, temperature sensor, fan, blockage in the drainage system, electronic control unit, compressor. In such situations, it is better not to try to repair it yourself, but to immediately contact a workshop. But first, read the other sections on this page: perhaps this will help you more accurately determine the root cause of the problem.

Freezer doesn't work

Symptoms: the temperature in the freezer and refrigerator compartments is high and the compressor runs non-stop and gets very hot.

If problems arise in the freezer, then they often spread to the refrigerator: after all, freon first goes into the freezer, and if it doesn’t freeze there, then most likely the same will happen in the refrigerator.

Possible reasons for the freezer not working are, in general, the same as for the refrigerator: see the "" section on the same page.

Primary diagnosis

Often something in the refrigerator does not work for the most ordinary reasons, which you are quite capable of eliminating on your own - start with them.

A "snow coat" has grown

Everything is clear here: you forgot about the freezer and it’s all overgrown with ice: get some rags ready and defrost the refrigerator.

Ice blocked the sensors

One of the consequences of the growing “snow coat” may be the blocking of temperature sensors located inside the chamber: in this case, they transmit incorrect information to the control module, and the latter sends incorrect commands to the compressors.

Incorrect temperature selected

It is possible that you have installed too high temperature in the chamber, which is why the food there began to quickly deteriorate. It is difficult to advise anything here: select the right temperature experimentally, and do not forget that different products require different cooling for their preservation. You should not set the temperature too high in an attempt to save on electricity: you will lose more on spoiled products.

Refrigerator is overloaded

When there are too many products in the refrigerator, and if they also block the fan, the compressor may not be able to cool them. Unload the refrigerator compartment a little, redistribute the food so that the fan is free.

Refrigerator is not installed correctly

If the refrigerator was installed by someone with crooked hands, ignoring the obvious requirements for installation, very soon this will affect the quality of the refrigerator’s operation. For example, it may not be installed quite level, causing the door to warp and allowing warm air from the room to enter the refrigerator. Or something is preventing the door from closing tightly. By the way, you yourself might have forgotten to close the door tightly: don’t be lazy, check it again. Naturally, you need to make sure that the refrigerator is not located too close to appliances that generate a lot of heat, or under direct sun rays. You should also check that the gap between the walls of the refrigerator and nearby objects is not too small.

Electrical wiring problems

Sometimes it happens that the wrong voltage is supplied to the refrigerator due to poor contact between the plug and the socket: a rare case, but for your own peace of mind it doesn’t hurt to check.

Fan is faulty

It’s easy to check: look into the refrigerator compartment and watch the fan work: if it doesn’t turn on for a long time, it means you have one more problem; You can just listen: when operating, the fan motor makes a characteristic sound. However, it often happens that the fan simply froze. If even after defrosting the fan does not spin, call a technician.

Freon leak

Check the back of the housing: if traces of corrosion are visible there, this means a freon leak. This problem most often occurs in refrigerators with a bottom freezer. It is better to call a specialist who will provide the necessary sealing and refill the freon.

"Eternal defrost"

A completely anecdotal case: the defrost button got stuck. Inspect it carefully, and if you notice that the button is skewed and clamped in the wrong position, press it out, and then figure out why this happened - maybe some kind of breakdown or design defect. Well, or you yourself simply forgot to turn it off: it’s an everyday matter - it happens. The same applies to the "Vacation" button, which you did not turn off after returning from vacation.

The seal has dried out

Symptoms: the door seal is dry, cracked, and does not fit tightly.

Over time, the door seal dries out, causing cold air to leak out: if the disease has gone too far, the compressor has to spend too much time maintaining the required temperature, it overheats, and the protective relay can simply turn it off (or the compressor will break down altogether, which will a real disaster). If after a visual inspection you notice problems with the seal, it is better to replace it.

Freon leak

Symptoms: the compressor motor runs for too long, almost without pauses, a sharp increase in temperature in the chambers is possible.

One of the most common causes of problems in the operation of the refrigerator chamber is a freon leak: no refrigerant means no cooling. The standard reason is that, trying to speed up defrosting, you helped yourself with a sharp object and overdid it. Natural wear and tear of the evaporator tubes cannot be ruled out, of course, which is why cracks appear in them, especially in old refrigerators. By the way, the opposite situation also happens - an excess of freon, but the consequences are the same. Call a professional: he will seal the holes and fill the refrigerator with freon to normal levels.

Cooling system clogged

The free passage of freon to the evaporator tubes may be prevented by a blockage in the cooling circuit system, for example, in a capillary tube. Only a master can fix this problem: using special equipment he will blow out the circuit and top up the freon if necessary.

Drain hole clogged

Symptoms: there is ice and frost on the walls of the refrigerator compartment, and water has accumulated below

If, during thawing, foreign objects get into the drainage hole and interfere with the flow of water, it will accumulate at the bottom of the chamber, evaporate and turn into ice on the walls of the refrigerating chamber: it is clear that any ice in the chamber impairs its cooling. You just need to clean the drainage hole; it won’t hurt to rinse it with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The thermostat has failed

Symptoms: The compressor works too intensely, with virtually no pauses.

If the thermostat (or temperature sensor or air sensor) is broken, the control board receives incorrect information about the temperature in the chamber, and the control module issues incorrect commands to the compressor.

To check that it is the sensor that is at fault, you can temporarily disconnect it and connect the contacts directly: if the compressor begins to work more quietly, then the sensor is faulty and it is better to replace it. But we still advise you to contact a specialist, because installing the wrong sensor or its inaccurate connection can damage a much more expensive unit: a control board or a compressor.

Control module failure

Symptoms: the compressor works intensively, pauses in its operation are chaotic.

Broken electronic module control may send incorrect commands to the compressor that do not correspond to the actual temperature situation in the chambers. Here you can’t do without calling a technician: he will either update the module’s firmware or replace it.

Compressor broke

Symptoms: the compressor motor cannot be heard.

The most unpleasant case is the breakdown of an expensive compressor: it can rarely be repaired, as a rule, it has to be replaced. This should, of course, only be done by a specialist from a specialized service who will provide him with reliable components, quality tool And additional equipment, detailed technical documentation.

If you have a refrigerator with two compressors, then it is quite possible that the chamber for which the broken compressor is responsible will stop freezing, while the other one will work normally.

Problems with No Frost

Symptoms: ice crust on the walls, water in the pan, fan does not work or works constantly.

No frost system functions differently than standard drip system cooling, and the fan in the freezer plays an important role in this: without it, cold air will not be distributed throughout the chamber and cool the products. It is very simple to make sure that the fan is working: its motor makes a slight characteristic noise. A typical reason is that there is a lot of ice on the fan blades, they are frozen: you urgently need to defrost the refrigerator.

But the opposite problem also happens: the fan runs constantly, without the usual pauses. This means that the refrigerator compartment cannot be cooled to the required temperature: see description possible reasons in this article. But first, make sure you don't stuff the poor fan with food.

The No Frost system functions differently than a standard drip cooling system, and the fan in the freezer plays an important role: without it, cold air will not be distributed throughout the chamber and cool the food. It is very simple to make sure that the fan is working: its motor makes a slight characteristic noise. A typical reason is that there is a lot of ice on the fan blades, they are frozen: you urgently need to defrost the refrigerator.

In refrigerators with a dry freezing system, the heating element sometimes burns out, which is why the fan blades can become covered with ice. Only an experienced specialist can install this and replace a faulty heating element.

In a home refrigerator, the plus chamber is opened more often, and malfunctions in its operation are quickly detected. The freezer will keep food frozen, long time, even with a slight influx of cold. There are malfunctions when only the freezer works, but the refrigerator stops freezing

In a combined refrigerator with one compressor, the distribution of cold between the chambers is proportional, corresponding to the volume and demand. Why does the freezer keep freezing when the refrigerator is not cooling? More cold is sent to freezing. The cold in the chamber stays autonomously for a long time due to thermal insulation. If the performance of the refrigerant circuit drops, the lack of cold is more noticeable in the upper chamber. Its temperature range is smaller; a warming of 2-3 degrees is easily determined.

The refrigerator compartment creates its own microclimate, maintained by a thermostat. If the freezer is freezing, but the rest of the refrigerator is warm, first of all you need to check how the thermostat works. When this device is faulty, the mode in the cabinet is disrupted. Depending on the temperature in the chamber, this device starts and stops the compressor. A faulty thermostat needs to be replaced on our own or call a specialist.

The temperature in the refrigerator will rise, it will not freeze if the evaporator becomes covered with a coat of snow and ice after several days of operation. The freezer continues to freeze as normal. The reason may be leaky closed door or a broken seal. The camera constantly gets caught fresh air, cools, moisture turns into ice. A puddle of water accumulates at the bottom near the door. At this time, the compressor works, trying to maintain the mode. We urgently need to replace the seal and align the door without distortion.

Is the regulator installed correctly, is it working properly, and is the compressor running non-stop? Feel the condenser grille. If it is lukewarm, there is little freon in the system. Refueling required. If the refrigerator operates in this mode for a long time, the compressor will burn out.

Reason when it doesn't freeze freezer in the refrigerator, and the positive side freezes, this happens when the compensator is clogged. Only a specialist can replace the tube or push through the plug. Similar signs indicate a sticking control valve.

The freezer freezes, but the refrigerator does not cool in the premium model

Modern multi-door refrigerators with air and combined cooling, electronically controlled have a complex scheme. Any malfunction must be repaired by a technician. After self-diagnosis, error codes are displayed on the display. Their decoding is given in the instructions. But a red flashing indicator and a sound signal in all devices indicate a violation thermal regime in the cell. Why the freezer works but the refrigerator does not sometimes depends on the state of the electronic control unit. When the voltage in the network is unstable, it breaks first. If the device is electronically controlled, an air sensor is installed in the refrigerator, which sends a signal to the board. A faulty sensor acts on the entire system like a thermostat on a compressor with electromechanical control.

Smart electronics will stop supplying refrigerant to the chamber, which is constantly supplied with fresh air. The growth of a fur coat on the back wall of the chamber with a simultaneous increase in temperature signals that the defrost in the drip defrosting system is faulty. If the drainage in the chamber is clogged, condensation will accumulate at the bottom, freeze and break the seal below. This will cause the temperature in the chamber to rise.

When using No Frost in both chambers, the freezer can freeze, but the refrigerator cannot, if the damper in the air duct is closed. The error will be reflected on the display, resulting in an increase in the temperature in the refrigerator.

If the compressor is faulty or there is not enough freon, there may not be enough cold, and the question will again arise as to why the freezer freezes but the refrigerator does not. The compressor will work for wear, since its start and stop is carried out according to the parameters of the positive compartment.


The freezer is freezing, but the refrigerator is not - a serious reason to invite a professional to diagnose. Even with normal temperature in both cameras, the electronic panel must not be allowed to diagnose the same error for a long time. An urgent call should be made if an electrical discharge is felt when touching the body. We invite you to watch a diagnostic video on why the refrigerator does not freeze.

The refrigerator does not freeze, but the freezer works



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