Types and names of metal roof tiles. Types and overall dimensions of metal tiles. Main technical characteristics of metal tiles

What is metal tile? This is a sheet roofing material made of galvanized steel that accurately imitates ordinary tiles. A roof covered with metal tiles looks elegant and impressive, and installation is carried out with minimal effort and financial costs. Thanks to these features, the material is very popular in Europe, Russia and the CIS countries.

However, the range of metal tiles is quite diverse, so choose optimal type roofing can be difficult. Let's consider the main characteristics and requirements for this material in order to know how to choose it correctly.

What's inside? Composition and structure of roofing sheets

Metal tiles have a multilayer structure. The base is usually taken from a sheet of metal made using cold rolling technology. Then the finished profile is subjected to stepwise processing. In particular:

    A layer of phosphate is applied to prevent corrosion.

    Priming is carried out in order to increase the adhesion of the metal to the finishing coating.

    A polymer coating of various colors is applied to the front surface.

    The back side of the sheet is treated with a protective varnish.

As a result, metal tiles have the same composition, regardless of the manufacturer, however, roofing characteristics and quality may vary.

About composite tiles, a close relative of the subject of our conversation

What types of metal tiles are there? Available types of roofing materials

Profile types

All metal tiles available on the market differ in the type of profile, which gives the roof a unique pattern. In Russian construction market The following options are in high demand:


This is a rigid profile that accurately imitates ceramic tiles. Profiles of this type are characterized by a length 1 100 mm, 6 waves in steps 350 millimeters. The height of the profiling can increase or decrease, affecting the rigidity of the structure. The use of such metal tiles gives the building a classic look of modern architecture.


It is characterized by strict geometry and rectangular shapes. If you order metal tiles of this profile in brown, the roof will resemble a chocolate bar. The width of such sheets is 1,120 millimeters, structure - 5 waves By 224 mm, step height: 22.5 mm. The advantages of the profile are: minimum quantity joints, which saves material. Thanks to its strict shapes, the profile is suitable for residential and commercial development.


The profile of the metal tile is reminiscent of the popular “Monterrey”, with a more “lush” geometry. With standard sheet sizes, the wave height is 49 mm, accordingly, in low-rise construction conditions, a roof made of such a profile will look more attractive.


Quite an original profile, where a wave-like structure alternates with a flat base. Such metal tiles fit organically into any architectural style, therefore they are often used for the reconstruction of buildings.

In addition to the usual types of metal tiles, new models with original designs are appearing on the market. For example: “Bongo”, “Andalusia”, “Shanghai”. The sheets attract attention with a relief pattern (wave height up to 66 mm) and Z-shaped locking connections, which ensures installation without the use of external fasteners.

Types of metal profiles from Finnish colleagues

Metal tile sheet base materials

The types of metal tiles on the market usually differ in the type of profile. However, this is not the only one hallmark. A different base is used for manufacturing, which largely determines the characteristics of the roof. For example:

    Steel. This is the most common type of metal tile on the domestic market. The base material is usually coated with a layer of zinc to improve the roof's durability and corrosion resistance.

    Aluminum. This profile is less common, but has a number of undeniable advantages. In particular, aluminum is neutral to any external influences and therefore does not require additional processing. In addition, the material is quite light, which reduces the load on the foundation and support structures, installation does not require durable sheathing. The disadvantages of aluminum metal tiles include a very meager palette of colors and high cost.

    Copper. This is an inherently expensive material that is rarely used in private construction. Copper metal tiles look impressive and pretentious, especially when covered with a greenish coating. The material does not require additional protection against corrosion, however, it is mainly used for the reconstruction of architectural and antique monuments.

It is worth noting that the most common and practical is galvanized steel metal tiles, which we will consider in the future.

Pros and cons to keep in mind

Like any building material, metal tiles have their advantages and disadvantages. TO strengths roofing the following points can be attributed:

    Durability. Without losing its properties and technical characteristics, a metal roof can last longer 50 years.

    Resistance to temperature changes. Application range varies within -50/+70 degrees, which ensures the possibility of application in any region of the country.

    Diversity. Despite the identical manufacturing technology, the material boasts various forms and color design.

    High strength. The width of the sheet allows you to minimize the number of joints. In addition, the sheets are usually laid overlapping, which significantly increases the tightness of the roof.

    Easy to install. Metal tiles can be laid on an old roof, which significantly increases the speed of work. For example, a team of specialists can install about 100 m2.

To the essential shortcomings the following applies:

    Restriction on roof slope angles. In order for metal tiles to fully cope with their tasks, the slope angle must exceed 14 degrees.

    Not suitable for roofs with complex geometries. During installation, you will have to adjust the wave and pattern, which increases the amount of production waste - up to 30% of the total.

    Relief structure. The wavy structure of the sheet can prevent snow from naturally rolling off the roof.

    Low sound insulation. To solve the problem, it is necessary to lay an additional layer of insulation.


It should be noted that metal tiles are manufactured in accordance with current GOST standards. This roofing material is characterized by the following technical parameters:

    Tensile strength - 300-490 MPa.

  • .

  • Service life - 20-50 years, depending on the thickness and type of polymer coating.

    Frost resistance - average values: 200 cycles freezing.

    Fire safety - steel does not burn, melting point is 1,500 degrees.

    Environmental safety - the profile material and polymer coating are non-toxic and therefore do not pose a threat to health and life.

It is worth noting that metal tiles tend to accumulate static electricity, so for such a roof the installation of a lightning rod is a prerequisite.

Table of characteristics depending on the type of coating

Roofing sheet dimensions

When manufacturing metal tiles, manufacturers try to adhere to standard sizes. It looks like this:

    Width: 1 160-1 180 mm.

    Length: 0.5-9 m.

    Thickness: 0.4-0.6 mm.

    Wave pitch: 350 mm.

The profile height varies within 39-46 mm, depending on the manufacturer. It should be clarified that the sheet width is divided into actual and useful, both parameters are indicated on the packaging. Considering that the sheets are laid overlapping, the usable width is usually 1 100 mm.

Table with the main sizes of some manufacturers

Manufacturer Profile name Full sheet width, mm Useful sheet width, mm Roll height, mm Profile height, mm Wave pitch, mm Wave width, mm
Poimukate(Finland) Tiilipoimu (TP) 1180 1100 18 44 350 183,3
Kruunukate (KR) 1120 1040 22 64 400 206
Pelty ja Rauta(Finland) PELTITIIILI 1190 1100 25 38 350 183,3
Mera System(Sweden) ANNA 1140 1050 15 30 350 175
EVA 1160 1100 15 25 350 183,3
BEAVER 1226 1140 15 20 145 145
RoofLine(Russia) RoofLine 1190 1120 20 22 350 183,5
Grand Line(Russia) Monterrey 1190 1100 18 23 350 183,5
Country 1188 1120 20 27 350 183,5
Metal Profile (Russia) Monterrey 1180 1100 14 25 350 183,5
Supermonterrey 1180 1100 21 46 350 183,5
Maxi 1180 1100 21 46 400 183,5
Cascade 1115 1050 22,5 25 350 224
MaxiCascade 1175 1120 22,5 25 400 224
Blachy Pruszynski(Poland) SZAFIR 350/15 1180 1100 15 40 350 184
SZAFIR 400/20 1180 1100 20 45 400 184
KRON 350/15 1180 1100 15 45 350 275
KRON 350/20 1180 1100 20 30 350 275
KRON 400/20 1180 1100 20 30 400 275
Blachotrapez(Poland) TAKOTTA 1190 1100 25 38 350 183,3
TACOTT S 1150 1100 24 40 350 183,3
Blachotrapez(Poland) Diament ECO 1200 1120 21 36 350-450 -
Diament PLUS 1150 1045 20 54 350 -
Joker 1210 1150 21 40 400 -
Kingas 1195 1100 20 43 350-400 -
Kingas ECO plus 1195 1120 21 42 400 -

Weight of metal tiles per 1m2

This parameter is usually indicated on the packaging and directly depends on the thickness and size of the sheet. Depending on the material used, weight indicators may vary. For example:

    Galvanized steel - 3.8 kg.

    Aluminum - 1.34-1.36 kg.

    Copper - 4.45 kg.

Data is valid for standard sizes and sheet thickness 0.5 mm. Weight is based on 1 m2. It is worth clarifying that the weight of a metal tile sheet can be influenced by the profile height and the thickness of the polymer coating.

Which is better? Brief comparative analysis

There are several varieties on the construction market roofing materials, so buyers are often concerned with the question: “Which type should I prefer?” Let's consider a comparison of metal tiles with the most competitive types of roofing.

Metal tiles or corrugated sheets

These are very similar materials, made of galvanized steel with a polymer coating, but differing in technical characteristics. In particular:

    Thickness. The corrugated sheet looks more solid: 1.2 mm against 0.6 for metal tiles at maximum values.

    Weight. The thickness of the material increases its weight; therefore, installation of corrugated sheets requires a more durable base.

    Appearance. Metal tiles look more textured, so roofing made from this material looks much more interesting.

In terms of sound insulation and durability, both materials are identical, but corrugated sheeting wins in terms of price. Therefore, if reliability and simplicity are important, it is undoubtedly better to use corrugated sheets, beautiful design roofs and exquisite design - definitely metal tiles.

Metal tiles or Ondulin

Ondulin is soft roof, which is manufactured using the same technology and has standard sizes, regardless of the manufacturer.

Ondulin is much lighter than metal tiles, which simplifies the installation process. However, metal tiles look stronger, do not burn, but lose in terms of sound insulation. It is worth noting that ondulin is more expensive and cannot boast of a varied color palette. Therefore, when choosing roofing material for a private house, preference should be given to metal tiles; if we are talking about a small building (bathhouse, garage, veranda), it is better to use ondulin.

Metal tiles or slate

The first option undoubtedly wins here. Metal tiles do not require durable sheathing, are resistant to direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and are not afraid of moisture. However, slate has better sound insulation and attracts buyers affordable price.

How to calculate the amount of material for a roof

The calculations can be done independently without resorting to complex mathematical formulas. To do this, you need to calculate the length of the ridge and roof slopes. Let's consider the calculation of the roof for a typical house with gable roof, where the length of the skate is 9.5 m, stingrays - 6 m. The following formula applies here:

    Divide the length of the skate by usable width leaf ( 1.1 m). The result is 8.6 sheets. We round the resulting value to a whole number and get 9 sheets.

    The length of the slope is calculated by the wave step. Regardless of the manufacturer, this value is always 350 mm. As a result, to cover one side you will need 17.14 waves.

Standard sheets are characterized by a structure in 10, 6, 3 And 1 wave. Therefore, the amount of material is determined based on these features.

Colors available to the consumer

The available colors depend on the specific manufacturer and, as a rule, the choice ranges from 5-10 options to 50 different colors and shades. To ensure that the manager understands you correctly, remember the code desired color according to the RAL table.

Popular options according to RAL scale

At the end of the article there are photos of what the material looks like directly on the roof.

Additional elements for pitched roofs

To increase the tightness and reliability of the roof, additional elements will be required. The following products are used for metal tiles:


    Eaves parts of the roof.

    Design for the ridge part of the roof.

    Elements for internal corners.

    Wind bars.

    Adjacent planks.

    Passage nodes.

In addition, elements can be installed to improve roof safety: fences, stairs, walkways. Next on convenient schemes We will look at the main stages of work.

His Majesty Montage. Meet us!

Before installing a metal tile roof, you should install the rafter system and sheathing. For rafters, it is enough to use an edged board with a section 150Х50 mm, treated with an antiseptic.

First, you should complete the installation of all pipes and ventilation ducts, and only then begin the installation of the roof.

The pitch of the rafters for metal roofing is taken at 600-900 mm, usually when installing wooden beams overlap, it is equal to the pitch of these beams.

Lathing. Preparing a wooden base for the roof deck

The lathing can be made either continuous or sparse. Continuous is arranged from edged boards, plywood, chipboard sheets. The distance (step) of the sheathing is set based on the step of the transverse wave.

When constructing sheathing from unedged boards, it is necessary to carefully remove the bark even before antiseptic treatment.

A vapor barrier material is pre-installed along the rafters to prevent condensation from getting onto the surface of the insulation. attic space or for roof insulation (if, of course, a warm roof is used).

Metal building materials They are distinguished by their strength and durability, so their device is manufactured, as they say, to last for centuries. The roof covering should be given special attention: it should not only be a reliable protector of the interior space of the premises, but also visually decorate the exterior of the building. Metal tiles in sky color, classic ceramic or any other shade are an excellent roofing option.

Advantages and disadvantages

Metal tiles are a material for roofing with a roof slope of at least 12 0. It is characterized by increased wear resistance due to its layered structure: galvanized steel coated with colored polymers is practically not subject to corrosion. Advantages due to which this type of coating is chosen:

  • High decorative qualities (effective imitation of tile covering).
  • Wide range of solutions: metal tiles come in a wide variety of profile colors.
  • Resistance to color fading under exposure ultraviolet rays(for some types of coatings).
  • Not afraid of seasonal temperature changes and all types of precipitation.
  • The flexibility of the fragments allows for roof coverings of different shapes and configurations.

The disadvantages include:

  • High conductivity of sounds: the noise of rain, feeding branches, leaves and other influences will be heard quite clearly. To avoid this, additional sound insulation is needed.
  • The inability of the metal to retain heat contributes to the formation of condensation on the inner surface; to avoid wetting of the coating layers, an effective vapor barrier is needed.
  • Installation of such tiles requires professional skills and certain dexterity, since you cannot step on them.

Classification of species

Metal tiles vary in:

  • sheet thickness;
  • profile form;
  • the type of wave and its step;
  • according to the material of the top coating.

The thickness and material of the top layer, partly the shape of the profile, are of practical importance. And what color of metal tiles to choose depends solely on the taste preferences of the customer and on technical specifications doesn't have any effect.

Features of the structure

Metal tiles are a multilayer material. It is based on cold-rolled galvanized steel. To increase its anti-corrosion properties, it is treated with a phosphate compound (passaging layer), then primed and coated with a finishing coat. polymer material, fix it with varnish.

Layers in different quantities applied on both sides steel sheet. In this case, the thickness metal tiles only 0.5 mm (standard). This type is used for roofing of residential buildings and outbuildings.

Modern manufacturers produce metal tiles of both smaller and larger thicknesses. 0.4 mm models are more economical, but their use is only permissible for less critical structures: gazebos, canopies. This material is not suitable for covering a house: the tiles are subject to mechanical deformation and will not provide reliable protection.

Sheets larger than 0.5 mm have increased strength and are suitable for use on different roofs, but are much more expensive than standard ones.

With any structure, metal tiles have very different colors, their palette depends on the capabilities of the manufacturer.

Profile types

This characteristic determines the strength properties of the tiles, since the rigidity of the entire coating depends on it. There are many types of profiles, the main ones are:

Based on the main types of profiles, there are many different variations, the diversity of which depends on the technical capabilities of the producing equipment. At the heart of everything is a wave different shapes and step. It may be asymmetrical. The choice of one type or another depends on the preferences of the owner of the house and on general design buildings.

Polyester cover

The way the tiles look (colors, their saturation, dullness) is influenced by the material used to process the facing layer. The mechanical properties of the sheets also depend on it.

The most common and frequently used type of coating is polyester, polyester enamel. It is applied to the prepared sheet with a layer of 25 microns. Transportation and installation of such metal tiles requires maximum care: the colored layer is easily damaged and scratched. Defects can be corrected using special color compounds after installation, but there is a risk that the tones will not match. This is the only drawback of the coating. Benefits include:

  • High resistance to external influences of precipitation and ultraviolet radiation.
  • Wide color palette.
  • The coating does not lose its brightness for a long time.
  • The characteristics are not affected by temperature and its changes, therefore use is possible in any climatic zones.

Colors matte metal tiles also varied: from light gray to dark blue, black. The muted shine effect is provided by a special type of polyester applied to steel with a layer of 35 microns. It has increased strength and scratch resistance due to special processing: the treated sheet is coated with a special matting varnish and additionally fired.

The appearance of such metal tiles is more noble: the coating scatters and reflects the sun's rays, regardless of their intensity.


The coating originates in Finland, where the climate is characterized by its humidity and the presence of salty air due to the proximity of the sea. These factors require the creation of special coatings that are resistant to aggressive environmental influences.

Pural has characteristics that make it suitable for service in such conditions. The coating of steel metal tiles provides high anti-corrosion properties. The thickness of the protective layer is 50 microns; it gives the coating parts both a glossy and matte appearance, depending on the composition.

Pural-coated metal tiles are considered very popular. Colors (photo below) can be very diverse.

An important advantage of this polymer composition is its ability to maintain integrity during bending, transportation and installation.


A special type of coating that contains PVC and plasticizers. Metal tiles with cladding made of of this material is the most protected from external influences of any origin, since the layer has a thickness of 200 microns. Thanks to this, any relief embossing can be created on the surface. The advantages of the coating include:

  • High resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Not subject to temperature changes and precipitation.

A significant drawback is low resistance to influence sun rays: Color fading occurs. Therefore, its use in hot southern regions is not advisable.


Vinylidene fluoride and acrylic create a reliable coating up to 30 microns with metallic effect. It has increased resistance to aggressive environments: the proximity of salt water bodies and exposure to sea air, acid rain. Therefore, it is advisable to use it in coastal areas and near industrial enterprises.

Based on the characteristics given, it is obvious that there are various types of metal tiles, so choosing one for your home will not be difficult.

How to choose

Manufacturers offer many options for profile-quality-color combinations. How not to get confused and make the right choice?

First of all, decide on the desired type of roof. What do you want it to look like: soft waves or angular? Repeating the color/shade of the facade or not? The answers to these questions will be the starting point.

Next you should choose a manufacturer. The quality of the material directly depends on this: a large supplier will not risk its name and will therefore provide tiles of higher quality. The price, accordingly, is 10-20 percent higher than that of small factories, but the risk is minimized.

Having decided on the place of purchase, find out what type of coating and what colors of metal tiles the seller can offer. Today the most popular shades are:

  • dark red;
  • chocolate brown;
  • green;
  • blue, blue.

Red or brown metal tiles look most noble. The name of colors for many manufacturers is formed according to the German RAL standard and consists of 4 characters (RAL 1234), the first of which defines the group:

1 - yellow;

2 - orange;

3 - red;

4 - purple;

6 - green;

8 - brown;

9 - light and dark.

Metal tiles offer a wide choice. The colors (photos of the main samples of the German classification) are presented in the table above. Finnish standards RR and Swedish SSAB are also widely used.

The upper structure of the building consists of a roofing pie placed on rafter system and drainage device. Its purpose is to protect the structure from the effects of atmospheric phenomena, even extreme ones.

The main protective element of the roof is a protective coating in the form of various roofing materials. The most popular material for this at present is a variety of metal tiles with different consumer characteristics and prices. To facilitate the task of choosing a means of protection that is suitable in all respects, let’s take a closer look at what types of metal roof tiles there are.

General information

The main material in this coating is galvanized steel; as an option, metal with an aluminum-silicon coating is used. The sheet thickness used is 0.4 - 0.55 mm, so the weight square meter such coverage many times less weight natural tiles. Aluminum and copper sheets are also used as the main material. The former are limited in application for them protective coatings, and the second - with undoubtedly the highest consumer properties, are very expensive and are rarely used.

Various polymers are used as a protective coating for profiled sheets, the colors of which are extremely diverse to satisfy any customer request.

Types of material

Each manufacturer has developed and produces its own form of roofing profile; let’s look at the most popular ones:

Metal tiles "Monterrey"

One of the first brands to appear in Russia and quickly gained popularity. The first production in Finland, now almost everywhere in our country. In appearance it very much resembles natural clay tiles, and in terms of consumer properties it significantly surpasses them. For appearance and main dimensions, see photo Fig. 1.

The given dimensions of the Monterrey sheet are for a ridge height of 39 mm, other sizes are also available, then the installation width of the sheet will change, which must be taken into account when calculating the need for the roof.

Metal tile "Cascade"

Characterized by strict geometric shapes, looks great on hip roofs complex shape. Various types of coatings in a wide range of colors are used for it. The thickness of the base metal is 1 mm; capillary grooves provide additional protection from moisture.

Metal tiles “Andalusia”

Relatively new material on the market. A special feature is hidden fastenings, allowing for virtually airtight assembly. Horizontal installation. The joints of individual elements are practically invisible from the outside.

Other types of metal tiles

Despite the saturation of the market with roofing products, the development of new forms and solutions with improved characteristics continues. These include, in particular:

  • Chinese-made Shanghai model;
  • metal tiles “Banga” - characterized by an increased wave height of a bizarre shape, which creates a 3D effect of visual perception;
  • "Joker" with classic geometric solution profile, symmetrical wave with rounded sole and edges;
  • The “Modern” profile is shaped like the famous Monterrey, but with straight rather than rounded edges.

There is no doubt that not all types of profiles are listed, but only the main and most popular ones.

Choice of coverage

The protective layer is the main element of the product, giving it its characteristic properties. The following materials are used for it:

  1. Glossy polyester is a material with increased plasticity and is resistant to aggressive environments. Easily tolerates temperature changes over a wide range. Extensive color range. Disadvantages include low resistance to mechanical stress such as falling branches, hail, and sliding of frozen snow or ice. Mechanical damage to the coating leads to its peeling and accelerated corrosion of the base material.
  2. Matte polyester has a velvety surface, does not reflect and has a textural appeal. The presence of Teflon in the material makes it resistant to mechanical damage.
  3. Pural is a polyurethane-based protection, and the presence of acrylic in its composition gives the surface a velvety tint. The coating does not fade in the sun and has long term services. The price is slightly higher than other formulations, which is compensated by high quality indicators.
  4. Plastisol is the thickest coating (up to 200 microns) with a porous surface, has increased resistance to mechanical stress and an extended service life. Requires periodic maintenance due to contamination of the porous surface. The material is prone to fading.

For any protective coatings, the guaranteed service life is at least 10 years, and for some, more.

The variety of roofing materials offered by the market in the form of metal tiles makes it possible to satisfy any user’s fantasies.

Today, manufacturers of thin-sheet steel products offer large selection various types metal tiles. Large factories are capable of maintaining several machines at once to produce a wide range of forms of roofing material. Let's take a closer look at its main profiles.


The Monterrey profile is generally considered classic version execution metal roofing due to its maximum resemblance to natural clay roofing. This profile of metal tiles is often used not only in the private sector, but also in the construction of retail and office space, as well as reconstruction historical buildings. The shape is rolled by the largest factories, for example the manufacturer Metal Profile. Almost all types of metal tiles listed in the article borrowed their appearance near Monterrey. Dimensions are shown in the figure:

A type of Monterrey profile is considered to be Super Monterrey metal tiles. The only difference is in the height of the profile step - 21mm, which is 6mm higher than Monterrey.

One of the largest Grand Line enterprises produces a similar form with similar dimensions called Classic. The image above shows the parameters of metal tiles from this particular manufacturer. Another model of a similar shape is called M28 manufactured by the famous Unikma retail chain.


In turn, the Maxi profile inherited its shape from the SuperMonterrey, slightly increasing the wave pitch (400mm). This parameter should be taken into account when installing metal tiles: in this case, the sheathing under the roof is packed in increments of 400mm, not 350mm (for Monterrey and SuperMonterrey). See the dimensions of the metal tiles in the image:


The shape of the metal tiles in the Cascade profile is distinguished by the above modern design, more rectangular and even pattern. Since the profile has long been produced by leading manufacturers of roofing materials (for example, MetalProfile), Cascade is combined with any modern architectural styles. This form differs from corrugated sheeting by the presence of a wave (transition) 350 mm long, characteristic of metal tiles.

A type of profile is MaxiCascade with an extended wave - 400mm.

Spanish Dune (hidden mount)

The profile is produced by the Odintsovo Light Structures Plant and has a significant advantage over standard forms of metal tiles - the presence of hidden fastening. The absence of through holes makes the roof even more reliable and similar to natural tiles. In addition, the roof is not modular, which allows you to order it to the desired size, minimum - 380mm, maximum - 6000mm. In addition to sheets with polymer coatings, "Spanish Dune" is available in copper.

Andalusia (hidden mount)

Similar to the "Spanish Dune" it has a hidden fastening. Manufactured by the Metalkomplekt group of enterprises and other manufacturers. Thanks to the z-shaped lock and hidden fastening, Andalusia metal tiles allow you to create the most airtight roof without visible joints. Available to order in sizes from 450 to 7150mm.

Finnera (Finner)

A famous type of metal tile comes from Finland. Today, the leading metallurgical concern Ruukki is actively engaged in supply in Russia. An undeniable advantage of Finnera modular metal tiles is the presence of a bend on the leading edge of the sheet, which serves as additional protection for the roof from weather conditions.

The profile is mounted in separate 2-wave modules, the length of which is 705 mm (useful - 660 mm). Full width - 1190mm, useful - 1140mm.

Adamante (Adamante)

Another Finnish profile, made in the Romanesque style. Maximum reminiscent of Mediterranean clay tiles. Minimum and maximum length metal tiles Adamante 850 and 8200mm, respectively, i.e. The roof can be ordered to the size you need. Sheet width - 1153mm, useful - 1125mm. Details of the dimensions can be found in the figure:


Decorrey metal tiles are made modern and original by the lowest profile of the Finnish roofing line. The manufacturer Ruukki produces roofing in Polyester (polyester) coating, which makes it affordable for almost everyone. Width - 1181mm, useful - 1130mm. The minimum length of a custom sheet is 900mm, the maximum is 6000mm.


Let us take a special look at the Country metal tiles from the Grand Line plant. Profile by external signs has similarities with the Adamante presented above, but unlike Finnish roofing, it is available in a wide range polymer coatings: from budget polyester to durable pural (polyurethane).

Kvinta (Quinta)

Let’s complete our acquaintance with the profiles and sizes of metal tiles using the example of the low profile Kvinta from the Grand Line manufacturing plant. The roof has a unique and sophisticated appearance with an original groove on the wave and is perfect for a roof country house. The total width of the Kvinta metal tile sheet is 1210mm, the useful width is 1150mm.


A type of profiled tile with an original wave pattern, thanks to which the roofing is gaining increasing popularity among buyers. Of course, this form is significantly inferior in popularity to "Monterrey", which is most likely due to the lack of rolling machines for the production of Banga metal tiles at most manufacturing plants.

We have given as an example not all, but the most famous and common metal tile profiles. Sizes may vary slightly depending on manufacturer. We hope that the information will be useful to you. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them.



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