Installing a street Christmas tree is a job without which the holiday will not take place. Correct ways to install a Christmas tree and pine tree

Tested: the longer you wait for a holiday, the less prepared you are for it: We are actively purchasing gifts, trying not to forget anyone, we manage to stock up on groceries so that we don’t leave the house for the next couple of weeks, and most importantly, the symbol of the New Year, the Christmas tree, is purchased in best case scenario a couple of days before the main holiday. At worst - in a couple of hours. How then can you have time to set the table and set up the Christmas tree? Calmly! There is a way out. Even three or even more! So, the Christmas tree...

....Christmas tree in a chair on wheels

Well, this is the easiest option - just find somewhere the lower part of office chair- breaking a new one or finding an already broken chair is your choice....
And then simply install the Christmas tree in this stable and mobile cross!
Great base for a Christmas tree!

WHAT YOU NEED: a stick (a pipe, a mop or a regular “lazy one”), the length of which depends on the height at which you are going to hang the tree; strong rope, self-adhesive hook, which after the holiday, if desired, can be easily removed from the wall.
PROCESS. Place the stick against the plinth and fix it at an angle of 40 degrees using a rope and a hook on the wall (photo 1).
It remains to attach (tie) the Christmas tree to the free end of the stick (photo 2). The connection point should be slightly above the center of gravity of the tree: this is necessary so that the green beauty hangs freely.
The New Year tree will get the opportunity to “float in the air”, practically without relying on anything, thanks to the laws of physics: the tension of the rope and the force universal gravity will become equal.
This installation of the Christmas tree takes only a few minutes. The rope can be disguised with tinsel or rain. This will give the installation a futuristic look. You don’t have to reveal the secret of “weightlessness” to guests and relatives: just say that you are a wizard (which New Year doesn't happen!). The main thing is that you don’t forget about the secret yourself, so that on the morning of January 1, when you discover the effect of weightlessness in the apartment, do not try to “go into outer space.”

WHAT YOU NEED: old office chair on wheels, or rather, its lower part.
PROCESS. Carefully disassemble the chair, leaving the support on the casters. The freed bushing will serve as a nest for the Christmas tree trunk. By the way, if there is no old unnecessary chair, you can disassemble the new one and put it back together after the New Year celebration.
We adjust the diameter of the barrel to the hole using an ax or knife, and assemble the structure.
The “mobile tree” is easy to move and therefore will not disturb anyone during the holiday. People who have already experienced this “know-how” claim that after a couple of hours of feasting, many try to invite the Christmas tree to dance.

WHAT YOU NEED: knife, hacksaw, drill, drill and steel pin 10 - 15 cm long along the diameter of the drill. Well, and, of course, the tree itself.
PROCESS. We saw off the lower part of the tree with a tier of branches (the so-called butt), and turn it over. Doesn't it look like a cross? Let's use it. We remove the bark, drill a hole in the butt trunk for a metal rod (Fig. 1) and the same in the main trunk of the tree.
We connect the structure using a rod (Fig. 2). For greater stability, the “cross” branches need to be attached to the floor. On March 8, 2007, when you are supposed to throw away the Christmas tree, don’t forget to leave the bottom part: it will come in handy in a few months!

Setting up a Christmas tree seems simple, but when you come across it on New Year's Eve, you start to get lost in thoughts and come up with different ways.

So that you don't stress before New Year's Eve, we will give you some tips on how to install a live and artificial Christmas tree.

It is worth remembering that before you attach the spruce, you need to buy it. You should buy a Christmas tree a week before the holiday, because the day before New Year's Eve you are unlikely to find a good one.

When choosing a beauty, pay attention to its needles. They should not be broken or yellow.

A tree that is shedding will also not last long, and one that doesn’t have much time left is not particularly pleasant. Therefore, if you did not have time to purchase a live one, then it is better to go for an artificial one.

Adaptation of the Christmas tree before installation

If you purchased a tree at the beginning of December, you should not install it right away, because it is possible that it will not be worthy until the 31st.

Place it on a balcony or other cold place without untying it.

As soon as you brought the spruce into your apartment, house or other warm room, do not rush to untie it. Let her sit and get used to the temperature.

Before installation, be sure to make a fresh cut and clear the trunk by 5-10 cm.

How to install a live Christmas tree?

Various ways some:

  • using bottles;
  • in the sand;
  • on the stand.

How to set up a Christmas tree using bottles

Let's take it plastic bottles up to 2.5 liters and fill with water so that they hold the tree.

Turn the bottles upside down. Insert the spruce into the center of the bucket and line the bucket tightly with bottles.

Add water to the remaining space in the bucket, not too cold, but not too warm.

We cover the tree with a cloth or a special skirt so that the buckets and bottles are not visible. We get a beautiful and sustainable green beauty.

How to install a Christmas tree in a bucket of sand

The sand and bucket are vintage and traditional ways secure the spruce. Our grandfathers and great-great-grandfathers began to use them, because sand can be obtained for free, and everyone has a bucket.

Choose a bucket for the Christmas tree that is heavier and taller so that it holds the tree well.

You should not place a spruce tree higher than 1.5 meters in the sand, as the bucket may not hold up and turn over.

For large trees, the following method is suitable.

So, fill the bucket with sand mixed with gelatin and glycerin to clean it and give the tree a long life.

Place the spruce in a bucket to a depth of 20 cm. If you need to get rid of the lower branches to do this, that’s okay.

We bury the trunk and compact it tightly. To make the spruce delight you with its aroma for a long time, water it hot water with aspirin or lemon juice.

For 1 liter of water you need to take 1 tablet or tablespoon of juice.

Of course, you can’t leave a simple bucket of sand undecorated, so use a cloth, blanket or.

How to install a Christmas tree on a stand

You can easily make a stand or cross with your own hands. This is what we will talk about.

Basic materials for the stand:

  • metal;
  • tree.

DIY wooden stand for Christmas tree

We will need:

  • boards 35 cm long, each 2 pieces;
  • boards 25 cm long, each 4 pieces;
  • drill;
  • bolts;
  • metal corners.

The thickness of the boards should be the same, approximately 2 centimeters.

We take 25 cm boards and attach metal corners to their ends. We fasten the boards 35 cm each metal corners.

We got 2 benches. We connect them together.

Take a drill and drill a hole in the center of the stand so that it is slightly larger size spruce trunk

For greater stability, attach the tree with bolts screwed into the trunk and center of the stand.

This way it will definitely not fall on you, children and animals.

You can also replace the boards with bars, just keep in mind that they must be equal in length and width.

To make the stand look beautiful, you can make it on it.

DIY metal stand for Christmas tree

Such a cross will serve you for many years, so it’s more profitable to make it.

For a large Christmas tree you will need a metal pipe with a diameter of 6-9 cm.

We take 4 metal plates and weld them to the pipe. We make several holes in the central pipe and insert bolts.

When the spruce is installed in the hollow central metal pipe, screw the bolts to the tree with screws.

Great stand for the Christmas tree!

How to install an artificial Christmas tree

When installing a non-living spruce, do not:

  • place it near walls and radiators;
  • install an artificial tree in the center of the living room;
  • straighten the branches of the tree parallel to the floor and each other.

Installing an artificial tree is quite simple. Since you purchase it from a store, it already comes with a stand. You don't have to bother here.

The instructions clearly state how to assemble it correctly.

Straighten the branches randomly, the more indiscriminately you do this, the more magnificent your beauty will be.

If you want a non-living tree to give you a real aroma, spray it with pine scent.

You should not weigh the spruce, because artificial tree may not stand it.

How to install a Christmas tree so that it stands for a long time?

Everyone wants to enjoy the New Year and the smell of spruce for longer. We will share with you several ways to extend the life of a green tree.

If you think that after cutting down a spruce, it dies - this is not true at all. She is still alive and keeping her alive is good for you.

Give the tree water up to 2 liters per day. To prevent the water from turning sour and spoiling, make the following solutions that will help the Christmas tree stand for a long time:

  • for 1 liter of water add 1 tablespoon of bath salts;
  • 10 drops essential oil for 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar per 1 liter. water;
  • spoon of mustard per 1 liter. water.

You can spray the needles with water or dissolve chalk and citric acid in water (a teaspoon per liter).

By adding such products, your tree will last a long time, because it will receive the necessary vitamins and not dry out.

Decorate the Christmas tree with garlands and it will definitely delight you for a very long time!

Having bought a cut down Christmas tree at the market, each of us wants it to look fresh and attractive throughout the holidays. We offer several simple tips that will help preserve live Christmas tree at home longer. This does not require any special means, just a grain of knowledge on choosing, installing and caring for a Christmas tree.

From the article you will learn:

  • 1 How to save christmas tree so that it doesn't crumble?
    • 1.1 Choosing a quality tree
  • 2 Correct installation live Christmas tree
    • 2.1 Installation of the Christmas tree
    • 2.2 Several recipes for a nutrient solution to extend the life of a Christmas tree
  • 3 The Christmas tree is installed. What to do next
    • 3.1 We also recommend reading:

How to preserve a Christmas tree so that it does not fall off?

Choosing a quality tree

Let's start by choosing a Christmas tree. If you buy a tree that has been sitting for a month from the seller, believe me, no matter what you do with it later, trying to preserve it. appearance, the beautiful Christmas tree will not stand for long. The needles will fall off simply from time to time.

choosing a Christmas tree

When buying spruce or pine before the New Year, check with the seller about the time of felling, asking for documents for the goods.

If they are not there, first of all pay attention to the color of the needles. A yellow tint will indicate that the tree is far from young and will soon begin to crumble. Experts also advise running your palm forcefully along the branch: if needles remain in your hand, the tree was cut down a long time ago and it is better not to pick it up. When running your hand along the branch, the needles should be flexible and remain on the tree.

To preserve your Christmas tree for as long as possible, pay attention to the trunk and branches of the tree. The branches should be elastic and unbreakable. The surface of the trunk should be covered with needles; there should be no wide dark border on the cut.

The freshness of the Christmas tree is evidenced by the elasticity of its branches and the bright, rich green color of the needles. If you rub several needles in your fingers, a strong spruce smell should appear, and the surface of the skin will become oily.

Proper installation of a live Christmas tree

If you decide to keep a live Christmas tree at home longer, do not rush to install it indoors immediately after purchase. Allow the tree to acclimate slightly. A sharp change in temperature can cause the tree to lose all its needles. For successful acclimation, place the tree in cold garage or to the balcony.

installation of a live Christmas tree

While the Christmas tree gets used to the change in temperature, we will prepare a place for its installation. First, the wood should be kept away from open flames or heat sources that can dry it out prematurely. Secondly, place the tree out of the reach of pets.

If you plan to use garlands to decorate your Christmas tree, place the tree close to an outlet. If this is not possible, you will need to use an extension cord. Make sure that the extension cord runs along the wall and does not come into contact with moisture and does not pose a fire hazard to the electrical wiring.

If you want to keep your live tree fresh for a long time, forget about metal and plastic cross stands in which the tree is secured with nails or screws. Buy a special stand into which you can pour water or select a deep container where you can pour water, pour wet sand or put pebbles. It should be deep enough so that the tree does not fall or tilt to one side.

Keep in mind that you will need some form of water to keep the wood fresh. So that she doesn't harm you floor covering and furniture, cover the area where the Christmas tree will be installed with cloth or light paper. You can also cover the container in which the Christmas tree is installed with something. With the help of tinsel, rain and others New Year's decorations everything can be organized as a great Christmas tree decoration.

Christmas tree installation

When installing the tree, remove the lower branches (they are perfect for a New Year's wreath or bouquet for decoration festive table). Clean the trunk by 10–20 cm. Be sure to renew the cut area. This is necessary so that the trunk can absorb moisture.

Note! On some sites you can find a recommendation to drill several holes in the barrel before installing it in water. It is assumed that this way the tree will absorb moisture better. However, experts do not recommend doing this - no particular benefit has been noticed from this, but such experiments can damage the stability of the tree.

Place the tree in the container

Place the tree in a container filled with damp sand or water. Instead of sand, you can collect small pebbles, install a Christmas tree in them and fill them with water. You can also wrap the cleaned part of the trunk with any loose cloth and regularly moisten it with water or a specially prepared solution.

In any case, no matter which way you choose to keep a living Christmas tree at home longer - in water, among pebbles or in sand, make sure that the tree stands stable. Stores sell special stands that contain a container for water. If there is no such stand, take an ordinary bucket, only make sure that the tree rests against the edges with its lower branches or secure it with rope guys. They are easy to hide under New Year's decor.

Several recipes for a nutrient solution to extend the life of a Christmas tree

To extend the life of a New Year's tree, make its water more nutritious and take measures to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Here are a few simple recipes that will help you with this:

  • The simplest option is hot water and acetic acid. Boiling water will open the pores of the wood, and vinegar will protect against pests that live under the bark. In addition, the essence will act as a preservative, prolonging the life of the tree.
  • The second option is a solution of water and 2-3 tablespoons of liquid glycerin. This solution will protect the trunk from rotting.
  • The third method is a solution of cold water, sugar (2 tablespoons) and aspirin (2 pcs.). Sugar will feed the tree, and asperin will act as a preservative for the water. It won’t bloom, it won’t smell bad, and the tree will last longer.

Note: as folk remedy To replenish the Christmas tree, you can find advice to add cola or lemonade to the water. This product of the chemical and food industry, according to folk chemists, should extend the life of the Christmas tree. I don’t know how effective this is, but if you decide to try this remedy, be careful not to flood the Christmas tree, furniture and floors with sweet water. In addition, you should not use this product if you have a small dog or other sweet-loving animals in the house. They will definitely want to know what smells so delicious there and you will be tormented to drive them away from the tree.

The Christmas tree is installed. What to do next

So, you have taken all the necessary measures to keep your living Christmas tree at home longer. Now all you have to do is monitor the water level in the container with the tree, if it is installed in water, or the humidity of the sand, if the tree is installed in a container with sand. To do this, look into the container and add water. The sand should be moist and the water level should not fall below the base of the tree.

In addition to feeding the tree from the trunk, it is advisable to spray the branches of the tree from a spray bottle from time to time. This should be done a few hours before turning on the electric Christmas decorations.

Important! When choosing garlands for the New Year tree, buy those equipped with new LED bulbs. They will not dry out the tree much during operation and it will last longer.

Are approaching new year holidays and everyone has been thinking for a long time about when the first lights on the holiday tree will be lit in their apartments or houses. Indeed, the wait is not long now, the markets are already crowded various types New Year's trees different sizes and from different materials. It seems that all that’s left to do is select and install. But in reality, everything is not quite like that. A Christmas tree is not only a beautiful, decorated tree, but also a big waste if used incorrectly. Therefore, today we want to dwell on the question of how not to spoil your holiday: put up the Christmas tree correctly.

Felled spruce: how to properly prepare the tree for installation

After you have visited the Christmas tree market and purchased a fluffy beauty, do not rush to bring it into your apartment. Let her get used to the change in temperature a little, and, if possible, live on your balcony, in a cool hallway or garage for as long as possible. We advise you to put up the spruce just a few days before the holidays, so it will delight you with its freshness longer.

When you are ready to install holiday tree, remove a couple of large lower branches (you can ask the seller at the market to do this), just don’t throw them away, but set them aside, they may still be useful for additional decoration. The place of the log house should be updated by sawing off a few centimeters. This will help the wood soak up water more easily when you install it there. Before bringing the spruce into the room, tap it several times on the floor, this will help get rid of already dried needles. In order to extend the life of a felled tree, we recommend adding a few aspirin tablets or a couple of tablespoons of glycerin to the water; they serve as preservatives that will keep the tree alive for a long time.

Ways to set up a holiday tree

Despite the simplicity of the task, in fact there are quite a lot of basic methods (methods) for installing a Christmas tree. Let's look at each of them:

- installation in a bucket filled with sand or stones. This method was the most basic a few years ago. In every apartment there was always such a bucket, waiting for its time. However, it is now used much less frequently;

- installation in a bucket using bottles filled with water. Not every city resident can easily find sand, so the use of plastic or glass bottles will be more acceptable;

- installation using a cross. Nowadays, it is quite free to purchase fresh spruce with a cross already installed. But, if you didn’t come across one, or you cut down the tree yourself (only with the appropriate permission), then we will briefly tell you how to make a cross yourself. You will need two bars that will need to be connected perpendicular to each other. Then we first install a large self-tapping screw at the intersection of the bars, and then screw it tightly into the tree trunk.

- installation using a leg from an office chair. This is the most original and even the most convenient way. If your chair breaks, don’t be sad; its “tripod” can be an excellent basis for a holiday tree. And the installation process itself will take no more than five minutes. You just need to insert a tree trunk into the hole of the “tripod” and voila, you get a spruce that can move.

Choosing a place for the New Year tree

When thinking about a place for a holiday tree, you need to remember that you need to put up the tree in the same way as for small children. Most suitable place will become the far corner of the room, where the movement of household members is reduced to a minimum. In addition to safety, you should also worry about the “well-being” of yourself. curvaceous beauty. Try to keep it installed as far as possible from batteries and other heating devices, preferably closer to natural light, otherwise in a couple of days it will turn from a beautiful green tree into a herbarium.

Basic mistakes

The rules for using and installing a holiday tree are quite simple, but many still celebrate the New Year in the company of a stale or damaged tree. In this regard, we would like to once again draw your attention to the most common mistakes:

- installation of felled spruce near heat sources will cause it to dry out quickly, even if it is in water;

- placing the Christmas tree close to the wall. Someone may dispute this statement, because such an arrangement will make the spruce more stable and prevent a possible fall. We agree on the one hand, but on the other hand, hard branches and tree needles can damage the wallpaper and paint of the walls;

- installing a tree in the middle of the room. Dancing around the winter beauty is undoubtedly fun, but it greatly increases the risk of her falling, and besides, the spruce will simply get in the way;

As for the artificial Christmas tree, you should avoid errors associated with straightening branches. After you take the tree out of the box, you don’t need to straighten the branches in an orderly and clearly parallel manner, let it be chaotic and slightly sloppy, because this way it will look much more natural.

Where to put the Christmas tree after the holidays?

When all the fun festivities end and everyday life begins, the question suddenly becomes, what to do with the symbol of the holidays. Do not rush to take the spruce to a landfill or burn it. Needles can serve as an excellent cover indoor plants, will become an excellent humus in compost pit in the garden or small animals (hedgehogs, mice, frogs) can build houses from them.


According to Feng Shui masters, a properly placed Christmas tree can not only give you New Year's joy, but also attract additional luck into your life this year. Where to put the New Year tree? What is the most striking symbol of the New Year and Christmas holidays?

Of course, a green and fluffy Christmas tree, decorated with toys and sparkling rain. Felled in the forest or artificial, it doesn’t matter. It is important that it is from the appearance of the Christmas tree in the room that we understand that the long-awaited New Year is about to come, and it is under it that children (and adults) will find the most desired gifts - in a word, complete positivity. Have you ever thought about where your green beauty should stand?

It turns out that Feng Shui masters pay attention to this moment special attention. In their opinion, a properly placed Christmas tree can not only give you New Year’s joy, but also attract additional luck into your life this year in the area of ​​your life you desire.

So what do you want for the coming year? Love, money, respect, children's well-being, career? Then, according to the Feng Shui compass, place the Christmas tree correctly, in the right corner. Attention - the countdown starts when you enter the room

The entrance is the starting point, and we look from there. If your task in the new year is to meet or develop love relationship, make your intimate life brighter and more stormy, your corner is the far right. For love, Feng Shui advises decorating the Christmas tree with shiny crystals, silk ribbons, hearts, heart-shaped toys or paired symbols, this is when two balls, cones, icicles hang side by side, and best of all, intertwined with ropes or threads for fastening. The color of the Christmas tree decorations is red and pink, the top of the tree should be voluminous, the same plush heart, big ball from tinsel.

If you set yourself the goal of financial well-being, Feng Shui wealth, you need to activate the corner opposite to love, that is, the far left. Jewelry should be accentuated in gold or silver tones; the most “correct” coins for attracting wealth are considered to be coins, for example chocolate ones in shiny wrappers; the more, the better. In addition, you can wrap the branches of the Christmas tree with various banknotes, connecting them with a paper clip, you get something like this money tree, which will bring you financial success in the New Year. Please note - career and financial well-being vary. Finance can also be an inheritance. And a career means moving up the career ladder. Which one is the best shortcut to your business goal? Of course, in a straight line.

If you want a career, place the tree right in front of the entrance to the room. You need to decorate it in the style of the work where you plan to advance - brightly and shockingly if the work is creative, strictly if it is a serious business. How did you decorate the Christmas tree in your office?

Children - near right corner. If the New Year in your family is primarily a children's holiday, or, alternatively, you want to get pregnant in the New Year, the place for the Christmas tree is immediately on the right. Also decorate the Christmas tree - toys, all sorts of sweets, and if there are children in the house - let them decorate the Christmas tree, and you don’t need to redo anything for them, except to straighten it. Just hang the garland yourself, after all, the most important decisions should be made by present or future parents.

What's waiting for you in the near left corner? These are friends. Place coniferous beauty there if you want to get friends, influential patrons, or become more famous in society. The greatest effect will be if you ask all your friends to give some toy from their home for your Christmas tree.

And if you want new acquaintances, hang on the tree items that you represent with these acquaintances - for example, an expensive pen from a “future patron”, a coin from a potential sponsor, a pair of tie pins, if you want more friendship with men. In a word, find that little thing that, in your opinion, the person with whom you want to be friends should have.

However, the most effective way- put the tree in the middle. Thus, you can strengthen almost every aspect of your life by hanging several enhancing symbols there. At the same time, you need to hang symbols no longer looking from the door, but on those branches that look at the angles you need. A round dance around such a tree will be most effective.

And more tips. The tree must stand very firmly, evenly, and not fall on its side, otherwise your dreams will be weak and frail. If the tree is alive, be sure to fill the butt with sand and constantly add water to keep the sand moist. It happens that the situation at home does not allow you to put the Christmas tree in the right corner - don’t worry, take a few fluffy branches and weave them into New Year's bouquet and place it in a vase (hang it on the wall) in the place you need, decorating it with the desired symbols, it will have exactly the same effect.

And in conclusion. The New Year has passed, the tree has been removed, New Year's interior apartment has been replaced by an ordinary one, but is it worth refusing the help of higher powers? Of course not. We put or hang it in the place where the tree was, big, strong and beautiful flower, add a couple of good luck accessories to it, and Feng Shui will work all year round!



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