How to grow cedar from a nut at home. How to grow cedar from a nut in the garden How to grow pine nuts at home

Who doesn’t want to have a self-grown evergreen tree at home! We are, of course, talking about the famous Siberian cedar. To some, this task may seem difficult to accomplish, but this is wrong. With minimal knowledge and funds, you can grow a cedar tree literally on your windowsill. But the question of how best to do this will be answered by this material.

So, it should be noted that we are not talking about the classic cedar from the cedar family, but about its “colleague” - cedar pine. Despite the visual and other similarities, it is still different types plants. Take, for example, the notorious nuts: in classic cedar they are inedible and dangerous to health. But in perfumery and medicine it is its essential oil that is used, and not cedar pine oil.

First of all, it is necessary to pay due attention to the selection of seed and planting material.

First, you need to take into account that the most suitable material for growing cedar is a cedar cone with the largest possible scales. As a rule, it contains higher quality and more viable seeds. Each bud should be checked for foreign matter or odor. So, if pronounced moldiness is felt, then such seeds are unlikely to produce at least some harvest.

It is important to know that cedar cones that are most suitable for planting appear on sale only in the fall. Only at this time of year they are sure to be fresh.

The seeds are extracted very simply: the cone is doused with boiling water, causing it to open quickly. In this case, all the “by-product” material remaining during the extraction of seeds can also be useful.

From the resulting scales, many experts make healing infusions and tinctures.

High-quality cedar seeds do not require any specific processing, but their stratification is quite troublesome. It occurs through the implementation of the following mandatory points:

  • The seeds must be soaked in heated water for three days, and the water must be replaced with fresh water daily;
  • empty seeds need to be sifted out every day. It is very simple to identify them - they will appear on the surface;
  • after three days, the prepared seeds are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • then the seeds are immersed in a fungicide solution for at least three hours;

The above procedures represent hot stratification. But it is also necessary to perform cold processes. So, when performing cold stratification, it is necessary to perform the following mandatory manipulations:

  1. pre-purchased fine sand needs to be properly calcined in the oven. Then, after allowing it to cool, prepared cedar seeds are added there. Sawdust and peat are also added to the mixture in a ratio of 1:3;
  2. when the mixture becomes homogeneous, it is poured into a “breathable” bag, which, in turn, is placed in a wooden box or box. Ventilation holes must be made in such a homemade container, otherwise the seeds will die;
  3. then the container is placed on the lower tier of the refrigerator, or in the cellar (but not in the freezer!) for three months.

In this case, every two weeks the mixture needs to be ventilated and moistened, monitoring the condition of the seeds. It is quite normal if some of them rot. Then they need to be removed and the sand replaced with fresh sand.

It is best to start sowing in May or April.

Accelerated seed processing

For those who do not have time to spend a long time preparing seeds for planting, we can suggest the following method. It also involves doing the following:

  1. refill every two days hot water seeds. This must be done within 8 days;
  2. place the seeds in a sand-peat mix;
  3. within a month, the seeds are regularly moistened and kept at home;
  4. All this is stored at a temperature no higher and no lower than 0 degrees in the refrigerator. At the same time, the condition of the seeds must also be carefully monitored.

How to carry out correct planting at home?

The final stage is transplanting the prepared seedlings. Unfortunately, many fail at this stage. However, considering the following useful tips, can be avoided typical mistakes, and therefore achieve the desired result.

So, seedlings need to be illuminated most of the day with special lamps at a temperature no higher than 10 degrees. Failure to comply with this condition threatens the death of newly emerged shoots.

It is also necessary to regularly expose plants to the cold so that they develop a kind of immunity.

And the last piece of advice: cedar is incredibly fond of feeding. It is sold in any specialized store and choosing it will not be difficult. But you don’t need to use it so often - a couple of times in the summer and once in the spring.

Siberian cedar has a number of healing properties. Its needles release phytoncides that cleanse the air of harmful bacteria. In its natural habitat, cedar pine grows up to 40 m, but it was bred for dacha farming low-growing varieties. , read on.

Planting and growing Siberian cedar from seedlings

Choose seedlings with a closed root system, but if there are none, you can buy another one. It is important to pay attention to the condition of the roots. Seedlings with an open root system are subject to higher requirements.

Ideally, they dig them up right in front of you. The plant does not tolerate transplantation as well, so you need to preserve the earthen ball. If transportation is to be carried out, the root system is carefully packed in burlap, then wrapped in a bag. The earthen ball is moistened with water.

In order for the seedling to quickly take root in a new place, choose a tree no older than 6 years and create suitable conditions for it:

  • choose a planting site with good lighting, but without direct sunlight;
  • dig up the area with the addition of peat, rotted manure, coniferous land and humus;
  • make the planting holes one third larger than root system, install a support for the seedlings.

If you plant not one cedar, but several, then you need to leave 3 to 8 m between them.

This optimal distance for growth and development. After planting, the seedling is tied to a support, watered well and mulched with pine litter.

At first, the soil is moistened every 3 days if there is no rain. After a year, you can apply nitrogen fertilizers for better growth.

Cedar pine can be grown from seeds. This occupation is troublesome, requires special skills and knowledge, but it brings much more pleasure. Moreover, not every gardener can boast of growing cedar with his own hands. If you want to enjoy the process and have no other goals, then be patient.

Cedar seeds germinate slowly. Nuts from the supermarket are not suitable for germination; they will not germinate at all. Buy a pine cone or ready-made seeds from a specialty store.

Before planting, seeds need to be prepared:

  • Pour warm water over the seeds and leave for 3 days, changing the water periodically. Empty seeds will float, but good ones will swell.
  • Treat good seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 hours and dry.
  • Prepare a substrate for germination; it can be sphagnum, sawdust or peat.

Place the substrate in a container, moisten well and sow the seeds. Leave in the cold for 3 months.

Sow the germinated seeds under cover at school. Planting depth – 3 cm. Mulch the bed until shoots appear.

Preparation for sowing takes place in two stages; it is better to do this in the fall. After the seeds have swelled and you have selected quality ones, rinse them well and rub them with your hands. This is necessary to wash away resins and other substances that slow down the germination process.

High-quality seeds are subjected to stratification for three months. It is better for it to pass in natural conditions. Bury the container with the seeds in the snow or put it in the cellar. In the spring, sort through the seeds, remove all the rotten ones and those that have not sprouted. Plant seeds with white sprouts in the school.

For planting, take many more seeds than you want to get seedlings. As you can see, many of them are discarded during the growing process. Cedar is grown in a greenhouse or under a film cover for up to two years, only after which the film can be removed. Seedlings are transferred to a permanent location only at the age of 6 years. All this time, tender sprouts need proper care.

Caring for cedar seedlings

Shoots appear in May and grow very slowly. They are demanding about air and soil humidity.

The first year of life, the sprouts are carefully watered, not forgetting to ventilate the greenhouse. If you do not adhere to this rule, the seedlings will be affected by the “black leg”.

Getting rid of this insidious disease will not be easy. At the end of the first year of life, the seedlings reach a height of only a couple of centimeters.

These are thin sprouts with a palm at the top. But the plants overwinter well and do not need additional shelter.

Cedar is a winter-hardy crop that tolerates temperatures down to -60 °C. If you insulate the sprouts, they will dry out.

Important! If you grow cedar seedlings at home in pots, after planting them in the ground, they must be covered with dry leaves. She will not yet have time to adapt to street conditions.

In the second year, the sprouts will grow another 5-7 cm. You can start fertilizing. Use a liquid solution of potassium sulfate under each plant 3 times a season.

There is no need to dig up the soil under the seedlings; shallow loosening of the soil is sufficient. Cedar seedlings do not need special care; standard procedures are sufficient. By the end of 4 years of growing, they should gain 20-30 cm in height.

Cedar grown from seeds bears fruit late, at the age of 20 years. The first cones may be empty.

When the seedlings reach 6 years old, they are transplanted into open ground. Follow the planting rules for seedlings with an open root system.

It is better to move plants to a permanent place in the evening or at cloudy weather, preserve the earthen lump as much as possible. Best time for planting - spring. If it turns out to be dry, the trees will have to be watered additionally. After this, the top layer of soil is loosened so that a crust does not form.

Watch out for weeds and remove them on time. If their growth is not restrained, they will clog the root system of a fragile plant. Do not remove large weeds by the roots, otherwise you will damage the young roots of the tree, just cut them at the root.

Problems when growing cedar from seeds

Cedar seedlings are very sensitive to fungal diseases. The peak of the disease occurs in spring. At this time, you need to carefully monitor the plants and carry out treatments on time.

To prevent disease of seedlings, there is no need to plant them in wetlands or areas with high groundwater levels. The needles begin to turn yellow and dry out.

Cedar seedlings also suffer from fusarium; in a short period of time, all seedlings will die. As a preventive measure, treat seeds and soil with approved preparations before planting, do preventive spraying and ventilate greenhouses in a timely manner.

Among the pests that harm young seedlings is the pine aphid - Hermes. You can notice her presence by white plaque on the needles. The aphid sucks the juice from the young needles, and the seedling dies. Get rid of pine aphids as if they were a common pest. Carry out a series of treatments with complex action insecticides.

Benefits of pine nuts for men

  1. Pine nuts contain large amounts of zinc, arginine and tocopherol. The following microelements are necessary for male body. In particular, enzymes normalize the activity of the genitourinary system in the stronger sex.
  2. In addition, chemicals have a beneficial effect on reproductive function, increase libido, and increase potency. Nuts prevent the occurrence of prostate adenoma and similar ailments.
  3. Siberian pine is a powerful perennial tree. That is why cedar nuts transfer all the power to men. As a result, the body is significantly strengthened and the tone of the musculoskeletal system increases. The product is especially recommended for older people.
  4. In addition, nuts increase muscle endurance and prolong the youth of the body. For a long time established fact showed that the male population is 60% more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases.
  5. As a result, the stronger sex most often dies from sudden death. It has been scientifically proven that cedar nuts prevent most known cardiovascular diseases by 90%. The product strengthens the main muscle human body.
  6. Nuts reduce the risk of developing thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. The product rids the body of bad cholesterol and significantly reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
  7. If you are one of the men who have decided to give up meat and become vegetarians, then pine nuts are a must for you. Due to its nutritional properties and rich composition, the product can easily replace animal ingredients.
  8. Pine nuts will help make up for a significant reduction in meat in your daily diet. The product contains a large amount of natural protein. Plant enzyme is necessary for building muscle fibers.
  9. Pine nuts have proven themselves as a stimulant of the immune system. The protective shell of the body is strengthened in both men and women. It is highly recommended to consume nuts during the off-season.

  1. The product as a whole has a positive effect on the general physical health of the fair sex. As described earlier, nuts actively resist the formation of varicose veins. Women are susceptible to this disease.
  2. The product is widely used in for cosmetic purposes. In particular, pine nuts are added to the base of hair, skin and nail care products.
  3. Nuts have proven themselves in the fight against dermatological diseases. These include furunculosis, acne, psoriasis, eczema and similar lesions.
  4. The product qualitatively cleanses the liver and promotes its speedy recovery in case of various ailments. Nuts normalize the tone of the gallbladder, removing all harmful substances.
  5. Cedar composition helps with painful menstrual cycle. Nuts stabilize the physical condition and psycho-emotional background in such a difficult period.
  6. The healing effect of the product is manifested on the female body and during menopause. It is highly recommended that pregnant girls include nuts in their daily diet.
  7. In this case, the body will receive a huge amount of useful enzymes that are necessary for the weaker sex during pregnancy. As a result, pregnancy will be much easier. The health of the baby and the woman will be improved.
  8. During lactation, systematic consumption of nuts will lead to an increase in the amount of milk. The product stimulates processes in the body of a new mother.
  9. Thanks to their balanced composition, cedar nuts will improve the health of the female body. The product will also fully saturate the cells with vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the availability essential oils Eating nuts significantly improves your well-being.
  10. With the systematic consumption of pine nuts, a girl begins to blossom from the inside. Efficiency increases, external beauty improves. The product is quite suitable as a snack.

Preparation of pine nut tincture

The drink has a special effect on the body. In order for the maximum qualities to fully manifest themselves, the tincture must be prepared correctly. There are many ways. Let's look at the most effective one.

  1. You will need 50 gr. peeled shell pine nuts. Place the composition in a glass container. Boil 320 ml. purified drinking water. Pour into a jar and seal tightly with a lid. Infuse the composition for about 1 hour.
  2. Later certain time strain the tincture in the classic way (gauze and cotton wool). After the composition has completely cooled, the liquid should be placed in the refrigerator.
  3. An important factor remains that only fresh shells are allowed to be used. The product must not be stored; the shell of the nut subsequently becomes toxic, as does the kernel itself.

  1. The composition is most effective for gastrointestinal lesions. The tincture actively copes with bile stagnation. The level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood is also normalized. In addition, the body receives a colossal amount of beneficial enzymes.
  2. The composition has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional background of a person. To improve skin tone, you need to dilute 50 ml. tinctures per half liter of water.
  3. The product is used as a wipe and hair rinse. As a result, pigment spots on the face will disappear, and the condition and tone of the skin will noticeably improve. Hair follicles will gain strength. The tincture as a compress has a positive effect on joints in case of ailments.

Harm of cedar tincture

  1. It is prohibited to use the composition if you have an individual intolerance to the product or sensitivity.
  2. An allergic reaction to third-party ingredients is possible. The composition should not be used if you have liver problems.
  3. Under no circumstances should the tincture be used by pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding. The composition is also contraindicated for children under 12 years of age.

Benefits of pine nut oil

  1. The product is most effective for healing the body and treating many ailments. The oil is extracted by processing nuts. The range of application of the composition is popular for both cosmetic and therapeutic purposes.
  2. If you take the oil internally, your immunity will increase in the shortest possible time and the efficiency and mobility of protective cells will be normalized. The central one is being strengthened nervous system. Brain activity and emotional stability accelerate.
  3. With the systematic use of cedar oil, the entire body rejuvenates at the cellular level. The process occurs due to the high content of antioxidant substances in the product.
  4. The oil actively prevents and eliminates dermatovenerological diseases. It is quite capable of curing such diseases. The product is also effective for diabetes, atherosclerosis, lack of libido, infertility, impaired potency and inflammation of the genitourinary system.
  5. The listed pathological ailments will soon stop bothering you. Cedar oil helps to completely or partially get rid of the above diseases. In addition, the product is effective for chronic fatigue. The composition is considered an excellent choleretic agent.
  6. The oil perfectly charges the body with vigor and an optimistic mood. Cedar composition is also used for cosmetic purposes. The oil is effective for the face, neck and skin of the whole body. The composition strengthens nails and hair follicles, eliminates dermatitis.

Harm of cedar oil

  1. Cedar oil can practically not cause harm to the human body. In rare cases, some people experienced individual intolerance.
  2. Be careful when using this product if you are obese. Do not take cedar oil if you suffer from loose stools. The recommended dose is 12-15 ml. per day.

Harm of pine nuts

  1. It has been proven that the harm of cedar nuts is minimal, hence their high cost. It is strongly recommended not to consume more than 50 grams. product for ladies during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. The recommended serving will bring great benefits to the body of a woman and baby. If you ignore the recommendations, the result may be an allergic reaction and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The stronger sex should also be careful; in rare cases, allergies occur. Don't overuse nuts. Cardiovascular disease is often associated with excess weight.
  4. If you consume pine nuts daily in immense quantities, such a move can provoke rapid weight gain and problems with the heart muscle.
  5. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to comply daily norm consumed product. It is forbidden to store peeled nuts for a long time, as toxic substances subsequently accumulate in them.
  6. When you overeat a product, you can often encounter obvious symptoms. In this case, you will feel bitterness in the mouth and obvious weakness. Moreover, symptoms may not appear immediately, but after about a few days.
  7. You may experience drowsiness, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, exacerbation of liver diseases, inflammation of the joints, gall bladder and gastrointestinal tract.
  8. It is quite possible to cope with such a condition. To do this, you need to give up coffee drinks and spicy foods. A simple diet is highly recommended. Drink green tea, cleanse your body with Polysorb.

Rules for storing nuts

  1. The product is stored for no more than 3 months. In this case, a number of certain requirements must be met. Nuts should be kept in vacuum bags at a temperature of no more than 6 degrees.
  2. The storage location should be refrigerator. It is also strongly recommended to check the moisture content of the product and its possible bitterness once a week. Air humidity should be within 55%. Read more:

Pine nuts have virtually no contraindications. The product is valuable for the human body due to its rich chemical composition. This is why nuts are so expensive.

If possible, include the recommended daily serving of the product in your daily diet. In this case, you will forget about many diseases. Prepare oils and tinctures based on pine nuts.

Description of the cedar plant, rules for growing in open ground, tips for propagation, the most common diseases and pests, interesting notes, species.

Cedar (Cedrus) is part of a genus that includes a small number of species (oligotypic) and is included in the Pine family (Pinaceae). Botanists have identified all 4 varieties in the genus. The natural distribution area covers the lands of the southern and eastern regions of the Mediterranean, as well as the western regions of the Himalayas. However, today you can find such plants on the southern coast of Crimea, and Cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani) feels great in the climate of Odessa. In nature, these majestic plants reproduce well by self-sowing. They prefer to settle in forests, next to fir, spruce, oak and pine trees.

Family name Pine
Growth cycle Perennial
Growth form Tree or shrub
Type of reproduction Using seeds or vegetatively
Time to transplant to the garden At the beginning of spring or after leaf fall
Disembarkation scheme Leave at least 6 m between seedlings, about 3–4 m from buildings
Substrate Loamy, drained, nutritious and fresh
Soil acidity indicators, pH 5–6 (slightly acidic) or pH 6.5–7 (neutral)
Lighting level Always sunny location
Recommended humidity Moderate constant soil moisture, without stagnation of moisture
Special requirements Carefully regulated watering and heat
Altitude indicators Up to 40–50 m
Color of flowers Green
Inflorescences or type of flowers Erect spicate
Flowering time Autumn
Fruit color and shape Barrel-shaped or ovoid-elongated cones
Fruiting time Autumn
Decorative period Year-round
Places of application As a single tree or in alpine plantings
USDA zone 3–8

There are different accounts of the origin of the scientific name cedar. One of them is the term used to call European cedar - Cedar, thanks to which the name was given to all plants of the genus. But according to another version, icons were painted on wooden boards of Lebanese cedar, in Russian they began to be called “cedrus”, and such boards were called cedar, and, accordingly, the tree itself was cedar.

All cedars are evergreen representatives of the flora. Their height varies in the range of 40–50 m. The cedar crown has spreading outlines and its diameter can be 3 m. But when the cedar becomes an adult, the crown takes the form of an umbrella. Plants are monoecious. The bark covering the trunk is dark gray, young branches are smooth, but on adult branches the bark cracks, becoming like scales. The shoots of cedars are shortened and quite long; needles are formed on them in a spiral pattern. It is the needles of representatives of the pine family that are modified foliage.

Cedar needles have the shape of needles with three or four edges. The length of each is 5-10 mm. The needles are hard and prickly to the touch. The color of the needles can be dark or blue-green, and also reach a silver-gray hue. The cedar needle has stomata on either side. The needles are located on leaf cushions and are formed in bunches, in which the number of needles reaches 30–40 pieces. The life of each needle is 3–6 years.

During flowering, which occurs in autumn, spikelets are formed on the cedars, crowning short shoots. The shape of the spikelets is erect, they are surrounded on all sides by coniferous bunches. The length of female spikelet inflorescences is 5 cm. Cedar cones are erect and grow singly. They have the appearance of barrels or can take on an ovoid-elongated shape. The diameter of the cones varies from 4 to 6 cm. There are many seed scales in them, they are arranged in a spiral. After their formation, cedar cones ripen only in the 2nd–3rd year, then scatter around the tree throughout the autumn and winter months.

Cedar seeds, even when spilled on the ground, do not become prey for rodents, since they have a high resin content. Each seed has a triangular shape, but its surface is covered with a thin peel and large wings fused to the upper side. The wing can weigh almost 10% of the total mass of the seed itself. The length of the seed is 12–18 mm. Nuts are not used for food.

Although many people associate cedars with forests and pine forests, you can grow such a large tree on your own garden plot. However, if you live in northern latitudes, this will be difficult, because you should not confuse ordinary cedar with Siberian cedar (Siberian cedar pine), which grows in Siberia.

How to grow cedar in open ground - planting and care

  1. Landing place.Cedrus is a light-loving and heat-loving plant, so they look for a place with a high level of lighting and protection from cold winds. It would be better if it was a southern location. Cedar does not tolerate sea wind at all. Such trees will suffer in shading, although at a young age they prefer partial shade. As they get older, the lighting level should become high.
  2. Watering.When caring for cedar, this moment is the most difficult. Since in the summer months it is necessary that the soil in which the tree grows never dries out, but the moisture in it does not stagnate. This should be immediately provided for when planting the plant. In this case, watering should be plentiful.
  3. PrimingWhen planting cedar trees, fresh is preferable; it must have good drainage and high nutritional properties. It is best to use loamy or clay substrates for growing. On dry and calcareous soils, on slopes, the plant will suffer from a lack of iron and there is a danger of developing chlorosis. Since cedars are very fond of organic matter in the soil, some gardeners line the tree trunk with substrate brought from the pine forest. If the soil on the site turns out to be very heavy, a small amount of river sand is mixed into it, which will provide the earth mixture with lightness and drainage properties.
  4. Cedar plantingcarried out with the onset of spring, until the buds begin to bloom on the branches. You can also plant in open ground in the autumn, when leaf fall ends for deciduous flora. When planting cedar trees, many gardeners give preference to nine-year-old seedlings. However, if a seedling is purchased from a nursery, it can be 2–3 years old; such a plant tolerates replanting more easily and adapts to new growing conditions. If the tree is taken from the forest, then it is recommended to dig it up directly with a ball of earth so that the root system is not damaged. When moving this lump, it is necessary to wrap it in a damp cloth or cardboard, as it dries out very quickly. Polyethylene is often used as a wrapping material. After the seedling is removed from the ground, planting is carried out in a short time so that the earth ball does not dry out and the needles do not turn yellow and take on a withered appearance. Planting pits are prepared in advance. All excavated soil must be combined with fertilizers, which include humus, rotted manure, wood ash and peat. When calculating the distance, it is necessary to remember that cedar is a large plant and for an adult tree it is recommended to leave about 6 m in the projection zone of its future crown. It is better to retreat from buildings and fences when digging a hole of at least 3 m, since the root system of cedar is so powerful that over time it will begin to destroy the foundation. If there is a lot of space in the garden plot, then it is good to plant 2-3 cedar specimens nearby. Before digging a hole for planting, the soil within a 3-meter radius from the planned location must be dug up. The size of the planting hole should be 1.5–2 times the size of the earthen ball of the cedar seedling. If the plant is in a shipping container, it is carefully removed and planted immediately, being careful not to destroy the earthen lump (planting by transfer). If the cedar seedling has an open root system, then the roots must first be soaked in a “clay mash”, to which, if desired, you can add any root formation stimulator (for example, Kornevin). The consistency of such a solution should resemble thick sour cream. The seedling is installed in the hole, but before this a peg is inserted into it, to which the trunk is tied. Such a device will initially support the plant. You need to tie the cedar to the peg with a soft strip of fabric or twine. Then the soil is added to the top of the planting site and pressed a little around the trunk of the tree. After planting, young cedar trees are watered abundantly, and the tree trunk circle is mulched with a layer of peat or compost.
  5. The use of cedar in landscape design.If there are cedar seedlings of blue or silver shape, then it is customary to decorate garden and park areas and forest plantings with them. As a source of phytoncides, it can be planted as a centerpiece in the lawn or in group plantings. This is due to the fact that unusually colored needles will stand out favorably against the background of other representatives of the flora. It is beneficial to form alleys using such plantings.

Most often in nature, cedar trees reproduce by self-seeding, but you can get young plant through vaccination.

Seed propagation in this case is the most accessible method that does not require much effort. Stratification is not required for cedar seed material, unlike most representatives of the pine family (for example, the same Siberian cedar, fir or pine). However, to simplify germination, it is recommended to soak the seeds for 2–3 days in warm water, which is changed several times a day.

Many gardeners, after the seeds have been soaked, place them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for a couple of hours, and then mix them with moistened river sand and place them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. There pre-sowing preparation seeds lasts no more than a month. That is, in essence, they carry out stratification - holding at a temperature of 4–6 degrees for a long period. But in this case, it happens that the seeds begin to grow while still in a closed container on the refrigerator shelf and they will have to be urgently planted in the ground or containers with soil mixture.

For planting, you can take seedling boxes or individual pots. The container is filled with a peat-sand mixture and the swollen seeds are distributed on the surface of the substrate and lightly sprinkled with the same soil. If they have sprouted, then you need to place them with special care in the depressions made with a pencil in the soil mixture. It will be necessary to organize greenhouse conditions contents, wrapping containers with crops with plastic film. When caring, you should ensure a high level of lighting, increased humidity, timely soil moisture and daily ventilation. Germination temperature should be room temperature.

When the cedar seedlings sprout, the shelter is not removed yet. If you remove plastic film immediately and simply leave the seedlings on the windowsill, then most likely they will not survive. Greenhouse cultivation continues for 2–3 years. In this case, the following procedures must be carried out:

  • lighting must be mandatory and illumination must be high;
  • The normal year-round temperature range when growing cedar seedlings is a range of 10–25 degrees Celsius;
  • It is imperative to organize a difference in day and night temperatures;
  • The crown is being molded.

Planting seedlings in open ground is only possible if you live in a warm climate, otherwise this future giant will not survive the drop in temperature.

Also, some gardeners practice grafting cedar cuttings onto Scots pine, but this process requires experience and skill, and a novice lover of garden flora may not be able to cope with it.

The most common diseases and pests when growing cedar

Botanical scientists have identified more than 130 varieties harmful insects, which pose a problem when growing cedar. Considered the most dangerouscone moth (Dioryctria abietella)or, as it is also called -spruce moth. The larvae of this pest damage the cones of the plant, since this dirty-red butterfly lays its eggs under the scales of only formed cones; the seeds will not be able to ripen. To combat the pest, it is recommended to spray cedar at the very beginning of flowering with Lepitotsid from the Aurora company. This product helps to destroy lepidopteran caterpillars. After a week, it is necessary to repeat the treatment of cedar trees.

A disease that causes damage to old specimens of cedars (more than 40–50 years old) isvariegated red trunk rot, which is also found in the literature under the namepine sponge. The disease is provoked by the mulberry mushroom, which looks like a cantilever-shaped body with a brown tint. Its surface is covered with thick sprouted moss. Most often, such formations are visible on the lower and especially valuable part of the cedar trunk. To fight, it is necessary to remove the body of the fungus with the arrival of summer days. It is recommended to lubricate the places on the cedar trunk where the mushrooms were attached with any antiseptic or creosote oil.

The roots of all varieties of cedar trees can be affected by the disease.root sponge,which leads to trunk rot and subsequent windfalls. Effective methods There is no control against this fungus; the affected plant must be removed immediately to avoid infection of other plantings.

To prevent cedar plantations from being subject to these diseases, it is recommended not to disturb the agricultural cultivation practices and not to thicken both the crowns and the group arrangement. Purchase only trees with high immunity for planting.

Curious notes about cedar

Often, ordinary people confuse cedar and cedar pine, since these representatives of the flora have a similar description of the bark, needles and cones. Cedar or cedar, which is the name given to European cedar (Pinus cembra - European pine), in ancient times the Romans called similar majestic trees growing in their region. But when the Roman troops took the island of Crete by storm, when they saw similar green “giants” that reminded them of pine trees, they began to call them cedar trees, that is, similar to cedar. This is how they later began to call all varieties of Cedrus. Today there are many versions, according to which the plant began to bear its current name.

Cedar, like many members of its family, is useful plant. Cedar wood is durable and therefore considered highly valuable. It is used for making furniture, building ships and in many other industries. There are even references to the use of wood from these plants in the Bible. This material is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.

Since cedar trees are distinguished not only by their decorative appearance, but also by their high growth rate, they are often used for landscaping park areas, both as group plantings and as a tapeworm.

Important to note! Real cedar, unlike cedar pine, whose nuts are considered healthy and expensive, does not have seeds used for food.

Cedar trees are commonly used in perfume industry, since their aroma helps relieve feelings of anxiety, helps restore peace of mind and relieve irritation.

Over the entire existence of human civilization, about 16 species of cedar trees have been lost and only four have survived to this day.

Types of cedar

Cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani)found naturally in the lands of Asia Minor. It does not exceed 40 m in height. The trunk is large, the branches have branches. When the plant is young, its wide-spreading crown has the shape of a cone, but over time it takes on an umbrella-like shape. The trunk is covered with dark gray bark in the form of scales. Shoots may be bare or slightly pubescent. The color of the needles is dark green, the length of the needles measures 4 cm. Its shape is tetrahedral, the needles are hard to the touch, and are collected in bunches, in which there are 40 needles. The needles do not fly around for two years.

The resulting cones are light brown, located singly, and can grow up to 10 cm in length with an average diameter of about 5 cm. They have a barrel shape. Characterized by a slow growth rate.

Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica).Natural growth occurs on land North Africa(Algeria and Morocco), where it is found on the slopes of the Atlas. The wood of this plant has high resin content, strong aroma and strength. The height of this evergreen tree is 40–50 m. The diameter of the trunk does not exceed 1.5–2 m. The outline of the crown is loose and pyramidal. Stiff needles, colored bluish-green, grow on the branches. The length of the needles measures 2.5 cm. The ripening cones take on an ovoid or cylindrical shape. The surface of the cones is glossy, dense, painted in a light brown color. The length of the cone is 10 cm, while the length of the seed is in the range of 10–12 mm, and the length of the wing reaches 15 mm. The growth rate of this type of cedar, while it is young, is quite fast; the growing season in spring begins late. The plant is not frost-resistant and will not be able to survive frosts greater than -20 degrees. There are a large number of its decorative forms. There is an opinion among scientists that this species originates from the Lebanese cedar.

Himalayan cedar (Cedrus deodara)also found under the nameDeodar. It is found naturally in Afghan lands and the Himalayas. The tree trunk can stretch up to 50 meters in height. The crown of the plant is broadly cone-shaped. As the tree matures, its outline from above becomes flat, and branches are clearly visible on the branches. Young shoots have pubescence. The needles have a light green color with a clear bluish tint. It is longer than other varieties of cedar and reaches 5 cm. Bunches of needles are collected, numbering about 30–40 needles. The needles are soft and thin to the touch. Educated cones have egg-shaped. Until they are fully ripe, their color is bluish, changing to reddish-brown. The ripening period takes one and a half years. After 2–3 years, the cones begin to fall off. By the way, their size is 10 cm. The seeds are whitish, reach 16–17 cm in length, the color of the wing is grayish-brown. They are distinguished by their resinous content and are practically not used for food. In the southern territories of Crimea it is a particularly valuable breed.

Cyprus cedar (Cedrus libani var. brevifolia)also found under the name short-coniferous. Many scientists believe that this species is a subspecies of Cyprus Lebanese. It is clear that the territory of natural origin falls on the lands of the island of Crete. There the plant prefers mountainous areas. Its height is no more than 12 m with a trunk diameter of about two meters. The crown has an umbrella-shaped outline. The needles are colored bluish-green, their size is very small, only 5–8 mm in length. The shape of the cones is oval-cylindrical, and the length does not exceed 6–7 cm.

Video about growing cedar:

Today we will tell you exactly how to grow cedars from pine nuts, because... Many people already know what the CEDAR tree is for our Earth, for humans, and in general for the entire Universe.

It is best to plant cedars in the fall - this is natural for them, because... In the cold winter, they need to undergo the so-called stratification - this is when the nuts freeze, fall asleep, and in the spring they awaken and sprout.

Cedars do not like waterlogging, but prefer well-drained soils, i.e. those where water does not stagnate. Therefore, if water may stagnate in the place where you are going to plant pine nuts, we recommend sprinkling the bed with sand on top (about 1 cm thick, but then you need to reduce the depth of planting the nuts).

You need to plant nuts to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. It is not necessary to make holes at all - just take a nut and stick it into the ground with your finger, pressing it a little). It is better to plant with the pointed tip down.

If the situation does not allow planting cedars in the fall, then you can plant them in the spring, but to do this, the nuts must lie in the refrigerator or in the cellar all winter to undergo artificial stratification. How we did it: at the beginning of winter, we ordered a lot of pine nuts from Siberia, mixed them with wet sand, put it all in boxes and put them in the refrigerator (we put them empty). There they lay with us until spring, in spring we planted them in the ground.

The cedars sprout in an unusual and very cute way)) From the nut, the root first goes down, and then a sprout begins to hatch from the root, lifting the nut to the top, i.e. small green sprouts with nuts on top will be visible from the ground. And birds really like it, especially crows. Therefore, in the spring, when the cedars begin to sprout (or even immediately after planting), be sure to cover them with branches, otherwise they will be pecked by their feathered friends.

You need to find or make yourself a wooden box with a sides height of about 25 cm; there must be holes at the bottom for the free passage of water. Sawdust (any kind, but ideally, of course, pine) mixed with pine needles is placed in the box.

Stick in pine nuts at 0.5-1 cm. They can be planted often, at a distance of 1 cm from each other. (cedars grow best in such an environment, so don’t worry, there’s enough for them there). We pour peat 1 cm thick on top (you don’t have to do this, but without it you will have to water much more often in the summer).
The box stands outside in winter.

In spring, planting must be protected from birds with something (branches, rigid mosquito netting, etc.).

Cedar trees cannot be replanted in the first year. The transplant is performed at 2-3 years of age. When digging up small cedars using the latter planting method, their roots are not damaged or torn off.

Here's what experienced people advise:

To begin with, cedar seeds need to be saturated with moisture. At the same time, wash out substances from the nuts that prevent their germination. Place pine nuts in a bucket or basin and fill with hot water. Not with boiling water, of course. So that it doesn't burn your hand.

After an hour, when the nuts are a little wet, we’ll wash them a little. Just three of them in the water, among themselves.
A certain amount of resin and substances that interfere with germination will pass into the water. You have to see how black it will become!

We wash the pine nuts, fill them with warm water again and leave them for a couple of hours. Then wash the nuts and change the water again. Thus, we soak the cedar seeds for about a day. By this time, most of the mature nuts will sink to the bottom of the bucket.

Well, we have done the preliminary preparation of cedar seeds.

Wet, saturated cedar seeds are placed in glass jars. The size of the jar depends on the number of cedar seeds. The jar can be filled halfway with seeds. Maximum – 2/3. It’s best to take a screw-on jar. After wrapping the lid, we make holes in it, using a knife or a nail, to allow air to enter.

Packed in this way, cedar seeds are ready for stratification. Now we just have to find a place for their stratification, with a suitable temperature. I usually stratify the nuts in the cellar. The temperature there remains around 0°C. You can also stratify pine nuts in the refrigerator. But the effect will be worse.

If pine nuts are stratified early, you can hide a jar in the garden. The main thing is to cover it with some foliage. Direct sunlight can ruin everything.

In general, stratification occurs at temperatures from +3 to -1. Cedar seeds tolerate freezing, even severe freezing, well - with gradual thawing.

Don't forget that pine nuts are a favorite treat for mice. They won’t get the nuts through a metal lid... But mice can easily gnaw through a plastic lid. Such lids are definitely not suitable for us.

After 2-3 months of such stratification, pine nuts can already be germinated. Or you can leave them until spring, for sowing in the garden.

Even correctly stratified cedar seeds do not germinate at the same time. And all the seeds will definitely not germinate. For example, from 100 cedar nuts, we are guaranteed to get 20-30 cedars. In principle – not so little.

When replanting, you need to take care of the root system, make sure that all the roots go underground and do not bend or break anywhere. It is necessary to replant with a clod of earth in which the cedar was sitting, because it contains friendly microorganisms for the tree and they will increase the chances of survival (the exception is the method with sawdust and pine needles - in this case the roots remain bare, but you can still grab a little sawdust and pine needles into the planting hole).

To drain and improve soil aeration, it is very good to add a little sand, sawdust, pine litter or pine nut shells to the hole where the seedling will be transplanted. This is especially recommended for clay soil.

To improve the survival rate of cedar seedlings, it is good to use mulching: mown grass, deciduous or coniferous litter, the same pine nut shells, tree bark or moss brought from the forest are laid on the ground around the trunk. Mulch prevents drying out of the soil, prevents abundant grass growth, creates a local microclimate, creates conditions for the development of worms under it and gradually forms material for fertilizer by winter.

You can also feed the seedling with natural immunostimulants: infusion of nettle and horsetail, leave for a week in a barrel, 1:1 water and plants, dilute with water when feeding 1:20. Nutrients and simply information from herbs play a role here.

And one more thing. Very important. Cedars really need mycorrhiza for survival and growth, i.e. mycelium. A mycelium that maintains symbiosis with a tree and increases the area for collecting water and nutrients by 10 times. What you can do:

– you can bring forest litter with ready-made mycorrhiza.

– but it’s better to grow your own mycorrhiza on the spot: multiply mushroom spores and “sow”, or rather, spill them into the soil. To do this, old mushrooms are soaked for a day in warm water, and then the place where the cedars will grow is watered with this infusion, after which this place must be kept constantly moist (but not flooded with water). Mycorrhiza grows from fungal spores.

Boletus, porcini mushrooms, green rows, and milk mushrooms grow under the coniferous trees. Under the birch trees there are boletus, porcini mushrooms, russula, and milk mushrooms.

Since white mushrooms and milk mushrooms form mycorrhiza with both coniferous and deciduous trees, it means that old milk mushrooms and white mushrooms collected in birch groves should also be used to form mycorrhiza in places where cedars and other trees are planted coniferous trees.

Spilling the soil with an infusion of mushrooms is not only a help to the trees, but also a mushroom harvest within 2 years. And after 3 years there is already a good harvest. This is how mushrooms are grown))

Cedars love partial shade, so it would be good to plant them near the “nanny” - this can be any bush or tree (any tree except oak and some exotic ones - the cedar will outgrow, so don’t worry about it). They are needed for protection from the sun, as well as wind, and to retain moisture.

But the most important thing when planting cedars and other trees is your thought! If your thought is harmonious, if you plant a tree with pure thoughts: selflessly, for the happiness of the tree itself, the happiness of Mother Earth and future descendants, then firstly, the survival rate of such a tree will increase many times over, and secondly, it will strengthen that thought and the energy with which you planted it. Therefore, try to plant trees, and especially cedars, with a good mood, a smile and joy, and then there will be more of this on earth 😃

P.S. And if children plant cedar trees, then this... perhaps, is simply the best thing that can happen today!

Happy landing!

May 25, 2019 Olga



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