Do-it-yourself homemade passenger trailer. Do-it-yourself reinforced trailer for a passenger car Drawings of car trailers

Good day to you! I would like to discuss with you a homemade trailer for a car. I will be very glad to see your opinions in the comments. My position may differ from yours, but I will try to explain my position as objectively as possible. So let's get started.

Features of a homemade trailer

The decision to do something yourself is usually determined by several nuances:

  • there is no money to buy a factory product;
  • have their own original ideas that you want to implement;
  • an attempt at an experiment and testing one’s own strengths;
  • Manufacturers not having what you need.

But still, the main reason is an attempt to save money. In the case of caravans, I cannot say that there is a limited range on the market. Having time and money, you can find or order individual project literally any type of design.

If you have no difficulties with how to cook several metal elements and how to make or, then there is every chance of assembling a caravan with your own hands. But I have a few comments about this. I advise you to read them before taking the drawings and starting to assemble the structure in your garage.

Let's talk about the positive first. Assembly is not that difficult if you have certain skills. Plus, you are limited only by your imagination and real needs or requirements for the trailer. That's probably all.

Now let's move on to real facts regarding homemade caravans.

  • All passenger trailers are required to meet strict regulations. Therefore, do-it-yourself manufacturing is limited to rather rigid limits;
  • Each node must be tested for compliance;
  • According to current laws, almost all elements of caravans when self-assembly must be factory-made and have appropriate documents of origin and authenticity;
  • In fact, saving on homemade trailers is self-deception, since almost everything will have to be bought in stores;
  • You won't be able to make a structure out of garbage accumulated in the garage;
  • An additional complication for such trailers is their registration. Let's talk about it separately.

But why do the country have such strict laws and regulations? Does the government simply want to deprive people of the ability to do something with their own hands, forcing them to buy only factory-made devices?

No. The point is different. The bulk of homemade products were previously characterized by extremely low reliability, before such restrictions came into force. They were assembled from anything, as a result of which such vehicles with trailed structures on wheels created a real threat on the roads, causing accidents and traffic accidents. Often with fatal consequences.

In this regard, it was decided not to ban homemade devices, but about strict requirements for them. In my opinion, this is logical and very correct. Road safety should come before any savings.

Let's look at things realistically. Today there are a number of manufacturers who officially produce and sell trailers for Russian market. Compare their price with the cost of individual components and assemblies that you will need for assembly. You won't experience any significant savings. Add to this the issue of registering a homemade vehicle, and you will get an additional headache.

No, I'm not discouraging you from trying to build caravans yourself. There are also ready-made drawings, photos and video manuals that can be used to create something unusual and of high quality. If the only question is the desire to realize your ideas, then I don’t see anything wrong with making a homemade trailer that meets all the standards.

But if you just want to save money, you are unlikely to succeed. And that's a fact. Therefore, I adhere to the idea of ​​​​buying factory-type trailers with springs that have passed all tests, with a design in accordance with the requirements and other elements, the reliability and safety of which I will not doubt.

Assembly includes several main steps:

  • manufacturing a frame that will ensure the strength and reliability of the entire structure;
  • creating a connecting unit, that is, an element connecting the trailer to the car;
  • assembly of the coupling for attaching the trailer to the car (fixed with bolts or welding);
  • production of vehicle axles;
  • stabilization jacks are not mandatory elements, but they improve the behavior of the structure on the road;
  • creating the bottom and making the sides;
  • performing electrical wiring and connecting lighting fixtures.

By clearly performing the work step by step, you can achieve excellent results and even surpass some factory solutions.


Having decided to assemble a trailer for your car yourself, I can only envy your determination and abilities. Be sure to share your experience in the assembly. I am extremely interested to see the result of your labors.

Is it possible to legalize a homemade vehicle (in our case, a trailer)? Yes, sure. It doesn’t matter whether it is a single-axle or two-axle trailer, as long as it complies with the standards, you have every right to legally operate the structure.

To register a vehicle assembled with your own hands, you will have to spend your time on it. With factory ones, everything is much simpler, since they undergo all tests at the factory and are sold with the appropriate documents.

Homemade trailers are designed in the following sequence:

  • Collect all receipts and certificates of quality from the parts you used to create your homemade trailer;
  • Create a description for your vehicle and take photographs from all sides. It is advisable to print the photo immediately;
  • Now feel free to go to the traffic police, where you will be given a list of documents required for registration;

Having completed all stages, you will have a certificate of conformity, a certificate and a state number. That's it, your homemade trailer has every right to go on the roads public use. With which I congratulate you!

Homemade trailer for a passenger car You can buy it, but it is not at all difficult and more economical to make it yourself, especially if you have the opportunity to get any materials without damaging your wallet. Let's look at how this is done. Developing a drawing for a homemade trailer Before getting down to business, you need to draw up a drawing of your trailer. In this case, you need to focus on the regulated rules for assembling a trailer for a car, namely GOST 37.001.220-80, so that you can register it without any problems. Draw up the drawing in as much detail as possible and think through all the details. It will help you calculate correctly required quantity material for all elements of the trailer, clearly structure the work progress and avoid mistakes. Materials required for making a homemade trailer When choosing materials, be guided by your goals for making a trailer. - For the bottom frame, take metal pipe With square section approximately 4x4 cm. You can use a 2.5x5 cm channel. For the sides, the cross-section of the selected material may be smaller. - For upholstery of the sides of the trailer we will take steel sheet With minimum thickness 0.6 mm or laminated plywood approximately 1.5 cm thick. - As a material for the bottom, you can use a tin sheet, durable plastic, osb board, plywood 1.5-2 cm thick. - The chassis can be made with your own hands, but it’s easier use the front axle of a SZD motorized stroller. It is also better to take the wheels from there, so as not to look for suitable ones separately. - For the suspension, an excellent option would be to use the shock-absorbing system from the Ural motorcycle. - Towbar. - Electrician. - Fastening elements. - Welding machine and tools. Progress of work on the manufacture of a homemade trailer Manufacturing of the frame and connecting unit Based on the drawing, we make the necessary sections of pipe or channel, weld them into a rectangular frame, and weld the side elements. After this, additional stiffeners should be welded for extra strength and to avoid distortions. The connecting node is very important detail. It is subject to high loads, so it is made from the same materials as the frame part. For better maneuverability, this part of the trailer should not exceed 2 m. It is necessary to accurately center the connecting unit relative to the axis so that the trailer does not move to the side during operation. To prevent unexpected disconnection, a cable or safety chain should be added to the design of the connecting unit. Coupling Let's connect the trailer to the car using a coupling. To secure it, you can use bolts, which is less reliable, but more practical, because allows you to unhook the trailer at any time by unscrewing the bolts. The second option is to weld the coupling, which, on the contrary, is more reliable, but less practical, because Then to uncouple the trailer you will have to cut off the coupling. Installation of a trailer axle The trailer axle is the main supporting structure. As a standard, it is installed at a distance of 40% of the length from the rear wall of the trailer, i.e. slightly off-center back. To mount the axle we use bolts. Then we attach the frame to the axle in the same way, using bolted connections. Installation of sides and bottom The choice of material for lining the sides and bottom of the trailer is based on the purpose of using the trailer. Fastening is done with bolts. If necessary, make a folding side, use hinges. If you plan to use the awning during operation, secure awning fastenings (rollers, hinges, etc.) along the upper perimeter of the sides. Electrical installation The set of warning lights at the rear of the trailer must be identical to the rear warning lights of the car, i.e. include brake lights, turn signals, side lights, and reversing lights. There should also be orange light reflectors on the sides. There should be white markers on the side closest to the car. If the wiring is prepared and the devices are in their places, we proceed to connect directly to the car using the towbar socket. There is no need to rush when performing all of the above steps. Follow the rule famous proverb- Measure seven times, cut once.

Almost every car owner has a need to transport cargo. large sizes, but not too much weight. The trunk is not always suitable for such purposes, and then a trailer comes to the rescue. But it is absolutely not necessary to spend money on buying such a necessary thing in the household; you can makeDIY car trailer.

We begin work by making the frame

The basis of any trailer is its frame. Its service life is determined by the strength and rigidity of the frame. Greater reliability of the connection can be guaranteed by the use of welding to assemble the component parts into a single structure.

But it is recommended to start work by clarifying the figures for the length and width of the fundamental structure. Its size is calculated from the outside of the frame. When determining the width, you need to add twice the thickness of the wall size to the digital distance indicators along the inner side walls. If you plan to place the base between the wheels, you should add to the obtained indicators the distance between the wheel and the side of the trailer.

Once you have decided on the dimensions, you can make the first fitting of the frame. To do this, the metal profile must be laid out on a leveled surface in the room, while maintaining strict perpendicularity of the frame components and connecting them using temporary clamps. With these steps you will control the frame configuration of the future trailer, for which you will need to use a construction tape to determine the frame distances along two diagonals in a rectangle. The lengths must be equal; a discrepancy of 3-5% of the resulting value is allowed. By performing this work, you can reinforce a car trailer with your own hands with a stiffener due to the fact that geometric figure rectangular or square shape is not very stable under load.

We begin to connect the trailer to the car

If you also use other towing devices on your car, then for a homemade trailer you should select a clutch ball of the same size in order to avoid additional difficulties.

When manufacturing this coupling part, it should be remembered that with the shortest length of the coupling parts, you get an increase in the trailer’s response time to vehicle maneuvers. That is, even if the drive wheels have moved by a small amount, the trailer will quickly repeat the maneuver, which can cause the things in it to fall or become deformed. The best length is considered to be from one and a half to two and a half meters, taking into account the purpose of the device.

For making tow hitch A square steel pipe is suitable; you will need three of them. It will be better and more durable to connect all the pipes by welding and, to increase strength, reinforce this unit with a metal corner. Before we start welding work It is advisable to carry out additional fitting to ensure that the middle of the connection is strictly along the tow axle.

Then you can begin installing a chain or cable for safety purposes. Its length should be such that when the trailer moves, it does not crawl along the road. To make it easier to move a trailer without a car, a folding wheel of not very large size is often installed in the hitch.

The next step is to add a coupling to the car trailer with your own hands.

When installing the connection coupling, you can use the fastening of the parts by welding or secure them with bolts. Before moving on to the final stage of fastening to the frame, it would be a good idea to check to what extent the grooves of the gutter coincide in size with the base pipes. You should know that the width of the groove should not exceed the width of the pipe by more than half a centimeter.

If you secure the coupling by welding, the trailer will receive extra strength of this unit, and for dismantling work you cannot do without a gas burner. If the coupling is fastened not by welding, but by bolts, the strength is significantly lower. For such work, it is recommended to use bolts with strength class 8, since fasteners of lower classes show themselves to be weak elements under such loads. The connection itself will only need two bolts; if you take more, then due to the need to make extra holes at the attachment point, you can weaken the trailer frame.

We are engaged in the axis of the device

According to existing rules, the axle on the trailer should be placed at a length that is equal to 40% of the entire length of the trailer itself from the rear side. Having carefully measured the length, you should mark the place where the future axis will be located. It can be installed from top to bottom, with the frame placed upside down on a flat table surface into two blocks with an edge of four centimeters, and the spindles should hang freely and not interfere with work. From the area where it is planned to install the axle, paint is removed from the surface of the frame. The distance between the bushings is measured, it must be divided in half, and a mark is made on the axis with a felt-tip pen.

Control measurements are made as follows: the size of the frame width is divided in half, the resulting value must be marked from the center of the axis (at the same time, the position is adjusted) and only after these actions can the final installation begin.

The components are connected by spot welding along the entire contact length. It is best to take a spring-shock-absorbing suspension, although it does not have increased strength, but with it, a car trailer with your own hands will acquire a soft ride when driving.

Stabilization jacks

They are needed to keep the trailer in a horizontal position. Optimal places their locations are internal corners frames, but you can install them only on one side. To use the lifting force, it would be more correct to use the principle of a screw mechanism; it can also be used when replacing one of the wheels.

Device boards

When making side walls, you can use wood boards, metal fragments, plywood panels or polycarbonate; the choice of the type of material depends on the purpose of the device. Due to its low weight and convenient form of processing, wood or plywood is most often used; initially, a flooring made of boards is attached to the base, it must be bolted, and the main box is also bolted to this base. But to add reliability, it is recommended to attach steel corners to the corners of the box.

Let's sum it up

Even a self-made trailer for a passenger car can significantly increase the potential use of a vehicle. It will be possible to transport cargo on it various shapes and configuration, without fear of causing damage to the interior or trunk. There are many trailer options, and the above recommendations can be used for any of them. In addition to the described components and elements, the trailer can be equipped with a braking and lighting system. But it would be better to entrust this type of work to professionals from the service center.

Almost every family has a car. Since people are interested in gardening and construction, the need for cargo delivery arises regularly. You say that the car has a trunk. But the thing is that it is not suitable for carrying heavy things. It’s easy to get out of this situation; you need to call a shipping company and place an order. But not all car owners want to spend money on their services. There is a way out! Buy a trailer. You don’t have to buy it, because you can easily make this useful thing with his own hand.

Is it profitable to make a trailer?

Of course it's profitable! If you are comfortable with tools and have the skills to work with welding and spare parts, then do it yourself. Assembling the trailer will not take much time; no expensive tools or materials are required for the work.

You'll save money because you won't have to spend money on a factory trailer.

How to make a trailer for a light car?

  • First, buy everything you need. You will need sheet steel, from which you will make the body. Buy the chassis and wheels; you need steel channels. In addition, the trailer will need aluminum pipes and high quality fasteners. To weld the body you need welding machine. If you know how to work with it, weld the sheets.

  • Determine the desired dimensions of the trailer and make a drawing, this will help you during assembly. It’s very good if you have stocks of old parts in your garage; they will be needed in your work. For example, take the connecting elements of the sides from the tractor, and knock down the sides themselves from the lining. Make the frame from a steel pipe; just buy a product with a diameter of 40 mm. Adapt a pipe of slightly smaller diameter for the draft. Buy three pieces, two you will use for longitudinal rods, and one for transverse rods. Don't forget to purchase a pipe for the bridge beam.
  • Install tubeless wheels; shock absorbers from the old Ural will come in handy. In the store you need to buy a device designed to grip the tow bar and a safety chain.

What to pay attention to

You need to start by assembling the frame. You probably hope that your homemade trailer will serve you for a long time. Remember that service life directly depends on the strength of the frame. An important factor is rigidity. To assemble the structure, use welding, this guarantees a reliable connection.

Once you specify the dimensions of the trailer, try to assemble the frame. Lay out the elements on a flat floor, assemble the structure, fastening it with temporary clamps. Pay attention to the components of the frame, place them perpendicularly. Take a tape measure and measure the diagonals. The values ​​must be the same, the discrepancy should not exceed 3%. If the discrepancy is greater, then it is worth reassembling the frame.

Since a rectangle is not the most reliable design, strengthen the trailer with an additional stiffening rib.

How to connect a trailer to a car?

You will need to purchase a trailer hitch for your car. When assembling the coupling part, pay attention to the length. The shorter it is, the easier it is to control the trailer. The easiest way is to make the coupling part from 1.5 to 2.5 m long.

Do not make the coupling part short, because the trailer will react even to a slight turn of the wheels, this will cause the load to fall.

Make the towbar from a square pipe. Take a welding machine and weld three pipes. Place the middle of the connection point along the tow axle. Weld a metal corner to the assembly, so the structure will become even more reliable.

Then proceed to install the safety rope. If you don't have one, use a chain instead. Select the length so that the chain does not touch the road when driving.

Install the connection coupling; use bolts or welding for fastening. Welding is considered a reliable method of fastening.

Are you going to do the fastening with bolts? Install no more than two. If you do more, drilling holes in the mounting points will weaken the frame.

Axle installation and side mounting

Turn the frame over and place it on two blocks. Measure the length of the trailer, multiply the value by 40%. Place the resulting distance on the rear side of the trailer; this is where the axle should be located. Remove paint from frame before installation. Measure the distance between the bushings, divide in half and make a mark on the axle.

Connect parts of the structure spot welding. Install a spring-shock suspension on the trailer; it will ensure a smooth ride.

Install stabilization jacks on the inside of the frame; they will hold the trailer in a horizontal position. Make the side walls of the trailer from clapboard, or use metal sheets.

First, the flooring is made from boards. Use bolts for fastening, then install the clapboard box. Fix the corners of the box metal corners, so the structure will become even stronger. Cover the sides with metal; on such a trailer you can easily transport bulk cargo.

Bottom line

The trailer is easy to assemble and will increase the vehicle's potential. You will transport cargo, the trunk and interior of the car will not be damaged. Car owners install a braking system on the trailer and install lighting. Entrust their installation to specialists; to do this, contact the service center.

How to make a trailer for a car with your own hands and what tools are needed when creating this type of “accessory” for a car?

On this page you will learn how to make a trailer for your iron horse with your own hands. We will definitely tell you what you will need for this, looking ahead, I will tell you that nothing supernatural is required, an ordinary tool such as an angle grinder, a screwdriver, an electric jigsaw, etc. Also pipes for the frame and much more that can be easily found at any construction site.

And upon completion of the manufacture of the trailer, you will learn how and where to register the trailer with the traffic police.

Sometimes, to solve the problem of lack of space in the trunk, the best option is to do. Even if the cargo you need to transport is not heavy, its dimensions may become an obstacle to normal placement in the trunk of your car. It is clear that there are different types of cars, and there are enough models with large and spacious luggage compartments, but now we are taking into account middle-class passenger cars, the percentage of which is the highest on our roads. For one-time transportation of such voluminous luggage around the city and beyond, you can use the services of a cargo taxi. If we are talking about multiple transportations, using a taxi may not be in an efficient way solving the capacity problem. One possible way out of this situation would be to use a trailer. There are two ways: buy a ready-made trailer or make DIY trailer for a car with your own hands. The first option saves you time both on production and on subsequent paperwork. And the second is money and time to find a trailer that matches your car model. We will consider the second option.

In order to make a trailer for a car with your own hands, we will need certain tools and materials, the availability of which should preferably be taken care of in advance.

Necessary materials and components for a homemade trailer

The frame is the basis of the trailer; it is its strength and rigidity that determines the durability of the trailer as a whole. For greater reliability, it is recommended to use a welded connection of elements. You should start by determining the dimensions of the frame - length and width. The size is determined by the outer edges of the frame elements. To determine the full width of the future frame, it is necessary to add 2 wall thicknesses to the distance between the inner edges of the side walls. If the frame is located directly between the wheels, and not above them, then you also need to take into account the gaps between the tire and the bead.

After determining the dimensions, the frame is tried on. Metal profile laid out on a flat surface, maintaining perpendicularity between the elements. The frame elements are combined with clamps. At this stage, the shape of the frame is controlled; for this, you need to measure two diagonals of the resulting rectangle with a tape measure. The obtained values ​​must coincide; in extreme cases, a size deviation of 2-5% is allowed. It is advisable to provide a stiffening rib in the design; a rectangle or square itself is a rather unstable structure under load.

If other trailers are used, it is better to choose a tow ball of the same size as theirs.

When performing this element of the trailer, you need to remember that the shorter the length of the connecting part, the faster the trailer will respond to the movement of the car. This means that even with a slight lateral movement of the drive wheels, the trailer will immediately move sharply behind them. This may result in damage to the cargo in the trailer and its fall. The optimal length is 1.5-2.5 m, depending on the purpose of the trailer. It is better to choose the material, as for the frame, steel pipes square cross section in the amount of three pieces.

The connection of the pipes to the frame is welded; for greater strength, it is recommended to reinforce it with corners. Before welding, fitting is performed so that the coupling is carried out exactly along the axis of the trailer.

A safety rope or chain is also mounted here. When moving, it should not drag on the ground. If desired, it is possible to install a small folding wheel at the hitch point for easy transportation of the trailer without a car.

Installation of the coupling is possible using bolts or welding. Before finally attaching it to the trailer frame, you need to once again check that the dimensions of the frame pipes and the groove of the gutter itself match. The width of the groove should not exceed the width of the pipe by more than 5 mm.

In the case of welded fastening of the coupling, high strength of the connection is ensured, but if it is damaged, dismantling will require gas burner. The strength of a bolted connection is somewhat less. It is recommended to use bolts of the eighth strength class; less durable ones may not withstand shear forces. Two bolts are enough to connect, more of them will weaken the frame element and coupling due to the holes for the bolts.

There is a rule that the axle should be placed at a distance of 35-40% of the entire length of the trailer from the rear. Having measured the distance, you need to indicate the location of the future axis. You can install the axle by placing the frame upside down on the table (assembly from top to bottom). The axis in this case is mounted on a table, on a couple of 4x4 blocks, and the spindles hang freely. At the intended location for installing the axle, the paint is removed from the frame. The distance between the bushings is divided by two and this point on the axis is marked with a marker.

To control, the width of the frame is measured again, divided by two and the resulting distance is set aside from the middle of the axis, and its position is adjusted. After this, you can begin the final installation. The joining of elements is carried out by spot welding along the entire length of the contact. It is better to use a spring-shock absorber suspension, as it provides greater softness, although it has low strength.

Stabilizing jacks

Necessary to ensure a horizontal position of the trailer. The best option for placement - the corners of the frame. The option of installation on only one side of the trailer is possible. From the point of view of lifting force, it is better to use a screw mechanism. It can even be used to change a wheel on a trailer.

The trailer is manufactured according to the design drawing, which must comply technical requirements, provided for by GOST 37.001.220-80, valid on the territory of the Russian Federation and Ukraine. It describes standards, if not met, it will be impossible to register a homemade trailer for a passenger car with the state traffic inspectorate, and all the time and money will be wasted.

Device boards

When making side walls, you can use wood boards, metal fragments, plywood panels or polycarbonate; the choice of the type of material depends on the purpose of the device. Due to its low weight and convenient form of processing, wood or plywood is most often used; initially, a flooring made of boards is attached to the base, it must be bolted, and the main box is also bolted to this base. But to add reliability, it is recommended to attach steel corners to the corners of the box.

Equipment and components

For the manufacture of a trailer weighing up to 750 kg, which does not require a driver's license with cat. BE will need the following equipment and components:

  1. Square pipe or steel channel for making a frame and a coupling unit with vehicle. Its optimal cross-section is 25x50 mm, and the pipes are 40x40 mm. The length is selected depending on the dimensions specified in the drawing.
  2. Sheet steel with a thickness of 0.6 mm. and above, from which the sides of the body will be cut and assembled. The number of sheets is calculated based on the height and length of the sides.
  3. Thick sheet of plywood, OSB boards, plastic, polycarbonate or tin for making the bottom. Selected according to the size corresponding to its area.
  4. Chassis. It is optimal to use the front axle removed from an old SZD (disabled) motorized wheelchair. An eight-leaf spring suspension is also often installed, which is mounted on rubber bushings. In appearance it is similar to the Volga car, but lighter. The springs are attached to the bridge beam with stepladders, and fillies are placed under them.

  1. The bridge is made of a ∅25 mm pipe, to the ends of which axle shafts are welded. The hubs rotate on them. The axle pipe, axle shaft, fillet and springs are assembled into a single unit, connected with M8 bolts.
  2. A pair of wheels. They are borrowed from a motorized stroller, in which case they will add minimal weight to the structure, or a VAZ car. The VAZ 2108 rear beam hubs are suitable for their installation.
  3. Suspension. The best option would be the spring-hydraulic units of the Ural motorcycle due to their low cost and reliability.
  4. Towing device (towbar) for coupling to the machine.
  5. Brakes.
  6. Electrical equipment (turning and side lights, brake lights and the drive with which they will be connected to the vehicle).
  7. Awning or material for it (banner fabric, tarpaulin, etc.).
  8. Fastening devices (corners, brackets, etc.).
  9. Tools for working with metal (grinder, screwdriver, electric jigsaw, drill, hammer, tape measure).
  10. Welding machine.
  11. Manufacturing and assembly of a homemade trailer for a car

The assembly of a passenger trailer occurs in accordance with the drawing and consists of several stages:

  1. Frame assembly. This part of the product is a load-bearing part, and the durability of the trailer will depend on its strength. To do this, the pipe or profile is cut to size and welded together. The resulting rectangle is checked for accuracy and evenness of the assembly. Additionally, a stiffener is provided, since the rectangular frame is unstable under load.
  2. Connection point to the vehicle. When making it, you need to keep in mind that the shorter it is, the faster the trailer will respond to vehicle maneuvers. Optimal length the connecting part will be 1.5-2 m. The same material is used for its manufacture as for the frame. Before starting welding, the correct placement of the parts to be joined is checked so that the coupling is in the middle. To ensure that the connecting part does not break under load, safety cables are mounted and welded at the bottom of the structure.
  1. Coupling coupling. Serves to attach the connecting part of the trailer to the vehicle. Can be mounted either with bolts or welding. The first method is less reliable, but can be easily dismantled. The welded assembly is durable, but may require a gas torch to remove it. For bolted connections, samples of the eighth strength class are selected.
  2. Axle assembly. According to general rules, the axle is mounted at a distance of 40% from the rear side of the trailer, that is, it is slightly shifted from the center to the rear. Fastening occurs using a bolted connection, a frame is installed on it, and also connected with bolts.
  3. Stabilizing jacks are a desirable but not required part of the structure. They ensure the trailer is level when driving. The best option for their placement is in the corners of the frame.
  1. Flooring on the side walls. It is made of metal, plastic, wood or other material, depending on the cargo that is planned to be transported. It is bolted, after which the sides are mounted on the frame. The corners are reinforced with metal corners.

  1. Finishing. They did it and the nodes are painted, after which the power connection route for electrical appliances is drawn. Headlights, lanterns and reflectors must be installed. Connection to a single network is made using the towbar socket. If necessary, a homemade trailer is equipped with a braking system.

Purpose and features of a passenger car trailer

A passenger car trailer is intended for transporting goods. various types, tourist equipment and small tourist boats, the length of which does not exceed 3.5 m. Consists of a frame, suspension, body, axle, and is connected to the vehicle by a coupling device. Trailers for passenger cars, manufactured at the factory, do not require additional permits for registration, but are not always suitable for motorists in terms of characteristics or cost.

A homemade trailer for a passenger car is made according to the drawing and adhering to GOST when manufacturing and assembling it yourself. Registration of such a product is much more expensive, as it requires additional permits for operation. Moreover, all manufacturing costs, taking into account registration costs, will be lower than purchasing a new one. It should be taken into account that a homemade trailer is not inferior in quality to a factory trailer, since the manufacturing process is controlled by its owner.

Register a trailer with the traffic police

To register a trailer with the traffic police, it is necessary to carry out an examination of the trailer. This is what the All-Russian Society of Automobile Enthusiasts (VOA) does. Each region has its own. Here are the addresses of SAI branches known to me: 1. St. Petersburg. st. Zhukovsky, 55 tel. 273-47-30 VOA Alexey Pavlovich,

2. Perm All-Russian Society of Motorists, tel. 12-83-14 and 12-69-65,

3. Moscow State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation Federal State Unitary Enterprise NAMI tel. 456-32-31 Fedorov Artyom.

To pass the examination, the trailer must comply with the following GOST.


Parameters, dimensions and general technical requirements

OST 37.001. 220-80

This standard applies to all types of trailers intended to be towed by cars and minibuses on roads. shared network USSR. The standard does not apply to trailers technical specifications, the design of which was approved before the introduction of this standard. The main terms used in the standard and their definitions are given in the reference appendix.


1.1. The total design weight of the trailer must not exceed that permitted by the manufacturer of the towing vehicle, must not exceed the curb weight of the towing vehicle, and must not exceed 1800 kg.

1.2. The total structural weight of an unbraked trailer must not exceed that permitted by the manufacturer of the towing vehicle and must not be more than half the curb weight of the towing vehicle.

1.3. The vertical static load in the center of the ball joint of the coupling device for any weight condition of the trailer must correspond to the value permitted by the manufacturer of the towing vehicle, but must not be less than 240 N (25 kgf) and more than 980 N (100 kgf).

1.4. The length of the trailer should not be more than 1.5 times the length of the main towing vehicle or more than 8 m.

1.5. The width of the trailer must not exceed the width of the main towing vehicle by more than 200 mm on each side and must not be more than 2.3 m.

1.6. The height of the trailer should not be more than 1.8 times the trailer track width or more than 3 m.

1.7. The center of gravity of a loaded trailer must be located in such a way that the ratio of the height of the center of gravity to the track of the trailer wheels is no more than 0.725.

1.8. The ground clearance of the trailer should not be less than the ground clearance of the main traction vehicle.


2.1. General requirements

2.1.1. Trailers must be single-axle, but a tandem axle may be used.

2.1 2 A trailer with a horizontal inner floor, mounted on a horizontal surface, must have a load of no more than 55% of its total weight on the tire(s) of one side.

2 1.3. The design of the trailer must be designed for movement as part of a road train of the full structural mass with maximum speed permitted by the manufacturers of traction vehicles.

2.1.4. The design and dimensions of the trailer drawbar (frame) must ensure the possibility of its deflection relative to the coupling ball installed on the vehicle at the angles specified by OST 37.001.096-77.

2.1.5. Trailers must be equipped with two non-removable safety chains (cables), which in the event of an emergency breakage (breakage) towing device must not allow the tongue to touch the road surface while still allowing the trailer to be controlled.

2.1.6. Trailers must have two wheel chocks (“shoes”).

2.1.7. Trailers must have space for a jack.

2.1.8. The control unit for the parking brake system of trailers must be removable and located with right side in front of the drawbar (frame).

2.1.9. Trailers must be equipped with wheel protective devices (fenders, mudguards) if body parts do not perform the functions of this device.

2.1.10. The materials used for the manufacture of trailers must have resistance to fire from exposure to water, fuel and oils no lower than the resistance of the materials of parts and assemblies for similar purposes of the main traction vehicle.

2.1.11. Trailer painting and inspection appearance coatings according to GOST 7593-80.

2.1.12. The trailer must have a climatic design in accordance with GOST 15150-69, corresponding climatic version main traction vehicle, and must be designed for storage conditions in open areas.

2.1.13. The service life of the trailer in accordance with its purpose and operating conditions is regulated by regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Requirements for systems, components and assemblies

2.2.1. Trailer brake systems must comply with the requirements of OST 37.001.016 70.

2.2.2. The locking device for coupling with a traction vehicle must comply with the requirements of OST 37.001.096-77.

2.2.3. Electrical equipment, external lighting and signaling devices must comply with the requirements of GOST 3940-71. GOST 8769-75, GOST 10984-74 and GOST 20961-75.

2.2.4. Trailers must have brackets (or space) for attaching a license plate in accordance with GOST 3207-77.

2.2.5. To connect to the vehicle's electrical system, the trailer must have a plug in accordance with GOST 9209-76 with a connecting cable.

2.2.6. Trailers must have support legs that ensure the stability of the trailer when uncoupled and do not impair the cross-country ability of the road train.

With a vertical static load of locking device trailer over 390 N (40 kgf), the front support leg must be equipped with a lifting-lowering mechanism that ensures installation of the locking device in the position required for coupling (uncoupling). At manual drive mechanism, the force on the handle should not be more than 118N (12 kgf).


3.1. Trailers equipped with tires that are not unified with the main traction vehicle must have a spare wheel and a device for securing it.

3.2. Trailers must be accompanied by necessary tools and accessories if the set of tools and accessories of the main towing vehicle is insufficient to service the trailer.


4.1. Trailers must have a nameplate and markings in accordance with industry regulations and technical documentation.

4.2. Trailers must have an additional sign near the locking device in accordance with GOST 12971-67 indicating the total structural weight of the trailer; the maximum static load on the coupling ball.

Terms and definitions adopted in this standard TermDefinition Main traction vehicleAccording to GOST 3163-76 Twin axleTwo parallel axles of the trailer, the distance between which does not exceed 1 m.

If your trailer meets these requirements, passes an examination, and has receipts, certificates, and a copy of the welder’s certificate, you will not have any problems registering with the traffic police.

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