Fire damper for ventilation bug 1. Fire damper bug: advantages, disadvantages, features of product control. How the cost of fire-fighting products of the Klop brand is determined

Fire-retarding valves KLOP 1

Fire retardant valves normally open (NO), normally closed (NC) and smoke valves KLOP 1 ( KLOP -1) have been certified by VNIIPO EMERCOM of the Russian Federation and Republican Center certification of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus.


Installation of normally open valves KLOP 1 allows you to prevent the spread of fire and combustion products spreading through the channels of air conditioning and ventilation systems, channels of shafts and air ducts installed in buildings and structures for various purposes. NO and smoke valves are recommended for installation in systems smoke ventilation.

Installation, operation and maintenance of KLOP-1 valves are carried out in accordance with the requirements of technical documentation and special technical specifications. Valves KLOP -1 are not installed in fire and explosion hazardous areas of categories A and B. In such cases, it is recommended to install valves KLOP -1 In explosion-proof or explosion-proof version.

Fire resistance limits of valves KLOP-1:

BUG -1 (60) - in NO and NC modes - E l 60;

In smoke valve mode - E l 60, E 60.

· BUG -1 (90) - in NO and NC modes - E l 90;
- in smoke valve mode - E
l 90, E 90.

Valves KLOP-1 They are produced exclusively in a channel version with an external drive and two flanges. Normally open (NO) valves can be made in various modifications and equipped with actuators various types, including:

KLOP valves -1 s electromagnetic drive with a possible configuration of a thermal lock (TZ) on 72°C;

· KLOP valves -1 with electromagnetic drive round section(without technical specifications);

· KLOP valves -1 with BELIMO electromechanical drive (BLF or BF) with possible specification specification for 72°C;

· KLOP valves -1 with drive spring type and technical specifications for72°С or ТЗ at 141°С with possible microswitches.

KLOP-1 valves are manufactured as a fire-retarding valve and smoke removal. Depending on the type and operating conditions, valve housings are produced different meaning fire resistance. They prevent the spread of combustion products throughout the building through ventilation ducts and shafts.
KLOP-1 valves cannot be installed in rooms of categories A and B due to fire and explosion hazard. KLOP-1 valves in explosion-proof design are installed in these premises.

Fire resistance limit of valves:

Valve KLOP-1(60)

  • in normally open (fire retardant) and normally closed modes - EI 60;
  • in smoke mode - EI 60, E 60.
Valve KLOP-1(90)
  • in normally open (fire retardant) and normally closed mode - EI 90
  • in smoke mode - EI 90, E 90.
KLOP-1 valves are produced only of the “channel” type with two flanges and external placement of the actuator. KLOP-1 round valves are also manufactured with a nipple connection.

Fine open valves KLOP-1 are manufactured in various modifications depending on the type of drive:

  • with an electromagnetic drive in combination with a thermal lock at 72 °C (or without it);
  • round valves with an electromagnetic drive are manufactured without a thermal lock;
  • with Belimo electromechanical drives (type BF or BLF) in combination with a thermal release device at 72 °C (or without it);
  • with spring drive and thermal lock at 72 °C or 141 °C, with or without microswitches.
Smoke and normally closed dampers KLOP-1(60) and KLOP-1(90) are produced with an electromagnetic drive without a thermal lock or with Belimo reversible drives of type BLE or BE. These valves can also be equipped with Belimo electromechanical actuators with return spring type BF or BLF without TRU.

KLOP-1 valves are operational in any spatial orientation. When designing and installing valves in ventilation systems, one should take into account ease of access to the valve drive and service hatches for devices located inside the valve.

In large cross-section air ducts crossing the enclosing structures of ventilation chambers with high-capacity fans installed in them, it is recommended to install KLOP-3 valves.

View climatic version valves - U3 according to GOST 15150-69. The valves can be installed indoors with ambient temperatures from -30 °C to +40 °C in the absence of direct exposure to precipitation and moisture condensation on the damper.

Environment must be explosion-proof, not containing aggressive vapors and gases in concentrations that destroy metals, paint coatings and electrical insulation.

Order examples:
KLOP-1(60)-D-EM(220)-500x500-K - valve KLOP-1 with a fire resistance limit of 60 minutes, smoke, with a 220 V electromagnetic drive, with internal cross-section dimensions 500x500 mm, with a terminal block.

KLOP-1(90)-NO-MV(220)-250(Fl)-N - valve KLOP-1 with a fire resistance limit of 90 minutes, normally open (fire-retardant), with a Belimo electromechanical drive for 220 V, with an internal diameter of 200 mm, flanged, without terminal block.

Manufacturing fire dampers CLOP is carried out by different manufacturers. The most famous company that creates fire protection technical designs the named brand is WINGS-M. The company, which was founded only in 2002, quickly gained the trust of market consumers and today is one of the leading manufacturers of fire protection valves for industrial and residential buildings.

The first fire dampers in Russia were created at the VINGS-M enterprise. They were represented by anti-smoke ventilation mechanisms KDM 1. Later, the company established profitable cooperation with the Swiss company BELIMO. Components from Switzerland were used to manufacture the first models of KLOP 2 valves with a belimo drive, enclosed in an explosion-proof housing.

Now the WINGS-M company is engaged in the production of technical equipment different types. Products domestic manufacturer is in demand among buyers. Customers are most interested in fireproof valves of the following models:

  • Bug;
  • Treasure;

These varieties technical equipment different from each other functionality, and are widely used in various. In this article we will consider a valve of the KLOP brand, its technical specifications and nuances of work.

How does a fire arresting valve work?

Fire damper KLOP 1 blocks the spread of fire through air ventilation shafts during a fire. The manufacturer produces this device in 2 modifications:

  • with round section, nipple;
  • channel, equipped with 2 flanges.

Fire protection devices also differ in the type of drive. On sale, buyers will be able to find a fire-retarding valve with an electric drive KLOP 1 in the following varieties:

  • electromagnetic (some of its models are equipped with a thermal lock);
  • electromechanical (supplemented with thermal closing equipment).

There are models equipped with a housing that well protects the internal mechanism from explosions. Such products are allowed to be used in accordance with GOST.

Fire-fighting products of the KLOP brand contribute to the rapid localization of the source of fire, protecting people and property from the effects of smoke. Some of the models are equipped with special triggering devices, thanks to which the spread of fire through the rooms is restrained for 2 hours. KLOP fire protection valves are divided into 2 categories:

  • open, which do not allow fire to spread through ventilation systems;
  • closed (they are also called smoke).

The level of fire resistance of products varies and depends on the intended operating conditions. The fire resistance limit of KLOP brand structures corresponds to the following values:

  • EI 60, E60;
  • EI 90, E 90.

Valves with these characteristics can operate in open or closed mode.

Fire dampers are located in a special housing, on the door of which is displayed useful information for the owner. Thanks to it you can find out:

  1. Is there constant power and voltage in the network (50Hz/220V)?
  2. Position of the fire-retarding door (OZK closed, OZK open).
  3. About the fire signal.

Essentially, the control panel is the most important element all fire protection system. The structural components of the fire-retarding equipment Klop are:

  • a body having a rectangular cross-section;
  • seals (located between the doors and the body part);
  • protective flaps;
  • drive (with its help the shutters are rotated).

The valve is equipped with 1 or 2 valves. They are made of heat-resistant material, which is lined with sheets of durable steel on top. The doors are installed in the inner part of the body. Their movement in the event of a fire is ensured by plain bearings. The device operates thanks to a thermal lock or electric drive. The latter is reliably protected from damage by a removable casing. When voltage is supplied to the equipment through the drive, the shutters automatically close. If the product has a thermal lock, then its shutter is carried out by releasing the energy accumulated in the spring. This happens when the exposure temperature reaches 72 ºC.

Advantages of the KLOP valve. Product benefits

The KLOP 2 fire-retarding valve with a belimo drive and other structures of a similar type have their own classification. When a fire occurs in a building, open-type equipment immediately slams shut, preventing fire and smoke from spreading beyond the localization point. Closed type products operate according to the opposite principle. Initially they are closed, but in the event of a fire they open.

Fire-fighting mechanisms of the KLOP brand are installed near ventilation systems in order to prevent the rapid spread of fire and smoke through them in the event of a fire. An interesting modification of the design is the product with explosion protection. Such a valve is installed in buildings where there is a high risk of explosions. By equipping fireproof air ducts with flanges, their connection to ventilation ducts is quick and easy.

In order for the KLOP fire damper to work correctly and without interruption, it must be checked regularly. The diagnostic data of the fire-retarding structure must be included in a special act.

The functioning of technical fire-fighting equipment is carried out due to an electromagnetic drive. The manufacturer equips the KLOP valve models with both electromechanical and spring actuators. Below are the most popular modifications of the series.

  1. BUG-1. The device operates from an electromechanical or electromagnetic Belimo drive. Control is optional. The product is distinguished by an affordable price for middle-class buyers.
  2. BUG-2. Fire dampers of this modification have several differences from the 1st model. They are characterized by better aerodynamic performance, convenience and ease of installation.
  3. BUG-3. Equipment of this type is widely used in conditions where air is consumed at high speeds. Most often they are installed in air ducts with a large cross-sectional area.

All types of fire protection valves KLOP are lightweight and compact in size. They respond promptly to a fire.

What do consumers think about the fire protection device?

Air ducts and ventilation systems permeate the entire building. If a fire occurs in the room, combustion products quickly spread through the ventilation ducts. Buyers with dignity and positive side evaluated a special damper device that blocks the passage of fire and smoke. Everyone who has already seen a KLOP brand valve in action says that thanks to this product the fire resistance of the entire building increases. You can install the device yourself without any problems, and it is inexpensive. In addition, in specialized stores you can select fire protection devices for air ducts with a cross-section different shapes(round, square, rectangular). They can be installed on supply or exhaust ventilation system. The use of such structures makes it possible to minimize the damage caused by fire and localize the source of combustion.

Features of installation of fire protection devices

Installation of a fire damper has its own nuances. They depend on what type of device is used for protection. If it's open fireproof valve, then its installation is carried out regardless of spatial orientation. True, then it is necessary to check the correctness of installation and draw up a corresponding report. This work is performed by a representative of the fire inspectorate.

The installation of open fire dampers does not depend on the direction of the air flow in the ventilation system. The location for their installation is determined in advance, taking into account general rules fire safety equipment. A certificate of compliance of the device with the selected mounting area must be drawn up.

If the valve has closed type, then when installing it, take into account the direction in which combustion products are removed in the event of a fire.

How is the cost of fire protection products of the KLOP brand determined?

Fire dampers Klop have several modifications that differ from each other not only appearance, but also by its functionality. The cost of the product depends on the model. The following aspects influence price formation:

  • type of working drive;
  • device dimensions;
  • fire resistance level.

For example, small valves fire protection cost 6-11 thousand rubles, and the price of the largest devices reaches 55 thousand rubles.

Fire dampers Klop are highly resistant to high temperatures. They prove their effectiveness by reliably protecting premises from the rapid spread of fire.

  • Fire-prevention normally open (fire-retarding) valves KLOP-1 are designed to block the spread of fire and combustion products through air ducts, shafts and channels of ventilation and air conditioning systems of buildings and structures for various purposes.
  • KLOP-1 smoke and normally closed (NC) valves are used as smoke ventilation valves. The valves are used in accordance with regulatory requirements.
  • KLOP-1 valves cannot be installed in rooms of categories A and B due to fire and explosion hazard. In these premises, explosion-proof valves KLOP-1V or KLOP-2V are installed.
  • KLOP-1 valves are operational in any spatial orientation. When designing and installing valves in ventilation systems, one should take into account ease of access to the valve drive and service hatches for devices located inside the valve.
  • KLOP-1 valves are produced only of the “channel” type with two flanges (rectangular and round valves) or with a nipple connection (circular valves). The valve actuator is installed outside the housing. Valve body rectangular section is made of carbon cold-rolled steel with subsequent painting, the round valve body is made of galvanized steel.

Valve fire resistance limit

Fire resistance limit of KLOP-1(60/90) valves in normally open (fire-retarding) valve mode:

  • when the drive is located on the thermal side - EI 60/90;
  • when the drive is located on the side opposite to the thermal influence - EI 60/90;
  • when installing the valve on a section of the air duct outside the enclosing building structure with a standardized fire resistance limit - EI 60/90;
  • in normally closed valve mode - EI 60/90;
  • in smoke valve mode - EI 60/90.

Modifications of fire-retarding valves KLOP-1 depending on the type of actuator:

  • with an electromagnetic drive in combination with a thermal lock at 72 °C (on special order at 93 or 141 °C);
  • round valves with an electromagnetic drive are manufactured without a thermal lock;
  • with BELIMO electromechanical drives (type BF or BLF) in combination with a thermal release device (TRD) at 72 °C (on special order at 93 or 141 °C);
  • with a spring drive and a thermal lock at 72 °C or 141 °C, with or without microswitches (part 2 of article 138 Federal Law No. 123-FZ prohibits the use of these drives in the Russian Federation).

Modifications of smoke and normally closed (NC) valves KLOP-1 (60) and KLOP-1 (90):

  • with electromagnetic actuator without thermal lock or reversible BELIMO actuators type BLE or BE for valves large sizes

terms of Use

Type of climatic modification of valves is U3 in accordance with GOST 15150. The valves can be installed indoors with an ambient temperature from - 30 °C to + 40 °C in the absence of direct exposure to precipitation and moisture condensation on the damper. The environment must be explosion-proof and free of aggressive vapors and gases in concentrations that destroy metals, paint and varnish coatings and electrical insulation.


Valves for maritime climates and damp areas

  • Valves for areas with maritime climates are made from stainless steel. The electromechanical or reversible BELIMO actuator is housed in an enclosure with a protection degree of IP 66. The valve body is made of rectangular cross-section. Type of climatic modification - M2 according to GOST 15150-90.
  • Normally open valves with an electromechanical drive are manufactured without hydraulic valves (including explosion-proof valves).
  • The fire resistance limit of the valve is A 60 (60 min).

Characteristics of the external environment during valve operation

  • maximum operating values ​​of ambient air temperature: upper value - plus 40 °C, lower - minus 30 °C in the absence of direct exposure to precipitation and moisture condensation on the damper.
  • The average monthly relative humidity in the warmest and most humid period is 70% at 22 °C;
  • the upper value of relative air humidity is 98% at 25 °C;
  • atmosphere type - III according to GOST 15150-90.

The valves have passed the tests for compliance with the requirements for valves for exposure to salt fog, splash resistance and dust resistance, based on the results of which a corresponding conclusion was obtained. The valves have a certificate of type approval from the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and a certificate of approval from the Russian River Register, which allows them to be used both on sea vessels and stationary offshore platforms, and on river vessels. These valves can be installed in rooms with high humidity.

Transport valves

  • The valves have design features, taking into account the specific operating conditions at transport facilities, and can be used in ventilation and air conditioning systems for railway rolling stock.
  • The valves have been tested for vibration and impact resistance.

Valves for rooms with increased requirements for cleanliness of the working environment

  • Valves are manufactured in rectangular and round sections. Round valves with a diameter of up to 315 mm are manufactured in flange and nipple versions, with a diameter of more than 315 mm - only in nipple version. Stainless steel is used in the manufacture of the valve body, damper and casing special purpose. The valves are used in the pharmaceutical, microelectronics industries, etc.
  • The main technical characteristics of special-purpose valves are similar to the characteristics of KLOP-1 valves of conventional (general industrial) design with rectangular and circular sections.
  • The main technical characteristics of special-purpose valves are similar to the characteristics of KLOP-1 valves with rectangular and circular sections.

Fire-prevention normally open (fire-retarding) valves KLOP®-1 are designed to block the spread of fire and combustion products through air ducts, shafts and channels of ventilation and air conditioning systems of buildings and structures for various purposes. Normally closed valves KLOP®-1 are used as valves for mechanical supply and exhaust smoke ventilation; the valves can also be used as smoke valves. The valves are used in accordance with regulatory requirements. KLOP®-1 valves cannot be installed in rooms of categories A and B due to fire and explosion hazard. In these premises, explosion-proof valves KLOP®-1 or KLOP®-2 are installed.

Fire resistance limit of KLOP®-1 valves (60/90)

In normally open (fire retardant) valve mode:

  • when the drive is located on the thermal side - EI 60/90;
  • when the drive is located on the side opposite to the thermal effect - EI 60/90;
  • when installing the valve on a section of the air duct outside the enclosing
  • building structure with a standardized fire resistance limit - EI 60/90;

– in normally closed valve mode - EI 60/90;

– in smoke valve mode - E 60/90.

When deciding on the use of fire dampers, it is advisable to take into account the advantages of the new generation KLOP®-2 valves with improved characteristics (see section KLOP®-2). In accordance with the entry in the NO certificates, KLOP®-1(60/90) dampers can be installed both in a fire-resistant building structure (fire barrier) and outside it in the section of a fire-resistant air duct, regardless of the direction of the possible thermal effect on their structure. In accordance with the requirement of clause 6.11 of SP 7.13130.2013, this allows the installation of valves on any side of the fire barrier, regardless of the location of the fire in relation to this barrier. Compliance with the requirement of clause 6.11 is ensured by the presence of a casing that protects the drive of NO valves both when they are installed in a fire-resistant building structure, and when the valves are installed on a section of the air duct outside this structure.

Normally open (NO) valves KLOP®-1 are manufactured in various modifications depending on the type of actuator:

– with an electromagnetic drive in combination with a thermal lock at 72°C (on special order at 93 or 141°C);

– with BELIMO electromechanical actuators type BFL, BFN or BF (for large valves) in combination with a thermal release device at 72°C (on special order at 93 or 141°C);

Normally closed (NC) valves KLOP®-1 are produced with an electromagnetic drive without a thermal lock or reversible BELIMO drives of type BLE, BEN, BEE or BE (for large valves). Drive characteristics and electrical diagrams their connections are shown on pages 78-83.

KLOP®-1 valves are produced with a rectangular cross-section only of the “channel” type with two flanges. The valve drive is installed outside the housing. The valve body is made of carbon cold-rolled steel and then painted. On special order, the housing can be made of stainless steel. The body and damper of such valves are made of stainless steel (Spanish: “Stainless steel”), the remaining components and structural elements are made of carbon steel with anti-corrosion zinc coating. The valve flaps are filled with thermal insulation.

KLOP®-1 valves are operational in any spatial orientation. When designing and installing valves in ventilation systems, it is recommended to take into account ease of access to the valve drive and inspection hatches in its body. When installing KLOP®-1 valves in large cross-section air ducts in areas located behind a sharp change in the direction of air flow, for example, behind 90° bends, it is recommended to ensure open position valve flaps in the plane of flow rotation or use KLOP®-3 valves. The type of climatic version of the valves is U3 according to GOST 15150-69. The valves can be installed in indoors with air temperatures from -30°C to +40°C, where fluctuations in temperature and air humidity are significantly less than outside the building. The environment must be explosion-proof, not containing aggressive vapors and gases in concentrations that destroy metals, paint and varnish coatings and electrical insulation.



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