Business: clay skeet shooting, how to open your own club. How to open a shooting club with firearms

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How to open shooting clubs? Today, the leisure and entertainment industry offers wide range services for every taste and budget, those who want to open their own business in this area should think carefully about what fresh idea they can bring, at the same time delivering pleasant emotions visitors and receive a stable income. A win-win option could be the opening of a shooting club (shooting gallery).

Business Features

First of all, a businessman needs to decide whether his club will be professional or remain at the entertainment stage. Since the variety in the character of the club has its own nuances. But a combined version is also possible.

If professionalism is taken as the basis, then the owner must know that experienced people will come to him, perhaps with their own weapons, he also needs to schedule time for individual lessons in the club's activities.

If the shooting range is an entertainment facility, then the weapon here is usually pneumatic, it can be laser and interactive. Whole families like to visit this kind of establishments, teenagers also come, lovely ladies and men who are not devoid of excitement, but not from among professionals.

Having chosen the character of the club, the businessman must know whether his shooting gallery will have permanent place or become mobile. If stationary is planned, then you need to clearly define the territory and premises.

If this is a tent option, then you need to purchase a car where the targets will be fixed, and an equipped tent. This option will allow the institution on wheels to settle in places of mass events.

Where to begin?

So, in the head of the future entrepreneur there is good ideas for the development of the shooting business, but they need to be streamlined. To this end, a business plan is being drawn up, which will reflect the following aspects: in-depth analysis of the market for similar establishments in the place where the club is planned to be opened; it is important to highlight the closest competitors; determine the place and equipment, pricing policy; run promotions. The future entrepreneur must take care of the legality of his business, and for this you need to issue Required documents.

There are two options to open your own business or register a company (register an IP). If you plan to open a shooting gallery with only pneumatic weapons, then a license for both the institution itself and the weapon is not needed. It is also necessary to have documents either on the purchase or on the lease of the premises, which must comply with sanitary and fire requirements. In addition, choose OKVED codes, i.e. the types of services provided.

If the entrepreneur plans to organize a shooting range where athletes or hunters will train, then it is necessary to find land plot, which must meet the necessary standards, namely, be at least 2.5 hectares, with a distance to the target of 250 m or more. In this case, a license is required.

Opening a shooting range with firearms is the most difficult of all options, since licenses and permits are required to create and maintain it. For the storage of weapons, a special room is needed without access for unauthorized persons, and qualified instructors in shooting from military weapons must be introduced to the staff.

Shooting club accommodation

As mentioned above, the entrepreneur needs to decide whether his club will be stationary or mobile. If the shooting range is stationary and has an entertainment orientation, then it is better to place it in people's recreation areas, for example, on beaches, in parks, shopping malls etc. If it becomes a professional club, then the best option is outside the city.

When organizing this business, an entrepreneur must follow the basic safety rules:

  1. The ceiling and walls are finished with tarpaulins and softening pads so that there is no rebound.
  2. Since the targets are located on the back wall of the room, it is worth taking care of its strength. Better if it is steel.
  3. Be sure to have protective barriers that will not allow an animal or person to be under bullets.
  4. There should be a ban on visiting the club in a state of intoxication, and even more so, the sale of alcoholic products should not be carried out.
  5. It is important to take care of the soundproofing of the shooting gallery.
  6. In professional establishments, shooting stands must be enclosed with bulletproof glass, and headphones must be purchased for shooters.

The owner thinks over the interior of the club on his own, but, as a rule, this does not require large financial costs and complex design solutions. A big plus will be the presence of a wardrobe, sofas for customers or those waiting.

Equipment and personnel

The main equipment is weapons and targets. You need to purchase at least 5 weapons. As an option, visitors can be offered single-shot rifles, a submachine gun, pistols, a five-shot rifle.

Targets can be static or moving. Budget option there will be paper targets, the average cost of which is from 2 rubles apiece. An entrepreneur can order them at any printing house. For the development of hunting skills, targets depicting small rodents, birds and rabbits are selected. Inexpensive option there will be self-adhesive targets. Very often, metal cans, small toys are used as targets; in country clubs, you can offer to shoot at the plates. Each target must be illuminated.

Many entrepreneurs are thinking about how to make a shooting gallery. And this is not surprising, because this type of business in the future can bring good income. To open a point, you will need a minimum of documentation and small investments. The main advantage of owning a business in this area is considered low level competition. Even in major cities and metropolitan areas, demand exceeds supply. Shooting range's popularity recent times is growing, and start-up entrepreneurs are obliged to take advantage of the situation.


Before drawing up a business plan, you need to determine the vector of development of the organization. There are several types of tyre. The main classification involves the division into professional and entertainment. The first option is considered more in demand, points open in profile educational institutions, centers, clubs, military, police training areas, etc. The recreational option is less popular, but still there are always customers who like to shoot.

Depending on the weapon used, the shooting gallery is divided into pneumatic and firearms. In the first case, no difficulties should arise. The main thing is to collect all the necessary documents. A lot of investments are not required, two or three thousand dollars (120-200 thousand rubles) will be enough. There are people who prefer shooting from military weapons. Shooting galleries in Moscow and St. Petersburg of this type are a success. There is only one "but": to open such an institution, you will need about ten thousand dollars (about 600 thousand rubles) and all permits that are not easy to get. Each businessman picks up more suitable option.

How to register a shooting range?

There are no restrictions or preferences here. You can use any form of legal entity to start your business. If a businessman has settled on a pneumatic institution, you may not need a license to create a shooting range if you are engaged in the provision of target shooting services.

If an entrepreneur is ambitious, he will think several years ahead. In the future, if the shooting gallery is doing well, you can open a weapons store. Then the IP form will not work, because you need to submit licenses that are issued only legal entities.


How to open a shooting gallery from scratch? First, you should start looking for a room for a pneumatic shooting gallery. Entrepreneurs often prefer to rent premises in entertainment centers and recreation complexes. Requirements: at least forty square meters and the distance from the line to the targets is about seven meters. The shooting range is much more difficult to open. In this case, the distance to the target must be at least fifty meters. The walls of the room must be upholstered with a bullet catcher to avoid ricochet. It is recommended to do this in the basement.

Shooting gallery as a business is a pretty good option. By opening an institution, you can save on the interior, as visitors do not come here for this. Ideally general impression from the room should resemble the spirit of the basement environment. For this, unlined walls, the use of wood, khaki material, protective mesh, etc. are perfect.


How to make a shooting range? After you have found a suitable room, you should think about purchasing equipment. It should be immediately indicated that this will be the most significant item in the costs. The first step is to purchase guns and rifles, an average of about ten pieces. This is quite enough to create a standard shooting gallery. Rifles are mostly single-shot, but sometimes five-shot are also found.

Maintenance and repair of weapons is also worth considering. The total cost of equipment will be about a thousand dollars. If you want to save money, you can purchase domestic analogues of rifles and pistols. As a result, you will have less costs, but the quality will suffer greatly. After that, you need to find targets for shooting from military weapons. Shooting galleries in Moscow and other major cities are equipped with different types targets. This greatly increases the interest in your institution. Best Option will be a combination of static and moving targets. The latter will have to fork out, their cost is about five thousand rubles.


Experience is required to work with clients in an institution. Therefore, it is recommended to take qualified specialists. The staff depends entirely on the area of ​​​​the premises and the scope of your business. In addition to skills and knowledge, the instructor must be able to communicate with clients, not cause negativity, and convey safety rules to him.

The airsoft shooting range is mostly visited by women and children. Representatives of the stronger sex prefer to shoot from firearms. Continuing to talk about the staff, it is worth noting that there are no restrictions on age and gender. However (according to statistics), former athletes of the shooting direction or the military are often hired for such work.

Income and expenses

How to make a shooting range that will bring good profit? I must say that the main income comes from the sale of ammunition. The average client makes fifteen shots worth ten rubles a cartridge. The range of prices by shooting galleries is from five to thirty rubles. Sometimes the institution is visited by gamblers who spend about five hundred rubles on cartridges in one visit. Incentivizes people reward for accomplishment certain conditions. Even if the reward is symbolic, it will still stir up interest.

The main items of expenditure include the rental of premises, the purchase of weapons and targets, wages employees and prize money.

On average, opening a shooting gallery will cost a businessman about two to three thousand dollars. With proper planning, you can earn an income of four thousand dollars (about 250 thousand rubles) per month.


You can create an institution specializing in shooting not only in classic version. If possible, if there is demand, you can add a mobile pneumatic shooting range, an interactive complex and a shooting range.

Particular attention should be paid to the interactive shooting range, which has recently been gaining popularity. The point is that the client shoots from service weapons at targets in real size. Shooting is carried out in conditions that are as close as possible to the present. The interactive shooting range is characterized by the playback of the plot, which changes depending on the hit on the targets.

You can open a weapons store in the future if things go uphill. You create a store where you can trade ammunition and weapons.

AT this material we looked at how to make a shooting gallery, what investments are needed and how much you can earn. This information will be useful for aspiring entrepreneurs.

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In order to open an ordinary pneumatic shooting gallery, you will need a little less than 200 thousand rubles, while it will bring about 100 thousand rubles a month. That is why this project is considered a very profitable enterprise.

In this article, we will tell you how to open a shooting range, and also give practical advice organization of his work.

How to open a pneumatic shooting range?

Step-by-step instructions for starting a business: pneumatic shooting range

Stage 1: Choose a place for the shooting gallery

In order for your business to bring maximum income, it is necessary to provide a large cross-country traffic of people.

A good option would be to open a shooting gallery in the summer in an amusement park. But keep in mind that in this scenario, your earnings will be seasonal. In order to work all year round- the premises of a shopping and entertainment center are ideal, where there are always a lot of people.

Running a serious shooting range with firearms or crossbow weapons is very difficult and expensive. Therefore, we recommend that you start small and opt for the usual and most massive option - a pneumatic shooting range.

For such an object, you do not need licensing, and the requirements for the premises here are also minimal:

  • An area of ​​at least 15 square meters;
  • Special strengthening of the wall behind the targets;
  • Noise isolation (if the shooting gallery is located in the same building with other organizations);
  • Anti-recochet coating (to eliminate the possibility of ricochet cartridges, the walls must be covered with bulletproof material).

Wall covering is the only thing you have to take care of. There is no point in doing expensive stylized repairs in a dash, which is, of course, very nice for your pocket.

When choosing, give preference to a room in the shape of a rectangle, not a square. It will be much more convenient for you to place shooting targets and a customer stand in it. For renting a room, depending on the region where you live, it will take an average of 15 to 25 thousand rubles a month.

Stage 2: Registering a legal entity

In this case, the most appropriate form of business ownership would be individual entrepreneurship.

Stage 3: We buy equipment for the shooting range

You will need at least 5-7 air rifles, and a few handguns. Weapons must be purchased taking into account the fact that some units may break down and fail, and this should not affect the operation of your shooting range.

Arsenal of imported production is many times more expensive. Therefore, we recommend that you opt for the products of domestic enterprises, for example, the Moscow and Izhevsk plants. Such rifles cost between 12-13 thousand rubles. Pistols will cost less - about 3-5 thousand rubles. Get ready for the fact that it will take you about 60 thousand rubles to purchase weapons.

At the same time, every month you will spend about a thousand rubles on static targets: printed "shooting circles", rubber toys, cans, various figures, etc. Many visitors like to shoot at moving targets. They are more expensive - about 4000-6000 thousand rubles, but at the same time they do not need to be constantly updated and they will serve you for more than one season.

You will also have to take care of purchasing a shooting rack and cabinets for storing air rifles and cartridges. This furniture can be bought for 15-30 thousand rubles.

Having bought necessary equipment, you can start your work!

  • Don't blow up the staffing table.

One person can serve a small shooting range. The main thing is that he understands weapons and knows how to work with people. At first, you can perform these duties on your own. This will help you not only save the budget, but also better understand the specifics of the business;

  • Follow safety precautions carefully and supervise customers.

Even pneumatic weapons can cause serious harm to a person! Make sure that visitors to the shooting range carefully follow all instructions. In no case do not allow drunk people, as well as children who come unaccompanied by adults, to pneumatics;

  • Stimulate the excitement of visitors.

The average client leaves in the dash from 50 to 150 rubles. To increase the "average check" enter small symbolic prizes. Often, customers spend 500 rubles in shooting ranges, while wanting to win soft toy, the red price of which is 50 "rubles";

  • Organize outdoor events.

Offer your services for holding various corporate events in nature or tournaments among employees. This will help you expand your client list and therefore increase your income;

  • Guess with time.

If you want to open a seasonal summer shooting range, but start preparatory work for several months. This will allow you to start working in early May and not miss a day of this "golden" time.

If you organize everything correctly, then your shooting gallery will bring up to one hundred thousand rubles a month, so you will very quickly recoup your initial costs and start making a net profit.

This business is ideal for those who do not have a large start-up capital, but at the same time want to become the owner of their own business.

Here we will look at an article on how to open a shooting range, what you need for it, you can download finished example business plan.

In order to receive income from the operation of the shooting gallery every month from four thousand dollars, you need to invest no more, no less than three thousand dollars in its opening. According to many years of observations, the most gambling shooters in shooting galleries are children and women.

To date, shooting ranges can be divided into two groups. The first group is professional, who work at community centers and sports clubs. Such institutions most often serve as training centers for police officers, as well as training individual clients. The second group is entertainment shooting ranges. As independent enterprises, shooting ranges are not sufficiently developed in St. Petersburg, although they are quite in demand on the market.

Sample business plan

Basically, entertainment shooting galleries are opened at recreation centers, as additional entertainment for vacationers, as well as in entertainment centers and sports clubs.

The presented archive contains three files, which fully disclose the information you are interested in on this topic. The example was compiled by interns of this type of entertainment business.

Instructions on how to open a shooting range

To open an entertainment shooting range in which air weapons will be used, you do not need a large number permits and licenses, as is customary when opening a shooting range for professionals. Entertainment does not have strict requirements for the equipment of the room. For its full-fledged work, approximately 2-3 thousand dollars of start-up capital will be needed, as in turn, opening a professional institution will cost five times more.

Registration and licenses

To open a shooting range, first you need to go through the registration procedure, this can be done by registering a company, or an individual. There is a federal law, which was adopted on August 8, 2001, 128-FZ "On licensing certain types activities". This document on the maintenance and opening of shooting galleries and pneumatic shooting galleries in particular does not provide for compulsory licensing. Also, a license is not required for airguns.

Shooting room

To place the shooting range, there must be a room of at least 50 m². In professional shooting ranges, the length of the site from the boundary to the target is 50-100 meters. Since it can be located in shopping or entertainment centers, in recreation complexes and parks, in places where there is a large concentration of entertainment facilities, a distance of 5-10 meters is enough for its normal operation. There should be a separate specialized room for the shooting gallery, any floor of the building or a basement is suitable for this. The main requirement for arranging a shooting gallery, walls in without fail must be protected by a bullet catcher, which is built independently or can be bought in specialized places. To avoid ricochet, the wall is equipped with a tarpaulin and softening pad. The room under the shooting range is good because it does not have to make expensive repairs.


The main and only equipment of the shooting gallery is its targets and weapons. This is the main investment, that is, the very part of the budget that is spent by the start-up company. For full functioning, you must have 5-10 weapons. Another part of the shooting gallery's budget will go to repairing and replacing equipment, as sometimes unknowing visitors break guns.

An air gun produced at the Izhevsk Arms Plant, or the Anix Moscow Arms Plant, has an average price of about two hundred dollars, for 50-150 dollars you can buy pistols from the same manufacturers. The likes of Beretta, Walther, Colt and others are usually $50-$100 more expensive. About one thousand dollars will cost the investment for the purchase of weapons.

Targets for a shooting range are moving and static. The cheapest 3 rubles apiece are paper targets with standard rings. Thanks to today's computer technology, when equipped with static targets, the cost of a shooting gallery can be reduced to 800 rubles per month.

Equipping a shooting range with moving targets will cost 4-6 thousand rubles, but for that these investments will last much longer.


Depending on the number of weapons and the size of the site, one to six people will be required to properly organize the work. The main requirement for staff is the ability to work with clients, to explain safety rules competently and in an accessible way, sociability, the main requirement is knowledge of weapons.

Clients and their opportunities

Many employees of the shooting gallery agree on one thing in their statements that the most gambling shooters are children and women. One shot costs an average of 5-6 rubles, some clients make from 10 to 20 shots, and sometimes there are shooters who are not averse to leaving five hundred rubles or more in the shooting range.

Figures how much it costs to open a shooting gallery: renting a room per month $ 300-600; weapons $1000; targets $30-200; prizes from $50; salary of staff (1-3 people) $200-900 per month. Total from $1580 to $2750.

useful links

    How to increase the revenue of the crossbow and archery shooting gallery? // Shooting Club "Robin Hood"

The shooting club as a business occupies a small niche in the market and is not particularly noticeable for some categories of citizens. However, gamblers have been to the shooting range more than once and know how it works. Getting a prize for accuracy is inexpensive and exciting. If you choose the right place for doing business, you can make good money on it. In our article, we will learn exactly how to organize everything correctly.

Registration and organization of business

Shooting clubs fall into two categories:

  • professional;
  • amateur.

What we call a shooting range and often see in parks are amateur small points. During the season they have a good income from their activities. As for professional shooting ranges, they are intended for education and training of a narrow group of people. Most often they are located at sports clubs.

For these types of shooting clubs, absolutely everything differs:

  1. The audience.
  2. Investment cost.
  3. Payback period.

As for the registration of this business, at first this process may seem complicated, but it is not. Combat weapon it is not used in shooting clubs, so even a person who is not familiar with the specifics can open his own business. Organizing a business is also easy, but let's talk about everything in order.

Required Documentation

In order to open shooting club, you only need to register a company or obtain documents individual entrepreneur. Nothing else is required.

Often, newcomers argue about whether it is necessary to issue a license. No, it is not necessary, because the weapon used will be pneumatic.

The activity itself is not subject to licensing under federal law №128.

Choose the tax regime and be sure to register the cash register with the tax office.

Location and premises

Now you can proceed to the most interesting process, the organization of the business as a whole. And at this stage, you need to decide how exactly you want to see your club. It will be a small shooting range in a park area or a separate room at a sports club.

One of the most interesting ideas is a combination of a restaurant complex in the style of hunting with a large shooting club and a small hotel outside the city. In this case, the bet is made on the fact that large investments will quickly pay off, because the project is really interesting.

For an average shooting club, you will need a room of 50-60 square meters.

Keep in mind that the professional shooting range has a length of 50 and 100 meters. There are no restrictions when choosing a room. It can be either a basement or a semi-basement. The main rule: the room should be separate. You can select several rooms and conduct customer training. For teenagers and women it will be interesting to take up archery.

Cosmetic inexpensive repair will definitely be needed. It is better if the entrance is separate, the club can be located both in the city center and in a residential area. Sometimes it is appropriate to place a club in a country base.

Equipment and equipment

For a standard shooting gallery, all equipment is reduced to a limited number of positions:

  • weapons of various types;
  • targets (stationary or moving);
  • headphones;
  • laser glasses;
  • furniture.

When opening a shooting club, you do not need large investments. For an average room, you will need about ten weapons. As risks, you need to lay the cost of repairing equipment.

The wall towards which the shot is fired must be equipped so that the bullet does not ricochet towards the visitor.

For the convenience of guests, you can organize a recreation area with a sofa and a TV, place racks at the turn.

Organization of the club

The better the work is organized, the more chances for quick payback. Closed clubs are good because it is warm here all year round, customers will not be limited in their actions.

Income may come separately from:

  1. Single ticket sales.
  2. Distribution of club cards.
  3. Conclusion of contracts with various organizations.
  4. Club rental for short time(for example, for an hour).
  5. Bar organization.
  6. Conducting competitions.

In order for serious visitors to become interested in this particular club, you will need to purchase quality equipment and create maximum safety and comfort.

The automated shooting club is a very promising business.

A huge plus is a little competition.


Employees play a vital role in any business. The trust of clients and their comfort depends on their qualification. For a shooting club you will need to hire:

  • an administrator acting as a manager;
  • assistant in the hall (2-3 people);
  • cleaning lady.

There are certain requirements for the administrator and assistants:

  1. Weapon knowledge.
  2. Passing a technical safety exam (you can organize it yourself).
  3. Ability to communicate competently.

This is quite enough. It is also necessary to develop a uniform form for staff.


A good placement option is specialized printed publications for hunters.

The financial component of the business

Let's talk about how much funds will be needed to open, and how quickly they will return to the entrepreneur. Perhaps this is the most important question. Before starting a business, it is worth drawing up a business plan and calculating all costs and profitability, even if the investment is minimal.

Cost of opening and maintaining

The items of expenditure include:

The most expensive will be the acquisition of weapons. There are manufacturers in Russia who offer classic air pistols and shotguns.

The rates are roughly as follows:

  1. Pistol - from 3000 to 6000 rubles (sometimes higher).
  2. Shotguns - an average of 15,000 rubles apiece.

The rental price depends on a large number factors. Also calculate employee salaries, utility bills and risks, which can be estimated at 10-15%. Automatic targets are also not cheap, in order to save money, you can replace them with paper ones, but this does not look very nice.

In total, the average cost of opening will be 350,000-450,000 rubles.

This is a small amount for promising business. Large clubs are additionally equipped with touch screens, computers, sound equipment and other things. Don't forget to buy ammo. It is inexpensive, but they are used up very quickly.

Size of future income

Shooting club earnings can be quite serious if the marketing campaign is carried out correctly and the business is well organized. Don't discount women. According to experts, the fairest sex is the most gambler.

The first profit will not be high, but the increase in customers in the first two to three months will allow the business to quickly pay off.

In the first six months, the profit will be 40,000-50,000 rubles.

If the club is large, this amount will increase several times. For example, a shooting club in nature will become not only a place for training, but also a successful play area. This principle has developed many airsoft clubs, which are generally not safe.

Payback period

The profitability of shooting clubs is very high, even if they are quite small and open in the form of a shooting range. During the season, such a club quickly pays off.

As for the average club, it is realistic to recoup it in 4-5 months.

This is the most optimistic plan. As a rule, you need to set realistic goals, so you will have to count on 6-12 months until the full payback.

There are not many shooting clubs in our country. This business is worth doing if there is a shortage of shooting ranges for the population in the region. In general, business captivates with its simplicity. If you do not ignore the safety rules, then there will be no problems with this case.



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