Lathing for ondulin: preparation and installation. How to cover a roof with ondulin: a master class on creating a high-quality roof Installing a roof with ondulin yourself

Ondulin is a modern material with good performance and qualities. Perfectly suitable for arranging the roof of private houses. At a relatively low cost, ondulin copes well with all the tasks assigned to it. At the same time, the installation of an ondulin roof can be done with your own hands.

Ondulin is an environmentally friendly material, the production of which uses the latest technological advances.
The ondulin sheet is based on cellulose and various additives. To give the roofing covering the required water resistance and rigidity, it is treated with special materials - pre-treated bitumen and resin.

Finished ondulin sheets are painted with special compounds that provide an excellent appearance of the material and help improve its performance properties.

Externally, ondulin can look like metal tiles or slate. The quality of the roof is no different. Sheets for “slate” are produced in the size of 200x95 cm. “Tile” has a reduced size. Materials in the form of tiles are better suited for roofs with complex configurations - it’s simply more profitable, because waste volume is reduced to a minimum.

Ondulin in the form of slate is optimally suited for simple roofing structures. Such sheets are easier to install and allow you to complete the job in the shortest possible time.

Advantages and disadvantages of ondulin

Ondulin tolerates aggressive weathering. It is easy to install, does not require large financial expenditures and allows you to obtain roofing structures with excellent aesthetic properties.

Among the main advantages of ondulin are the following:

  • excellent indicators of environmental cleanliness;
  • impressive service life;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • richness of colors;
  • simplicity and good speed installation;
  • convenient dimensions, helping to reduce the amount of waste and increase the speed of installation work.

The listed characteristics have made ondulin very popular among private developers. The absence of harmful components in the composition of the sheets allows the use of ondulin even for arranging the roof of wooden houses.

In addition, ondulin allows you to repair an old roof without first dismantling the existing coating. The sheets weigh relatively little - about 3 kg per 1 m2 of coverage, so you don’t have to worry about a significant increase in the load on the rafters, walls and the house as a whole.

The manufacturer provides a 15-year warranty for ondulin. In practice, it has been established that a well-equipped roofing structure can last for more than 50 years without any problems, without requiring repairs.

Additionally, the advantages include the ability of the material to retain its original external data for almost its entire service life - the paint does not crack or peel off.

The main advantage for private developers is the ability to lay ondulin with their own hands.

The technology for laying ondulin sheets is in many ways similar to the process of installing slate. However, ondulin is superior to slate in terms of weight, strength and environmental friendliness.

However, with all the advantages of ondulin, it has a big disadvantage - high flammability. Is it true, modern materials During the production process they are treated with special flame retardant compounds, which significantly reduces their flammability.

Also lack of modern roofing sheets is their tendency to lose color saturation with prolonged use. This is especially true for sheets of dark shades.

How to distinguish high-quality ondulin?

Many unscrupulous sellers will try to mislead you by passing off completely different materials as high-quality branded ondulin. Remember these simple recommendations, and you can choose truly high-quality roofing material.

You can distinguish an original from a fake by the following features:

  • the reverse side of high-quality sheets is covered with black mesh;
  • the original sheet consists of ten waves;
  • wave height - 36 mm;
  • the outer side of the leaf is rough to the touch, somewhat similar to gauze;
  • high-quality sheets have a rich matte color;
  • on the extreme wave there is a seal with the marking of the spruce plant;
  • The material is accompanied by a brand certificate and a warranty card, which is valid for 15 years.

In order for the installation to take place at the lowest possible cost and in as soon as possible, and the finished coating performs all the tasks assigned to it for the longest possible time, follow a few simple recommendations.

First of all, remember: ondulin cannot be laid if the air temperature outside drops below 0 degrees or rises above +30 degrees. In hot weather, the bitumen softens and the sheets can become deformed. In cold weather, ondulin can simply crack under the weight of the installer or when pierced by a nail.

Although the manufacturer allows the possibility of laying the roof at a temperature of about -5 degrees, it is better to refrain from such experiments.

When laying in hot weather, make sure that the sheets are installed without stretching. Ignoring this requirement will lead to the fact that in cold weather the coating will simply deform and even become covered with cracks at the locations of the fasteners.

To cut ondulin, it is best to use a wood hacksaw, pre-lubricated with oil - with this treatment the hacksaw will not get stuck. Ondulin can also be cut with a circular saw. You cannot use a grinder - the coating on the sheet will melt and it will fail very quickly.

To fix the covering sheets to the sheathing, you can only use nails specifically designed for fastening this material. It’s better to buy them immediately with ondulin. It should take 20 nails to fasten one whole sheet: 10 at the bottom, 5 at the top and 5 in the middle.

When choosing a sheathing design for ondulin, you need to take into account such an indicator as the slope of the slope. If the roof slope is inclined no more than 10 degrees, make a continuous and reliable sheathing from tongue-and-groove boards or plywood sheets. If the slope is 10-15 degrees, a sheathing with elements placed at a distance of about 45 cm will suit you. And if the slope of the slope exceeds 15 degrees, attach the sheathing elements in increments of 60 cm.

Regardless of the type of frame chosen for the slopes, the sheathing on the ribs, valleys and ridges must be strictly continuous. These places need especially careful insulation, so thinned sheathing will not work.

Step-by-step instructions for installing ondulin

First step. Attach the sheathing bars to the rafters. Pre-fix vapor barrier film. Also, a vapor barrier can be attached from the side of the under-roof space.

Ondulin - installation using technology

Fill the cells of the sheathing with insulation, and on top of it attach a waterproofing film to the rafter legs.

Stuff counter battens over the battens to create a technological ventilation gap.

Second step. Proceed with laying ondulin. Fasten the first row, starting from the bottom of the roof slope. Choose the side opposite to the prevailing direction of wind movement - this way air currents will not blow under the roofing.

Attach the sheets so that their bottom edge extends slightly beyond the cornice board. Select the length of the protrusion individually. It should be sufficient for normal removal of moisture approximately into the middle of the eaves gutter. At the same time, the protrusion should be no more than 7 cm.

Lay ondulin with an overlap in one wave. The end overlap depends on the slope of the roof and can range from 17 to 30 cm.

Lay the first row of ondulin completely.

Third step. Lay the second and each subsequent even row, starting with half a sheet. This way you will “separate” the joints roofing elements in adjacent rows.

Lay out the rows in this pattern until you reach the roof ridge.

Fourth step. Before installing the finishing rows, fix the additional sheathing for the ridge profile. It is best to design the ridge with standard profiles from the same manufacturer whose ondulin you use. The profiles should overlap each other by 12.5 cm. Nail the roof ridge to each wave of the sheet.

Fifth step. If between the wall and roofing structure there are joints, design them using standard profiles from the same manufacturer. Profiles are also used to form joints between different planes. roofing covering(endows).

Sixth step. Provide reliable waterproofing joints of the roof and gable boards. This can be done in two ways. The first is to bend the edge of the ondulin sheet and nail it to the gable board. The second is to apply a regular rectangular profile, also known as a gable element, to the roof edge.

Maintenance of the finished roof

Roofing structures made of ondulin do not require special care. All you need to do is promptly remove excessive contamination to extend the life of the coating.

After some time, ondulin may lose its original color. To restore an attractive appearance, it will be enough to cover the sheets with special paint.

Thus, the roof made of ondulin can be installed with your own hands without any problems. Follow the given technological recommendations, and the finished coating will serve you faithfully for decades.

Video - Do-it-yourself ondulin roofing

Ondulin is a wavy roofing material characterized by its attractive appearance, low cost, good operational properties and long service life. But even the most high-quality coating for roof requires correct installation. Careless approach to styling roofing may cause premature failure of the entire structure. The most important point When installing ondulin, the installation of sheathing is necessary. Today we will tell you how to correctly install the sheathing under ondulin.

Correctly executed roof sheathing

This roofing element is a lattice wood structure that is used as a base for the roof deck. The sheathing increases the rigidity of the roof and also reduces the load on the rafters. It also provides ventilation between the decking and the insulation, which prevents the formation of condensation in the under-roof space and, as a result, the destruction of roof structural elements.

The sheathing must respond following requirements:

  • be as strong as possible to support the weight of the roofing deck;
  • free from damage and deflection;
  • respond sustainably to environmental influences.

Materials and tools

Lathing for ondulin is usually made from lumber. Unlike metal, wood has less weight, but at the same time has sufficient strength and effectively distributes the load. Ideal option is the use of wood from coniferous species. The unique structure and resin of such trees prevents the appearance of various bacteria and insects, thereby increasing the service life of the structure.

To install the sheathing for ondulin, use a beam with a section of 50×40/50/60 mm or edged boards size 25x150 mm. Moreover, the latter must all be calibrated, that is, have the same thickness and width.

Useful advice: Pre-treat all lumber with antiseptic and fireproofing agents.

Minimum Required

As for the tools, to install the sheathing you will need:

  • galvanized roofing nails or long screws;
  • hammer or screwdriver;
  • wood hacksaw or circular saw with appropriate attachment.

Photo of tools

Selecting the sheathing pitch

Bitumen slate is installed on pitched roofs With minimum angle tilt 5°. The pitch of the sheathing for ondulin depends precisely on this value. If the angle of the roof slope is in the range from 5 to 10°, then you need to install a continuous sheathing. In the case of a slope of 10–15°, it is necessary to install the sheathing elements in increments of 40-50 cm. If roofing work is carried out on a roof with a slope angle of 15° or more, then the sheathing pitch should be increased to 60 cm.

Important: In regions where winter period falls out large number snow, it is recommended to use a pitch of no more than 45 cm. This will reduce the deflection of the roof under the pressure of the snow cover.

The size of the lattice structure for ondulin is calculated following the measurement of the roof slopes. In accordance with the data obtained, the cubic capacity of the forest is calculated, taking into account the selected distance between the sheathing elements. Let's move on directly to the calculations.

Lumber calculation

After measuring the slopes, you can proceed to the general calculation of the cubic capacity of the timber. First, let's give an example of calculating a solid structure:

  1. The total roof area is 96 sq.m. (the sides of one slope are 6 and 8 m).
  2. Area of ​​one board 0.15×6 = 0.9 sq.m.;
  3. Required quantity boards 96/0.9 = 107 pcs.;
  4. The volume of one board is 0.15 × 0.025 × 6 = 0.0225 cubic meters;
  5. The volume of all boards is 107 × 0.0225 = 2.4075 cubic meters.

Now let’s calculate the sheathing for a roof of the same size, but in increments of 0.6 m:

  1. Number of boards on the first slope 6/0.6 = 10 pcs.;
  2. The total length of all boards on one slope is 10×8 = 80 m.p.;
  3. The total length of all boards on two slopes is 80 × 2 = 160 m.p.;
  4. Required number of boards 160/6 = 27 pcs.;
  5. The total volume of timber is 27 × 0.0225 = 0.6075 cubic meters.

Installation instructions

When installing sheathing under ondulin, do not forget about basic safety rules

The sheathing under the bitumen slate is installed after laying the waterproofing layer, as well as filling the counter-lattice bars along the rafters. The installation procedure is as follows:

  1. First we design the cornice. We fasten the first board at the overhang from any edge of the roof with screws or nails.
  2. To finish the first row, cut with a hacksaw or hand circular saw board in accordance with the remaining length (in this case, you need to cut 2 m, since the length of the roof is 8 m, and the length of the board is 6 m).
  3. We install the cut piece close to the first board and fasten it to the rafters. There should be no difference in height at the joints of the boards.
  4. We begin the second row by installing the remaining (in this case four-meter) board. We install it parallel to the cornice. In this case, it is advisable to make the distance from the first to the second row small - approximately 30 cm.
  5. We take the next board and cut it in the same way as the previous one and finish the second row.
  6. The procedure is then repeated all the way to the top of the roof.

For fastening ridge elements Additional boards should be installed on the upper edge of the roof on both sides of the slopes and in the center.

Important: Regarding the installation of sheathing in “problem” places, such as chimneys and valleys, here it is installed completely.

Video guide to creating a wooden base for ondulin

Installing sheathing under ondulin requires special skills and knowledge. If this is your first time encountering such work, then you need to approach it very seriously. Follow the above rules and your roof will serve you for many years.

  • Ondulin occupies a particularly favorable niche in the roofing materials market. Its high demand is due to its excellent technical performance and low price. It should also be noted the lightness preparatory work, this is especially true for the installation of a sparse structure, and the installation of the roofing material itself. To fully appreciate its advantages, an accurate calculation of the elements and competent preparation for installation are necessary.

    Most important parameter, on which the correct roof sheathing for ondulin depends, its structure is the slope of the roof slope.

    Lathing for ondulin: selection of material and calculation

    The lathing for ondulin is mainly made of lumber. Wooden structure distributes the load quite effectively, so a metal or solid base is rarely used in the case of this material.

    Coniferous wood is most suitable for these purposes. Special structure and resin coniferous trees does not contribute to the development and proliferation of bacteria and insects, preserving the integrity of the base structure for many years.

    The lumber used for flooring under ondulin is:

    • edged board – 2.5∙15 cm or 2.5∙10 cm,
    • bars – 5∙6 cm or 5∙5 cm.

    Absolutely all frame parts must first be treated with antiseptic and fire-fighting compounds.

    Please note that the material for the base must be calibrated in thickness: the smallest thickness for a width of 10–15 cm is 2.5 cm.

    In addition, when laying the base under the roofing material, you will also need

    • roofing nails,
    • carpenter's tool

    How to calculate lumber

    Distance between sheathing boards directly depends on the slope of the slopes.

    Calculation of continuous sheathing for ondulin using an example.

    Total area gable roof– 144 sq.m. (8x9 m ramp perimeter).
    At standard sizes(0.15×0.025x6 m) the area of ​​the board will be 0.9 m2 (0.15∙6).

    Let's calculate how many frame elements will be needed in the end: 144/0.9 = 160 pcs.;

    Since the volume of one board is 0.0225 m 3 (0.15∙0.025∙6), therefore the total cubic capacity required material, accordingly, will be 3.5 m 3 (160∙0.0225).

    Calculation of a sparse base for ondulin using an example.

    When installing a sparse frame on the same roof area, provided that the pitch of the sheathing under the ondulin is 60 cm, the calculation is carried out as follows.

    The number of base elements on one slope at the same initial parameters equals 8/0.6 = 14 pcs. In this case, on one slope the total molding will be equal to 14∙9 = 126 m.p. (on two slopes, respectively, 126 m.p.∙2 = 252 m.p.). With a board length of 6 m, 252 m.p./6 = 42 pcs. That is, the total volume of material for the base will be 42∙0.0225 = 0.945 m3.

    Calculation of roofing material intended for “special” areas

    Sheathing in “special” areas, for example, in places where the roof meets the wall, around skylights, at the eaves, etc. requires special attention.

    Around the windows, chimney, under the valleys, a continuous base is installed for the roofing material.

    At the top of the roof, additional boards are nailed: two on both sides of the ridge and one in its center - the ridge elements will be attached to it.

    Lathing for ondulin: install correctly

    The construction of a euroslate roof begins with laying waterproofing membranes. They are laid with an overlap, secured to the rafters using a construction stapler, and they proceed directly to installing the battens.

    To make it easier to maintain the required sheathing pitch, you can use a template for it, made of wood.

    First of all, the cornice is formed and the gutter holders are secured. It should be noted that

    • the cross-section of the board from the beginning of the overhang should be larger;
    • the step between the first two of them is about 280-300 mm, that is, it is smaller;
    • The first board should extend across the width of the cornice on both sides.

    The next step is to nail down the remaining base elements strictly parallel to the eaves overhang. Self-tapping screws or roofing nails are used as fastening elements.

    When installing a base for roofing material, it is preferable to fasten the bars to the rafters using self-tapping screws in case you need to make some adjustments, for example, correct deviations in the plane of the rafters.

    In the third stage, a wind board is installed at a height of 3.5-4 cm from the base.

    It is possible that, based on the width of the slope, you will need to connect several boards. In this case, when fastening, a checkerboard order is observed.

    This is good to know

    • At the junction points, the end parts of the boards should not diverge in height. Otherwise, the integrity of the roof covering may be compromised.
    • Before laying the beams in mandatory need to make sure it's correct geometric shape roofs. To do this, measurements are taken of all sides and diagonals of the slope. The lengths of the corresponding elements must be equal. If necessary, they are adjusted.

    • When installing a solid base on a roof with a small angle of inclination between its elements, boards or bars, it is necessary to maintain a gap of 10 mm. However, plywood and OSB boards fixed without gaps.
    • For lathing installation, it is important to use only quality materials, complying with norms and standards.

Some people praise metal tiles and corrugated sheets, while others are more satisfied with silent ondulin. The growth in sales of coatings based on cellulose fibers and bitumen confirms its popularity and customer confidence. The branch of the French company Onduline in Russia has been producing flexible roofing (Euro-slate) since 2008.

Ondulin sheet size, mm1950/950 1950/760
Thickness, mm3 3
Top height, mm38 38
Number of waves10 8
Step between vertices, cm9.5 9.5
Sheet weight, kg6,5 5
Weight 1 m², kg3,4 3,4
Roof slope, degreesUseful sheet area at slope, m²
5-10°1,25 0,94
10-15°1,5 1,16
> 15°1,56 1,22

Advantages of ondulin

  • Waterproof – reliable protection against precipitation.
  • Low thermal conductivity – retains heat in the house.
  • There is no “drum effect” during rain.
  • Resistant to corrosion and chemicals.
  • Resists destruction by bioorganisms.
  • High bending strength allows you to overlap complex designs roofs
  • In case of fading, it must be painted.
  • Does not interfere with the passage of television and radio signals.
  • The warranty period is 15 years.
  • The small weight of the sheet - 5-6.5 kg, makes it easier to work on your own.
  • Availability of markings for attachment points.

Sheathing pitch for single-pitched and gable roofs

The last stage of preparation rafter system– installation of the frame. It is not necessary to hire hired force - you can do everything yourself.

Pitch is the distance between the boards, determined by the type of coating material and the angle of inclination. The lower the slope, the greater the load the roof experiences. A small step or the organization of a continuous base will provide more reliable design, but will increase the cost of building materials.

The manufacturer carried out calculations and developed instructions:

Ratio – simplified fraction: roof height (H)/laying (Z)

Types of lathing for ondulin:

  • Continuous - using boards and sheet materials with minimal clearance.
  • Discharged - most often from a bar.

Construction technology step by step

1. Prepare the tool:

  • wood hacksaw;
  • screwdriver or hammer;
  • cord;
  • construction pencil.

2. Check the geometry of the roof slopes - the diagonals are measured with a cord or tape measure. If the values ​​differ by more than 2 cm, an adjustment is necessary.

3. Calculation of materials for preparing the base for ondulin:

  • Determine the angle of inclination and linear dimensions of the slopes.
  • Make sketches showing the arrangement of sheets, bars, boards, indicating the dimensions of the sheathing.
  • Include a counter-lattice in the design if it is necessary to create a ventilation gap above the heat and wind insulation.
  • Calculation of bars for a slope angle > 10° - add 10% for waste and scrap to the sum of the lengths of the guides. The amount of material for continuous sheathing is determined by dividing the area of ​​the roof and sheet material.

4. Security organization roofing work: fencing, use of walkways, securely fastened ladders.

Continuous sheathing


  • FSF – plywood with increased moisture resistance;
  • OSB 3 (OSB-3) – moisture-resistant oriented strand board;
  • fiberboards;
  • CSP – cement particle board;
  • edged board.

Continuous roof sheathing under ondulin with sheet materials:

  • Installation begins from the bottom row. Leave gaps between sheets of at least 3 mm, taking into account the thermal expansion of the material. The gap can be increased to 5 cm in order to save (up to 10%) materials.
  • Sheets are attached with the side facing maximum dimensions parallel to the cornice. The next row begins with approximately half of the canvas (running).

Spacing between screws or nails:

  • along the front rafters - 100 mm;
  • along the joints of sheets on rafter leg– 150 mm;
  • the rest – 300 mm;
  • from the screw to the edge - 10 mm.

Solid plank sheathing:

  • The moldings should be calibrated in height to ensure a level base for the roof.
  • Board thickness: 2-2.5 cm. Width: 10-15 cm.
  • Laying across the rafters.
  • The gap is at least 1 cm.

Discharged base for ondulin

Lathing at a pitch of 450-600 mm is allowed for roof slopes of more than 10°. To simplify the work and maintain the distance between the beams (boards), you need to make two templates with your own hands, equal to the “step” minus the width of the guide.

Sheathing pitch is the distance between the axes of symmetry of the elements of the roof base.

The recommended interval value is calculated for average operating conditions. In areas with high winds, snow loads it is necessary to reduce the pitch or perform a continuous sheathing, increase the overlap.

  • The block is attached along the lower edge of the rafters parallel to the ridge.
  • The distance between the first and second, penultimate and last rows is approximately ½ step. This is necessary to strengthen the structure.
  • The joining of bars of shorter length than the width of the slope is carried out at random in relation to the adjacent row. The ends at the joints of the guides must be equally high. It is advisable to calibrate the moldings yourself to one size before starting work.
  • Installation of areas (up to 25 cm) with a solid base for ondulin around the perimeter: attic and dormer windows; chimney and ventilation pipes; places for installing antennas and other equipment - this is required for additional elements and strengthening the structure.

Sheathing an old roof

It is allowed to lay ondulin on ready-made coatings. Work order:

  • Restore the integrity of the roof, remove debris.
  • Check the slopes along the diagonals. If necessary, level the surface along the cord using slats or plywood pads.
  • Make a counter-lattice using a block (at 90° to the ridge). On corrugated sheeting and slate, the guides are attached into a wave.
  • Lay insulating materials.
  • Further actions depend on the angle of the roof. Installation is carried out similarly to the two previous examples.

1. It is unacceptable to use undried wood (<20 %). В противном случае у всей обрешетки со временем изменится геометрия.

2. The surface of the tree should not have cracks or large knots.

3. Bars and sheets are used at the same height. If necessary, carry out calibration.

4. The use of boards with wane (bark) is not allowed.

5. The wood is treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant. It is better to purchase chemical compositions from well-known manufacturers that have proven themselves in the construction market.

6. Fire retardant (fire retardant) can be checked before application. The treated piece of wood should burn under the influence of direct fire, and in the absence of high temperatures it should die out.

7. It is preferable to use self-tapping screws as fasteners - it is easier to correct mistakes.

8. You cannot install the frame without checking the diagonals of the slopes. Make adjustments using slats. In case of severe deformation, a continuous foundation is required.

9. It is unacceptable to attach ondulin to the sheathing with a step larger than recommended. Sagging of the roofing material may occur, which entails: rupture of the euro slate at the installation sites; the formation of gaps will lead to a violation of the tightness of the coating.

To save financial costs on the purchase of building materials, it is necessary to perform calculations according to diagrams with the layout of the base and roof elements.

Roofing materials used in construction must ensure the reliability and durability of the roof and the building as a whole. In addition, it is quite light in weight and can be installed independently.

Composition of ondulin

Odinulin production is carried out on specialized equipment using the following materials:

  • mineral fillers that allow you to change the color scheme of sheets;
  • resin with enhanced hardening properties;
  • cellulose fiber;
  • bitumen.

There are 2 varieties of this roofing material, which are produced using different technological features:

  1. glossy ondulin;
  2. matte sheets.

Advantages and disadvantages

Thanks to its constituent components, this roofing covering has a number of advantages:

  • flexibility, which greatly facilitates work on the roof;
  • ease of processing sheets during installation, which is ensured by the ability to cut them with a hacksaw, lubricating them with oil;
  • no need additional installation of a soundproofing layer on the roof due to the fact that it is silent, unlike a metal coating;
  • simplicity and a fairly high installation speed;
  • good characteristics impact resistance;
  • no impact harmful formations, for example, mold, various fungi, which have a harmful effect on human health and corrode the roofing;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • low price, which is important for large roof areas;
  • resistance to strong winds and a large amount of snow, subject to the correct laying technology.

Among the disadvantages are the following:

  • high degree of flammability, due to the fact that ondulin contains bitumen and other organic components;
  • possibility of burnout under the influence of sunlight, while the original color fades;
  • educational opportunity deflections over the roof area, which is caused by violation of the sheathing;
  • wears out quite quickly surface layer under the influence of wind and precipitation.

Having compared all the advantages and disadvantages of ondulin, we can come to the conclusion that it can be used as a roofing material on buildings with a small roof area, for example, a barn on a summer cottage, or as a temporary covering.

Once the first signs of damage or damage to the surface coating appear, it should be replaced with a more resistant roofing material.

Installation of sheathing for ondulin

The sheathing is the base onto which sheets of roofing material are then attached. It consists of beams and boards that are attached perpendicular to the rafters. The rafters themselves are made from large-section pine beams.

For waterproofing, it is necessary to lay the appropriate film or roofing felt, which is spread overlapping and secured using a construction stapler and staples.

All lumber used for roofing must meet the following requirements:

  • dry to avoid deformations after installation is completed;
  • have a minimum quantity flaws, dents and other mechanical damage in which there is a high probability of occurrence of damaging elements;
  • be intact along the entire length and have no cracks in the wood.

In addition, boards, timber or other materials that will be used for rafters and sheathing must be treated with special agents against fungi and mold.

The requirements for all materials used for arranging the sheathing include:

  • weight must match the coating used, while having sufficient strength;
  • the strength of the materials must be high and not deform under the weight of the roofing material;
  • technologically correctly installed.

Sheathing pitch for ondulin

The most important condition for the correct installation of roof sheathing is compliance with its pitch.

The choice of this option depends on several factors:

  • roof pitch angle;
  • the presence and type of material used in construction;
  • sheets of roofing material are laid on a new or old roof;
  • roof shapes.

Material selection

To perform the sheathing, choose lumber that does not have the ability to develop or penetrate bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. These types of wood include conifers. Since ondulin sheets are lightweight, there is no need to use metal structures.

There are 2 types of roof sheathing work:

  1. solid;
  2. step by step.

If the lathing is planned to be carried out step by step, then the following materials will suffice:

  • edged board;
  • timber with a section of 50x60 or 50x50 mm.

In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the minimum thickness of the board is 2.5 cm and the width is 10 - 15 cm. Such dimensions will ensure the required reliability.

If the angle of inclination of the roof requires the use of continuous sheathing, then the following materials are suitable for this purpose:

  • plywood sheets with increased moisture resistance characteristics;
  • OSB sheets;
  • boards that fit tightly together.

Performing calculations for sheathing

In order to determine what type of sheathing needs to be done, you need to know exactly the angle of the roof, as well as the dimensions of the slopes. Based on these indicators, you can determine the pitch and cubic capacity of the required wood.

Data on slope angles and pitch can be reduced to the following form:

  • angle 10 – 15 degrees – step 45 cm;
  • angle of 15 degrees or more - step 60 cm;
  • angle 5 - 10 degrees - the sheathing should be made with a continuous coating.

It should be borne in mind that the ondulin sheets themselves must be overlapped. This distance is also determined by the pitch of the sheathing. So, when laying boards (plywood, OSB sheets) continuously, the overlap is 300 mm, with a step width of 45 cm - 200 mm, with a step width of 60 cm, an overlap of 170 mm is made.

The calculation of the necessary materials start by determining the roof area. This is done based on the perimeter of each of them using a mathematical formula. Next, knowing the dimensions of the board (plywood sheets, OSB), its area and cubic capacity are determined.

Dividing the roof area by the board area, their number is obtained. By multiplying the number of boards by the cubic capacity of 1 board, the total number of cubic meters of wood required for continuous sheathing is obtained.

Calculation of lumber when performing sheathing with a certain step is carried out based on the values ​​of linear meters. The length of one of the slopes is divided by the width of the step, thereby obtaining the number of boards per given slope. Then the total number of linear meters on each of the slopes is calculated.

Separately, the roof areas where chimneys, dormer windows, and attic windows are located, as well as at the eaves and ridge are located.

Lathing on an old roof

For laying ondulin over slate there is no need to dismantle the previous roofing covering. The sheathing can be mounted on top of it.
If the sheathing will be mounted on an old roof and in the future it is planned to lay insulating materials, then the step will directly depend on the width of the heat insulator.

A drill may be required for DIY installation., with which holes will be drilled in the old slate to avoid unnecessary damage. The beam itself will be fastened with self-tapping screws to avoid hammer blows if you use nails for fastening.

The beam needs to be installed on the bottom of the existing slate wave. The sheathing boards are attached parallel to the cornice with a step equal to the height of the sheet of flexible slate, taking into account the overlap of one sheet over the other by at least 150 mm.

Features of lathing fastening

When constructing a continuous sheathing for flexible slate roofing, plywood sheets (OSB, boards) should be fastened with a gap of 2–5 cm. In addition, this will allow some savings on building materials, but will also allow the material to expand and contract somewhat when the ambient humidity or pressure changes.

In order to ensure the same sha g sheathing along the entire roof slope, it is advisable to use a measuring block.

Before you start attaching the sheathing it is necessary to check the correct geometric shape of each roof slope. To do this, measure the diagonals. Their sizes must match. If they are not equal, then appropriate adjustments should be made.

Subject to all rules By fastening the sheathing, the service life of the roofing increases several times.

Installation of ondulin roofing

The lathing needs to be done on top of the waterproofing layer, which can be attached directly to the rafters. Next, a cornice board is nailed, which is slightly wider than the main ones. The next board should be fixed parallel to 1 board at a distance of no more than 300 mm. At the same time, its installation is carefully controlled.
Subsequent boards are installed at planned intervals.

Nails are used for fastening. If it is necessary to use several boards along a length, they should be installed in a checkerboard sequence.

After all the sheathing is installed, you need to check the correct geometry of the roof slopes. Make corrections if necessary.
The wind board is fixed 30 - 40 mm above the last board of the sheathing, and the ridge board is located parallel to the cornice.

After everything has been checked and all proportions have been met, you can begin laying sheets of flexible slate.

Ondulin Available in slate form and roof tiles. Positive reviews include: lightness, beauty, can be purchased at a low cost, durability, environmental friendliness, easy to install according to instructions; among the negatives: flammable, fades over time



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