How to properly connect a car alarm. Diagrams and connection points for car alarms. Types of modern alarms

Connecting an alarm system to the central locking is a rather complex process, which, as a rule, is performed at car repair shops. But if you wish, you can perform this operation yourself.

Connecting an alarm system to the central locking - the main difficulties of the procedure

Nowadays, motorists have the opportunity to choose for their vehicle any kind security system, focusing on your own needs and wishes.

But choosing the “best” alarm system is half the battle. It still needs to be properly mounted and connected to the central locking.

Specific connection points security device are selected depending on the following factors:

  • type of purchased alarm (without remote control or with one);
  • model of the vehicle on which the system is planned to be installed;
  • location of the main security mechanism (block).

Before starting work, you need to decide on the type (CL) of your car. Most common following types Central lock:

  • driven by positive impulse;
  • controlled by negative impulse;
  • with variable polarity.

Connecting an alarm to the central locking system with a negative and positive pulse

In this case, when a minus is applied to a pair of lock wires, they close or open. Finding such wires is relatively easy using a probe (lamp). You should alternately close the wiring that comes out of the car doors on the driver’s side. As soon as the right pair of wires is found (the door opens or closes), the problem can be considered solved.

In those cases where it was not possible to find the wires, you will have to “dig” into the central locking unit. You will need to find a special relay in it that is responsible for closing/opening the doors, and then solder the security system wiring into it.

Working with a lock controlled by a “plus” pulse is similar to the scheme described above. Only the required pair of wires in this case, as you yourself understand, will have a plus polarity. In other words, positive wires should come from the alarm.

The connection diagrams for the voiced types of central locking with a built-in relay will therefore be as follows:

  • “Negative” pulse: NC (normally closed) contacts are not needed, NR (normally open) contacts are connected to the “minus”, common contacts go to the control wires.
  • “Positive” impulse: open contacts are connected to positive, closed contacts are not used, common ones, as in the previous version, are connected to the found control wiring.

Features of connecting the system to a lock with variable polarity

In this case, the car alarm must be connected directly to the car's power wires, which are again looked for with a probe. First, use it to find the negative power wire(the device should be connected to the positive, and then press the corresponding button on the alarm, determining the required wire). They look for another wire (power) in the same way.


For all car owners, or those who install car alarms, I present a collection of connection diagrams and instructions for installing car alarms for all famous models. Here are user instructions and installation on car alarms:

Black Bug
Magic Systems
Pandora (Pandora)
Pharaon (Pharaoh)
Red Scorpio (Red Scorpio)
Tomahawk (Tomahawk) A.M.E. (A.M.E.)
Partisan (Partisan)
QUASAR (Quasar)
Scher-Khan (Sher Khan)
Pantera (Panther)
StarLine (StarLine)
Zorro (Zorro) Alligator (Alligator)
Gorgon (Gorgon)
Jaguar (Jaguar)

You can download these materials in the section. General recommendations for installing car alarms.

Before installing the car alarm, lower the windows in case the door slams and the key remains in the car. After completing the installation of the car alarm, write the transmitter into the memory of the processor unit car alarm.

Test wires and contacts with a digital multimeter. Check each wire of the car, even if you are firmly sure what kind of wire it is and what the multimeter readings should be when checking it. Using the tester with a lamp may damage electrical circuit car alarms. Grounding is important point fastening wires. Find a point that has no resistance to battery ground. An unsuccessfully selected grounding point can lead to malfunctions in the alarm system. All connections must be made by soldering and insulated with electrical tape. Securely secure each car alarm element with bolts and cables. Avoid damaging the wires in the engine compartment due to the heating of the engine.

All car alarm models are designed for installation on cars with a 12 V battery voltage and a negative housing. The central unit is located in the cabin in hidden place. Avoid getting moisture into the alarm unit - install it so as to prevent drops of water from flowing down the wires into the housing. Secure the block to a flat surface using self-tapping screws to prevent it from moving due to vibrations. Attach the transceiver with antenna to windshield car, while there was at least 3 cm from the antenna to the metal parts of the body. The siren is installed under the hood. It is advisable to point the siren's horn down to avoid water accumulation in it. Make sure that the siren and the wires leading to it are not accessible from under the car. The impact sensor must be firmly fixed in the vehicle interior. LED indicator Place it in a visible place on the dashboard.

Security alarms are multifunctional systems that are designed to provide the required level of security at the facility and prevent intruders and robbers from entering its territory.

In order for the alarm to fully fulfill all its functional purposes, it must be installed and configured correctly.

Therefore, connection burglar alarm is important aspect its correct operation over a long period.

It must be carried out in strict accordance with established regulatory documents, used in the formation of security systems for residential and non-residential facilities, as well as in accordance with the technical regulations for the installation of security alarms.

Connection methods

If the user decides to install a security system at home, in the country or in the office and the appropriate security alarm has already been selected, it can be connected in several ways.

The most simple option the security system will be connected with the help of specialists from companies providing installation, configuration and maintenance security systems.

If the alarm connection diagram is simple, then you can install and configure the security system yourself in accordance with the instructions included with each alarm.

Through a company providing installation services

Professional alarm connection can be carried out by special companies that have the appropriate license to carry out installation and maintenance work with such systems.

The main advantage of this connection method is that all work is performed by professionals who are well trained and know all the intricacies of installation and configuration different types security systems.

All work is carried out in strict accordance with regulatory documents and technical regulations. Installation, testing and configuration of alarms is carried out using special high-tech equipment.

The main task that must be implemented by a security company is to build a unified system for instant response to a violation of the security perimeter of the entrusted facility.

In the process of implementing this task, a detailed project of the future security system will be created, which takes into account all the nuances and features of a particular object, and the optimal block diagram connection of a security alarm.

This will allow you to select the most suitable set of equipment for multifunctional protection. material assets, stored on site.

All installed devices will be interconnected by a single operating algorithm, which will allow timely detection of an intrusion attempt and alert the relevant services and owners about it.

The process of installation and connection of the alarm system includes the following steps:

  • visit of a specialist to the client’s site;
  • detailed inspection of all premises and dangerous areas through which penetration is possible;
  • a structural diagram of the security alarm system is drawn up and agreed upon with the customer;
  • selection of an appropriate set of devices to implement the designed security scheme;
  • execution installation work and alarm settings;
  • checking the functionality of the security system by simulating situations in which it should be triggered.

After completing all of the above steps, the user will have a fully functional security system for their home against “uninvited guests.”

DIY installation

In addition to connecting a security alarm, you can install it yourself with the help of security company specialists.

Today on the consumer market there are many ready-made kits from domestic and foreign companies that include all the necessary devices to organize a security system at home.

Each kit comes with detailed instructions, emitting which you can independently install and configure the security system.

The independent option of installing security systems will be justified only if the security alarm connection diagram is simple and does not require the use of additional devices that are not included in the standard set.

Basic connection problems

During the installation and connection of a security alarm, various problems may arise due to certain factors. Let's look at the main ones.

If a wired alarm system is used, then during its installation there will be a problem with laying the alarm loop. A large number of wires that stretch from the sensors to the central unit will spoil the interior of the room.

In this case, you will have to do additional work for laying cables, after which repairs to the premises may be required.

At facilities that have many rooms, as well as many inputs/outputs, windows, the fire alarm connection diagram will be somewhat more complicated.

This is due to the fact that additional sensors will have to be installed, which will have to prevent penetration in any possible way.

If you plan to connect the security alarm to the control panel of a security company, then problems may arise with connecting those that you installed yourself.

It will not be possible to connect such security alarms to the remote control, since security companies can only work with those systems that were installed by specialized services.


Summarizing the above, we can come to the following conclusion. If the user requires an autonomous alarm system with the basic functions of protecting a small object, then the best option There will be an inexpensive ready-made kit that you can install and connect yourself.

If you need a multifunctional system with multi-level protection large quantity zones, you should seek help from specialists who will carry out the appropriate installation.

Video: Security alarm for home. Installation. Options

Car alarms perform the function of notifying the vehicle owner about the penetration of unauthorized persons into the interior of the car. They happen different types, many manufacturers produce security systems for cars.

If the owner of the car found the right security system for himself and brought it to his home, this means that the system needs to be installed.

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The motorist can trust professionals or his loved ones in this matter. But this is not particularly necessary, because instructions for installing an alarm are always included with the security device.

What a vehicle owner needs to know about alarms

Models of security and automotive systems different brands and species differ from each other not only in terms of appearance and configurations.

Each installation can have its own diagram, using which the owner of the car can place all parts of the alarm system in the correct order.

The pitfalls of this process can be hidden not only in the diagrams, but also in the following indicators:

  • in different alarm systems, wires of the same color can perform different functions that will not be identical;
  • Some types of alarms require more effort in terms of installation on the part of the car owner, because they may have additional elements, responsible for various functions of the system;
  • The connection diagram of the alarm system itself may not be suitable for the car certain type– you should choose a security system for a specific car model.

If a person has taken into account all the features of his vehicle, considered a number of possible complications for the installation work and realized that he can do it, installing an alarm with his own hands will not be a problem for him.

Preparing tools for installation work

To quickly, correctly, and efficiently install an alarm system on own car You need to stock up on endurance and strength, and also prepare the following tools:

Having prepared an alarm with an auto-start function for installation, the car owner can install the alarm on the car in a few hours. It is advisable to have at hand not only necessary tools, and also a diagram that will help you do everything correctly.

Installing a car security system yourself - where the connection is made

Car security systems with auto start work on the same principle and their installation scheme is the same. The alarm connection points on the car are as follows:

  1. Free cavities that are located behind the dashboard.
  2. Parking brake department.
  3. Places for locking and unlocking doors.
  4. Stator and turn signals.
  5. Near the door and trunk opening sensors.
  6. Near the brake pedal and parking brake.

The car owner can find all these alarm points with auto start using the UCH module indicators or looking behind the instrument panel. The alarm connection points in cars of most brands are located in approximately the same places.

Carrying out the process of installing a security system yourself

Having chosen a car alarm with auto start and feedback, a person must take care of it correct installation. General algorithm action, which involves installing a car alarm with feedback and an autostart function is as follows:

  • The instrument and steering panels are removed;
  • the lower steering column pad is carefully removed;
  • installation is in progress system unit hidden alarms;
  • wires are laid, protected and extended;
  • a shock sensor and siren are installed in the luggage compartment;
  • connect the wires of the required colors, according to what the diagram shows, to special points on the machine;
  • The alarm wires are connected to the machine's power system.
  • The functionality is checked using auto-start of the alarm with feedback.

Installing an alarm on a car yourself requires a lot of effort and time on the part of its owner. The installation diagram helps to carry out each process correctly, step by step.

It will be easy to install an alarm on your car yourself if you use the instructions for the security system.

Additional facts to remember when installing an alarm system with auto start

Alarms for cars with auto start and feedback require special attention during installation. Every owner who wants to protect his car from theft by installing a powerful car alarm should know that it correct work depends on the installation method. In addition to what is stated in the instructions, a person must be guided by the following rules:

Maps for installing car alarms are included in the instructions for the device. If it is easier for the car owner to use their Internet schemes, that too good decision. Every driver can independently install alarms with auto-start and feedback functions. To protect his car, he needs the security system itself, a diagram for its installation and a set of tools. The feedback and autostart functions should be checked immediately after mounting the system. Three beeps – the installation was unsuccessful. If there is only one signal everything is fine.

Self-installation of a security system for a car with auto start and feedback is possible, but for this you need to be patient and do everything according to the rules.

Car alarm connection:

The modern realities of our lives make installing a car alarm one of the most current problems. First of all, it ensures reliable protection of the car from attempts at break-in and theft. Currently, car enthusiasts are offered the most wide choice alarms. And then the question of how to connect the alarm to a specific car comes to the fore. However, first of all, it is necessary to consider the main types of these devices and make the right choice.

Types of modern alarms

Any car alarm can perform several basic functions. All of them, in one form or another, are present in every design. First of all, these devices must respond to all actions towards the car that are illegal. Many of them can block the engine, preventing unauthorized start attempts. In such cases, a good alarm attracts not only the attention of the car owner, but also the people around him.

Based on functionality, modern alarm systems are divided into the following types:

  1. Alarm without feedback. This design is budget option and is installed mainly on inexpensive cars. The radio channel is considered the most vulnerable point. This car alarm is not capable of protecting the car from experienced car thieves, however, it may well scare away petty thieves.
  2. Alarm with feedback function. Compared to the first option, it is capable of solving much more tasks. That is why it is so popular among drivers. With the help of feedback, the car owner remotely receives information about his car, which is sent to a special key fob. In addition to security functions, it is possible to remotely start the engine. You just need to disable the mobilizer installed at the factory. In urban conditions, the range of such an alarm is up to 1 km.
  3. Usage GSM alarms with GPS module. These devices are becoming increasingly popular due to the ability to control the car via mobile phone. Thus, you can track your car from anywhere, provided the network of the service operator is covered. All information is transmitted in both directions via SMS. Some operators provide a service that makes it possible to track the position of a vehicle linked to a map via the Internet. With this service it will be much easier to find a stolen car.
  4. Satellite signaling belongs to the area high technology. The level of protection allows it to be used in expensive cars. All information is transmitted via communication satellites. This is the most reliable and expensive type of car alarm.

Wide selection electronic devices allows you to choose the most suitable option car alarm system, which includes all the necessary functions. After purchasing, you can install it. To solve this problem, there are two ways: contact a car service center, an experienced auto electrician, or try to install an alarm on your car yourself.

Rules and procedure for installing alarms

If you do not have knowledge of electrical engineering, you should not try to install the alarm yourself. These devices are quite complex and require special knowledge and skills to operate them. After all, the electrical circuit of the alarm system will be combined with the electrical network of the car at many points. The slightest inaccuracy in installation can lead to failure of various relays, blocks and other elements.

There is a certain installation procedure that must be followed. First of all, the places where the main alarm elements will be installed are determined. Typically, an electronic control unit, sensors, antenna, light and sound signals are used for this. A mistake many car owners make is trying to make design changes to the circuit or randomly connecting individual elements. IN best case scenario, such equipment simply will not work.

The main connection point for the alarm is the control unit, in which all the wires are concentrated. This greatly simplifies the connection. In addition, the unit is located under the instrument panel, in hard to reach place. After determining the connection locations, you can proceed to the actual installation of the device.

Alarm connection procedure:

  • Installation of sensors in places recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Installing a sound siren under the hood of a car.
  • Sensors, sound alarms, light sources are connected to the control unit in accordance with the diagram.
  • At the end of installation, the unit is connected to the power source.

As a rule, this procedure does not cause any particular difficulties. You just need to carefully understand the connection diagram supplied with the equipment. There are certain connection difficulties with central locking. In such cases, you have to individually understand the circuitry of each car.

Connecting an alarm to a car with central locking

Most modern cars are equipped with central locking. Along with a burglar alarm, it also performs protective functions. Therefore, these individual systems must work in harmony, and this depends on correct installation.

The main function of the central locking system is to open and close the locks located on the doors, trunk, hood and fuel filler flap. When the driver's door closes, other body elements are locked at the same time. To control the central locking, there is a button installed in the cabin and a key fob with a remote control. Considering the features of both devices, it should be remembered that the car alarm and central locking circuits must be compatible with each other, and their operation must occur synchronously.

After installing the alarm, additional useful functions appear in the car:

  • Automatic closing of the sunroof and lowered door windows.
  • Upon command from the control panel, you can remotely start and warm up the engine.
  • Create a simulation of an engine breakdown so that the thief lingers in the cabin.
  • Complete blocking of engine starting.
  • Driving a car using SMS messages.

In some cases, the installation of a car alarm is carried out simultaneously with the central locking. This makes it possible to immediately combine electrical diagrams both devices.

DIY alarm installation rules

In some cases, mainly in the absence service centers, car owners try to install the alarm themselves. This matter is not at all hopeless. You just need to follow the basic rules for installing such devices:

  1. All connections of wires to each other and to device elements are made through terminals or by soldering. All connections must be carefully insulated.
  2. The wiring is carried out hidden, under the interior trim. Special attention you need to pay attention to the transitions between body elements.
  3. During the connection process, the colors of the wires must be observed in the same way as in the attached diagram.
  4. During work, the battery must be completely disconnected.



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