Is it allowed to carry flowers on an airplane as hand luggage? Is it possible to carry flowers or other plants on an airplane? Is it possible to transport indoor flowers on an airplane?

While vacationing in distant lands, we admire amazing exotic plants. And I really want to bring a blooming souvenir home! But it is worth remembering that overseas plants can be infected with dangerous bacteria and pests that can not only destroy all the “green friends” in your apartment, but also cause significant harm to the entire agriculture.

Import of plants to Russia

You cannot import into Russia without special permission:

  • soil, living rooted plants, tubers, bulbs and other planting material, mushrooms;
  • more than 5 kg of seeds, fresh fruits and vegetables.

You can enter into Russia without special permission:

  • spices and herbs;
  • products for food purposes: starch, hops, ground coffee, tea, packaged refined sugar;
  • processed rice straw intended for industrial products, pile cones, finishing wood, cork, wool, hides, henna and basma;
  • medicinal raw materials;
  • deep minerals and soils, river and sea sand, bottom soils of seas, rivers, lakes;
  • regulated materials (flour, cereals, dried and fresh fruits and vegetables, raisins, spices, nuts), free from quarantine organisms, weighing up to 5 kg in the hand luggage of passengers, crew members of ships and aircraft, and postal items.
  • products of plant origin, free from quarantine organisms, located at vehicles ah and intended for food purposes for the teams and crews of these vehicles without the right to be taken outside their boundaries;

If you still want to officially bring something from the “forbidden” list to Russia, you need to contact the national quarantine and plant protection service of the country of departure and obtain a phytosanitary certificate. Upon arrival, you must report your arrival to the phytosanitary control at the airport (as a rule, it is located next to the hall).

Even if you have a phytosanitary certificate, you will not be able to introduce some types of agricultural products into Russia. The list of prohibited plants is constantly changing, new regulations are published on the official website of Rosselkhoznadzor ( Regarding the import of plants and clarification of requirements in each specific case, you should contact the territorial department of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance in your region (

Despite such strict restrictions, passengers often bring bulbs and even whole plants from abroad at their own risk. Having decided to take this step, you need to be prepared for the fact that your purchases will be discovered, confiscated and destroyed, or returned to the country where you purchased them.

If you managed to bring a prohibited specimen home, you should exercise extreme caution, especially if you came from an exotic state: there are many cases where a new “ward” infected other plants with strange viruses, when eggs were born from invisible underground clutches dangerous insects, which then began to bite household members and even suffered dangerous tropical diseases.

Export of plants from Russia

First of all, you should find out about the rules for importing plants into the country you are traveling to. For example, under no circumstances will you be able to take any of the plants with you to Australia.

A phytosanitary certificate is required for export from the Russian Federation of the same categories of plant products as for import. Phytosanitary control must be completed twice: at the place of initial shipment and at the airport of departure.

In Russia, to clarify the export procedure and obtain the appropriate permit, you should contact the state plant protection service ( or the phytocontrol service of the airport of departure (its contact details can be found on the airport website or at the airport information desk).

Transporting plants on an airplane

Restrictions on the import and export of plants mainly apply to travel abroad. If you do not leave Russia, then you can easily put a couple of onions in your luggage. But this does not mean that you are allowed to bring a freshly dug spruce with roots and clods of earth into the salon.

Plants must be well packed so as not to cause inconvenience to other passengers or stain their clothes. It is better to free the roots from the ground, wrap them in a damp cloth, and then wrap them well in cellophane.

Do not forget that each airline has restrictions on the number, volume and weight of hand luggage and baggage: if you decide to carry your plant separately, it will be counted as a whole piece.

Many tourists often buy flowers as a souvenir to remember their vacation. But before purchasing, they often have questions: “Is it possible to transport flowers on an airplane?”, “How to transport them: in luggage or hand luggage?”, “Are there any restrictions on their import into Russia or into the territory of another country? "

Seeds, plants, flowers and other plant products are perishable items accepted on board an aircraft as baggage (in the hold or in carry-on baggage) as long as they comply with weight/size restrictions and are not violated. x requirements that apply in the country of destination. Depending on the country, the import of these products is strictly regulated or prohibited due to their classification as a protected species or pest risk. Therefore, it is important to contact the embassy of the country you are planning to fly to.

Is it possible to transport flowers on an airplane? Restrictions on the import of flowers to Russia

According to the law “On Plant Quarantine”, it is prohibited to import into the territory of the Russian Federation:

  • seeds of wild and cultivated plants;
  • legumes;
  • living plants, as well as their parts;
  • plants with soil and the soil itself;
  • root vegetables, nuts, bulbs (for example, tulip bulbs from Holland) and other plant materials.

Although if you have an international phytocertificate in your hands, then importing plants is not prohibited. It can only be issued when purchasing flowers in a store. This certificate is considered valid for 15 days. Please note that the plant, despite having a certificate, must not be in the ground, but must be in a special substrate.

Perhaps many will be indignant and say that they transported plants and seeds and did not take them. Of course, this is quite possible, since customs at the airport is quite loyal to passengers bringing flowers.

But if you don’t want to risk being left without the purchased plant, then it’s better to pull it out of the pot, be sure to pack it in a thick cardboard box and put it in your luggage. You can, of course, bring flowers in your hand luggage, but the chances of being left without them at customs increase.

Is it possible to carry flowers on an airplane? A few common questions

What happens if plants or bulbs are found in my hand luggage or checked baggage during security?

In this case they will be confiscated. There are no fines for transporting plants to the Russian Federation.

Is it possible to import plants from the CIS into the Russian Federation?

Yes, flowers, bulbs and seeds can be imported from almost all CIS countries (both in hand luggage and checked luggage). Exceptions apply only to Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan; to import plants from these countries you will need a certificate.

Is it allowed to transport plants from the Russian Federation abroad?

Everything directly depends on a particular country.

USA - allows the import of plants provided that they are in a special substrate (without soil) and have phytocertificates.

EU - allows you to import plants without a certificate, but they must also be without soil. It is allowed to import no more than five seedlings or potted plants.

Australia – any plants (even dried ones) are prohibited for import.

Are there any restrictions on the transport of flowers, seeds and bulbs into the European Union?

Almost all types of plants are allowed to be transported within the European Union without any restrictions.

How to properly pack a plant for transportation?

First you need to clean the rhizome from the soil, wrap it in damp newspaper or cloth and pack it in a plastic bag.

At the same time, do not forget that flower pot- This is only one piece of hand luggage; however, you can carry a handbag, briefcase or laptop.

If you plan to take more things with you, simply put the plant in your suitcase or carry-on bag. It is better that it be packed in a thick cardboard box so that the flower is not damaged.

Quite often, our compatriots who spent their holidays in another country want to bring home souvenirs in the form of fresh or cut flowers, and even in the form of bulbs, to plant them on their own personal plot. But since you have to return home by air, many are interested: is it possible to transport flowers on an airplane and is it even allowed to transport flowers on an airplane? We will try to understand these questions in this article.

Perishable products that can be carried on board an aircraft or left in the baggage compartment include the following products of plant origin:

  • potted plants;
  • cut or growing flowers;
  • different types of seeds.

Before getting an answer to the question: is it possible to board a plane with flowers of a certain type, you should clarify the regulations for the import and export of such products from the country that tourists are leaving. Since certain types of vegetation are subject to strict export controls and some varieties are considered rare, they are protected by law. Therefore, before buying any type of vegetation, you should clarify all the points with the embassy of the country you will soon have to leave.

Transporting flowers on an airplane

Considering restrictions on the import of flowers into the territory Russian Federation, you should know about current legislation, which prohibits bringing flowers on planes. According to the law, which is called “quarantine for imported plants,” it is prohibited to import into Russia:

  • seeds of both cultivated and wild plants;
  • crops related to legumes;
  • fresh flowers, plants and even their parts;
  • flowers and plants in pots with soil, as well as soil for plants separately;
  • flower bulbs, for example, tulips or daffodils, root vegetables and even nuts.

However, the ban on the import of the above products loses its force if the passenger has an international phytocertificate in hand. Obtaining such a document is quite simple if you make such a request to the sellers from whom you purchase flowers or other types of vegetation.

However, it is worth remembering that transporting flowers on an airplane using this certificate will be legal. only for 15 days, since the validity period of this document is designed specifically for this period of time. In addition, even if you have a certificate in hand, you will only be able to bring flowers onto the plane in a special substrate, and you will have to completely get rid of the flower soil.

Many may disagree with this provision, pointing out that they have transported flowers or seeds on an airplane more than once and such goods were not taken from them during inspection. Of course, such a combination of circumstances can be seen more than once, since many customs officers are loyal to passengers carrying such goods. But you can also come across other employees who inspect passengers’ luggage strictly. After detection of unauthorized products, a fine will not be imposed on the violator, since such a law has not yet come into force, but customs officers can confiscate vegetation quite simply and legally.

If you want to bring the plant you like and not end up in an unpleasant situation, you should still take a few simple but very important steps:

  • take a certificate from the seller;
  • remove all soil from the plant;
  • place the roots of the flower in the substrate;
  • pack the vegetation in a thick cardboard container and send it to your luggage.

Is it possible to carry flowers on a plane, that is, to place them with other things that are carried in hand luggage? Of course, you can try your luck if you follow the above recommendations, but the chance of keeping your new green “pet” with you will decrease several times when going through customs control.

Is it allowed to import plants or flowers from CIS countries into Russia?

If plants or their seeds are imported into Russia from CIS countries other than Tajikistan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, then a special permitting certificate will not be required. If flowers, bulbs or seeds are imported from the three countries listed above, then the passenger must mandatory have a special certificate.

Is it possible to transport vegetation from Russia to another country?

If you need to get an answer to the question: is it possible to transport flowers on an airplane from Russia to another country, then you need to turn to the legislation of other states, because this question is different countries is considered in different ways, for example:

  • Vegetation is allowed to be imported into America only with a certificate and without soil;
  • No more than 5 units of goods are allowed to be imported into EU countries without a certificate and without a soil mixture;
  • The import of any vegetation, including dried, into Australia is generally prohibited.

Almost all types of flowers and vegetation are allowed to be transported to EU countries if you have a certificate on hand and the transported goods are properly packaged.

Rules for packing vegetation

By adhering to simple rules for packaging vegetation, passengers will be able to avoid an unpleasant situation at customs and the transported goods will arrive at their destination without damage:

  • the root system of the flower must be completely cleared of soil;
  • the cleaned rhizome can be wrapped in damp material;
  • It is better to use transparent cellophane for packaging;
  • In order to protect the plant from damage, it is recommended to pack it in a thick box of a suitable size.

It is worth noting that packed vegetation will take up one place intended in hand luggage, and in addition to this you can take on board men's briefcase or a handbag, laptop or other type of equipment. If you need to take more things on board, then you should place the carefully packed flower in a suitcase with your things and send it to the luggage compartment. Taking into account the above recommendations and adhering to the simple but mandatory rules for transporting vegetation on an airplane, passengers will be able to avoid unpleasant situations during customs inspection and bring home the desired souvenir from another country intact and without damage.

Tourists love to please their loved ones with souvenirs and gifts brought from other countries. Native plants or flowers are no exception. Everyone will be pleased to receive an exotic fragrant bouquet from flowers that are not found in their homeland. But before you buy a bouquet, you need to find out from a specific airline whether it is possible to carry flowers on the plane, and under what conditions they allow transportation.

When transporting, you need to take into account that plants are perishable products, therefore, for their transportation, separate rules are established regarding packaging and the availability of certain documents.

Rules for the transportation of perishable products

Flowers and plants can be carried on the plane as live shoots, seeds or in pots. The definition of this category of products as perishable imposes the need to comply certain conditions cargo transportation:

  1. Transportation is permitted only on direct flights.
  2. Relevant certificates are required.
  3. Proper packaging. If fresh flowers are transported in the luggage compartment, they must be packed in a box made of plywood, fiber or cardboard.
  4. Providing access to the contents of the package at any time.

Transportation of flowers in Russia

There are no fines for transporting bulbs, seeds and plants on the territory of Russia. But there are a number of rules, violation of which can lead to the seizure of such products. Therefore, you should study the rules in advance.

You need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. You can take flowers on a plane as hand luggage. This applies to live cut bouquets without any remaining roots or soil. The bouquet should be packed in paper packaging and care should be taken that it does not stain the passengers sitting nearby.
  2. Flowers with roots and seedlings are transported in the luggage compartment. Their transportation is carried out in accordance with the rules described above. To ensure cleanliness in your luggage, you need to peel the shoots and wrap them in film.

Transporting flowers by plane from abroad

In Russia there is a strict set of rules for importing plants. Before bringing a plant into the country, it is necessary to undergo sanitary border control. The purpose of such services is to prevent infection agriculture Russia diseases and pests. Without passing sanitary control, only cut bouquets or dried herbariums can be transported into the country.

And yet, in order to avoid unpleasant incidents, it is better to present the exotic bouquet to the service employee for verification. If there is any doubt about the safety of the bouquet, control representatives can seize it and destroy it.

Important! Collectors can carry exotic plants, if they are members of a registered community of plant growers, if they have permission from the research institute.

Under what conditions can flowers be imported to Russia:

  1. To transport flowers on an airplane without problems and consequences, they must be purchased at a specialized store.
  2. The sanitary and quarantine control service must issue a phyto-sanitary certificate of international standard for the product, which will be valid for 15 days. You can also ask the seller for such a certificate, if he has one.
  3. Since the import of soil into the country is prohibited, when transporting the plant in a pot, it must be in the substrate, and not in the soil.

While it is possible to determine the presence of unacceptable diseases in a bouquet or herbarium, it is impossible to determine the purity of planting material (seeds, bulbs, cuttings, etc.). They will have to be opened, which will lead to the destruction of the specimen, so it is not recommended to try to import planting material into Russia. The bulb and tubers may contain various pests, which in turn, when grown, can lead to contamination of other plants or soil. And guarantees that a foreign plant will grow on our territory in our climatic conditions, No.

Is it possible to export flowers from Russia?

Absolutely any plants can be exported from Russia. The only exception is seeds of certain varieties: collection material and other strategic raw materials.

The same special phyto-certificate must be issued for exported products. Each country has its own set of rules, so it is advisable to obtain information in advance about the possibility of transporting such products to a particular country. For example, no plants at all can be imported into countries such as Austria, Great Britain or Japan.

Thus, if you follow the rules, you can freely transport flowers on an airplane only within the territory of the Russian Federation. If you want to bring flowers to Russia from another country on an international flight or take our local bouquet abroad, it is better to consult in advance about this with representatives of the air carrier or the quarantine service.

Many tourists buy plants as souvenirs to remember their vacation. But here the questions arise: how to transport them, in hand luggage or in checked luggage? AND Are there any restrictions on the import of plants into the Russian Federation?

Unfortunately, there are limitations. According to the law “On Plant Quarantine”, the following is prohibited from being imported into Russia:

  • seeds of cultivated and wild plants,
  • living plants and their parts,
  • fresh vegetables and fruits,
  • soil and plants with soil,
  • legumes,
  • nuts, roots, bulbs (for example, tulip bulbs from Holland) and other plant materials.

Plants can only be imported if you have a special international phyto-certificate. It can only be issued when purchasing a plant in a store. The validity period of this certificate is 15 days.

Please note that, despite the presence of a certificate, the plant must not be in the ground, but in a special substrate.

Perhaps you will now object and say that you personally or your friends smuggled seeds and plants and they were not taken away. Of course, this is possible and even more, Most imported plants are not confiscated! Customs at the airport is quite loyal to passengers.

If you want to minimize the chances of being left without a purchased plant, then remove it from the pot, pack it in a thick cardboard box and put it in your luggage. You can also carry a plant in your hand luggage, but the chances of being left without it increase. But as they say, those who don’t take risks don’t drink champagne :)

What happens if, during a search, they find bulbs or plants in my luggage or hand luggage?

In this case they will be taken away. There are no fines for transporting plants on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Is it possible to import a plant from the CIS into Russia?

Yes, you can bring plants from almost all CIS countries (both in checked luggage and in hand luggage). Exceptions apply only to Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan; a certificate is required to import plants from these countries.

Is it possible to take a plant from Russia abroad?

This depends on the specific country.

EU - you can import plants without a certificate, but they must also be without land. It is allowed to import no more than 5 potted plants or seedlings.

Australia - any plants (including dried ones) are prohibited from import.

USA - import of plants is allowed provided that they are without soil (in a special substrate) and have a phyto-certificate.

Are there any restrictions on transporting plants across the European Union?

Almost all types of plants are allowed to be transported within the EU without restrictions.

How to pack a plant for transportation?

First of all, you need to clear the rhizomes from the soil, wrap them in a damp cloth or newspaper and pack them in a plastic bag.

Please note that the flower pot is one piece of hand luggage; in addition, you can carry a briefcase or handbag and a laptop.

If you are taking more items with you, place the plant in your carry-on bag or suitcase. It is advisable to pack it in a thick cardboard box to avoid damaging the flower.



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs