The number of Gua in Feng Shui: calculation and determination of their favorable directions. Gua number - what is it and how to use it

Each person, depending on the time of his birth, experiences the influence of cosmic energies of different quality or, in other words, the Elements.

People born in the same year have the same influence of the energies of the cosmos.

People born in the same year, but in different months, receive support or opposition from both common and different energies.

Accordingly, people born on different days and at different hours already have a completely individual pattern of influence of the Elements, which distinguishes each of us from each other in terms of the nature and influence of periods of good or bad luck in life.

In accordance with this, the influence of the Elements of a certain year for one person can be favorable, as they say, will "blow in the back", or vice versa, will make "fight with windmills". The art of Feng Shui and Ba Zi is to give a person a series of recommendations, taking into account these individual characteristics.

One of the simplest and effective ways to improve the quality of one's life using yong shui is the choice of directions and sectors of an apartment or house that are favorable for a person. This is easy to do, knowing what the orientation and location of doors or furniture in a particular direction or sector of the house means.

The mechanism is simple:

You define your GUA number;

Find out which sectors and directions are favorable for you and which are not;

In accordance with this, arrange your bed, table, stove;

Consider this when choosing or building your new home.

If you always use your favorable sectors and directions, then throughout your life you will receive the support of those Elements and energies that are useful to you.

People whose Gua number 2, 6, 7, 8 belong to the Western group West, Southwest, Northwest and Northeast.

People whose Gua number 1, 3, 4, 9 belong to the Eastern group. Always good for them Southeast, East, South, North.

Now determine for yourself the degree of favorability or unfavorability of a particular direction or sector, using the table.

Number of GUA


















The best sector. Success in any endeavors, luck, prosperity










healing sector. Promotes good health and speedy recovery










Romance. Brings harmony to relationships of any kind










Personal development. Promotes success in work and career










Incidents. Can bring minor problems










Can lead to disagreements and financial losses










Failure. Can lead to serious problems in relationships, business, illness










So, now that you know your best and worst places in the house and directions, analyze which of them are oriented and in which sectors the houses are located:

Your Entrance door(the most important!),

Direction of the head of the bed

bedroom door,

Where is your gaze directed when you are sitting at a dining or desk table?

And which way is the front side of the stove in your kitchen oriented if you are cooking for the family. In this case, the favorable direction will be behind the back.

According to the same principle, it is analyzed whether this or that part of the house or apartment suits you.

Ideally, when the rooms you frequently use are located in favorable sectors, and the entrance and furniture are oriented in the best directions.

If, for example, your number Gua 6, then it is undesirable to make a bedroom located in the North or South, since for you these sectors have negative meaning. It is good if the bedroom is located in the western part of the house and the head of the bed is oriented in one of the directions from +1 to +4.

However, to select the best place in the house for a particular tenant, other indicators are taken into account. In particular, Flying Stars and individual data on the Ba-Tzu chart. There are more difficult to understand and learn techniques that are passed only from Master to Student.

But often it is enough to use favorable directions according to the GUA number to feel positive changes in your life. Sometimes positive changes are felt after a few days, but in some cases it takes at least six months to feel the result.

Important note!!!

Good Feng Shui is not only the "right directions", it is a number of others important recommendations based on a personal energy chart, a Flying Star chart, color solutions and other nuances.

It is desirable to take into account the maximum large quantity recommendations when arranging your home to get a tangible result.

The GUA number allows you to determine the individual energy map of a person. The GUA number is a personal feng shui of a person, which allows you to find out auspicious directions. different directions, have different kind energy characteristics. And for different people the same direction will have a completely different effect. For example, for people of the eastern group, whose Gua numbers are 1, 3, 4, 9, the directions will be favorable: south, north, southeast, east. And for people of the western group whose Gua 2, 6, 7, 8 - the directions will be favorable: west, northeast, southwest, northwest.

How to determine the personal number of GUA?

In order to determine the personal GUA number, use the following formula:

For men - write down the year of your birth and add the last two digits if the result is two significant number then add again, subtract the result from 10. For example: your year of birth is 1979. 7+9=16, 1+6=7, 10-7=3. Gua number 3.

For women - fold last figures year of birth, if the result is a two-digit number, then add it up again, add 5 to the result, if the result is again a two-digit number, then add it up again. For example: your year of birth is 1979. 7+9=16, 1+6=7, 7+5=12, 1+2=3. The Gua number is 3.

If your Gua number is 5, then Gua equals 2 for men and 8 Gua for women. This is because Gua 5 does not exist. You also need to take into account the beginning of the new year according to the Chinese calendar, it comes on the first new moon after January 21, so people born in January, February must take this into account.

To quickly determine the personal GUA number, you can use a special calculator that takes into account all the nuances, and most importantly, the onset of the new year according to the Chinese calendar,

Favorable destinations for Gua numbers

Each of them has its own type of energy.

Direction Success ++++ (Sheng Qi)- one of the most favorable feng shui directions with the best energy. This direction ensures success in any of your endeavors, brings fame and money, high social status. The direction is well suited to turn the desktop in this direction. If the front door to your house is also oriented here, then you will make the most of the favorable Qi energy.

Destination Health +++ (Tien Yi)- if the head of the bed and the door to the bedroom have the directions of this side, or in the kitchen you eat facing it, this will have the most favorable effect on your health and will greatly add to your vital activity.

Direction Relationship ++ (Yan-Nian)- this direction helps to create harmony in family relationships, and helps to strengthen the foundation for a long happy life. If you're feeling lonely and longing for a life partner, turn your headboard this way to bring romantic luck to your side.

Direction Personal Development+ (Fu-Wei)- very well suited for one's own internal development, it gives a clear clarity of thinking. You easily begin to determine the necessary goals in life, clarity and understanding come to everything. This is a good direction for the desktop.

Unfavorable Directions Gua Numbers

Their use can lead to various problems.

Direction of Failure - (Ho-Hai)- trouble, of the bad, this direction is the weakest. It means small problems and small failures. It's not all that scary, of course, but it would be better to avoid it.

Direction Six Killers - ( lu-sha). If your desktop is in this direction or the head of the bed is looking, then at work or in the family, serious conflicts may arise, and legal and financial problems may unexpectedly appear in business.

Direction Five Spirits - ( Wu Gui ) - this unfavorable direction threatens with loss of money and accidents. Thefts and fires are also possible. If the head of the bed is directed in this direction, then you can become seriously ill.

Direction Complete collapse --- ( Jue-Ming) - the name of this direction speaks for itself, it is very harmful and unsuccessful. In no case do not put the head of the bed or the desktop in this direction, so as not to nourish this unfavorable energy.

In the practice of Feng Shui, the Gua number is a pointer to the personal energy of each of us, this is a personal Feng Shui in inner world. It helps to predetermine personal favorable directions of development and those that are best avoided. What all this can mean - we will consider this issue further in more detail.

First of all, it is worth understanding that the direction in development depends on where it goes, in which direction its energy flows and characteristics are directed. For some, this or that direction chosen by them will bring good luck, while for others it will create a lot of obstacles and obstacles on the path of development. It is the Gua number that will help you correctly determine your own direction.

Calculation of the individual Gua number.

The very process of calculating the personal Gua number is simple and understandable even for a novice in the science of Feng Shui - here the main criteria are simple attentiveness and accuracy in the calculations. In the process itself, the calculation is carried out according to the following principles and formulas:

  1. For representatives of the strong half of humanity who were born before the year 2000, the number itself must be calculated according to the following scheme - they balance the last digits of the year of their birth. If the number is two digits, add up to a single digit and given figure subtract from 10.
  2. For women, it is also worth adding the last two digits of the year of her birth, and 5 is added to the resulting single figure.
  3. For those born after 2,000, the calculation formula is somewhat different, when not 5, but 6 are added to the final result for girls, but for boys, they are subtracted not from 10, but from 9. H, when the child was born in 2009 - accordingly, the Gua number cannot be absolute zero and in this case it simply becomes 9 automatically.

What is worth considering?

  1. First of all, it is worth remembering that the number 5 as such does not exist in Gua, and even if the final number is equal to this figure, then for men it is automatically changed to 8, but for women it is already 2.
  2. It is also important to take into account the fact that New Year according to Chinese time, it starts not from the 1st of January, but from the beginning of February. Therefore, if you were born before February 4-5, but after January 1, this is considered a birth in the previous year.

As an example of a calculation for boys, we take the date of birth on the 15th of January 2010. Due to the fact that according to the Chinese calendar, the new year starts on February 4, the date of birth of this child will be January 15, 2009 and his final Gua number will be 9.

Groups of people and Gua numbers.

Taking into account the resulting addition of the date of birth of the Gua number, people are conditionally divided into groups, eastern and western. Each of them has its own direction in development, pointing to 8 directions of our world, when 4 of them will be favorable for a person, but the remaining four are completely unfavorable.

In particular, if in the process of calculation you eventually received such results as 1 and 3, 4 or 9, then a person can be attributed to the eastern group and the east and southeastern part, north and south corresponding to it. When eventually receiving numbers such as 2, 6, 8 or 7 - these people belong to the Western type of group.

The described groups are the exact opposite, and it lies in the fact that same directions V own house or in an office space, will be in different ways favorable ones. If you accurately calculated the Gua number, you have accurately determined for yourself not only the direction of movement, but the entire life path and predestination, good or not.

The most optimal houses for each of the groups.

Each group has its own rules for choosing a residential building or office space, which will be located in a direction favorable for them, will be directed by a certain, back or front side.

With regard to the latter, it is worth making a reservation - such a concept as the front of the house is not always understood as its facade. It is under the front part of the house that the teachings of Feng Shui mean the most active in terms of noise and the movement of energy flows, spacious and sunny side. Respectively - backside in the house will be opposite to this active part of it.

Everyone who is assigned in accordance with the number of Gua to the eastern group - it is optimal for them to make a choice in favor of this direction of the front and back:

  1. North, south - this is the element of fire.
  2. South - north - such a living space or an office will be subject to the powerful elements of water.
  3. If this is a combination of cardinal directions west - east - respectively, the aura of the house and its energy flows and the whole aura will be subject to the elements of the tree.
  4. A combination of north-west directions or a south-east location of the house - in this case, in most rooms, the natural element will dominate, having absorbed all the power of the mighty Tree.

If a person, in accordance with the number of Gua, is assigned to another group and is prominent representative Western group - in accordance with their vitality and positive energy and positive development, it is worth choosing for subsequent living, work, growth and development of the premises, with the following directions of the front and back:

  1. The northeastern sector, as well as the southwestern one - such a combination of the front and back of the house will predetermine its subordination to the elements of the Earth.
  2. Southeast and, accordingly, northwest - such living quarters and work offices are initially subject to the strong and unbending element of Metal.
  3. If it is the southwest and northeast, the predominant element will be the Earth.
  4. East and West, as the directions in the house, will predetermine the predominance of the Metal element in the room.

How to distribute square meters in the house?

As you know, the Feng Shui teaching divides the very premises of an apartment or a working office into 8 sectors, which are respectively divided into 4 favorable and the same number of unfavorable ones.

If we apply each of the resulting additions of the date of birth of the Gua numbers to the location in the room, residential or office, then the picture itself will be presented on the map in the following interpretation:

  1. To choose a bedroom, the south will be the best place, but the worst places in the house are the northeast and its southwest direction. With regard to choice personal account- it is optimal to choose a room for this in the northern part of the house or in the southeast.
  2. The best choice for a bedroom is from the northwest side, but the southeast is considered the most unfavorable place for it. For work and negotiations, solving any business matters it is optimal to choose the southwestern part of the house or the northeast of the house. At the same time, on north side and it is better not to place the eastern office.
    If in the house one of the children or adults is unreasonably sick, unwell for unknown reasons, it is optimal to allocate a room for him in the western part of the room. At the same time, it is not necessary to allocate a room for a weakened patient in the northern and southern parts. In the southwestern part of the house, it is optimal to equip a room for a child, but for a toilet - the best choice which will protect from all troubles, take them to sewer drains, will be south.
  1. For everyone who, as a result of the calculation, came up with the number 3 - they should remember that it is optimal to equip the room for the office in the east and south of it. But for a child, it is optimal to choose the eastern sector of a residential building, and in relation to the zone that will help improve health, it is located in the sector of the northern part of the house. In this regard, the toilet is best located in the north-eastern part of the house.
  2. To everyone who, as a result of calculations, comes out 4 - for arranging a bedroom, it is optimal to choose the eastern side of a residential building, while avoiding the southwest or northeast sector. For arranging a room, it is optimal to choose a sector that faces the southeast side of a residential building and does not equip it in any way in the southwest.
    When there is more than one member of the household in the family for no apparent reason, needs a significant improvement in health - in addition to the medical course of treatment, allocate him a room in the southern part of the house. For your own office, it is optimal to choose a room and place it from the southeastern or northern part of the living space. Under the ban - placing an office in the northwestern or northeastern part of a residential building. But the toilet - place it in the western part of the house.
  1. With regard to the number 5 in the table of Gua numbers, each favorable and unfavorable ratio of events takes place for both men and women. Men's bedroom should be located in the northeastern sector of the house, but for women - their bedrooms should be located in the northern sector of the house. The unfavorable zones for the bedroom of a man and a woman are the southeastern part and the north of the dwelling.
    With regard to the arrangement of the bedroom - for your beloved son it should be located in the southwestern part of the house, but for your daughter - equip it in the northeastern part of the dwelling. For equipping a personal account for men, the southwest will be the optimal zone, and for women, the northeastern part of the residential building. With regard to the toilet, it is optimal for women with the number 5 to be placed in the eastern part of the room, if the owner of the house is a man - in the southern sector of the house.
  1. Everyone who has a Gua number of 6 in the final count should remember that it is optimal to equip a bedroom for such a baby in the northwestern part of the house, and for an adult, the southwestern part is the optimal sector. H is very unfavorable if people place bedrooms in the eastern and southern parts of a residential building. Optimal location health for all sick people with the number 6 - the northeast zone is considered and it is there that you can equip a room for a pensioner and sick people. But the toilet is exclusively in the northern sector of the house.
  2. All 7 who are experiencing considerable problems with their own health - it is optimal to choose a place in the house in its southwestern part. When you plan to work at home, equip your own office exclusively in the western part of the house or in the northwestern zone. But you don’t have to count on success if you organize working area on the north side of the house.

    It is worth equipping your own bedroom for all owners of the number 7 in the northeastern part of the room, but in its southern and eastern parts it is undesirable. Regarding the arrangement of the children's room, it is best to equip it in the western part of the house, and install the toilet exclusively in the southeastern sector of the house.

  1. Anyone who, as a result of the calculations, came up with the number 8, should equip the working cabin in the southwestern part of the house or its northeastern sector. It is optimal to equip a children's room in the northeastern sector of the house, a bedroom - exclusively in its western part and not in any way in the northern sector or the southeast. For a frequently ill family member, personal space should be equipped in the northwestern part of the house, but optimally equipped in the eastern sector.
  2. when, as a result of calculations, your number is 9 - it is optimal to equip your own office in the eastern zone or the northern part of the sector. But you should never sleep in the western sector or organize your own work area or office in the northeastern sector of the house. For the children's room of everyone who eventually got the number 9, this is the northeastern sector of the house, but if you feel worse, for all the sick, it is optimal to equip the room in the northwestern sector. The toilet for all 9 is exclusively the eastern sector of a residential building or office space.

Gua People Compatibility

In the science of Feng Shui itself, there are certain, very successful combinations and a combination of numbers, and this can largely determine whether the marriage itself will be successful or not. If in a pair of a man and a woman there is a combination of the numbers one and six, such a union broadcasts wealth in the future. When there is a combination of two and seven in marriage, such a tandem broadcasts a successful and happy family life, harmony until old age.

When a husband and wife are combined in a marriage, as a result of the addition of which there is a Gua number of 3 and 8. Such a couple will certainly not be bored together, and their marriage will be marked by incredible passion, those relationships that many will envy. The matrimonial tandem 4 and 9 is durable and happy union when husband and wife go through life hand in hand, having achieved a lot by common efforts.

In the practice of Feng Shui itself, there is a practice of a different approach to choosing your partner. If you belong to the eastern group, it is best to choose a mate from your social group, and to everyone who is part of the eastern group - from their own, avoiding unnecessary mixing. This is exactly how the science of feng shky prescribes the possibility of achieving the highest spiritual and physical harmony in a union - in a couple, the interests and views of a husband and wife will coincide, there will be no quarrels and disagreements, and the risk of divorce is minimized.

Favorable directions for numbers.

Each of the directions has its own positive characteristics and it is them that should be taken into account in your daily activities.

  1. The direction of Sheng Qi is always a success and the most favorable of all areas of Feng Shui practice, best view energy flows. Such flows will help ensure the successful completion of affairs in love and financial endeavors, attract money and good luck to your home, and a high position in society. It will be the perfect direction to turn your own workplace V better side and if your front door or workplace faces this direction, you are in luck.
  2. The direction of great health is Tien Yi. when the head of your bed in the bedroom or the entrance door to the house look in this direction, or when you bring food to the table you face in this direction, health and vital activity will not leave your house.
  3. The direction of sexual harmony and love - this is Yang-Nyan - ensures harmony in the family, in relation between spouses and children. In order to achieve harmony within the family, find your soul mate - just put your own forge or sleeper children towards the Yan-Nyan current.
  4. In the house, Fu-Wei direction is responsible for stability - it adds clarity of mind and develops the inner logical thinking. As a result, this significantly increases the ability to move up the career ladder and receive an increase in salary. It is enough to direct your own desktop in this direction and you will definitely be lucky.

Unfavorable directions in Feng Shui.

There are also such in the practice of Feng Shui philosophy and Eastern philosophers include the following:

  1. Ho-Hai is a flow of energy that creates all sorts of obstacles in your path. But it is worth reassuring - it is the weakest of the entire list and does not bring a lot of trouble to a person.
  2. Lu-Sha or translated from the original language - 6 killers. If you put a sleeping bed or a desktop in this sector - in love relationships and in the business field you are in for trouble.
  3. U-Kui or as they call it in the homeland of 5 ghosts. It promises accidents, unexpected loss of money, theft and conflagration, depression.
  4. Complete collapse or in the original language - Jue-Ming is the most disastrous of all places, such a swamp swamp, which will reject you from luck and profit. Your bed should not be headboard in that direction, and the front door should not be looking in his direction.

- This is a personal number determined for each person based on the year of his birth. Definition Gua numbers will help you figure out which directions are favorable for you and which are not. Some four out of eight compass directions will be favorable, and some four will be unfavorable, and taking into account the knowledge gained, you can improve your life for the better and avoid trouble.

How to calculate the Gua number

Firstly, the calculation of the number of Gua for women and men born before 2000, as well as for girls and boys born after 2000, is carried out differently.

Secondly, the lunar Chinese calendar is different from ours: the date of the new year is constantly changing from January 21 to February 20. That is, if you were born before February 20, then it is best to first check with the Chinese calendar and if the new year has come in China later date your birth, then the previous year, that is, the year before January 1, must be taken as the original year.

For example, your date of birth is January 29, 1986. According to the lunar calendar, the Chinese New Year began on February 9, 1986. So, when calculating the Gua number, you need to take 1985.

Chinese moon calendar you can see .

Calculation of the number of Gua for women born before 2000

For example, the year of birth is 1989: 8 + 9 = 17; 1 + 7 = 8

2. It is necessary to add 5 to the resulting number. If it turned out again two-digit number, then you need to reduce it to one digit again.

Example: year of birth - 1978:

add the last digits of the year of birth: 7 + 8 = 15

reduce to one digit: 1 + 5 = 6

add 5: 6 + 5 = 11

reduce to one digit: 1 + 1 = 2

Gua number - 2

Calculation of the Gua number for girls born in 2000 and later

Also add the last two digits of the year of birth and add not 5, as indicated above, but 6 to the result.

Calculation of the number of Gua for men born before 2000

1. Add the last two digits of your year of birth. You should get a number consisting of one digit. If you get a two-digit number, add the numbers again to bring them down to one.

2. The result must be subtracted from 10.

For example, the year of birth is 1967:

add the last digits of the year of birth: 6 + 7 = 13

reduce to one digit: 1 + 3 = 4

subtract from 10: 10 - 4 = 6

– 6

Calculation of the number of Gua for boys born in 2000 and later

The result of adding the last two digits of the year of birth must be subtracted not from 10, but from 9. By the way, the Gua number equal to 0 does not exist, therefore, for a boy born in 2009, the Gua number is 9.

Important note : for women if the result was 5, the Gua number is considered equal to 8, and for men - 2.

There are two groups depending on the number of Gua: Eastern and Western. If the Gua number is 1, 3, 4 or 9, then you belong to the Eastern group. Favorable directions in this case are South, North, East and Southeast.

If the Gua number is 2, 6, 7 or 8, you belong to the Western group. Favorable directions for people of the western group are considered to be the Northeast, Southwest, West and Northwest.

Favorable Directions

  1. Success- the direction that is responsible for wealth, prosperity, luck and well-being. This direction is considered the most favorable, as it guarantees success in any endeavors. recommends looking in this direction more often: you can turn the desktop in the direction of Success, and beyond dining table try to sit facing this side.
  2. Personal development- a direction that contributes to the disclosure of internal potential, self-development and self-improvement. This direction helps to develop Creative skills and also contributes to the improvement of professional qualities.
  3. heavenly doctor- the direction responsible for health, strength and energy.
  4. Love and marriage- the direction with which you can improve these areas of life, build harmonious relationships, create a favorable atmosphere in the family.

Bad Directions

  1. Obstacles- a direction that brings minor troubles, promises minor quarrels. It is considered the weakest of the four unfavorable directions.
  2. Five spirits or ghosts - the direction is more dangerous than obstacles, it is fraught with financial difficulties, losses, fires.
  3. Six assassins- a direction that promises serious problems. They can happen one at a time or all at once. These are material difficulties, illnesses, and legal problems.
  4. total collapse- this is a direction that threatens with losses, losses, bankruptcy and even death. This is the most dangerous of all unfavorable directions.

Dealing with favorable and unfavorable directions is quite simple. To improve any of the areas of life, try to look, eat food with your face in auspicious directions (whichever you prefer), put the head of the bed in your auspicious direction. Conversely, to avoid unpleasant consequences unfavorable directions, try to avoid them in such important points like sleeping, eating, studying, working, signing important contracts, and so on.

Favorable Directions:

Success– Southeast

Personal development– North

heavenly doctor- East

Love and marriage– South

Bad Directions:

Obstacles– West

five spirits– Northeast

Six assassins– Northwest

total collapse– Southwest

Favorable destinations:

Success– Northeast

Personal development– Southwest

heavenly doctor– West

Love and marriage– Northwest

Bad Directions:

Obstacles- East

five spirits– Southeast

Six assassins– South

total collapse– North

Favorable destinations:

Success– South

Personal development- East

heavenly doctor– North

Love and marriage– Southeast

Bad Directions:

Obstacles– Southwest

five spirits– Northwest

Six assassins– Northeast

total collapse– West

Favorable destinations:

Success– North

Personal development– Southeast

heavenly doctor– South

Love and marriage- East

Bad Directions:

Obstacles– Northwest

five spirits– Southwest

Six assassins– West

total collapse– Northeast

Favorable destinations:

Success– West

Personal development– Northwest

heavenly doctor– Northeast

Love and marriage– Southwest

Bad Directions:

Obstacles– Southeast

five spirits- East

Six assassins– North

total collapse– South

Favorable destinations:

Success– Northwest

Personal development– West

heavenly doctor– Southwest

Love and marriage– Northeast

Bad Directions:

Obstacles– North

five spirits– South

Six assassins– Southeast

total collapse- East

Favorable destinations:

Success– Southwest

Personal development– Northeast

heavenly doctor– Northwest

Love and marriage– West

Bad Directions:

Obstacles– South

five spirits– North

Six assassins- East

total collapse– Southeast

Favorable destinations:

Success- East

Personal development– South

heavenly doctor– Southeast

Love and marriage– North

Bad Directions:

Obstacles– Northeast

five spirits– West Forward

In Feng Shui philosophy, it is believed that a person is born with his own type of fate, and from him the type of energy associated with one or another geographical direction is set - magnetic declination.

The type of fate is understood as a special energy associated with the date of birth, which is called the Gua number or personal trigram.

It is very important to know your personal trigram in order to correctly use the recommendations of the ancient knowledge of Feng Shui in practice.

The fact is that for each number of Gua there are favorable and unfavorable directions and locations, and they should be considered when you choose a place to work, sleep or rest.

Even just knowing the favorable and unfavorable directions and sectors of space will already significantly increase your level of luck!

The number of gua and types of fate

There are eight Gua numbers in total, and they are divided into two large groups, which are also called types of fate - eastern and western. For each of the groups there are common favorable and unfavorable directions and locations.

Eastern group:

  • People with Gua number 1, 3, 4 and 9.
  • Favorable directions: north, south, east and southeast.

Western group:

  • People with Gua number 2, 6, 7 and 8.
  • Favorable directions: northwest, southwest, west and northeast.

To determine which group you belong to, you should calculate your Gua number.

How to calculate the Gua number

The Gua number is calculated by date of birth, separately for men and women.

Please note that in Chinese calendar the year starts in February.

Therefore, if you were born in January or early February, take into account the previous year when calculating.

Calculation of the number of Gua for men

  1. From the date of birth, we take the last two digits and add them. If the result is a two-digit number, then you need to add its digits. If the result is a single digit, then go to step 2.
  2. The resulting number is subtracted from 10. This will be the Gua number for this man.

If in the end it turns out number 5 then Gua this man will be 2.

Consider an example.

1. We take the last two digits of the year of birth and add them up:

The result of addition is a two-digit number, add up its digits:

2. Subtract from 10 what happened:

In total, the number of Gua for a man born in April 1973 will be 9.

If a man were born in January 1973, then 1972 would have to be taken for calculations.

Note: if the calculation needs to be done for those who were born after 2000, then in the third stage we subtract from 9, and not from 10.

Calculation of the number of Gua for women

The calculation algorithm will be as follows:

  1. Add the last two digits of the year of birth. If you get a two-digit number, add the digits of the resulting number again. If the number is single, then go to step 2.
  2. 5 should be added to the resulting number. If this results in a two-digit number, then add the digits of this number. This will be the Gua number of this woman.

If in the end it works number 5 then this woman's gua will be 8.

Consider an example.

1. Add the last two digits of the year of birth:

It turned out a two-digit number, so we add up its numbers:

2. Add 5 to the resulting number:

In total, the number of Gua for a woman born in August 1973 will be 6.

If a woman were born in January 1973, then 1972 would have to be taken for calculations.

Note: if the calculation is to be made for those born after the year 2000, then 6 would have to be added to the resulting number, not 5.

Gua numbers and auspicious directions of space

For each number of Gua there are directions of space that are favorable in a special way.

Sheng Qi- this is the most favorable direction that brings success in all endeavors. Ideally, if the front door is located in this sector.

Qian Yi- this is the direction that is often called the Heavenly Doctor. The energy of this direction gives health and longevity.

Yan-Nian is a direction that brings harmony in relationships and healthy offspring. Very well suited to accommodate the bed of the spouses.

Fu Wei- This is a direction favorable for personal growth, development inner strength contributing to social success.



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