How to make an air freshener at home. How to make an air freshener with your own hands: several simple ways

Friends, hello everyone.

Well, just a couple more days and the bright holiday of Easter will come. Today, throughout the first half of the day, I have been tirelessly cleaning, scrubbing and washing my home, and are you getting ready for Easter?

Oh, how I love this bright, joyful holiday, this bustle of painting eggs and baking Easter cakes,

Oh, friends, I love this aroma. About a year and a half ago I saw soap online self made, read articles about it, purchased my first soap set, and became chronically ill with fragrant handicrafts. But these things didn’t end with soap, I did it and invented it, and now it’s time for an air freshener. Well, you’re probably impatient to get down to business, okay, I’ll stop admiring it and get to the point.

Why natural homemade air fresheners are better than store-bought ones, and why I chose essential oils

Friends, just a minute more patience, and I’ll move on to the recipes themselves, only for the most meticulous will I answer questions:

  1. How are homemade natural air fresheners better than store-bought ones?
  2. Why me of all possible options I chose as the main material essential oils.

I prefer home remedies because I know what I make them from and what properties they have. I can choose the ingredients to suit my mood or state of health, make the volume that I need now, and they are somehow warmer, but I put my soul and my positive energy into them. In a word, homemade handicrafts, and not only air fresheners, but also any other cosmetic products, are pleasant, useful and safe. And everything that is offered on store shelves is a chemical made from who knows what, and it is unknown how our body will react to it. By the way, due to a hormonal imbalance in terms of the thyroid gland, my skin is capricious, just a little, and allergies break out, so I don’t have any store-bought cosmetics in my arsenal, what about you?

I chose essential oils because for me they are the most pleasant and affordable option. I cook for myself from time to time homemade soap Therefore, my oil arsenal is replenished from time to time. In addition, they not only smell nice, but also have a beneficial effect on my mood and well-being. Sometimes insomnia strikes, I sniff lavender oil for a few minutes, and healthy sleep is guaranteed.

Only I buy my esters not in a pharmacy, but in a store for soap makers and lovers of homemade cosmetics, I told you why I do this. And here I want to give my recommendations for choosing a scent for a specific room, depending on the beneficial properties of a particular oil, look here:

  • Citrus oils - lemon, tangerine, grapefruit orange - perfectly lift your mood and improve your appetite. This means that such air fresheners are perfect for the kitchen and living room.
  • Antibacterial esters - bergamot, pine, cedar - effectively cleanse the surrounding air of pathogenic bacteria and make our breathing easier. Hence, they can be used in recipes for the bedroom, powder room and bathroom.
  • Floral-spicy oils - geranium, cloves, basil, mint - are powerful repellers blood-sucking insects. I suggest including them in air fresheners for the nursery, and you can also spray yourself with this product so that mosquitoes don’t bother you.
  • Exotic languid aromas - patchouli, ylang-ylang, rose, sandalwood, jasmine - are designed by nature to create a romantic atmosphere and the fabulous comfort of oriental queens. They just beg to enter the mysterious world of a marital bedroom or a young beauty’s boudoir.

Well, do you like these ideas of mine? For me personally, very much so. I think everyone is eager to put these smells into practice, so I'm moving on to the recipes.

A cascade of simple budget recipes for making your own air freshener from essential oils

As it turns out, there are a great variety of such recipes, from very simple and almost free to abstruse and quite expensive. I decided to choose the first ones, here's what interesting selection I got the following air fresheners for the home:

Room freshener based on a mixture of water and alcohol

To prepare this freshener, take 1 glass of cool water, 2 tbsp. l. good vodka or 1 tbsp. l. medical alcohol and 5-7 drops of your favorite essential oil (you can use a mixture of oils). Combine all the ingredients, mix them thoroughly and pour them into a clean plastic spray bottle, from which you usually spray laundry when ironing. That's it, the fragrant air freshener is ready, just spray it from time to time and enjoy the pleasant freshness.

A bright version made from esters and gelatin

Another option is an air fragrance, which at the same time also decorates the room with its unusual appearance. Regular gelatin, food coloring, essential oils and our imagination will help us create this exotic product. I found 2 options for preparing such a miracle, I present both, and you choose which one you like.

  • Option 1.

Dilute 1-1.5 tsp in 100 ml of water. Gelatin to make jelly. In another container, combine 1 tsp. Salt, 1 tsp. 6% table vinegar, 5-6 drops of any essential oil and 1 to 5 drops of any food coloring. Next, we combine both parts of the future freshener, mix thoroughly, pour into molds and put in the refrigerator until completely hardened.

  • Option 2.

Dilute 1-1.5 tsp in 100 ml of water. gelatin, add 1 tbsp. l glycerin, 5-6 drops of your favorite essential oil or mixture of oils and 1 to 6 drops of any food coloring. The more dye you add, the brighter the color will be, and the glycerin will allow our freshener to stay in work longer. Ready mixture Pour into molds and leave to set in the cold.

I’m curious, which of these options did you like best? Please write your answers in the comments, I’m so interested. I myself prefer option 2, it’s simpler, and I don’t like vinegar.

This gel fragrance can be used for closets, rooms, and cars. I poured my freshener into a silicone soap mold, doesn't it look nice? You can also cut it into pieces, which you can put in the toilet tank from time to time. Then, with each flush, the toilet room will be filled with a pleasant smell.

A simple recipe using soda for the toilet room

You can also offer this recipe for the toilet. Take 1 glass of cool boiled water, add 1 tsp to it. Baking soda, 1 tsp. 6% table vinegar and 5-7 drops of ether. Mix everything thoroughly, pour into a clean spray bottle and use as needed. The resulting spray can even be sprayed into the toilet, because soda has antibacterial properties and helps destroy harmful microbes.

Long-lasting scent with wood sticks for the bathroom or bedroom

Here is an interesting recipe for a freshener with wood sticks that can last up to 3 weeks. We take a small vase or bottle with a wide neck and pour in 100-150 of any odorless oil, they are also called base oils. Add 2 tbsp there. l. Vodka, this is necessary for better absorption of oil into the wood. Add 4-5 drops of your favorite scent into the same mixture, mix everything and place 3-4 slightly raised above the edge of the container into the resulting flavoring wooden sticks.

After 3-3.5 hours, the sticks must be turned over. That is, lower the parts sticking up into the oil, and lift the parts that were in the oil up. This should be done every time the smell weakens. By the way, the more sticks you put in the oil, the more intense the smell will be.

How to spray aroma if there is no aroma lamp

Oh yes, the aroma lamp is mine blue dream, which I can never get to. A few years ago I was visiting my mother in Bryansk and saw a wonderful clay elephant holding a cup for butter in its trunk. A small candle was placed under this cup, it heated the oil, and a magical aroma spread throughout the room.

Having returned from a trip, I wondered how to create such an ethereal spa in my own bathroom, for example, if there was no aroma lamp. Of course, you can drop 3-5 drops directly into the water or onto a cotton pad and put it next to you, but such pleasure quickly ends. I thought and thought and decided to resort to wax.

To create such a flavoring, take about 100 g of wax, 1 tsp. Any base oil, even sunflower, and 4-5 drops of essential oil, for example, lavender. Melt the wax in a water bath until liquid and remove from heat. Immediately add the base oil and then the essential oil, mix everything thoroughly and pour it into the mold. And immediately after that, immerse it in the center of the poured wax. wool thread with a weight. The weight will fall to the bottom, and the opposite tail of the thread will remain above the wax level. In the future it will serve as a wick. In a word, we have a fragrant candle that will exude ethers until it all melts.

Every housewife strives to ensure that the air in her apartment is fresh and has a pleasant aroma; for this, air fresheners with different scents are used. As a rule, they are bought in stores, but they are not at all difficult to make at home. For this purpose, different means are used, accessible to absolutely everyone, and a pleasant natural aroma will soar in any room.

DIY natural air freshener - simple recipes

Any room can be filled with wonderful natural aromas; for this you do not need to use any sophisticated means and technologies, everything is much simpler.

DIY orange air freshener

For many of us, New Year is associated with the orange-tangerine aroma. Such a festive aroma can hover in your home every day. All you need for this is oranges and dried cloves (spice). You need to stick several cloves in random order into the peels of oranges, or you can make a real decoration by depicting some kind of pattern. You will get such a cute orange hedgehog.

For a spray bottle, you can infuse orange, lemon or tangerine peels in alcohol, dilute with plain water and spray as needed. This way you will get not only a pleasant citrus aroma, but also air humidification and even disinfection.

DIY gelatin air freshener

Gelatin can be used to make wonderful DIY air freshener, which will also become a nice decoration, it all depends on your imagination. Gelatin is a natural product, you will need very little of it, 20-30 grams or two tablespoons. Dissolve gelatin in a glass of water, heat it to dissolve, add 10-15 drops of pre-selected essential oil. In order to reduce drying of the mixture, add a teaspoon of glycerin. In principle, the air freshener is ready. If you add food coloring and/or lemon peels, flower petals, pebbles or anything else of your choice to the resulting mixture, you will get a stylish, fragrant decoration.

A pine air freshener is easy to make using sprigs of fir, spruce, pine, and juniper. Spicy herbs: mint, lemon balm, basil, sage, rosemary, can be used during the season colds, they will fill the air in the room with a healing aroma.

Fresheners for cabinets and refrigerators

If you drop a few drops of your favorite essential oil onto a cotton pad and place it on a shelf in your closet, your clothes will be saturated with a light natural aroma. Such a cotton pad can be placed on the battery during heating season, evaporation will give aroma to the room. Sometimes it happens that something has settled in the refrigerator bad smell. Of course, products must be checked for freshness and spoiled ones must be thrown away on time, but not always everything works out correctly. If lard smells unpleasant in the refrigerator, it is advisable to wash it first and then dissolve a few spoons in water baking soda and leave the open container with the soda solution in the refrigerator for a while, the smell will disappear.

The aroma of coffee is perfect for the kitchen or living room. You need to pour a couple of tablespoons of coffee beans into a cute woven bag, hang it somewhere in the room, the aroma of coffee will delight everyone who is in it.

Such simple recipes will help you do DIY air freshener. It's simple, the ingredients and materials are available to everyone, a little creativity and your home will be filled with a wonderful natural aroma.

Anastasia Sergeeva

How to make an all-natural air freshener with your own hands

At the same time have an environmentally friendly clean house and you won’t be able to achieve a pleasant smell if you use an air freshener from a store counter: the substances it contains are far from natural and can be harmful to humans. And if there are small children or allergy sufferers living in the house, then the use of chemical fragrances can end even more disastrously! Therefore, we decided to tell our readers how to make a homemade air freshener with your own hands and completely from natural ingredients.

How to make an air freshener from living plants

You will get the most beautiful, fragrant and absolutely natural air freshener when it is spring or summer - the flowering period of various flowers, shrubs and herbs. After all, to make such an air freshener with your own hands, you will need to collect a certain number of plants from various city plantings, park areas, forests - in general, any islands of wildlife where you can collect plants legally, without hooliganism or harm to the environment.

To make your own air freshener, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh and aromatic herbs and flowers;
  • distilled water;
  • lavender or other floral essential oil;
  • glass bottle;
  • spray nozzle.

Flowers can also be very different, choose based on your taste. The main thing is to take into account not the aroma of plants separately, but their fragrance as part of a single mix. For example, lilac inflorescences, dried lavender, rose buds and rosemary sprigs will go well as a spring air scenter.

  1. Before placing the plants in the bottle, you need to trim them a little so that they begin to secrete juice, or gently knead them with your fingers.
  2. Fill the container with them, leaving about one quarter of the volume free.
  3. Place 5-7 drops of the essential oil of your choice inside.
  4. And only at the end add water using a funnel so that it fills the entire bottle.

In order for the plants to release their juices and aroma to the liquid by mixing with the oil, our air freshener must infuse. Just a day in a dark place - and you can use it: just spray the liquid in the air, as well as on curtains and furniture upholstery, then a pleasant floral and completely natural aroma will linger in your home for a long time. You can use this freshener for about two weeks.

DIY gel air freshener

Fill the room with a wonderful aroma and decorate home interior The following air freshener will help - a gel one. Such fragrances are also sold in stores, but they do not contain “chemicals”, and we suggest you make a natural air freshener, that is, absolutely harmless. This is what we need:

  • glass jar;
  • distilled water - 1 glass;
  • gelatin - 15-20 g;
  • food coloring - 2-3 drops;
  • essential oil - 6-7 drops;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • glycerin - 1-2 tsp;
  • alcohol - 1 tbsp.

You need a small jar, for example, for a cream, but a glass or glass will do. Another option is a glass; you’ll get a nice mini-refreshner even in this volume.

We use essential oil at our discretion. Food coloring is optional, but with its help the air flavoring will look more stylish and can also visually emphasize the aroma: green dye suitable for pine oil, orange for orange, purple for lavender, etc.

So we made our own air freshener: tie it with a ribbon or decorative wire, decorate it with flowers, and then it will refresh not only the air, but also your interior. The gel air freshener will not spill out if it is accidentally knocked over, so this jar can even be placed in a car.

Citrus air freshener

And to make the third type of air freshener with our own hands, we will need alcohol or vodka. We strongly do not recommend drinking it, but we advise you to send beneficial properties alcohol in the right direction. We find the following ingredients:

  • 1 orange and/or grapefruit;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 0.5 l of alcohol/vodka;
  • distilled water;
  • citrus essential oil;
  • glass bottle and spray nozzle.

That's all, another DIY air freshener is ready! You can store it until the end of use if the lid is closed tightly enough so that the alcohol does not evaporate too quickly.

Powerful DIY diffuser freshener

Popular in lately diffuser air fresheners are made from reed sticks, the cost of which can be measured in hundreds of hryvnias/thousands of rubles. But why spend so much money on a freshener of unknown composition if you can make it at home with your own hands? We will need:

  • glass container;
  • long wooden sticks;
  • baby and any essential oil;
  • 2 tbsp. alcohol/vodka.

You can use bamboo culinary skewers as wooden sticks, or purchase ready-made ones. It is important that they rise above the container you choose. The larger the room, the wider the neck of your vase should be.

  1. Pour into container baby oil.
  2. Dilute it with two tablespoons of alcohol. Mix everything well. Alcohol is needed so that the oil is absorbed into the wood faster and spreads more easily throughout the stick.
  3. Add 4-5 drops of essential oil, for example lavender. We can tie the container with a ribbon for beauty’s sake.
  4. We place the sticks in the vase, trying to point their ends in different directions.
  5. We wait about three hours and turn the sticks over, dipping the free ends into the oil.

The air freshener is ready! This type of air freshener works very powerfully due to the fact that the aroma intensifies while remaining on the wooden sticks. It will even cope with unpleasant odors in the bathroom or toilet. Use the fragrance until the liquid hardens, remembering to periodically add essential oils and turn the sticks over.

Each of these hand-made air fresheners is good in its own way, looks very nice and does not require large financial costs to create. But the main thing is that only natural ingredients are used, so feel free to use them if you are not allergic to any specific plants or citrus fruits.

Here's another way to make a stylish gel air freshener with your own hands using hydrogel granules:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Air freshener can be bought in almost any store household chemicals, they come in different forms - sprays, water based, records, etc.

The only fact remains that all this production is “chemicals” that smell.

Without bringing any benefit, it often simply masks the unpleasant odor rather than eliminating it.

Let's make an air freshener from essential oils that is completely natural and has health benefits!

Making your own air freshener from essential oils is quite simple. And the effect from it will be simply amazing, that after it you will no longer want to use a “chemical” air freshener. You will feel the difference immediately.

So, you decided to try to make a freshener from natural ingredients yourself and experience everything for yourself positive impacts from him. To make an awesome air freshener from essential oils at home with your own hands, you will need the simplest ingredients that every housewife has in her arsenal.

There are several options for preparing such “natural” fresheners.

In the first option you will need:

  1. Essential oil
  2. Cup or other container
  3. Hydrogel for flowers (retains moisture well)
  4. Boiled water

When you start making your essential oil air freshener, have all your ingredients ready so everything is nearby for your convenience.

So, first you need to take a glass (a tall one is best) and fill it halfway with prepared water, then add the selected essential oil, 5-8 drops.

Stir well with a spoon. The water will become slightly cloudy. Pour the hydrogel up to half a glass into a glass of water and wait until the gel swells.

When the gel has “grown”, your air freshener is ready and you can place it anywhere in the house. Such a glass with transparent and fragrant balls will decorate your interior.

The second recipe will refresh the spruce from essential oils:

  1. Essential oil
  2. Gelatin
  3. Boiled water
  4. Food colors
  5. Cup or other glass container

This version presents a recipe for very beautiful, colorful air fresheners based on essential oil and gelatin. You get such fragrant mini-jelly!

To make an air freshener from essential oils, prepare your workplace. In this case, all actions take place in the kitchen. First, boil water in an iron ladle or small saucepan. You will need approximately 150 ml of water.

After the water has boiled, we begin to gradually add one package of gelatin to the boiling water and leave it to swell. Meanwhile, mix 1 tbsp. spoon of salt with cold water in a ratio of 1:3. Then add the saline solution to the gelatin mass and stir.

Add ready-made food coloring (which is diluted with water immediately before use) to the prepared cups, pour it so as to paint the bottom of the container, and drop 15-20 drops of essential oil into it.

Then add gelatin and stir gently so that the future freshener is evenly colored. Now that the preparation of the freshener has come to an end, now you need to leave it for a quarter of a day to harden.

If you want to further diversify your air freshener, you can decorate it with various stones, beads, flowers and much more. It all depends on your flight of fancy!

The third option for a DIY air freshener

  1. Wooden sticks
  2. Wide mouth vessel
  3. Essential oil
  4. Alcohol or vodka
  5. Regular (cheapest) baby oil

This method of preparing an oil air freshener with essential oils will not leave people indifferent! After all, this method is quite simple and has a long-lasting effect.

To prepare such a freshener, you need to take a vessel with a medium neck (so that wooden sticks fit into it) and pour 100-150 ml of baby oil into it, add one tablespoon of alcohol or vodka, stir well and add 10-15 drops of the chosen one. essential oil.

When the oil mixture is ready, dip the prepared wooden sticks into it and leave to soak for 3-4 hours. Then you need to flip them over and soak the other side of the sticks.

After time, your incense sticks are ready to serve as an air freshener. The effect lasts about three weeks.

You can decorate your interior with the help of such sticks, placing them in a beautiful vase and diversifying them with small details.

We learned how to make air fresheners from improvised products and essential oils. The main question, which essential oil to choose for an air freshener?

Each essential oil has specific properties and aroma, let's figure it out:

Orange – this essential oil has a very bright, juicy and rich aroma. This is the scent of cheerfulness and energy! Orange oil endows good mood and relieves stress.

Jasmine – this oil has a delicate, subtle and pleasant aroma. The aroma of this oil helps creative people find inspiration. The oil has an anti-stress effect on the body. The aroma of this oil helps fight fatigue and anxiety.

It helps you find fresh ideas. Sets up a positive course of your thoughts. In addition to all other positive effects, the oil has properties that perfectly dispose a partner to tender feelings.

Rosemary – The aroma of this essential oil is reminiscent of pine, slightly sweet and spicy. With the help of this fragrant ester, you can strengthen nervous system and increase the body's resistance to mental stress when increased alertness is required.

This air freshener is also suitable for drivers on long journeys (truck drivers) to be attentive and focused on the road.

It exudes a pleasant aroma that can fight colds and strengthen the immune system, due to its disinfecting properties it can kill germs that fly in the air.

Sage – this oil has natural gifts that can fight various diseases and body disorders. Sage oil has an original aroma that cannot be confused with anything else. The aroma of the oil has a positive effect on mental activity.

It is able to relieve cramps and help you relax. It can also relieve you of headaches and migraines, increase your vitality, and restore vitality. The oil has a herbal, spicy, musky smell.

Do-it-yourself air fresheners made from essential oils are natural, do not cause allergic reactions (with the exception of individual intolerance), bring enormous benefits to the body and exude a unique aroma that fights and eliminates unpleasant odors, but does not mask.

Good housewives worry about harmony and comfort in the house. To do this, you have to constantly maintain cleanliness, restore order and fill the rooms with pleasant smells. Most often we use fragrances and fresheners made by household chemical manufacturers, but you can try creating one. For this purpose, absolutely accessible components are used. Many needlewomen have already tried to make an air freshener with their own hands from essential oils, but there are still many ways to scent and decorate your home.

Why waste your time and come up with fresheners if you can stop by the nearest household chemicals store along the way and choose any bottle from a variety of options? It’s just that most zealous housewives have long noticed several very positive features hand-made fresheners:

  • Harmlessness. These products will be safe for adult apartment residents, children, and pets.
  • You can choose ingredients yourself that will not cause allergies or asthma attacks in anyone.
  • A homemade air freshener made by yourself is much cheaper than store-bought options.
  • This freshener will definitely appeal to people who are trying to support the environment. The product will not contain reagents that damage the ozone layer, pollute the atmosphere or destroy plants.
  • The smells of a natural freshener will not irritate with harshness and intrusiveness, because there are no added natural ingredients chemicals not as rich as their industrial counterparts.

Let's start production

So how can a person who has never encountered such handicraft before make an air freshener with their own hands? It’s very simple, you don’t need to have any special skills for this. Most often, you don’t even need any tools.

Air freshener made from essential oils

Before making an air freshener at home, make sure you have everything you need. You will need: a glass jar with a screw cap, baking soda, essential oil or composition, a piece of thick paper, paint, a hammer and an awl or a thick needle.

First you need to paint the lid any color you like. suitable color, then you need to make holes in it using a hammer and an awl. Pour baking soda into a jar a quarter of the way up and add 10-15 drops of essential oil. Then screw on the lid and place the jar anywhere in the room. To make it more decorative, the outside of the jar can be painted with stained glass paints. If there is no screw cap, cover the top of the jar with a sheet of paper with holes, securing it with any rubber band or perforated foil. As you can see, it is quite easy to make an air freshener using essential oils yourself at home.

If you have a 2-piece lid, then instead of its middle part you can also use a decorative paper sheet with holes made in it.

Aroma diffuser

This thing has become quite popular lately, because a good commercial diffuser is quite expensive. The operating principle of this home air freshener is simple and it is very easy to make this device yourself.

To create a diffuser, prepare a glass or ceramic jar, your favorite essential oils, any vegetable oil and sticks.

Small quantity vegetable oil pour into a jar or vase and add to it aromatic oils. The intensity of the smell will depend on the amount of essential oil added. Insert diffuser sticks into the oil mixture. Aroma diffusers are a very fashionable piece of furniture, so they can be decorated with ribbons or artificial flowers.

Note: You can buy special sticks, but if this is not possible, then ordinary twigs, cleared of bark, are quite suitable.

Freshener in a spray bottle

This natural air freshener is also made with essential oils. Its advantage is that you can make a separate scent for each room, because each family member may have their own preferences, and even for different rooms different scents are suitable. In the kitchen you want something tastier, and in the toilet you want something fresher.

For production, stock up on a spray bottle or spray bottle. You can use leftover bottles cosmetics. Pour water into the prepared container (preferably boiled or distilled) and drop essential oil into it. You can control the number of drops yourself; the intensity of the aroma will depend on this, but you should start with 10 drops. That's it, the air freshener is ready. Try to shake it before use.

Preserved petals

This ecological fragrance allows you to use petals of any flowers with a rich scent: roses, lilacs, peonies, jasmine, chrysanthemums. Additionally, you can use fragrant herbs: mint, basil, thyme.

Pour several layers of the petal mixture into a clean, dry half-liter jar, alternating them with the same layers of regular table salt. Fill the container a little short of the top. Then you need to pour 50 ml of alcohol into this composition and screw the lid tightly. The jar should be placed in a dark place for two weeks and its contents should be shaken periodically without opening.

After the allotted time has passed, remove the fragrant mixture from the jar and transfer it to a decorative container.

Citrus freshener

This natural flavoring is often made on the eve of New Year's holidays. All you need to make it is oranges and dried cloves. The sharp ends of the cloves are stuck into the peel of the oranges. You can do this in any order, or you can create some kind of pattern. In the end you should end up with an orange “hedgehog” that will exude a very pleasant and tasty aroma.

Tip: Try making this freshener with your children - they will find it very interesting.

Freshener with gelatin

Gelatin is a natural component that will perfectly preserve the flavor. To create a gel air freshener from it with your own hands, you need to take 20-30 g or 2 tbsp. l. dry gelatin, stir it in a glass of water and heat to dissolve. Add 10-15 drops of any essential oil to this liquid. Additionally, you can add a teaspoon of glycerin to prevent drying. To make the freshener look more decorative, you can add food coloring, pebbles, shells, flower petals or orange and lemon peels to the water.

Soda freshener

The soda air freshener option has already been described above. Soda is poured into a jar, into which essential oils are dripped. Holes are made in the lid of the jar through which the smell gradually evaporates into the room. As an alternative to oils, you can use fresh citrus peels and spices (cinnamon or vanilla sticks, cloves, coriander). This method is great for making your own toilet air freshener. It neutralizes unpleasant odors very quickly.

Coffee air freshener

Almost everyone likes the smell of coffee and would really like to fill their home with this invigorating aroma. Nothing could be simpler. From coffee beans you can make many decorative items that not only look beautiful, but also smell simply divine. You can also use ground coffee by placing it in a natural fabric bag. This fragrant bag can be hung in the closet, kitchen or bathroom. Candles with the addition of coffee beans also scent the room. When burned, they fill the room with pleasant coffee notes.

Stock up on aromatic ingredients, use your imagination and create masterpiece home air fresheners!





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