Logbook for maintenance and repair of fire alarm installations. Logbook for recording work on maintenance and repair of automatic fire extinguishing, smoke removal, security and fire alarm systems

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Calculation of the cost of fire alarm maintenance.

After the fire alarm installation process, constant maintenance is required for the complete and correct functioning of the entire security system. Our company provides maintenance of fire alarms; automatic fire extinguishing systems, smoke removal systems, maintenance of fire hydrants and switchboards of office centers and shopping malls, administrative buildings, production and warehouse premises, private and apartment buildings, as well as objects for other purposes.

Currently, there are many types of fire extinguishing systems using different fire extinguishing agents and related equipment. For more than 10 years, our company has been performing maintenance and repair of all existing systems fire extinguishing:

  • Maintenance of internal fire water supply system
  • Maintenance of automatic fire extinguishing installations

Fire alarm maintenance - prices.

Prices for maintenance of powder fire extinguishing systems.

To maintain efficiency and performance, each system requires professional and high-quality maintenance. Our company offers favorable conditions and high quality service.

It is necessary to ensure regular maintenance of fire alarms due to the fact that each element of the system is equipped with extremely sensitive sensors, which, with the slightest influence on them, can fail. A damaged sensor may endanger living people. If the fire sensor is damaged, then a reasonable question arises: Why do we need a fire alarm if it does not work properly? Systematic maintenance of the entire system fire safety will ensure its uninterrupted functioning.

As a rule, technical inspection of fire alarms is carried out by highly qualified specialists, competent and licensed in this field.

For the most part, technical maintenance is carried out by organizations that install fire alarm systems. But we recommend concluding a fire alarm maintenance agreement with our company; we have a special license to carry out such activities (License issued by the Ministry of Emergency Situations). But most importantly, when you engage our specialists, you will have no doubt about their professionalism and competence in this matter.

When concluding a contract, we must specify the following points:

  • Maintenance period
  • The frequency with which the relevant services will be provided
  • How will a specialist gain access to a fire alarm?
  • The possibility of an emergency call to a specialist in unforeseen situations is prescribed

If the fire safety system used is not included in the list technical means prescribed in the “Industry Enlarged Forms”, the terms of maintenance are established on the basis of the technical documentation of the equipment used.

"Operation and Repair Instructions automated systems fire protection in high-rise residential buildings" fully prescribes the timing of maintenance of smoke removal systems in multi-storey buildings. Fire alarm. Regulations for maintenance and routine repairs.

What does regulated work consist of?

Regulated fire alarm maintenance work depends on the type of equipment used and is described in detail in RD 009-01-96. The contractor must take into account all the features of the equipment used by the customer.

During each maintenance service, the contractor must inquire from the customer about possible malfunctions systems observed during operation, with a view to their further elimination.

The responsibilities of the performer include:

  • Checking the fire safety system for functionality
  • Complete alarm system inspection to locate and correct faults
  • Checking relevant documentation

Results of the technical work carried out by an employee of the service company are included in special acts:

  • “Certificate for work performed on the primary survey automatic installations fire extinguishing, smoke removal, security, fire and security fire alarm systems"
  • “Initial inspection report of automatic fire extinguishing, smoke removal, security, fire and fire alarm systems”

If a specialist discovers faulty or defective devices, the contractor must describe in detail all the necessary information in the “Defective Statement”.

Based on the work performed, a company servicing fire alarm systems can recommend to its clients:

  • Write-off of damaged or failed equipment
  • Carrying out equipment repairs
  • Extend the service life of equipment and determine the date for the next scheduled inspection

Maintaining a fire alarm maintenance log.

Maintenance of fire alarm systems is a responsible job that requires careful recording. For these purposes, both parties to the contract must have two completely identical journals, the entries in which should not differ. This journal is called “Maintenance and Repair Work Registration Log.”

Inspection authorities have the right to demand this log from both parties to compare records. The integrity of the document and its reliability is ensured by page numbering and mandatory binding with the seals of both parties.

The log should record:

  • Instruction on safety precautions for operating fire alarm systems
  • Turning off and on the system or its individual parts for the purpose of repair work
  • A record of the complete shutdown of the entire fire safety system for its repair (in this case, it is necessary to separately notify the State Fire Supervision authorities)
  • End of maintenance

Based on the results of maintenance, the following entry is made in the logs: “The unit(s) was handed over to the Customer in working condition for further operation in automatic mode.”

Useful information

Automated fire systems (AFS) are now present at many production facilities and organizations. The mandatory package of documents for the person responsible for fire safety includes various logs, but sometimes experts doubt the correctness of their maintenance. The article gives additional materials- you can download a free sample fire alarm inspection log and a number of others.

Legislation obliges not only the installation of fire-fighting equipment in some enterprises, but also regularly checking its performance and reflecting the results in several reporting acts. Therefore, the question of where to download a free sample fire alarm inspection log is quite relevant.

This is quite logical, because a fire extinguishing agent, designed to ensure the safety of equipment and people, must work without failures. Its operation must be carried out according to certain rules, and its condition must be periodically examined. Even automatic systems need repair, as any equipment can fail.

Types of reporting documentation and their samples

The facility must have fire alarm maintenance logs:

  • APS checks (performance monitoring);
  • accounting for APS activation;
  • checking the panic button (TPB), if available;
  • fire alarm maintenance magazine, maintenance and repair records.

This documentation is filled out in a certain way, according to a sample. The examinations are carried out strictly according to schedule, and their results are recorded in writing.

Frequency of control activities

Automation can also have manufacturing deficiencies, so inspection of the APS should be carried out immediately after installation and then at intervals once a quarter. To monitor the performance of the equipment, a licensed specialist is invited to draw up a corresponding report. This document can be made an appendix to the performance monitoring document, the form of which is simple: the date of the examination must be indicated, the data of the person in charge, the results, data on troubleshooting (if any) must be indicated.

Fire alarm maintenance log: filling rules

A sample fire alarm maintenance log is important for every organization where it is installed. Recommended details:

  • installation type;
  • date of its installation;
  • object;
  • maintenance date;
  • type of maintenance, repair;
  • description technical condition;
  • position and signature of the employee who carried out the maintenance or repair;
  • signature .

What to do if an alarm occurs

Below is another example: a fire alarm log. The header here is the same as in the previous reporting document, but the essence of what happened must be indicated:

  • date of the incident;
  • response time;
  • established cause;
  • time of transmission of all information to the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • position and signature of the person responsible.

Testing the Panic Button

This device is also subject to regular inspection - we will show another example: the fire alarm button inspection log; this is also completed by the responsible person. Often, such means are installed even in enterprises where there is a security organization, for reliability. The details are the same as in the APS survey document.

Inspection activities by Gospozhnadzor are carried out regularly, and the absence necessary documents faces serious fines. Decree No. 61 “On the fire safety regime” obliges all these samples and documents to be available. All details of the reporting documents are not named there, but they follow from the logic of the normative act.

Automated alarm systems help provide timely information about a fire and enhance fire safety. To ensure that your devices are working properly, you need to check them periodically.

The results are recorded in a specially designated journal, designed in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Is it necessary to lead

A fire alarm maintenance log must be present at every enterprise where fire detectors are installed. When filling it out, you should adhere to centralized recommendations for design and content.

Sample logs of fire alarm malfunctions and other documents reflecting the complex of fire safety measures are a guide for responsible employees.

The first manager is responsible for the regularity of inspections and analysis of the operating status of the system.

What information is reflected

The log should display all actions to ensure the effective operation of the alarm. So, after an inspection or visit of a specialist, records are made about the technical condition of the device, the presence of malfunctions, and their elimination.

It is important that the wording fully and objectively reflects the specifics of the inspection or repair procedure performed; nuances identified during inspection of detectors and checking the success of their operation.

An unclear, subjective impression of the state of the system can, in the event of an incident, lead to catastrophic consequences.

IN mandatory The following types of work are recorded:

  • assessment of appearance;
  • checking the strength of fasteners and contacts;
  • inspection of the control unit on the panel, detectors, remote control, warning elements, loops;
  • checking the operation of each node;
  • monitoring the status of the main and backup power sources;
  • identifying the effectiveness of switching from one power source to another.

Any form of monitoring is reflected by an entry in the fire alarm maintenance log. Maintenance of the complexes is carried out by licensed specialists from service centers with whom the company has an agreement.

The competence of representatives of service companies includes instructing the customer on proper maintenance of alarm devices, issuing recommendations for operation, and making entries in the accounting log, which is kept by the head of the enterprise - the customer of the services.

Entries are made to the document at least once a month. The date must be recorded; type of repair or maintenance procedure; technical condition of individual components and the system as a whole.

Enter information about the specialist who carried out the control check, adjustment; information about the enterprise employee responsible for operating the alarm system.

The information entered is confirmed by the signatures of a specialist service center and the customer. The document contains numbered pages, is bound, certified by the signature and seal of the company. To be sure of correct conduction, you can study the sample.

Actions in case of false alarm

When the system detects signs of fire, it immediately activates. The first to react to this is the responsible employee, who must open the remote control, turn off the alarm and sound reset buttons, and report the emergency to the first manager.

It happens that the signal is false. Then he is reported to the manager; report to the organization responsible for service; make an entry about the false alarm in the journal. Based on the number of records of false signals, it is easy to understand that the system is malfunctioning and needs to be examined.

Checking the panic button

Special attention should be paid to the operation of the panic button, which is designed to automatically transmit information about incidents to the fire services.

Records about the functionality of the alarm are entered into a log in which the time and results of the test are recorded, as well as data about the operator who received the control message.

If the requirements for maintaining documentation are ignored, the enterprise is punished with penalties.

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The form of the logbook for maintenance and repair of fire alarm installations corresponds to Appendix 1 to
The fire alarm system is a set of fire alarm installations that are installed on the site of one facility and controlled from a common fire station.
An automatic fire alarm installation (AUPS) is a set of technical means containing special measuring instruments and converters designed to detect fire and transmit commands to activate automatic fire extinguishing systems. The fire alarm is an electrical installation, so it requires constant monitoring and maintenance. Organizations and enterprises with a fire safety system operate in accordance with the regulated ones.
Correct guidance logbook for maintenance and repair of fire alarm installations and regulations for the maintenance of fire alarm installations is a fundamental factor in ensuring fire safety at the enterprise.
Fire alarm maintenance includes the following organizational activities:
- preparation of the necessary documentation (design documentation, factory documentation for receiving equipment, signaling devices, fundamental electrical and wiring diagrams, programs, instructions, etc.)
- recording the necessary entries in the logbook for maintenance and repair of fire alarm installations.
Systematic implementation of work maintenance fire alarm system is regulated by the standards of the factory operational documentation for the equipment and instrumental elements of the installation.
Fire alarm equipment, the components of the automatic fire alarm system, their connections and contacts, are subject to timely repairs in case they become unusable or their service life is exhausted. The need for repairs is determined during maintenance of the AUPS.
Disassembly of the entire installation, replacement of used components, assembly and special adjustment - activities that are carried out during the repair of fire alarm installations.
Graphs logs:
- Date
- Type of maintenance or repair
- Brief description technical condition of the installation and its parts
- Last name, initials, position and signature of the person who carried out repairs or maintenance of the installations
- Signature of the person responsible for the operation of the installation. The number of pages in the logbook for maintenance and repair of fire alarm installations may vary at your discretion, which is implemented on our website.

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The APS must be checked immediately after installation, and then once a quarter. Testing is carried out by a licensed organization, and its results are recorded in writing. Its form is very simple: date of filling, details of the person in charge and the result of the check. If there are no comments, then the fourth column “signature of the person who eliminated the malfunction” is not filled in.

Download a free sample fire alarm inspection log

Fire alarm maintenance log

The manager is obliged to ensure the working condition of the APS in accordance with Art. 61 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 390 dated April 25, 2012. For this purpose, in addition to checking the equipment, its maintenance is carried out regularly. The goal is to identify and resolve problems in a timely manner. As with testing, you need to keep a ledger. You will find a sample fire alarm maintenance and repair log below.

The requirement for its presence is mandatory, but the law does not establish a unified form; the main thing is to reflect the following in it:

  • time and date of detection;
  • signs of a problem;
  • established reasons;
  • remedial actions;
  • data of the person who eliminated.

Sample Fire Alarm Maintenance Log

Entries in the book are made by a responsible person, whose main responsibilities are to monitor the serviceability of the installation and maintain documentation.

What to do if the installation works

Strange as it may seem, the installation often triggers falsely - there is no fire. Of course, before making such an entry, you should make sure that there is no fire. Then return the system to its original position and start filling out the documents. As an example, we provide a sample fire alarm log.

When smoke or fire is detected, first of all call rescuers and evacuate people. And then, if the situation allows, use fire extinguishing means, but without unnecessary risk to health and life.

Panic button

Often enterprises install so-called panic buttons, clicking on which calls the rapid response team. Such signal points are installed in schools, pharmacies, shops and manufacturing enterprises, even where there is its own security checkpoint. Regular “security guards” are limited in the means they use and often cannot stop criminal actions, so they call for help.

The function of the button must be checked daily. To do this, an employee of the organization contacts an employee of the security company's console, and only after that a check is carried out. If you do the opposite, you will get a false call. The test results are recorded.

Sample alarm button test log

Responsibility for improper record keeping

Responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements is constantly increasing, including for the absence or ignorance of the books listed in the article. So, article 20.4. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for sanctions for officials from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles, but legal entities they will pay more significantly: from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles. Not released and individual entrepreneurs: their liability will be from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles.



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