At what age do people join sports clubs? Choosing a sport based on the child’s body type. How much do classes cost?

Helping a child discover his abilities and talents is one of the most important tasks of loving parents. It is in childhood that energy surges over the edge, the first inclinations appear, and life’s hobbies are laid. Of course, adults strive to support the child in his endeavors and, perhaps, provide a basis for what he later loves. Physical, aesthetic, musical development, applied skills - all this can be given to a child by a variety of clubs, sections and studios. But how to approach the question of choice correctly? At what age does it make sense to send your child to clubs? What should you pay attention to when choosing a circle for a preschooler? We will talk about this in today's article.

Features of preschool age

Preschool children are the real focus of creativity! They constantly come up with something “out of the ordinary”: they sing songs and write poems with peculiar rhymes and rhythm, tell stories about characters they themselves have invented, perform unprecedented dances and show “tricks”, draw pictures in which it is sometimes difficult to guess the meaning. But all this is necessary and very important stage child's life. While he does not need frameworks, instructions and advice on how to do it “right”. The baby absorbs what surrounds him and creates his own interpretation. Even if it sometimes seems ridiculous to us, there is no need to stop a child from creating.

The main thing that parents of a preschooler need to take care of is the presence of a favorable environment that stimulates development. Now your baby actively imitates everything he likes. Mom draws - and he draws scribbles, dad assembles furniture - and he wants to screw in a screw somewhere, grandma knits - and he wants to try. The actions of adults become an incentive for the child to create his own. You may have noticed that small children like their own dances, scribbled “letters,” and clumsily molded plasticine figures. And attempts by adults to teach “how it should be done” are met with hostility or ignored. This is a natural way of protecting your right to be a discoverer, a creator.

Parents should encourage their child in his endeavors, set an example for him with his activities and provide necessary materials, accessories for a particular activity. This approach will be much more effective than any regular classes (no matter in circles or at home).

Do preschoolers need clubs?

Based on the above, we can conclude: a stimulating environment for the development of a preschooler is more important than special education. But this does not mean that clubs and sections are contraindicated for children before school. They have their place, but their choice and the start time of the visit should be taken seriously. The clubs that a preschooler attends must be appropriate for his age and not cause unnecessary stress (physical and psychological). In addition, any activity should first of all be genuinely enjoyed by the child. Fashion, prestige and visiting “for company” are not best criteria choosing a circle. Do not forget that interests in preschool age are still unstable, and the child is still just trying different types activities.

When should I send my child to clubs and sections?

Ideally, it is better to start specialized training for a child (drawing, singing, dancing, professional sports) no earlier than 5-6 years old. This age is the starting point for “real” learning, i.e. It becomes easier for the child to repeat, to follow a model, and he gradually moves away from childish spontaneity.

Don’t be afraid that you will miss time and your baby will not receive something. On the contrary, in comparison with peers who attended various sections from a very early age, he will be more free in self-expression, will better understand his desires and capabilities, and will have a sincere interest in the classes. For children whose purposeful parents sent them, say, to professional sports at the age of 3, it can be difficult to understand later whether this is really “their” business.

If we talk about specific types of activities, then for the youngest (from 2 years old) we can only recommend physical education and rhythm classes – this is useful for harmonious development. It is better to start learning singing no earlier than 5 years old, music - no earlier than 6 years old. A child will be ready to learn music theory from the age of 7-8.

Dancing, despite the seemingly obvious benefits, cause a lot of controversy among parents. On the one hand, they contribute to the physical and aesthetic development of the child, but on the other hand, questions arise as to why these activities are needed at all: for pleasure or as a professional sport with all the ensuing consequences. You can dance for pleasure at 3-4 years old, but in a circle this will in any case be training, which prevents the child from inventing his own (albeit savage) dances. But a child will be able to start real training aimed at participating in competitions and championships no earlier than 5 years old.

The situation is approximately the same with professional sports . There is no need to rush: if the child is still small, and you choose a sport for the “future champion” for your own reasons (most often by investing decently financially), you are thereby depriving him of the opportunity independent choice in the future. In addition, professional sports do not have the best effect on the child’s health and psyche, so the decision on such a choice should be determined by the child’s real desires and abilities. And of course, he should be given for serious training no earlier than 5-6 years.

Taking your child to the pool up to 5 years is possible only for the purpose fun games in the water. The child will be able to adequately perceive the trainer’s instructions and carry them out after reaching 5-6 years of age. This applies not only to professional sports activities(you want to raise an Olympic champion), but also to simple learning to swim.

Drawing, undoubtedly, very useful for children, even for six-month-old babies. However, mastering drawing techniques should not begin until 4-6 years of age.

Foreign language classes They are very attractive to parents, because early childhood development schools promise that they will teach even a 3-year-old to speak a foreign language (or even more than one!). Indeed, 3 years is the most susceptible age for language acquisition. But still, the speech is primarily native. Early learning of a foreign language causes confusion in a child’s head, which prevents him from mastering his native language, which is formed only by the age of 6-8. Of course, there are children growing up in bilingual families, but they should be discussed separately. Speech therapists warn about the dangers of early learning a foreign language. In particular, dysgraphia is possible, a writing disorder that is quite common among modern schoolchildren. That's why speech therapists advise not to rush into a foreign language. If you are clearly determined to teach your child foreign languages already at 3-4 years old, choose just one and do not forget that classes should take place in game form. In addition, language classes in the future will have to be regular, otherwise they will completely lose their meaning - the child will simply forget everything he was taught.

Should I start attending clubs in first grade?

When school starts, the child begins to new life, to which he adapts more or less successfully. Parents, naturally, want their first-grader to develop not only academically, but also to engage in additional sports, music, or something else.

From a psychological point of view, it is wrong to enroll a child in all kinds of clubs from the first days of school. Give your child time to get used to new conditions, adapt to the team, educational requirements and workloads. Even if it seems to you that everything is going smoothly, take your time.

Does your child enjoy learning? He made friends in the class, studies are easy, and he has a lot of free time? I just want to occupy him with something useful. The right start! But you still need to approach it sensibly. Here are some tips:

  1. Don't overload your child. If all his time is scheduled minute by minute, the result will not be joy from a fulfilled life, but fatigue and frayed nerves.
  2. The number of clubs and the time spent attending them should depend on the individual characteristics and needs of the child. For the average student, the normal number of classes will be no more than two times a week on weekdays, plus once on a weekend. Also take into account how far the selected circles are from home. Constant trips to different parts of the city will exhaust the child.
  3. If your child is not persevering, it makes sense to enroll him in several clubs at once. He will try, find “his own” and stop there.
  4. It is better to immediately introduce a calm and diligent child to only one or two main activities. Otherwise, later, as the school load increases, when he has to choose between several clubs in favor of the most important ones, it will be difficult for him to give up things on which so much effort and time have already been spent.
  5. Between school and extracurricular activities, children must be given a break for rest - at least 1 hour.

Time limits for classes in clubs and sections by age

The age of the child determines the level of workload that is permissible for him, which must be taken into account by both parents and leaders of children's clubs, sections, schools, and interest clubs.

Standards regarding the start and end times of classes, their duration, and the number of breaks are determined Republican Center hygiene, epidemiology and public health.

As mentioned above, between classes at school and in institutions additional education A break of at least 1 hour is required.

The start of classes in children's clubs and sections is possible no earlier than 8.00 (optimally - starting from 9.00). The end time of classes is determined by the age of the child:

  • younger school age(6-10 years) – no later than 20.30;
  • middle and high school age (from 10 years old) – no later than 21.00.

Classes can be held on any day of the week or month, including weekends and holidays. Maximum quantity classes per week and their duration depends on the age of the child:

  • preschool age– 2 classes per week lasting up to 35 minutes each;
  • junior school age - up to 4 academic hours (1 academic hour = 45 minutes) per week;
  • middle school age - up to 6 hours of study per week, at least 2 times a week;
  • senior school age - up to 10-12 study hours per week, at least 3 times a week.

If a child attends more than one club, it is unacceptable to enroll him in two clubs of the same focus (for example, sports) on the same day.

Time practical activities child should not exceed 60-70% of the total duration of the lesson. A continuous practical work cannot last longer than:

  • children 4-6 years old – 5 minutes;
  • children 7-9 years old – 7-10 minutes;
  • children 10-11 years old – 10-13 minutes;
  • children 12-13 years old – 15-18 minutes;
  • children over 14 years old – 20-25 minutes.

Standard programs for institutions of additional education and institutions of general secondary education, developed by the Republican Center for Technical Creativity of Students, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and the National Institute of Education, determine the age of enrollment of children in various institutions of additional education as follows:

Area of ​​activity

Minimum age to start classes

Artistic profile

Choreography, fine arts, theatrical, musical

preschool age

“Musical”, “Fine”, “Folk arts and crafts”, “Choreographic”, “Theater”, “Folk creativity”, “Artistic and aesthetic”

6-9 years (with a 7-year course of study) or 9-11 years (with a 5-year course of study)

Amateur Photography Club

Hand weaving

Bookbinding and restoration business

Circle digital photography

Sports and technical profile

Automotive modeling, transport equipment modeling, rocket and space modeling, aircraft modeling

Circle of car designers and karting drivers

4-7 grades, allowed from 6 years old

Motorcycle circle

Circle of young moped drivers

Radio sports, sports radio direction finding, all-around radio operators

Technical profile (preparatory classes)

Initial technical simulation, electrified toy

Initial modeling of transport equipment

Technical profile

Carpentry and design circle

Wood carving

Radio design, radio electronics

Electronic automation

Young Managers Club

Typewriting and office work

Technology and physics of metals

Computer Science and Programming

13-14 years old, allowed from 8 years old

Computer graphics

Practical astronomy

In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 67 Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation» A child can be sent to school at the age of 6 years and 6 months. However, the extreme limit is 8 years. But, if there are certain deviations in physical or psychological state. For example, if your child speaks poorly and still needs to work with specialists. You take a special certificate from the medical center and write a statement to the authorities local government that your child is not ready to start studying in a general education institution.

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Exactly what age can a child start school at?

  1. The law stipulates that the age at which a child can start school is 6 years and 6 months;
  2. A child can be admitted to school earlier if he is 6 years and 5 months old on the first of September;
  3. If there are any medical contraindications, a child can go to school at the age of 8 years.
Thus, our state establishes quite strict requirements for the age of a child regarding his admission to school. Many psychologists are sure that all mental processes in a child develop at the age of 7-8 years, so it is best not to rush into school. Other experts claim that a child from the age of six adapts much more easily to the school environment than children from the age of eight. Basically, you need to think for yourself whether it is worth sending your child to school at such a young age. If you decide that your child needs to grow up a little more, then you need to write an application that your child will start attending school, for example, in a year, or at the age of eight years.

The relationship between law and child development

Letter from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “On the organization of education in the first grade of a four-year primary school» determines that a general education institution may refuse parents to admit children if, at the time of September 1, the child is under 6 years and six months old. Many lawyers say that if your child is 6.5 years old, then you can go to school in October. After all, most often at this age the child is asked to be picked up from kindergarten, since there are sorely not enough places for children. Before enrolling in school, visit certain educational institutions and find out if your child can be accepted before the stated deadline.

Another important aspect of entering a general education institution is to undergo diagnostics of intellectual and psychological development. This check allows you to determine whether the child is ready to attend educational institution. As a rule, this diagnosis comes down to simple questions that the child should answer without difficulty. If your child has not passed such a diagnosis, then no one has the right to expel you from kindergarten, since it is believed that the child is not yet ready to study at school.

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Each section has a minimum age at which children are accepted into it. Most often it is 4 years.


This is one of beautiful views sports Performances of gymnasts and gymnasts with bright ribbons, hoops, rolling pins, and balls always look impressive.

Pros: develops flexibility, stretching, precision of movement and grace.

Cons: bruises, sprains, dislocations and other injuries.

Age: it is preferable to send your child to gymnastics early - from 4 years old. At this age, both stretching and splits are easier for children.

Sports ballroom dancing

This is an alternative to gymnastics. Both girls and boys can participate in this sport. Dancing is music, movements, beautiful costumes. The conditions here are much softer than in gymnastics, but achieving success also requires greater work capacity.

Pros: develops endurance, coordination, balance, flexibility, a strong muscular frame of the back, which means posture and the ability to control your body are developed. By dancing in pairs, children learn to be tolerant and attentive to each other.

Cons: Possible bruises, sprains, leg and back injuries.

Age: from 4 years.

Figure skating

Ice sports open up great prospects, but you will have to reap the benefits of hard training only after many years. Both boys and girls can take part in figure skating.

Pros: good physical fitness, coordination, balance, flexibility, fearlessness, increased resistance to bronchopulmonary diseases.

Disadvantages: injuries to the musculoskeletal system, concussions, due to prolonged activities on ice - inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, which is dangerous for the health of girls.

Age: from 4 years. At this age, children have good flexibility and virtually no feeling of fear.


Exercises in water are pleasant and useful in all respects. But still, some parents are skeptical about this sport because of the figures of professional swimmers. You can avoid “wings” (broad shoulders) by swimming once or twice a week.

Pros: swimming develops respiratory system, tempers the child, strengthens nervous system. Even a half-hour workout in water significantly improves your vitality.

Disadvantages: at the very beginning of training, beginners often catch a cold when going out into the cold after water (diseases of the ears, nasopharynx).

Age: swimming is useful for a child from birth; you can enroll in a preparatory group from 3-4 years old.

Skiing (alpine or cross-country skiing)

Even if the child does not become an Olympic champion, he will in any case acquire a winter hobby for life.

Pros: skiing and snowboarding develop dexterity, improve coordination, and train the muscles of the back, legs, and abs. Classes bring a lot of positive emotions.

Cons: concussions and musculoskeletal injuries; contraindications - epilepsy, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, bronchial asthma.

Age: You can start learning about skiing from the age of 4. Classes begin with general physical training. Children are trained for skiing from the age of 5. Snowboarding lessons will have to wait. Even if parents try themselves as instructors, it will be difficult for kids to cope with the board. Registration in the snowboarding section is from 7 years old.

Tennis (large, table tennis), badminton

Tennis in recent years became the most fashionable and expensive looking sport, promises numerous victories in the future. But for this you need to train a lot. Badminton is a cheaper alternative to tennis.

Pros: develops dexterity, attention, speed of reaction, builds character and ensures good physical shape.

Cons: bruises, sprains, dislocations (shoulder, elbow, knee joints).

Age: from 4-5 years.

Martial arts: judo, karate, aikido, wushu

In these types of martial arts, along with defense, attacking techniques are also studied. A sport that is also useful in everyday life.

Pros: the ability to stand up for yourself, promotes the development of coordination, precision of movements, flexibility, dexterity, strength. By using martial arts children study proper breathing, the ability to manage emotions and direct energy in the right direction, to concentrate.

Cons: injuries to the musculoskeletal system (from falls).

Age: entry in preparatory groups karate, aikido, wushu - from 4 years; judo - from 5 years old. First, children undergo a general physical training course and become familiar with wrestling in a playful way.

Team sports

Basketball, volleyball, football, hockey, baseball are team sports.

Pros: they produce team spirit, confidence, agility, endurance, strength. Team sports are especially useful for children who were raised outside of a social environment (at home, with nannies).

Cons: serious head and musculoskeletal injuries that can end your career. Hockey is especially traumatic due to early training on the ice. Classes are contraindicated for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, bronchial asthma, epilepsy.

Age: basketball, volleyball, baseball, football - from 5 years, hockey - from 4 years.

Horse riding

An elite and expensive sport.

Pros: ability to stay in the saddle, which trains vestibular apparatus, forms posture. This sport develops courage, endurance, strength, and gives positive emotions.

Cons: injuries from falling, concussions, calluses on hands.

Age: from 4 years. For kids on preparatory classes they talk about horses, teach how to handle and care for animals, and also how to stay in the saddle on small ponies.

Chess, checkers

Highly intellectual sport.

Pros: develop logical thinking, teach strategy and tactics, train memory; Children who play chess learn better.

Cons: none.


You can enroll in the section from the age of 5.

Power loads

The development of strength abilities begins with small physical activities and is carried out in all sports sections.

Pros: good physical shape, sculpted body, endurance, strength are formed.

Cons: children's bones and joints are not fully formed, fractures, sprains and dislocations are possible.

Age: from 4-5 years in any section.


Running, race walking, long jump, high jump, javelin throwing, shot put - all these sports are not for kids. But you can develop your abilities for them from an early age.

Pros: various competitions and general physical training classes in a playful way instill in the child an interest in sports, teach proper breathing, foot placement when running and walking, which is useful outside of sports.

Cons: musculoskeletal injuries.

The child can attend the nursery group

In most Russian regions, children begin to go to kindergarten only upon reaching 2-3 years of age. However, some mothers cannot afford not to work all the time maternity leave. There are several ways out of this situation. You can leave your baby with his grandmother or nanny, or you can enroll him in a nursery.

Specialized nurseries are a rarity today. Not at all preschool institutions There are even nursery groups. In order to find out about the possibility of enrolling your child in one of these groups, you need to contact the head of the kindergarten.
According to the law, a child can be sent to a nursery from the age of 1.5 years. However, the main recruitment takes place in September. If by this time the baby has not yet reached 1.5 years of age, he may not be accepted.

There are several various forms children's stay in a preschool institution. A nursery-kindergarten involves the presence of children within its walls and in the surrounding area throughout the working day. The kindergarten management provides them with adequate nutrition, sleep, and walks. There are also short-stay groups. They differ from ordinary nursery groups in that children are in kindergarten for only 2.5-3 hours a day. However, most often they are not fed breakfast or lunch. The kids eat at home.

Sometimes the management of preschool institutions slightly changes the rules for enrolling children in nurseries and short-stay groups. For example, in some kindergartens it is allowed to bring children only from 2 years old.

The nursery is intended for children strictly up to 3 years old. If a place in the nursery group was given to a child not because he had reached the queue for kindergarten, but because at the time mom or dad applied to the preschool there was a free place, when the child reaches 3 years old, the kindergarten management may terminate the contractual agreement with his parents.

Some experts believe that you should not send your child to a nursery too early. Until the age of 2, the baby still needs his mother very much.

Private nurseries

It is also customary for private preschool institutions to accept children from 1.5 years old. At the same time, the management of some of them makes an exception for those parents who want to send their child to a nursery even earlier. For example, some private child care institutions accept children from 1 year old.

In commercial kindergartens, as a rule, all the wishes of parents are taken into account. They provide excellent conditions for children to stay for a full or part day. Unfortunately, keeping a child in one of these institutions is not cheap.

What types of gymnastics exist, at what age should you start your child in this sport, what medical contraindications should you pay attention to? Read about these and other features of gymnastics for children in our article.

Gymnastics has its origins in Ancient Greece. This system exercises is aimed at developing such physical qualities as strength, endurance, flexibility, speed, coordination. Athletes who practice it are flexible, have a toned figure and a beautiful, graceful posture. In addition, some of the types of gymnastics are presented in the program Olympic Games, which means in a serious mood and making the right choice coach, the child will be able to achieve global success.

Types of gymnastics

There are three gymnastics groups. Wellness aims to support human health. Sports is aimed at developing and improving physical qualities, and applied training trains the skills necessary in certain conditions. Each group includes various types gymnastics and we’ll tell you about them.

Health-improving gymnastics:

  • General gymnastics. Running, walking at a brisk pace, overcoming various obstacles, etc. All this improves motor skills.
  • Hygienic gymnastics. Light exercises without weights or equipment increase overall tone and improve well-being.
  • Strength gymnastics. Exercises with weights: dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells develop strength qualities, train endurance, which ultimately helps build muscle mass.
  • Rhythmic gymnastics. Energetic, rhythmic exercises performed to music are aimed at burning calories and training the heart muscle.

Artistic gymnastics

  • Rhythmic gymnastics is an Olympic sport. Most often it is done by women. Gymnasts perform acrobatic, dance, and flexible exercises using equipment such as ribbons, a ball, a hoop, and a jump rope. Due to the musical accompaniment, a spectacular effect is created.
  • Acrobatics. A serious, labor-intensive sport that requires long training, good coordination and endurance. Acrobats can perform in pairs or threes, using complex exercises such as bridges, splits, somersaults, stand-ups, etc.
  • Artistic gymnastics. Just like rhythmic gymnastics is Olympic view sports Competitions are held on gymnastic apparatus: uneven bars, rings, beam, horizontal bar, as well as floor exercises and vaults.

Applied gymnastics

  • Therapeutic. Exercises improve the patient’s well-being. They are carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Usually elements therapeutic exercises used for respiratory diseases, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system.
  • Military applied gymnastics. Improves the qualities necessary for military operations.
  • Sports and applied gymnastics. Its elements are used by professional athletes when preparing for competitions.
  • Professional - applied gymnastics. The exercises are adapted for certain professions that require physical activity. Such complexes are used by astronauts, firefighters, rescuers, pilots, etc.

From what age

In this and the following sections we will talk about rhythmic gymnastics. She is considered very early species sports The title of master is received at the age of 14. Therefore, children are sent to gymnastics at an age when they are still naturally flexible and plastic.

Officially, sports schools can accept girls into gymnastics from the age of 5, and boys from the age of 6. But sometimes a coach can take a child to more early age: 4 or even 3 years. This decision is made based on physical and psychological data.

To determine physical fitness, a coach can check stretching and ask you to perform simple tasks: make a corner on a gymnastic ladder, do pull-ups. The psychological maturity of the little person and his readiness to fulfill the requirements of the coach during classes are also important. By the way, girls get into gymnastics at an earlier age, more often than boys.

Medical contraindications

Gymnastics is a traumatic sport, and therefore requires good compensatory capabilities and good health. The main medical contraindications to gymnastics for children are:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart defect
  • Scoliosis in advanced stages
  • Diseases or pathologies cervical region spine
  • Myopia of any stage

But for children who often suffer from ARVI, gymnastics will be useful because it helps strengthen the immune system and increases the body’s resistance to colds.

Before sending your child to gymnastics, consult with doctors, at least a pediatrician, who will give permission.

Boys and girls

Rhythmic gymnastics classes contribute to the formation of beautiful and healthy posture. They develop coordination, vestibular apparatus, and ear for music.

Many parents are attracted to women's rhythmic gymnastics by its showmanship and grace. Regardless of whether a girl will conquer the world podium or practice only for herself, rhythmic gymnastics will help her grow feminine, graceful, flexible and able to present herself correctly.

Boys in rhythmic gymnastics are a rare phenomenon. 30 years ago, men competed for the first time at the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup in Tokyo. In 2005, our compatriots Yuri Denisov and Alexander Buklov won five medals at the World Championships in Tokyo. Men's rhythmic gymnastics grew out of martial arts, so it differs from women's in technique and equipment. Boys still have their advantages:

  • Mastering the skills of martial arts
  • Formation of an even posture
  • Development of coordination
  • Strengthening character

Like any sport, gymnastics has its drawbacks and they are the same for both sexes.


Gymnastics develops a child’s physical abilities, strengthens character and improves mood. The main thing is that the classes bring pleasure, then there will be even more advantages:

  • Good physical shape. ABOUT correct posture We have written about flexibility and flexibility more than once, but we will repeat it again, because it is these qualities that allow the child’s body to grow and develop harmoniously.
  • Excellent health. It is known that sport has a positive effect on a growing body, and gymnastics also helps fight scoliosis in the initial stages and helps solve the problem of clubfoot.
  • Acts as an antidepressant. During training, the production of endorphins accelerates, which improves your mood.
  • Musical hearing improves. Develops a sense of tact and rhythm. It has long been known that gymnasts can be good musicians. If desired, you can combine sports and music classes.


There is always a downside to a medal, and unfortunately, gymnastics cannot do without its downsides. Only the coach and mentees know what grace, flexibility and plasticity are worth. During long training sessions, young athletes may experience severe muscle pain and fatigue. Usually, up to 7 years of age in gymnastics sections there is general physical training, after which the children learn gymnastic combinations. It is during this period that they can experience enormous stress on the muscular and ligamentous apparatus.

The negative aspects of gymnastics include the fact that the training time gradually increases. During preparation for competitions, they can walk for ten hours. As a result, children become very tired, and in some cases, nervous breakdowns occur. With such loads, injuries to the spine and joints can occur.

Another significant disadvantage is that the reason is the heavy load on the spine.

How much do classes cost?

Gymnastics is a fairly expensive sport. The equipment itself is inexpensive, but costumes for performances require significant expenses. Especially if parents want their child to be the brightest and most memorable at competitions.

  • Shells. In most cases, parents buy all the necessary equipment themselves. The cost of balls varies from 350 rubles to 8,000. The average price of ribbons is 2,000 rubles. Jump ropes cost about 3,000, hoops - 2,000, clubs - 3,500. Wrapping for a hoop costs about 200 rubles. Covers for clubs and hoops from 200 rubles to 3,000.
  • Clothes and shoes. You will have to buy Czech shoes, socks, clothes for training, and a sports swimsuit for performances. The latter costs from 3,000 to 100,000 rubles. Without taking into account the leotard for performances, you can spend 25,000 rubles.
  • Trainings, competitions and training camps. Coaching in public schools may be free or may cost little. Travel to competitions and training camps are most often paid for by parents. Their cost depends on the distance of travel and the scale of the competition. In any case, when sending your child to gymnastics, you need to be prepared for additional expenses.

How to choose a section

Focus on your goals first. If you want your child to study for general development You can choose a section closer to home and to the main school. If you are serious and aim to achieve success in this sport, then you need to take the choice of a section seriously.

Take a closer look at the Olympic Reserve schools. If there are none in your city, choose a Sports Palace or a sports school. But it is best to focus on the coach. He must be able to guide beginning athletes in the right direction, be competent and experienced. It will be good if he has the title of meritorious and the students win at European and world-level competitions.

Let's sum it up

Should I send my child to gymnastics? If your child has been amazing since childhood with his flexibility, plasticity, and has a great sense of music - yes. If you doubt that these qualities are inherent in your child, but he has a desire to do rhythmic gymnastics, try it, because with the right approach, everything will work out.

If you later change your mind, the skills gained from rhythmic gymnastics can be useful in other sports, dancing and even music.

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