How much can you earn in business with China? How to order goods in China? About finding an intermediary. What will be of interest to the buyer

Subject "Business with China" is gaining momentum on the Internet! Every day, many websites, blogs and simply information products dedicated to this topic appear. Our eastern neighbor has always attracted us with its mystery and centuries-old history. Now Chinese business has been added to this list. Just as mysterious. But, like China itself, business from the Celestial Empire is promising, shows constant growth and, characteristically, is itself striving for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Why not take advantage of this?

Your favorite project website constantly pleases you with popular business ideas. From various areas human life and entrepreneurship. We also did not ignore this topic -. From the point of view of information, it has scale and breadth, which we share with you when we describe the next Chinese business idea.

Therefore, traditionally, in May-June we review the most popular business ideas from China. Make yourself comfortable and, in express mode, briefly, in about 40 minutes, get acquainted with the most wonderful articles on the topic of Chinese business. By the way, if you read all the business ideas carefully, you will become a real expert in this field. And you can sell your knowledge!

In first place, as our regular readers already know, is perhaps the most popular series on the Internet about business with China - Ideas for business with China.


Review of Chinese online stores, recommendations on where you can safely and quite honestly buy goods from China for resale. Valuable advice - what to buy, how, and who to give it to. The statistics speak for themselves. With this cycle, literally short term, more than 100 thousand people met. And, surprisingly, the material does not lose its relevance. Don’t wait, hurry up, as you know, there is nothing more valuable than new knowledge. Especially free ones.


Dropshipping from China is one of the most popular initial forms business with China. Almost all cases and examples of successful “Chinese” businesses are based on it. The idea is simple - we buy goods in China, sell them to those who wish - at retail or wholesale.

The scheme can be constructed in such a way that the intermediary will have no physical contact with the shipment of goods at all. After all, the Internet works wonders. Using it you can search for both suppliers and buyers. Linking them together. Don’t forget to integrate yourself into this chain, as an intermediary. And make money on the simple movement of goods! This business idea goes well with.


It's very simple. A list of the most popular product niches, products from which are profitable to sell in Russia and other countries. The list turned out to be very large and voluminous and has not lost its relevance. All that remains is to choose a niche that you understand most fully and start making money in it. The list is structured so that the information in it can be found by anyone, even those without expert knowledge.


Small and easy instructions, allowing you to start your business with China. We reveal the features of this business, the form and principle of organization.

Without this knowledge, your business with China will not be as complete as you would like. By the way, this article tells the whole truth about webinars that promise you Chinese earnings with a margin of up to 500%. We strongly recommend that you study it.


A separate review of some Chinese goods and a number of profitable niches for small-scale and operational trade. Suitable for beginners who want to learn business with China.

After all, any successful path is built on mistakes and learning from past achievements. Without understanding this, it is impossible to build success in the future. This article, like no other, shows this path and ways to achieve results in the future.


By the way, any Chinese business is built on this principle. What you undoubtedly already learned from the first articles of this TOP.

Fermentation bedding can reduce costs and improve the quality of livestock management indoors. Its advantages sell themselves, you just need to have it in full demand in a timely manner. And make money from it!


High-margin goods- the most delicious and sought-after goods for those who do business with China. Everyone who is more or less involved in such business is busy searching for these goods. High-margin goods promise big profits even from a minimal first wholesale batch, and if you import and sell 3-5 batches, you will have enough money for many years to come. This article discusses circuit diagram to the approach of such a product. A must read.


Seven business ideas with the Chinese platform This platform is an intermediary between Chinese businessmen and other entrepreneurs from all over the world. On Alibaba you can find everything in bulk. And what is not there yet will definitely appear in the coming days. Seriously! Almost all experienced entrepreneurs who make money on goods have an account on this site.

Therefore, those who dream of starting a business with China in wholesale quantities, those who want to find Chinese manufacturers, those who need production line from Chinese equipment - they will definitely find what they are looking for on Alibaba. An indicator of the popularity of the site is the fact that they opened their representative offices there and Russian companies who produce goods in China. Therefore, if you still doubt Chinese entrepreneurs, try starting a business with your compatriots. And Alibaba, in this case, will act as an independent guarantor of the transaction.


An addition to a previous business idea. A little practice on how to buy on Alibaba: searching for a product, choosing a supplier, features of purchasing and delivering the product to you.

We look at examples of how to choose the right sellers, what you should pay attention to, and how to distinguish scammers (unfortunately, they are there too) from honest partners. The instructions are suitable for both small and medium-sized businesses.


“Small” Chinese goods have always enjoyed deserved popularity. It is very cheap, even a huge batch will cost a modest budget. At the same time, it weighs extremely little and takes up little space.

For example, inflatable products from China, which beat all indicators of popularity on our Internet. Practice shows that even a batch of 10 thousand products can easily fit on the average balcony in 5 boxes. What's it like, huh?

Therefore, the site could not bypass this niche and presents you with a list of 30-cent products, that is, a product that costs around $0.3, with sales figures. He will help you compose own opinion about what to buy in China, with subsequent profitable resale at home.


Nothing extra. Just a list of 10 popular Chinese products. Which sells extremely well in China. And it is bought throughout the rest of the world.

That is, we have done a lot of work for you. We studied and selected from a variety of Chinese goods exactly what people need. Believe us, there is 10 times more product range in China than there are people. And both this and this quantity increases every day. So here's a silver platter for you. Of course, if you understand what we are talking about.


Infobusiness is a new word about a long-forgotten old one. This word is education. If you know or have become an expert on Chinese business (that is, as we said above, you have studied our material), you can easily teach everyone about business with China. You have everything for this, and what you don’t have - you will find a description of this in this business idea.

Bonus idea: make money on cashback from China

This is not even a business idea, but a life hack - how you can make money in China without doing business. It would seem difficult condition, and the solution is quite compact and interesting.

Each of us, we are sure, has encountered purchases on Aliexpress. Now you can make money by shopping in this online hypermarket. Just open it credit card Tinkoff+Aliexpress. Ooh, credit! - you say, and you will be partly right. The interest-free loan period on the card is 55 days, that is, during this period you need to top up the card with the amount you spent. But you were still going to buy on Ali, right? And the most important thing is that 5% of the purchase price is returned in points and can be spent again on a purchase on Ali.

For example, if you buy something for $100, you get $5 back. Few? Additionally, we register for a cashback service and receive up to 15% of the purchase on top, that is, the same notorious cashback. Overall size return from $100 purchase - $15+5. Very profitable.

How to make money from this? Invite all your friends and acquaintances to buy through you, place an ad, offer a discount of 5-10% from the standard price and then your earnings will be 10% of the turnover, which can amount to several thousand rubles monthly. Quite a good increase in salary for simply having a card and registering for the service. Right?


We remind you that if you want to keep abreast of all new events, know everything and even more about business - sent out in various ways. And be the first to receive the latest information, without advertising or spam - only business!

Anna Sudak

# Business with China

How to start trading goods from China

Almost every fifth thing in the world is produced in China.

Products from China are very popular. So why not make money from it? How? Our “Business with China” section contains answers to this and many other questions that arise for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs who have decided to develop their business. But first things first.

How to open your own profitable business and receive a stable income?

Twelve ways to make money selling Chinese goods

  1. Finding a partner (intermediary) living in China and supplying you with products. Agree, having a person on site who can find what you need at any time and when you need it is much more convenient than doing it yourself. Just imagine: going to China, finding a product, buying it profitably (it’s not a fact that you’ll succeed the first time), and then bringing it back... It’s expensive, irrational and ineffective. Especially if you are counting on a large turnover.
  2. Joint purchases (or dropshipping). This method is great suitable for those who wants to try themselves in this business with minimal investment, having purchased a small batch of goods. Today on the Internet it is easy to find people who will be happy to help you achieve your plans.
  3. Supplies of honey to the People's Republic of China. Today it is very profitable to supply honey to the Celestial Empire. Of course, like any other business activity, there are pros and cons. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with them first, and then decide whether this niche is suitable or not for you.
  4. Sales of Russian light industrial goods to China. It has been proven that the Chinese love Russian products. And this applies not only to nesting dolls. We will not touch energy and technical resources. Let's talk about light industry. In addition to honey, the following are in demand in the Middle Kingdom: coffee, confectionery, cosmetics, cereals (wheat, flour), flax, mineral water, sunflower oil... Anyone can try to occupy a “convenient niche”. The main thing is to act.
  5. Become an agent. You can also earn money on orders from others by becoming a Chinese intermediary of TaoBao for Russians. To do this, you need to thoroughly know the sites, have contacts in China, and know the language (Chinese is ideal). By becoming an intermediary on TaoBao, you: help customers place an order, choose a size... In general, you guide the buyer in all the intricacies of cooperation with the store. You pass on the information to warehouse workers and receive your percentage of the purchase.
  6. Become a logistician. Most often, a logistician is a person who picks up goods, checks their quality, repackages and redistributes them to customers. The work is technical, but not dusty.
  7. Opening your own store on Aliexpress. Since 2016, the procedure for opening your own store on this famous site has been simplified for residents of Russia. Now it is enough to conclude an agreement with Pickpoint - the Russian official partner of Aliexpress, which provides comprehensive support to new sellers from Russia, register on the platform and start trading. But before that, don’t be lazy and read the recommendations that will make your start even easier and more enjoyable. You will understand all the intricacies of the process, see the difficulties that you will have to face and learn how to eliminate them painlessly, quickly and effectively.
  8. Affiliate program for Aliexpress and other online stores in China. This method is suitable for those who want to start a business without investment. The earning scheme is simple. You register in the affiliate program, receive a referral link and place it in social networks, YouTube channel, blog, forums, groups. In general, wherever there is an opportunity. As soon as a person clicks on it and buys the recommended product, you receive a percentage of their purchase.
  9. Resale. Everything is simple here - you buy products cheaper, sell them more expensive. The scheme is old, but working. What products can you make money on? We found out and will be happy to tell you. .

    Sometimes the markup on Chinese goods in the Russian Federation reaches 200% or more.

  10. Wholesale purchase of goods without intermediaries. Now any businessman who wants to do business with China can freely purchase products in bulk, without overpaying to intermediaries. Of course, here, like everywhere else, there are pros and cons.
  11. Opening your own enterprise in China. No dancing with tambourines, but only real information about the opportunities presented by the Celestial Empire for Russian businessmen. Opening your own business in China is difficult, but more than possible. And the opening procedure is many times easier than, for example, in the EU. If you are passionate about the idea and are ready to give 100%, the road is open. China gives entrepreneurs the green light.
  12. Opening of our own production in China. This method is available to those who have serious capital and the intention to associate themselves with business for a long time.

The “Business with China” section was created to make your entry into business as comfortable as possible. In it we tried:

  • collect available methods earnings for beginners and experienced entrepreneurs:
  • explain complex processes and legal aspects opening a business;
  • talk about the difficulties you will encounter at all stages of the development of your business;
  • show opportunities that open up new business horizons for you.

Did we manage to make the resource as useful as possible for you? We look forward to your feedback to help us become even better for you and your business. Write comments, ask questions. Your opinion, wishes and recommendations are priceless.

If you resell clothes or any other product, you will make a good profit. You can get rich by selling Chinese goods. It is cheap and has good quality. You just need to contact the manufacturer to receive the goods under favorable conditions. Business with China for resale without investment is suitable for any person. It is successfully practiced by novice entrepreneurs and professionals. The easiest way to do dropshipping.

Today this topic has become quite popular because it does not require any contributions. But this is not the only way to make money when collaborating with Chinese manufacturers without starting capital. There are other more accessible strategies that need to be discussed separately.

In , the entrepreneur must enter into an agreement with the manufacturer and arrange direct deliveries of products to customers. Not many people are still involved in this business. It originated with the advent of online commerce. To successfully engage in it, learn about all the intricacies of cooperation with Chinese manufacturers.

You need to have your own online store. Customers will select products on the website and pay for them. Then you need to find the same product from an eastern partner, pay for it cheaply and send it to the buyer. Only work with trusted partners.

It is better to immediately conclude an agreement with the company. When ordering a small batch of goods, you will not need to pay customs duties. For large orders, official registration is done and all taxes are paid.

Opening a one-page website

For this purpose, you can start creating a one-page website or online trading platform. This resource creates a suitable design. Every little detail is taken into account. Organizers have to use cunning to get buyers to press the coveted keys.

Using a one-page website, you can promote any product. Statistics show that they buy better. At the same time, you don’t need to put a lot of different goods. When customers see such a wide variety, they get confused and don’t order anything at all.

A one-page site does not need to be filled in different things. Only one product is presented here and described in detail. The product must be popular in order for it to be in great demand. At the same time, it must be unique. You should not sell TVs or refrigerators. There is a lot of this goodness everywhere.

Important! When creating a website, you need to think about its design and functionality. For a person who does not understand website building, it is better to take the help of a specialist to create a high-quality Internet resource. He will fill it with unique articles. You will also have to negotiate delivery. A postal or courier service can help here. To send large cargo, it is better to contact a transport company.

What's better to sell?

For profitable trading, choose a suitable product. The enterprises produce:

· Electronics;

· Textile products;

· Clothing and accessories;

· Industrial equipment;

· Products for children and others.

When cooperating with the Chinese Republic, it is not necessary to engage in resale; you can organize a small business in China to sell it in your homeland. Manufacturers will supply the necessary cheap equipment. The Chinese can help equip a sewing workshop, car service center, packaging line and other production facilities.

Foreign manufacturers will organize the delivery of technical equipment. They will train staff. Organizing a business in a small workshop is not a problem for the Chinese. They will take care of it if necessary technical maintenance and machine repairs.

Despite the fact that there are many companies and individual sellers currently working in the field of trade with China - this market is simply immense - it is quite possible to start working in it. Today IQ Review will consider how exactly it can be organized profitable business on the trade of goods from China using a real example.

Reselling goods from China - where did it all begin?

Hello, my name is Anna, I am from Ukraine, the city of Lugansk. I want to talk about how budget shopping in China via the Internet led to a full-fledged business and a stable income. When I started the business, I was 20 years old - it was the end of 2010-beginning of 2011. I did this for 2 years, until the end of 2013.

In 2010-11, online shopping was just gaining popularity, and I, as a true shopaholic girl, quickly became involved in this topic. It became possible to purchase items from different countries- America, England, China - at prices much lower than those in our stores, and also to purchase things that no one else has.

My interest in the topic of bargain shopping was very great, and therefore I regularly visited about a dozen different shopping sites. I was especially attracted by Chinese shopping (website A huge number of sellers from all over China are registered on this site, where they present a variety of products, ranging from clothing and shoes to furniture, medicines and much more.

Since the site is in Chinese, an online translator came to the rescue. When I wanted to register, I encountered a number of problems: for example, linking a mobile number, mastering how to work with payment systems.

At that time, it was quite difficult to solve them; I had to learn a lot of things on my own, through my own practice, spending several hours getting an answer to the simplest question (and there were many of them). Now there are ways and special services, with which you can register yourself, simply and quickly. And there are also plenty of instructions on the Internet, so even a user who has never ordered anything from abroad before is unlikely to encounter so many difficulties.

How to order goods in China? About finding an intermediary

And then I decided to look for an “intermediary” in China who could help me with my purchases. In fact, I believe that this is safer, since a person will be able to check the item for quality, defects, color and, in general, there is a guarantee that you will not get a pig in a poke.

The search for a mediator has begun: I started visiting all kinds of forums, sites where people offered their services. There were quite a lot of such people, the choice was very difficult, since it was assumed that I would send money to a stranger at your own peril and risk, and hope that I won’t be “dumped”, and there were very few reviews at that time.

I began to learn the conditions and requirements for work from the most different people. An important criterion for me it was for a person to be in China, and it didn’t matter whether he was Russian, Ukrainian or Chinese, or a person of another nationality.

Chinese intermediaries meet very often; they communicate in not very clear English. But if you know at least basic level English language, then use an online translator to handle the negotiations.

Clothes from China

It is very desirable to find a Russian-speaking person, and ideally, a person of Slavic nationality (since the Asian mentality is still different from ours) who knows Chinese. Often these can be our students who went to study abroad. This is very important, since any online translators are not perfectly accurate, and an error in communication can lead to the fact that you receive the wrong product or product of the wrong quality, or there will be some other deviations from what you wanted.

You can also look for an intermediary in your country: due to the comparative cheapness of education, many Chinese come to us. It is quite possible that among them there will be those who have friends, acquaintances, relatives with whom you can start doing business.

If you have a small budget and you order goods in small quantities, it is unlikely that you will be able to work with professionals. We are talking about those who know both Russian/English and Chinese, and at the same time perfectly know all the intricacies of the process. Where is the best place to choose, how quickly to deliver, how much delivery will cost and how long it will take, how best to arrange everything so as not to arouse suspicion, and so on. Even then, at the beginning of 2011, there were such people, but they usually set restrictions on the minimum amount ( minimum quantity products), and did not deal with small batches.

The principle of operation of an international intermediary:

  1. You select a product, place an order, send it to the intermediary (he makes his own adjustments, gives advice regarding the order, checks the sellers’ ratings).
  2. You send the full amount for the goods, plus the percentage that the intermediary takes for his work.
  3. He receives the goods, checks for defects, etc., sends you a report on the received goods (photo), weighs the goods, and calculates the full cost of delivery to you.
  4. You send the amount for delivery.
  5. The intermediary sends the package and you wait for your order.

Intermediary percentages vary from 5 to 25. I found a girl on one of the forums who lives and studies in China and works part-time as an intermediary; her initial percentage was 15% for me.

Delivery of goods from China - how it works

We discussed all the conditions, chose the most profitable system for transferring money to China, chose the delivery method (there are several types: regular mail, air, sea, international delivery services, such as DHL, sea transportation of containers, they all differ in delivery times, costs and possibility of transporting parcel dimensions).

Chinese cargo terminal

I placed an order - clothes and shoes - transferred the money and began to wait for my first parcel. I chose delivery from China by regular mail - terms from two to four weeks.

Three weeks after payment, I received a notification from the post office about the arrival of my parcel at the post office, and on the same day I received my first parcel from China weighing 14 kg. When pleasant emotions From what they received and saw they subsided, logic turned on. On the things that I purchased, taking into account the percentage of the intermediary, the costs of delivery and transfer of money, I saved my expenses by about one and a half times compared to the price of the same product in our city. This is how the idea arose: to buy and sell things with your own markup.

Product selection and first purchase for resale

I decided to draw up a business plan, if you can call it that. I decided to follow the path of least resistance: not to invest large amounts of money and effort into development. To begin with, I determined the category of goods that I would sell - women's clothing.

Not copies or fakes of luxury brands, as this may cause problems when received at customs. I decided to buy the most common and most popular items in one or two copies, in the most popular size S-M. Even if they don’t sell, I can always keep it for myself or give it as a gift or sell it to friends.

After consulting with our intermediary, we came to the conclusion that we would buy things that are made in China and exported, for example Zara, Vero Moda, H&M, etc. Such things in China are twice or even more times cheaper, and are of quite good quality, since they are exported (not only to the Russian Federation and Ukraine - there are such stores in other countries, both in the CIS and in Europe ).

The delivery issue was definitely resolved for me - this is regular mail, since it is the cheapest. The maximum weight of one parcel should not exceed 20 kg. We agreed with the intermediary that when sending it it will be indicated that these are personal items - in this case, the estimated value is minimal.

The data is given for Ukraine for 2013 according to the author. In Russia, since 2014, there have been customs restrictions on purchases from foreign online stores in order to combat this type of small business, since it allows tax evasion. You can receive parcels per month worth no more than 150 euros and no heavier than 10 kg (editor's note).

Thus, I avoid problems with customs clearance, but at the same time things will be in maximum two copies, which not wholesale. The risk in this case is that if some items are stolen, I will not be able to recover the full amount for them from the post office.

Realizing that receiving two to four parcels a month in my name may arouse suspicion, I decided to register several recipients: they were my relatives. I agreed with the intermediary on further cooperation with a lower percentage, and agreed on 8.

How and to whom to sell goods from China: about finding sales routes

The next step was to determine the site - where and how I would sell things. Since I was a student, I initially understood that I would not open a store in the future, but would simply provide myself additional income for pocket expenses. I was considering the option, but this also required additional costs, and in the future there might be, let’s say, problems with registering an individual entrepreneurship and paying taxes.

Warehouse store for clothes and shoes

Therefore, I decided to use the services of such Internet platforms as Aukro .ua, the then existing Slando .ua, creating a group in Vk. The advantages are obvious: I just sell my things, I don’t conduct any official activities, I don’t pay for renting premises or for maintaining an online store, there are no taxes.

Calculating the budget for the first parcel (20 kg of clothes - sweaters, trousers, dresses, T-shirts, T-shirts, etc.) showed that it costs $1000 for everything, taking into account interest and delivery. My husband provided money for my business hobby. After all the calculations, it became clear that the net income would be from $150. Income will depend on my markup on the product. Even if you don’t add a markup, but sell at cost, including delivery costs and interest, everything will come out to 0, and this is no longer a minus.

Having approved my entire plan, I began to place orders. The intermediary sent parcels as the products arrived. On average it turned out per month from 2 to 4-5 parcels. I was lucky and there were no problems with delivery times; the parcel always took about three weeks.

By creating accounts on Internet sites, I began to post photos of things. My advantage was that the things were in my hands, and immediately after payment I sent parcels throughout Ukraine using the Nova courier service Posta » (the most popular carrier in Ukraine). Not everyone is willing to wait more than two weeks for a blouse or something else to order (this would be the case if they themselves ordered from China), so it was convenient to buy from me. The recipients usually paid for delivery, but I paid for large orders as a bonus.

Over time, many people already knew me, rating on the site Aukro .ua and other sites was high - many began to apply for things to order (so as not to have to deal with placing and paying for the order themselves, as I had to initially). In such cases, again to avoid risk, I took a 50% prepayment.

After a year, my minimum income from resale of Chinese goods consistently amounted to $300 monthly. For two years I did not have any losses, at least all my expenses were always “recovered”.

Pitfalls: what problems did I encounter?

There can be quite a lot of pitfalls in such a business, even if everything is done as carefully as I did. Let me give you a few examples:

  1. During transportation, some things can be stolen, damaged, or sent to the wrong place by mistake.
  2. The parcel may arrive damp, crumpled, and it follows that things may be damaged and will have to be brought to normal condition, wasting time and even money (for example, taking it to the dry cleaner).
  3. You may simply not sell these things, you may make a mistake with the choice (I didn’t have this, because I chose the most hot commodity, and only in small batches).
  4. Now there is a lot of competition in this market, you need to try to find your client, additional advertising costs are needed.
  5. You may be scammed by an intermediary - you will send money, but in the end you will not receive anything, it will be very difficult to figure it out, since it is connected with another country.

The intermediary is your business partner and must be reliable; in fact, this is where the difficulty of the search lies. There are cases that an intermediary can buy things at a lower cost, and the things will be of poor quality. This should and can be monitored: by the nickname of your intermediary in completed transactions, on the product page.

70% of success depends on the intermediary! Having a small capital and having correctly decided on the product category, you can earn good money, as well as develop your business to a more serious scale.

If you have a significant amount of money and your purchases will be in bulk, I recommend going to China, hiring a translator on the spot and negotiating directly with the manufacturing factories.

My business ceased to exist because I left to live in another country. I did not continue this kind of business in a new place, as my interests and type of activity changed.

Is it possible to start this business now?

Appearance huge amount intermediaries who receive income for their services could not go unnoticed. At the beginning of 2014, news appeared that could radically change the market:, one of the largest Chinese online sellers, officially launched a mail forwarding service, reports Thus, foreign buyers are now freed from the need to resort to the services of Chinese intermediaries, who receive goods at local addresses and then ship them abroad.

“This is not a new intermediary company, not another reseller and consolidator of parcels. This is the official service of the Alibaba group, accessible to everyone,” the online publication emphasizes.

The cost of sending orders is 18 yuan (about 100 rubles) for the first kilogram plus 3 yuan (about 17 rubles) for each subsequent half kilo. In addition, the buyer must pay the shipping cost itself. You can pay for processing and delivery bank cards Visa, Mastercard and American Express. In order to place an order and use the delivery service, the user must go through the registration process and verify the account through the number mobile phone And email. After this you can start placing orders. All paid parcels arrive at the warehouse, after which the buyer can order their shipment to his address.

However, such a possibility still remains “raw” and not perfectly debugged. Yes, theoretically, anyone can order directly and save some money. But in fact, to do this you will have to deal a lot with the service. For those who want to order a lot and/or often, this is relevant. But if you are a girl who saw on the Internet beautiful dress, and wants to order it from China - you hardly want to waste time and effort on this. Therefore, the intermediary business is still popular and continues to grow.

Let's talk about the resale of goods from Chinese online stores.

And here is a similar solution in a Chinese store:

Did you notice the price? The difference is 7 times greater! Plus, the Chinese have free delivery by mail (wait 2-3 weeks for the package).

The essence of the business: we create our own online store, in which we display goods from Chinese stores with our own markup. We collect orders, money and re-order from the Chinese directly to the addresses of our customers (this way we get rid of the routine of working with goods). Moreover, popular Chinese stores have an order option that includes dropshipping.

What is dropshipping? This is the sale of supplier goods by an intermediary (dropshipper). In this case, the goods are sent directly to the buyer.

With such an order, your client will receive his order without the identification symbols of the Chinese store.

There are risks associated with returning goods, but they can be solved and I think it’s not worth dwelling on them as part of the introductory note.

As a store, you can use communities on social networks, message boards, for example.

It makes sense to consider one-page stores (shops of one product): this is how talking hamsters, samurai watches and many other wow products “shot” at one time. Moreover, prices in RuNet for them were often 4-5 times higher than those of the Chinese.

Chinese stores worth paying attention to:

  • - a bunch of inexpensive equipment, household goods, gadgets, sports and camping equipment, lighting fixtures toys and stuff, stuff, stuff.
  • Aliexpress has just a huge variety of products at low prices.

Agree, it’s not bad, which, moreover, does not require large expenses.

Jack Ma (creator of Alibaba Group): Instead of e-commerce, there should be an e-economy. It doesn't matter where the product is made - in China or the USA.

Reselling goods from Aliexpress

Reader's story (Oleg, co-owner of a small computer equipment store in Penza).

We found Aliexpress in 2013. We looked at the prices and ordered a batch of 5 radio-controlled helicopters at our own risk. They paid about 3.5 thousand rubles. The parcel arrived for almost two months. They put it on display in their computer showroom at a price of 1.5 rubles apiece, and sold it in 4 days (at that time it was a new product and at an affordable price). Net profit 4 thousand.

Anyone can make money if they order in small quantities. Many people practice dropshipping; it is a very convenient technology.

What to buy for resale?

China is the world's factory. Everything that is produced here is in demand. More precisely, everything that is in demand is produced here.

Focus on price. If you look at the remote-controlled helicopters mentioned in the reader’s story, you can now find models that cost 800 rubles for retail purchase, and in children’s stores in Moscow the price of similar toys reaches 1,300 rubles.

Clothes, toys, equipment, jewelry - all this has a fairly high markup for delivery to Russia. Trendy products are a different story.

Please note that prices largely depend on the ruble to dollar exchange rate, so in some cases it is more profitable to buy goods by paying with a card in foreign currency.



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