How to adjust the front door closer. How to adjust the opening force? Calibrating the open position

Adjusting the door closer is a fairly simple procedure.

It is necessary when the pace of closing doors is not satisfactory - too fast or too slow.

Every person who can carry out minor repairs at home can certainly cope with such a task.

All you need for the first time is instructions and a screwdriver. Lovers of visual materials will certainly find a lot on the Internet. detailed videos on this topic.

Basic information about door closers

Entrance door closer English called door closer, literally - door closer. With this mechanical device, you just need to open the doors - the door closer will close them itself.

The device not only makes closing doors easier; the main purpose of the mechanism is to reduce the load on hinges and fittings, which wear out much less.

In addition, if in public places doors do not always close tightly without it, which causes drafts and heat loss, then a simple mechanism successfully solves this problem.

Closers provide control of access to the premises, so their presence is mandatory fire doors and emergency exits.

Today, these mechanisms are used not only on entrance, but also on internal passages in public spaces and even in private housing.

They close the door quietly, smoothly and tightly. You can adjust the force required to open the door.

The device can be located above the doorway, below the door frame or in the door itself.

Closers mounted at the top are open type mechanisms, all others are hidden from view.

The choice of a specific model depends on two main parameters - weight and door width. The higher these values ​​are, the more powerful the mechanism should be door closer.

Each manufacturer develops strict recommendations for installing devices, and if these instructions are not followed exactly, the mechanism may soon need repair.

Besides, various models designed for various conditions operation, for example temperature range.

Even if you have a heat-stable model, by adjusting the closing speed according to the season, you can extend the life of the mechanism.

Often people, entering a room in the cold, unconsciously try to close the door behind them as quickly as possible if the door closer is too slow. This damages the seals and the mechanism may soon require repair.

There are special thermal dampers for door closers. When the temperature environment rises, the oil becomes more liquid and flows inside the device faster.

To avoid this, the thermal damper expands to compensate for the insufficient oil thickness. When the outside temperature drops, the thermal damper will act in the opposite way.

When choosing a specific model, pay attention to compliance with international standards.

The requirements of the EN 1154 standard adopted in Europe exceed the rather lenient GOST of the Russian Federation, therefore many door closers that meet the requirements of GOST do not comply with EN 1154.

Additional features

Many models of door closers perform various functions and, accordingly, they have elements for their adjustment. Below is information about some of them.

Wind brake or opening damper allows you to install maximum speed opening doors.

This function is useful for interroom transitions, which will avoid damage to walls and doors if they are opened too sharply.

Adjustment schemes:

For entrance doors, this function is simply necessary, because it prevents drafts and gusts of wind from controlling the opening process.

The hold-open closing function should not be used on fire exits that use electromagnetic or electromechanical pulse actuated latches.

For fire and smoke barriers, a function for coordinating the closing of the doors is required; it is also installed on double doors.

This is a lever structure that is installed on the door frame in addition to the closer.

Delayed closing is necessary to make it easier for people with disabilities to enter the room. disabilities, with baby strollers so that several people can pass at a time.

Typically the delay is set to about 30 seconds. The closing delay function should not be used in walk-through areas large flow people - this can lead to injury and damage to the closing mechanism.

One more useful feature– adjustment of aftershock. With its help, you can speed up the closing of doors at the last stage.

When the shutter is in the range of 0 – 15° before it is completely closed, the person has already managed to move away from the entrance, the closing process can be accelerated. The function makes it easier to snap the lock and, again, avoids heat loss.

The door closer adjustment process

Adjusting the door closer with your own hands is a fairly simple process even for people who do not have special engineering abilities, which cannot be said about repairing the mechanism, which is not always possible.

You can watch the video on this topic in the article, use the manufacturer’s instructions or recommendations from this article, but you should not adjust the mechanism intuitively.

If, as a result of your manipulations, oil begins to drip from the door closer, then its repair is no longer possible - the device will have to be replaced.

So, how to adjust the door closer? Remove the cover from the mechanism and look for the control valve. To do this, check the diagram in the instructions.

By turning the control valve counterclockwise, you can slow down the closing; to speed up the process, you need to turn it clockwise. More expensive models door closers have two or even three such valves.

They divide the closing process into two or three stages, and in each range the speed can be adjusted separately.

Important point! The control valve should not be turned more than two turns from the zero position.

The opening force can be set by adjusting the door closer.

Turning the adjusting nut counterclockwise makes the process easier, but turning it clockwise will require more force to enter.

Adjusting the closer should be used for preventive inspection of the mechanism to see if there is any oil leaking somewhere.

Leaks occur more often in winter due to damage to the housing, which led to its depressurization.

Such a breakdown turns the door closer into an ordinary spring - it stops performing its functions and only slams the doors loudly.

If damage to the housing is detected in time, you can repair and seal it to extend the life of the closer.

But if the moment is missed and the hole is too big, then there are no other options left except buying a new device.

When adjusting the closer, you can configure both the closing delay function and the full stop function. The delay is ensured by tightly tightening the clamp intended for this purpose.

You need to tighten it by opening the door 90 - 100 degrees - the position in which the closing delay will occur.

As a rule, if one person passes, then he does not need to open the doors so wide, and the function will not work unnecessarily.

The hold-open function keeps the door open until you make a closing movement, which releases the lock.

Using the same principle as the opening delay, the function will not work if the door is not opened wide enough.

If the adjustment is performed twice a year (at the entrance from the street four times), this will extend the life of the mechanism.

A door closer is one of those devices that requires careful and regular care, since constant loads and daily cycles of opening and closing doors lead to imbalance of the mechanisms of this device. Such troubles are corrected by a rather simple adjustment process. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article, in which we will talk about how to adjust the door closer with your own hands.

Adjusting the door closer with your own hands: what is adjustable and what is not

Almost all modern door closers have two or three points that can be adjusted at your discretion - with their help you can not only adjust the operation of this mechanism, but do it in such a way that it is convenient for you to use the doors. That is why the question of how to adjust the door closer is solved not only during operation, but also immediately after installing this device on the door. So what can be adjusted in this device? As a rule, this is the speed of closing the doors, the so-called closing door leaf to the box) and in some expensive models the door speed ranges from 80°-90° to closing. Let's talk about the purpose of such a division in a little more detail.

  1. Adjusting the door closer - overall closing speed. The closer can be used for doors for various purposes - with equal success it can be installed on both entrance doors and interior doors. You probably already guessed why the overall closing speed is important - for entrance doors it should be higher, since in the summer during this time flies can fly into the house, and in the winter it can get cold. For interior doors, slow closing is more suitable. In addition, one cannot ignore the personal preferences of each person individually and the so-called seasonality.
  2. Adjusting the intermediate stroke of doors. By adjusting this moment, two issues can be solved simultaneously: firstly, and importantly, for very frequently visited premises, it is possible to ensure the passage of several people in one opening. And, secondly, by fully tightening a special screw, you can ensure that the doors are constantly open.
  3. Dokhlop and its purpose. Everything is simple here, and it’s not so difficult to guess the purpose of the hit on your own. Agree, at the very least, it would be wrong if the doors hit the frame with all their might - not a single door block can withstand such treatment for long. That is why the finishing touch should be carried out more or less slowly - the manufacturer puts a certain allowable interval into the operation of the product, and you select from it those modes that satisfy your requirements.

How to adjust a door closer photo

In principle, this is all that can be adjusted in a device such as a door closer. Agree, you don’t need more, because the most important thing is comfortable closing of doors without human intervention.

How to adjust a door closer: features of setting up the device

Let's start right away by deciding what absolutely cannot be done. There are few such contraindications, or rather, prohibitions - only one, but violating it will lead to complete breakdown of the closer.

Do not completely unscrew the adjusting screws!

Hydraulics usually manage the entire adjustment process - after unscrewing the adjusting screw more than two turns, oil pumped there under pressure flows out of the hole. You won't be able to refill everything at home.

To better understand the essence of the issue, you can watch a video about adjusting door closers.

We've sorted out the prohibitions, watched the video, now let's get down to theoretical adjustments, but let's additionally clarify one more point related to some extent to the above prohibitions. During the process of adjusting the mechanism, the adjusting screws need to be turned little by little - half a turn of the screw leads to a serious change in the speed of the door movement. And one more thing - by turning the screw counterclockwise, we achieve an increase in the speed of closing the doors, and by turning the screw counterclockwise, we slow it down accordingly. Now that the basic rules are clear, let's begin to directly address the question of how to adjust the closer? We will solve it point by point, although, by and large, all the most important things have already been described above.

  1. Adjust the door closing speed. The technology here is very simple - immediately after installing the closer, we check its operation. If it seems to you that the closing speed is too fast, then turn the screw half a turn clockwise and try again how the door works. If it’s too slow, then unscrew the screw by half of what you screwed before. And so on until you achieve the desired result. IN once again Let me remind you that the manufacturer stipulates in the instructions that you cannot turn the screws more than two turns - remember this!

And in conclusion, a small reminder about correct use door closer - these are four golden rules that allow you to adjust the door closer with your own hands as rarely as possible. First, don't turn the screw more than two turns; secondly, do not force the door by trying to close it with your hands; thirdly, do not prop the doors to keep them open and, fourthly, do not ignore the instructions for use. Only if these rules are followed can a door closer serve for a long time.

A door closer is not a luxury item at all, especially if we are talking not about an apartment, but about an entrance or a public institution. When closing sharply, the sash hits the frame, and with quite a lot of force. Such a load does not benefit the structure at all and shortens its service life.

There are also 2 types of doors - evacuation and fire, where the closer is a mandatory element.

Operating principle

In general, the design of the device is the same for all models: a spring and a piston are located in a solid body. When the sash opens, the piston transmits force to the spring and compresses it. In this case, special oil flows through the channels in the piston into the freed part of the housing. It acts as a shock absorber

When closing, the pressure on the piston is released and the spring straightens. At the same time, the oil flows back and creates resistance to the movement of the spring, thanks to which the sash closes slowly and smoothly without impacts, with a slight acceleration at the very end - a clap, which ensures tight pressure.

Adjusting the door closer spring involves adjusting the valves that supply a certain amount of oil. But if the valves regulate the speed and smoothness of movement, then it depends on the spring fundamental possibility opening. One of the main indicators is the spring force, that is, the force that it provides when straightening. It is obvious that different weights of sashes require different forces. According to this indicator, mechanisms are divided into 7 classes. A class 1 device can control a door leaf weighing no more than 20 kg, a class 7 device – 160 kg.

Types of device

The greatest difference in the design of the device is determined by the installation method. Adjusting the door closer yourself will depend on both factors. There are 3 categories.

  • Upper - got their name from the place of installation - the upper part of the canvas. The device is not camouflaged and, unfortunately, is not protected, therefore, being mounted on street entrance doors, it quite often becomes a victim of hooligans: the device’s lever can be bent by applying force. To adjust its operation, you will have to straighten or replace the lever.

Overhead closers differ in the type of transmission.

    • Gear-driven mechanisms - the force on the piston is transmitted using a gear. This is a simple and affordable device. An example is the Norman model, made of silumin.
    • Mechanisms driven by a cam shaft - here the axis of the closer is a cam located between the opening and brake pistons. During opening, the cam compresses the spring using the opening piston, and when closing, it releases the pressure under the action of the brake piston. This device is characterized by maximum smoothness. An example is the Diplomat model, which provides not only smooth closing, but also the possibility of speed correction.
  • Floor-mounted designs are similar in design to top models with a cam drive. However, their installation must be provided for in the initial project.
  • Hidden - the model is mounted in the door leaf - the upper end. When closed, the device is not visible; when opened, the lever between the sash and the frame becomes noticeable. Most often, a cam drive is also implemented here. The photo shows product samples.

Adjustment options

  • Closing speed is the main criterion for the operation of the device. Factory settings may not suit the consumer. In this case, armed with instructions and a screwdriver, you can adjust the speed with your own hands.

This operation must be performed at every change of season. The fact is that under the influence of temperature, the viscosity of the oil inside the housing, accordingly, changes the speed of movement of the sash. If the oil is too “liquid” the valve will slam shut; if the viscosity is too high and the valve cross-section is too high, it will close very slowly, which affects both the door leaf and the device.

  • Adjusting the force of the door closer involves the second factor – the clap. If there is a latch or a tight fit of the leaf to the frame is necessary, then the sash must be accelerated during the last 7–15 degrees of rotation.
  • The delay before movement is ensured by debugging the latch. In this case, the sash, open at 90–95 degrees, is held for some time, and after a few seconds it begins to close.
  • If the device is equipped with a hend open function, it is also adjustable. The essence of the device is that the sash, open to an angle of less than 90 degrees, closes normally, but when opened to an angle of more than 90 degrees, it is held and remains open until movement is started manually.

This function is very useful for door closers on street and indoor entrance structures in a medical facility where non-ambulatory patients are transported.

Debugging the mechanism

  • The closing of the door closer is adjusted using the first valve - indicated by a unit on the body of the device. Turning clockwise speeds up the movement of the sash, turning it counterclockwise slows it down. No more than two full turns in both directions are allowed.

Depending on the type of shock-absorbing fluid, debugging must be carried out at different intervals. The geze device is suggested to be adjusted 2 times a year, some other models – up to 4 times, with each temperature change.

  • The second valve allows you to increase or decrease the clap speed. The principle is the same: counterclockwise rotation reduces the speed, clockwise rotation increases it. Some models also have a third valve: it is responsible for the speed of movement at an angle of 80–90 degrees.
  • Adjusting the dorma door closer also includes adjusting the time the leaves are held open. A fixing screw is used for this. It is tightened when the sash is open - 90-100 degrees.
  • The hend open function is also activated when the sash is open; the model has a lock for its adjustment.

The video discusses in detail all the ways to debug the device.

A door closer is a device whose action is aimed at quietly closing the door. The mechanism functions like this: physical force is applied to the door, which creates an impulse that is transmitted to the device and acts so that the door opens and closes without sudden movements or noise. If you want to create a door closer with your own hands, you will need parts whose purpose is not related to the principle of operation of the door.

This is what a door closer looks like

Door closers are different. All differ in different dimensions and colors, as well as the design of the mechanism.
Depending on the place of application, the installation for doors is:

  • furniture - closers are used in compartment doors in the closet, pull-out furniture elements, in the kitchen, and so on;
  • door closer – fixed to the main ones, interior doors, as well as in compartment doors to storage rooms and dressing rooms.

Existing door closer options

Furniture door closer options are built into the structure during its creation. But you can install door closers yourself by creating the device yourself.
Configuration of closers by device:

  • device with drive and teeth;
  • camshaft application.

Door closers are installed at the top, bottom, and also mounted in door elements.

Upper door closer

This is a typical type of mechanism. There are options for installing door closers at the top:

The door closer installation is selected based on the door opening functions.

If the doors open when a person enters, then the door closer is installed using the first method, otherwise method 2 is applicable.

There is another option for installing the mechanism; it is applicable when the doors open in all directions.

Example of a door closer for a door opening in both directions

Parallel installation is carried out as follows - the mechanism is mounted on the door, the lever is mounted on the base door frame when using a special plate.

Read also

Adjusting a metal-plastic door

Bottom closer

This door mechanism is used if there is no door frame. That is, if there are hinges on the doors, the lower mechanism is not used, since the closer in this case plays the role of a hinge.

The lower closer is installed in a hole in the floor, which should be made in advance for these purposes.

Bottom closer design option

This mechanism has top part, which is installed in the ceiling. Without this component, the bottom closer will work for a short period of time.

Hidden door closers

The mechanisms are completely hidden in the door leaf. There are 2 types:

Choosing the right door closer

Before choosing a door mechanism, you need to familiarize yourself with its functions. The principle of operation of a door closer is to quietly, smoothly close the door. This is reflected in the following factors:

  1. Saving heat in the room.
  2. There is no noise when the door moves.
  3. Noise insulation. If the door fits tightly to the frame, there is no extraneous sounds from the street or another room.

Working principle of a door closer

For correct and long-lasting operation door mechanism required to be done right choice closer
For the correct functioning of the door closer, as well as its long-term operation for its intended purpose, there are several rules, guided by which you can avoid mistakes when producing the mechanism or purchasing it.

Door closer operation diagram

Depending on appearance, functioning, as well as type - door closers have different pricing policies.

Do-it-yourself door closer installation

The door closer can be manufactured and installed, adjusted from different means. How to install the overhead door closer?

Detailed instructions for installing a door closer

Step by step instructions

If the kit does not contain a model, then the technical data sheet contains the exact dimensions and measurements according to which the door closer can be mounted.

Adjusting the door closer

After installing the door closer, a check is required. If the door opens hard, closes or slams, you can adjust the door closer with your own hands.

There are 2 screws on the closer device. They take on the main functions of the mechanism. 1 screw – speed when closing the door, 2 – adjusting the tightness of closing the door and its fit to the frame. If the door slams, the second screw needs to be adjusted. You need to turn it slowly (a little - half a turn), then check that the door is closed. This must be done until the door stops slamming.

Door closer adjustment options

To close the door a little slower, you need to turn the screw clockwise, so that the speed is counterclockwise.

Closer with more than 2 screws

There are door closers with adjustment screws of more than 2 pieces. In this case, the technical passport indicates the purpose of each screw. In addition to the standard door adjustment screws (speed and clap), there are also screws responsible for other functions of the mechanism.

One screw serves as a door brake when opening. That is, you won’t be able to open the doors with a sudden movement. The second screw leaves the doors open. That is, if the door is wide open, then it will remain in this position and will not close.

Drawing and diagram for adjusting the door closer

Adjustment of the screws is also carried out slowly and by half a turn.

A door closer is a mechanism that is designed to reliably close entrance doors. It presses the blade against the seals along the contour or creates the necessary force sufficient to trigger the lock latch. The door can close abruptly and with a sound, or smoothly and without making sounds, and can also pause.

Adjusting the door closer is a mandatory measure to extend the service life and maintain performance characteristics mechanism.

It is subject to constant loads; frequent closing and opening of the door leads to imbalance of the elements of the device, and therefore requires periodic maintenance and repair, both for preventive purposes and if necessary.

To understand the configuration issue, you first need to familiarize yourself with its classification.

They come in 2 types:

  • Cam slide. It is used for smooth closing of blocks in lightweight structures.
  • Toothed lever. Used for heavy fabric with codes, considered the most common.

According to the installation method, closers are divided into the following types:

  1. Top or overhead. Installation is carried out from above the structure.
  2. Floor-standing. Often attached to the bottom of blocks.
  3. Hidden or framed. They are located inside the frame or in the floor.

When adjustment is needed

Experts recommend adjusting the mechanism immediately after installing the door closer, and not only during operation of the doors. Inspection and correction of minor problems is carried out at least 2 times a year, with frequent fluctuations temperature regime indoors and outdoors - more often. This is due to the fact that the lubricating fluid depends on the temperature parameters of the environment and affects the parts of the closer.

Carrying out seasonal adjustment is a regular activity as part of maintenance.

For large temperature fluctuations, the mechanism front door wears out quickly and becomes unusable. Therefore, it is better to tighten it until the first signs of damage to the closer occur. desired position, check for leaks to detect oil leaks and troubleshoot.

In case of complex breakdowns, adjusting the door closer on your own is ineffective. Experts recommend doing renovation work or replace it.

If problems arise with the device settings, the parameters are adjusted. This procedure is performed if the mechanism turns out to be difficult to open, as well as with a door that closes quickly and sharply or takes a long time to pull.

How to do it right

Adjusting the door closer, the instructions for which provide requirements for installation and adjustment of the mechanism, consists of the following steps:

  • Adjustment of block closing speed.
  • Setting the parameters for pressing the canvas to the box (latching).
  • Adjusting the intermediate stroke.

The procedure requires a minimum of tools - a screwdriver.

How to do it yourself

In order to understand how to adjust the door closer, you need to understand the design features of the device.

The mechanism consists of the following components and parts:

  1. spring;
  2. linkage;
  3. axial gear clutch;
  4. gear or cam mechanism;
  5. needle bearing;
  6. wind brake adjustment valve or damper;
  7. protective cover;
  8. lever;
  9. sealing rubber bands;
  10. adjusting screws;
  11. fasteners.

When working, you must adhere to the strict rules of the instructions for installing and adjusting the device, which boils down to spring tension.

On the body of the closer, when adjusting, there are 2 adjusting screws, which are responsible for the speed of movement of the blade and the speed of closing. The first screw regulates the main stroke of the door from full opening 180° to 15°, and the second - its final closing. Some models also have a third screw to change the overall force.

The procedure is performed as follows:

  • Remove the cover from the mechanism.
  • Find the control valve. Check the diagram in the door mechanism instructions.
  • Turn screw No. 1 counterclockwise to adjust the doors to close smoothly, clockwise to adjust them quickly. It should be taken into account that more than 2 revolutions from the zero position cannot be made.
  • To delay the open door leaf for a certain amount time you need to tighten the special clamp. Such actions are performed when the block is opened by 95-100°.
  • If the canvas needs to be kept open for a long time, use the “Hold-open” function. To do this, open the door 90-95° and tighten the lever lock.
  • Check that the mechanism is installed correctly.


When adjusting the door closer with your own hands, significant attention is paid to such parameters as:

  1. closing force;
  2. closing speed;
  3. opening speed;
  4. maximum opening angle.

Closing speed is how quickly or slowly the doors close. The closing force allows you to adjust the device so that in the last 7-15° the speed increases and the lock latches.

For protection door block to prevent damage during sudden openings, the opening speed is adjusted. For this purpose, closers with a braking function, such as a “wind brake,” are installed on the entrance doors of buildings.

Adjustment of aftershock

Setting up the door closer to install the door closer ensures that the door leaf adheres to the frame and allows you to leave a small gap before slamming, i.e. doesn't close all the way door structure. By adjustment, you can adjust the slow closing of the block, reducing the force of the clap.

Using screw No. 2, you can adjust the speed at which the structure will slam shut. When 10-15° remain before the door leaf closes, the deceleration will work.

Features of some models

The most common door closers among users are “Dorma” TS-68, “Diplomat”, “GEZE” TS 4000. Each model has its own characteristics of regulating such devices.

"Dorma" TS-68 is a classic top-mounted model. Its peculiarity is that the mechanism is equipped with a special lever to change the door locking force.

The Diplomat model is characterized by simple installation and maintenance of the mechanism. Adjusting the door closer includes the stages of spring tension and opening and closing adjustments. Some modifications of the “Diplomat” do not have a clap setting. The devices operate on the principle of hydromechanics.

"GEZE" TS 4000 is a popular top door mechanism model among users. The closer can adjust the opening damping, adjust the thermostable closing speed at the front and the final closing using a lever rod.



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