How to deal with noisy neighbors (above, below) legally? Education methods or how to take revenge on neighbors below

Human life consists of many relationships. The most difficult situation is with those people who live nearby. Often cultural requests do not work, and then more practical methods have to be used. There are many opportunities for revenge on neighbors upstairs who are constantly making noise. Many people are capable of doing mischief or doing dirty things, but only the source of problems can be eliminated strong-willed people. It is enough to use your ingenuity and then the problem will be solved.

There can be a lot of complaints against neighbors. The main factor is noise, when people constantly swear, listen to music or gather guests.

There may be other reasons for dissatisfaction with neighbors, for example, they smoke in the apartment, and smoke can be felt through the walls.

The entrance is considered a public place where silence must also be maintained. There are different ways allowing to punish offenders. Perhaps some of them will help improve your life.

You can put up a notice asking people to behave decently. Moreover, this can be expressed in standard or original form. An example is a sign that reads “Troublemaker!” For night parties, those living upstairs can contact the tax or sanitary epidemiological station. Employees will constantly check on them and come. Everyone gets tired of such adventures, and therefore the worries can stop.

For those cases when music constantly interferes, there is another method to annoy. Needles should be inserted into the keyhole, which must be pre-lubricated super glue. The needles need to be broken off. In this case, offenders will not be able to get into the apartment for a long time, because the lock will need to be replaced. They will get tired of doing this all the time and, perhaps, they will understand what’s going on. Shocks to the battery work great. This will help teach dishonest people a lesson. There are special substances that emit unpleasant odors.

There is another original way to annoy - posting advertisements with unusual entries. They may have unexpected content. You can write about the sale or exchange of a neighbor’s apartment. There will be an entrance best place to unstick them. All that remains is to observe the reaction of the offenders.

Proven Methods

To harm your neighbors for their constant noise or other actions, you must use effective methods:

  • The “knock on the battery” method: you need to take an object and knock. This usually works;
  • A convenient way to take revenge would be to use a “GSM signal jammer.” It will not allow you to make calls in your area of ​​coverage. You can warn that the Internet may also be disconnected. If the offenders are young, it will be difficult to live without these amenities;
  • To upset your neighbors, you can cut the wire from the telephone, Internet, or intercom. It is difficult for a modern person to live without these amenities;
  • If flooding occurs constantly and no requests bring results, then you can flood your floor. Naturally, those living below will come. Then everyone will complain and the problem will disappear;
  • Wealthy residents can afford to purchase a high-power speaker system. Not everyone is able to withstand such a test. This will teach offenders a lesson.

Should we declare war?

If there is constant noise coming from those living nearby, then you can first try to resolve everything peacefully. Many people turn out to be quite adequate and it will be enough to just talk calmly with them. You can use a few simple rules:

There is no need to immediately reprimand people at the slightest noise. They also have the right to carry out minor and major repairs if necessary. If this happens at the permitted time, then you should tolerate it. If the noise continues for a long time, you need to talk to your neighbors. We need to explain to them to be quieter;

Some apartments have fairly good audibility, so you need to think about high-quality sound insulation. A thick carpet is excellent for walls and floors, and plasterboard for the ceiling, which must be laid over a layer of insulation. In this case, any noise will not be very noticeable.

Solving the issue by legal method

The constant noise from above is very annoying, and therefore it is better to resolve the issue legally. The law requires maintaining silence from 22.00 to 06.00. With constant noisy evening events you need to contact the police. In the morning, you should definitely write a statement and give it to the local police officer. Such actions can be repeated until these illegal actions end.

If in once again If law enforcement officials refuse to leave, you can file a complaint against them with the prosecutor's office. It is not difficult to prove the call, since all conversations are recorded. After this, the police will carry out checks even when no one called them.

Active actions

If no measures help, then offenders can be punished using the following methods:

  • It is necessary to create uncomfortable living conditions. Excellent result has posted advertisements describing the lives of neighbors. You can use the Internet with the help of friends. Nowadays there are many catalogs and newspapers;
  • Caustic paint, which is used to write the word “noise” above the offender’s apartment, will help take revenge on the offenders. But it should still be taken into account that there is no need to do much harm, since retaliatory actions may follow. There are special smelling substances that are unpleasant to people.

Other methods

An effective way to take revenge on noisy people is mental influence. You can use a program such as an “auto dialer”. She will make calls to the specified number herself, and at the wrong time.

For those who understand electricity, the method of turning it off is suitable. Moreover, you should cut out such a section of the wire that it would be difficult to make the connection.

Basic knowledge of physics will help you improve your life and ruin relationships with offenders. You need a metal pan that needs to be filled with water. You just need to leave the top empty. Then the container should be placed on the cabinet so that the edges are pressed tightly against the ceiling. Then you need to attach the headphones to the walls of the pan and turn on the music. This creates a strong hum. And there will be silence in your apartment. There is also a vibrating column for this.

To spoil your neighbors, you can use the advice of superstitious people. You need to sprinkle salt, earth, and feathers under the rug of their apartment. This works for many people. The entrance will be the best place for reminders of the offender.

To truly eliminate noise, you need to use the following tips:

  • Any measures must be carried out carefully so as not to lead to war;
  • You should not use radical methods, because often only a hint is needed;
  • Your actions must be accompanied by at least a note. A person must realize that he is disturbing people;
  • You should not get personal, you should point out actions;
  • There is no need to use obscene words or physical force;
  • It is prohibited to create situations dangerous for people and animals;
  • No matter how much you want to take revenge on your own, it is better to involve law enforcement agencies for this. They will do this using legal methods.

What the law says

To regulate such issues, there is a law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.” It spells out rules of behavior not only for those living above, but also for others. It is important to observe the following restrictions:

  • It should be quiet between 11:00 pm and 7:00 am. The noise can be up to 30 dB. The entrance enters a zone where there is also an order;
  • In the period 7.00-19.00 noise can only be due to the reconstruction of living quarters or repairs. Such events can only be held on weekdays. The law prohibits noise on holidays and weekends.

These rules do not apply to cases of emergency and construction work when ensuring the safety of people is important. There should only be a prior warning about this. The entrance is also one of the areas where silence is required. The duration of repair work should be about 6 hours, followed by a break. Activities that cause noise include:

  • Use of amplifiers used in retail premises;
  • Fireworks and pyrotechnics;
  • Repair;
  • Singing, shouting and whistling.

Necessary measures

If there is noise coming from neighbors above, then you need to determine how strong it is. Sounds louder than 40 dB during the day and 30 dB in the evening are considered a violation because the law prohibits such behavior. This is determined by a special device.

Law enforcement officers can establish a violation, on the basis of which requirements are presented to the violator. Responsibility for this comes when residents begin to complain. It is best to resolve such issues peacefully.

If this cannot be done, then legal methods will help to cope with this. Other measures are also in effect:

  • Conducting an independent examination. Based on this event, a report is drawn up indicating the date and time of the noise measurement. All testimony must be recorded in the document. The work is performed under the guidance of licensed experts. The device must be accredited, otherwise the document drawn up will not have legal force;
  • Contact the local police officer. It is this law enforcement officer who is obliged to monitor compliance with the law on silence. Not everyone is willing to engage in such matters, but one should persistently seek compliance with their rights. The district police officer must take measures to eliminate the offense, for example, make a reprimand or issue a fine. Collective requests are welcome, because it’s much easier to solve everything this way;
  • Going to court. The last resort in the presence of noisy neighbors is to go to court, which will allow you to take revenge on the offenders. The law regulates such relationships. In this case, the judicial authorities will deal with the issues. If repairs are being made, you need to warn people living nearby. It is necessary to write a statement indicating all the facts.

It will be difficult for legislators to deal with cases where children are noisy. Many irresponsible parents leave them alone at home, which leads to many unpleasant situations. Then you just need to talk so that the children don’t run and jump. It is possible to contact the guardianship and trusteeship authorities and the children's ombudsman.

If there is noise on the street

Loud sounds are made not only by neighbors above, but also by companies on the street. What to do if you are faced with such situations? This is regulated by the rules for residential premises, which state that silence must be maintained in the house and on the street 100 meters from it.

The entrance also belongs to the area where it is necessary to behave decently. Usually there are benches nearby where various companies like to gather in the summer. There should be no noisy establishments, cafes, bars, clubs nearby. Zhiltsov, in similar situation, often think about how to take revenge on offenders.

The first thing to do is try to resolve the problem in a peaceful manner. If the offenders do not want this, then the police can be called. Usually this helps calm cheerful companies.

Noises at inappropriate times cause serious consequences. The district police officer draws up a protocol, which is submitted to the court. A case of administrative liability will be considered there. There are penalties for this:

  • 500-2000 rub. – for citizens;
  • 1000-5000 rub. – for officials;
  • 3000-7000 rub. – for legal entities.

The fine is paid in deadline, which will definitely allow you to take revenge on unscrupulous residents. If this obligation is violated, double the amount will be imposed. Sometimes defaulters are detained. Although extreme measures will ruin the relationships of the residents, they will allow you to find peace in the house.

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Housemates are very rarely good friends. As a rule, everything is exactly the opposite. Our neighbors exhaust us with endless repairs and loud music, don’t let our children sleep, smoke in the hallways, flood the stretched ceilings “yesterday”, park under our windows, etc. Persuasion, requests and demands don’t work, and all we can do is helplessly wave our fists because curtains in your apartment.

Does your neighbor constantly keep watch at the door peephole?

Is he on duty both day and night? And then he discusses with his girlfriends on the bench - who did you come with, what time and to what extent in an uncultured state?

Make a dummy CCTV camera or buy this prop equipment and hang it on staircase so that the entire neighbor’s door falls into the “field of view” of the camera. Now you will “look” at each other. Don’t forget to stick a poster - “We are watching you”, tear up your granny’s “templates”.

You can also seal her door peephole. with regular tape or do something even more cruel - fill the peephole silicate glue(it is impossible to wash and peel it off).

Are your neighbors annoying you so much that you want to walk your dog outside their door?

Post an advertisement (or post it on the Internet) about renting an apartment. For example, “We need tenants for six months to look after the apartment. Pay only for services." Let them be tortured with calls. Of course, you won’t be able to achieve anything, but a little dirty trick will make your soul a little warmer.

Be sure to indicate that you should call between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. on weekends or 11 a.m. and 12 a.m. on weekdays.

If there is no phone number, write their address. It's even more interesting this way.

A young couple has moved into the neighboring apartment and has already become quite boring for you with their nightly “sabantui” with guests and a sea of ​​alcohol?

Are they not responding to your requests to “let people sleep” and are even rude?

Buy a GSM signal jammer. Mobile phones in their apartment will stop working. However, there is one drawback - they won’t work in your apartment either.

Neighbors getting drunk, knocking over cabinets, dancing to Verka-Serduchka at 3 a.m.?

And they bang their forks on the plates so actively that your chandelier sways? And the doors don't open? And they don’t respond to knocking?

Unscrew the plugs (if the shield is on the stairs), let them sit in the dark.

If they continue, repeat the action.

A young neighbor cannot imagine his life without Radio Chanson?

To the fullest every evening? Just when, after a delicious dinner, wrapped in soft pajamas, you are going to lie down and read a newspaper?

Buy your child a synthesizer. Or a guitar. In general, it doesn’t matter what kind of instrument, it is important that it is loud, and that morning training is regular.

If impudent people have settled right under you, and fighting them does not give anything...

... then, in addition to musical influence, constant transportation of sofas around the room, dancing until you drop and turning on construction equipment for 2-3 hours, can be used as revenge and flood . Drench your neighbors thoroughly and before they come running to you screaming, wipe the floor dry.

Don’t forget to make big eyes (“Oh, we have such terrible ceilings here! They haven’t changed them since the time of Tsar Gorokh!”) and offer to go up to the neighbors above or call the plumbers.

The neighbor has become completely impudent; he parks right at the exit from the yard or on the playground?

And in the evenings, right under your window, he turns on the radio full power and drinking beer with friends?

All your timid requests rest on this impudent man’s promise to break your legs if you ask for anything again.

How to punish a boor?

If the grannies and kids in your yard like to feed the pigeons, then just throw a handful of millet or bread crumbs on the hood and roof of your neighbor's car . He won't put it here again.

Have your dacha neighbors tired you with their drunken companies, barbecues and musical girls?

Is the flow of guests endless and doesn’t want to stop?

Under the cover of darkness, quietly and silently, like a ninja, make your way into the “Triss booth” ( outdoor toilet) hospitable neighbor and throw a packet of yeast into the hole . In the morning, the neighbor and his guests will be treated not only to an incomparable aroma, but also to significantly increased contents of the toilet under the influence of yeast.

In the near future, no one will disturb the silence at your dacha.

The neighbors have been making a fuss of the whole house for a month with their renovations?

They tore down, rebuilt and chiseled walls, laid floors, without turning off hammer drills, drills and jigsaws for hours on end?

Give them a housewarming gift - Have a karaoke night with friends !

And if angry new residents burst into your door at 4-5 in the morning demanding to “shut up,” you can laugh in their face and tell them that this is your gratitude for a month of headaches, falling plaster on your head, and unfinished business.

Is your neighbor's dog pestering you?

Buy a special whistle (or device) , to which only animals react, and start communicating with the dog at the moment when its owners go to bed.

Are your upstairs neighbors too loving?

Are you tired of smoking on the balcony at night until the groans and creaking of the bed subside?

Write a love note for your neighbor's wife in beautiful handwriting (from, for example, a certain Vasya) and throw it in mailbox(or stick it in the door). It’s great if Vasya turns out to be another nasty and disgusting neighbor of yours - you’ll kill two birds with one stone.

All. You are amazing. You can sleep peacefully for the next week.

Do your neighbor and his not always sober friends constantly smoke on your stairs?

Do you hate smokers and start coughing long and tediously from the smoke? There is a great method to stop your neighbor from smoking!

At the bottom of the jar, which is usually placed “under cigarette butts” on the stairs, pour sulfur cut from matches . The neighbor won't smoke here anymore.

If, in terms of physical parameters, you are 20-40 kg ahead of your neighbor (and in the past you did karate, sambo, or at least capoeira), you can suddenly jump out of the apartment the moment he finishes smoking a cigarette and extinguish a neighbor with a cigarette from a fire extinguisher . There may not be any effect, but the wife’s stormy ovation is guaranteed.

Another, completely peaceful and, oddly enough, effective way to stop neighbors from smoking in the entrance.

Throw away all their “cigarette butt jars” and put up an ad instead “Whoever smokes here again will have to deal with me personally.”

No one knows who this terrible “with me personally” is, but it will be scary to smoke.

Does your neighbor's stereo become your alarm clock every morning?

Are the walls between apartments thin? And you want to shoot him with wolf berries from a slingshot?

Sprinkle (if he lives on the 1st floor) millet and seeds on his windowsill at night. Let him also have a “favorite” alarm clock.

A very cute way to take revenge on your neighbors...

… — post notices in your area (not in your neighbor’s path!) with the following content: “My daughter’s favorite cat has gone missing. Red-haired, thin. Responds to the nickname Kysya. Please bring it to ****. The reward is guaranteed (3000 rubles).”

Any cat of red (and not only) color will react to this nickname. The flow of “suffering” (grandmothers, children and homeless townspeople) with red cats will reach your neighbors immediately and for a long time.

Fun guaranteed!

There are ways to “poison the lives” of neighbors - a carriage and a small cart. Some masters even write entire multi-page manuals on “revenge” on neighbors.

But it is worth noting that sometimes It is much more effective to invite your neighbors to your housewarming party (or just for a visit) for barbecues and a “glass of tea”, rather than organizing battles and competitions on the topic “who will take revenge on whom more gracefully.”

Also, do not forget that private property inviolable. Just like the silence at night. And for any “revenge” they can be “administratively” or even criminally punished.

Be kinder, and don't forget to put yourself in your neighbors' shoes!

Have there been similar situations in your life? And how did you get out of them? Share your stories in the comments below!

No wonder they say that it’s not enough to buy a new one nice house- it’s better to buy wonderful neighbors. But what to do if you have no luck in this matter, how to reason with the raging people living next to you? How to teach your upstairs neighbors a lesson about making noise, preferably while remaining unnoticed? Human imagination is limitless, and you can come up with a lot of ways, here are some of them.

Is it worth declaring war?

Before resorting to decisive action and searching for a practical answer to the question of how to annoy neighbors above for noise and commotion, it would be most reasonable to try to resolve the conflict peacefully. It is likely that your neighbors are reasonable people, and a calm conversation with reasoned claims will be more than enough.

  1. You shouldn’t run to sort things out as soon as you hear the sound of a drill and hammer drill. Your neighbors also have the right, including the right to carry out minor and major repairs in their apartment, if necessary. If the upstairs neighbors make noise during legally permitted hours, you will have to put up with it, at least for a while.
  2. If the noise continues for a long time, try talking to your neighbors and calmly explaining that their actions are causing you significant discomfort. They may not even realize that you react so painfully to loud noises.
  3. If you are “lucky” to live in a house with thin walls and ceilings, then every sound, even a not very loud one, made by your neighbors will echo loudly in your apartment. In such a situation, even the most ordinary household noise will seem unbearable. In this case, it is best to think not about how to take revenge for the noise from neighbors above, below or through the wall, but about how to provide your home with additional sound insulation. For example, you can place a thick carpet on a wall or floor, and “sew up” the ceiling with plasterboard, while laying an additional layer of insulation.

Most often, it is the people living above us that irritate us. Typically, neighbors upstairs stomp, jump, move furniture, walk on laminate flooring in heels, or regularly flood. Any object that falls with a crash at the top causes severe sound discomfort to those living below.

For law-abiding citizens

If your neighbors regularly make loud noise and do not react in any way to requests to stop the outrage, first of all you need to try to resolve the issue legally. By law, it is prohibited to make noise between 22.00 and 06.00. If your neighbors love to have noisy parties that end well after midnight, call the police. In addition, be sure to take the application to the local police officer in the morning. Repeat similar actions until the disgrace stops.

Sometimes, however, representatives of law enforcement may not come to the call. If this is the case, you have every right to file a complaint about the inaction of law enforcement officers themselves to the prosecutor’s office. Proving the fact of the call will not be difficult - all calls to the police are recorded on tape, and the prosecutor's office has the authority to demand it. Believe me, after such an appeal they will come to you and your neighbors even when they were not invited.

Small dirty tricks

What to do if neither persuasion nor the police help? How to punish neighbors upstairs for noise and commotion? Let's move on to action:

  1. To begin with, you can try to create conditions that are uncomfortable for the troublemakers. For example, you can print out and hang around the entrance various cartoons and caricatures describing exactly how the neighbors from apartment No. ** interfere with the life of the entire entrance.
  2. If this does not help, place advertisements in local newspapers and on websites for the sale of apartment No. ** at a very attractive price - the flow of potential buyers is very annoying.
  3. Using the Internet, sign up your neighbors to huge amount advertising catalogs and unnecessary newspapers, and even better - order a lot of purchases from online stores to their address. The entire period of time that they will spend running around to process refusals and returns, you will live in peace.
  4. Another rather unpleasant way to take revenge on your upstairs neighbors: take a can of caustic and smelly paint and write a well-known three-letter word with a “u” in the middle on the wall next to the offenders’ apartment. Which? Of course, “noise”, and even draw an arrow indicating the place exactly where it comes from. Some recommend doing the same on the door of a neighbor’s apartment, but here you must be prepared for the fact that your actions may be regarded as hooliganism and damage to someone else’s property. If it is proven that it was you who did this, a fine cannot be avoided.

If this doesn’t bother you, let’s move on to more stringent measures.

If the troublemakers have a car

There are several ways to take revenge on neighbors upstairs for noise, if they have a car and often leave it in the yard:

  1. You can start with a warning - place a brick on the hood of the car (you can even lay a newspaper under it so as not to scratch it).
  2. If the neighbors did not understand the previous point, sprinkle the roof and hood of the car with some grain or crumble some bread. All the birds in your yard, or even in the area, will be happy to fly in for a treat, but your neighbor is unlikely to be happy with the marks of beaks and claws or waste products.
  3. You can also generously sprinkle your car with valerian - close communication with a pack of angry cats of all stripes will give your neighbor many “pleasant” minutes.
  4. One of the most radical methods can be considered smearing car windows with a mixture of sand or silver. It is not possible to tear this off the glass after it dries - the glass will have to be completely replaced.

Telephone "terrorism"

The easiest way to influence the nerves and psyche of other people has been known to everyone since childhood - you just need to call and be silent on the phone. Moreover, it is best to make calls at two in the morning or at half past five in the morning.

Still don't know how to take revenge on your upstairs neighbors? A good option is "Auto dialer". It's like this special program, which is easy to find on the Internet. All you need to do is “fill in” the offender’s phone number (both mobile and landline). That's it - then the program will automatically call this number at the most inopportune time of day.

If you can connect to your neighbors' phone line, you can regularly call a taxi or order pizza to their address... Let them explain.

If you are knowledgeable about electricity

The next method, which tells you how to take revenge on your upstairs neighbors for noise, is suitable for those who have a good understanding of what is connected where in the electrical panel. If the neighbors upstairs are listening to deafening music or drilling something at one in the morning, you can solve the problem radically - deprive them of electricity. Moreover, you need to cut out such a piece of wire that it is difficult to twist it back.

Another newfangled method of revenge is purchasing a GSM jammer. This is a device that can deprive neighbors of mobile communications and the Internet. After a couple of days, leave a note at the door of the troublemakers saying that if the noise does not stop, they will never have Internet, and they will start calling on the next street.

Physics lessons can be useful

Quite an exotic way to punish upstairs neighbors for noise and loud music. And it is based on the knowledge gained in physics class. The gist of it is this:

  • take metal pan with a capacity of about 10-12 liters and fill it with water;
  • Pour enough water so that a gap of one and a half to two centimeters from the edge is empty;
  • place the pan on a cabinet or stepladder so that the edges are pressed tightly against the ceiling;
  • take the headphones and use tape to secure them to the walls of the container;
  • turn on the music (preferably rock) at full volume, and calmly go about your business.

Believe me, the strongest hum and vibration will not allow them to live in peace. The noise in their apartment will be such that it will be possible to make out both the melody and the words, while in yours there will be silence. It is best to carry out a similar procedure in the middle of the night, when the rowdies finally fall asleep.

A quiet way for those who believe in magic

One of the quietest and most proven ways to take revenge on neighbors upstairs for noise, suitable for those who is quite superstitious. Regularly throw salt, soil, feathers, garbage, and other “mystical garbage” onto your neighbors’ rugs. Draw pentagrams, scatter needles and leave notes with all sorts of “conspiracies”. If your neighbors are superstitious, such actions will very quickly lead to success.

Rules of conduct for “people's avengers”

Of course, these are not all the ways to take revenge on neighbors above for noise and regular leaks. However, when looking for new ways to “annoy” your neighbors, do not forget about some rules:

  • Don't get caught. If you don’t need an open war with your offender, try not to let anyone see you.
  • Don’t start right away with radical methods - perhaps a small hint will be enough.
  • Don’t forget to explain your actions with at least a note - the person probably doesn’t even realize that his actions are affecting others.
  • Do not get personal, do not use obscene language.
  • Never create a situation in which people or animals may be harmed - this is a serious crime.

No matter how much you would like to personally punish the offender, it is still best to act within the law and involve law enforcement agencies. And, of course, do not forget that a good half of conflicts can be resolved through negotiations. Remember the favorite saying of the cat Leopold and live together.

It very rarely happens that neighbors in the stairwell become bosom friends. Usually the opposite happens. Or friendship ends as soon as renovations, guests and loud music begin. And these endless renovation work, which last all day and do not allow you or your children to sleep. You have a question: « How to take revenge on dysfunctional neighbors?».

And there is nothing left for you to do except sit modestly in your apartment and only mentally start a war with them. Since your attempts to peacefully resolve the current conflict situation, the neighbors respond with even more “nasties”. How to legally take revenge on your neighbors without harming them.

In our article you will learn 9 legal ways to take revenge on the neighbors.

Method No. 1. If the neighbor's grandmother is on daily guard, watching your apartment through a peephole.

Is your life being monitored 24 hours a day? And then heatedly discussed with other housemates? In this case, an ordinary dummy external surveillance camera will help you take legal revenge on your neighbors, which you need to install with a view of your neighbors’ door.

And it is very important to stick a leaflet next to it - “We conduct 24-hour video surveillance” thus, you will unbalance your grandmother if you fight her with her own methods.

But a drastic and not entirely legal method would be to seal the eye with tape - but this is only a one-time solution to the problem, silicate glue will solve your problem once and for all.

Method No. 2. Neighbors are constantly rude, and their guests only ring your door or intercom.

Even in this case, you can find a way to take revenge on your neighbors. There is quite harmless way, to do this you just need to place an ad in a free newspaper with a huge circulation, oh "sale of neighbors' apartment" for a symbolic amount, or "renting an apartment" with payment only of utility bills.

A prerequisite is to register calls on weekdays from 23:00 to 24:00, and on weekends from 7 to 8 am. If they don’t have a phone number, just provide the address and it’s doubly fun.

You'll see, your neighbors will start "sweet life"!

You can also post notices about the loss of a gray kitten named "Kotya", any cat will respond to this name. And you need to promise a huge reward, for example 10 thousand rubles and give the address of your neighbors. Imagine what a string of people with gray kittens will reach out to their neighbor. After all, everyone wants to get easy money.

It is important to indicate the address, not the telephone number! Everyone can enjoy "guests with cats"!

Method No. 3. The new neighbors are a young couple who have late-night get-togethers every night.

You can legally take revenge on your neighbors using an ordinary GSM signal jamming device. Young people always have a huge amount of electronic devices and equipment, and no one wants to live in an apartment where "for some reason" Not a single gadget works.

You will see that your neighbors will soon move away from you. But there is one significant problem: they won’t work in your home either. electronic devices.

Method number 4. Your neighbors like to organize night dances that continue until the morning.

If you have already tried all the ways to peacefully resolve the conflict, but your neighbors still haven’t understood anything, then it’s time to take revenge on your neighbors.

If another drinking session ends with dancing, and you knock on their door and do not receive an answer, then simply turn off the lights - by lowering the switch in the electrical panel on the site.

If the neighbors did not understand the first time, then the power outage can be repeated; soon they will get tired of it and they will calm down.

Method No. 5. Your neighbor likes to listen to criminal songs at full volume at night or wakes up early in the morning to the loud sounds of the radio.

You're after a hard time working day came home, took a relaxing shower and were just about to settle down comfortably in front of the TV while watching your favorite movie, when from behind the wall you hear the inhuman howls of thieves’ songs.

In this case, you can legally take revenge on your neighbors using the same music. If you have a child, then it is enough to buy him drum set or bass guitar. And arrange rehearsals in the morning when your "musical neighbor" just getting ready to sleep.

But if you don’t have a baby or the baby is still too small, then ordinary power speakers will come to your aid, which you turn on at full power and point at the wall where your child lives. "musical gourmet" and you can calmly go to work, leaving him listening to his favorite song on constant repeat.

But there are situations when, on the contrary, a neighbor gets up very early, for example at 5 am, but his alarm clock is the radio turned on at full power. You can fight with such a neighbor in the same way. If he lives on the first floor, then it is enough to sprinkle millet on the cornice of his window and he will wake up to completely different sounds.

Method number 6. If jokers and partygoers have settled below you.

In addition to the options already listed, how to take revenge on your neighbors using music, stomping, rumble and other sound irritants.

You get an undeniable advantage to the current situation; now you are on top. And you have access to such a function as a flood. If, of course, you don’t mind your covering or it is very old and already requires repair, then you can fill all the floors. And after half an hour, start intensively cleaning everything.

If your neighbors knock on your door, you can open the door and show that you have been sleeping for a long time and are surprised that water is dripping from them. You can safely send them to your neighbors on the floor above, citing very old ceilings.

Method No. 7. A neighbor parks his car or motorcycle under your windows or parks on the playground.

Your peaceful requests and comments are constantly ignored and children’s rights are not taken into account in any way, and in the evenings and at night music plays from the car, and beer flows like a river?

There is a right solution - fill the car or motorcycle with bread crumbs or millet, a couple of such operations to wash the car from bird feces will forever discourage him from wanting to park the car in this particular place.

Method No. 8. Neighbors at the dacha get into drunken brawls, and their dog howls at the moon all night.

The dacha season has arrived, and you go to the dacha with great pleasure to take a break from the usual bustle of the city, but that’s not the case. Your neighbors have completely different plans for this weekend.

Their program includes singing, dancing, drinking and barbecuing until the morning. It is not uncommon for such gatherings to end in a fight. Moreover, their dog constantly howls, and you absolutely cannot sleep.

It will be very easy to punish your neighbors if you have a packet of dry yeast with you. Stealthily sneak into your neighbor's area and empty the entire contents of the bag into the toilet. You'll see, a wonderful surprise awaits them in the morning.

And you can deal with a dog if you have a special whistle, the sound of which only the animal can hear. As soon as your neighbors go to bed, start whistling—long barking is guaranteed!

Method No. 9. If your neighbors have been doing repairs for more than a month, both early in the morning and very late in the evening.

Are you tired of the constant sounds of drilling and a working hammer drill. The neighbors have been tearing down and breaking walls for the last time, and the noise is so loud that small children get scared and cry. The smell of paint is present even in the entrance, and your head is pounding from constantly switching on tools, then you can punish your neighbors in the following way.

Be patient with all their repairs, or, if possible, go to your relatives in another apartment or to the country. But when the renovation work is completed, give them a great karaoke night with friends, singing all night long.

If they call or knock on your door, open it and calmly tell them that this is a thank you for the months of repairs.

Method number 10. Neighbors make love all night, screaming loudly and groaning at the same time.

If your neighbors' lovemaking has been keeping you up all night, it's very easy to punish your neighbors. Moreover, this can be done with several neighbors at once; print a love note and put it in the box of the hated neighbor. Showdowns between two apartments are guaranteed.

No one will have time for lovemaking, which means you can sleep peacefully.

But after some time, everything will resume, try to solve this problem peacefully.

Method number 11. How to deal with neighbors who smoke in the entrance.

It’s very easy to punish neighbors who constantly smoke in the entrance; just make a clever ashtray with a surprise.

To prepare it as follows, take the usual tin can and pour sulfur from matches there, and the layer should be at least 0.5 - 1 cm thick. And put a couple of cigarette butts on top.

All you can do is wait for your neighbor’s reaction. After he shakes the ashes there or stubs the cigarette butt, a loud bang will be heard and the sulfur will begin to burn.

This way, you can punish your neighbors, and perhaps permanently convince them to stop smoking.

The tobacco smoke that came into your doorway will no longer bother you or your family!

In conclusion, I would like to note that there are a great many ways to punish your neighbors. Special craftsmen have even written more than one book on how you can legally wage war with your neighbors.

But not always a long and exhausting war with neighbors can bring the result you want; very often, from harmless jokes and jokes, neighbors break the law and cause harm to property, and sometimes even to each other’s lives.

Sometimes it is much more effective to have a heart-to-heart talk with your neighbor over a glass of strong "tea", such intimate conversations solve even a very long conflict once and for a long time. Try to resolve everything peacefully, this way you will save your nerves and the nerves of your neighbors!

Be kinder to everyone around you!

How not to take revenge on your neighbors:

How to legally achieve silence in an apartment:



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