The thermometer broke: what to do and how to collect mercury. How to remove mercury - cleaning methods that every housewife should know

Mercury vapor is very dangerous; it is poisonous to humans and animals. If you accidentally break a thermometer, the mercury must be removed immediately. Particles of this substance left on the floor can emit fumes for several years. You will not even suspect it, and the consequences for human health will be the most unpleasant - serious problems with the kidneys, liver and central nervous system.


To prevent harmful fumes from entering other rooms, close the door tightly and open the windows in the room. At the same time, you cannot create a draft, otherwise the mercury balls will scatter in all directions, making them much more difficult to collect. Children and animals must be removed from the premises. There is no need to panic, remember, everyone can safely collect mercury at home. The main thing is to follow all precautions.

It is best to wear a gauze bandage moistened with water or a respirator on your face. Feet should be wrapped in plastic bags. Put rubber gloves on your hands and protect your eyes with glasses.

To work with mercury you will need:

  • glass container with water or potassium permanganate solution;
  • brush;
  • paper towel;
  • tape or adhesive tape;
  • lamp or lantern.

For subsequent surface treatment you will need:

  • potassium permanganate;
  • soda ash;
  • laundry soap.


Light the area of ​​the mercury spill well with a flashlight or lamp. Carefully remove the broken thermometer and remaining glass into a container of water; you can also use a solution of potassium permanganate as a filler. Take a paper towel and carefully use a brush to push all the silver balls onto it. The towel should then be placed in the same glass container.

Small particles can be removed with tape or adhesive tape; just stick them to the place where the mercury got in, peel them off and put them in a container with water. Close it tightly. Until disposal or transfer to a special service, it is best to leave the vessel on an open balcony.

If after cleaning the mercury you feel unwell, feel nauseous and dizzy, consult a doctor immediately. Until then, drink more fluids. Mercury must be disposed of by specialists, so after you have removed it, you need to call 101. You will be told where to collect devices containing mercury, or they will send specialists to transfer them.

What not to do

Do not use a broom or mop to remove mercury. With their help, you will only spread the dangerous substance throughout the room, and hard rods will make the mercury balls even smaller. You should also not use a vacuum cleaner; in this case, you will have to throw it away. The fact is that when heated, the substance immediately begins to evaporate intensely and poison people and animals.

Do not throw broken thermometers or remaining mercury down the garbage disposal or drain. If it settles on walls and pipes, it will pollute the surrounding space for a very long time, and it is extremely difficult to remove it from there.

Surface treatment after cleaning

If mercury balls fall on the carpet, you will have to throw it away, having first packed it tightly in plastic bag and giving it to a special recycling service. It is better to replace a wooden floor with cracks by making an unscheduled renovation of the apartment, since there is a high probability that several balls have gotten inside.

The surface must be treated with a solution prepared from 1 liter cold water, 30 g of soda ash and 40 g of grated laundry soap. It is wiped, the solution is left in place for 36-48 hours, after which it is removed with a damp sponge. The spill area can also be wiped with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate or bleach. All these substances oxidize mercury and convert it into a non-volatile state. Clothing that has come into contact with mercury cannot be washed in a machine, especially by hand; it is better to throw it away.

If you are then concerned that some of the substance may have remained in the house, have it tested in a laboratory. In order to take the necessary measurements and check the air for mercury vapor content, you need to contact the nearest hygiene and epidemiology center.

Despite the advent of electronic thermometers, their mercury analogues are still in use. This is due to the accuracy of the measurements. However, a glass thermometer containing mercury is dangerous, especially when there are children at home. If an unexpected situation occurs, you need to quickly decide how to collect mercury from a broken thermometer in order to avoid health problems in the future.

It is a metal characterized high level toxicity. The thermometer contains mercury in liquid form (about 2 g). If the thermometer body is damaged, drops of metal easily spread over the surface, fall into cracks, corners, behind baseboards, and may remain on the soles of house shoes or on bed linen. At a temperature of +18 degrees, the process of metal evaporation begins. Considering that the microclimate in houses is usually warmer (+20...+25 degrees), the risk of mercury vapor poisoning increases.

Properties of this metal:

  • 2 gr. the substance is enough to poison 10 people, if you don’t know how to collect mercury at home;
  • fumes are absorbed under the skin, enter organs (liver, kidneys, brain, lungs) and settle in them;
  • mercury vapor is a potent poison of the 1st hazard class;
  • If you don’t know how to collect mercury from a thermometer, as a result, after a few hours of intense exposure to fumes, symptoms may appear: nausea, sleep disturbance, weakness, dizziness, headaches.

Important: In more severe cases, intestinal function is disrupted, sore throat appears, gums bleed, temperature rises and swelling of the respiratory tract.

What should you do first?

Before tackling the question of how to collect mercury if a thermometer breaks on the floor, you must perform the following steps:

  1. This metal is dangerous not only for humans, but also for animals, so you first need to clear the room of everyone present. This measure will eliminate the possibility of a dog, cat or child coming into contact with metal.
  2. The doors to the room must be closed, and fresh air should be provided by opening the window. When deciding how to collect mercury from a thermometer from the floor, it is important to remember that there should be no draft in the room.
  3. At the next stage, you can call the Ministry of Emergency Situations to carry out demercurization of the premises. If you plan to clean the room yourself, you need to prepare gloves and a gauze bandage, to increase the effectiveness of which you need to use soda solution: gauze is moistened in a solution (1 tbsp. water/1 tbsp. l. soda).
  4. To reduce the likelihood of exposure to mercury, you should wear shoe covers on your feet. If you don't have them on hand, you can use plastic bags.
  5. When deciding how to remove mercury if a thermometer breaks, you need to know that glass fragments are collected first.

It is recommended to inspect the room: cracks in the floor, baseboards, areas next to and under furniture, bed/sofa. You need to look for balls of liquid metal. They are quite small, but are characterized by a silvery tint.

Preparation of cleaning products, sequence of actions

The toxic substance must be collected in a container with a tight-fitting lid; it is better to use a three-liter container for this purpose. glass jar. Water or a solution of potassium permanganate is poured there to a level of no more than 2/3 of the total volume. This measure eliminates the risk of further evaporation of the substance. Auxiliary products for cleaning the premises:

  • adhesive tape/plaster/duct tape – any adhesive tape, construction tape will also work;
  • medical bulb/disposable syringe without needle;
  • a brush, but cotton wool will do instead;
  • solutions: potassium permanganate or bleach, soap and soda;
  • paper or newspaper;
  • A hand-held flashlight that makes it easier to find metal balls in dark areas.

Important: The question often arises of how to collect mercury using a vacuum cleaner, however, this is strictly forbidden, because then the vapors and drops of the substance will spread significantly throughout the object, and in addition, you will have to throw away the equipment, because it is impossible to completely clean it of liquid metal.

Cleaning instructions:

  1. The glass parts of the thermometer with the remaining toxic substance are immersed in a jar of liquid.
  2. Before entering the room, you must leave a rag soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. This will prevent the substance from spreading throughout the home.
  3. You need to connect all the metal balls into one large one, for which you use sheets of paper, as well as a brush or cotton wool.
  4. Mercury is placed in a jar of liquid; newspaper/paper and cotton wool/brush are used for this purpose.
  5. The smallest particles and residues of mercury are removed from the floor using adhesive tape: tape/duct tape, etc.
  6. When deciding how to properly collect spilled mercury from a broken thermometer, we must not forget about cracks in the floor and baseboards. The substance is removed from leaks using a medical bulb or a disposable syringe.
  7. The improvised means used to collect the metal are immersed in the same container with liquid where the thermometer fragments are already located.
  8. If the thermometer is damaged near furniture with leaks under it, or near the baseboard, you need to get to the balls of liquid metal by moving the sofa/wardrobe; if necessary, remove the baseboard.
  9. The jar is tightly closed with a lid.
  10. The floor should be washed, first using a solution of potassium permanganate, then using soda-soap or chlorine.
  11. All protective equipment(shoe covers, gloves, gauze bandage), as well as clothes must be folded into a bag, then it must be tied tightly.
  12. After cleaning, it is recommended to take a shower; in addition, the oral cavity should be rinsed with a soda solution.

Important: After the demercurization procedure, the room should be regularly ventilated for a week and people or pets should not be allowed in it during this period.

If you are trying to solve the problem of how to collect mercury from a carpet, you should pay attention to the length of the pile. In situations where a hazardous substance has come into contact with a fine-pile coating, the methods described above can be used. It is more difficult to clean a long-pile carpet. In this case, it is important to raise all edges of the product to eliminate the risk of metal balls spreading. The covering is then taken outside. Spread out on the ground polyethylene film a large area, a carpet is hung over it, and the mercury is literally shaken out of the pile. The hazardous substance that has been recovered is sent to the same container where the previously collected mercury is stored.

What not to do

The main rule that must not be violated: all items used during cleaning, as well as the liquid metal itself and the remains of the thermometer cannot be thrown away along with household waste. There are other prohibitions:

  • When deciding how to collect mercury, you should not use a vacuum cleaner.
  • a jar of liquid in which fragments or mercury balls are collected is also prohibited from being placed in the garbage chute with household waste. To find out how to dispose of this container, it is recommended to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations (by phone 01, from mobile 112).
  • It is forbidden to use a broom when cleaning liquid metal, because with its help the particles spread more widely throughout the room. In addition, as a result of such actions, it will be extremely difficult to detect mercury balls in the future.
  • It is prohibited to carry out cleaning work wearing cloth shoes. Rubber slippers, or better yet shoe covers/plastic bags, are suitable for this purpose.

Thus, if trouble happens - a thermometer breaks in the house, you need to follow the instructions. In this case, you cannot act independently, because the consequences of this can harm the health of your household. The greatest danger lies not in the fact that the thermometer broke at home, but in non-compliance with cleaning rules. At the same time, the risk increases that liquid metal will remain in the cracks of the floor, behind the baseboard, in the folds of the bed and in other places, which will lead to poisoning of family members. With prolonged inhalation of mercury vapor, symptoms appear fairly soon after the thermometer breaks. This means that in such cases you should act as quickly as possible.



Mercury thermometers for measuring temperature are widely popular because they show enough exact result. However, despite this, the thermometer has the unpleasant property of breaking. Silver balls of mercury roll out across the entire affected area, posing a serious threat to humans. Not everyone knows how to fix a leak. In such a matter, you need to be careful.

Pros of a mercury thermometer

  1. The medical device accurately measures body temperature, unlike electronic analogues. Today, such a thermometer is considered the most correct.
  2. The thermometer is capable of measuring temperature even under extreme environmental conditions, be it cold or sultry heat. In this case, there are practically no deviations. Therefore, people prefer to measure temperature in this way.
  3. Healthcare and medical institutions are accustomed to using mercury thermometer due to its easy disinfection. It is enough to immerse the device in a special solution to disinfect it.
  4. Today, during the crisis, people are trying to save on everything, including medicines and devices of this nature. A mercury thermometer is cheap, so it is accessible to absolutely everyone.
  5. The main advantage is ease of use. Even a teenager can take their temperature under the supervision of their parents. For comparison, the electronic analogue often malfunctions.

Cons of a mercury thermometer

  1. You don’t always have the time and patience to hold a thermometer under your arm. It sometimes takes 7-10 minutes to measure the temperature. This option is unacceptable for employed categories of people.
  2. The measuring rod is placed in a flask made of very thin glass. The material is extremely fragile, so it often breaks if handled incorrectly. Mercury flows out of the cavity, which later turns into toxic fumes. It is not always possible to eliminate a leak without harm to health.

What danger does mercury from a thermometer pose?

  1. Mercury is a liquid toxic metal. When heated and at an approximate temperature of +18 degrees, it evaporates, forming toxic vapor. Very often, mercury balls are spread throughout the room and get clogged into hard-to-reach cracks, shoes, and carpeting.
  2. Mercury is odorless, but this does not make it any less poisonous. Metal freezes only at -37 degrees, so you shouldn’t count on this aspect at home.
  3. After the thermometer is broken, the mercury quickly flows out of a special rod and forms small balls. They glide well and evaporate just as quickly, it all depends on the air temperature in the room. The higher the indicators, the stronger the decomposition and further poisoning.
  4. Accidents occur when vapors enter the respiratory tract. Interestingly, only 1.5-2 grams. liquid metal can poison up to 10 people. This is exactly the amount of mercury that a thermometer accumulates.
  5. After inhaling toxic fumes, toxic compounds settle in the brain, heart muscle, lungs and bronchi, liver, kidneys and skin. Often the body is covered with stomatitis in the oral cavity, the kidneys and central nervous system are affected. With prolonged exposure to mercury on the body, mental insanity begins.
  6. The first signs of mercury poisoning will be noticeable 3.5-4 hours after the incident. Symptoms include dizziness, migraines, weakness, extreme fatigue, vomiting and nausea. Next, intestinal upset, bleeding gums, and painful sensations in the throat begin.
  7. If after mercury poisoning there was no first aid medical care, the situation is getting more complicated. Often the body temperature rises to a critical level of 40 degrees, a severe cough appears, the airways swell and the lungs become inflamed.

What should not be done if the thermometer breaks

  • do not use a vacuum cleaner, because after that you will have to throw it away;
  • do not collect the balls without protective gloves, otherwise the mercury will be absorbed into the skin;
  • do not create a draft in the apartment so that toxic fumes do not migrate to other rooms;
  • do not throw mercury into the trash, toilet, or sink;
  • do not sweep the balls so as not to break them into smaller drops;
  • Do not wash items that have been exposed to mercury; dispose of them immediately.

First, call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, report the problem and wait for specialists to arrive. In the meantime, do the following:

  1. Ask your family to leave the room where the mercury has leaked. Close the door very tightly to prevent possible vapors from leaking through the cracks.
  2. Open the windows for ventilation if it is not sultry outside. Make yourself a gauze bandage or use a respirator to protect your airways.
  3. Cover your skin with very thick rubber gloves and put shoe covers or plastic food bags on your feet.
  4. Prepare a glass jar with a lid, fill the cavity cold water to the middle. Place the thermometer fragments inside, seal the container and put them away.
  5. Take other containers to place the instruments that have come into contact with the mercury beads. Close them tightly and take them out of reach.
  6. During the process of eliminating liquid metal, take a break every quarter of an hour. During this period, go out for some fresh air and be sure to drink plenty of water.
  7. After eliminating the consequences of a broken thermometer, ventilate the room several times every day for half a month. It is important to completely remove possible mercury fumes from the room.

How to collect mercury correctly

  1. When a thermometer breaks, mercury scatters throughout the room. Silver balls can get stuck in floor cracks and carpets. To eliminate the consequences of such a problem, you need to prepare and act clearly.
  2. To do this, you will need medical cotton wool, a small piece of fabric, a plaster and a thick sheet of paper. Set aside separate garbage bags for items that have been exposed to mercury. Be sure to take a glass container with an airtight lid.
  3. Among other things, you will need a gypsy needle or a knitting needle and a syringe to collect mercury balls. Take a bright flashlight, manganese solution, bleach and household rubber gloves. You will also need a disinfectant.
  4. Keep in mind that when collecting mercury, no one should be in the room except you. Try to limit as much as possible the place where the thermometer broke. Mercury sticks well to different surface and things, as a result the metal spreads throughout the apartment.
  5. The collection should occur from the circumference to the epicenter. Put on rubber gloves, arm yourself with everything you need and carefully carry out the operation. Use a flashlight to shine a light through the surface and do not miss the joints on the floor.
  6. You can use a medical syringe to suck up liquid mercury beads. Next, the metal is placed in a previously prepared container. Mercury is also collected with paper napkins moistened with vegetable oil.
  7. Alternative and no less in an efficient way A plaster or tape will be used to collect toxic metal. Don't forget about a sheet of foil or paper. Collect mercury onto the canvas using a brush.
  8. Soak cotton pads in the manganese solution and collect mercury balls. After thoroughly collecting the liquid metal, the room must be disinfected several times. Use directional tools.

  1. Remember, all available means and tools must be selected depending on the current situation and the scale of the damage. If you collect mercury from non-lint surfaces, the attributes used in the first case are quite suitable for these purposes.
  2. If you have long-pile carpets in your home, where mercury can clearly get stuck, then you will have to make a lot of effort to fix everything. The edges of the rug will have to be tucked in and, if possible, raised. This will prevent toxic metal from rolling onto the floor.
  3. Place the shag rug in a heavy-duty plastic bag. Take the attribute outside. Lay an oilcloth on the ground that is the same size as the carpet. Hang the attribute over the plastic. With gentle movements, begin to knock out the carpet.
  4. Collect all the mercury that has fallen onto the oilcloth into a glass container and seal it tightly with a lid. Next, it is recommended to take the carpet outside more often for airing. You can also place the attribute on long time in the garage. After a few weeks, the carpet will be completely aired. The garage must be dry.

Collecting mercury using improvised means


  1. There is controversy over this method of collecting mercury. Some argue that the method is quite good, others claim that liquid metal simply does not magnetize.
  2. If you decide to resort to manipulation, be sure to arm yourself with thick gloves, then get rid of them and the magnet.

Knitting needle

  1. Perhaps removing mercury from cracks is the most difficult thing to solve, but there is still a way to get rid of the toxic metal. For this you will need a long knitting needle.
  2. Soak medical cotton wool in water and wrap it around a metal rod. Sprinkle the crack with fine sand. Next, sweep it out with a knitting needle along with the mercury.

After the thermometer falls out of your hands and breaks, it is necessary to dispose of the drops of liquid metal. It is important to collect all the mercury, even if it gets into hard-to-reach places.

Video: what to do if the thermometer breaks

Few citizens know how to get rid of a broken thermometer. Many people simply throw out damaged thermometer elements and make a standard wet cleaning premises. However, careless handling of a substance of the first hazard class can lead to serious health complications. If you think about how to remove a broken thermometer, at home you will find that there are no available means. Even if you try to thoroughly clean and remove visible particles from the floor surface, mercury can remain in the room for up to 30 years.

Despite the fact that the metal balls are not dangerous to humans, the substance begins to actively evaporate, entering the air of the room. How to remove mercury at home correctly is not something you should think about. It will not be possible to neutralize harmful fumes using household cleaning products.

How to remove a broken thermometer?

You should know that mercury vapor does not have a specific odor or color, which is why it is impossible to detect foci of its spread on your own. Household tips on how to remove mercury from a thermometer using paper, a brush, tape and other improvised means will not help in the matter complete cleaning premises.

Attention, mercury does not react to the following substances:

  • Salt;
  • Vinegar;
  • Soda;
  • Alkaline cleaning agents;
  • Chlorine;
  • Citric acid.

You can find out how to remove mercury from a thermometer correctly by calling hotline on-duty team of environmental assistance specialists. They eliminate toxic substances using special demercurization solutions.

How to collect mercury from a thermometer yourself?

There are no special connections for cleaning a room at home. In order to neutralize mercury vapor, special laboratory conditions will be required. Although visible particles can be collected on their own, hard to reach places there will be metal balls.

In addition, many people make the mistake of trying to collect mercury without an individual suit. chemical protection. No one knows how to collect mercury from hands. When coming into contact with poison of the highest hazard class, special precautions must be taken.

How to remove mercury if a thermometer is broken on the floor?

Most often, the thermometer can be damaged if it hits the floor or other hard surfaces. It is not advisable to use dry or wet cleaning in this case. Mercury from a broken thermometer on the parquet cannot be removed with a vacuum cleaner or broom. Specialists treat the floor with a demercurization solution until it is completely clean.

How to remove mercury from a broken thermometer on a carpet?

The substance is absorbed especially quickly into any types of fabric products. That is why, if toxic metal gets on any fabric surface, be it a sofa or carpet, it will lead to complete contamination. It is impossible to clean such products. You shouldn’t think about how to reassemble a broken thermometer in this case - the interior items will need to be thrown away. Otherwise, the daily evaporation of harmful vapors into the air of the apartment will follow.

Is it possible to collect mercury from a broken thermometer from the bathroom?

It happens that a person, due to inexperience, may try to pour mercury into the water supply. There are no ways to collect mercury from water. This situation can be considered the most dangerous, since the entire water supply system will be contaminated. The threat lies in the daily consumption of liquid supplied from the tap. You should find out in advance how to properly reassemble a broken thermometer without consequences or poisoning.

How to collect mercury from a broken thermometer in bed?

The problem is that the substance is quickly absorbed into any porous surfaces and immediately begins to evaporate. The mercury that fell on sleeping place, infects him completely. It is recommended to change the furniture, and check the room where the mercury spill occurred using a mercury metric complex. The specialists who carry out control measurements will give instructions on how to reassemble the broken mercury thermometer correctly and without consequences. The gas analyzers they use in their work allow them to accurately determine the source of harmful fumes.

How to collect mercury from a broken thermometer without consequences?

It is advisable to contact the on-duty specialists of the Mercury Service. They search for harmful substances along the entire perimeter of the apartment, all interior items are examined. When a thermometer is broken, mercury penetrates into places that are difficult to explore on your own. In addition, after carrying out demercurization work, specialists will eliminate all particles of the damaged device. In this way, not only will the air in the apartment be purified, but also the contamination of other residents of the house with mercury will be prevented - a thermometer thrown into the trash container also carries a danger.

In many homes, body temperature is still measured with mercury thermometers, although many know how insidious they are. One awkward movement - and a lot of moving silver balls scatter from the broken glass case around the room in different directions. What to do? How to collect mercury from the floor without causing harm to yourself or your loved ones?

In this article:

Why are mercury balls dangerous?

Mercury is a liquid metal that evaporates even when room temperature+18°С. Its vapors are a strong poison; they have no odor, therefore they are even more dangerous. A broken thermometer releases 2-4 grams of this metal, which can contaminate up to 6 thousand cubic meters air (unless, of course, all this is removed in time). Droplet balls roll into cracks in the floor and baseboards, hide in the pile of carpets, stick to slippers and spread throughout the apartment. Mercury evaporates and gradually poisons the air. A person, being in a room where a thermometer has broken, inhales these fumes. Toxic metal accumulates in his liver, kidneys, and brain and so-called mercury intoxication develops. The skin becomes covered with strange rashes, stomatitis appears, the kidneys and nervous system. And long-term exposure can even cause madness. It's creepy, isn't it? How to act to avoid all this?

What to do if the thermometer breaks

  • Immediately remove everyone from the “disaster” site, especially children, if any. You won’t even notice how these curious creatures will immediately begin to explore the contents of the thermometer and play with the funny living droplets scattered on the floor.
  • Close all doors to other rooms. Avoid a draft that will spread dangerous balls throughout the room. Only after cleaning can you open the window and ventilate the room. And this will have to be done not in a day or two, but over three months.

The right equipment

If the mercury removal operation takes longer, apply a damp gauze bandage to your nose. Every 10-15 minutes, try to leave the room to another room or to fresh air. Protect your hands with rubber gloves, and put regular garbage bags on your feet if you don’t have disposable shoe covers on hand.

Tools and methods for neutralizing the mercury “catastrophe”

Find a glass container with a tight lid to serve as a container for storing the mercury. Be very careful that this container does not accidentally tip over or break. Pour cold water into it. Place the thermometer in a plastic bag.

Forget about the existence of a broom in the apartment and do not try to collect mercury with a vacuum cleaner. The twigs of the broom will further crush the balls and turn them into toxic dust. It will rise into the air and settle on furniture and walls.

If you want to use a vacuum cleaner, be prepared to throw it away immediately after cleaning. Mercury will cover the inside of the device with a thin film, and will evaporate safely there, especially during operation, when the engine heats up. But that's not all. The microdroplets drawn in by the vacuum cleaner along with the air, safely bypassing the filters, will fly back into the room and be scattered throughout the apartment.

Available demercurization methods

  1. How to collect mercury when conventional methods are not suitable? Use the most ordinary syringe - pull the balls inside like a vacuum cleaner, release the contents into a prepared jar of water. It is especially good for catching naughty droplets under baseboards and from cracks. After this, you will have to dispose of the syringe.
  2. Moisten paper napkins with sunflower oil - mercury droplets stick to them perfectly. You can also do this with newspaper soaked in water or wet cotton balls. The insidious metal also sticks to copper wire, tape, adhesive tape. Try collecting it with a soft brush on a piece of paper.
  3. After collecting, be sure to treat the room with chlorine or soap solution, even if you are sure that you have collected everything. Wash not only the floor, but also the walls. Fill the cracks in the floor with chlorine solution. A solution of potassium permanganate is also suitable for this. Use a disposable rag, which you immediately place in a trash bag. And if, on someone’s advice, you are planning to treat the floor surface with ferric chloride, be careful: it is also very toxic. Why poison yourself twice? In addition, it may leave permanent stains.

After all the procedures, you, as the liquidator of a mercury accident, need to take a shower, rinse your mouth with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, brush your teeth and drink 6-8 crushed tablets activated carbon. And, of course, drink plenty of fluids to prevent poisoning. Mercury, as already noted, collects in the kidneys, and it is through them that you will remove this toxic metal.

If mercury gets on the carpet

What to do if the thermometer breaks on the carpet? Carefully roll the covering from the edge to the center so that the balls do not roll out onto the floor. Put it in a whole plastic bag. Movements should also be from the periphery to the center.

It is better if the product is thrown away.

What to do in case of emergency? Who should I contact?

Mercury vapor is a class I poison. Even in small quantities they cause irreversible harm to humans and animals.

If your mercury thermometer breaks or mercury spills, provide ventilation, leave the contaminated room and urgently call the mercury collection service.

Entrust the search and demercurization to certified professionals. Specialists go to the scene of an emergency with all the necessary equipment.

The mercury complex is included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments. After diagnosing the degree of contamination, thorough demercurization. We guarantee complete elimination mercury pollution. Specialists carry out work according to the readings of the device until the room is completely cleared of toxic mercury vapor. Control measurement - free!!!

Work is carried out in residential and non-residential premises, offices, country houses, as well as in open areas. Soil samples. Preventive air analysis for mercury vapor content.


We specialize in carrying out a full range of work on recycling waste of I-IV hazard classes.

Complies with the requirements of the GOST R ISO 14001-2007 (ISO14001:2004) standard

Disposal and destruction of contaminated items

Things that have been in contact with mercury must be ventilated for three months. Only after this can they be washed and continued to be used, but it is better to throw them away.

But a jar of mercury, the remains of a thermometer and all the devices with which you collected metal should be voluntarily handed over to the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Don't be surprised if you are politely redirected to a pharmacy or housing office. Be persistent and persistent, demand the disposal of this toxic metal.

Under no circumstances should you pour liquid with silver balls down the drain, toilet, or throw away the thermometer and contaminated items in the garbage chute: do not pollute the environment.

After all this headache, be sure to visit your nearest pharmacy and purchase a safe electronic thermometer.



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