Flowers for money in the house. Signs: flowers for home well-being

If prosperity passes you by, then you need to “attract” it. It is believed that some plants bring good luck, money, and love. Which plants promote well-being? Where should they be placed at home for the plants to “work” to their full potential? Let's talk about the most effective plants that bring good luck and happiness and money to the house.

You can select plants for your home based on magical properties, attributed to each of them. They are able to make up for what the owner lacks in life. It is important to know the correct location of the flower. Drying and diseased plants should not be kept in the house. They will not bring any benefit.

Plants for the house

  • Crassula– one of the most common plants for attracting money into the house. It is not for nothing that it is also called the “money tree”. In order for it to fully display its magical properties, you need to plant it correctly. To do this, use a red or green container. You need to throw a coin into the bottom of the pot along with the drainage. You cannot break off the leaves of the plant; they must fall off on their own. If the tree still blooms, then expect a good profit.
  • Geranium can not only repel insects, improve indoor air, but also increase the financial situation of the owner. The flower will not bring millions in profits, but it will provide prosperity and stability. The main thing is to inhale the aroma of the flower more often.
  • Cactus, installed in a well-lit place, provides the owner with material well-being. Just don’t overdo it with watering, otherwise its roots may rot. The flower will protect the owner from any financial troubles.
  • Dracaena Sandera gives its owner material well-being. This indoor bamboo unpretentious and requires only abundant watering. For this plant will bring financial well-being and prosperity.
  • Bougainvillea- another flower that brings money to the house. A flower will help you gain wealth only on the condition that the person himself makes a lot of effort. A hardworking and purposeful owner will be fabulously rich. To enhance the effect of the flower, hang a sword made of bronze coins next to the plant.

Plants that bring good luck to the home


  • Fuchsia will help the owner of the flower develop creativity, quickly find solutions to complex issues. The owner of the flower will have good luck in business. The flower has a particularly beneficial effect on creative people.
  • Japanese yakuba helps the owner to reveal valuable qualities that were “dormant” earlier. Thanks to this, a person will use his potential more rationally, achieving success.
  • Fern nephrolepis will protect the owner from unnecessary squandering. The plant can bring good luck to the owner in the form of an inheritance, a profitable deal or big win in a game of chance. Because the flower is considered energy vampire, it is advisable to place it in unfavorable places.
  • Orchid Gives the owner energy and inspiration to achieve what he wants. However, a flower is unlikely to help a weak-willed and passive person achieve success. It is advisable to keep the plant in the office or living room.

Plants that bring happiness and love


  • Violet considered a symbol eternal love. A flower placed on a windowsill facing east or west side, will bring prosperity and happiness to the house. The plant will reduce conflict in the family and create trusting relationships.
  • Spathiphyllum helps improve family relationships and brings happiness to the home. It will help married people to find mutual understanding and have a child. The lonely owner of the flower will find a soul mate. Read more about the flower “female happiness”.
  • Calathea- a symbol of “home”. Calathea is believed to bring happiness and love. She helps indecisive people find the desire and energy to find their other half. The owner of the flower will gain the ability to influence others.
  • Anthurium- a plant that brings happiness to family relationships. Due to the fact that the flower helps to gain masculine strength, relationships between spouses improve. The main thing is not to place it in the sun, otherwise the plant will dry out.
  • Chrysanthemum helps maintain tender feelings between spouses. The plant helps preserve love and mutual understanding for many years. The unmarried owner of the flower will definitely meet her fate.
Where to place flowers for them to “work” in full force

The main condition for the manifestation of the magic of plants is to place them in the appropriate zone.

  • To attract wealth, place a flower in the southeast zone of your home.
  • If you wish for love, place the plant in the southwestern sector.
  • Necessary family well-being– place the pot in the eastern part of the house.
  • To attract good luck, the flower is placed in the northern zone.


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Indoor plants make a home more comfortable, improve energy and create a special aura. Each gardener has his own indoor favorites: some have orchids growing on all their windowsills, others prefer violets or pelargoniums. But each plant not only decorates the room, but also brings love and good luck to the house. There are also flowers that will help their owner become more successful and richer.

If you believe in the sign that indoor flowers bring money and good luck to the house, buy “money plants”. Along with their growth, your profit will also increase. We offer the top 5 indoor plants that you need to get for financial well-being in the house.

1. Crassula (crassula)- everyone knows money tree. This unpretentious plant with dense leaves that are shaped like coins. To attract money, the fat plant needs to be planted in a red pot, a few coins buried in the ground, and a red ribbon or thread tied to the trunk of the plant. Do not forget to water and feed the Crassula on time, then there will always be prosperity in the house.

2. cacti. If you place a cactus in the bedroom, it can destroy family happiness. This is really so, but if these indoor plants placed in the hall, office or kitchen, they will become strong financial talismans. They help you gain confidence, quickly move up the career ladder and earn good capital.

3. Fuchsia. This beautiful plant is a companion for creative people. It helps you gain confidence in yourself and solve any difficult task. If fuchsia grows and blooms in your house, you can achieve success in any business, and therefore become richer.

4. Pelargonium ( indoor geranium) . This is one of the most useful and unpretentious indoor plants, which can also attract cash flows into the house. But for this it needs to be grown next to another bright flowering plant, for example, an azalea or an indoor rose.

5. Aucuba ( golden tree) . The plant will help a modest person to show his abilities, become noticeable and reach career heights. It will unite the family and protect its owner from troubles and misfortunes.

Houseplants that attract wealth to your home

The world of plants is full of secrets and mysteries; they say that they subtly sense the emotions and experiences of people nearby, are able to perceive music, and even respond to thoughts. And, as it turns out, you can use indoor plants to attract money.

Excursion into mythology

It is no coincidence that many peoples had myths and legends telling about plants that bring wealth. Our ancestors, the Slavs, went out in search of the magical miracle fern on the night of Ivan Kupala. If someone finds a place where a magical gap - grass - grows just for a minute, then he will become the owner of countless treasures.

There are many legends about clover, the most famous of which is about the fourth leaf. If you are lucky enough to find a four-leaf clover, you will have incredible luck.

One of the ancient solar symbols of abundance and wealth is grapes. So in Ancient Egypt patron god grapevine, personifying wealth, contentment, joy and abundance, Shai was revered, capable of giving a person material benefits.

Any myth is based on ancient wisdom. Plants have special energy, and our ancestors knew this very well. How to attract money and luck to your home?

The influence of indoor plants

The people have a certain meaning assigned to each plant, most likely based on the fact that each living organism has a special energy. Some house flowers have firmly established themselves as money helpers.


Cactus spines protect the owner from theft, and also string wealth. It is recommended to have many different types of cacti at home.

Crassula (crassula)

Crassula was nicknamed Crassula for its small, fleshy leaves that are shaped like coins. They say that if your Crassula leaves are small, then prepare a wallet for small change, and if they are large, then there will be paper money in it.

Under no circumstances should the leaves of the Crassula be torn off; this will mean excessive squandering. By the way, it is better not to buy such a plant, but to discreetly tear off a leaf and then plant it at home. In order for the fat plant to properly distribute its energy, the pot with it should be placed near a window in the southeast.

Several things will help increase the attractive power of a plant: simple actions: you need to choose a pot for the crassula bright color, preferably green or red, when planting a plant, you can put a coin at the roots, and a red ribbon should be tied to the shoots; it will act as a symbolic guideline for cash flow.


Such a popular plant as geranium also has the ability to attract well-being to the home. Pelargonium - the scientific name of geranium - translated from Greek language means "stork". In many European countries it is called the “stork nose”, and this particular bird is a symbol of material wealth.

There is an interesting ritual that increases the abilities of this plant. After you water the flower, place 12 coins of one kopeck on the still wet soil, after three days take these coins, water the plant again and now put 24 coins of five kopecks each, this ritual must be repeated every three days while in the pot There will not be 96 rubles.

Give them the opportunity to saturate the roots of the plant with their power, leaving them in the ground for a day, and then glue them to the inner surface of the pot. If the coins stick, it means that geranium attracts good luck and money to the house.

Ritual with a living flower

To attract cash flow into the house, you can perform a ritual to grow money. To do this, you need to take an ordinary pot, fill it with earth, mixing in coins of each denomination, one at a time.

Plant a cactus, geranium or marigold in the same pot. The growth of the flower will be proportional to the growth of your well-being, so you need to care for it very carefully.

When choosing a houseplant, be sure to remember that you need to rely on your inner feelings, because for a flower to bring good luck, it must suit you.

Stones that attract money and wealth

You can strengthen the impact of plants on your well-being by using a stone to attract money. For example, you can place stones with such energy next to flower pots or in the pots themselves, or you can wear them as amulets.


This is a lemon yellow variety of quartz. It helps its owner to unleash their creative potential. Citrine provides patronage to budding entrepreneurs, facilitating the conclusion of profitable transactions and ensuring stable profits.

This stone also destroys bad habits, preventing you from earning money and saving it. It is best to place citrine in the four corners of the room, but if the stone is a talismanic decoration, then you can wear it only when necessary.


A variety of pomegranate with a striking emerald green color. He will be a reliable assistant for enterprising people, because he protects against dishonest people, scammers and deceivers. But in order for a stone to show its magical properties, its owner must also be honest in transactions.


And this stone of bright crimson or dark purple color is best carried in your left pocket, as with its help you can learn to see bad people and avoid them. Rhodonite contributes to the material wealth of its owner, making him more purposeful and persistent in all endeavors.

Tiger's eye

The stone looks like a dark brown sky pierced with golden rays. Its energy, aimed at warning the owner about possible financial losses or preventing financial failures, is greatly enhanced if the stone is set in silver. It is best to wear tiger eye on the left hand.

In general, most stones not only help increase wealth, but also create a special energy shield that does not allow negative energy to pass through.

Working with the energy fields responsible for the influx of money is quite simple if you follow all the conditions of the ritual.

Green candle

One of the most powerful is the ritual using a green candle to attract money.

The flame of any candle can attract attention because it has enormous attractive power. And green color - symbol wealth and abundance. Therefore, the combination of flame energy and color can improve financial capabilities on a sacred level.

So, light a candle, sit comfortably opposite and watch the play of the flame, thinking about what you need from material wealth. Then take white sheet paper and in beautiful handwriting write down on it what you want to receive.

Slowly read what you wrote out loud and burn the paper. It is very important that not a single piece of paper remains; under no circumstances should you set fire to it again. Say your requests from memory, then wait until the candle burns out. Collect the ashes in a small envelope and carry it in your wallet.

Whatever method you choose to get rich, remember that they only work if a special psychological attitude is created, based on faith in luck.

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Now I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you about which plants attract money and good luck in business. The topic is interesting and worthy of study. So a little useful information about what herbs can become money talisman. In witchcraft, including money, they use different plants. At all magical herbs there are a lot, and each of them has its own sacred properties.

Plants that attract money and good luck - the miraculous properties of herbs

Mint has long been used to attract money. Merchants fumigated their counters with it to attract wealthy buyers ready to make large purchases.

Dill also contributes to enrichment. It symbolizes wealth and passion, and such a powerful combination of properties gives this herb the ability to expand the capabilities of the magician, as well as stabilize. It is useful to know that plants that attract money and good luck in business cannot be cut off at the roots. They need to be carefully looked after, and if necessary, cut off a branch at a time.

Mustard is one of the witchcraft herbs that have the ability to attract money. Its seeds are used in ritual practice. They open up additional financial flows. But mustard can enrich your life not only with money. She can also give you love experiences.

What other plants attract money into a person’s life?

The well-known mother and stepmother. Very strong money plant . Few people know about this. Her magical power can give a person power. To attract more success at work and achieve a high social position, they do magical rituals with mother and stepmother.

  • Cinnamon,
  • saffron,
  • carnation,
  • laurel,
  • parsley,
  • clover,
  • basil

– all these wonderful plants will help you get rid of debts and attract money into your life. There are strong rituals self-made amulets for wealth, where these wonderful herbs are used. Oak moss can be used similarly.

Other plants also have the energy of financial success. What kind of plants are these that attract money and good luck into the life of someone who knows secret magical ways? For example, verbena. Make sachets from verbena branches and store them in your home. The same can be done with oat or wheat grains. In ancient money magic there is huge amount rituals with wheat for money and gaining authority. As for oats, it symbolizes a constant increase in money.

To enrich themselves, magicians use herbs:

  • red peony,
  • chamomile,
  • wild carnation
  • bamboo,
  • orchid.

Geranium and azalea are stimulants of financial success. In general, the duo of these plants is a powerful magnet for money.

A fern and a cactus will protect you from random unnecessary expenses. But be careful with cacti, they tend to feed on the energy of their owner, this plant is a vampire.

Trees that attract money - the magical energy of plants

Of course, not only flowers have the ability to enrich a person who is on a special energy wave with them. For example, a tree that attracts money is a mighty, indestructible oak, the keeper of treasures. The energy of wealth and independence is possessed by:

  • cedar,
  • pine,
  • honeysuckle,
  • almond,
  • lilac.
  • as well as the money tree, which has remarkable properties.

Strictly speaking, the money tree is not a tree at all. This is an indoor plant with fleshy, rounded leaves that resemble coins in appearance. It's called the money tree crassula. wish fulfillment tree, and it symbolizes financial growth.

Not only the money tree is a talisman of wealth and success for enterprising people. There are others interesting plants. For example, Japanese aucuba, which helps to reveal a person’s abilities, a gift through which he can receive material benefits. Bougainvillea is an effective amulet for those who are accustomed to risking money, but taking risks with meaning, skillfully, for example, this may concern investment activities. However, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will still talk about the fat woman.

How to attract money by stimulating the financial channel with a money tree

Crassula- a good money talisman. Moreover, this is an indicator of your financial condition, after all this plant feels incredibly sensitive monetary energy. Feels and reacts. Especially if a witchcraft ritual was performed, if you read strong conspiracy on the money tree. Be attentive to your effective talisman of success and prosperity. He will sense problems before you do.

If the leaves are thick and large, you know big profits are just around the corner. A fading money tree and falling leaves are a bad sign. It says that you are managing your finances incorrectly, there are financial difficulties, and the money channel is blocked. Do diagnostics and find out the cause.

It cannot be ruled out that a dying plant may be a consequence improper care behind him. So, study the needs of your living money tree talisman, and do everything right. This plant blooms very rarely. If you see flowers, rejoice, goodness and prosperity have come into your life.

Homemade money tree spell for success in money and great wealth

Make your own money tree spell for money. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you a way. Do the ritual on Wednesday on the waxing moon. For home witchcraft you will need:

  • Crassula seedling
  • pot
  • Earth
  • 8 coins of the same denomination

Place coins at the bottom of the pot and read home plot When planting a money tree:

“You grow, and I bloom in wealth. This is my will, so be it.”

Then fill up the soil and plant the seedling. Water your witchcraft plant on Wednesdays, remembering to read the money plot.

Trees that attract money - the magic of the forest

Now let's talk about the use of forest trees in money magic - tall and strong, whose life is long, much longer than human ones. Trees accumulate all the forces of nature. They are always ready to help us. Selflessly, without taking anything in return. If you need help, go to a tree, hug it, and you will receive what you need, your desire will become reality.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

If you have financial problems, read effective conspiracy wish fulfillment on a tree:

“Tree, tree, wise serpent, help me (name), in troubles, hardships, misfortunes, bad weather, in fierce melancholy, in bare poverty.”

Stand for a moment hugging the tree and go on your way. Changes will come very soon, anxious thoughts will subside, you will calm down, and hope will return to your heart. There will be a way out difficult situation. Oak, cedar, and pine will help unravel the tangle of financial problems. Can be read effective money tree spell for honeysuckle, almonds, lilacs. And also for hazel. Hazel is a minion of money, as Russian sorcerers have long said.

How to attract money with a money tree - taking care of the tree and your home

Each of you can have your own tree. Take care of it and it will take care of you. If there is a tree growing at your door, but you have not planted it yourself, perform a simple ritual that will “tame” your tree, making it a tree of wish fulfillment. This is a spring rite. Take 3 ribbons blue from the atlas, and for each of them read the words of the money spell 3 times:

“A ribbon will be woven around a twig, a ribbon will be woven around a twig, so that the twig becomes our friend, a weapon against evil spirits. The tree became ours, so that we could have a home, so that we would not quarrel, worry, get sick, fight, butt, or fight. If an enemy comes to us, he will turn away from the gate. My word is strong. Amen"


Tie the 3 lower branches of the tree with charmed ribbons. Now you have a protector, your money tree and a talisman for success and prosperity. In the evening, pour a cup of tea (without sugar) under the roots and say:

“Drink, father, drink, mother, little tree, our friend.”

Communicate with your tree, and in a month, not the next waxing moon, do independent ritual for financial well-being.

A strong spell on your money tree to make your wishes come true

For money witchcraft you will need:

  • glass of spring water
  • 7 copper coins
  • 1 wax candle

Throw coins into a glass of water. Light a candle and hold it over water so that the wax drips. After that, take this water and pour it under the tree.

Press your back against the trunk and read the text of the conspiracy for the tree of fulfilling wishes and attracting money:

“The tree stands (name the type of tree), stands, does not stir, does not move, counts down its years. You were nobody's, but now you are mine. I will love you, water you, together we won’t be able to count the money. Tree, help me, help me out in everything. Be according to this, according to my word. Truly."

So simple money rituals on the waxing moon with plants and trees can really help when you need to attract money luck to your side. Slavic magic plants has been known since very ancient times. And folk magic has power. Now let’s see how you can fulfill your desire through a plant. And so good example: ritual with bay leaf at will.

Ritual to fulfill a wish with a bay leaf and a piece of paper

There are quite a few ways to fulfill your cherished desires through a laurel leaf. They work for personal strength, when all the internal resources and the power of the magician’s intention are involved. They perform independent rituals on the waxing moon and on the new moon. Here I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give several examples of simple and effective rituals that are easy to do for free.

Let's start with a simple ritual to fulfill wishes using a bay leaf and a sheet of paper.

Take for the ceremony:

  • blank piece of paper
  • 3 laurel leaves
  • pen with red ink

Briefly and accurately describe on paper what you need, i.e. your desire. Calmly read what you wrote out loud three times. Fold the leaf in half, put bay leaves inside, and again say out loud three times what you want. After this, fold the piece of paper folded in half 3 more times and hide it securely.

However, on this home ritual for wish fulfillment with bay leaf not completed. This is where the phenomenon of visualization comes into play. For three days in a row, when you wake up, lie still for several minutes, without opening your eyes and thinking about your desire. The process of imagination and visualization is activated when you imagine your desire has already come true. After 3 days. Let the magic work. When you receive what you ask for, take out the bundle with bay leaves and burn it. An effective ritual do it on personal strength. There is no one to pay off.

Wish fulfillment with bay leaf and white candle

Good visualization, especially when the ritual works on personal strength, is already half the success. Best time for this white magic ritual to fulfill your cherished desire - the new moon. Here's what you'll need:

  • 1 white candle
  • 1 bay leaf
  • pen with silver or gold paste
  • clay cup

You can do this both during daylight and after sunset. Light a candle. Write yours on a laurel leaf strong desire. Without the word “want”, in the present tense. Then light the leaf on a candle flame and throw it into the bowl.

While the bay leaf is smoldering, read the words on the bay leaf three times to fulfill your wish:

“By the power of the gods and the power of heaven, the power of the Universe and the power of miracles, my wish came true, as I commanded, it came true.”

To tell the truth, this ritual looks a lot like... Well, no matter how ridiculous the simoron may look, the egregor has been created. So it might work. Be that as it may, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, wish you good luck.

Flowers for good luck, money and family happiness

1. Spathiphyllum. If you have been single for a long time or constantly quarrel with your husband, plant spathiphyllum, because it’s not for nothing that its second name is “Women’s Happiness.”

2. Violet. The violet is called the flower of peace. It has been noticed that in a house where violets grow and bloom, household members very rarely quarrel. The violet also symbolizes eternal devotion. If you are going through a difficult period in life, get a white violet, it helps you endure mental suffering more easily.

3. Chinese rose, or hibiscus. Hibiscus is a symbol of Malaysia, the emblem of Hawaii. There this plant is considered a symbol of peace, and also of passion.

4. Wax ivy, hoya. In many countries, this plant serves as... a declaration of love, a green valentine for Valentine's Day. Best place for hoya in the house - a bedroom.

5. Myrtle. The best gift for a young family. Myrtle will bring peace, happiness and understanding to your home.

6. Aichrizon. The popular name aichrizon speaks for itself: tree of happiness, tree of love.

7. Calathea. Calathea will preserve family happiness. Calathea - very good gift for those who are about to divorce.

8. Chlorophytum. This unprepossessing plant, by its very appearance in the house, promises peace and mutual understanding. This good choice and for office space where a lot of people work different people, with whom you need to be able to get along. Homemade chlorophytum purifies the air: place it in a room with new furniture or to an apartment where renovations have just been completed, and the flower will absorb all the chemistry from the air!

9. Oxalis, or sorrel. Despite such a sour name, oxalis can brighten up the life of a lonely person. It is believed that oxalis helps the owner find true love.

10. Anthurium. This is a male talisman. Anthurium is also called " male happiness", because it has a beneficial effect on potency. Well, at least that's what they say. And that’s why such a flower has no place in the kitchen...

Akalifa gives the strong half of humanity masculinity and tenacity of character, and the fair half softness and femininity. Cyclamen drives away nightmares.

Flowers that bring trouble

But indoor flowers give us not only positive energy. They say, ivy“survives” an unreliable man from the house, and small children sleep poorly in the room where this energetically powerful plant grows.

- a very strong flower, but this power is not useful for everyone. Monstera should not be given to people suffering from throat diseases. To tame the green vampire, hang a blue cord on the flower, preferably with a piece of rock crystal.

And now the most important thing... Remember that all plants are living beings, they respond kindly to kindness. If you have flowers just because it's fashionable, you won't enjoy being around them, and they won't be happy either. in better shape next to a person who doesn’t care about them. And you should not buy a plant for personal gain, for example, a money tree for the sake of wealth or spathiphyllum for the sake of a device personal life, because plants feel that they are simply being used. Love your flowers, take care of them, and they will become a faithful and reliable guardian of your home.

Not many people know, but some indoor plants can bring luck to their owner, attract money to the house and even help create a strong family! We present to your attention the top 10 indoor plants with so-called magical properties.

There are also indoor plants that should not be kept in the house; you will learn about them at the end of the article.

1. Spathiphyllum. If you have been single for a long time or constantly quarrel with your husband, plant spathiphyllum, because it’s not for nothing that its second name is “Women’s Happiness.”

2. Violet. The violet is called the flower of peace. It has been noticed that in a house where violets grow and bloom, household members very rarely quarrel. The violet also symbolizes eternal devotion. If you are going through a difficult period in life, get a white violet, it helps you endure mental suffering more easily.

3. Chinese rose, or hibiscus. Hibiscus is a symbol of Malaysia, the emblem of Hawaii. There this plant is considered a symbol of peace, and also of passion.

4. Wax ivy, hoya. In many countries, this plant serves as... a declaration of love, a green valentine for Valentine's Day. The best place for hoya in the house is the bedroom.

5. Myrtle. The best gift for a young family. Myrtle will bring peace, happiness and understanding to your home.

6. Aichrizon. The popular name aichrizon speaks for itself: tree of happiness, tree of love.

7. Calathea. Calathea will preserve family happiness. Calathea is a very good gift for those who are about to divorce.

8. Chlorophytum. This unprepossessing plant, by its very appearance in the house, promises peace and mutual understanding. This is also a good choice for an office space where there are many different people working with whom you need to be able to get along. Homemade chlorophytum purifies the air: place it in a room with new furniture or in an apartment where renovations have just been completed, and the flower will absorb all the chemicals from the air!

9. Oxalis, or sorrel. Despite such a sour name, oxalis can brighten up the life of a lonely person. It is believed that oxalis helps the owner find true love.

10. Anthurium. This is a male talisman. Anthurium is also called “male happiness” because it has a beneficial effect on potency. Well, at least that's what they say. And that’s why such a flower has no place in the kitchen...

Akalifa gives the strong half of humanity masculinity and tenacity of character, and the fair half softness and femininity. Cyclamen drives away nightmares.



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs