What does it mean to talk to three boxes. He speaks to three boxes. Narrow beds and narrow boxes

    Simple Iron. Talk a lot, promise, lie. Jig. 1969, 212; DP, 411; SRNG 20, 81; FSRY, 208; BMS 1998, 305; ZS 1996, 336; SRGM 1986, 61; WWTP, 161; Glukhov 1988, 165; Mokienko 1990, 140; F 1, 319; NOS 12, 83 ...

    Pour into three boxes- Simple. Express Say a lot of implausible things, lie, make up a lot of fables. Ay, old woman, ay. I filled three boxes! Where have you heard this? (Leskov. Slow-witted). [Lopukhin:] Just look and listen, you’ll fill three boxes (A. Ostrovsky. Comedian... ... Phrasebook Russian literary language

    - (forty barrels of prisoners, with three boxes); trumpet, pronounce, advise, make jokes, mumble, inflate in the ears, slander, sing in the ears, slander, hum, slander, slander, babble, gossip, invent, heap, ... ... Dictionary of synonyms

    In three girths, in three necks, push out in three necks, two three, sob in three streams, talk in three boxes, bend in three deaths... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. three nouns,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

    tell forty barrels of prisoners- there’s a lot to tell about what. implausible; talk to three boxes. The core of this expression is the word barrel - a symbol large quantity anything. The numeral forty further enhances the semantic expressiveness of the expression.... ... Phraseology Guide

    Simple The same as talking to three boxes. FSRY, 208; FSS, 119... Big dictionary Russian sayings

    Three, three, three, about three, number. quantity 1. Number 3. Three times three is nine. Write the number three. || Number 3. Three sisters. Three steps away. The house has three floors. 2. Same as three (2 digits). ◊ two three; two three in three streams ((cry, sob, etc.))… … Small academic dictionary

    Doesn't fit into the box and doesn't come out of the box (and doesn't give up the box). People's Disapproved About a stupid person. DP, 449. Tell (lie, tell) a whole box. Simple The same as talking to three boxes. FSRY, 208; FSS, 119. From a box to crumbs (in... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Abundantly, apparently invisible, up to the neck, mouth full, multitude, abyss, cart, heap, destruction, mountains, hail, bulk, heap, rain, abundance, pile, treasure, a whole box, heap, forest, mass, million, myriads, sea, abundance, cloud, horde, galaxy, stream,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

    Talk, sing, stick, talk, thresh, talk like three boxes, sing in your ears, blow in your ears, talk forty barrels of prisoners, thresh, cook, pile up, trend, grind, grind, talk nonsense, talk... ... Dictionary of synonyms

  1. warp

    Not warps from moisture. Kochetov, Zhurbiny.
    Floor made of raw wood warped and grimaced

    Small academic dictionary
  2. warp

    warp nesov. nepereh.
    1. Become uneven, curved.
    2. Strad. to ch. warp I

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  3. BOX

    BOX- Russian premetric measure of firewood; woodpile 14 quarters long and 8 quarters high (2.5m? 1.4m).

  4. warp

    Derived from the same base as box (box). If today's meaning of this word is “to bend

  5. box

    K'OROB, boxes, plural boxes, ·husband. A product made of bast, birch bark, splinters, etc., used for laying
    and carrying various items. Dial full box mushrooms The peddler took the goods out of boxes.
    box there is a lot of (news, news; colloquial) C three boxes(talk, etc.; colloquial) - very
    many. "Write with three boxes guidelines." Saltykov-Shchedrin.

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  6. warp

    KOR'OBIT, I'm KORING, you're offending, ·more often ·bezl., ·incredulity. (to warp).
    1. what. Make it uneven
    twisted. Boards jars from dampness.
    2. transfer, someone or something. Produce unpleasant, repulsive
    impression (colloquial). Me jars from his rudeness. His behavior jarred everyone.

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  7. warp

    WARP, blue, I mean; usually without; nesov.
    1. what. To bend, to make bent. Binding jars(bezl
    Warps(no word) from his rudeness. Tactlessness jars.
    | owls warp, blue, I mean; blanched and speedy, blue, I mean; blended (to 1 value).

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  8. box

    Obsesslav. Original *korbъ (> box after the development of full harmony and the disappearance of the weak
    reduced b) - suf. derived from the same base as bark. Box literally - “wickerware” (made of bark, bast, oak, birch bark). Wed. basket

  9. with three boxes

    three (from three) boxes
    (foreign language) - a lot
    Wed. Boasts with three boxes;
    And if you catch him, he’ll laugh it off...
    satisfied everyone much more than if he had spoken to three boxes.
    Dostoevsky. Demons. 2, 4, 1.
    I'm three boxes speeches -

    He lowered it - he couldn’t hear it.

    Wed. Talked to three boxes(carts, bodies).


    cm. BOX

    Dictionary of Russian surnames
  11. box

    box adv. circumstances quality
    1. In the form boxes box I
    2. Used as an inconsistent definition.

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  12. boxes

    boxes and. outdated
    Box box I, chest made of shingles or bast.

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  13. with three boxes

    Simple Express A lot (talk, lie, promise). - They told me about you since three boxes
    and you are a crucian like a crucian, that’s all (Saltykov-Shchedrin. Crucian idealist). - You probably already think about me when you’re three. boxes they said (Chekhov. Tina).

    Fedorov's Phraseological Dictionary
  14. jarring

    adj., number of synonyms...

  15. box

    BOX m. bent and sometimes wicker laying different types: bast chest, or curved from shingles
    on roads, for transporting coals; box, basket, birch bark, bast wood. Bast box with gingerbread. || arch. olon
    poverty, poverty, sum; beggars collect in box, about the box. He was driven box, writhed, bent
    || perm. measure of firewood, woodpile long. 14 Thurs., higher 8. Boxes, boxes will diminish. small box
    None of boxes, neither in box, neither here nor there. From boxes doesn't fit, but in box doesn't go, and boxes doesn't give

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  16. Box

    Box see cart, box.

    Bible Encyclopedia Brockhaus
  17. boxes

    boxes, -i, r. pl. -bey (unit)

  18. box

    a, pl. boxes and (obsolete) boxes, m.
    Product made from bast, birch bark, wood chips, etc., serving
    for packing, storing, carrying something.
    Untying boxes and bundles, traders showed boxes, various things
    from turtle and ivory. Stanyukovich, The Lost Sailor.
    [Posulov] brought a big one box books. M
    in tattered, shabby box car. Bakhmetyev, At the threshold.
    3. in meaning adv. box. decomposition
    Puffing up
    about clothes).
    The short fur coat was holding on to him box like starched. Serafimovich, Zayats.

    Small academic dictionary
  19. box

    Common Slavic word of Indo-European nature. We find related ones both in Slavic and in other languages: Latin corbis - “basket”, Polish krobka - “basket”.

    Krylov's etymological dictionary
  20. box

    K'orob (Mat.14:20; Mat.16:9; Mar.6:43; Mar.8:19; Luke 9:17; John 6:13) - in other translations - a basket in which they were carried products.

    Vikhlyantsev Bible Dictionary
  21. BOX

    Box- a wicker chest or box, figuratively meaning: belly. “It’s good for him, he’s full box stuffed
    ", "Sytenok, box“He’ll break through the wall,” they said in the old days about well-fed, fat people. (F) Nicknames Box
    Korobya They were given to people who were well-to-do, wealthy, and fat. Related surnames - Korobitsyn, Korobkin, Korobkov. (E) See also Korobanov, Korobin

    Dictionary of Russian surnames
  22. warp

    Cm. box

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  23. box

    box, -a, pl. -a, -ov and -s, -ov

    Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  24. warp

    crippled, -sya: he is jarred, he is cramped, Ukrainian. warp - the same, Czech. krabiti "to make uneven", -se "to become furrowed".
    Probably related to modern-isl. herрask "to shrink convulsively", harа "to pinch", Old Saxon.

  25. warp

    Warp, I'm warping, we're warping, you're warping, warp, warps, warped, warping, warped warped, warped, warped, warp, warp, warp, warp, warp warp, warp, warp, warp, warped, warped, warped, warped warped, warped, warped, warped, warped, warped, warped warped, warped, warped, warped, warped, warped, warped


    KOROBYA- a measure of the volume of bulk solids in ancient Novgorod, equal to 2 quarters (7 pounds of rye).

    Large encyclopedic dictionary
  27. warp

    I'm warping, I'm warping, you're warping, ·non-over. (to warp). Become uneven, curved. Plywood warps from dampness.

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  28. box

    I m.
    A wicker or bent product - usually round or oval - made of bast, birch bark, etc.

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  29. box

    BOX cm. Box.

    Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  30. warp

    WARP-blue, you mean; nsv.
    1. (St. warp). What. bend, bend, make uneven, convex
    Moisture jars wood paneling walls □ no. plywood jars from dampness.
    2. whom. without Razg. Mix
    Me jars your tone. Habit of speaking loudly jars those around you. □ no. His jarred from empty talk.

    Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  31. boxes

    noun, number of synonyms: 1 measure 250

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  32. box

    BOX, a, plural a, ov, m. Bast or birch bark product for laying, wearing something.
    C three boxes

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  33. Box

    Measure charcoal, harvested at mining factories. It was first established in the Urals by decree of the Perm State Chamber in 1782, and, according to the states in 1847, the normal form for state-owned factories...

  34. Korobya

    1437 "old" mentioned boxes, from which we must conclude that in the 15th century K. was subjected to

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  35. warp

    Cm. box

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  36. box

    Whole box there is a lot of (news, news; colloquial)
    Late in the evening... Kolya appeared with a whole
    box news Dostoevsky.
    C three boxes(talk, etc.; colloquial) - a lot.
    Write with three boxes guiding articles. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

    Volkova's Phraseological Dictionary
  37. three (with three) boxes

    foreign language) - a lot
    Wed. Boasts with three boxes;
    And if you catch him, he’ll laugh it off...
    Nekrasov. To whom in Rus'. 2
    everyone much more than if I had spoken to three boxes.
    Dostoevsky. Demons. 2, 4, 1.
    Wed. I'm three boxes speeches
    Yes indeed! - right under the window
    He lowered it - he couldn’t hear it.
    N.V. Puppeteer. Patkul. Emelyan.
    Wed. Talked to three boxes(carts, bodies).

    Mikhelson's Phraseological Dictionary
  38. Korobov

    A. F. Kokorinov, D. V. Ukhtomsky).
    Lit.: Podolsky R., Ivan Korobov, in: Soviet architecture
    [No.] 3, M., 1952; Pilyavsky V. I., Ivan Kuzmich Korobov, in collection: Architectural heritage, [v.] 4, L
    M., 1953.

    I.K. Korobov. Admiralty. 1727-38. The central part with a spire. Drawing. Museum of the History of Leningrad.

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  39. with three boxes

    with three boxes(to lie, tell a lie)

    Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  40. box

    BOX-A; boxes; m.
    1. Product made from bast, birch bark, wood chips, etc., used for packaging and storage
    carrying something The warehouse is full boxes with goods. All things were packed in boxes, chests, nodes. Whole
    k. news, news, etc. (so many). C three boxes talk, babble, promise, etc.
    so many).
    2. Body (cart, sleigh, car, etc.). K. carts, cars.
    Box, in sign

    Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  41. warp

    WARP-beats; nsv. (St. warp).
    1. Become uneven, crooked, arched
    Book bindings warped from dampness. Some types of wood are highly polished and not warped from moisture.
    To bulge, not to lie flat and smooth (about clothes). Wet coat warped on the back and shoulders. K. from starch.
    ◁ Warping, -i; Wed K. wood.

    Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  42. warp

    [The logs] stood upside down, and the wind warped they have damp, shabby bark on them. Astafiev, Pass.
    2. without simple
    makes faces at him and jars, arms and legs cramp. Melnikov-Pechersky, On the mountains.
    (owl. warp
    Make an unpleasant impression, repel.
    Zinaida Pavlovna did not answer. Her warped
    Kashperova. Kuprin, In the Dark.
    Victor sometimes warped Ivnev’s habit of making fun of his comrades
    Dobrovolsky, Three in Gray Overcoats.
    in bezl. used
    [Raisky] for a long time jarred from her presence. I. Goncharov, Break.

    Small academic dictionary
  43. Korobya

    1. Wooden paneled finishing of stone slopes in window and door openings.
    2. (korabey, crab, crab). A bast casket or chest with rounded walls and a hinged lid.
    (Terms of Russian architectural heritage. Pluzhnikov V.I., 1995)

    Architectural Dictionary
  44. box

    23 tues 4 darkness 57 darkness-darkness 38 a lot 41 whole box 17

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  45. warped

    31 shriveled 23 became uneven 3 stood on end 6 stood like a stake 7 stood box 7

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  46. warp

    I nesov. trans.
    1. Make it uneven, curved.
    2. without Cramp.
    II Nesov

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  47. box

    cognate Lat. corbis "basket", lit. karbas " box", Lt. kar̂ba 1. "body made of alder bark

    Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  48. boxes

    Cm. box

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  49. warp

    WARP(beating, beating, 1 and 2 l. not used), beating; nesov. To contort, to become bent. Plywood
    | owls warp (blew, beat, 1 and 2 l. not used), beat and warp (blur

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  50. with three boxes

    adverb, number of synonyms: 2 a lot 196 a lot 107

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  51. box

    Box, boxes, boxes, boxes, box, boxes, box, boxes, box, boxes, box, boxes

    Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  52. warp

    Obsesslav. Suf. derived from the same base as box. Warp literally - “to bend, bend” ( box).

    Shansky Etymological Dictionary
  53. box Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  54. Korobov

    KOROBOV Yakov Evdokimovich (1874-1928) - modern peasant writer. R. in the village Kusunov

    Literary encyclopedia
  55. box

    Talk to three boxes, whole box

    Abramov's dictionary of synonyms
  56. neither out of the box nor into the box

    "union", giving it the character of a pseudo-social struggle... and in box we don’t climb, and from boxes we won't leave
    Well I got caught in a noose... neither out, nor in the hut, nor in box doesn't fit in either boxes not coming.
    Melnikov. In the forests. 2, 10
    Wed. Here's how things are going for us... None of them boxes, neither in box doesn't fit out boxes not coming, and boxes

    Mikhelson's Phraseological Dictionary
  57. Korobov, Peter

    Korobov, Peter
    icon painter, 17th century

    Large biographical encyclopedia
  1. warp

    Nesov. 1. əyilmək, qabarmaq; plywood jars from dampness faner rütubətdən qabarır; 2. məc. dəymək
    toxunmaq, çiyrindirmək, mütəəssir etmək; me jars from his rudeness onun kobudluğu mənə çox toxunur.

    Russian-Azerbaijani dictionary
  2. box

    m. (pl. boxes)
    caja f

    whole box news - todo un montón de novedades
    with three boxes- hablar por los codos, hablar más que una cotorra
    promise with three boxes-prometer el oro y el moro

    Large Russian-Spanish Dictionary
  3. warp

    nesov., vin. p.
    1) (curve, bend) alabear vt, encorvar vt, combar vt (wood, furniture, etc.); abarquillar vt (cardboard, etc.)
    2) without simple (contort) retorcer (cont.) vt, encoger vt, contraer (cont.) vt
    3) decomposition (cause an unpleasant feeling) chocar vi, desagradar vt

    Russian-Spanish dictionary
  4. box Russian-Swedish dictionary
  5. warp

    1. kaardu kiskuma
    2. kaardu tõmbuma
    4. kangeks tõmbuma
    5. kõmmelduma
    6. kõveraks kiskuma
    7. kõveraks tõmbuma
    8. kõverduma

    Russian-Estonian dictionary
  6. warp

    Bortit se
    deformovat se (nesprávným upnutím)
    krabatit se
    kroutit se
    krčit se
    křivit se
    nakrčovat se

    Russian-Czech dictionary
  7. warp

    Impossible. - warp; Sovereign - warp without 1) (to make bent) warp 2) trans. jar upon, grate
    upon he was jarred by this - it grated on him box|it -, warp (internal) warp (smth.) ; transfer

    Full Russian-English dictionary
  8. box

    name chol. family

    Ukrainian-Russian dictionary
  9. warp

    (from the heat) -kukutaa;
    warped - -kakamavu

    Russian-Swahili dictionary
  10. box

    cesta f; (box) caixa f

    - whole box news
    - promise with three boxes
    - talk to three boxes
    - chat with three boxes

    Russian-Portuguese dictionary
  11. warp

    Empenar vi, (about the tree) torcer se; encoscorar vi, (about cardboard, etc.) encarquilhar-se

    Russian-Portuguese dictionary
  12. warp

    1. kaardu kiskuma
    2. kaardu tombama
    3. krampi kiskuma
    4. kummi kiskuma
    5. kummi tõmbama

    Russian-Estonian dictionary
  • - lie, tell lies, promise, etc. A lot, God knows how much. It is implied that the content of smb. words do not quite correspond to reality...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 16 chattered, lied, told a lot of lies, told forty barrels of prisoners, piled up, put a load in the ears ...

    Dictionary of synonyms

  • - with tr "and k"...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - three boxes - a lot Wed. Boasts; And if you catch him, he’ll laugh it off... Nekrasov. To whom in Rus'. 2. Last...
  • - a lot Wed. It boasts about three boxes; And if you catch him, he’ll laugh it off... Nekrasov. To whom in Rus'. 2. Last...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Three boxes is a lot. Wed. He boasts about three boxes; And if you catch him, he’ll laugh it off... Nekrasov. To whom in Rus'. 2. Last...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - Simple. Express Say a lot of implausible things, lie, make up a lot of fables. - Ay, old woman, ay. I filled three boxes! Where have you heard this? . Just look and listen, you'll fill three boxes...
  • - Simple. Express So many. “They told me a lot about you, and you’re like a crucian carp, that’s all.” - They've probably told you a lot about me...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - Cm....
  • - See TALK -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See TALK -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see. It would babble, but would not doze...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Simple. Iron. Talk a lot, promise, lie. Jig. 1969, 212; DP, 411; SRNG 20, 81; FSRY, 208; BMS 1998, 305; ZS 1996, 336; SRGM 1986, 61; WWTP, 161; Glukhov 1988, 165; Mokienko 1990, 140; F 1, 319; NOSE 12, 83...
  • - People's Disapproved The same thing that doesn’t fit into the box and doesn’t come out of the box. DP, 472...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - a lot...

    Dictionary of synonyms

"talk to three boxes" in books

From the book Cardboard Minerva. Notes on matchboxes by Eco Umberto

How to say bad words at the moment The book supplement “Tuttolibri” to the newspaper “Stampa” decided to conduct a survey among readers to establish which word is the most hated and which is the most loved, and “for starters” found out the opinion of some

Products made from canvas in the form of a box

From the book Products from wicker author Onishchenko Vladimir

Products made from box-shaped fabrics Products made from curved and cylindrical woven fabrics have some disadvantages. Thus, items of the first group are difficult to make with high walls, and crafts belonging to the second group do not have a bottom. All these

Construction of the box

From the book Stairs. Design and installation author Kochetkov Dmitry Anatolievich

Construction of the box 1. Preparing the doorway. Before erecting a new door frame, dismantling may be required. old door. This must be done carefully so that, together with door frame do not break down part of the wall. First they shoot door leaf from hinges. Then

Raised bed boxes

author Kurdyumov Nikolay Ivanovich

Raised beds-boxes I will build a house out of stone. I'll sow radishes there. On the day of Chrysanthemums I will give it to my mother-in-law. Will you please have some sake?.. Japanese folk tanka Particularly suitable for humid northern regions: they warm up earlier, and in case of waterlogging, they do not get wet. Those who garden

Narrow beds and narrow boxes

From the book Smart vegetable garden in detail author Kurdyumov Nikolay Ivanovich

Narrow beds and narrow boxes... And the narrowness of the beds, in our time, speaks of the breadth of one’s horizons. Narrow beds are the most efficient and productive of all bed forms. Their width is no more than half a meter. And the passages between them are about a meter. Each bed is two rows of vegetables planted

Three more boxes of miracles

From the book Secrets of the Russian Magi [Miracles and mysteries of pagan Rus'] author Asov Alexander Igorevich

Three more boxes of miracles Miracles of the Red Mountain It is obvious that Busovo’s magic is strongly manifested in places connected by roots with the ancient Vedic, Vedorussian tradition. These are Pyatigorye in the Caucasus, and Kitezh places in the Volga region, and Moscow... Of course, you can’t say about everything, but oh

Box beds

From the book Great encyclopedia summer resident author Evening Elena Yurievna

Box beds Box beds are fenced beds (Fig. 32). They are indispensable for the northern regions. The soil in such beds warms up faster and is not washed away by rain. Those who have a garden located on an elevated area can do without such beds. Rice. 32.

Light boxes

From the book Media Planning for 100 author Nazaikin Alexander

Light boxes Light boxes are three-dimensional structures illuminated from the inside. Made from plastic or banner fabric. There are double-sided and also more complex shapes. Light boxes are quickly manufactured. They can either change the entire panel or

How to speak water yourself

From the book I Can Help You. Protective book for the elderly. Tips for all occasions author Aksenov Alexander Petrovich

How to speak water yourself Fill the water in three liter jar(preferably from Wednesday to Thursday, so that the first drop falls into the jar), place it near the icon, light a candle or lamp and read “Our Father” 3 times: “Our Father, who art in Heaven! Hallowed be it Your name yes he will come

Chapter VII Kiss on the exhale, kiss on the inhale, or How not to say anything unnecessary so as not to regret it later...

From the book The Psychology of Victory [Secrets of training Olympic champions and successful businessmen, or 24 hours in your favor] author Kutovaya Elena Ivanovna

Chapter VII Kiss on the exhale, kiss on the inhale, or How not to say anything unnecessary so as not to regret it later... Do you analyze your behavior during a conflict? No? What a pity... How do you look from the outside at this moment? What grimaces are on your face? I think cartoonist

How to say bad words in the moment

From the book Cardboard Minerva [collection] by Eco Umberto

How to say bad words at the moment The book supplement “Tuttolibri” to the newspaper “Stampa” decided to conduct a survey among readers to establish which word is the most hated and which is the most loved, and “for starters” found out the opinion of some

With three boxes / Politics and economics / In Russia

From the book Results No. 41 (2012) author's Itogi Magazine

Three boxes / Politics and economics / In Russia Three boxes / Politics and economics / In Russia Why the new budget did not have enough money to carry out Putin’s orders The adolescence for the new government can be considered over.


From the book History of Garbage. author Silguy Catherine de

PREFECT PUBEL INTRODUCES WASTE BOXES AND BASKETS For a long time, industrialists and financiers have been trying to secure lucrative contracts for municipal waste collection. They repeatedly offered their services, seeking a monopoly on this

To tell a big lie is to lie a lot;

To talk a lot is to talk a lot.

A phrase from a Russian proverb: “A woman came from the city, bringing three boxes of news” (indicated in the book “ “ (1853) (section - “ “). The proverb talks about the fact that a woman who came from the city brought so much news , which she probably lied about.

Russian statesman and the scientist (1738 - 1833) in his book “The Life and Adventures of Andrei Bolotov, Described by Himself for His Descendants”, 1771, describes how a woman came to him with news:

"Well, what, my darling, Ivanovna? ​​I asked her when I saw her. Did you go, and what is the news?

- "Whole box I brought them to you, master! she answered: and all good."


"The hero of this novel leads to himself the fallen and, after talking to her like crazy, turns her to the path of truth, and having turned her, makes her his friend..."

“A boa constrictor and a rabbit,” the husband says to his wife:

"- I saw Pyotr Semenych. He praised you terribly. In delight... And you are beautiful, and graceful, and mysterious... and as if you are capable of love in some special way. I've spoken a lot...Haha..."


see chat

Abramov. Abramov's dictionary of synonyms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what it means to SPEAK WITH THREE BOXES in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    - Tibetan sword copying...
    CONDITIONS FOR SUCCESS OF A PRODUCT IN THE MARKET - a) the product must meet the needs of the consumer better than any other, must be offered at a higher price...
  • THREE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    "SI" SALES - an abbreviation of the first three letters English words"coverage", "control", "cost" (coverage, control, costs (cost)), which are ...
  • THREE in the Bible Dictionary:
    (tr'etiy) - the number of sons of Noah (Gen.6:10), the age of the victims (Gen.15:9), the number of months of hiding the baby Moses (Ex.2:2; Acts.7:20; Heb.11:23 ), number of days of travel...
  • THREE in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Tree) Herbert Beerbohm (1853-1917) English actor, director. On stage since 1876. Worked at the Haymarket Theater (London). I set it to ok. 20 plays...
  • THREE V Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , three, three, three, about three, numbers. Colin 1. Number, figure and quantity 3. In three days and in three ...
  • SPEAK in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -ryu, -rish; -renny (-en, -ena); owls 1. what and what. Speaking, uttering, communicating a lot of things. N. a lot of unnecessary things. 2. ...
  • THREE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Tree) Herbert Beerbohm (1853-1917), English. actor, director. On stage since 1876. Worked at the Haymarket (London). Fast. OK. 20 plays...
    three", three, three, three", three, three", ...
  • SPEAK in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    slander, slander, slander, slander, slander, slander, slander, slander, slander, slander, slander, slander, slander, slander, slander, slander, slander “those who have spoken, who have spoken, who have spoken, who have spoken, who have spoken, who have spoken, who have spoken, ...
  • THREE in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
  • THREE in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords.
  • THREE in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    || in three girths, in three necks, push out in three necks, two or three, sob in three streams, talk in three boxes, ...
  • THREE in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    mediocre, three, three, three, three, ud, satisfactory, ...
  • THREE...
  • THREE in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • SPEAK in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    owls trans. and uninterrupted. cm. …
  • SPEAK in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    slander, -ryu, ...
    three, three, three, three, oh...
  • SPEAK in Full spelling dictionary Russian language:
    talk, -ryu...
  • THREE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    three, three, three, three, oh...
  • SPEAK in the Spelling Dictionary:
    slander, -ryu, ...
    number, figure and quantity 3 Z - three days and for three days. N - three days and for three days. three …
  • SPEAK in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    speaking, pronounce, communicate a lot of something N. a lot of unnecessary things. tell Colloq falsely accuse someone, slander N. a neighbor. speak make a sound...
  • THREE in Dahl's Dictionary:
    countable; two (or two) with one, four without one. Remember three things; pray, be patient, work. Cloth from three rubles, to ...
  • SPEAK in Dahl's Dictionary:
    slander, etc. see slander...
  • THREE in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
    (Tree) Herbert Beerbohm (1853-1917), English actor, director. On stage since 1876. Worked at the Haymarket Theater (London). I set it to ok. 20...
    three, three, three, about three, numbers. quantity Name of the number 3; number 3. Multiply three by three. Write three on the board. ...
  • THREE in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    (book). The first part of compound words, meaning the same as (tre) in 1 meaning, for example. threefold...
  • SPEAK in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I'll tell you, you'll tell me, owls. (to slander). 1. what and what. Say a lot of things; speaking, pronounce, communicate a lot of something. (colloquial). I talked more...
  • THREE...
    1) The same as: three... 2) The same as: three... 3) The same as: ...
  • THREE in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    1. pl. several Assessment of student performance by five-point system, indicated by the number “3” and corresponding to the rating “satisfactory”; troika. 2. numbers. 1) ...
  • SPEAK in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    tell the owls trans. and uninterrupted. cm. …
  • THREE...
    1. the same as three... 2. the same as three... 3. the same as...
  • THREE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    I uncl. pl. Assessment of the student’s performance on a five-point system, indicated by the number “3” and corresponding to the grade “satisfactory”; troika. II number 1. ...
  • SPEAK in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    owls trans. and uninterrupted. cm. …
  • THREE...
    The initial part of complex words that introduces meaning: consisting of three parts, sections or objects that form a single whole (tricol "or, tril"istnik and ...
  • THREE in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I uncl. pl. Assessment of the student’s performance on a five-point system, indicated by the number “3” and corresponding to the grade “satisfactory”; triple III. II number ...
  • SPEAK in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I owls trans. see slander I II owls. nepereh. see slander...
  • FINLAND* in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • SPEAK FORTY BARRELS OF PRISONERS in the Phraseology Handbook:
    tell a lot about smth. implausible; talk to three boxes. The core of this expression is the word barrel - a symbol of a large amount...
  • BRAG in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    ! boasting, say something to N. from three boxes. He boasted, and you believed. boast Non-st boasting, say something, but...
    From four pieces of tin 500x500 millimeters you need to make a box without a bottom. Make 3-4 rows of holes in opposite walls, in them...
  • BOX FOR MUSHROOMS in Helpful Tips:
    You can collect mushrooms in a folding box that fits in a backpack. The walls of the box are made of 5 mm plywood and aluminum corners. Disassembled...
  • MACHINE GUN in The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons:
    EACH - heavy machine gun for stationary action. An easel machine gun can be special. Consists of a barrel, casing, box, bolt, trigger mechanism, ...
  • AUGUSTIN (VINOGRADSKY) in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "THREE". Augustin (Vinogradsky) (1766 - 1819), Archbishop of Moscow and Kolomna. In the world Vinogradsky Alexey Vasilievich. ...
    Soviet Socialist Republic, Ukrainian SSR (Ukrainian Radyanska Socialistichna Respublika), Ukraine (Ukraine). I. General information The Ukrainian SSR was founded on December 25, 1917. With the creation...
  • UZBEK SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB.
  • USSR. TECHNICAL SCIENCES in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    science Aviation science and technology A number of aircraft were built in pre-revolutionary Russia original design. Ya. M. created their own airplanes (1909-1914) ...



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