What is included in glass wool? What is glass wool, technical characteristics and applications. Types of glass wool thermal insulation products

Today, various insulation materials are quite actively used in the construction and finishing of houses. The main insulation materials are penoplex, glass wool and mineral wool. The use of glass wool is questionable to some. But everyone knows her very well from the time Soviet Union, because glass wool was used for sound and heat insulation. Has glass wool really not lost its popularity even now?

Glass wool is a mineral fiber material whose properties, as well as manufacturing technology, are very similar to mineral wool. The raw materials for the production of fiberglass are the same; in addition, glass production waste can be used for this. The properties of glass wool are slightly different than those of mineral wool. The main difference can be called the length and thickness of glass wool, the fiber of which has a thickness of approximately 16 to 20 mm, and the length is approximately 2 or 3 times greater than the length of the mineral wool fiber. These characteristics provide glass wool products with high strength and elasticity. In addition, glass wool does not contain non-fibrous compounds, while glass wool has high thermal conductivity and vibration resistance.

The use of glass wool is not limited to sound and heat insulation; in addition, it occupies the first position among the materials used for thermal insulation. During the Soviet Union, glass wool was the most popular as a material for insulation and insulation, but today glass wool is significantly different from what it was in the last century - it is softer, fire-resistant, does not irritate the skin on contact, and meets all safety standards.

The effectiveness of glass wool as insulation

Glass wool is universal insulation and it is used for finishing attics, insulating floors between floors, internal as well as external insulation and insulation of walls. These structures are completely different in dampness and temperature, but glass wool insulation remains quite effective. The secret of glass wool's versatility is simple and hidden in its structure, which traps still air in its fibers. As a result, in winter time year, the heat does not escape outside the room, and in the summer the room decorated with glass wool does not heat up.

I would like to dwell on such an important property of glass wool as sound insulation. By insulating a room with glass wool, you can be sure that everything sound waves of a working TV or stereo system will be absorbed by this material and will not spread outside the room. The technical side of glass wool insulation and insulation is quite simple. If sound insulation is necessary, then a frame-partition should be made, which will subsequently be filled with glass wool slabs and then covered with plasterboard. To insulate the walls from the outside, you must follow the same principles, but the walls are sewn up on top using siding, lining or brickwork, not drywall.

Depending on the area of ​​application of glass wool, there are different types. On at the moment The following classification of glass wool is used:

Glass wool, which is used for exterior work;

Glass wool, with which horizontal surfaces are finished;

Glass wool, which is used to trim roof slopes;

Glass wool, which is used to finish the internal surfaces of walls;

Glass wool used to seal cracks.

These types of glass wool differ from each other in their properties. One type has increased sound insulation, the other has greater heat capacity. The shape of glass wool is also different - it can be in the form of slabs or rolled into rolls. As a rule, glass wool in the form of slabs is used to decorate small rooms, and insulation of large surfaces is advisable using glass wool in rolls. The main criterion by which glass wool is selected is its thermal conductivity coefficient. It is usually indicated in the name of the glass wool or printed on the packaging itself. This coefficient is less than 1, and the lower it is, the better the characteristics of glass wool.

Glass wool is protected from rodents by the fact that it is an inedible, dense and quite elastic material for rodents; it is almost impossible to make their own nests or passages in this material. Before purchasing glass wool, you need to determine the amount required for finishing, which is calculated depending on the location of the insulation and insulation. This means that mild and warm climates require less glass wool, and, conversely, to insulate rooms located in cold regions, much more of this material will be needed.

Tags: Glass wool in Kurgan

Thermal insulation called "glass wool" is one of the oldest materials for insulation. Despite the fact that the modern market is filled with many solutions, glass wool is still preferred in construction today. However, before you purchase it, you should familiarize yourself with its features and technical specifications.

Characteristics of glass wool

If you are faced with the question of what glass wool is, then first you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics. Glass wool is made from melted glass melt, while the temperature is maintained above +1400 °C. It is based on a mixture of sand and glass, which is drawn into fiber. The resulting product is assembled into packs, using a bitumen-based binding material.

The raw material is heated to +200 °C and then pressed. The materials are then cut or rolled into individual rolls and are then ready for delivery to the market. If you also wondered what glass wool is, then you should understand that it differs from basalt thermal insulation. The first insulation option is lightweight due to the softness and length of the fibers, as well as their elasticity. Therefore, the material has excellent elasticity properties. This becomes especially noticeable when storing and transporting the material, since glass wool takes up minimum quantity places.

After unpacking, it quickly returns to its original shape, which allows it to be used when working with different designs. If we compare with that, glass wool fiber has a thickness ranging from 3 to 15 microns. As for the length of the fibers, it is up to 4 times longer than that of stone wool.

The described insulation contains almost no non-fibrous inclusions, it has excellent vibration resistance. If you are faced with the question of what glass wool is, then you should ask one of important indicators- thermal conductivity. It is equal to from 0.030 to 0.052 W/m·K. But the temperature resistance reaches 450 °C.


Before purchasing the material described, you should familiarize yourself with the areas of its use. Among others, it is worth highlighting:

  • external works;
  • roofing works;
  • thermal insulation of horizontal surfaces;
  • sound insulation and insulation of partitions and walls.

For each of the spheres, different types of glass wool are selected, which differ in the type of fibers. Each material has or lacks additional coating, for each variety. The fibers in them are arranged in their own way, which affects thermal conductivity. Different types They also have a certain density. Therefore, the choice of glass wool must be approached seriously, because this is the only way to achieve high quality work and durability of the product.

Basic properties

When consumers wonder what glass wool is, they also begin to study the basic properties, among which they should definitely highlight:

  • fire resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • low cost;
  • ease of use;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • immunity to chemical reagents.

As for ease of use, it lies in the fact that the described product can be installed even in hard to reach places. The determining factor when choosing insulation is often the cost, and for this material it is one of the minimum. The surface of thermal insulation can be exposed to chemical reagents, but they do not have a negative effect. When installing glass wool, you don’t have to worry about the possibility of rodents infesting it. Thanks to this, the material does not need to be provided with additional protection.

Negative Features

You now know what glass wool is made from, but for a complete picture you also need to take an interest in the negative features of this material. Among others, it is worth highlighting:

  • susceptibility to shrinkage;
  • fragility of fibers;
  • insufficiently good thermal insulation properties;
  • low level of density;
  • necessity additional use waterproofing film.

The material may shrink during operation, which must be taken into account during construction. It is also important to pay attention to the fragility of the fibers, as well as the fact that the material is afraid of water. For protection you have to use special means.

Glass wool, the characteristics of which were presented above, also has a certain thermal conductivity. This coefficient must be below one. It is important to remember that the material is of higher quality if this parameter is lower. Many people also know that glass wool is unsafe for health. However, on the modern market there are products based on this material that no longer contain harmful substances. But working with this thermal insulation is not very convenient, because it crumbles, so additional products should be used personal protection, namely:

  • gloves;
  • glasses;
  • costume.

Cost of glass wool

Glass wool insulation, the price of which is acceptable for most consumers, is offered for sale in many varieties. This includes slabs and mats different sizes. For example, glass wool with dimensions equal to 10,000 × 1200 × 50 mm will cost the consumer 990 rubles. per m 3. If the material is foil, then you can purchase it for 1,731 rubles.

Product types

The range of fiberglass products includes:

  • soft slabs;
  • hard mats;
  • semi-rigid slabs.

The latter are made with a synthetic binder and can withstand high loads. A rigid sheet of glass wool, protected on both sides by glass felt, acts as an excellent windbreak. On the long sides of the product it is possible to have a locking connection in the form of a ridge and a tongue, which ensures strong mount and no gaps. Soft materials pressed into rolls. Due to the fact that they have high elasticity, they are straightened and restored, returning their original volume.


Glass wool insulation, the price of which was mentioned above, can be made with additional layers in the form of foil or fiberglass. The first is necessary for steam, while the second is for wind protection. In addition, such an addition eliminates fiber migration.

Glass wool is a type of mineral wool and belongs to the category of thermal insulation materials (according to GOST 31913-2011 and EN ISO 9229:2007 standard). According to its structure and origin, glass wool is a fiber obtained from glass industry waste, mostly from broken glass. The main characteristics of the material are reduced to significant resistance to elevated temperatures and chemical influences. Glass wool insulation has good sound and heat insulation properties.

How does fiberglass insulation differ from other types of mineral wool? First of all, the source of origin. Glass wool is made from molten glass, which contains borax, limestone, dolomite, sand, and soda in the list of raw materials. Stone wool, in turn, is made from rocks after the eruption, and slag wool, respectively, from molten metallurgical slag. Glass wool insulation is very popular in the construction industry. for covering surfaces, including uneven ones. Fiberglass boards and mats can be used in structures of various configurations and shapes.

Technological nuances of glass wool production

When this type of insulation is produced, fiberglass goes through several stages.

  1. IN percentage 80% to 20% take cullet and a raw mixture of sand, dolomite, soda, etibor, limestone and load it into a hopper for melting.
  2. The melting phase consists of heating the mass to 1400°C, the contents melting furnace has strict proportions according to the recipe in order to obtain thin threads of glass wool, while the insulation will have certain mechanical properties.
  3. Treatment with polymer aerosols results in the formation of fibers. Each impregnated thread goes along a conveyor, leveling out and gradually turning into a “carpet” of glass wool.
  4. The next stage is polymerization. The temperature changes to 250°C as heat catalyzes the polymer bonds. At the same time, the remaining aerosol moisture evaporates in the temperature chamber. At the output we have bright yellow and frozen glass wool, the insulation then enters the cooling stage.
  5. Cooling to room temperature, cutting with cutters and saws along and across, respectively, are the final stages of the production of fiberglass insulation. Mats and rolls that we are used to seeing in construction stores, are made from an infinitely long ribbon of glass fibers.

Properties of glass wool

Glass wool insulation is special in key characteristics:

  • The fiber thickness is only from 3 to 15 micrometers;
  • the fiber length of glass wool is up to 4 times longer than its stone counterpart;
  • famous strength and elasticity of the material is related specifically to the size of the fibers;
  • very high resistance to vibration, fiberglass does not have non-fibrous compounds in its structure;
  • the thermal conductivity value ranges from 0.030 to 0.052 W/(m K);
  • the material can withstand up to 450°C.

Objects on which fiberglass insulation is applied for the purpose of thermal insulation - walls and ceilings, surfaces with high temperature such as pipelines, industrial tanks and furnaces, structures requiring fire safety. These can be vertical, horizontal and inclined surfaces. How can sound insulation material be detected? in acoustic screens and partitions.

What are fiberglass products?

A number of mounting products are made from glass wool:

  • soft mats;
  • soft, semi-soft and hard boards with a synthetic binder, the last two insulation options withstand heavy loads;
  • slabs have been developed for wind protection increased rigidity with glass felt lining.

The slabs on the long sides can be attached to each other in tongue and groove. The manufacturer chose these types of connections to eliminate gaps and increase reliability. A tongue is a longitudinal protrusion that fits into a groove of the desired shape located on an adjacent slab. Ridge connection is a type of mating of fiberglass insulation boards in which the segments are connected in the form of a tongue-and-groove lock.

Soft material is sold in rolls, as it is convenient for transportation and installation. When the package is opened, the elastic fibers straighten out on their own and quickly reach their original volume. In the assortment you can find thermal insulation made of glass wool with lamination, that is, with the application of an additional layer of foil to insulate steam or fiberglass for wind protection. Lamination of glass wool insulation is designed to prevent fiber migration. By manufacturers it is worth noting well-known brands on the market: Ursa, Knauf, Isover, Neman.

Health effects of fiberglass insulation

Following research in Europe into the potentially hazardous effects of mineral wool, an EU directive was issued in 1997. It examines mineral wool varieties according to the degree of carcinogenic hazard: the second group of the classifier means the presence of potentially dangerous irritants, that is, irritants, and the third group means that the collected data is not enough to make a full conclusion on carcinogenicity. The main criteria by which the degree of health hazard was determined were the size of the fibers and the content of alkaline earth and alkali metal oxides.

In 2001, IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) reported on an analysis of the carcinogenicity of fiberglass insulation - it fell into the third group according to the degree of danger to human health. This means that there is no sufficient evidence of a mutagenic effect on the cells of a living organism.

What to do if you are injured by fiberglass

Specific disadvantages of glass wool thermal insulation boil down to: high degree fiber fragility. This leads to the formation of the finest and sharpest fragments that penetrate human skin, As a result, it begins to itch. Glass wool particles from the insulating layer can penetrate clothing, after which they are almost impossible to remove. Specialists working with fiberglass insulation wear tight overalls, do not allow the formation of open skin, and need a respirator, safety glasses and gloves. It is very dangerous for fiberglass particles to get into the eyes and lungs; this will cause inevitable irritation of the organs.

There are first aid rules for unsuccessful handling of fiberglass insulation:

  • when glass wool comes into contact with skin Do not scratch itchy areas;
  • The particles are very carefully shaken off the hair, then the eyes are closed and the head is lowered into a bath or large container without water, shaken off with a movement of the neck;
  • taking a cold shower without any detergents and washcloths under strong pressure of water - the next stage; hot water expands pores, so it is not used;
  • If fiberglass irritant comes into contact with the eyes, they should be rinse with jet cold water , after which be sure to consult with an ophthalmologist, perhaps even call an ambulance or go to eye surgery if you feel unwell;
  • if a person has inhaled glass wool fragments and experiences symptoms of difficulty breathing and coughing, they should definitely see a doctor;
  • contaminated clothes are thrown away, since even repeated washing will not completely remove glass wool fragments.

Advantages and disadvantages of glass wool

It is impossible to imagine a full review of insulation without comparing the pros and cons of the material. So, glass wool is chosen for thermal and sound insulation surfaces due to several factors. This type of insulation with fiberglass in its composition is cost-effective, elastic and does not transfer heat well. In addition, the material, due to its elasticity, is able to take the desired shape - from flexible to soft coverings to rigid and semi-rigid panels. Also, technologically advanced and lightweight glass wool can be mounted on hinged ventilated facades, outside on walls under “wet plaster”, in frame-panel construction to fill structures.

However, no matter how honest the manufacturer is, he will remain silent about several significant disadvantages of fiberglass insulation. But experts with many years of experience talk about them honestly. We are talking about increasing thermal conductivity when the insulation is moistened. Drying wet areas is very difficult, up to several months. The problem is solved by completely replacing the wet insulation with a new dry layer. Therefore, glass wool as insulation is not always considered as an economical option, especially if there is a clear risk of exposure to moisture.

Material shrinkage is the second obvious disadvantage. During the period of operation the insulation is overgrown with cracks that allow heat to pass through. Compaction will not help in this case, since the compressed glass fiber loses its efficiency, increasing thermal conductivity. And there is a third point - installation of fiberglass insulation is technologically simple, but requires compliance with safety precautions. Glass microparticles should not come into contact with the skin., into the respiratory and visual systems, for which protective clothing is used. When installing an insulating layer of glass wool, it is necessary to ensure complete exhaust ventilation. There are no environmental safety claims regarding glass wool.

Summarizing all the advantages and disadvantages of fiberglass insulation material, we can conclude: it is advisable to buy glass wool when limited budget, careful selection of the manufacturer and the ability to provide competent and technically advanced installation.

Porous materials for insulating facades and interior work- these are some of the best heat insulators. This is explained as much by the thermal insulation qualities of the material itself as by the ability to retain in a closed volume the best heat insulator that exists in nature - atmospheric air. It is because of this property that a sea of ​​manufacturers who sell virtually identical materials are vying for leadership in the market. Let's try to sort out this ambiguous issue right now.


Glass wool and mineral materials - is there a difference?

The first positions in sales of materials for thermal insulation are traditionally occupied by materials called glass wool and mineral wool. What is the difference between them and what are they? physical characteristics, the manufacturers themselves will tell us, and we will conclude that mineral wool or glass wool is better - these are materials of mineral origin identical in structure and characteristics, and this is indeed true: both materials belong to the same group of insulation materials by origin.

Both materials are fibrous and porous, and both have almost identical thermal insulation characteristics, both materials claim to have almost the same thermal conductivity. Even the production technologies of both materials are identical, with the exception of some non-key details. Now let's move on to considering both materials in order and in detail.

How to make glass wool

Broken glass and naturally occurring quartz are the main components of glass wool. The technology for producing the material consists of melting both components in furnaces. After the molten mass reaches the desired consistency, it is served on special line, where, using compressed air, thin fibers are obtained from a homogeneous mass. These fibers can be bonded together in several ways, but the easiest and cheapest way is to use phenol-formaldehyde resins as a binding component.

Regardless of the proportion of glass and quartz in the composition of the final material, the mass turns out to be homogeneous and, in principle, environmentally friendly, except for inexpensive binders, which manufacturers often keep silent about. It is known that phenol-formaldehyde is not used indoors in residential premises, however, this fact is not always indicated in the specifications of glass wool from different manufacturers.

Features of glass wool

Of the obvious features of glass wool, the most significant for the consumer can be identified:

And most important advantage glass wool in front stone wool is that the length of the fibers can reach twice large sizes with half the thickness. This gives the material additional elasticity. Thus, glass wool can be used on surfaces with complex geometries.

Basalt wool production technologies

For the production of basalt or mineral wool, only mountain basalt rocks are used. The material production technology is almost identical to the glass wool production process. The difference at the initial stage is only in temperature. Basalt materials require large values in terms of temperature, and otherwise, the process of producing fiber with compressed air completely repeats the technology for manufacturing glass wool. Binding materials for producing mats or rolls can also be various synthetic resins.

The properties of basalt wool are in many ways similar to the properties of glass wool, but there are some differences:

Thus, as a result of comparing two identical materials, we can conclude that glass wool is cost-effective to use for thermal insulation complex structures, but its service life is somewhat shorter, because stone wool is still more durable. At the same time, basalt wool is rarely used in the same conditions and is more suitable for insulating simple planes, but as a result, insulation with stone wool will be more expensive. It all depends on the specific tasks that stand when choosing a material and having studied their properties, everyone will be able to make a thoughtful and the right decision. Good choice and warm walls!

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Today we’ll look at a popular and effective thermal insulation material, known for more than half a century, which is called glass wool. What is this?


This fibrous insulation is a type of mineral wool. It is made by drawing fibers from silicon with additives from limestone, soda, dolomite, borax, etc. with the addition of a synthetic binder. It differs from other types of mineral wool in that glass wool has a thicker fiber and better elasticity.

Technical characteristics of glass wool

The thermal conductivity of glass wool is 0.039-0.05 W/m*K. The heat insulator in glass wool is the air itself, which fills the cavities formed between the weaves of fibers. It can be operated at temperatures up to 450 degrees.

Insulation properties:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • good sound insulation characteristics;
  • non-flammability;
  • elasticity and compressibility;
  • ease and simplicity of installation;
  • durability.

Application of glass wool

Modern glass wool is a non-flammable insulation material that is used for thermal insulation of roofs, internal and external walls and partitions, floors and ceilings of residential and technical premises. Provided there is good moisture protection, glass wool can be used to insulate facades. Reviews about this insulation have been consistently good for many decades. It is ideal for insulating garages and basements. In the photos and videos you can see numerous application options. When installing the slabs, it compresses and forms a monolithic thermal insulation coating without cold bridges.


One of the main advantages of glass wool over basalt mineral wool- its cost. It is much cheaper due to the more affordable cost of raw materials and cheaper transportation. Glass wool has excellent compressibility and elasticity and is capable of reducing its volume in packaging by 6 times. When unpacked within 20-40 minutes, it restores its volume. The most famous manufacturers of glass wool are Isover, Ursa, Rockwool, etc. Glass wool is produced in slabs, rolls and mats, and can be produced reinforced and with a reflective layer.


Disadvantages include excessive water absorption. During installation, a mandatory vapor barrier is required. When saturated with moisture, the insulation deteriorates its thermal insulation properties by up to 40%. In addition, when saturated with water, the fibers irreversibly change their structure to a more fragile one.



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