Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets. Disposal of fixed assets: accounting. Write-off of fixed assets. Stages of the procedure

Fixed assets are part of the organization’s property that is used in the manufacture of products and performance of work. Their service life exceeds one year. For more details on how the receipt and disposal of fixed assets (fixed assets) are processed, read further in the article.


OS includes equipment, structures, buildings, working machines, measuring instruments, computer technology, transport, tools, equipment, livestock, perennial plantings, etc. The period of time during which the means of labor generate income or serve to achieve set goals is called the period beneficial use. OSs are subject to moral and physical wear and tear. The first arises as a result of scientific and technological progress, the second - due to active work and metal corrosion.

BU OS are accounted for at initial cost, i.e. the amount of costs for the purchase and installation of equipment. Once a year, the organization can re-evaluate its means of labor. They are repaid by calculating depreciation, that is, transferring the price to manufactured products. If you subtract the value at the end of the period from the book value at the beginning of the period, you will get the value of the indicator at the end of the period. For objects received free of charge, under donation agreements, housing stock, livestock, and perennial plantings are not subject to depreciation.

Restoring the value of the operating system can occur in the form of overhaul, reconstruction and modernization. At the same time they change quality characteristics equipment. After full use or for other reasons, fixed assets are disposed of.


Instruments of labor are disposed of as a result of:

  • implementation;
  • write-offs in case of wear and tear;
  • transfers in the form of a contribution to capital, under gift agreements;
  • liquidation;
  • write-offs after transfer of ownership to the tenant;
  • for other reasons.

The decision to write off the equipment is made by a specially created commission, which:

  • examines an object to be written off;
  • establishes the reasons for disposal;
  • identifies those responsible if write-off is premature;
  • determines the possibility of using equipment elements;
  • controls the removal of non-ferrous metals from objects;
  • draws up an act.

Document flow

Based on the data from the write-off act (OS-4a), the disposal of fixed assets is recorded in the accounting system. The document must be signed by management in two copies. One is given to the accounting department, and the second remains with the responsible person. If the object was transferred free of charge or under an exchange agreement, then the write-off of fixed assets is recorded in the delivery and acceptance invoice (OS-1). It is accompanied by an appendix of the donation agreement and a note from the recipient regarding the registration of the object. The same document formalizes the movement of the means of labor within the divisions of the organization and its return to the lessor.


Accounting for the disposal of fixed assets is displayed on account 91-3 of the same name. Write-off of an object as a result of wear and tear and sale differ in their economic essence. In the first case, we are talking about the impossibility of using the equipment, in the second – about the transfer of ownership. In addition, if the property is sold, a tax burden arises. This operation is formalized by the following transactions:

  • DT02 KT01 – the amount of depreciation is taken into account.

Further, for DT91-3 all expenses associated with the write-off of the object are displayed, and for the loan - income from its sale. Costs include residual value equipment, transport costs, dismantling services, VAT on the sales price.

  • Subaccount “Disposal of fixed assets” 91-3 KT01 – residual value is taken into account.
  • DT91-3 KT23 (44) “Auxiliary production” (“Sales expenses”) - accounting for costs resulting from the sale of fixed assets.
  • DT91-3 KT68 “Tax payments” - debt to the budget for VAT.
  • DT76 (62) “Settlements with counterparties (buyers and customers)” KT91-3 – income from sales.
  • DT10 “Materials” KT91-3 – accounting at market prices for materials that were received after liquidation.

At the end of the quarter or calendar year, the cost of disposal of fixed assets and the financial result are calculated. If the balance under CT 91-3 is greater than that under DT, then the enterprise has received income: DT 91-3 CT 91-9. The loss is reflected by the posting: DT 99 CT 91-9.

This is how the disposal of fixed assets is processed. Postings that are used if the object is not suitable for use:

  • DT01-2 KT01-1 – initial cost taken into account;
  • DT91-3 KT01 – residual value taken into account;
  • DT91-3 KT23 – costs of dismantling the object are taken into account;
  • DT10 KT91-3 – capitalization of valuables obtained as a result of dismantling.

Income from the operation is recorded using the following entries:

  • DT91-3 KT91-9 – accounting for income from the transaction;
  • DT91-9 KT99 – profit from liquidation.

The loss from the operation is recorded as follows:

  • DT91-9 KT91-3 – cost accounting;
  • DT99 KT91-9 – loss received from liquidation.


Equipment with an initial cost of 100,000 rubles. was sold to another company for 50,000 rubles. We will formalize the disposal of fixed assets:

  • DT02 KT01 – 20,000 (accumulated depreciation);
  • DT91-3 KT01 – 80,000 (residual value reflected);
  • DT62 (76) KT91-3 – 50,000 (revenue accrued);
  • DT91-3 KT68 – 9000 (VAT added).

Other write-off options

The disposal of fixed assets as a result of their transfer in the form of a contribution to the capital of another organization is formalized as follows:

  • DT01-2 KT01-1 – initial cost written off;
  • DT02 KT01 - accumulated depreciation;
  • DT91-3 KT76 (23) – accounting for costs of transferring an object;
  • DT58 “Investments” KT91-3 – accounting for contributions to the authorized capital at the agreed value.

Profit is processed as follows:

  • DT91-3 KT91-9 – write-off of income.
  • DT91-9 KT99 – making a profit.

The loss must be recorded as follows:

  • DT91-9 KT91-3 – write-off of expenses.
  • DT99 KT91-9 – loss taken into account.

Disposal of fixed assets as a result of gratuitous transfer - how to formalize this? For DT 91, the residual value will be displayed, and for CT - expenses, for example, VAT, calculated based on the market price of a similar object. There will be no income from the operation, and the financial result will be displayed as a loss. It looks like this:

  • DT01-2 KT01-1 – initial cost written off;
  • DT91-3 KT01 – residual value is reflected;
  • DT91-3 KT68 – VAT is charged on transferred objects;
  • DT91-3 KT76 (23) – the costs of the operation are taken into account;
  • DT91-9 KT91-3 – write-off of losses from gratuitous transfer;
  • DT99 KT91-9 – loss taken into account.

Now let's look at how the disposal of fixed assets is formalized in the event of natural disasters or accidents. The postings will be as follows:

  • DT01-2 KT01-1 – initial cost written off;
  • DT02 KT01 - accumulated depreciation;
  • DT91-3 KT01 – residual value is reflected;
  • DT94 “Shortages from damage to valuables” KT91-3 - reflects the loss received as a result of natural disasters;
  • DT76 (73) KT94-3 - reflects the loss received through the fault of the employee;
  • DT82 “Reserve capital” CT94 – loss written off against reserve capital.
  • DT76-1 “Insurance settlements” KT94 - losses and damage to property are written off at the expense of amounts transferred from insurance companies (receipt of funds is documented by posting DT51 KT76);
  • DT 91-9 KT94 - the shortage is written off as expenses of the organization;
  • DT 99 KT91-9 – the loss from the operation is reflected.

The peculiarity of accounting for the disposal of fixed assets as a result of an accident or emergency is that expenses can be written off not only to general costs, but also at the expense of the reserve, insurance, or to the perpetrators. These amounts are pre-accounted for in account 94 and then credited to other expense items.

Disposal of fixed assets as a result of theft is recorded depending on whether the object was insured or not. In the first case, all losses are written off to account 94, and if it is not found, then to 99. The postings look like this:

  • DT01-2 KT01-1 – initial cost written off;
  • DT02 KT01 – accumulated depreciation;
  • DT94 KT01 – residual value is reflected;
  • DT99 KT94 – the cost of the object is reflected in losses.

If the object was insured, then after writing off the initial, residual value and depreciation, the postings will be generated as follows:

  • DT51 KT76 – capitalization of insurance compensation;
  • DT76 KT91-3 – the amount of compensation is reflected as profit for the object (if it is greater than the losses incurred).

If the object is found, then you need to restore its value (DT01 KT94) and accrued depreciation (DT01 KT02).

Here's how to account for the disposal of fixed assets.

Taxation nuances

Financial result from the liquidation of means of labor is reflected in non-operating income (expenses). These amounts, as well as underaccrued depreciation, are written off as expenses at the same time as the asset is disposed of. The balance sheet shows the figures in the same period in which the transaction occurred. Write-offs of fixed assets as a result of depreciation are taken into account in financial results from operating activities. Tax authorities may require that the amount of “input” VAT be restored. This request can be challenged by referring to the decisions of the arbitration court No. A56-32943/01, No. A29-9113/01A.

In accordance with Art. 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, non-operating expenses include:

  • costs of liquidation of all types of OS;
  • the amount of underaccrued depreciation and capitalized materials that were received after dismantling the equipment.


When registering operations for the disposal of fixed assets, it is necessary to take into account the data of the residual value in accounting and accounting records. If they match, then additional calculations will not be required. But the most common difference is permanent, deductible, or taxable. Let's look at them with examples.

Let's assume that equipment was liquidated in September. The residual value in BU is 12 thousand rubles, and in NU – 10,000. The liquidated object was capitalized as a contribution to capital. The initial cost in BU was formed according to the statutory documents - 100 thousand rubles, and in NU - according to data received from the supplier (80,000 rubles). This difference is permanent. Tax is paid on it at a rate of 24%: 2000 * 0.24 = 480 rubles. This operation is documented by posting DT 99 KT 68.

Let's change the conditions of the original problem. The book value of the liquidated object according to the NU is 12,000 rubles, and the book value is 10,000 rubles. At the time of arrival, the numbers were the same. Depreciation was calculated monthly in the amount of 1000 rubles. But during the period of use, the equipment was given for free use for 2 months. During this time, NU did not accrue depreciation. This resulted in a deductible difference and a tax asset (480 rubles). At the time of liquidation it must be repaid: DT68 KT09.

This is how the disposal of fixed assets is processed in this case.

Reconstruction and repair

Every accountant faces these two business transactions sooner or later. Repair costs are taken into account in the current period in full, and reconstruction costs increase the cost of equipment and are written off through depreciation. This is the difference between the concepts in BU. Transactions must be confirmed:

  • an order from the manager to carry out repairs, which indicates who will carry out the work (independently or a third-party organization), appoints a commission, deadlines, and methods of ensuring safety;
  • a defective statement, which contains the name of the OS, its tax identification number, and the reason for the repair;
  • contract for work with a third party.

These processes are formalized as follows:

  • DT20 KT60-1 – attribution of repair costs to cost;
  • DT19-3 KT60-1 – VAT on work is taken into account;
  • DT60-1 KT51 – settlement with the supplier has been made;
  • DT68 KT19-3 – “input” VAT is accepted.

Reflection of operations to perform work occurs as follows:

  • DT23 KT10 - materials written off;
  • DT23 KT70 – wages accrued to employees who performed repair work;
  • DT23 KT69 - accrued insurance premiums for salary;
  • DT20 KT23 – attribution of costs to production costs.

Upgrading the OS looks like this:

  • DT08-3 KT60-1 - repair costs are reflected;
  • DT19-3 KT60-1 – “input” VAT;
  • DT68-2 KT19-3 - tax accepted for deduction;
  • DT60-1 KT51 – settlements with the performing supplier;
  • DT01-1 KT08-3 - the cost of the OS has been changed.

For property worth less than RUB 40,000. no depreciation is charged. Therefore, all costs associated with repairs and modernization are taken into account entirely as expenses.


Let's consider this example. Equipment with initial and residual costs of 25 and 15 thousand dollars, the amount of accumulated depreciation of 10 thousand dollars was overvalued. As a result, the amount on the balance sheet increased by 3,000, and the underwritten depreciation by 2,000. The equipment was then sold for $22,000.

You need to format it like this:

  • DT01 KT83 – 5000 (cost increase);
  • DT83 KT02 – 2000 (increased depreciation);
  • DT76 KT91-1 – 22000 (invoice presented to the buyer);
  • DT91-2 KT01 – 18000 (book value written off);
  • DT02 KT01 – 12000 (depreciation written off);
  • DT91-1 KT91-2 – 18000 (the cost of the object reduces the income from sales);
  • DT83 KT84 – 3000 (revaluation reserve written off);
  • DT51 KT76 – funds have been credited to the account.

When an object is disposed of, the accumulated revaluation reserve is charged to retained earnings in an amount determined as the difference between depreciation calculated at the book value and its value before the revaluation.

Another example. The cost of the object before the revaluation was 120 thousand. e., after − 160.0 thousand. e. Depreciation was calculated on a straight-line basis at a rate of 5%. At first, the amount of depreciation was 6 thousand. e., then it increased to 8 thousand.e. The difference will be transferred annually to retained earnings by posting DT83 KT84.


The renewal coefficient shows the share of introduced funds at the enterprise in the current period. It calculates using the formula:

To obn = Cost of fixed assets introduced / Cost of fixed assets at the end of the year.

A similar admission rate reflects specific gravity new equipment.

K pos = Cost of new OS / Cost of OS at the end of the year.

The difference between these indicators is that in the first case, repaired equipment is taken into account, and in the second, new equipment received from a third party is taken into account.

The fixed asset retirement ratio reflects the share of written-off assets in the current period. Unlike other indicators, it is calculated based on the cost of equipment at the beginning of the period.

The retirement ratio of fixed assets is equal to: fixed assets written off\ fixed assets as of 01.01.

You can find out by what percentage the book value of equipment has increased using the growth rate. Its formula is:

K growth = (new assets - retired assets) \ OS at the beginning of the year.

The update intensity coefficient is equal to: K int = Departed OS / Incoming OS.

The liquidation ratio is calculated using the formula: K liquidation = fixed assets liquidated / fixed assets as of 01.01.

The replacement coefficient is calculated as follows: K replacement = liquidated OS / new OS.


  • The cost of funds as of 01.01 is 60 thousand.
  • Depreciation - 12 thousand.
  • During the year, new facilities were introduced in the amount of 11.1 thousand.
  • Equipment worth 9.6 thousand was removed from service.
  • The amount of depreciation until full restoration is 6 thousand.

OS at the end of the year is calculated using the formula: OS as of 01.01 + Arrivals - Dismissals = 60 + 11.1 – 9.6 = 61.5 thousand rubles.

The retirement rate is calculated as follows: K retirement = 9.6 / 60 = 0.16. This means that 16% of the equipment was liquidated during the year.


Fixed assets are subject to tax and accounting. During use, the equipment can be transferred to other persons and repaired. Its cost is partially transferred to manufactured products. After full use or as a result of breakdown or sale of assets, fixed assets must be written off.

The decision to liquidate equipment is made by a specially created commission. It also finds the culprits if the departure occurred prematurely. The profit or loss from the transaction is included in the operating activities of the organization. All funds spent on restoring the value of equipment are included in retained earnings.

In order to write off fixed assets, it is necessary to justify that they are no longer able to bring economic benefits to the organization and do not meet the characteristics of a fixed asset. Liquidation of fixed assets occurs for the following reasons:

    moral and physical wear and tear;

    accidents, natural disasters and other emergency situations;

    shortages and damage identified during the inventory of assets and liabilities;

    partial liquidation during reconstruction work.

Physical wear and tear is the deterioration of the technical, economic and social characteristics of an object under the influence of the labor process (intensity, features of technology of use, quantity and quality of repairs, level of aggressiveness external environment etc.).

Obsolescence (depreciation) - the main equipment, in its design, productivity, and efficiency, ceases to meet the requirements for producing products of the required quality.


In order to determine the feasibility of further use of the fixed asset, a commission is created. It includes chief accountant, responsible persons for the safety of fixed assets and other officials. The composition of the commission is being drawn up by order of the manager.

The commission must:

  • inspect the fixed asset subject to write-off and determine the possibility of its further use;
  • establish the reasons for write-off of an asset (physical and moral wear and tear, violation of operating conditions, accidents, natural disasters and others);
  • identify the culprits who are causing the premature disposal of assets:
  • determine the possibility of using individual parts of a retiring asset;
  • draw up OS write-off act.

The commission issues a decision to write off the asset:

  • act of write-off in form OS-4;
  • act on write-off of motor vehicles in form OS-4a;
  • act on the write-off of groups of fixed assets (except for vehicles) in the OS-4b form.

The act is approved by the head of the organization. It is drawn up in two copies: one for the accounting department, the second for the person responsible for the safety of the fixed asset.

IN inventory card a note is made about the disposal of the fixed assets object. The corresponding entries on the disposal of a fixed asset item are also made in a document opened at its location.

Inventory cards for retired fixed assets are stored for a period established by the head of the organization in accordance with the rules for organizing state archival affairs, but not less than five years.

Reflection in accounting

Income and expenses from the disposal of fixed assets are subject to entry into the profit and loss account as other income and expenses and are reflected in accounting in the reporting period to which they relate.

Debit 01 Subaccount “Disposal of fixed assets” Credit 01– the initial cost of the liquidated fixed asset item is written off;

Depreciation for fixed assets is required last time accrue in the month of its disposal. Depreciation is accrued for a full month, regardless of how many days in the last month the fixed asset was on the balance sheet.

Debit 02 Credit 01 Subaccount “Retirement of fixed assets” – the amount of accrued depreciation is written off;

Debit 91-2 Credit 01 Subaccount “Disposal of fixed assets”– the residual value of the liquidated fixed asset item is written off;

Expenses for liquidation of OS

  1. Liquidation of OS is carried out by a special unit, for example, a repair service.

Debit 23 Credit 70 (69….)— expenses for liquidation of fixed assets are reflected;

Debit 91-2 Credit 23— expenses for liquidation of fixed assets are written off.

2. Liquidation is carried out by an organization; there is no special unit

Debit 91-2 Credit 23 (20, 25, …)– expenses associated with the liquidation of a fixed asset item are written off (for example, expenses for dismantling equipment, dismantling a building, etc.);

3. The liquidation is carried out by an engaged contractor

Debit 91-2 Credit 60– expenses for the liquidation of fixed assets carried out by contract are reflected;

Debit 19 Credit 60– reflected VAT claimed by the contractor who carried out the liquidation of the fixed asset.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the costs of liquidating an operating system reduce the taxable profit of the organization.

Parts, components and assemblies of a disposed fixed asset item suitable for the repair of other fixed asset items, as well as other materials, are accounted for at the current market value on the date of write-off of the fixed asset item.

Debit 10 Credit 91-1– materials, scrap, scrap received during the liquidation of fixed assets were capitalized.

At the end of the month, the financial result from the disposal of fixed assets is determined, usually this is a loss:

Debit 99 Credit 91-9— the loss from the liquidation of the operating system is reflected.

Practical example:

  1. The building was dismantled due to dilapidation.

Debit 01 “Disposal of fixed assets” Credit 01-1,150,000 rub. — the original cost of the building is written off.

Debit 02 Credit 01 “Disposal of fixed assets”— 9,500 rub. — accrued depreciation is written off.

Debit 91.2 Credit 01 “Disposal of fixed assets”— 1,140,500 rub. — the residual value of the building is written off.

2. Accrued wages workers for dismantling the building.

Debit 91.2 Credit 70— 16,800 rub.

3. Insurance premiums have been calculated. Tariff for injuries -2.1%.

Debit 91.2 Credit 69(16,800 x 32.1%) - RUB 5,392.80.

4. Services provided to a transport organization for export construction waste from dismantling the warehouse building. Debit 91.2 Credit 60— 3,000 rub.

The VAT claimed by the construction organization is reflected. Debit 19 Credit 68 -540 rub.

5. Wooden parts suitable for fuel were accepted into the warehouse from dismantling the warehouse building. Debit 10 Credit 91.1— 2,800 rub.

6. Financial result from writing off the building:

The loss is reflected. Debit 99 Credit 91.9— RUB 1,162,892.80 (1 140 500 +16 80 0+ 5 392.80 + 3000 - 2 800).

Fixed assets leave the organization in the following cases:
  1. write-off due to unsuitability for further use
  2. external sales
  3. gratuitous transfer
  4. transfers against a contribution to the authorized capital of another organization
  5. property rental, leasing
  6. sales under barter agreements, etc.

Its movement between structural divisions of an organization is not considered a disposal of a fixed asset. Also, if a fixed asset temporarily ceases to be used (for example, due to the need for reconstruction or installation additional equipment), there is no reason to write it off.

The cost of an item of fixed assets that is being retired or is not capable of bringing economic benefits (income) to the organization in the future is subject to write-off. accounting.

If the fixed asset was sold, transferred as a contribution to the authorized capital, or transferred free of charge, write-off acts are not drawn up. This kind of transfer is formalized by Acceptance and Transfer Certificates of fixed assets (Form No. OS-1, No. OS-1a, No. OS-1b).

The initial cost of a fixed asset may change due to partial liquidation of this object(paragraph 2 clause 14 PBU 6/01, paragraph 2 clause 41 Guidelines). In this case, a part of the fixed asset is disposed of.

Costs incurred during the liquidation of part of a fixed asset do not affect its original cost, but are taken into account as part of other expenses.

In accounting, partial liquidation is reflected as follows.

After partial liquidation of a fixed asset, the amount of depreciation charges will change (clause 19 of PBU 6/01, clauses 54, 55, 57 of the Methodological Instructions). In a new way, depreciation begins on the 1st day of the month following the month in which the fixed asset was partially liquidated (clause 21 of PBU 6/01, clause 61 of the Methodological Instructions).

Documents that should guide organizations that are legal entities by law Russian Federation, generating information about fixed assets, are, in particular:
- Accounting Regulations “Accounting for Fixed Assets” PBU 6/01”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2001 N 26n (hereinafter referred to as PBU 6/01);
- Guidelines for accounting of fixed assets, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 13, 2003 N 91n (hereinafter referred to as Guidelines N 91n);
- Chart of accounts for accounting financial and economic activities of organizations and Instructions for its application, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 31, 2000 N 94n (hereinafter referred to as the Chart of Accounts).
Disposal of fixed assets according to clause 29 of PBU 6/01 and clause 76 of Methodological Instructions N 91n occurs in the following cases:
- sales;
- termination of use due to moral or physical wear and tear;
- liquidation in case of an accident, natural disaster and other emergency situation;
- transfers in the form of a contribution to the authorized (share) capital (fund) of another organization, a mutual fund;
- transfers under an agreement of exchange, gift;
- making contributions to the account under a joint activity agreement;
- identifying shortages or damage to assets during their inventory;
- partial liquidation during reconstruction work;
- in other cases.
In all of the above cases a retiring fixed asset item is subject to write-off from the organization's accounting records.
It is recommended that the write-off of the cost of a fixed asset be reflected in a separate sub-account opened to the fixed asset account. The chart of accounts for summarizing the availability and movement of fixed assets is account 01 “Fixed Assets.” To account for the disposal of fixed assets, a subaccount “Disposal of fixed assets” can be opened to account 01.
For example, if an organization uses subaccount 01-1 “Fixed assets in the organization” to account for fixed assets, then subaccount 01-2 “Retirement of fixed assets” can be opened to account for disposal transactions. Further in the article we will use these subaccounts to reflect disposal operations of fixed assets.
The debit of subaccount 01-2 writes off the original (replacement) cost of the fixed asset in correspondence with the corresponding subaccount of the fixed assets accounting account, in our case it is subaccount 01-1. The credit of subaccount 01-2 includes the amount of accrued depreciation for the entire useful life of the fixed asset in correspondence with the debit of account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets". This procedure is established by clause 84 of Methodological Instructions No. 91n.
Upon completion of the disposal procedure, the residual value of the fixed asset is written off from the credit of subaccount 01-2 “Disposal of fixed assets” to the debit of the account for other income and expenses. Other income and expenses, as you know, are accounted for in account 91, provided for these purposes by the Chart of Accounts.
If, as a result of the sale, the proceeds from the sale in accordance with clause 30 of PBU 6/01 are accepted for accounting in the amount agreed upon by the parties in the sale and purchase agreement.
Income and expenses from writing off fixed assets from accounting are reflected in the reporting period to which they relate and are subject to credit to the profit and loss account as other income and expenses, as defined in clause 31 of PBU 6/01, clause 86 of the Methodological instructions No. 91n.
Accounting for income and expenses of organizations for accounting purposes is carried out in accordance with the rules established by:
- Accounting Regulations “Income of the Organization” (PBU 9/99)”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 6, 1999 N 32n (hereinafter referred to as PBU 9/99);
- Accounting Regulations “Organization Expenses” (PBU 10/99)”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 6, 1999 N 33n (hereinafter referred to as PBU 10/99).
The issue of the procedure for reflecting in accounting the disposal of fixed assets in the case when a participant (property owner) does not make a decision to reduce the contribution to the organization’s capital is discussed in Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 19, 2010 N 07-02-06/22. In the above situation, based on PBU 6/01, income and expenses from writing off fixed assets from accounting are subject to credit to the profit and loss account as other income and expenses.
Proceeds from the sale of fixed assets based on clause 7 of PBU 9/99 are other income of the organization. The amount of receipts is determined in a manner similar to the procedure provided for in clause 6 of PBU 9/99 (clause 10.1 of PBU 9/99), in other words, revenue is accepted for accounting in an amount calculated in monetary terms equal to the amount of cash receipts and other property excluding VAT, excise taxes, export duties and other similar mandatory payments.
Expenses associated with the sale of fixed assets, in accordance with clause 11 of PBU 10/99, are other expenses of the organization. The amount of expenses is determined in a manner similar to the procedure provided for in clause 6 of PBU 10/99 (clause 14.1 of PBU 10/99), that is, expenses are accepted for accounting in an amount calculated in monetary terms equal to the amount of payment in cash and other forms or the amount of accounts payable.
Expenses in accordance with clause 18 of PBU 10/99 are recognized in the reporting period in which they occurred, regardless of the time of actual payment of funds and other form of implementation (assuming the temporary certainty of the facts of economic activity).
An organization may receive both profit and loss as a result of the sale of a fixed asset. Both profit and loss are determined on the date of the transaction, that is, taken into account at a time.
Other income and expenses, as we noted above, are accounted for in account 91 “Other income and expenses”. During the reporting period, the credit of this account reflects receipts related to the sale of fixed assets; the debit of the account reflects the residual value of assets for which depreciation is charged.
It is recommended to open sub-accounts for account 91 “Other income and expenses”:
91-1 “Other income” to account for the receipt of assets recognized as other income;
91-2 “Other expenses” for accounting for other expenses;
91-9 "Balance of other income and expenses."
Analytical accounting for account 91 “Other income and expenses” should be carried out for each type of other income and expenses, organizing the construction of analytical accounting for other income and expenses related to the same business transaction in such a way as to ensure the possibility of identifying the financial result for each operations.
When selling a fixed asset, VAT must be charged on the sales amount, since in accordance with clause 1 of Art. 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the sale of goods (work, services) on the territory of the Russian Federation is recognized as an object of VAT taxation. According to the Chart of Accounts, the amount of accrued VAT should be reflected in account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees” in a special subaccount “Calculations for value added tax”. The VAT amount is calculated on the credit of account 68 in correspondence with the debit of account 91 “Other income and expenses”, subaccount 91-2 “Other expenses”.
The disposal of a fixed asset due to its sale or transfer to another organization is formalized by the organization using acts of forms N N OS-1, OS-1a, OS-1b. Often, organizations selling fixed assets individuals, they ask whether in this case it is necessary to draw up a transfer and acceptance certificate. In Letter No. 26-12/33266 of the Department of Tax Administration of Russia for Moscow dated May 17, 2004, it was explained that the accounting rules for fixed assets provide for the mandatory execution of a transfer and acceptance certificate when selling an object of fixed assets, regardless of to whom the specified asset is sold.

Example . An organization that is a VAT taxpayer sells an item of fixed assets in March, the contractual value of which is 215,350 rubles. (including VAT - 32,850 rubles).
The initial cost of the object is 421,200 rubles. When accepting the object for accounting, the organization established a useful life of 5 years, the actual service life at the time of sale was 36 months. Depreciation was calculated using the linear method, the amount of accrued depreciation was 252,720 rubles, the residual value of the object was 168,480 rubles.
In the accounting records of the organization, transactions for the sale of fixed assets will be reflected as follows:
Debit 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" (62 "Settlements with buyers and customers") Credit 91-1 "Other income"
- 215,350 rub. - the contractual value of the sold fixed asset is reflected in other income;
Debit 91-2 “Other expenses” Credit 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees”
- 32,850 rub. - VAT is charged on the sales amount;

- 421,200 rub. - the disposal of fixed assets as a result of sale is reflected;

- 252,720 rub. - the amount of depreciation accrued during the operation of the facility is written off;
Debit 91-2 "Other expenses" Credit 01-2 "Disposal of fixed assets"
- 168,480 rub. - the residual value of the sold fixed asset is written off;
Debit 51 “Settlements” Credit 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” (62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”)
- 172,280 rub. - arrived cash from the buyer;

- 14,020 rub. (215,350 - 32,850 - 168,480) - profit from the sale of fixed assets is reflected.

The financial result from the sale of a fixed asset is not always profit. An organization may also receive a loss, which is taken into account in accounting at a time.
With regard to the sale of fixed assets requiring state registration, the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 26, 2008 N 03-05-05-01/75 noted that the selling organization cannot write off real estate recorded as part of fixed assets from its balance sheet. the object of sale before recognizing the proceeds from its sale in accounting, including the transfer of the corresponding right to the specified real estate object to the purchasing organization.
If a fixed asset is written off due to cessation of use due to physical or moral wear and tear, then the write-off must be preceded by certain procedures that will determine the feasibility of further use of the fixed asset and the possibility of its restoration.
For these purposes, in accordance with paragraph 77 of Methodological Instructions No. 91n, a commission is created in the organization by order of the head, consisting of relevant officials, including the chief accountant, as well as the person responsible for the safety of fixed assets in the organization, whose competence includes:
- inspection of the fixed asset subject to write-off using the necessary technical documentation, as well as accounting data, establishing the feasibility (suitability) of further use of the object, the possibility and effectiveness of its restoration;
- establishing the reasons for write-off (physical and moral wear and tear, violation of operating conditions, accidents, natural disasters and other emergency situations, long-term non-use of the facility for production of products, performance of work and services, or for management needs, etc.);
- identifying persons through whose fault the premature disposal of fixed assets occurs, making proposals to bring these persons to responsibility established by law;
- the possibility of using individual components, parts, materials of retired fixed assets and their assessment based on the current market value;
- drawing up an act for writing off fixed assets.
The write-off of the cost of a fixed asset is reflected in accounting, as already noted, in subaccount 01-2, the debit of which is written off the initial (replacement) cost of the fixed asset, and the credit is the amount of depreciation accrued over the useful life of the object. Upon completion of the disposal procedure, the residual value is written off from the credit of subaccount 01-2 to the debit of the profit and loss account as other expenses, as defined in clause 84 of Methodological Instructions No. 91n.
Income and expenses from writing off fixed assets from accounting, as in the case of sale, are reflected in the reporting period to which they relate and are subject to credit to the profit and loss account as other income and expenses (clause 31 of PBU 6/01).
Parts, components and assemblies of retiring fixed assets suitable for repairing similar fixed assets, as well as other materials on the basis of clause 79 of Methodological Instructions N 91n are accepted for accounting at the current market value in the debit of account 10 “Materials” in correspondence with the credit of account 99 "Profits and losses" as other income.
Expenses associated with the disposal of fixed assets are recorded in the debit of account 99 as other expenses. These expenses can be preliminarily taken into account on account 23 “Auxiliary production” if the dismantling of the fixed asset was carried out by an auxiliary unit of the organization. On the credit of account 99, as other income, the amount of proceeds from the sale of valuables related to the disposed fixed asset, the cost of those accepted for accounting, is taken into account material assets received from dismantling fixed assets at the price of possible use.

Example . The organization decided to write off production equipment as a result of its physical wear and tear. The liquidation commission appointed by order of the director of the organization indicated in the write-off act that the initial cost of the equipment was 300,000 rubles, the useful life when accepted for accounting was set to 5 years, depreciation was accrued in full. Equipment repair is not practical.
The costs of auxiliary production for dismantling equipment amounted to 14,820 rubles. When dismantling the production equipment, spare parts were obtained that could be used in the future, the cost of which amounted to 18,000 rubles.
In the accounting records of the organization, the write-off of equipment is reflected in the following accounting entries:
Debit 01-2 "Disposal of fixed assets" Credit 01-1 "Fixed assets in the organization"
- 300,000 rub. - the initial cost of production equipment taken out of service due to physical wear and tear has been written off;
Debit 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets" Credit 01-2 "Disposal of fixed assets"
- 300,000 rub. - the amount of accrued depreciation is written off;
Debit 91-2 “Other income and expenses” Credit 23 “Auxiliary production”
- 14,820 rub. - expenses of auxiliary dismantling production are written off;
Debit 10 "Materials" Credit 91-1 "Other income and expenses"
- 18,000 rub. - spare parts received during equipment dismantling are taken into account;
Debit 91-9 “Balance of other income and expenses” Credit 99 “Profits and losses”
- 3180 rub. - reflects the profit received as a result of writing off production equipment from accounting.

One fixed asset, as you know, can have several parts with different terms useful use, significantly different from each other. In this case, each part is accounted for as an independent inventory item and is assigned a separate inventory number. Disposal of individual parts that are part of the facility, having different period beneficial use and accounted for as separate inventory items, on the basis of clause 83 of Methodological Instructions No. 91n, is drawn up in a manner similar to that stated above.

Fixed assets during operation are subject to wear and tear, become obsolete morally and physically, are bought, sold, exchanged, transferred by various reasons to third party organizations. The disposal of fixed assets in organizations occurs as a result of:

  • Sales of fixed assets
  • Liquidation in case of accidents, natural disasters, thefts
  • Write-offs due to their further unsuitability
  • Free transfers
  • Leasing of fixed assets
  • Contribution to the authorized capital of a third party organization

In order to determine the expediency of the unsuitability of a fixed asset, a commission is created, which includes equipment specialists and an accountant. They inspect and establish the reason for the write-off of the fixed asset, identify the perpetrators, consider the possibility of further use of parts of the written-off object, monitor the removal from them precious metals. Then they draw up a write-off act, which is signed by the members of the commission, approved by the manager and transferred to the accounting department.

Basic transactions for the disposal of fixed assets reflect the write-off of the asset at its original cost. When an object is sold, the amount of accrued depreciation is written off, the amount of VAT on revenue is taken into account, and upon exchange, obligations are offset at the contract value. IN accounting entries reflect the write-off of the residual value, the amount of accumulated depreciation and all costs associated with the disposal of fixed assets during write-off, liquidation and gratuitous transfer.

So on account 01, the accountant allocates subaccount 01/1 - disposal of fixed assets and makes entries: D- 01/1 K 02 0 for the amount of accrued depreciation and D-01 K 01/1 for the amount of the original cost. Then account 01/1 accumulates the residual value of the fixed asset, which upon disposal is written off to

When selling and leasing fixed assets, the result from the disposal of fixed assets will credit the proceeds from the sale to the profit account.

Disposal of fixed assets takes into account those remaining after the dismantling and disassembly of the facility. Materials are purchased at market prices. When writing off fixed assets after accidents, fires and other natural disasters, it is necessary to take into account that losses are partially compensated by insurance organizations, by reserve capital and by the perpetrators in case of thefts or shortages.

The disposal of fixed assets is formalized - an act for writing off OS-4 upon liquidation, write-off due to the impossibility of its further use. When selling, transferring to the authorized capital, or gratuitously donating fixed assets, a transfer and acceptance certificate OS-1 is drawn up. When returning a leased object and when moving within workshops and other divisions of the enterprise, an invoice for internal movement is filled out, but such movements are not a disposal of fixed assets.

The disposal of fixed assets always requires additional costs, which are reflected in the form of expense transactions and collected on account 23, or 91 accounts at once. That is, the credit account is 10, 68, 69, 70, and the debit account is 91, subaccount other expenses. All transactions related to profit from revenue from the sale of objects are reflected in accounts 50, 51, 62 debit and 91 credit in the other income subaccount.

Both income and expenses on disposal of fixed assets are always reflected in the current reporting period. Account 91 collects the financial result from the disposal of objects in the organization. If the account's credit is greater than its debit, then the company has a profit, and if it is less, it has a loss. The financial result from the disposal of fixed assets from account 91 at the end of each month is written off to account 99.

When disposing of fixed assets, a corresponding note is made on the inventory card indicating their deregistration. Cards are stored at the enterprise for at least five years.



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