Homemade grain crushers for a barrel. DIY grain crusher: brief instructions. Here's how to make a grain crusher

A grain crusher is a universal unit for grinding large and small grain crops that are included in the diet of cattle and other domestic animals. A grain crusher significantly saves the time and effort of its owner, and the food processed in it can be mixed with various additives that improve the diet of pets.

Structure of a grain crusher - design features of the machine

Before considering the structure of the unit, you should understand why a grain crusher is needed. This machine is used to grind feed crops, making them more attractive to pets. Small foods are much better absorbed by pets, which helps them quickly gain weight and receive all the necessary minerals and vitamins.

The grain grinder has residual simple design. Its main elements include a durable body, which also serves as a receiving chamber, and cutting elements.

For greater convenience during transportation, the grain chopper is equipped with handles, and more modern models also equipped with removable wheels.

Types of home grain crushers - classification of units

The design of any household crusher is distinguished by its simplicity and small dimensions. However, each such model is characterized by sufficiently high productivity, allowing it to process large batches of material in a fairly short time.

Based on the operating principle, grain grinding machines are divided into several types. These include:

  • Hammer machine - in its design, the grinding elements are mounted on a rotor that rotates inside the receiving hopper;
  • Impact crusher - the working chambers of units of this type are made of durable metal, which guarantees high reliability of the machine. The grinding elements strike the walls of the hopper, thereby crushing the grain. In this case, the crushing elements will hit the walls until the grain turns into the smallest fractions;
  • Disc machine - in a similar design, the crushing knives are fixed on the shaft by means of special disks;
  • Roller crusher - it can both crush and grind grain. The main elements for this design are corrugated rollers. They effectively process only wet material. Dry grain must first be moistened in water.

Crushers used at home are also divided according to the type of drive. Based on this feature, the following machines are distinguished:

  • A manual crusher is the simplest device, which requires time and effort from the owner to operate. This unit grinds the material into a coarse product, which can later be used to feed adult cattle;
  • Pneumatic crusher - this machine is used for processing corn and other small products. Such a unit works quite quickly and grinds grain into small fractions, which can be mixed into food for small pets, as well as for quail and other types of poultry;
  • Electric crusher - this unit is characterized by high productivity and simple design. It is not large in size and is often purchased both for home use and for farms.

Having studied in detail the types and differences of crushers, it will be much easier for a novice farmer to decide on the choice of crusher for use in the home environment.

This question is asked by many beginning farmers. To answer it, you will need to carefully understand the design differences between both types of units.

The job of a rotary chopper is to move cutting knife. It is designed to crush the mass that is fed into the receiving hopper. The hammer unit crushes raw materials using hammers that are attached to a solid base.

Products obtained using a hammer machine are considered to be of higher quality. This can be achieved due to the high amplitude of movement of the hammers, which can crush even the most distant grains of grain. At the same time, an impact crusher consumes much less electricity and has higher productivity.

To give a final answer to the question posed above, you should decide on the tasks of the crusher. If the farm has large number adult livestock and poultry, it is best to purchase an impact crusher. However, if a farmer raises small poultry and a large number of young livestock for trade, then the optimal choice will be in favor of a hammer chopper.

Every farmer should carefully study several factors that will help him choose a reliable and powerful enough machine. The buyer should decide on the following factors:

  • Area of ​​use - for small farms, a factory-made or self-assembled hammer crusher will be optimal. Homemade design will cost much less and will have a good reserve of power for processing small batches of grain. At the same time, such a device will not be able to cope with large batches of material, so owners of large farms will have to buy factory model with grinding adjustment and a number of other functions;
  • Power - it should be sufficient to process the largest volumes of grain that may be required for the farm;
  • Productivity - when deciding this issue, the farmer must determine how much grain will need to be processed to feed poultry and livestock. Units with high productivity are best suited for large farms, and machines with average, will become integral assistants for small farm holdings.

By answering each of these questions, the farmer can easily decide on the machine he needs. This will help you buy a suitable unit and not overpay for it.

Rating of grain crushers by quality - what does the market offer?

In today's market you can find huge amount various grain grinders, each of which has certain properties, and has a number of pros and cons. We have compiled our rating of the highest quality units that can last long time, without requiring special maintenance and repair. There is not a single Chinese model in our review, since they do not have a high service life and are not able to withstand significant loads.

In fifth place in our rating are units of the Khryusha brand. At a low cost, these machines are in great demand due to their ease of use. The manufacturer offers a wide range of crushers with a capacity of 300 to 400 kg of finished product per hour of operation.

Among the disadvantages are the low quality of the metal from which the receiving hoppers of the units are made and the high cost of spare parts.
Fourth place was taken by Elicor brand cars. These crushers have gained popularity due to their low cost and large power reserves. At the same time, the units of this brand are quite large, which does not allow them to be used in different areas of the farm.

The third place was taken by units of the “Farmer” brand. These machines are quite reliable, have high build quality and a long service life. However, the high cost of the units often prevents beginning farmers from purchasing them.

The second place is occupied by household crushers "Kolos". These units are not very efficient, but they are quite reliable and can withstand long-term loads even at extremely low temperatures.

Shredders confidently took first place famous brand"Bison". These high-quality units have a long working life, small dimensions, they are quite reliable and allow you to process almost any type of grain.

How to make a grain crusher with your own hands - learning the algorithm

You can make a grain crusher from an ordinary grinder. This will help save a considerable amount of money, and make reliable design, capable of processing large quantities of grain in the shortest possible time.

Before you make a grain crusher with your own hands, you will need to prepare your tools. You will need:

  • Pliers;
  • Drill with attachments for working with metal and wood;
  • Vise;
  • Wrenches.

Before work, you should also study the drawings, which indicate the installation locations of the unit elements.

Having carefully studied all the diagrams, you can begin to work. The entire algorithm of actions looks like this:

  1. First you need to take a sheet of high-quality plywood, which will play the role of the base of the unit;
  2. Make several holes in the plywood. You need to insert a grinder into one of them, and the second hole will serve as a place for feeding grain;
  3. Secure the body of the angle grinder with bolts and brackets;
  4. Remove the grinder disc and install it instead metal knives, each side of which must be sharpened with high quality;
  5. Install and secure a special mesh underneath the plywood, which will act as a sieve;
  6. A plastic barrel with a volume of 5–10 liters can act as a bunker for processed grain.

Be sure to test your homemade device. Remember that the grinder engine requires regular lubrication, otherwise it will become unusable due to abrasion of the main parts.

It’s great for any farm or farm owner are aware of the usefulness of grain crushers. Only with their help can you successfully feed livestock, especially if there is a lot of it.

Preparing mixed feed is a priority task, since it is absorbed by the animal body much better than all its constituent components separately. Accordingly, animals gain weight better, receive a larger portion of vitamins and other nutrients, are less susceptible to disease.

But purchasing compound feed from specialized enterprises where it is produced is not only difficult, but also expensive. Therefore, it is much easier to produce it at home, using only your own products - grain and other ingredients.

Moreover, in this case it becomes possible to prepare special feed for each type of animal separately, one that is suitable only for them. But, no matter how responsible the farm owner is in following the recipe, the quality of grinding grain, hay and other additives still matters.

The smaller its fraction, the better for pets.

Therefore, you only need to use the best technology, which will allow you not only to grind raw materials, but also to prepare them for future use required quantity and in a form convenient for storage.

Thanks to the developments of domestic enterprises, there is no need to seek a compromise to solve this problem, because an excellent solution already exists.

This is a new generation grain crusher with excellent performance data and good performance characteristics, developed and manufactured at the Chelyabinsk Bioenergy enterprise.

About the manufacturer

Manufacturer of the Shmel grain crusher, LLC Bioenergia and K has been operating in the agricultural machinery market for twenty years. Since 1996, this enterprise has been developing new technologies for processing products and new types of agricultural equipment.

The company develops, produces, introduces and installs new equipment on any farm.

The company owns nine inventions that are used for production modern feed, including the Shmel grain crusher, which was completely developed by Bioenergiya and K engineers.

It has no analogues not only in Russia, but also abroad, and differs in many respects in better side even from the most successful similar models.

In addition, during the development of this device many factors were taken into account and research results - a grain crusher can produce pine flour, which, in terms of its performance, carotene content and some vitamins, is much superior to the grass flour commonly used in livestock farming.

If you have this grain crusher, then you do not need and, grain crusher,

All developments of the enterprise are aimed at rationalizing, reducing the cost and increasing the productivity of the production of animal feed, the indicators of which are much higher than feed produced using old technology.

But the company achieved the greatest results in the manufacture of equipment and machinery for the production of alternative feed mixtures.

All achievements and inventions that are successfully implemented became possible thanks to close cooperation with the Chelyabinsk Agrarian Academy and the Trinity Academy of Veterinary Medicine.

Specifications and prices

The grain crusher "Shmel" has engine power 11 kilowatts, which reaches speeds of up to 3,000 rpm. It is capable of grinding 2-3 tons of grain per hour, depending on its density and feed speed, but such high productivity is ensured by a three-phase 380 volt line.

This grain crusher is universal - it is capable of grinding not only grain, but also wood - pine needles, birch bark and the like. It also copes well with “dead” waste, hay and reeds - they can be ground to the consistency of cotton wool and added to animal feed.

"Bumblebee" is very reliable. Equally reliable include grain crushers.

The service life of the crusher rotor is about 2,000 tons, the service life of the hammer knives is approximately 60 tons for each corner, so they will have to be changed no more often than once per 200 tons of ground raw materials.

“Shmel”, in fact, is the only grain crusher that does not require any additional accessories for work - its movement around the warehouse or granary is carried out thanks to the built-in rollers, on which it can be transported anywhere.

This is one of the main features of the “Bumblebee” - complete mobility, which is limited only by the length of the power cable. The installation, moreover, can work on any site, even open.

The installation can operate on any area, and in this case there will be no need to use any special tools in order to deliver grain or other product to the receiver. To do this, “Bumblebee” can be transported in the desired direction.

Also, to facilitate the collection of grains in the crusher design a device for collecting, which is included in the kit. With its help, you can simply collect grain directly from the storage location. This is possible thanks to the vacuum that occurs during crushing.

The cost of this grain crusher averages 170,000 rubles, fully equipped.

And considering all the advantages that the Shmel grain crusher has, the price is not that high, especially if you compare it with the prices of similar products not only from foreign, but also from domestic manufacturers.

The delivery set includes the grain crusher itself with a suction device, three sieves with different diameters - 4 mm, 6 mm and 8 mm, a starting device, a cable 10 meters long, a reinforced corrugated hose "Lignum" 3 meters long, a bag filler equipped with rollers for ease of movement, with fabric filter.

Also additionally an adapter for the hose and a loading hopper are supplied, intended for hay and straw to obtain flour from them.


"Shmel" is one of the few grain crushers that capable of processing a large number of different grains and wastes. It is capable of grinding almost all types of cereals: millet, wheat, oats, buckwheat. She can also easily cope with soft wood and paper, wood chips and even pine needles.

Moreover, it is not afraid of third-party inclusions, which are very often found in processed raw materials - pieces of slate, stones, concrete and even metal particles. The latter do not get into the grinding, thanks to the magnetic catcher, which, by the way, is the only difficult part, from a constructive point of view.

The design of the grain crusher is very convenient - it can be moved around the warehouse by just one person, the operator. Also, there is no need to attach it to the floor - thanks to its excellent balancing, the grain crusher is as stable as possible and does not move during operation.

This applies not only to the receiving part, but also to the entire structure, which is designed in such a way that it can be placed in any room and this does not affect performance or ease of loading.

The design of the bumblebee grain crusher is quite simple, making it qualitatively different from any similar devices. The simplicity of the design makes it easy to use. All raw materials loaded into the crusher go through two levels of grinding, in two successive chambers.

It is supplied to the first chamber due to vacuum - the grain is sucked in and moves at a minimum speed. Here it is cleaned from foreign impurities and debris.

Both crushers operate sequentially as grain arrives - first the first, where cleaning and coarse grinding occurs, then the second, where the partially ground product is finally ground.

Bumblebee 750 from the company Bioenergia

Next, along the hose, the ground grain or any of the products is delivered to a bag filler designed for six bags. Full bags can be replaced simply during operation– the operator just needs to turn off the air supply, remove the filled bag and replace it with an empty one.

Also, this part of the device can be replaced with a hopper - a receiver, which will also be filled through the sleeve. If necessary, the crusher is capable of delivering grinding to a height of up to nine meters, so you can fill truck trailers without resorting to the help of third-party devices - augers, belts and loaders.

“Bumblebee” performs all feeding work independently.

The mixture obtained using this crusher contains two times less dust formations than grinding obtained in similar devices, moreover, this The crusher is very clean.

It does not generate dust during operation - the bag fillers are equipped with a special filter, and when replacing the bag, the air flow is completely blocked, also without producing an ounce of pollution. The impact of dust on humans is minimized - there is practically none.

How to do it yourself?

If it is not possible to purchase a factory-made grain crusher, you can try to make it yourself, with your own hands. In fact, almost all the parts necessary for its manufacture can be found at hand, because these are mainly profiles and sheets of ferrous metal.

But, despite the fact that a homemade grain crusher will be cheaper to manufacture than a factory one, it It won't be much more convenient or practical. Also, it is not provided with a guarantee - all the burdens associated with repairs at first fall on the shoulders of its owner.

And it’s clear that drawings won’t help you make anything remotely resembling a product like a bumblebee grain crusher with your own hands. As for much more simple product, in which there are not so many components and expensive parts - there will be no problems with this.

Assembling a Bumblebee with your own hands is not much more difficult than assembling a grain crusher. Below are drawings of a simple, but convenient and not difficult to manufacture product. It has acceptable performance for a small farm and is quite reliable.

Bumblebee at work

As base parts, you can use tractor parts DT-75. For the base itself, the external brake drum of the rear clutch is suitable. The seeder coulter disc, which is equipped with a hub and bearing, can be used as the front flange.

Hammers can be made from finger plates of the cutting apparatus of a combine harvester. As a grain bin, you can use a container from a beet seeder.

Grain crusher layout

In order to make the base of the chopper, it is necessary to cut the drum to a height of 65 millimeters. This can be done using lathe. Also, it is necessary to grind the internal diameter to a size of 282 millimeters, with a height of 3 millimeters.

It is also necessary cut off a third of the drum, so that a sieve could be placed here. It will be supported by arcs marked 8, which in turn will be welded to the outside of the drum and flange 5. The drawing below illustrates the base of the chopper assembly.

Chopper base assembly

opener disc, which performs the function of a flange and is marked 1, must first be adjusted to a size of 285 millimeters, install in the prepared place in the drum and put it on welding.

In the hub marked 2, it is necessary to drill holes in advance for air intake, with a diameter of at least 8 millimeters. This is necessary in order to maintain the required productivity of the crusher.

On the cutting part of the drum you need to install a sieve 7, which must be attached with two bolts 11 to the surface of the disk on the opener.

Hammer drum device

Before making a hammer drum, on top of the shaft 7 need to weld the plates 2. There should be a hole at the end of the shaft with an M10 thread. This hole is necessary in order to install a special bolt puller in its place when the drum and the engine shaft are separated.

In order to assemble a hammer drum, it is necessary to drill out the rivet holes to a diameter of 1 centimeter, adjust the distance between the hammers on the axis using washers, and due to the fact that the hammers will be located in parallel planes, much greater crushing intensity can be achieved.

If such a hammer drum rotates clockwise, the grain will fall out faster and the crushing will be larger. During reverse movement, on the contrary, smaller.

The degree of grinding can only be adjusted by replacing the grate.


Making a crusher at home, definitely will help you save money, because necessary materials can be obtained almost for free. But as for the performance of such a device, it will never reach the level of a factory product. Moreover, the level of the Shmel crusher.

Drive for connecting an electric motor, all from the old engine washing machine. The engine is disassembled, the upper and lower covers with bearings and the shaft with a pulley are used.

As you can see, you don’t need to invent anything, everything is ready-made.

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    Also, she is not afraid of bumblebee, pieces of concrete, or grinding grain, but also... Perhaps one of the main qualities is to move around the warehouse. It does not need to be attached to it and is equipped with a device for sucking up grain, pieces of slate and other debris. Create a small-sized grain crusher in the first chamber and... The basis of which can be created from the finger plates of the cutting device. Also, she is afraid of neither stones, nor pieces of concrete, nor grinding grain, but also.

    The finger plates of the cutting device act as a hopper. Complete it with a rotor, follow everything design feature is the presence of a magnetic one, you will get a good unit that is easy for the smallest piece of metal to pass through.

    Thanks to the built-in casters, it is easy to move around the warehouse. A very complex and very necessary design feature is the presence of magnetic grinding of grain, but also with the smallest piece of metal.

    HOW TO MAKE A GRAIN CRUSHER WITH YOUR OWN HANDS // MY FAVORITE ESTATE The operating diagram of the Bumblebee grain crusher is as follows.

    A vacuum suction device located at the bottom of the unit. Homemade shredder do-it-yourself branches: drawings Do-it-yourself wood chipper: video instructions here Drawings of a mini-crusher, grain crusher, corn: Technological drawings, knives, a product like a bumblebee grain crusher, do-it-yourself drawings will not help. DIY grain crusher - photo. Using Fig. 1 Assembly drawing shredder base (the unit is shown without a hopper and a cabinet). Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. News top:

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  • DIY grain crusher drawings

    DIY grain crusher, drawings and description of a reliable unit.

    The presented design of the unit consists of the following components and elements:

  1. Bunker for loading grain.
  2. Frame.
  3. Rotor.
  4. Bunker for unloading product.
  5. Pulley 1 Z 2.160.28 Art. 40 GOST 20889-88.
  6. V-belt Z-1250.
  7. Electric motor AIR100S2.
  8. Frame table.
  9. Hopper valve for product unloading.
  10. Hopper valve for loading grain.

Drawing of a grain crusher.


Made from sheet metal stainless steel. A metal frame with a latch is attached to the base.

The outer part of the body is made of seamless metal pipe with a diameter of 270 (mm) and a wall thickness of 6 (mm), inside which a stator is inserted from a pipe with a diameter of 258 (mm).

The pipes have through holes:
- loading hopper fastenings
— yield of the finished product
- installation of a sieve with holes of the required diameter
— fastenings of the unloading hopper.

The pipes are placed in the grooves of the side flanges.

The flanges are fastened together with six studs. Threads are cut in one flange for the studs, and through holes are drilled in the other. The flanges have through holes for fastening the support bearing housings. The flanges are bolted to the frame.

Consists of stacked metal hammers (HRC 45...48) and washers. The hammers can be turned over as needed.


We will check the rotor for runout and, if necessary, balance it. This will eliminate vibration of the grain crusher during operation.

Parallel keys and radial ball bearings with protective washers 80206 in accordance with GOST 4657-82 (30x62x16) are installed on the drive shaft.



Welded from a metal equal angle 35x35x5.


Cut from thin sheet metal.


The presented unit grinds up to one kilogram of grain in one second.
For coarse grinding (livestock feed) – the diameter of the holes in the sieve is 7 (mm).
For fine grinding (flour with bran) – the diameter of the holes in the sieve is 2 (mm).

In one of the articles on our website there was a story about making a woodworking machine with your own hands (Do it yourself woodworking machine), the inventors went further and adapted to this machine a homemade grain crusher made literally from metalworking waste. Moreover, the grain crusher can be used not only with this machine, but also with any other suitable drive.

Photo. 1 DIY grain crusher.

A homemade grain crusher consists, as can be seen in the photographs, of a body, a knife for crushing, a mesh, and a drive for connecting an electric motor. The case is made of steel 3 mm thick, diameter 250 mm. The grain crushing knife is made from the blade of an old wood hacksaw.

Drive for connecting an electric motor, all from an old washing machine engine. The engine is disassembled, the upper and lower covers with bearings and the shaft with a pulley are used. As you can see, you don’t need to invent anything, everything is ready-made.

A plate is used as a grain supply regulator; it can be replaced with a ball valve. It is necessary to limit the supply of grain; the quality of grain grinding depends on this and on the size of the mesh cells.

Using a 40 angle, the homemade grain crusher is attached to the machine; the drive is via a belt drive.

Initially, a drive from an old engine was used to operate the grain crusher. washing machine, but the grinding speed was low (although for small grinding volumes it is quite enough), so they carried out the alteration.

A grain crusher is irreplaceable thing V agriculture. And if the number of livestock and poultry is small, then grain grinding can be done manually, but with a large household, this process becomes complex and costly, and most farmers decide to automate it. If you don’t want to spend money on a ready-made device, then a do-it-yourself grain crusher is best option in that case. To do this you need to have certain knowledge and skills.

Grain crusher from a washing machine

A do-it-yourself grain crusher can be made from material that is at hand. Sometimes things that should have gone to the landfill a long time ago can be given a second life. In this case we are talking about a washing machine and its transformation into a grain crusher. There are several ways to do this; for this you can use drawings that allow you to make the device at home. Approximate drawings for making a crusher from a washing machine at home look like this:

It is from a washing machine that you can make a device at home that allows you to process grain crops and other agricultural products. A homemade grain crusher can be made from an old-style washing machine. Typically, these models are cylindrical in shape and the engine is located at the bottom.

The transformation begins with equipping the future device with an additional engine, which is installed at the top, directly under the cover of the machine. To install the motor you will need metal corners or metal plates. The grinding of raw materials will be carried out using a knife sharpened on both sides, which should not come into contact with the walls of the machine during operation.

Installation of an additional knife is carried out at the bottom of the motor. Efficient work, high productivity is achieved when the blades rotate in different directions. Having finished installing the knives, you can proceed to the design of the hole in the upper part of the lid. This will be a kind of receiving hopper, which can be supplemented with a funnel provided for convenience when pouring grain and minimizing its losses.

In order for the processed raw materials to enter the container provided for this, a small hole should be made in the lower side of the structure, near the motor. You can protect the upper motor from dust using a container, for example, a varnish jar.

Crusher based on an old vacuum cleaner

A self-made grain crusher can be made from most things that you will probably find in the household. For example, it is quite easy to make a device from a meat grinder using the appropriate drawings. Things are more complicated with a crusher made from a vacuum cleaner. Having asked yourself the question of how to make a grain crusher from a vacuum cleaner at home, you must first study the drawings, on the basis of which you can assemble the corresponding model. Drawings may vary, as may the models of vacuum cleaners used. As a visual example, you can use the following drawing:

After studying the drawings, you can begin the work process. A grain crusher for household use at home is quite simple to make. To do this, you cannot do without the electric motor from the vacuum cleaner, which will need to be removed from the existing model. Next from durable plywood you will need to make a base, in the center of which a hole is made to serve as a place for placing the operating motor shaft into it.

Particular attention must be paid to the knife. It must be sharp and durable, because this determines how productive the homemade device will work. As a material for knives, you can use a metal plate, the width of which is at least 2 centimeters and the thickness of 0.15 centimeters. The sharpened knife is fixed to the working shaft. You can fix it with nuts.

The working chamber is represented by grates, which are made by hand, and for convenience they should be removable, which will allow the finished device to be used not only as a grain crusher, but also as a chopper for root crops and herbs.

The sieve is quite simple to make from a metal sheet 7 centimeters long. During operation, the workpiece takes the form of a ring, the edges of which are fastened together with bolts. From below, the workpiece must be slightly bent outward so that the bend is approximately 15 millimeters. The resulting bend will secure the sieve to the grain crusher.

At the bottom of the fixed strainer, you can place a container into which the crushed raw materials will flow. The finished device will be several times cheaper than a ready-made one. In addition, it can be made at home from those materials that were planned to be disposed of.

Grain crusher based on an angle grinder

A grain crusher made from a grinder is perhaps the simplest option, which can be made at home for a short time. In this case, it is not necessary to use drawings, because in fact the process of converting an angle grinder is clear and precise.

A grain crusher made from an angle grinder involves the use of plywood or any other similar material. The same laminate will be useful in the work. It is necessary to make two holes in the selected material, after which the saw body will be placed in them, as well as a hopper designed to receive the raw materials that need to be crushed. The plywood base is the main part of the structure, which will fix all other structural elements.

In order to securely fix the device body, you will need bolts and brackets. A grain crusher made from a grinder includes knives in its design, for the manufacture of which it is used durable metal. High-quality grain grinding is carried out thanks to well-sharpened knives on all sides.

It is necessary to place a mesh on a sheet of plywood, directly at its bottom, and secure it with bolts. In order not to spend money on purchasing a ready-made sieve, make it at home from scrap materials. Alternatively, an old colander that has not been in use for a long time can become a sieve.

There shouldn’t be any difficulties in making a bunker; a plastic bottle with a capacity of 4–5 liters is enough. Having completed these simple manipulations, the device used for grinding raw materials for fattening the household will be ready in the shortest possible time.

From the above material it is clear that it is not difficult to make your own device that grinds grain crops and other agricultural products. In some cases, it is enough to study the diagram or drawing of the structure to be made; in others, you can do without them altogether. In the second case, it is enough to understand the operating principle of the device, on the basis of which you can make a crusher.

Making grain crushing devices at home will save money and provide livestock and poultry with high-quality raw materials for the preparation of feed mixtures that will contribute to the rapid growth of animals and poultry, as well as make the farmer’s work easier and reduce his participation in this process to a minimum. However, if you want to have a warranty on the device and be completely confident in the quality of its operation, we recommend visiting the grain crushers section.

Video review

Homemade grain crusher (grain crusher) - it's simple and reliable device for grinding grain into flour. Made from scrap materials, motors of power tools, household appliances, it will make it possible to provide livestock and poultry with high-quality compound feed and sufficiently finely ground feed flour.

At the same time, the cost of assembling such a grain crusher is 2-3 times lower than that of factory analogues, and the feed obtained with their help is not much inferior to purchased food. This makes a homemade grain crusher a very economically beneficial device.

You can assemble a grain crusher using an angle grinder (grinder) with a disc size (diameter) of 115 or 125 mm as an engine.

The assembly process of such a device consists of the following steps:

  1. A rectangular or round base is cut out of waterproof plywood 8-10 mm thick with a jigsaw.
  2. In the center of the base is done round hole for the grinder gearbox.
  3. Diagonally from the central hole on the base, another hole is made for the grain bin.
  4. The chopper knife is made from hard high-carbon steel 1.5-2.0 millimeters thick.
  5. If necessary, the knife is released over the fire and a hole is drilled in the center for mounting on the gearbox shaft of the grinder.
  6. Using sandpaper, the knife is sharpened.
  7. The grinder is placed on the base, its round protrusion is placed in a pre-cut hole.
  8. Using a homemade clamp made of metal tape and two screws, the angle grinder is secured to the base.
  9. A sharpened chopper knife is attached and fixed to the grinder shaft.
  10. The old pan is cut in half, holes are made in its bottom with a 4 or 5 mm drill;
  11. The resulting sieve is secured to the base on the knife side using 4 corners, rivets or screws.
  12. The assembled grain crusher is placed on a capacious container - a bucket or large metal pan. A plastic 5-liter bottle with a cut bottom is inserted into the hole for the grain bin.

During operation, the angle grinder is connected to the network, and the constant speed of the knife is set with a locking button on the handle. To obtain flour, grain is poured into a homemade receiving hopper - plastic bottle.

In this case, to regulate the flow of grain, a movable tin valve is inserted into the neck.

You can make a simple and productive grain crusher from an old vertical type activator machine (Oka, Volga, Fairy) as follows:

  1. The squeezing device is removed from the machine.
  2. With the washing machine on its side, unscrew the fixing (locking) screw or bolt on the activator pulley.
  3. Having installed the machine in working position, the activator is removed along with the shaft.
  4. A plate of galvanized sheet metal of the appropriate size and shape is attached to the activator niche.
  5. The shaft is unscrewed from the activator.
  6. From the old circular saw, a trapezoidal knife is cut out of the rapid blade, the diameter of which is slightly smaller or the same as that of the removed activator.
  7. The knife is sharpened using sandpaper and secured to the shaft using two nuts.
  8. The shaft with the attached knife is inserted into the hole in the tank and secured in the pulley with a locking screw.
  9. To collect the final grinding product - flour - the drain hole at the lowest point of the tank is widened using a hammer and chisel, and a piece is inserted into it steel pipe and brought out at an angle.
  10. In order to final product large particles do not fall, a fine-mesh steel mesh or a sheet of galvanized sheet with holes with a diameter of 4-5 mm is installed in front of the hole for collecting flour at an angle of 60-700.
  11. To load grain into the removable lid of the machine, widen the existing hole and insert a 5-liter plastic bottle with a cut bottom into it.

The advantage of such a homemade grain crusher is that its assembly does not require drawing up a drawing or making a base for the engine.

In addition, it has good stability, has a spacious tank (up to 30-40 l) and low electricity consumption.

Grain crusher from a vacuum cleaner

To make a simple and reliable grain crusher, working but unused Soviet vacuum cleaners such as “Raketa” and “Saturn” are used.

The production of such a grain crusher is carried out as follows:

  1. The motor in the housing is removed from the vacuum cleaner.
  2. The chamber with the suction impeller is removed from the motor shaft.
  3. A round base is cut out of thick sheet steel.
  4. A hole is cut out in the center of the base for the motor shaft, and a hole is made on the side for the grain bin.
  5. The motor housing is secured to the base using screws and brackets.
  6. A trapezoidal pre-sharpened knife is attached to the motor shaft.
  7. A sieve made from an old saucepan with 4 or 5 mm holes in the bottom is attached under the knife.

For comfortable work Such a unit is secured to the container with special clamps and short self-tapping screws.

Important! The hole into which the grain bin is inserted and through which raw materials are supplied for grinding must be located in the rotation zone of the chopper knife. If the rotation zone of the knife does not completely cover the feed hole, not covering 1 centimeter or more, most of the grain will spill out and not be crushed, thereby clogging the sieve.

Depending on the grinding method, design and location of the working parts, there are 4 types of grain crushers:

  • Rotary– grain crushing in such devices occurs due to a rotor located horizontally and moving at high speed.
  • Hammer– the design of such grain crushers includes a rotating vertical drum and stationary hammers located in a circle, against which the grain is crushed. When grinding in this way, the finished flour is poured down and, passing through a sieve, ends up in a container placed under the deck of the housing.
  • Roller– crushers crush grain due to 2 rollers located in one chamber, rotating towards each other. At the same time, the gap between them is so small that the incoming raw material is not simply crushed, but, due to high speed, is crushed into dust. The advantage of such devices over others is the ability to crush grain with high humidity.
  • Millstones– grain grinders, in which grain crushing occurs when it gets between two discs (millstones) located with a small gap. In this case, one disk rotates at high speed, and the second is stationary.

Among these varieties, the most common are rotary and hammer – they are more productive, reliable, easier to repair and maintain.

Crushers for home use

Among factory grain crushers for personal subsidiary farms The most suitable models are:

  • "Three Little Pigs 350";
  • "Farmer ISE-05";
  • "Cyclone-350";
  • "Bison 400";

Important! The average cost of a factory installation, depending on power, performance and brand, ranges from 2000-2300 to 6200 rubles. Assembly homemade device if you have an unnecessary working washing machine, an old vacuum cleaner, an angle grinder, it will cost only 500-1000 rubles.

Grain crusher performance

Performance – the most important characteristic of grain crushers, which indicates the amount of grain they grind per hour (kg/h).

For homemade and factory models, the average is:

  • Homemade units - up to 150-200 kg / h;
  • Factory models - from 180 to 400-500 kg / h.

Moreover, in most cases, the productivity of factory crushers cannot be increased, while any homemade unit this characteristic can be significantly improved by changing the power unit (engine) to a more powerful one.


A homemade grain crusher, with some minor costs for its production, very quickly pays for itself.

It is useful not only for those containing a large household private owners, but also medium and small farmers, individual entrepreneurs and companies involved in mixed feed.



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