How to clean a faucet from limescale – practical recommendations. How to clean bronze taps

To wash a chrome surface, they use not only industrial products, but also wash it the old fashioned way with soda, vinegar or citric acid. When choosing household chemicals, you need to read the composition; faucets cannot be washed with products containing active acids, alkali and chlorine, as this will cause the coating to become cloudy and stained. dark spots. Below we will talk about how to clean the faucet from limescale without damaging the chrome layer, how to restore the damaged coating, clean the aerator, shower holes and what to do if the faucet is jammed.

The cause of limescale deposits is calcium and magnesium salts, which are contained in excess quantities in tap water. A whitish coating spoils the appearance of plumbing fixtures and sometimes even leads to faucets jamming and shower head openings becoming clogged with scale flakes.

Soap deposits and limescale are not a big problem, even if the holes in the aerator or shower head are clogged. Any housewife can cope with this task on her own without resorting to the help of a plumber.

It is much more difficult to choose the right products to care for chrome surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom. Errors in choice household chemicals can result in a dull surface, scratches and black spots; it is very difficult to restore such plumbing fixtures. You will have to put up with the damaged coating or replace all the damaged parts with new ones, which will cost a pretty penny. How to choose suitable remedy:

  1. Never scrub plumbing fixtures with steel wool, even if it seems to you that all other means will be powerless. It only seems like it to you!
  2. The product should not contain abrasive particles; the only thing that can be used is a paste of baking soda or table salt.
  3. Products containing acids will spoil the chrome surface, black spots will appear on it, and a little later, possibly rust. Particularly dangerous are hydrochloric, phosphoric and sulfuric acids, as well as chlorine and alkalis. But vinegar and citric acid will not ruin your plumbing; they can be used without fear. If as a result wrong choice cleaning products have already damaged your taps, then at the end of the article you will find a recipe that will help mask the traces of inept handling of household chemicals.
  4. Do not mix different industrial products with each other, otherwise you risk getting an unpredictable result.
  5. When choosing a product, make sure that it is suitable for chrome-plated products, and strictly follow the instructions during use.

Folk remedies against limescale

It’s worth saying right away that if you properly care for chrome surfaces, then limescale will never appear. You just need to wipe them dry after each use. What to do if the plaque has already appeared? How to remove limescale from a tap using products that are found in every home:

Baking soda

Dilute baking soda with water to form a thick paste. Using a sponge, apply it to all surfaces that require cleaning and leave for 1 hour. It is important to remember that there is no need to rub in the mixture; baking soda will already soften soap and lime deposits quite well. After an hour, carefully remove the remaining pulp. If there are whitish spots left here and there, lightly rub them with the hard side of a dish sponge, rinse the mixer with water and wipe dry.

Laundry soap

Grate the block, add a teaspoon of soda and a little hot water, mix thoroughly. Soak a rag in the resulting liquid and thoroughly wash the faucet, taps, shower hose and watering can. To clean shower head holes and others hard to reach places use an old toothbrush, cotton swabs and a toothpick. Don't forget to rinse off any remaining soap with water. With this product you can wash all surfaces in the house, from the bathtub to the lid kitchen table. Laundry soap is hypoallergenic and at the same time perfectly disinfects.

Table vinegar

We will need 9% vinegar, it doesn’t matter whether it’s apple or white, whatever you have in your cupboard, a rag and some water. Dilute vinegar with water 1:1, wet a cloth and wipe all places where there are traces of soap and dried drops. Don’t forget to rinse off any remaining product and wipe the plumbing fixtures with a dry cloth.

Citric acid

There are several ways to remove limescale using citric acid, we will describe two:

  • Cut a lemon in half, dip in salt and lightly rub all stained surfaces. Use the lemon as if you had a sponge in your hands.
  • Dip a damp kitchen sponge in citric acid and treat problem areas, leave for a while and rinse with water.

Citric acid irreplaceable thing on the farm, with its help you can remove not only limescale and scale, but also.

Household chemicals against “water stone”

If you don’t trust folk remedies, you can use household chemicals.

Read the instructions carefully and don't forget to wear rubber gloves to protect your hands from the harmful effects of chemicals.

On sale you will find many products designed specifically for the care of steel and chrome surfaces; they will help not only clean the plumbing, but also polish it to a perfect shine. All these products are divided into two categories: cleaners and polishes; it is advisable to have both at home.

Cleaners: " Top House for stainless steel "(Germany), " CILLIT BANG for metal surfaces"(Russia), "Pufas Glutoclean" (Germany), "Sanox" company Stork Peter, "Cif" (Hungary), " electrolux stainless steel cleaner spray"(Sweden), " Selena Shine of steel"(Russia), "NEOBLANK" (maintains and lubricates movable metal joints) manufacturing country Germany, "Ravak Cleaner Chrome" (Czech Republic), "HG" (Netherlands), "SVOD-Effect" (Ukraine) and many others.

Polishes: “Wpro 29945”, “Domax”, “Indesit”, “HG Steel Polish”, etc. The polish is applied with a soft cloth to a dry, clean surface and polished to a mirror shine. Cleaners and polishes can be used not only for plumbing fixtures, they are also suitable for caring for any metal surfaces: steel plates, sinks, refrigeration equipment, chrome-plated furniture parts, stainless steel utensils.

Some metal care products create a thin film that temporarily protects the chrome surface from corrosion, limescale and greasy fingerprints. Instead of polish, you can use glass washing liquid; of course, it does not create protection, but with due diligence, a beautiful shine is guaranteed.

What to do if the faucet is jammed?

It also happens that from improper use or prolonged inactivity, the faucet or bath-shower switch stops rotating. Is it possible to cope on your own? Yes, if the cause of the breakdown is limescale or rust.

  1. First, wash the faucet with one of the products described above; perhaps the problem will be solved at this stage.
  2. If that doesn’t help, use hot vinegar, soak a rag in it and wrap it around the faucet, wrap the structure with cling film to prevent the vinegar from evaporating, and wait a couple of hours.
  3. If mobility is not restored, then try treating the problem area with WD-40, it can be purchased at any auto store. Apply the substance into the gap between the tap and the mixer, wait a few minutes and try turning the tap.

If the tap does not work, you will have to resort to the help of a plumber.

To prevent taps and shower switches from jamming, you need to regularly clean the plumbing fixtures from limescale, and also lubricate the moving joints from time to time. silicone grease, for example: “Huskey™ LVI-50 PTFE Grease” or “CIATIM 221”.

Cleaning the aerator

Cleaning soap deposits on the outside of the faucet is only half the battle. Modern faucets are equipped with aerators - this is a small metal nozzle with a mesh on the spout of the tap. This small part serves to enrich the water with oxygen, thanks to which it performs a number of useful functions:

  1. Reduces the noise level of flowing water due to the fact that many small bubbles soften the flow of water.
  2. Reduces splashing.
  3. Additional filtration from small debris that occasionally occurs in tap water.
  4. The aerator helps by maintaining good pressure with minimal water consumption. Savings depending on the model can range from 50 to 80%.

It often happens that the aerator becomes clogged with lime flakes and ceases to efficiently cope with its functions. In this case, it needs to be removed and cleaned.

How to understand that it’s time to clean the aerator:

  • The tap is fully open, but the water barely flows
  • The water flows unevenly, the flow either increases or decreases
  • There is water in the system, but it does not pass through the mesh holes

To work, we will need pliers, a rag and a container with detergent.

Carefully wrap the nozzle in a rag, pinch with pliers and turn clockwise. And here the owners of cheap Chinese plumbing fixtures are in for an unpleasant surprise: aerators for such faucets are most often made of extruded aluminum or plastic coated with a shiny coating; both materials are fragile and often break when you try to unscrew them. If the aerator bursts during dismantling, do not despair, buy a new one. High-quality plumbing aerators made of steel or brass last much longer.

If the nozzle is stuck, use WD-40 or vinegar, wet a cloth, wrap it around the nozzle, and wrap it on top plastic bag and leave until the mobility of the thread is restored, this is approximately 2-3 hours.

After you have unscrewed the aerator, rinse it from large contaminants under the running tap, and then place it in a glass with 9% vinegar. The exposure time depends on the degree of contamination and varies from 1 to 12 hours. After the time is up, rinse the aerator clean water, if necessary, clean the holes darning needle.

Assemble the clean nozzle and screw it into place; there is no need to tighten it, so you can easily unscrew it with your fingers at any time and wash it. It is advisable to remove and rinse the nozzle once a week, then the aerator will work properly.

How to clean the holes in a shower head?

If the holes of the hydromassage nozzle are clogged, we will use heated vinegar; by the way, vinegar is a universal home remedy which housewives use for various purposes. With its help you can clean rooms and even remove various types of household pollution.

Unscrew the shower head, disassemble it into parts and soak them in heated vinegar for 1-2 hours, after which, armed with a darning needle, thoroughly clean all the holes and reassemble everything as it was. Instead of vinegar you can use " CilitBang"and an old toothbrush. When the limescale is finished, reassemble the watering can and attach it back to the hose.

Wax shampoo

Some housewives have found a way to not only clean the taps, but also protect chrome parts from limescale for a week. To do this, they use waxy car wash shampoo. This product is designed to protect the car body from adverse weather conditions. The wax included in the shampoo forms a thin water-repellent film on the surface, protecting the metal from corrosion. You can buy wax shampoo at any auto store.

Apply a drop of shampoo to the sponge and thoroughly wash all chrome surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom. Polish with a soft cloth or microfiber cloth to a mirror shine. That's all, you can forget about limescale for at least a week.

Restoration of darkened plumbing fixtures

I may disappoint readers, but it is impossible to restore chrome plating at home. However, you can significantly improve the appearance of a faucet damaged by acid or chlorine and partially restore its lost shine. To do this, use polishing paste for chrome car parts, for example: “ AREXONS Mirage Cromature Brillanti"(Italy), Goi paste (made in the USSR) or another similar product. Wide selection Similar products are available in any car store, ask the seller and he will advise you on a suitable polish.

You need to apply the paste to the damaged surface and polish it for a long time with a piece of felt, if there is any grinder with a felt attachment, the work will go much faster. Since the coating is already damaged, this procedure will have to be repeated from time to time.

Anastasia, November 13, 2016.

Poor water pressure in the tap brings constant inconvenience to apartment residents. Before the water supply systems of a residential building break down, people don’t really think about how a jet clean water Absolutely all processes in the kitchen depend on the tap. Delays in the bathroom are undesirable, especially in the morning. How to fix an unpleasant problem and avoid its occurrence in the future?

Global pollution problems cannot be eliminated on our own

Reasons for low water pressure

A person strives to equip his own home, making every possible effort to create special comfort. Regarding the installation of new plumbing, in this way a person shows concern for himself and his family. Phenomena over which the owner of the house has no control is work centralized systems. These include water supply, electricity or gas supply. Preventing problems of this kind is extremely difficult and quite expensive, considering the cost of calling emergency services. Remains alternative option- independently understand the reasons for the decrease in water pressure in the tap. To begin with, you should inspect the main taps and identify the root cause of the breakdown. Failures in the operation of systems are akin to a disease in humans; if the disease is eliminated, the symptoms will go away over time.

Common reasons for a sharp decrease in water pressure in a residential building:

  • clogged pipes or faucets;
  • blockage in the main part of the underwater pipe;
  • decline total pressure in the pipeline;
  • breakdowns in a separate water supply line during home improvement.

Global problems cannot be resolved on your own, but minor problems disappear in a matter of hours. The faucet, made of different metal alloys, may rust in the inner part in contact with the stream of water. This happens when the liquid that ends up on the table of the residents of the house does not meet accepted standards.

Poor quality material can cause annoying damage. Scale is one of the most common problems leading to a decrease in water pressure.

Troubleshooting a faucet

Before diagnosing a breakdown, you should find out which pipes or taps in the house have become worse. If the problems affected only one faucet (in the kitchen or bathroom), then the likely breakdown occurred in minor parts inside the simple fixture. Replacing damaged parts will eliminate all immediate problems with water pressure.

How to clean the inside of a bathroom faucet?

If the problem of poor pressure is identified, then troubleshooting should begin immediately. First, you should use the most gentle methods for cleaning the faucet. Special products for removing contaminants from metal products, apply only subject to certain rules:

  1. Use funds general purpose(bleaches) are not recommended for such purposes. Buy special mixtures You can go to any hardware store and follow the instructions to clean inner part tap. Unsuitable aggressive substances will only worsen the condition of the pipes.
  2. Mixing two different substances is strictly not recommended. When combined, strong mixtures can release new dangerous compounds.
  3. To clean heavy stains, it is advisable to use liquid or foam products.. Powdered preparations are unevenly distributed throughout the pipe and their cleaning power is significantly reduced.
  4. Before using chemical mixtures, a person must protect his own skin and respiratory tract (from toxic fumes). Simple precautions can help prevent burns and allergic reactions.
  5. Simple stains (scale or rust) require no more than two cleanings using chemical solutions. Pipes and taps should be cleaned no more than twice a month, otherwise the integrity of the chrome coating will be compromised.

The question often arises: how to clean a faucet?

Mixer sedum cleaning

Dust or rust doesn't just affect faucets, often debris and corrosive buildup clogs part of the pipeline. The same fate can befall the faucet mesh or filtration system. Over time, such a problem will lead to a complete disconnection of the house from the water supply system. The danger of such a breakdown lies in the fact that the pressure of water, which is blocked by scale, can find weak spots in the pipe, and then leaks are inevitable. There is no point in wasting time if the water pressure has decreased significantly; it is necessary to find the cause of such an annoying phenomenon as soon as possible.

The question often arises: how to clean the faucet if the water pressure has dropped significantly? Modern taps are made from different alloys - brass, copper or bronze. Depending on the type of mixer, proper cleaning is performed:

  1. Brass in contact with environment fades, so you should be more careful when cleaning such faucets. For wiping brass surface Viscose napkins and or soap solutions are suitable. Excessive friction will cause unwanted cracks to form. Brass taps do not tolerate hard brushes and strong chemicals. Useful for removing dirt tomato paste or a homemade lemon and salt mixture. Simply apply the mixture to the damaged surface, and then rinse everything off with warm water.
  2. Copper taps. For comprehensive cleaning of such a part of the water supply system in a residential building, it is necessary to disconnect the tap from the pipe. Copper faucets can be cleaned with a simple detergent or vinegar solution. If the parts are heavily soiled, you can boil them in salt water. Pharmaceutical acid (citric or ammonia) helps get rid of “multi-colored” stains on a shiny surface.
  3. Expensive taps are made of bronze and get dirty very quickly. Faucets of this type require special care and attention. Bronze pipes or taps can be cleaned with concentrated zirconium or sodium powder. It is best to remove contamination from a dismantled part (disconnect from the water supply and disassemble the parts).

The degree of contamination of the product plays a decisive role in how quickly the contamination is removed. The easiest way to remove fresh, non-stagnant stains or stains.

Pressure drop in pipeline

The water pressure is provided by the pressure created inside the pipeline. Problems on pumping station, from which water flows into hundreds of houses and apartments, lead to a sharp decrease in pressure in the tap. In such cases, diagnosing the pipes will not give any result. Violation of the sealing of systems leads to undesirable consequences. Low pressure in the kitchen or bathroom will become a problem for all residents of the house. Failures of stations or underground pipelines will be corrected by utilities, and from common man little depends.

Reconstruction of water supply systems during the renovation of a house or apartment (replacement of pipes and taps) is carried out according to clear instructions, and violation of the accepted rules leads to improper operation of the pipeline. Supplying water to apartments is a complex process, so unfortunate breakdowns often occur, and the owner of the house only has to react to them in time.

In tap watercontains minerals, from them depends on its hardness And mixers will become during operation.

Impurities settle on pipes and taps, limescale deposits form. Faucet care includes not only daily wiping of moisture, but also regular cleaning of mineral deposits inside and outside.

Folk remedies

In the age of household chemicals, many have forgotten about cleaning folk remedies or We didn’t know that there were safer options for how to get rid of plaque so that the surfaces in the bathroom would shine not only on the outside, but also on the inside.

You can remove white mineral deposits at home without using professional products.

How to clean plumbing?

To remove plaque, use soda, vinegar, laundry and citric acid. These are the safest meansdo not create toxic fumes.


Soda is sold in packs from several manufacturers. You can buy any one. Worth the product kopecks , but cleans perfectly.

How to clean a faucet limescale:

  1. Place 2-3 tbsp in a bowl. l. soda, add water, mix well. The consistency should be mushy. If necessary, add more soda or water, the amount does not matter. The main thing is that s enough for processing.
  2. Cleaner apply on all surfaceswith mineral deposits. Compound They are also used for sinks and bathtubs. It can be used to treat the entire shower room if soap scum has formed.
  3. Leave the mixture on surfaces for 1 hour.
  4. During this time, the soda will soften the limescale and make it easier to remove. Take soft cloth, wipe all the places where the paste was applied. Proceed carefully and do not force yourself. Remember that not all grains have dissolved, may scratch the surface.

Clean faucet is not a problem. If there are still pieces of greenish or white residue left after treatment, take the same paste and scrub the desired areas with a toothbrush.

Clean the limescale inside and outside the taps maybe a dining room and apple cider vinegar. Use the second remedy, according to reviews, it is more effective.

How to clean a faucet with vinegar, effective ways:

  1. Mix vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio. Decide on the amount of product yourself; it depends on the degree of contamination and the amount of work. Take a soft sponge and wet it in a prepared composition and process problem areas. Rinse with clean water and dry.
  2. The shower head can also be cleaned with a vinegar solution. If there is a lot of mineral deposits, cleaning will take longer and you will need to disassemble it. If there is no need for disassembly, use this technique: pour apple cider vinegar, diluted or concentrated into a tight bag, put it on the shower head, secure it with an elastic band or tie it with something and leave it for several hours (can be overnight). In the morning all you have to do is remove the bag, remove lime with a brush, then wash with water.
  3. If you need to clean the inside of the shower head, you will have to disassemble it. Place all the parts in one container. Pour the vinegar solution over them and leave for 2 hours. You can soak for 3-4 hours, but longer is not recommended. IN watering cans there are rubber parts that wear out over time, vinegar will speed up this process if soaked for a long time . Then take toothbrush, remove any remaining lime deposits, rinse the watering can in clean water.

Cleans perfectly mixer against limescale. It even copes with stubborn marks and old mineral deposits.

Laundry soap

To remove limescale from the tap, use laundry soap. For this method, you need to purchase a product marked 72%.

How to remove limescale from a tap:

  1. Laundry soap rub on a fine grater to make it better dissolved in water.
  2. Add warm water and stir until the mixture reaches the consistency of low-fat sour cream.
  3. Pour into this solution a little food or soda ash.
  4. Taps in the bathroom and kitchen process prepared composition. Can be used for chrome finishes.
  5. Leave the mixture for 1 hour.
  6. Wash the taps with water and dry.

Laundry soap is undoubtedly a good product. Not will help with severe mineral deposits.

Laundry soap helps on the tap and mixer if it is fresh.

Citric acid

Cleaning with lemon is no less effective. It can be replaced with the juice of one citrus.

How to remove limescale - methods:

  1. Citric acid divorce with water in equal quantities. To clean kitchens, 2 tsp is enough. powder. In the prepared solution dampen the cloth and treat the desired areas. Leave the acid, you don’t need to wash it off right away. After a couple of hours, rinse the taps with clean water.
  2. The second way is to use lemon. Here they use juice and a piece of citrus. Dolku lower into finely ground salt and rub problem areas.Salt acts as an abrasive. Taps must be cleaned carefully. Don't put too much pressure on them. Rinse the cleaned tap with water and wipe dry.

Citric acid can be used to clean a watering can. You will need to prepare a solution of 2 tsp. products diluted in two glasses of water. In this compositionlower the disassembled or assembled watering can.

Additionally, treat the parts with a toothbrush.. Each separately . All sides need to be cleaned.


This drink is saturated with orthophosphoric acid, she deletes the most persistent deposits.

How to remove limescale?

You can soak the watering can and treat the taps with this composition. After a few hours, wash off.

Compresses are suitable. The fabric is wetted with the drink, wraps around problem areas. It is left overnight if there are a lot of deposits or for a couple of hours if cleaning regular

Then you need to clean the taps with a toothbrush.To prevent rust, rinse the cola with water and dry the surfaces.

Household cleaners

It will be faster and more efficient to clean the faucet from limescale. household chemicals. Limestone will come off faster.

Industrial cleaners can be harsh on your hands, so wear gloves.

There are many on the marketprofessional chemistry intended For removing mineral deposits from taps, faucets, sinks and even stoves.

The best ones:

  1. Top House for stainless steelAn indispensable tool if you properly care for your faucets. This composition not only perfectly cleanses, but also protects against appearance of dirt . Apply the product with several sprays and leave to work for a while if the plaque is strong. Wash off with water, wipe surfaces dry.
  2. Pufas Glutoclean removes lime and nitrate deposits quickly and easily. The liquid is recommended for use only on surfaces that are resistant to acids. This strong compound can damage faucets made from poor quality materials.
  3. Selena Shine of steel - means designed for metal products. Removes not only mineral deposits, but also fat. Do you want to see your plumbing always shiny? Means, choose this composition.
  4. Ravak Cleaner Chrome is a Czech-made product. It has proven itself well. Cleans faucets acrylic bathtubs, stained glass shower cabins. The manufacturer indicates that the product is safe.Should be kept away from children.
  5. SVOD-Effect cares for chrome surfaces. If you want to achieve pristine shine and remove lime and soap deposits, use this professional composition. SVOD-Effect delicately cleanses the most stubborn stains without scratching, creates a film that will add shine and protect against the rapid formation of mineral deposits.
  6. Cif is just a godsend for housewives. It is applied to surfaces using a sprayer or sponge.Leave on the surface for 10-15 minutes. Sif will get rid of stubborn plaque that other chemicals could not remove.
  7. Sanox will save any surface from limescale. This product with a unique cleaning formula quickly removes any mineral deposits. Sanox is the cheapest composition among all household anti-plaque chemicals, but no less effective.

Once you have completed cleaning the limescale deposits, use special polishes. They are used at the final stage.


Gives plumbing fixtures a shine. Some compositions create an invisible film, thanks to which limescale does not accumulate so quickly.

Famous polishes:

  1. Domax, Shake well before use. Then spray the liquid onto the cleaned surfaces, spread with a cloth. The product is washed off with water, and the plumbing fixtures are rubbed to a shine. After applying Domax, a film is created that does not allow even fingerprints to appear on the taps.
  2. Indesit cares for steel products. The creamy product is applied to the surface with a sponge and washed off with water after a while (there is a composition that does not need to be washed off). This substance not only makes your plumbing fixtures shiny, it cleans them.

Polishes do not remove limescale very well. They are needed to give your plumbing fixtures a shine.

Avoid the appearance of lime deposits so you don't have to look for them later, how to deal with this problem. Try to prevent plaque from appearing. Wipe everything dry, clean regularly and this problem will not affect you.

One of the necessary things for human existence in nature is water. IN modern world There is running water in every building. In apartments, houses, and cottages, every housewife is faced with the problem of cleaning water taps from lime (limescale). Since water quality is lately has deteriorated significantly. What is this limescale and how to clean the faucet from limescale?

Limescale is calcium carbonate that remains on the surface of the faucet when water evaporates. Gradually, mineral deposits build up, forming white crystals that clog pipes, faucets and drains. If we talk scientific language. And to put it simply, white coating, headache, all housewives of kitchens and bathrooms. It is very tedious to polish a faucet, sink, bathtub or shower stall.

And how to avoid it, many will ask? Very simple! Every time after using a faucet or bathtub, thoroughly wipe the faucet, sink or bathtub with a dry cloth to remove any smudges or drips. And also arrange disinfection approximately once a month, which will be additional insurance not only against plaque, but also against mold and fungi. Because mold and mildew can cause various diseases, apart from making your kitchen or bath look unsightly.

What and how to clean the faucet from limescale?

Each housewife has her own signature recipe for getting rid of lime and carbon deposits. Some people came up with it themselves, while others remember how our mothers or grandmothers did it. Let's look at some of them.

Recipe No. 1. Vinegar solution

On kitchen shelf Every housewife has vinegar. Apple, table, essence. The only difference is in the percentage component. The standard solution is usually prepared 1 to 1. As already mentioned, the difference is only in percentage. If you decide to prepare a cleaning solution from essence, then the proportions should be as follows: 1 part essence and 14 parts water. We prepared a solution, treated the surface, cleaned it with a sponge, washed it off with water, and wiped it with a cloth. Simple and fast!

Recipe No. 2. Citric acid

If you don’t have citric acid at home, you can buy it at any store or kiosk. To clean the faucet, prepare a solution: 4 tablespoons of citric acid per 1 liter of water. Apply the solution to the surface, leave for 2 hours, rinse, and wipe with a cloth. Or pour citric acid onto a damp cloth, wipe the surface, wait a few minutes, wash and wipe dry. Ready.

Recipe No. 3. Baking soda and soap

Grandma's old way. Today, not every housewife remembers the amazing cleaning properties laundry soap. And there are a lot of them. Here's one of them. In a container with hot water Dip a piece of laundry soap, after it dissolves, add a little soda to the thick solution. The cleaning solution is ready. Thoroughly apply the solution to the surface, leave for an hour, rinse with water, and wipe with a cloth. You can use it.

Recipe No. 4. Powder

Modern cleaning products are most often presented in powder form. Many modern brands will provide you with large selection in the store, from cheap to expensive. The main thing to remember is that powder is fine particles and they can leave scratches. Saturate a little powder onto a damp sponge, treat the surface, rinse, and wipe with a cloth. Everything sparkles.

Recipe No. 5. Liquid product

Like powder, liquid cleaners are very versatile. They are the easiest to work with. Apply to the surface, wipe, rinse with water, and wipe dry with a cloth. It couldn't be simpler. Also liquid detergents preferable for removing plaque because it is more gentle on the surface.

Recipe No. 6. Coca Cola

Now that we've talked about special tools, let's look at the ones at hand. For example, Coca-Cola. And how to clean the faucet from limescale using soda? Yes, very simple! The composition of the soda itself will help with this; in addition to sugar and caffeine, it contains acids. Wet a cloth with soda, apply to the surface for 20 minutes, rinse, and wipe dry. Among other things, Coca-Cola helps get rid of unpleasant odor, will help clean the inside of the faucet and remove blockages in the pipes.

Recipe No. 7. Baby oil

Tool at hand which is often used for children is baby oil. Very few people know that baby oil can be used to remove limescale from faucets. Baby oil contains components that can dissolve limescale. Pour a little oil onto a sponge, wipe the surface, wash the faucet and surface from any remaining oil with water, and polish the faucet with a cloth.

In addition to plaque, baby oil can remove soap stains or grease stains.

Recipe No. 8. Toothpaste and brush

The gentlest and most expensive way to combat limescale is toothpaste. The most common whitening toothpaste. If it can remove plaque from teeth, then why not remove plaque from a faucet or bathtub. The main thing when cleaning is to use a brush with soft bristles. Apply the paste to the surface, wait a few minutes, rinse with water, and wipe with a cloth. The main advantage of cleaning with toothpaste in a brush is that its bristles clean even the most finely textured surface that a sponge or rag cannot handle.

Also, toothpicks and dishwashing nets are undeniable helpers in the fight against limescale in the kitchen or bathroom. Toothpicks are used in cases where plaque deposits are small and the faucet topography is permissible. Taking the toothpick by both edges and pressing it firmly against the tap, drag it along the surface. And when using a brush to wash dishes, remember that it must be soft and rub gently. Otherwise, scratches will remain.

Having considered these recipes, each housewife can add her own own way fight against plaque. For example, salt or lemon, bleach or oxalic acid. There really are a lot of ways. The most important thing when using these recipes is not to forget about protective equipment, rubber gloves and goggles. Because if cleaning products come into contact with your eyes, you may lose your eyesight or suffer serious injury. Well, hands for a woman, as well as for a man, are business card, which is the first thing that outsiders pay attention to. But scars and burns have never adorned anyone. Therefore, be attentive both to yourself and to those around you.

In bathrooms and kitchens, a lot of salt deposits accumulate on metal plumbing structures. They are not easy to clean due to complex shape and varied coverage. If you clean in the usual way, then the surface takes on a rather unpleasant dull appearance. To make the metal shine, simple perseverance and diligence are not enough - you need special knowledge to apply it to care for water taps. All of them have a stainless surface, which is made from different materials: stainless steel, copper, nickel, chrome, bronze and brass. The choice of funds should depend on the coverage. We offer you several ways to properly maintain your water taps.

Main principles of cleaning

  1. Determine the type of coverage for your water tap. The method of action will entirely depend on the material if the main cleaning methods no longer have the desired effect. Thus, products used for chrome-plated parts may not be suitable for other types of coatings.
  2. Add a couple of tablespoons to two glasses of lukewarm water special means for washing dishes and stir.
  3. Soak a cloth in the solution and wipe very lightly. Check that you have processed all the details.
  4. Apply regular baking soda to a toothbrush or a narrow cloth. Gently scrub away any areas where mineral and soap deposits have accumulated. Sometimes it will be useful to drop a drop of water on the soda - this will speed up the process.
  5. Take dental floss and rub hard-to-reach crevices in the structure. All kinds of contaminants tend to accumulate there.
  6. After cleaning, rinse the surfaces with cold water.
  7. Wipe the parts dry; you can use a microfiber cloth for this.

Cleaning stainless and copper faucets

We clean nickel-plated and chrome-plated taps

  1. Pour table vinegar into a container with a spray bottle.
  2. Spray vinegar on all surfaces and let it sit for about ten minutes. Vinegar removes all plaque and dirt well.
  3. Wipe dry with a soft cloth.

Cleaning bronze and brass taps

  1. Mix one tablespoon each of flour, salt and vinegar into a bowl.
  2. Wet a clean cloth and then dip it into the resulting solution.
  3. Apply the mixture to metal parts. These materials scratch very easily, so apply the composition with gentle, light movements.
  4. Wipe the surface with a clean, dry cloth, also very carefully.

Don't forget to clean the faucet aerator - it accumulates there. greatest number sediments. After cleaning, but before wiping dry, you can apply window cleaner to the surface. This will add intense shine to shiny surfaces. Never use abrasive cleaners to clean faucets made of any material before you have carefully read all instructions and warranties from the manufacturer. Too zealous or simply careless cleaning will damage the coating and deteriorate it. appearance. If you use a cloth for wiping, make sure that it is as soft as possible and does not scratch the faucet.



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