There is a smell coming from the stretch ceiling. Is the smell from a stretch ceiling good or bad? Should a normal stretch ceiling smell after installation?

Sometimes people face the problem of a strange unpleasant odor after. Of course, this does not make it better in the eyes of potential consumers. But, nevertheless, this feature exists. In this regard, many questions arise, for example, do all suspended ceilings smell? Isn't this harmful to health? How to deal with the problem that has arisen?


In fact, the reasons for this feature lie in the material from which the tension coverings are created. Usually people complain about odor in film coverings, not in fabric stretch ceilings. And no wonder. After all, they are created from polyvinyl chloride, a chemical substance.

When heated, it may emit bad smell. And since for normal installation such a coating will in any case be subject to heating, a small portion of the smell still cannot be avoided. But, most importantly, high-quality materials, as soon as the coating dries, immediately stop smelling. This usually happens within a couple of hours. Low-quality ones, in turn, continue to emit an odor for several days.

Conventionally, experts share PVC coverings into three types:

  • good. Such canvases are of high quality. This stretch ceiling smells after installation, but the smell disappears quickly and is not harmful. The maximum time it takes for it to completely disappear is three days. Typically, coatings purchased abroad do not cause any problems at all.
  • Average. Such coatings are just on the limit. They are not yet considered harmful, but they already cause some inconvenience. The smell after they are created disappears after about a few weeks. It is recommended to spend all this time at the dacha, or to seal the room hermetically in order to inhale such odors as little as possible.
  • Bad. This option is not recommended at all. The fact is that a stretch ceiling smells for a long time only if the entire technology for its creation is not followed, or because of low-quality raw materials. In both cases, it will not bring you positive emotions, but, on the contrary, can cause trouble.

By the way, such coatings sometimes smell of sweetish phenol. So this is very dangerous. This substance is very harmful to health. If you suspect something is wrong, you need to urgently get rid of such coverage.

Why doesn't the smell go away?

Sometimes it happens that the allotted time has passed, but the smell has not disappeared. Moreover, you are completely confident that you have purchased high quality canvas. Or your friends’ room stopped smelling the very next day, but yours only a week later. Why is this happening?

The persistence of odor can be influenced by various external factors. For example, temperature. As mentioned above, the smell appears after heating. If the room is hot, the smell will last much longer.

Humidity also affects the process in a similar way. The higher it is, the slower the smell will disappear after installing such a tension structure. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about ventilation. The process of airing the room and, accordingly, the disappearance of odor depend on its quality.

By the way, the suspended ceiling will smell less after installation in large and spacious rooms. There is better air circulation in them, which allows the room to be ventilated faster.

Also important point The storage features of the canvas also come into play. If it long time has been lying in a warehouse, and without complying with all relevant standards, then an additional aroma may arise. Of course, it will also fade over time, but not right away.

What can be done?

Probably, after reading all of the above, many will begin to doubt whether they need a suspended ceiling. Very much in vain. There are many ways to speed up the odor removal process. And if you bought high-quality coating, it won’t be difficult at all to endure just a few days. But then you will be able to enjoy your unique coating for fifteen years.

To speed up the odor elimination process, you can do the following:

  • It is necessary to ventilate the room often, creating good air circulation in it. But make sure that the temperature is not too low or high.
  • If the room is humid, you can try to artificially reduce the humidity. You can use an electric dehumidifier for this.
  • It is better not to turn on the lighting in the room, as such devices will heat the canvas, which will lead to the release of a new smell.

Stretch ceilings are a modern, practical and aesthetic solution for any room. The only problem that almost all customers face during installation is the persistent unpleasant odor from stretch ceiling.

What are the reasons for its occurrence? And doesn’t this indicate that the ceiling is made of materials hazardous to human health and life?

Types of suspended ceilings and differences

The use of suspended ceilings helps to avoid most repair stages, such as, for example, leveling or puttying the ceiling vault. Also, the design of suspended ceilings allows you to hide defects in the surface of the vault and hide all possible communications, pipes and other elements.

Well, and finally, do not forget about their aesthetic role in complementing the overall interior of the room. With their help, you can give the room both a strict, respectable look (study, office) and a light, playful look (children's room).

The primary reason that the ceiling smells lies in its structure and material of manufacture - fabric or PVC film ceilings.

The most common among them is the category. They are the most affordable and very easy to install and further care. But at the same time, the smell from stretch ceilings made of PVC film is one of the strongest and most unpleasant.
The smell appears due to the main component from which it is produced - polyvinyl chloride. But if the PVC film used in production was good quality, then you don’t have to worry about an unpleasant odor - it disappears in a period of time from 2 hours to 3-4 days.

Pay attention!

The complete absence of odor after installing a PVC ceiling does not necessarily indicate its high quality. It is quite possible that the material was in storage for so long that the smell had time to dissipate.

Safety of ceilings for humans

Stretch ceilings have negative impact on the human body and stink only if a low-quality PVC film was used, which contains phenol or toluene.

These substances can cause poor health and health problems:

  • headaches;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • severe allergic reactions, etc.

Pay attention!

The presence of phenol in the film can be easily determined by its smell.
In quality PVC ceiling the smell that will inevitably appear during installation will be of a harsh, chemical nature and will quickly disappear. While phenol has an unpleasant sweetish odor.

Safety level of PVC film

PVC film, according to the level of odor resistance and safety for humans, can be divided into 3 categories:

  • high quality film, either odorless or very weak, which disappears in at most 3 days, is absolutely harmless to health and is suitable for installation in any room, even in children's rooms;
  • the film is not of very high quality, if the suspended ceiling stinks for 1-2 weeks after installation, and is not kept in the room where it was installed for a long time; such a ceiling is quite suitable for installation in a corridor or in a bathroom;
  • low quality film that has a strong sweetish odor of chemical origin (phenol) that does not disappear for more than 2 weeks. Such a ceiling poses a threat to human health and it is better to replace it.

Factors affecting the odor resistance of PVC film

Some factors can affect the occurrence and persistence of stretch ceiling odor:

  • in a warm room, the ceiling smells more intensely than in a cold room, but the higher the temperature, the faster the smell disappears;
  • the higher the ceilings are installed, the less intense the smell;
  • they also heat it and the more of them are installed, the stronger the suspended ceilings smell;

  • The drier the air in the room, the stronger the odor weathering process.

Pay attention!

The smell will disappear faster if you install an electric or sponge dehumidifier in the room.

Fabric-based stretch ceilings

Made from polyester fabric, specially treated and impregnated with polyurethane. Today they are considered the most harmless among all suspended ceilings produced.

Do ceilings made using this technology have a smell? The answer is practically no. A very faint odor appears only in 20% of cases. Therefore, they are recommended for installation in children's rooms.

A fabric ceiling stinks only if low-quality materials were used to make it. But this is only possible if you buy handicraft or Chinese products.

You can distinguish products from European manufacturers that are harmless and odorless from low-quality products by several main characteristics:

  • sizes: matte and glossy seamless European film is supplied in rolls 2-3 m wide, but not 3.5 m wide. Only Chinese suppliers can supply their products in this size;
  • products from Chinese manufacturers can be disguised as Belgian, so you should be careful and remember that no Belgian film exists in principle.

To summarize all of the above, we can answer the main questions: is there a smell from suspended ceilings? Are they harmful to the body? The answer is yes, the ceilings smell and this is absolutely normal and natural for building materials.

Everything smells: paint, wallpaper, linoleum. But the smell quickly disappears and does not in any way affect human health. Only low-quality materials that contain harmful substances can cause harm. chemical compounds. But if you follow the tips and tricks given in the article, you can reduce the risk of purchasing them to a minimum.

We constantly encounter this question from customers, and it is worth noting that the concern cannot be called completely groundless. The Internet is replete with information that suspended ceilings have a rather pungent, unpleasant odor, and, what is especially frightening, can emit health hazards into the air. chemicals. So what should we believe? Let's try to figure it out together.

How soon will the specific smell disappear after installation?

First of all, we note that during the installation of suspended ceilings and immediately after it, a slight odor is indeed felt. This is explained by the installation technology itself.

The fact is that during installation the canvas is heated with a heat gun, so the smell from the PVC film is completely normal, and there is nothing wrong with it, much less dangerous. You won’t be surprised that plaster, for example, has a specific smell.

After installing the ceilings, you should ventilate the room well, and within 48 hours there will be no trace of the smell. However, it also happens that immediately after the installers leave, clients do not notice any foreign odors at all. If the installation is carried out during the renovation of the apartment as a whole, then the question completely loses its relevance.

So when customers ask if there is any smell from suspended ceilings, we answer that the presence of a slight odor during installation and immediately after it is quite acceptable. This is a norm that poses absolutely no danger to the health of the client and his family. After the room is well ventilated, the smell will immediately disappear and will no longer be remembered.

Of course, all of the above is only true if you placed an order from a trusted company. Currently, unfortunately, there are a lot of private teams. To save money, they themselves purchase film in rolls from Chinese manufacturers, the quality of which is seriously suspect. Then, again on their own, they cut out the ceilings from the materials. Of course, all this reduces production costs, but at the same time the quality of the finished product suffers.

Can the smell last long (or forever)?

It should be clarified that the smell will not remain forever, but for quite some time long term- quite possible. Why does this happen?

The company you placed your order with uses low-quality PVC film for cutting, which is not approved for use in residential premises. Sadly, this is a common practice nowadays. Chinese manufacturers, who are constantly competing in the race of competitors, offer products of varying quality. Of course, there are factories that produce certified high-quality products, and there are also private ones small production, ready to offer a seemingly similar product. It will be several times cheaper, and the consumer will notice the difference, unfortunately, only during operation.

It may not be the ceiling itself that smells, but the insert. An insert is a special masking tape that is used to hide the joints between the ceiling and the wall if the installation of skirting boards is not planned. As you might guess, such tapes also come in different qualities. If installers use high-quality insert, then there will be no smell, just like from the film. If the company decided to save money and purchased a cheap insert, then the smell will remain for a long time. Please note that an unpleasant odor may also come from other components if their quality does not meet sanitary standards.

So how can you not fall for the bait and not suffer after installing suspended ceilings due to an unpleasant odor? The answer is on the surface. You should trust only trusted companies that have good reviews, or your friends may recommend them. It is also worth paying attention to companies that have been working in this field for several years, enter into official contracts and bear warranty obligations. The article below talks about this in more detail.

How to distinguish a reliable company from a wild bunch

What “bells” should you pay attention to?

  • The company immediately informs you that the ceilings do not have any odor at all. You should be wary that you are being deceived from the very beginning. As already mentioned, during heating PVC film It does give off a slight scent that evaporates quite quickly. So at the very beginning the ceilings will smell a little, because the release of odor is a natural physical process. If you are promised that it is excluded, then you should think about the competence of such specialists.
  • They offer you a price that is significantly lower than the market price. What is the danger? Most likely, such a company will use low-quality film, the cheapest insert, and components that have an unpleasant odor. Unfortunately, there are craftsmen who cut the canvas themselves and then glue it to the wall with PVC mounting film.
  • Even several days after installation and airing of the rooms, the smell did not evaporate. This sure sign that low-quality fabric or poor components were used for installation. It is better to invite a specialist from another company and get an independent opinion.

In conclusion, we note that by placing an order for the installation of suspended ceilings in a trusted company that values ​​​​its reputation and honest name, you will avoid possible problems. Properly made and installed stretch ceilings do not emit foreign odors during their entire service life and do not pose a health hazard. A good example is this

IN lately people talk about large quantities advantages of tension coverings compared to other finishing options. They can create protection from dust, water and drafts, they are quite easy to clean, the installation process is quick and does not even require removing the furniture from the room. However, there is a problem. Sometimes after installing suspended ceilings an unpleasant odor is heard. What does it mean? How safe is this for human health?

Features of the composition of the tension fabric

Film coatings usually have an odor. Fabric models of tension surfaces are made from artificial fibers, which are woven into a durable fabric and impregnated with a special compound that imparts strength. Such surfaces do not have any odor, either before installation or after it.

But it might smell a little. It is made mainly from polyvinyl chloride with the addition of various additives and dyes. In fact, these materials have been used in everyday life for quite a long time and actively. Made from similar plastic artificial leather, bath mats, linoleum and many other interior items and building materials.

If everything is done efficiently, in compliance with all the necessary standards and parameters, then, in theory, after installation, suspended ceilings will have no odor at all. Today Germany and France can boast of a similar level of quality.

Surfaces of worse composition are made, for example, in China. Immediately after installation, they will have an unpleasant odor, which will dissipate over time. It is worth noting that the sharp, not particularly pleasant aroma of rubber or plastic does not harm a person in any way. The only thing is if you have an individual intolerance or the smell is simply very intense.

However, it is much worse if the coating has a sweetish aroma. This already indicates the presence of harmful substances phenol and toluene in its composition. They're in large quantities can really harm a person’s health, cause headaches, weakness, and dizziness.

Under no circumstances should such manifestations be tolerated. You should immediately contact the company that provided such products with a complaint.

Quality categories

As mentioned above, there are coatings that have an unpleasant and strong smell, but then the smell goes away. How long does a stretch ceiling smell after installation? Based on the duration of weathering, there are three categories of coating quality:

  • High quality. Such suspended ceilings do not smell much after installation, only for a few hours. The aroma disappears quickly and does not cause any discomfort. Or these canvases will not have any smell at all. Almost all European manufacturers can boast of these features.
  • Average quality. The tension surface has a smell, but it takes several days to ventilate it. During this period, it is better to ventilate the room and not stay in it. After this time, the canvases cease to smell fragrant and show themselves well in the future. This includes domestic products and good Chinese ceilings.
  • Low quality. The coating smells strongly for a long time (several weeks). The smell does not disappear or does so very reluctantly. If such low-quality material is installed, you should contact the company that provided such products and demand a replacement.

What can intensify the smell?

If you have made repairs and decide to wait until the smell disappears tension fabric will disappear from the room, then you should follow the rules of its operation already at this stage. There are certain factors that only intensify the smell.

You cannot increase the temperature in the room. It is better, if possible, to turn off the heating in the room or reduce it to minimum. The more the room heats up, the more the coating will smell.

When working lighting fixtures the surface will also begin to emit a smell. This is especially true for incandescent and halogen lamps. They, one way or another, heat the space and cause an increase in odor.

It is worth remembering that the lower the coverage, the stronger you will feel its aroma. If the canvas is high, then it will not be so audible.

How to get rid of the smell?

Some unscrupulous suppliers to hide low level quality of canvases used various ways, which make it possible to muffle the presence of odor under factory conditions. These techniques can also be used at home.

At the factory, canvases can be stored in warehouses for some time. This will be enough for the smell to disappear. After this, they can be passed off as high-quality European brands.

It is important to know that during installation in a room where it is colder, the smell will be much less noticeable. However, a warm room has its advantages. In it, the unpleasant aroma disappears faster, but at the same time it is more intense.

Humidity also matters. If it is high, then the canvas will cause you inconvenience for a long time. Therefore, in the bathroom it is better to wait until the smell disappears by ventilating the room, and only then use the room.

It is important to ventilate the room well. If you do this well enough, the aroma will quickly go away. In larger spaces this is easier to deal with. Small rooms may take a little longer to smell.


Remember, the presence of a smell does not always indicate a low level of quality. It is important to wait a few days. If it disappears, then there is no need to panic. Otherwise, you should definitely change such coatings. Otherwise, they can cause harm to your health and morale. And it is best to choose only the highest quality surface. It is odorless and will last for many years.

From the author: good afternoon, dear reader! Installation decorative ceiling behind, but, alas, you are faced with a serious problem - a specific smell from the stretch ceiling? Many questions immediately arise: how to remove it, is it harmful for household members, who should I complain to, and is it possible to compensate for damages for the sale of not quality material?

While preparing the material for this article, we encountered different points perspective: from accusations of incompetence of stretch ceiling installers - to problems where to find high-quality ceiling coverings. Letters of accusations will not help remove a specific smell, so we will try to figure out the reasons for its appearance in the room. Let's discuss some issues related to .


The main causes of odor

We return again and again to the topic of choosing quality materials when repair work in the apartment. We can talk a lot about installation rules, but there is one unshakable truth: the house in which your family will live should be as comfortable as possible.

The main reason for the appearance of a specific odor after installation of the coating is the material. Approximately 90% of all ceiling stretch coverings are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which offers us a considerable palette of a wide variety of smells.

If the plant works with high-quality raw materials, then after installation, foreign chemical odors will disappear within 24 hours, and if the plant’s chemists decided to save money, then we, ordinary people who decided to do the repairs ourselves, will have to ask ourselves the question of how to remove odors from the stretched fabric?

Every builder has the makings of a true perfumer, and thanks to the smell and persistence of the “aroma”, he can determine the quality of PVC:

  1. High quality - weathering within 2–5 days.
  2. Average quality - it will take up to 2-3 weeks for the smell to go away.
  3. Low quality - a specific sweetish smell of phenol, which can disappear for more than a month and is dangerous for the human body.


We are confident that every beginner will be able to determine the palette of aromas from building materials and will be able to determine how long it will last .

Of course, there are exceptions that are worth paying attention to: the smell may take several days to appear. What is the reason? We again return to the rules of tension covering operation, markings and evaluate the intensity of ultraviolet rays hitting the ceiling surface!

How to eliminate a specific smell?

If we temporarily put aside the issue of the quality of the installed ceiling and figure out how to get rid of unpleasant odors, then what conclusions can we come to?

  1. The chemical smell goes away faster if the room is high temperature regime and the apartment is dry. You can use an electric dehumidifier to quickly reduce room humidity. Increased and stable humidity strongly retains specific odor.
  2. Maximum ventilation and air convection in the apartment will ensure rapid weathering.
  3. Before installation, consider the number of recessed lighting fixtures in the suspended ceiling and take into account their degree of incandescence. Note that the more light bulbs, the more the material heats up and smells, so experts advise not to use overhead light for the first week.

Health hazard: myth or reality?

Is the “aroma” from stretched fabric harmful? Let's try to figure it out and remember school curriculum in chemistry. In the process of manufacturing polyvinyl chloride film the following are used:

  • phenol;
  • toluene (methylbenzene);
  • cadmium;
  • chlorine.

Substances and their derivatives, as you understand, are far from the safest. People who encounter them at work most often complain of the following symptoms:

  • weakness, constant headache and dizziness;
  • allergies: skin rashes, irritation of the nasal mucosa and eyes.



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