Learning to swim with a snorkel mask and snorkel

When going to the sea, every vacationer certainly packs a breathing tube and mask in his suitcase. And then, when they come to the beach, no one even remembers them. But in vain! After all, it is completely unforgivable to miss such a unique opportunity to admire the amazing beauty of the underwater world.

A fancy word like snorkeling (or snorkelling) actually means swimming with a snorkel, official name which is a snorkel. This active view seaside recreation is one of the most accessible and popular, but, despite such a wide prevalence of snorkeling, many are not familiar with all its subtleties and intricacies.

He will tell you the basic secrets of competent snorkeling, which will allow you to fully enjoy such an interesting activity.

Let's start!

So, you decided to master the snorkel and mask. Before jumping into the sea, put on your equipment, starting with your mask. To avoid fogging, wipe the inner glass with saliva and rinse with water, or use special remedy. Attach the tube to the mask strap on the left. Now put on the mask and adjust the height of the tube. It is advisable to do this on land, because in the water an inexperienced snorkeler may have difficulties. Put your fins on at the very end.


Standing on the shore, check again whether your equipment is ready for diving and whether all safety measures have been taken before the swim. Notify the crew of the dive boat or your friends on the beach that you have gone diving and how long you will be gone. First, carefully check the place where you are going to jump, find out if there is a current and what its direction is, and also if there are other snorkelers swimming nearby. Everything is fine? Then feel free to dive in!


Once in the water, lie down horizontally and relax. Get used to the movement of the water, breathe slowly and deeply. Keep your arms along your body and move only your legs, making measured swings from the hip, but not from the knee. Make sure your legs are almost straight. If possible, do not splash your fins on the surface of the water, because you will disperse the beautiful fish and will not swim far. Don’t forget to breathe deeply and slowly, and if you get confused, stop and take a breath.

To talk to your partner, you don’t have to come up and pull out the phone every time, just give hand signals. Create your own signals in advance or learn the ones that divers use to communicate easily during a dive.

Underwater, every object seems a quarter closer and larger than in reality. While swimming above the very bottom, try to touch it - you will see how distorted visibility is in the water column. To make the most of your snorkeling experience, try to guess the exotic fish and observe their behavior. A waterproof booklet with photographs and names of the most common fish, sold in souvenir shops in resort towns, will help you with this very well.

You can try to master it underwater photography, because buy now inexpensive disposable underwater camera for this kind of shooting - not a problem. When you take pictures underwater, don't forget that objects appear larger and closer than they really are. Therefore, try to get as close to the fish or coral as possible, but do not damage them.

Yes, and do not touch any of the sea life. The “underwater parrot” fish lives in the tropics and is incredibly cute to look at. Its jaws easily grind corals and bite through 5 mm thick wire... Jellyfish and sea ​​urchins. As for sharks, they are even more afraid of us than we are of them. If you do see her, don't panic. Just quickly jump ashore, alerting those around you with wild screams. The poor fish will have no choice but to swim away.

And finally - don't try to dive alone. Even if you are the best swimmer in the area and are just going to watch the coral fish, don’t take risks. There may be a lot of surprises waiting for you at sea! For example, you emerge, and the shore is no longer visible at all... Be sure to periodically check how your partners are doing.

Do you love sea holidays and the water world? Then you will be interested to know what snorkeling and diving are, how they differ, and what you need for successful diving.

The word came to us from German language, in which " schnorchel" means breathing tube. And, as you may have guessed, this swimming involves shallow diving under water with a mask and snorkel. Even the wolf from the well-known cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” went snorkeling.

This is quite a popular entertainment, especially in tropical latitudes. If the water is cold, it is suggested to wear a special wetsuit. Using everything necessary equipment for snorkeling (including fins) allows you to observe the most unusual sea ​​beauties. The most attractive thing is that all this can be done for a long time, spending a minimum of effort.

The main advantage of the snorkeling technique is the opportunity to observe underwater inhabitants in their natural environment. Turtles, fish, starfish, shellfish and other inhabitants of the ocean will certainly delight you with their appearance. Children especially like this kind of entertainment.

What is the difference between snorkeling and diving

Diving is also underwater swimming with special equipment. Only cylinders (scuba tanks) are used to supply oxygen, not a breathing tube. This allows for fairly deep dives, but only for as long as there is enough autonomous air supply.

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Despite the differences, diving fans also often practice snorkeling. If their dives are made near or on the surface of the water, diving with a breathing tube is most often practiced. Snorkeling is also an indispensable tool for rescue teams to find people in the water.

How to snorkel correctly

If you want to master diving techniques, you don't need to be an experienced swimmer or professional athlete. However, it is important to have basic swimming skills and, of course, be able to stay on the water. We recommend that you start training in 3 stages:

1. Shallow diving

This can be learned in just a couple of days. The following exercises will help you:

  • stay on the water for at least 15 minutes;
  • hold your breath while diving for at least 30 seconds;
  • swim a short distance first on your stomach, then on your back.

Remember that sea ​​water It holds a person better, so it is better to train in it rather than in swimming pools.

2. Swimming with mask and fins

Knowing how to use snorkeling equipment is the key to successful diving. In addition, this method of swimming accumulates your energy and saves it, because fins, a mask and a snorkel allow you to swim with less effort. It is important to familiarize yourself with the structure of each element and feel confident.

3. Training in full equipment on the water surface

At this stage, classes with an instructor are already allowed, where he can give appropriate recommendations.

Snorkeling in the middle of the sea (for example, when diving into water occurs while diving from a boat) is recommended not to be practiced by absolute beginners. Great depth is often a cause of fear, so the first swims are best done close to the shore, at a depth that is comfortable for you. Believe me, in exotic places, coastal marine fauna is no less interesting.

Snorkeling equipment

Surely you already understand what equipment you need to use for snorkeling. However, now we will reveal to you information about these devices in more detail:

1. Diving mask

This is the main piece of snorkeling equipment that serves you for a comfortable swimming experience. It does not allow water to seep into your eyes, so when choosing it, make sure that the mask fits tightly to your face. Please also pay attention to the fact that its internal volume should be minimal, and the material of manufacture should preferably be tempered glass.

2. Breathing tube

It serves as your breathing apparatus. When choosing it, pay attention to the fact that the tube should not be very long - this will only make breathing difficult. It is also very important to have a high-quality valve and the ability to rotate the mouthpiece around the axis of the tube.

3. Fins

They are needed to facilitate the swimming process. Fins made of rubber-plastic or pure rubber with a closed heel are ideal for snorkeling. It's best to choose medium size and light weight. Wearing them on your bare feet will make them easier to wear and use.

4. Wetsuit

A completely optional component, but nevertheless relevant in cold water, and is simply necessary for diving. This also applies to lovers of hot holidays, where the suit will protect you from UV radiation and increase buoyancy.

If you can hold your breath well and the objects you are observing are very close, you can replace all the equipment with regular swimming goggles. This way you will provide yourself with great entertainment.

The best snorkeling spots in the world

There are an unusually large number of interesting places, and all of them are described in the article. Here we will limit ourselves to only the most popular.

  • Red Sea (Egypt).
  • Maldives.
  • Thailand and UAE.

Each of these places boasts clear water with alluring blues, thousands of fish species, hundreds of coral species and a rich aquatic world. The marine fauna in these places is simply indescribable, and snorkeling and diving are unforgettable!

For lovers active recreation There are many ways to try your hand at a particular sport. For those who love expanses of water, there is an opportunity to learn snorkeling. "What is this?" - you ask. Just observing the underwater world and exploring its beauty. This type of scuba diving is becoming more and more popular. Those who descend into the depths of the sea are called snorkelers.

All about snorkeling. Equipment

  1. You will need a snorkeling mask. This is an essential item. Choose one with solid glass, which will allow you to see more of the deep beauty. The "T" mark indicates that it is hardened and has a flexible part that fits closer to the face. When trying on, pay attention to the comfort of the mask. It should fit as tightly as possible and provide good review. Don't try to skimp on quality. It is better to buy not on the Internet or in the market, but in a specialized store for tourists.
  2. A special wetsuit will be needed if you will be in the water for a long time. It is known that the water temperature in the ocean is low, which means that without such equipment you will not be able to enjoy the beauty of underwater inhabitants for a long time.
  3. A mandatory attribute is fins for snorkeling. You can use regular ones. They are easy to swim in. Also, with fins, the ability to maneuver increases. With them you can quickly and easily dive and emerge.
  4. The breathing tube allows you to breathe comfortably. If the depth exceeds 40 cm, then this is more difficult due to strong water pressure. The snorkeler holds the tube in his mouth using a special silicone mouthpiece. When choosing a tube, you should pay attention to the comfort of its use. Even if it is short, the main thing is the absence of inconvenience. Often sold complete with a mask.

Swimming technique

In principle, if you are trained in swimming, then it will not be difficult for you to master snorkeling, because the technique is absolutely simple. It's more important to prepare necessary equipment. First you should do the mask. Its inner part is rinsed with ordinary water so that the glass does not fog up, otherwise you will not get any pleasure from swimming. Moreover, the best snorkeling requires high-quality equipment.

If you are using a wetsuit, put it on first. Once the mask is on, a silicone tube is attached to it. After this you can put on your fins. To easily enter the water with them, you should walk backwards.

So you have plunged into the depths. What to do next? First, relax the body completely (achieve slow and deep breathing). Next, we lie down on the water, that is, we take a horizontal position. Make sure that your feet do not float to the surface, but are deep in the water. The movements should be slow and smooth, they come from the hip. It also happens that breathing becomes difficult. If this happens, stop what you are doing and start breathing deeply and slowly.

Experienced snorkelers know that visibility in the water is slightly different than on land. The difference can reach up to 20%. Don't be alarmed if your vision deceives you greatly, it's all a matter of habit. When snorkeling with a friend (which is even more fun), agree on symbols so you can easily report your condition.

Many people ask questions: “Snorkeling - what is it? Is this pastime dangerous or safe?” Doing this sport will improve your health if you have joint diseases, nervous system, problems with the back and spine, if you are worried about frequent colds. It is safely recommended for rehabilitation after a long illness or surgery.

Snorkeling is contraindicated if you have frequent and prolonged shortness of breath, problems with blood pressure, or cardiovascular diseases. Diving underwater makes your heart beat faster and stronger. Do not take risks if you have breathing problems, sinusitis, or chronic diseases. It is also harmful to snorkel if you have a strong cough.

What is amazing about snorkeling in the Philippines?

In such a paradise as the Philippines, there are many places to practice this type of swimming. Coral reefs are located near 7,100 islands in the tropics! You don't even need a wetsuit. Because the water is here comfortable temperature all year round. Thanks to this, there are a lot of amazing algae here, interesting fish and corals. Totally exotic!

And here there is shallow water and amazing water; all the beaches are flat and without sharp descents into the water.

Dive location - Egypt

The Red Sea is an ideal place for the sport of snorkeling. What does this give? Here opportunities are open to everyone - from children to the elderly. Many hotel beaches have corners with beautiful coral reefs, which are safe and convenient. You can stock up on provisions for the fish, such as bread, and buy a disposable camera, with which you can take unforgettable pictures under water.

There are no dangerous inhabitants in the Red Sea. The exception is moray eels, which are not recommended to be touched, as are other marine inhabitants.

Heading to Phuket and Pattaya

According to surveys among scuba diving enthusiasts, this best places for snorkeling. What is interesting about Phuket? The islands are an indescribable sight. The most interesting thing is that the underwater world here is beautiful even close to the coastline, so there is no need to sail somewhere far away and dive deep. An ideal place for snorkelers is the southern part of Kata Beach. Nearby are amazing beauty and the colors of coral reefs, the bizarre bottom of the sea, as well as the extraordinary inhabitants of the abyss.

However, during the rainy season this is not the place for snorkelers. High waves, muddy water due to sand and sharp rocks pose a great danger.

In Pattaya, the islands of Ko Rin and Ko Larn are suitable for diving for travelers of all ages. You shouldn't go snorkeling on the coast of Pattaya itself. You can get to Koh Larn by ferry or rented boat. It is best to choose a tour whose price includes transfer to the island’s pier and organization of scuba diving.

Dominican Republic

Here snorkeling can be combined with underwater fishing. Fortunately, there is a lot of variety of fish here. Octopuses and various crustaceans are also found. You can rent a boat and other necessary equipment. It is noteworthy that underwater guns and disposable cameras for filming underwater are sold in the Dominican Republic.

Maldives - a traveler's dream

Are you still looking for a snorkeling spot? Come to the Maldives! This good place for shy beginners. There are coral reefs already eight meters from the beach, so you don’t have to swim far. The Maldives is surrounded by waters filled with bizarre beauty and attractive marine life. The sea water temperature is warm and comfortable.

Snorkeling - that the depths of the sea, which not only examine, admire them. They can also be captured on special photo and video cameras. The most favorite places for snorkelers are the waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, as well as the Mediterranean and Red Seas. If you are still new to this business, it doesn’t matter. An experienced specialist will dive with you, correct all actions, and, if necessary, provide backup.

The best places for snorkeling are the Coral, Red and Caribbean Seas, the Maldives and the Great Coral Reef in the New Zealand area. When starting to learn snorkeling, keep in mind that the pinnacle of your experience is diving in these luxurious corners of the world, to visit which you will need considerable finances. You can, of course, go snorkeling in local rivers, lakes or the Black Sea. However, for comfortable snorkeling you will need clean water, and our reservoirs cannot boast of sufficient water transparency. Swim in muddy water with a mask - little pleasure.

Snorkeling does not require special complex training - it is a simple way of swimming. However, you will still have to undergo training, since at any resort you will not be able to rent equipment if you do not have a scuba diving certificate, which you can get from a diving school after completing the course.

The basis of snorkeling training is: right choice and the ability to handle equipment, the ability to swim underwater for a long time and pay attention to important things, following safety rules and protecting the underwater world, as well as proper breathing are the basis of long-term immersion.

The process of learning to snorkel, like any learning, is a step-by-step process. There are several stages: Getting used to it. You need to get used to the mask and snorkel gradually: learn to breathe through the snorkel, adapt to the sensations of a mask on your face - use shallow water to get used to it. Once breathing through the snorkel and the sensations of the mask become familiar, you can move on to diving into deeper waters. Choosing equipment is an important initial step in preparing for diving. Any professional snorkeling or diving instructor who will teach you how to swim with a mask and snorkel, fins and a wetsuit (if you are going to swim in cool water) can advise you on quality equipment. Use of equipment. You will need to learn how to clear water and fog from your mask, clear water blockages from your snorkel, equalize the pressure in your mask when diving and ascending from depth, and learn how to fit a mask and how its purge valves work. Practical skills. You will have to swim a lot - first in the pool, then in shallow open water, and after that you can start training in the depths. Professionals include the ability to swim calmly and without tension (no more than 20 strokes per minute), while making correct S-shaped movements with the body, without touching the bottom and without appearing on the surface of the water, as part of the rules for quality snorkeling. It is also important to learn to breathe evenly and rhythmically through the tube, gently push off from the water, keep your arms pressed along your body and conserve strength.

Save energy while snorkeling thanks to proper breathing– one of the most important and difficult rules of snorkeling. To do this, you need to undergo a training course on land, work out breathing techniques in shallow water, learn to “pump” your lungs before diving - with a series of deep inhalations and exhalations, saturate the blood with oxygen and remove excess carbon dioxide from it.

The most difficult part of snorkeling will be the depth control - it must be perfect so that the snorkel does not submerge completely in the water. To learn this control, first simply practice lying face down in the water and breathing evenly and rhythmically through the snorkel. The feeling of discomfort from such breathing will soon pass.

During the training process, you need to clearly understand a number of safety rules, following which will save you from trouble, and may even save your life. Do not dive until you have learned to swim, especially do not do it alone. Be careful and careful! Stay close to the shore and watch the currents, ebbs and flows - the sea often pulls unwary swimmers into the depths. The place where you first practice should be safe and your equipment tested and reliable. Make dives for short periods – several short ones are better than one long one. In cold water, use a wetsuit. Try not to disturb the underwater inhabitants in order to avoid an attack, beware of getting hurt on the corals. Avoid frequently raising your head above the water - you will lose strength and the glass of the mask will fog up. Avoid submerging the entire tube in water - it may become flooded and you will have to blow it out.

One of the most popular activities at shallow depths is snorkeling. What is this? Snorkeling is a type of swimming underwater wearing a mask with a breathing tube. They swim to shallow depths, diving under water no more than ten meters. IN lately such swimming has ceased to be mere entertainment and is being carried out more and more often sports competitions In snorkeling, beach lifeguards use a mask with a breathing tube to rescue people. And even oceanographers use such equipment when observing the coastal and reef life of marine life.

Snorkeling is a very interesting and educational activity

The main difference between snorkeling and diving, which are very similar, is that diving is used for underwater swimming. This allows you to dive to great depths, but has a limited swimming time by the oxygen content in the tank.
Snorkeling allows you to swim without any time restrictions. To practice this type of swimming, you must have special equipment, namely:

  • or underwater glasses;
  • breathing tube with mouthpiece;
  • fins or special fin;
  • wetsuit

All this equipment must be purchased in specialized stores. Today, the swimming accessories market offers a very large assortment. Most of the snorkeling equipment presented is ordinary consumer goods, which it is better to refrain from purchasing. Scuba diving is a rather risky activity and can cause significant harm to health when using low-quality equipment. So you should take seriously the selection of a mask, fins and breathing tube.

Equipment selection

Snorkeling does not impose any special requirements on equipment. The main thing about it is quality and ease of use. It is advisable to select a mask with a small internal space; it should fit tightly to the face and not allow water to pass through. The glass must be tempered and not subject to fogging and accumulation of water on its surface, which improves visibility under water. The mask seal should be silicone. It is better to choose the color of the seal white or transparent; such a seal will improve side visibility. Any colored seal will limit visibility. The length of the breathing tube should not be long, as this makes breathing difficult. The shorter the tube, the better. The valve in the tube should have a high-quality membrane, and the mouthpiece should rotate around own axis. Before purchasing, it would be better to try on a mask and snorkel from several manufacturers, this will help determine their comfort and ease of use.

Snorkeling fins are made of thick rubber mixed with plastic. Special attention It is worth paying attention to attaching the fins to the legs. It should be closed, where the heel of the foot does not remain open. This fastening will not allow the fins to come off your feet while swimming. The fins will be of medium size perfect choice. They should not be heavy in weight. The lighter the fins, the more maneuverable a person will be under water. Snorkeling does not require the use of fins. Having fins simply makes diving easier and allows the swimmer to stay underwater longer. Many professionals use a fin instead of fins. With its help, it is possible to make sharp maneuvers underwater and quickly dive to the bottom of the reservoir.

A wetsuit is not required when snorkeling. It is used when diving in cold water or during fairly long swimming. A simple amateur does not need such a costume. It is used only by professional athletes, rescuers and oceanographers. Made from neoprene, the human body is inside itself and allows the swimmer to reduce the drag force of the water.

Once you have finished selecting your equipment, you can safely begin learning to snorkel. And this training begins, no matter how funny it may sound, with diving into home bath. Being in a bath of water in full equipment will allow the body to get used to the unusual sensations of holding your breath, and will allow the swimmer to find out his own capabilities when holding his breath. And only after such training will it be possible to begin training in open water.

Places for beginners to snorkel

Swimming such as snorkeling is a rather risky activity, especially for novice swimmers. And this swimming does not forgive mistakes for a beginner, especially at depth. Therefore, you should not immediately rush to dive and swim at great depths without proper preparation. At any moment this can lead to tragic consequences. All beginners need to start with a shallow depth and with safety nets. It will be best if they teach you all the tricks of snorkeling and proper swimming underwater. The instructor conducts the first lessons in a pool or in shallow water. These classes focus on practicing breathing techniques and will teach the swimmer not to take accidental breaths underwater. At the next stage of training, the technique of diving and longitudinal swimming along the bottom of the reservoir is practiced. At the final stage, they practice holding their breath for a long time under water and correctly ascending from the depth to the surface of the water.

The sea coast is considered an ideal option for learning scuba diving techniques. In such conditions, training takes place in natural conditions, which allows you to quickly master all the necessary skills for snorkeling. At the end of the training, the instructor arranges an exam for all student swimmers. Everyone is taken out on a boat to the open sea, and there the instructor evaluates the skills of each swimmer and issues certificates of completion of the necessary snorkeling courses.

Having mastered all the basics of scuba diving with a breathing tube, the swimmer will discover previously unseen beauties of the underwater world. Proper snorkeling skills open up new opportunities during your stay at the seaside and will make your vacation truly unforgettable. With the help of fins and a mask, you can spend time spearfishing. Or just observe the behavior of various residents underwater reef, swim through a school of colorful fish and watch how crabs hunt for prey. And it is possible, as they say, who knows what the hell, to find treasures hidden from view on seabed, or finally find the legendary Atlantis during the most seemingly ordinary vacation at sea.

The history of snorkeling

The history of snorkeling goes back to ancient times. One of the first mentions of the use of a breathing tube dates back to the times ancient Greece, where the chroniclers of that time recorded the adventures of Silis. A simple diver, Silis, was captured by the Persian army, but managed to escape captivity by hiding under water and breathing through a reed stalk, so he waited out the chase until night and returned to his relatives, whom he warned about the impending invasion of the enemy army. This saved the Greeks from enslavement by the Persian army. Similar cases were often mentioned among many different nationalities, including the Slavs and even the Zaporozhye Cossacks.

The word snorkeling itself is borrowed from the German language, which is translated as a breathing tube. The first inventor of a diving mask was Russian-born engineer Alexander Kramarenko, who was in exile in France in the twenties of the last century. And all the equipment was invented and patented by the French inventor Maxime Forier. This happened in the thirty-eighth year of the last century. Since then, the principle of mask and snorkel technology has continued to this day.



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