Rose Grand Gala hybrid tea. Varieties of hybrid tea roses. Growing and caring for the Grand Gala rose

Hint for assessing rose variety (click to see)

Decorative flowering and flower beauty

This is a complex, purely subjective assessment, reflecting exclusively the personal preferences of the rose gardener. After all, both a lush, densely doubled beauty and a simple, modest one with five leaves can “get you hooked” and “make you fall in love with yourself.” The assessment includes general attitude to the color of the rose, the composition and quality of the flower, the abundance and continuity of flowering.
★ very low. Completely dissatisfied with the appearance of the flower and the nature of flowering (looseness, inconspicuousness, weak rapid flowering)
★★ low. Not satisfied with the appearance of the flower and the nature of the flowering (the flower is not impressive, there are few of them, the flowering duration is normal)
★★★ average. Satisfied with the appearance of the flower and the nature of the flowering, but expected more, although the flower and flowering are normal
★★★★ high. I like both the flower and the bloom. The flower is interesting, flowering in abundance and duration corresponds to the species
★★★★★ very high. Delight from a flower and blooming, beautiful, abundant, long


★ no or barely perceptible aroma of freshness
★★ weak light, thin, barely perceptible
★★★ average, moderate, with different notes
★★★★ strong, intense, with certain notes
★★★★★ very strong, outstanding, with a complex aroma that can be heard from a distance

Resistance to diseases (various spots, powdery mildew, rust, etc.)

★ very low (constantly sick, despite preventive measures)
★★ low (gets sick only in unfavorable summers, prevention does not help)
★★★ average (it only gets sick when there is a massive disease of all plants in a very unfavorable summer, prevention and treatment help)
★★★★ high (if initial signs of the disease were observed, then everything went away with prevention and treatment)
★★★★★ very high (no diseases observed)

Winter hardiness

★ very low (requires strong shelter, but can freeze despite a favorable winter without recovery)
★★ low (requires proper winter shelter, optimal conditions, but may freeze in unfavorable winters)
★★★ average (overwinters well, but requires proper winter protection, recovers when frozen)
★★★★ high (overwinters well, with virtually no losses under winter protection appropriate for the region)
★★★★★ very high (overwinters without or under light shelter, without losses)

Rain resistance

★ very low (the decorative effect is completely lost, the buds rot, the flower falls off)
★★ low (partial loss of decorative effect, the buds slightly rot, the flower quickly falls off)
★★★ average (slight loss of decorativeness, buds and open flowers deteriorate a little or wither)
★★★★ high (slightly reacts, for example, hemp appears, without loss of decorativeness)
★★★★★ very high (does not respond to rain)

Sun resistance

★ very low (complete loss of decorativeness, buds and flowers bake and fall off)
★★ low (partial loss of decorativeness, edges of buds and flowers are baked, color is lost)
★★★ average (slight loss of decorativeness, buds are intact, edges of open flowers are baked, color may change uncritically)
★★★★ high (no effect on decorative effect, flowering without loss, color does not change)
★★★★★ very high (no effect on decorative effect, on the contrary, the color will improve, the abundance of flowering will increase)

Foliage and bush shape

★ unattractive foliage and bush shape
★★ low attractiveness of foliage and bush shape
★★★ average attractiveness of foliage and bush shape
★★★★ tall attractive foliage and bush shape
★★★★★ very high foliage attractiveness and bush shape

“Grand Gala” is a hybrid tea rose of French selection. The variety, developed in 1995, immediately won positive reviews amateur gardeners thanks to the spectacular appearance and not too difficult to care for. The encyclopedia of roses notes resistance to pests, abundant long-term flowering, responsiveness to fertilizing and proper watering.

The plant is tall, with proper care it reaches 1-1.2 m in height. A not too spreading bush with strong straight shoots and abundantly covered with dark green glossy leaves. There are few thorns, flowering is continuous, from May to the end of autumn. The rose is suitable for forcing and cutting; it can be grown in flower beds, greenhouses or greenhouses.

The main advantage of the variety is its large flowers of rich dark red color. Roses are double roses; a blooming flower has about 60 round petals, slightly curled towards the center. The bud is elongated, classic for hybrid tea varieties. The color is very rich, velvety, shimmering from blood red to crimson. The petals are charred at the base, a spectacular black and red edging distinguishes the blooming rose from representatives of other varieties. The aroma is very subtle, fruity and berry.

Planting and care

Experts recommend purchasing two-year-old seedlings; they are the most viable. Young plants go on sale together with a lump of earth on the roots, the lower part of the plant is tightly wrapped in cellophane. In this form, the seedling is stored for up to 50 days and does not suffer after transplantation.

Hybrid rose prefers nutrient soil with a significant admixture of sand. The soil should be light; you should not plant bushes in close proximity to high lying groundwater. "Grand Gala" feels great in diffuse sun and partial shade, prefers warm or temperate climate. In regions with harsh winters, the variety is grown only in greenhouses.

You don't need to water the rose too much cold water, preferably rain or settled. A ditch for water is dug around the bush; one plant requires at least 4-5 liters. In hot weather, water the flower once every 3 days; in the absence of sun and moderately cool weather, 1 watering per week is sufficient. The bushes are fertilized several times during the season, adding a mixture of organic matter and mineral complexes. This will help speed up the formation of buds and ensure long flowering. Frequent loosening of the soil and timely removal of weeds is mandatory.

At temperatures below zero, plants need to be covered. The bushes are first dug in, then covered with spruce branches and wrapped in agrofibre.

Pruning rules

All hybrid tea roses need pruning in spring and autumn, “Grand Gala” is no exception. The most important procedure is autumn pruning. Before leaving for the winter, the shoots are cut in half with sharp pruning shears or a knife. In spring, it is enough to remove dry or damaged areas. There is no need to form a bush; the variety is moderately spreading and always looks neat.

Before pruning, instruments are thoroughly sterilized. The cut is made from the outside above the kidneys, and the knife is held diagonally. After autumn pruning 8 buds remain on the shoots. The procedure is carried out in dry and sunny weather to avoid additional stress for the plants.

for people with fiery hearts! The deep, languid color of a seductive beauty is preferred by passionate and emotional people, which is why they surround themselves with such captivating tones of roses.
Tall, full bud of the Gran Galla rose with a classic shape. The flowers are dark burgundy, velvety, slightly charred at the base of the petals. The black and red edging beautifully frames the rose and serves business card of this variety. In this double rose there are about 60 petals, and the diameter when dissolved is up to 10 cm. Some gardeners note that the light aroma of rose Grand Gala has notes of raspberry. Flowering is almost continuous.
The bushes are tall 100-120 cm, the shoots are straight and fairly low-thorned. This fact will appeal to most gardeners involved in cutting. Leaves and stems are dark green. Cutting and forcing variety. The winter-hardy rose Grand Gala can also safely boast of its high “immunity” to disease.

Luxurious, truly the queen of the garden, the hybrid tea rose is a species bred from the tea rose that can resist disease and cold winters. Large flowers on small or medium-sized bushes decorate gardens from late June to late autumn and a delicate aroma hybrid tea rose spreads far beyond the suburban area.

The photo shows a hybrid tea rose of the “Alyonushka” variety

Hybrid tea roses appeared not so long ago - in the 70s years XIX centuries, a remontant rose and a tea rose were crossed. The result and the name of the creator of the La France variety, breeder Guyot, who immortalized his homeland in the name of the rose, are known to all rose growers today. But only after 20 years new look became popular, and today you can find thousands in gardens hybrid tea varieties, dazzling with their beauty, allowing you to revel in their aromas.

The bred varieties of hybrid tea roses inherited from the tea rose a beautiful bud shape, a subtle, revealing aroma and long-term flowering. Remontant varieties gave the beauty strength, durability, and the ability to withstand cold winters.

Classification of hybrid tea roses

The photo shows a hybrid tea rose of the “Avalanche” variety

Roses are distinguished by the height of the bush: there are low-growing, medium-growing and tall varieties, and by shape - from spreading bushes to pyramidal ones. But the main classification is the division of hybrid tea roses by color:

  • red, burgundy;
  • white, cream;
  • pink, salmon;
  • lilac, purple;
  • yellow, apricot, orange;
  • transitional, two-color.

Not all varieties are suitable for growing in the garden - some are exclusively for exhibition, and you can admire them at summer cottage not given to anyone.

Below is a description of the most popular varieties of hybrid tea roses often used in the landscape.

Red varieties of hybrid tea roses

The red color of a rose is considered classic. Symbolizing love, passion, the scarlet and burgundy queen of flowers will decorate any landscape. Among the most famous burgundy-red varieties:

  • Black Baccara;
  • Barkarole;
  • Black Magic;
  • Konrad Henkel;
  • Sophia Loren and others.

Mr Lincoln (Mr. Lincoln)

Hybrid tea rose, Mr. Lincoln variety

A hybrid tea rose with dark red velvet petals gathered into a dense bud, which when opened reaches a diameter of up to 10 cm. The rose blooms throughout the summer season, is beautiful in single plantings, but due to the fact that the variety is tall, it can reach up to 2 meters, used as a background in rose gardens. Rose has a strong aroma that can be easily perceived even from the background.

Black Magic (Black Magic, Black Magic)

Hybrid tea rose variety Black Magic

This rose lives up to its name: the unopened buds are almost black in color, gradually the rose begins to slowly reveal its secrets, but only the very middle petals can be called red, they are framed by noble velvet petals - a rich dark red hue with a black tint. When opened, the flower reaches up to 12 cm in diameter.

For your royal look this variety is popular - it is good in group plantings to create landscape design, and as a cut flower - in a bouquet the flower can stand for up to two weeks without losing its aesthetic appearance.

Grand Gala

Hybrid tea rose variety Grand Gala

A low-growing variety of hybrid tea rose, which many gardeners do not take seriously until the bush opens beautiful buds red-burgundy color. It blooms from mid-summer and pleases the eye until frost, and the 10-centimeter flowers remain open for up to three weeks.

Good in the foreground in the rose garden, resistant to rain and disease. Able to stand for a long time when cut.

Black Baccara

Hybrid tea rose variety Black Bakara

This rose is so dark that it could be classified as a black rose rather than a red rose; all rose growers admit this, as well as the fact that it is unrealistically beautiful. A medium-sized flower, up to 9-10 cm in diameter, exudes a slightly perceptible aroma. It feels good in the garden, but you shouldn’t hide such beauty among other roses. It is better to plant a black rose (this shade is clearly expressed in the bud and when open on cool autumn days) in partial shade - there the velvety burgundy-black tones of the rose will show their beauty to the maximum.

It is excellent to cut due to its unusual color.

Admiral (Admiral)

Hybrid tea rose variety Admiral

Another enchantress who reveals her secrets gradually: black buds, as they bloom, form ruby-red flowers with a velvety coating. The diameter of the flowers reaches up to 15 cm, the bush itself is low, up to a meter from the ground, but the sweet fruity aroma exudes far away.

The rose is good in any environment: in the rose garden it goes well with other varieties, it is planted in separate groups against the backdrop of the lawn, and even in a vase on the table its beauty will not leave anyone indifferent.

Pink tenderness of the queen of the garden

From soft pink, almost white to bright rich crimson - such is the range of shades, the shapes and sizes of the flower are also varied. Pink rose symbolizes elegance and sophistication. Refined tenderness - this is how you can characterize varieties, among which stand out:

  • Vivaldi;
  • Lady Like;
  • Vienna Rose;
  • Lancome and others.

Ballerina (Ballerina)

Hybrid tea rose, Prima Ballerina variety

Unremarkable in appearance small flowers, but the bush is simply strewn with them, and it remains blooming until the first frost, due to which it is popular - for its decorative look. It is often used in hedges or to create borders. The flowers open dark pink, but very quickly change their color, fading, as a result the light flower is bordered only by a pink stripe. Reverse side absolutely pale.


Hybrid tea rose, Vivaldi variety

Looking at this rose, luxurious in all respects, one is tempted to sing: “To the music of Vivaldi...”. Its pale pink color, graceful size, large flowers allow us to classify it as a floral variety that decorates bouquets and flower arrangements. For planting in the garden, it is quite capricious - it is not resistant to rain, diseases, especially black spot. The gentle “princess and the pea” - not only in color, but also in care - does not like the wind or the sun.


Hybrid tea rose, Lancome variety

The hybrid tea rose variety was bred in 1973. The tall glass is distinguished by its refined shape and fuchsia color; the rose is good for cutting and is often grown in closed ground, there the capricious charmer feels confident.

Flamingo (Flamingo)

Hybrid tea rose, Flamingo variety

This variety is not named so for nothing - the color of the flower resembles the color of the European flamingo. Elegant flower blooms from buds of color ivory. Initially, the variety was bred for cutting, but it took root in rose gardens. country houses, in the parks. Large, up to 10-12 cm flowers radiate delicate aroma, stay on the bush for a long time.

In landscape design, they are more often used in group plantings.

The color of tenderness and purity

Of course it's white. Along with it, cream shades of roses stand out - just as refined and sophisticated:

  • Grand Mogul;
  • Osiana;
  • Jardins de Bagatelle and many others.

Jardins de Bagatelle (Bagatelle Gardens)

Hybrid tea rose, Bogatell Gardens variety

The rose has large flowers of beautiful shape and unusual color - they are creamy on top with a pinkish tint, and dark apricot on the underside. Once fully bloomed, the flower will slightly lose its brightness, but the creamy peach center will remain unchanged.

The variety is resistant to diseases, is not picky about soil and climate, and will decorate both the garden and the bouquet.

Both initially and repeatedly it blooms profusely, so it is often used in landscape design.


Hybrid tea rose, Avalange variety

An extraordinary beauty, a queen - moderately sweetly fragrant, with a sense of self-esteem, a rose with white, slightly emerald-tinged, large flowers will decorate a garden or park alley. She is good both in group plantings and solo. Self-sufficient, unpretentious, resistant to diseases, including powdery mildew, it is one of the varieties loved by rose growers and florists. This rose will tell without words about the tender feelings of the giver.

Evening Star

Hybrid tea rose, Evening Star variety

Another variety of hybrid tea rose that can talk about tenderness and love. The petals, beautifully arranged in a spiral, have large size, reaching up to 8-10 cm in diameter.

A luxurious bush will decorate borders, can be planted in, and looks great in a bouquet.

The color of the sun

Yellow and orange roses are filled with light and sun; they attract attention in the flowerbed, standing out among other varieties of roses. It is impossible, speaking about the queen of flowers, to ignore:

  • Harlequin;
  • Whisky;
  • High Magic and others.

Gloria Dei (Gloria Dei)

Hybrid tea roses, variety Gloria Day

This hybrid tea rose has many names - Mme. A. Meilland in France, Gioia in Italy, in many countries it is known as Peace, and in Germany as Gloria Dei. A variety that received the title “Rose of the 20th Century”, shrouded in legend. He was bred by a French breeder and named after his mother who died early. Rose cuttings arrived in the United States in diplomatic baggage just before the capture of France. Nazi Germany, in America it was multiplied and in April 1945 it was introduced, calling it Peace. She was destined to decorate tables during UN meetings.

But not only this amazing story the beauty obliged - her large beautiful flowers They are beautiful both in unopened buds and when fully opened. Going through several stages, the flower changes color - soft yellow petals framed in crimson become creamy pink, but the shades and smell of the flower depend on the time of year and place of cultivation. Therefore, everyone describes this rose in their own way - both color and aroma. Everyone agrees on one thing: she is beautiful!

Doris Tysterman (Doris Tysterman)

Hybrid tea rose, Doris Tisterman variety

Hybrid tea rose orange color, more precisely, its petals are yellow on top and crimson below, the shadows play in them creating illusions, so in the sun the rose appears orange. Another feature of the variety is that its outer petals are noticeably larger than the inner ones, so they seem to border the bud.

Shades may vary, ranging from light peach to rich tangerine. The color can be affected by the soil and the planting location - sunny or partial shade. The bush itself is small in height, up to a meter, but very lush, so it takes up a lot of space, which must be taken into account when planting a rose. It blooms continuously until autumn, so it is popular in landscape design, and given its size, it feels better in single plantings.

High Magic

Hybrid tea rose, High Magic variety

“Dancing flame”, this is how you can call a rose, the flower of which has a regular cone and an unusual color - from the center to the edges of the petal, the color changes from orange to red, thereby achieving the effect of living fire. The bush has virtually no odor, except that in the early morning a slightly perceptible aroma accumulates in the air. The variety is unpretentious, undemanding and disease resistant.

Versilia (Versilia)

Hybrid tea roses, Versilia variety

Don't admire her tenderness peach flowers impossible. It will decorate bouquets and become a garden decoration. Soft pastel colors, turning into pink-peach, are good both in group compositions and in solo performance.

The rose survives the winter well, but requires attention - pruning, protection from frost, especially in spring.

Christophe Colomb (Christopher Columbus)

Hybrid tea rose, variety Christopher Columbus

A bright, spectacular hybrid tea rose of orange-scarlet color with a yellow base of the petals, it attracts attention from afar. It is not capricious, has a pleasant smell, so it is often grown to decorate the garden than for bouquets. It would be a pity to cut off such beauty, but in landscape design, due to its low growth - up to one and a half meters - it is used both in single and group plantings.

All shades of lilac

If you describe all varieties of roses in lilac shades, you will need many pages, because each rose, be it the purple-violet Violette or the luxurious lilac Blu Moon, is good in its own way.

Blu Moon

Hybrid tea rose, Blue Moon variety

This unusually delicate hybrid tea rose has several names - Blu Mondey, Sissy, Mainzer Fastnacht, but they all mean an unusual shade of lilac rose, which is so famous and loved by rose growers of all countries that its name does not matter. Slowly, slowly, a large bud opens, which is beautiful in all stages - a closed violet-lilac glass, a fully opened lighter rose with a strong aroma.

From afar, you first feel this smell, it beckons, attracts, and when you come close, you admire the flower itself. The shades of the rose can vary - from silver-lilac to lilac-purple, slightly bluer if the bush grows in a sunny place, and slightly pinker in a shady place.

Place for her more often landscape designers grown in large tracts, it is difficult to combine it with other varieties. The rose is resistant to disease and can easily withstand not too cold winters.


Hybrid tea rose, Paradise variety

Another favorite variety of hybrid tea roses, and again - lilac. Burning Sky (Sky on Fire), Passion (Passion) - this is also about it, which opens gradually, changing colors as the bud blooms. The silvery color with a slightly lavender tint and a thin red border along the edge of the petal gradually changes to a more saturated, but still delicate lavender, and the border becomes wide and bright crimson. You can watch the bush every day and be surprised by its changes.

All colors in one flower

This is about two-color varieties of hybrid tea roses, distinguished by unique shades. There are varieties where there is a transition of shades of the same color, there are contrasting combinations, there are those that look like the motley plumage of birds.

Double Delight

Hybrid tea rose, Double Delight variety

Perhaps the most famous variety among two-color roses and the most beautiful. This is a complete combination of everything that a rose can give - amazing rich aroma, large flowers up to 12-13 cm in diameter and unusual color combination: creamy white flowers with a thin red edge, which expands and turns bright crimson as the bud opens. The shape of the glass is ideal, as if measured according to strict canons. The color and saturation of the edging will depend on the light and sun. In addition to the fact that the flower is beautiful, it is undemanding in care, in a word - a queen!

Among other varieties of two-color hybrid tea roses, one cannot help but pay attention to:

  • Aquarell - a large-flowered rose with pink-yellow, peach hues, worthy of decoration best parks and gardens;
  • – like a striped red rose with yellowish veins;
  • Osiria is a delicately scented rose with velvety petals: silvery-white on the outside, dark red on the inside;
  • Nostalgie is another unusual variety, the large flowers of which are round, white curled in the center, and have a contrasting cherry-red border at the edges. A neat compact bush is well suited for landscape design and is used in most cases to create an array.

In the photo there are hybrid tea rose varieties:

Hybrid tea rose Osiria variety

Hybrid tea rose variety Abracadabra

Hybrid tea rose variety Watercolor

Hybrid tea rose variety Nostalgie

It is not for nothing that the rose is called the queen of flowers. The variety of shades is impressive: here you can find red and sophisticated soft pink flowers, lilac, dazzling white, lemon yellow and bright orange. Such a riot of colors gives the impression that in a fit of emotion the artist waved his brush, and the splashes scattered across the garden, freezing on the graceful petals: all the best goes to the queen!

Video “Hybrid tea rose varieties”



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