How to get a deferment from. New law on military deferment

Many young people prefer studying at an institute than serving in the army. To obtain an education, it is necessary that the educational process be continuous, so male students will need a deferment from the army. Only those who have chosen full-time education can count on it. Thanks to the possibility of receiving a deferment, a potential conscript can calmly finish his studies and only then join the army, and if the university has a military department, this will provide a lot of advantages in the future.

Which universities and under what circumstances give a deferment?

Studying at a university gives you an education and a diploma, as well as the right to deferment. It is noteworthy that there are different conditions here, and not everyone can receive such benefits. For example, young people who have been trying for a long time and persistently to enter an institute or university do not receive a deferment, since according to current legislation, admission should be the first and only time after school. In addition, the thirst for obtaining a second higher education does not exempt the guy from serving military service.

Admission to which universities will allow you to postpone military service for some time? Almost all of them have accreditation, regardless of what kind of educational institution it is - state or non-state. The main thing is that such universities have a license to carry out educational activities and an approved educational program, and if this is not the case, then a deferment cannot be granted. Persons studying at foreign universities, institutes and academies with branches in Russia do not have the right to continuous education, since foreign universities are not accredited in the Russian Federation.

List of documents to be submitted to the military registration and enlistment office:

  • Birth certificate and passport;
  • Certificate from a general education institution;
  • University diploma (for graduate students, masters, interns, residency);
  • A certificate stating that the young man has passed a military medical examination and is fit for military service for health reasons;
  • A copy of the license to conduct educational activities issued to the university where the young man will continue his studies.

Features of obtaining a deferment when entering a university from school

More recently, yesterday’s schoolchildren, who had barely reached adulthood, came to the attention of military commissariats, whose employees had the intention by hook or by crook to fulfill or even exceed the conscription plan. Immediately upon receiving the certificate, the young man was no longer considered a schoolchild, and after a couple of months he was subject to conscription and subsequent deployment to the troops. That is, school graduates had practically no opportunity to enter a higher education institution.

Now everything is not so, and a citizen who has graduated from a general educational institution can defer serving military service until October 1 of the year in which he graduated from school. By this time, young people who have already entered the university receive student status.

So that the graduate can delay his stay in the ranks Armed Forces, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. The applicant enters the university for the first time.
  2. Admission is carried out immediately after graduation from a general education institution, and by October 1 of the same year he must be “listed” as students of the university.
  3. The form of study must be full-time (full-time).
  4. If, after October 1, documents confirming the fact of studying at a university are not provided to the military registration and enlistment office, then the young man risks joining the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  5. The period for mastering training programs cannot exceed the standard study periods established by law, because there is a state standard that requires compliance.
  6. Upon completion high school, the graduate is required to provide the military registration and enlistment office with a certificate and Unified State Exam results. In addition, the results of the final state certification must be satisfactory.
  7. If the graduate is selected correspondence form training, he will have to combine military service with the educational process.

Do non-state universities provide deferment from the army?

It doesn’t matter at all which university the school graduate goes to: state, municipal or non-state. The main thing here is that the educational institution undergoes state accreditation. Studying abroad does not imply a complete and lifelong exemption for a citizen of military age from serving military service, but it has its own characteristics.

The fact is that if a citizen of the Russian Federation goes abroad for a period of more than six months, then he is removed from the military register, and conscription is impossible in principle. This means that citizens temporarily residing in another country are not under the control of the military registration and enlistment office. Having returned to your “native land”, you will have to serve, but on the condition that a deferment for other reasons will not be granted.

Will I have to serve in the army after expulsion from university?

A deferment is provided to an expelled student, but on the condition that he was expelled due to good reasons, and academic debt does not fit this definition. In fact, each conscript can count on two deferments. One is provided to schoolchildren who have reached the age of majority in order to complete the process of studying at school, the second is for obtaining higher education. In case of expulsion without the possibility of restoration, the deferment becomes invalid, and with the start of the conscription campaign the student is invited to the military registration and enlistment office.

If the time of expulsion from the university falls at the beginning of the conscription, then the expelled student may be summoned to the military registration and enlistment office even a few days or weeks after the expulsion. There are often situations when a deferment can be maintained even after expulsion, but such “miracles” are possible only if the former student does not have problems with the dean’s office.

Such cases include:

  • A student expelled for valid reasons is reinstated at the university, the main thing is that the period of study is not exceeded.
  • The student was expelled due to transfer to another university, and he is authorized to choose a different specialty, but so that the level of the training program is similar. An increase in the duration of study is possible, but not more than 1 year.
  • Academic leave is not expulsion, but a temporary break in the educational process, and the deferment granted in this case is retained. The main thing is that academic leave was properly issued and did not exceed 12 months. Often the dean’s office accommodates underperforming students, providing such an opportunity to “pull up their tails.”
  • A student who interrupts his studies on his own initiative loses the right to a deferment, and if he does not re-enter the university in time for conscription, he will go into the army.
  • If the student was not expelled, but transferred to the correspondence department, then he will also go to the army to repay his debt to the Motherland.

When does the grace period end?

If a citizen has become a certified bachelor and in the same year continued his studies in a master’s program, then no one can deprive him of the right to receive a deferment. Educational process in this case, should not be interrupted by law.

It is noteworthy that “master’s” studies are allowed to be carried out at a third-party university, the main thing is to promptly notify the military registration and enlistment office of your intentions. That is, the future master has the right to defer military service for another two years. Citizens who have become specialists and received an appropriate diploma cannot count on this. Accordingly, for them the deferment ends on the last day of their stay at the university, most often this coincides with the day the diploma is issued.

After receiving a diploma of higher education, the former student is subject to conscription. As a rule, he is summoned to the military registration and enlistment office by summons during the autumn conscription campaign. If a student who has received secondary specialized or higher education wishes to become a clergyman and enters a theological seminary, he is guaranteed not to serve in the army until he graduates.

IN Russian Federation The start of conscription for each man begins at age 18. But there are a number of nuances that allow you to extend the period for receiving a summons for military service.

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If a citizen does not have any contraindications in terms of health, then he should explore options on how to apply for a deferment from the army for study in 2019.

Important information

The deferment is provided to those young people who want to receive secondary vocational and higher education.

In this case, they can count on full training throughout the entire duration of the course.

But there are a number of features that significantly affect this type of deferment. In the event that a student is expelled early from educational institution, then he automatically receives a summons from the military registration and enlistment office.

Required terms

Postponement This is the postponement of a deadline to a later date for taking any action.
Military service This is a type of service in the state, which provides for training in the field of military affairs with the possibility of further employment in this field
Educational institution This is the place where everyone individual can receive education in the chosen profile to implement labor activity in this area
Student Is this a full-time student or correspondence department secondary and higher educational institutions
Military registration and enlistment office This is the body that is responsible for recording military personnel and citizens who are subject to conscription

How many times is given

In this regard, there is a clear distinction between the categories of citizens who are granted a deferment. Thus, we can distinguish the following options for the duration of deferments:

Graduate students, interns and residents Get the most large number deferments. For them, the law provided for three extensions of the deadline for conscription
Full-time students of higher educational institutions A second deferment from the army for studies is issued for them, in the case where the first one was received at school.
Secondary school students Provided until the end of training and until the citizen turns 20 years old. But only if there are no delays before this training
Schoolchildren It is also possible to receive a deferment once

Legal framework (law)

The main regulatory legal act in this area can be identified Federal law No. 53-FZ “On military duty and military service.”

Since, in addition to the standard provisions on the implementation of conscription for compulsory service, this document also contains information on granting a deferment.

Detailed information is provided in Article 24, paragraph 2. Here are provisions on what rules apply when applying for a deferment.

At the same time, they are applied annually various kinds changes to this article. Therefore, you need to be careful and check the data so as not to make a mistake with your right to receive a study deferment.

How to get a deferment from the army for studies

To receive this type of deferment, a prerequisite is enrollment in one of the educational institutions. But even in this case, several nuances should be taken into account.

Since the provision of several deferments is possible only in case of successful training and improvement of one’s qualifications. Without this condition re-issuance of a deferment is not possible.

Registration of a deferment from the army occurs by providing data on completion of training to the military registration and enlistment office. If a citizen meets all the criteria for receiving this deferment option, he will not be included in the list of conscripts.

The main thing in this case is to provide a complete package of documents for the military commissariat. All of them must be genuine, since they will be checked anyway.

And if there is a place for falsification, you can get punished for evading service and falsifying documents.

Who can apply

There are several categories of citizens who can receive a deferment. The first is schoolchildren who are 18 years old at the time of studying at a general education institution.

The next option for obtaining a deferment is continuous enrollment at the university. Since the call for which he will be included in the lists will be on October 1. Until this moment, you should officially register at your place of study.

Students of secondary specialized educational institutions can also receive a deferment. But this is only possible if they have not previously received such status.

For example, when studying at school. If you have already taken a deferment, then you will not be able to apply for a deferment. Students who study at universities have the most privileges.

Photo: who has the right to a deferment from the army

They, subject to continuous professional development, can receive a deferment until the end of their studies, even if there is a deferment while studying at school.

The scientific staff of universities receives maximum quantity deferments. The third is issued for the last stage of training - in graduate school, internship and residency.

Submission procedure

This procedure largely depends on who exactly is granted temporary exemption from military service. Therefore, each category of citizen has its own procedure for provision, taking into account the necessary nuances.

But still, a common similar element in this algorithm will be the provision of a certain set of documents to the military commissariat.

It is on their basis that the decision is made to include a man in the lists of conscripts. You need to be prepared for the fact that they may give you a refusal to defer your military education if there are problems with any papers.

For schoolchildren

Schoolchildren receive a one-time opportunity to use the deferment if they do not intend to enroll in a university. To obtain this opportunity to graduate from school, the student will not need to take any action.

It will be enough to visit the military commissariat at your place of registration and provide proof of schooling there.

You can get a deferment a second time only if you enroll in a higher education institution. But in this case, the design comes with its own set of features.

Students in technical schools and colleges

To receive a deferment when entering a mid-level educational institution, you must meet the following set of conditions:

  1. Training is carried out on a full-time basis.
  2. The educational institution and its training programs are fully accredited by the state.
  3. Previously, no exemptions from service of the same type have been received.

The innovations of 2019 affected graduates of grades 11 and 9, who are equally given the opportunity to defer their admission to secondary educational institutions.

For university students (postgraduate, master's)

In this case, obtaining a deferment is the easiest. Since a school student can obtain this right upon admission to any accredited institution of this level.

In total, one deferment is provided for obtaining a diploma. Therefore, after expulsion
the student automatically loses the right to deferment.

In the future, temporary release from the army is granted on the basis of advanced training and scientific work during training. In total, no more than three deferments are received during the period of postgraduate work.

Registration procedure

In order to receive a deferment, you need to complete a number of simple steps:

Documents to be collected

In the case of a student at school, they collect the following set of papers:

  • passport document of a Russian citizen;
  • certificate from the educational institution;
  • a certificate of completion of a medical examination, which confirms the student’s suitability for service.

When the conscript acts as a student, he will need to add several more documents to these documents.

They relate to the license on the basis of which the university or educational institution carries out its work. The document must reflect the accreditation of the specialty.

If a student enrolls in advanced training and classes scientific work, then another additional document will be his diploma, on the basis of which admission is carried out.

What to do if you study abroad

In this situation, you need to know a few subtleties. The legislation of the Russian Federation contains precise instructions on which educational organizations can be considered for deferment - those with a state license.

Foreign universities and colleges do not have such documents. Therefore, the possibility of officially obtaining this type of exemption is automatically excluded.

But there is still a loophole in this law. For students who are outside the state for more than 3 months, they cannot be assigned to a specific military commissariat. Therefore, they will not be sent summonses.

Upon returning home and during the process of being re-registered, it is possible to be called up for service. But for this, the citizen must be under 27 years old.

Advantages and Disadvantages

There are a number of advantages to deferment, which can be expressed as follows:

  • no need to serve legally;
  • there is an opportunity to receive education both in Russia and abroad;
  • The deferment for studies can be extended until the citizen turns 27 years old.

Are running out school days. Closer to the exams, graduates are determined professional choice and are chosen by leading universities. During this crucial period of time, in full height, the question arises about emergency service. Many already know that students are provided with , but in 2019 it is not provided in all universities and under certain circumstances. The issue of deferment must be studied in detail for each conscript.

College deferment

In some circumstances, you can count on a deferred period associated with the educational process in technical schools or colleges after the ninth grade. It is worth having a clear understanding of when the college grants a deferment from service to those who entered the college after completing the ninth grade. The law of the Russian Federation stipulates that conscripts who begin studying at college after completing nine grades have the right to defer military debt for the training process. A significant amendment to this is the age limit, i.e. Release is possible until the age of twenty. Such institutions, for the most part, have a course of study lasting about three or four years. Most students finish studying after 9 years of school, being fifteen or sixteen years old, i.e. subject to deferment full course educational process.

Regarding the law

There are often young men who strive to master vocational education, having a thorough knowledge of secondary school, i.e. having completed eleven grades. This is dictated high requirements to professionals in all industries. This is the case when the opportunity to continue education becomes especially important and there is a need to get a deferment.

In accordance with the law“On conscription and military service”, conscripts entering technical schools, as well as various colleges, having completed the eleventh grade of high school, will be temporarily free from military service (a deferment is assigned), in cases where they reach the age of eighteen by the last year of study. The semantic context of this amendment seems to be aimed at the legal aspect of the law, because in reality, having completed school at the age of 17/18, in the last year of an educational institution, the conscript will be at least twenty years old. The law obliges a young man who enters a college or technical school after high school to be drafted upon reaching the age of eighteen. In short, it is not possible to postpone the performance of military duty.

It is not in vain that we are considering this possibility. The legislature corrected the existing discrepancy. According to the law, those entering an educational institution at the end of the eleventh year are given time to study.

Our specialists are engaged in providing services, including identifying diseases incompatible with military service and accompanying citizens of conscription categories in legal aspect. If you need help, sign up for a free consultation by calling 8-800-775-10-56.

Can service be delayed for admission?

Let's talk about the option of remaining "in civilian life" after school, i.e. Having finished 11th grade, when is the time to enter a higher educational institution. Recently, young men who turned eighteen, after eleven years of age, were conscripted without having the opportunity to begin their studies at their institutes. Now, those who have graduated from school are given time until the first of October (naturally, in the year of passing school exams). This is your additional period when you decide to enter a university after completing eleven classes. All graduates who entered the tower will already become students by the first of October, which implies the start of a delayed period.

Deferred fulfillment of military duty after college and subsequent admission to a higher educational institution: The law provides conscripts with the opportunity to defer (for the opportunity to study) in educational institutions only once. This article has an exception such as repeated deferment (due to the fact of study), excluding the case not considered. An exception may be obtaining a bachelor's degree, transferring to a master's degree, or increasing the level of graduate school.

Who gets a deferment for their studies?

To reduce the excessive flow of people entering college, the law clearly regulates the categories of young people eligible for deferment. This cuts off a significant portion of applicants, whose dominant motivation was simply not to go to work.

The law of the Russian Federation has determined specific conditions for conscripts to receive additional time:

  • if a young man enters a higher educational institution for the first time;
  • in cases of attempting to enroll directly after high school;
  • upon admission to bachelor's degrees or obtaining a specialization.

At the same time, a deferment is not granted to those who enroll for the second time in order to master 2 higher education. To become the owner of “immunity” from military service at a university, you must meet the requirements listed above.

If you are studying and cannot get a deferment, then you should know how to go to the military registration and enlistment office in order to obtain an exemption from service due to health reasons.

Under what circumstances is a deferment guaranteed in case of subsequent admission to a master's program after a bachelor's degree?

The 2019 regulatory documentation considers two cases:

  • The decision to study a master's degree after completing an undergraduate study will be the basis for the provision of additional time. It is necessary to complete administrative formalities in advance and officially notify the administration of the educational institution of your intention.

  • Master's studies following graduation from university. Student years, as we know, are fleeting. And now, having a diploma, young people are directly faced with the urgent opportunity to serve in the army. In the old days, newly minted specialists, without thinking twice, rushed to the magistracy, which promised the opportunity to avoid the army. It has sunk into oblivion. The 2017 amendments block the possibility of deferment in these circumstances.

Additions for 2019 for graduates of universities and those planning to improve their intellectual level in graduate school

University graduates can experience well-deserved optimism. Your arrival at graduate school will be a delay. It is worth emphasizing that this is not affected by the number of past additional time periods already granted. You will have the entire course ahead and time to defend your final diploma, i.e. one more year. In general, up to four years. Let us remind you that most graduates of graduate school are already 27 years old. Even if you haven’t reached this “milestone,” successful defense of your dissertation will exempt you from conscription and you will be given the right to a deferment. It is especially worth focusing attention on the fact that distance learning in graduate school will not be an obstacle to your military service.

Can absentee students get a deferment from the army?

The options that we have discussed in this review are only suitable for the face-to-face process. Correspondence improvement of intellectual level is not provided by a deferred period. It is worth remembering this when applying for studies.

“Academic” (i.e. academic leave), cases of transfer to another university, situations during reinstatement, or re-entry

The period of academic leave assumes full retention of the deferment. Important feature its safety is the impeccable design of the vacation. (Availability of medical reports if the cause is illness, or relevant documents in the case of “family circumstances”). The duration of this leave is 12 months.
If you transferred to another course or changed your specialty, you do not go into service, provided that your education lasts no more than a year.
Our specialists are engaged in the provision of services, including the identification of diseases incompatible with military service and legal support for citizens of conscription categories. If you need help, sign up for a free consultation by calling 8-800-775-10-56 or leave the number in the form below.

Reasons for granting a six-month deferment

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The army may be required to defer for six months young man conscription age various reasons. Let's say to pass a probationary period for new job, or have time to see the birth of your first child. On what grounds can one legally obtain a “moratorium”?

Deferment for applicants

Guys receive their first exemption from conscription after graduating from school. At the time of admission and delivery entrance examinations The applicant is provided with a short-term visa - until October 1 of the current year. If enrollment in a university or college takes place, the military registration and enlistment office will extend the deferment until the end of the educational program.

That is, if a conscript does not plan to join the ranks of recruits in the spring, immediately after school, then he can easily postpone joining the army until the fall. It is enough just to submit documents to the educational institution and take the legal first deferment.

Another legal method of obtaining exemption from military duty for six months is.

Guys with identified diseases that limit their fitness can take advantage of the right to it: 6 months are given for a comprehensive examination, prescription of recommendations and treatment.

If there is no progress by the beginning of the next call, then a second one is possible, again for six months.

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What diseases guarantee “medical withdrawal”?

The conscription medical commission uses its own regulations to assess the health of young men. This document is called the “Schedule of Diseases”, it is it that regulates the assignment of a particular fitness category to a conscript.

To put the question of fitness squarely, the conscript must provide the entire history of his chronic diseases, with extracts, examination results, and recent tests.

is a list of diseases, indicating their severity or frequency of manifestations of the disease. The corresponding columns indicate how this or that disorder of organs and systems will affect overall assessment condition of the person being examined.

Category "G"

Treatment and rehabilitation are provided to conscripts who, during a medical examination, are found to have the following disorders:

A specific list of diseases and their manifestations can be found in the Schedule of Diseases. In each individual case, only the subjective assessment of draft medical experts is the truth in the first instance. They are the ones who have the right to decide whether a deferment is possible, or whether the conscript is simply a malingerer.

Excess body weight is not considered a reason for postponing the service life. On the contrary, in the army overweight it will go away much easier and faster. But insufficient body weight is considered pathological, so if the weight is less than 45 kg, the young man will be left at home for six months to monitor the dynamics.

If his condition does not worsen within 6 months, then his fitness level will be changed, and he will join the ranks of recruits with the next call-up.

Do injuries exempt you from conscription?

The presence of injuries (wounds, fractures, injuries to the organs of hearing and vision) are considered grounds for rehabilitation for a period of six months. After this, the conscript will again undergo an examination; it will reveal the violations that the injury entailed, or the lack thereof.

For those who want to get out of the army in unimaginable ways, it is worth noting that not every fracture can become a reason for a deferment. You shouldn’t injure yourself artificially for dubious benefits.

Deferment from the army is a certain period of time during which a conscript fit for military service cannot be called up to undergo urgent military service. military service. Types of deferments are regulated by Article 17 of the Law on Military Duty. They can be divided into five main categories; we will discuss each of them in more detail below.

Deferment from conscription due to studies

This type of deferment includes young people studying at school (secondary education), college or technical school (secondary education). vocational education), a higher educational institution or continuing to receive education immediately after graduation. An important aspect is a full-time course of study and state accreditation, since the deferments do not apply to non-accredited educational institutions. In addition, the study deferment applies to postgraduate students and persons who have defended their dissertation and received the title of Candidate of Sciences.

1. Deferment for schoolchildren is provided until they reach 20 years of age. In this case, training must take place full-time and according to a special list of approved educational programs (meaning regular public high schools):

Upon successful completion final exams(state final certification, no retakes) after mastering the general program of an educational institution (completion of 11th grade), for the period until the end of September of the current year (meaning the year of passing the certification), the student has the right to a deferment;

Students studying at colleges or technical schools are exempt from conscription for military service for the entire period of study at this institution;

Students studying in colleges or technical schools on an incomplete basis school education, that is, having completed not 11, but 9 grades, a student has the right to defer until he is 20 years old, and it does not matter whether the planned course of study is completed.

2. Deferment for students of a higher educational institution is provided only to full-time students. In this case, the deferment will be valid until the end of the full course of study if and only if the right to deferment while studying at school has not previously been used. This means that after graduating from school you must be enrolled in a higher education institution before October 1 of the current year. Read about all the benefits that students are entitled to in the corresponding article.

3. Deferment is provided to graduate students who are undergoing postgraduate educational program in accordance with approved standards, and are enrolled in full-time education. The deferment applies to the full course of study, as well as to the period during which the graduate student will prepare and defend the final thesis. qualifying work. But this period cannot be more than one year from the date of completion of the educational program.

4. When studying for full-time in a state accredited educational institution, you have the opportunity to go on academic leave for a period of no more than 1 year, while the total period of study must remain unchanged or increase by no more than a year. Under such conditions, the right to a deferment from the army is retained.

5. A change in specialty within the framework of training in the same educational institution, which does not entail an increase in the period of study or increases it for a period of no more than one year, retains the right to a deferment from the army for studies.

It is important to remember that in order for the military deferment to take effect, it must be implemented. If violations occur when granting the first deferment for studies (violations of regulations), then this fact is interpreted with legal point view as a right to deferment that was not exercised to you. It is necessary to challenge your right (in fact, the first deferment) with the help of a lawyer in court.

Deferment for family reasons

A person raising his own child without the participation of his mother;

A person raising more than one child;

A person caring for a disabled child under 3 years of age inclusive;

A person who is constantly caring for his mother or father, as well as other close relatives (brothers, sisters, grandparents), if guardianship is carried out by law (decision of social or other bodies);

A person who is the guardian of a sibling under 18 years of age, in the absence of the possibility of guardianship over them by more distant relatives. This provision must also be supported by documents.

The wife is more than 26 weeks pregnant.

Applying for a deferment for family reasons

A person raising a child without a mother must submit a certificate confirming the composition of the family, a certificate of the child’s birth and divorce, as well as a document confirming the court’s decision that the further upbringing of the child will be carried out without the presence of the mother;

A person raising more than 1 child needs to submit a certificate of family composition and a birth certificate for each child;

A person raising a disabled child from 0 to 3 years inclusive must present to the military registration and enlistment office a certificate of family composition, a certificate from a state medical institution, according to which the child is recognized as disabled, and a birth certificate;

If your wife is pregnant for at least 26 weeks, you must provide the military registration and enlistment office with a marriage certificate and a conclusion from a medical organization about the duration of pregnancy;

When caring for a loved one, a package of documents is required, consisting of a conscript’s birth certificate; certificate of family composition; when caring for a grandmother or grandfather, birth certificates of the father and mother of the person called up for military service; it is enough for persons who are adoptive parents to provide an appropriate court decision; conclusion of a special medical and social commission proving the need to care for a relative; passports of people in need of constant care.

The deferment due under guardianship is proven at the military registration and enlistment office by a document authorizing guardianship; birth certificate of both the person being called up for service and the person under guardianship; a certificate confirming the composition of your family.

Health deferment

During the medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, it may be determined that the conscript is temporarily unfit, partially fit, or not at all fit for military service. If the status of “temporarily unfit” (category “D”) is established, a deferment is granted for health reasons for a period of six months to one year inclusive. Almost every year the list of diseases is revised, so before going through a medical commission it is better to familiarize yourself with the list valid for the current year (the so-called “schedule of diseases”).

Deferment from the army due to work

Work in the police department, state fire service, criminal authorities and/or executive system, at customs, authorities responsible for control of illicit trafficking in drugs and/or psychotropic substances, upon graduation from a specialized educational institution, gives the right to a deferment for the duration of the validity employment contract;

Registration as a candidate for deputy, upon vacancy of a position in the State Duma of the Russian Federation or regional and/or local government bodies in accordance with current legislation RF, gives the right to defer until the day the official election results are announced;

Election as a deputy of the State Duma, the legislative body of one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a municipal entity, or the head of a municipality gives the right to receive a deferment from military service for the entire period of performing one’s state duties.

Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB and other government agencies with a special higher education, with the condition of enrolling in a job immediately after graduation and in the presence of a special rank, gives the right to a deferment from the army for the duration of service in these bodies.

Preparation of documents for granting deferments to deputies and government employees

When working in government agencies (Department private security, Federal Security Service, Ministry of emergency situations and others) at the military commissariat they will request a diploma of completion of a special specialized university and a certificate from the place of work confirming your rank, position and duration of the employment agreement or contract;

When registering as a candidate for deputy, it is necessary to submit a document that confirms registration to participate in elections or a certificate from a government body, if the candidate for deputy has been elected to the relevant government body.

Deferment granted by direct decree of the President of the Russian Federation

Such a deferment is given to those citizens whose decree is signed personally by the President of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the right to deferment is the presence of a decree. Registration of this type of deferment occurs upon presentation of a diploma of education (the need for presentation is additionally indicated in the text of the decree), a certificate from the place of work endorsed by the head. Also, a presidential decree can single out an entire group of citizens, according to the state quota. In this case, a special list is sent to military commissariats by special directives from the General Staff of the Russian Federation.

Where to complain, they don’t provide a deferment

Almost the only one 100% effective way- This is an appeal to a lawyer specializing in such issues. Compiling it correctly statement of claim to court, the lawyer will take responsibility for resolving your controversial issue. Only a court verdict in your favor will eliminate all controversial issues for both you and the military commissariat.



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