Atlas of new professions in the social sphere. New atlas of professions from Skolkovo


Supporting organizations:

Autonomous non-profit organization “TO PROMOTE NEW PROJECTS;

Purpose of the competition: involve middle and high school students in studying the materials of the “Atlas of New Professions” to implement projects: career guidance activities, development of extracurricular activities, career guidance lessons, subject lessons to introduce students to new professions and competencies of the future.

The activity approach, according to the second generation Federal State Educational Standard, is the main approach in modern education. And it allows you to fully implement it project activities. Today, every student should gain the skills to prepare and carry out a project. This contributes to the formation of all universal educational activities mentioned in the Federal State Educational Standard.

The competition tasks take into account the most up-to-date data from the “Atlas of New Professions” (an almanac of promising industries and professions for the next 15–20 years, compiled with the support of and -

By participating in the competition, you will be able to intensify the development of universal cross-professional skills that both children and adults will need in the near future. And the future begins today. Your present is inextricably linked with school. What will the school of the future be like? How and what will it teach? What can you do now to look into the future? How will some professions change in the future?

How to achieve success in your profession and increase it? To answer these questions you simply need fresh look. The best experts countries on the choice of profession believe that by 2020 many popular professions will become a thing of the past and lose relevance. New technologies are emerging that require completely new professions. Therefore, today it is necessary to prepare in advance for the upcoming changes in the world of professions at the stage of school life.

Competition objectives:

Psychological and pedagogical preparation of children for choosing a life path based on the “Atlas of new professions;
- implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, improving the quality of education and the effectiveness of student learning through project activities;
- formation and development of intellectual and personal skills, universal educational activities that will be in demand on the labor market in the near future;
- practical implementation of socially significant projects in the educational environment.


Students of grades 5-11 of educational organizations of all types:

General educational organizations (schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, etc.);

secondary specialized educational institutions;

Institutions additional education children,
children's and youth organizations.

To participate in the competition, you must submit a development in one of the proposed nominations and HOLD the developed event by sending to the organizing committee several photographs (3-5) or a video, as well as reviews from students (parents, teachers) who took part in the event.

Condition: You need to show how you understand your prospects in the labor market of the future. When working on a project, use the materials from the Atlas of New Professions.

1. IT technologies.

Your original developments - tools are accepted modern learning with the involvement information technology: online courses, simulators, trainers, computer mini-games on various subjects, compiled on the basis of the Atlas of New Professions.

2. Gamemaster. Try to become a game master. In the near future, such a specialist will appear in the development, organization and support of educational games. Projects are accepted that reveal the content and methodology of conducting various games, revealing the content and essence of the Atlas of new professions: educational, general intellectual, communicative, entertaining, etc. Your project must contain the game itself, as well as the results of the implementation, analysis of its effectiveness.

3. School startup. Modern education is becoming more and more subject-specific and practice-oriented, so the most important component of such education is students’ real projects, including their startups. Accepted design work, in which the author’s initiative in achieving his idea (creative, economic, social) is revealed. Projects should be based on the implementation of the ideas described in the Atlas of New Professions.
The following options are possible in this nomination:

Project “Center for the Development of the Educational Environment”. How can they develop educational services at your school? What opportunities at your school are you using to prepare you for the future? The project may reveal the possibility of obtaining what is necessary in the future, but not included in school curriculum, knowledge, abilities, skills necessary in the professions of the future chosen by you or your classmates. For example, you prepared and conducted additional courses, cycles of extracurricular activities (“The Basics of the City Farmer Profession,” “How to Achieve Success in the Biotechnologist Profession?”, “Understanding the Skills of a Space Tourism Manager...”, etc.). Reveal the meaning, the result of your work, how you were able to promote your idea at school. You can prepare and conduct a short series of classes (3-4) with classmates about the profession of the future. Scenarios for such activities and a creative report can become the basis for a competitive project.

School business incubator. Projects about the implementation of various school business ideas. You can select an industry or profession in the “Atlas of New Professions” ( and based on its description, come up with and implement one of the projects.

Tutor. The future of education is connected with tutoring. A tutor is a teacher who accompanies individual development students. Show me how specific discipline can be adapted to a specific child.

Mind fitness trainer. One option could be a mind fitness project. A mind fitness trainer is a specialist who develops programs for the development of individual cognitive skills (for example, memory, concentration, reading speed, mental arithmetic, etc., depending on the child’s characteristics). Your project may be special program intellectual and personal development taking into account the characteristics of the user’s psychotype and tasks.

4. Skills of the future. This nomination accepts projects that reveal ways to develop one of the universal cross-professional skills that will be in demand in the future. Options are possible in this nomination (for a complete overview of the skills of the future, follow the link

Multilingualism and multiculturalism. A specific profession is selected and a project is prepared on the characteristics of this profession in the selected 2-3 countries. The task is to compare cultural characteristics in the field of a given profession. What are the similarities, what are the differences? As an appendix, a “Professional Dictionary” is being prepared (which professional words and phrases are used in this type of activity in different countries).

Ability to act in situations of uncertainty. This is a highly sought-after skill in the labor market today. Projects are accepted that reveal methods that teach the ability to act in the mode of rapidly changing task conditions, quickly make decisions, respond to changing working conditions, allocate resources and manage one’s time. For example, you can come up with 10-15 questions (tasks) of varying complexity and value on the content of the Atlas of new professions, essentially new professions, on superprofessional skills like “Your Game”. In this case, a simple question can be assessed high scores, and complex – low, and vice versa, i.e. Participants should not know what question awaits them or how many points they will earn. At the end, the results are summed up and the participants are surveyed: 1) what feelings did you experience during the game; 2) why you need to learn to act in situations of uncertainty; 3) how this skill can be useful in your future life? The basis of this project is gaming questions and summarizing participant responses.

Communicative competence. Working with people. Social projects are being adopted aimed at disseminating information on the Atlas of new professions among classmates and students at your school. Describe your actions. Record the opinions of your classmates. Submit a project highlighting your work in the social sphere.

Artistic Creativity Skills. Show your creativity, show developed aesthetic taste. Projects in this area can be dedicated to the creative embodiment of your talents on the topic “My future profession" Select any profession (or industry) in the Atlas of new professions ( Prepare creative project associated with this profession.

Ecological thinking. Projects that demonstrate a thrifty attitude towards any type of used natural resources(for example, reducing energy consumption, water consumption or natural raw materials), as well as reducing the amount of waste produced. The skills of “environmentally responsible behavior” should be mastered by all people, starting from childhood.

5. Development and implementation extracurricular activity using the Atlas of new professions
Develop and conduct a career guidance game using the Atlas of New Professions (
Based on the results of the game, present its development, a creative report with photos and possibly video materials.

6. Development and implementation of out-of-school educational games based on the Atlas of new professions
Imagine a project involving the development and implementation educational games for Atals new professions outside the school walls.
Develop structure of the game, rules of the game.
Prepare handout, presentation for the game, etc.
Prepare a methodological description of the game.
Play the game. Collect feedback from participants.

7. Development and delivery of classroom lessons on the Atlas of New Professions.
Develop cool lesson ( class hour) using the Atlas of new professions.
Write a lesson plan, develop game solutions: examples, illustrations, diagrams, cards - for use during the lesson.
Prepare a presentation for class.
Conduct a lesson and send all developed materials, a creative report, photo (video) materials, and reviews.


1. Compliance with the theme of the competition.
2. Constructiveness of the proposed content.
3. Originality and creativity in the presentation of competition materials.
4. Possibility of spreading this practice.
5. Effective, adequate use of the Atlas of New Professions.


An expert commission is created to evaluate the competition materials of the competition participants.

Composition of the expert commission:

Sudakov Dmitry Alexandrovich– head of the project “Atlas of New Professions” of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, leading expert of the project to develop a methodology for forecasting the need for workforce (Skills Technology Foresight, together with the International Labor Organization), chairman of the expert commission;

Golovanov Viktor Petrovich- Chief Researcher of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education" Russian Academy Education", Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation;

Isakova Inga Nikolaevna- psychologist highest category, Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation, specialist of the NP “Obninsk Policy” in organizing psychological support for students’ research activities and teacher’s personal growth;

Kuzmin Maxim Olegovich- Development Director of MAN "Intelligence of the Future";

Luksha Ekaterina Borisovna, program manager of the ANO "Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects", direction "Social Projects".

Lyashko Lev Yurievich- Chairman of the All-Russian public Small Academy of Sciences “Intelligence of the Future”, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education;

Lyashko Tatyana Vasilievna– Director of educational programs of the All-Russian public Small Academy of Sciences “Intelligence of the Future”, Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education;

Malenkova Lyudmila Ivanovna- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, expert of the International Academy of Sciences “Intelligence of the Future”;

Panchenko Olga Grigorievna- Professor of the Academy of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences;

Fedorovskaya Elena Olegovna– candidate biological sciences, deputy Chairman of the International Academy of Sciences "Intelligence of the Future" for scientific and methodological work, Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education.


Annotation: up to 900 characters, including spaces.
At the beginning of the annotation it is indicated: a) name of the project; b) initials and surname of the author (authors); c) the short name of the institution and locality indicating the subject of the Russian Federation.

The competition work can be presented in any format depending on its type.

Required condition: practical application with attached photos and, if possible, video materials.

The file with the work is named after the last name of the project participant (the first author), then the city and organization where you study are indicated, separated by a space. For example: Ivanova Tomsk School7.

Attention! The work is submitted to the competition individually or in collaboration (no more than 5 co-authors). If the authors have sent work to the competition, it is assumed that they agree to the publication of these materials on the website of the Atlas of New Professions (, in the electronic magazine "Academician", in special collections of magazines. Copyright of the materials remains with the participants.


1. Based on the results of the competition, participants in their personal account will be able to download Certificate Participant of the All-Russian open competition student projects “Atlas of new professions - to life!”

3. Three winners of the competition are sent Certificates from the Director of the “Young Professionals” direction Autonomous non-profit organization "Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects."

4. Best works will be published on the website of the Atlas of New Professions ( indicating the surname and name of the authors, in the journal “Academician” - an electronic publication of the Small Academy of Sciences “Intelligence of the Future”.

5. Participation in a face-to-face conference. Based on the results of the correspondence round, the contestants are invited to participate in a full-time project – the All-Russian Conference “Creation and Creativity”.


1. Study the information on the website about the Atlas of New Professions.
2. Choose any nomination you like. Prepare and implement the project.
3. Register on the website On the top tab, click the “Course Catalog” button. In the “drop-down” list, select the competition “Atlas of new professions - come to life!”, opposite click the “Submit application” button.
The website provides instructions on how to register and attach a file (project description, presentation, photos and videos).
The file name indicates the participant's last name, city, and institution.
For example: Ivanova Tomsk Lyceum 12.

By submitting your work to the competition, you thereby give permission to enter your work into the database and publish your results on our organization’s website.

Please note, to participate in the competition it is necessary from March 1 to April 25, 2016 year send to the Organizing Committee (post on the website) application materials (description of the project, report on carrying out with photo, video applications).

The Atlas of New Professions is a professional guidance tool that will help open new horizons for schoolchildren. After all, in order to become a good professional in a few years, you need to imagine as clearly as possible what you want to do in the future, and start changing today. We want the competition, based on Atlas materials, to help those who are just starting their life path and is looking for an opportunity for self-realization, to determine the optimal direction of development.

Questions about the competition can be asked at email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Atlas of new professions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Biotechnology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Medicine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Energy generation and energy storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Energy networks and energy management. . . . . . . . . . . .

Ground transportation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Water transport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Aviation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

New materials and nanotechnologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

IT sector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mining and processing of minerals. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Robotics and mechanical engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Financial sector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ecology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Social sphere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Industry of children's goods and services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Retired professions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Reasons for the obsolescence of professions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Obsolete intellectual professions. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Obsolete blue-collar professions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Participants in foresight sessions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




“Atlas” is an almanac of promising industries and professions for the next 15–20 years. It will help you understand which industries will actively develop, which

V They will give birth to new technologies, products, management practices and what new specialists employers will need. The speed of change is accelerating and the complexity of professional tasks is increasing. Some activities

V IT field, for example manager social networks, professional blogger, SEO optimizer, headhunter, were not famous in the early 2000s, but have now become popular and highly paid. What knowledge, skills and abilities do you need to have to be a sought-after specialist in the new world? Our Atlas will help you answer these questions, as well as find out which universities can provide the professionals of the future with good basic training.

“Atlas” is a field of possibilities in which you can build your own trajectory into an interesting future.

This version of the Atlas is the first and therefore experimental. We want

so that the Atlas is understandable and useful for its readers. Therefore, we will be glad to receive your feedback and suggestions for its improvement. You can send them to [email protected].


For the first time in Russia, Moscow School of Management "SKOLKOVO" and the Agency

strategic initiatives conducted a large-scale study “Foresight Competencies 2030”, in which over 2,500 Russian and international experts took part, to identify in-demand professions in 19 sectors of the economy. Experts discussed technological changes, social and economic processes affecting the structure of work tasks, and built industry “maps of the future”, with the help of which they identified the demand for new competencies and built an image of new professions. The results of the study were collected in the Atlas of New Professions.

Of course, the economy of the future will not be limited to the 19 industries included in the study. there are a number of other important production sectors (for example, agriculture or fish farming)

and services (such as entertainment, media or tourism) that will have great value in the future, and where will also occur significant changes. We expect that the Atlas will develop and gradually become more complete.


Foresight (from the English “foresight” - a look into the future, foresight) is a social technology that was created abroad more than 30 years ago and is actively used in business and public administration. This technology allows participants to jointly create a forecast for the development of an industry, region or country and, based on this forecast, agree on actions to achieve the desired future.


The future depends on the efforts made: it can be created;

The future is variable: it does not stem from the past, but depends on the decisions of participants and stakeholders;

There are areas in relation to which one can make predictions, but in general the future cannot be predicted reliably. You can prepare

to work toward the future we want to see, or to prepare it ourselves.

It is based on these principles that the Atlas of New Professions shows the future that leading companies in the industries plan to jointly create in accordance with their development plans - developing new markets, releasing new products, applying new technologies, etc. The Atlas is one of the elements of preparation for the desired future - since these development plans can only be realized if there are specialists capable of implementing them.

Each industry is given a separate section, at the beginning of which you can read a brief forecast of industry development until 2030, find out which new technologies and trends are assessed by industry experts and employers as the most interesting and promising.

For each industry there is a list of new professions with brief description their work tasks. The list of these professions is not final or exhaustive (it is quite possible that other professions and specializations may appear) but it illustrates the important changes that await the industry in the coming years.


For each profession, its key characteristics are indicated, such as: “(and then the blocks “horizon”, “type of specialization”, etc.).



Until 2020 – professions that

The Atlas of New Professions consists of two

in demand "tomorrow". In developed

countries many of these professions

appeared today (for example,

The first part is devoted to new pro-

energy auditors, network doctors,

GMO agronomists, etc.). This is a professional

these that will be in demand

The second part is devoted to “professional

in Russia in the next decade."


The first part is devoted to professions

that will arise in the coming

After 2020 – professions that

years in the most promising, highly

technology and fast-growing industries

which will be needed “the day after tomorrow”

Russian economy.

and with favorable technological

development of the country and the world. These


professions today may seem fantastic, although the first steps in solving professional problems of this kind (for example, the tasks of cyberprosthetists, virtual world programmers, etc.) have already been taken. These are professions that are new not only for Russia, but also for other countries.


Cross-industry – a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that makes it possible to find work in different industries / at the intersection of industries.

Intra-industry - a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that allows you to work in one industry.


These skills are universal and important for specialists in a wide range of industries. Mastering them allows the employee to increase efficiency

professional activity in their industry, and also provides the opportunity to move between industries while maintaining their relevance. Below is a list of some of the cross-vocational skills that have been identified by employers as most important for the workers of the future. This:

Systems thinking (ability to determine complex systems and work with them. Including systems engineering).

Inter-industry communication skills (understanding of technologies, processes and market situations in various related and non-related industries).

Ability to manage projects and processes.

Programming IT solutions / Managing complex automated complexes/ Working with artificial intelligence.

Customer focus, ability to work with consumer requests.

Multilingual and multicultural (fluent in English and knowledge of a second language, understanding of the national and cultural context of partner countries, understanding of the specifics of working in industries in other countries).

Ability to work with teams, groups and individuals.

Work in a regime of high uncertainty and rapid change in task conditions (the ability to quickly make decisions, respond to changing working conditions, the ability to allocate resources and manage one’s time).

The ability for artistic creativity, the presence of developed aesthetic taste.

Lean manufacturing.

which universities in Russia provide basic training that will allow you to be among the first team of specialists of the future in a few years;

what are the largest employers

present at Russian market in the industries under consideration, they are preparing for the introduction of new technologies and, therefore, are already determining the demand for specialists of the future;

When assessing the state of the labor market, personnel experts, as a rule, limit themselves to an analysis of the current situation and forecasts for the coming years. Meanwhile, intensive technological growth and tougher social competition are forcing people to think about much longer-term prospects for their well-being and position in society. The likelihood of the disappearance of individual professions and even entire industry segments is far from zero. Therefore, it is better to decide in advance on backup options, additional specialties and opportunities for quick retraining. The Atlas of New Professions, announced by the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo on the eve of the new academic year, will help make this choice easier.

The study is divided into two blocks - in fact, professions that will be in massive demand in the medium and long term, and professions that have little chance of survival. The medium-term perspective means the period until 2020, and the long-term perspective means after 2020. The forecasts were made without taking into account possible military conflicts, natural disasters and other factors that could slow down or even stop global technological development. These types of risks are still quite difficult to predict and integrate into analysis. Nevertheless, judging by the research materials, Skolkovo still took into account a number of global macroeconomic processes and possible vectors for the development of the world economy as a whole.

New professions

Determining the most promising specialties, the creators of the Atlas studied the state of affairs in various industries. Relatively new areas were also considered - such as biotechnology, robotics, space, the IT sector, social information space, ecology, and those industries that will exist in any case, regardless of how humanity develops further: medicine, fuel -energy complex, transport, financial sector, education, management, construction and food industry. Both fundamentally new industries and already established areas of activity are quite closely interconnected, and their interaction at the segment level is only intensifying. For example, futuristic specialties related to biotechnology identified in the Atlas, such as biotransducer, architect of living systems, urban ecologist, biopharmacologist, GMO agronomist and city farmer, just by their names indicate potential demand in a variety of industries. And if, suppose, urban ecologists design “smart” eco-friendly and energy-efficient cities, then the city farmer will set up small “skyscraper” farms on the roofs of high-rise buildings, in which genetically modified agricultural products will grow, planted by a GMO agronomist, in in turn, bred by a biotransducer who replaced non-biotechnological solutions with biotechnologies, and planned by the architect of living systems. Surely a biopharmacologist will also be useful in this case, who will come up with new, not artificially synthesized, but biotechnological medicines, including for eating disorders.

Medicine also actively interacts with new technologies, the development of which is largely facilitated by both biotechnology and the IT sector. Thanks to biotechnological developments and improvements in genetics, transplantology will improve and, consequently, specialists such as a genetic consultant or bioethicist will appear, providing a legal and ethical framework for the activities of medical institutions. Accordingly, for maintenance medical equipment, which is becoming increasingly high-tech, professions such as IT-medic, medical cyberneticist, medical robot operator and IT-geneticist will be required.

In the fuel and energy complex, the defining trend, including in personnel selection, is minimizing environmental damage, saving energy and saving resources, as well as their most efficient use. And according to the Atlas, it is in this regard that in the future there will be an increasing demand for specialists in setting tasks for innovators, taking into account market demands, for the mass implementation and popularization of energy-efficient solutions, for localizing energy saving systems and micro-energy generation, as well as energy designers, meteorologists and energy traders. The spread of fundamentally new professions should also be expected in the field of mining. According to researchers from Skolkovo, such professions will be systems mining engineer, eco-analyst and robotic systems engineer who monitor, develop, extract and process raw materials.

In the transport sector, personnel innovations will occur in almost all segments: railway, auto, water transport, aviation. And most of the new professions are in one way or another related to the robotization of transport: architects of intelligent control systems and interfaces for unmanned aircraft systems, system engineers of automated infrastructures and operators of numerous robotic solutions. In principle, the robotization trend will spread to industries such as space and mechanical engineering.

The vector of personnel innovation in the industrial sector is quite clear: we need to learn new engineering professions. But how will the financial sector, for example, develop, where personnel training initially follows a different path than technical education?

According to Skolkovo members, it will not be easy for financial specialists. Many professions will fall in price and lose their “elitism”. However, a number of specialties will still remain in demand in the process of scientific and technological progress. For example, a professional appraiser of any type of property will always be needed: movable and immovable, land, blocks of shares and business shares, property rights, intangible assets. Pension market specialists will also be in demand, since the problem with pension provision for citizens is worsening every year not only in Russia, but throughout the world: the population is aging, and the number of young workers contributing to pension funds, on the contrary, is decreasing. So the demand for non-state administrators pension funds(NPF) and developers of individual pension plans will grow even after 2020. Obviously, the personnel needed to work with emerging alternative currencies (including virtual currencies) will also be in demand. New professions in this area will be multicurrency translator and broker of virtual and alternative currencies.

The non-stop development of social networks also stimulates the emergence of fundamentally new professions: personal brand manager, social translator of web and media content, online personal support specialist, virtual space administrator, cyber-janitor (information garbage cleaner), virtual handyman. So humanitarians don’t have to worry too much - there will always be work for them.

Outgoing nature

The second part of the Atlas is devoted to professions that will not exist in the new high-tech life. Lists of professions recognized as unpromising are given in the following lists.

Dying intellectual (requiring special education) professions on the horizon 2013 - 2030.

Will disappear by 2020:

  • Estimator
  • Diagnostician
  • Stenographer-transcriber
  • Copywriter
  • Travel agent
  • Lecturer
  • Librarian
  • Document specialist/archivist
  • Tester
  • Any-key specialist
Will disappear after 2020:
  • Legal consultant
  • Notary
  • Pharmacist
  • Analyst
  • Broker/realtor
  • Secretary/receptionist
  • Municipal worker
  • Logistician
  • Dispatcher
  • Bank employee
  • Journalist
  • Marketer
  • Driller
  • System administrator
Dying blue-collar professions on the horizon 2013 - 2030.

Will disappear by 2020:

  • Usher
  • Parking attendant
  • Vehicle driver
  • Call center operator
  • Lifter
  • Postman
  • Highly professional agricultural worker
Will disappear after 2020
  • Watchman
  • Miner
  • Traffic police inspector
  • Miner
  • Packer
  • Cooker
  • Foreman

“Space” professions will be among the most in demand, the authors of the atlas believe. Photo by Reuters

In 10 years, pharmacists, seamstresses and travel agents in Russia will be replaced by biopharmacologists, energy-generating clothing designers and space tourism managers. Such changes in the labor market are promised by the compilers of the Atlas of New Professions, who have chosen more than 100 of the most promising professions for young Russians. True, it is simply impossible to obtain most of the professions of the future in Russia.

The Presidential Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), together with the Skolkovo School of Management, have prepared the “Atlas of New Professions” - a reference book showing which professional areas will be in demand in 10–20 years. The collection includes 132 new professions, divided into 19 industries, and more than 30 “retired professions”, which, according to experts, should disappear in the near future. 2.5 thousand Russian and foreign specialists took part in the preparation of the directory of professions of the future.

The atlas of future professions should become a kind of map of life and career opportunities for young people. The authors of the forecast tried to explain what skills and competencies will be in demand in the future and how the structure of the labor market itself will change. For each specialty, the compilers also identify so-called transprofessional skills - from ultra-low-cost production to multilingualism and multiculturalism.

It must be said that the atlas of professions of the future really looks futuristic. If, for example, such professions as a healthy aging consultant or a small aircraft production engineer can be mastered now, then educational opportunities for future cosmogeologists or medical equipment architects who have both medical and technical knowledge are very limited.

“This atlas is our first step, it is not complete, and we do not plan to stop there. In the future, we want to move to the point where an interested applicant or parent can enter a profession or image of a professional in the future on the website - and a holistic educational and educational path will be built for him. professional development. The atlas program will produce step by step instructions- for example, first study at one university, then go on an internship, then work at an enterprise. And then, if these conditions are met, in 15 years a person will become what he wanted to become,” said Vladimir Solodov, head of the department of projects and practices in the “Young Professionals” direction of ASI, at the presentation of the atlas. For now, the compilers of the atlas limited themselves to a small list of universities and employers for each industry.

The list of endangered professions turned out to be no less surprising. By 2020, according to the forecast, not only blue-collar jobs such as elevator operator, watchman and postman will become obsolete, but also intellectual ones – for example, university lecturer, copywriter and travel agent. And after 2020, journalists, logisticians, taxi drivers and even traffic police inspectors will disappear.

It is impossible to say how accurate the forecast will be. However, the compilers of the atlas are confident that changes in the structure of the labor market are inevitable. But the speed at which new professions emerge may vary. This depends on the desire of entrepreneurs to develop technology, and on the ability of the educational system to meet the emerging needs for new specialists, and on the willingness of the federal government to promote change.

The experts interviewed by NG were rather skeptical about the atlas of professions. Head of the MBA program strategic management human resources” HSE Ekaterina Varga believes that such studies may be of interest to people choosing a profession, but employers themselves pay little attention to them. For now, employers have the most practical needs, which the atlas of professions of the future clearly does not include. “For example, the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) is no longer satisfied with the level of training of university graduates coming to them. UAC experts conducted their own research and, having secured the consent of the Ministry of Education and Science, changed educational programs in a number of universities,” says the expert.

The executive director of the Horizon company, Galina Melnikova, believes that such reference books are in any case interesting and useful, but their relevance and the level of trust in them depend on the competence of experts and on the methodology of forecasts. At the same time, citizens should take into account that long-term forecasts, as a rule, do not come true. “But the fact that knowledge-intensive, high-tech industries will be a priority in the future is not news – this is certainly what will happen,” Melnikova is sure. In her opinion, advantages in the labor market will be enjoyed mainly by highly qualified specialists in the engineering and technological industries.

Professions of the future and past
Will be in demand until 2020 Will be in demand after 2020 Will be obsolete by 2020 Will be obsolete after 2020
Genetic consultant Cyber ​​Prosthetics Specialist Lecturer Legal Advisor
Infrastructure designer " smart home» Developer of educational trajectories Call center operator Traffic police inspector
Intellectual Property Appraiser Security specialist in the nanoindustry Travel agent System administrator
Eco-evangelist Wearable energy device designer Copywriter Realtor
Corporate Anthropologist Expert on the “image” of the unborn child Equipment tester Freight train driver



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