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Germanium (Ge) - chemical element with atomic number 32. In its elemental form, germanium is a solid gray-white semimetal with a metallic luster. According to its electrical properties, it is an indirect-gap semiconductor.

This chemical element was first isolated in 1886 through the efforts of German chemist Clemens Winkler. For this purpose he used the mineral argyrodite. However, the existence of germanium was predicted back in 1869 by the creator of the Periodic Table D.I. Mendeleev, who then gave it the conventional name “exasilicon”, since in the system of chemical elements it occupied a place in the next period immediately below silicon.

Germanium is not the rarest chemical element. Found in sulfide and iron ores, as well as in dispersed form in silicates, it forms its own minerals very rarely. Its contents in earth's crust is about 10 -4%, which is higher than the concentration of antimony, bismuth and even silver. In some minerals (pyrargyrite, enargite, etc.), the germanium content can be up to 10 kg per ton. The concentration of this chemical element in the waters of the World Ocean is about 6 10 -5 mg/l.

In the mid-twentieth century, germanium became widely known for its semiconductor properties and began to be used in the production of diodes, transistors and other semiconductor devices. Later it found application in the manufacture of infrared optics and in the fiber industry.

The role of germanium in the human body

Until recently, it was generally accepted that germanium plays no role in living organisms. Subsequently, it turned out that some organic compounds of germanium can be used as medicines, although their effectiveness has not yet been established. Experiments on rats have shown that the introduction of small amounts of germanium compounds into the diet increases their life expectancy by 25-30%.

Some of its compounds are toxic to humans.

Germanium is well absorbed by the body (about 95%) and its concentration in the human body is approximately uniform. It is excreted from the body primarily through urine (90%).

The importance of germanium in the human body is as follows:

  • participates in oxygen transfer processes, thereby providing an antihypoxic effect (prevents the development of oxygen deficiency in tissues, maintains a sufficient level of hemoglobin in the blood);
  • has antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal effects, activates macrophages, stimulates the synthesis of interferon, that is, stimulates the immune system;
  • is a strong antioxidant, protecting our body from the harmful effects of free radicals;
  • suppresses vital activity cancer cells, prevents the appearance of metastases;
  • regulates all valve systems of the body (in the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system);
  • By blocking the movement of electrons in neurons, it has an analgesic effect.

The daily requirement of the human body for germanium is 0.4-1.5 mg. The need for it increases during infectious diseases, weakness and loss of strength, in the recovery period after operations and illnesses, with anemia, osteoporosis and immunodeficiency states.

Sources of germanium in the human body

The most high content germanium was found in garlic (both cloves and greens) (in cloves the concentration of germanium reaches 750 mcg per 1 g of dry weight) and ginseng (up to 0.2%). Its concentration is relatively high in the following foods:

  • bran;
  • legumes;
  • porcini mushrooms;
  • tomatoes;
  • fish and seafood (mussels, squid, shrimp);
  • seaweed;
  • milk.

Selenium is a synergist (enhancing effect) of germanium.

Lack of germanium in the human body

Reasons for the shortage of germanium:

  • insufficient food intake;
  • metabolic disorders.

Symptoms of germanium deficiency are:

  • development of osteoporosis and bone demineralization;
  • increased risk of developing cancer.

Excess germanium in the human body

IN large quantities germanium compounds are toxic to the body. Divalent germanium compounds are particularly toxic.

The most common cause of excess germanium is inhalation of vapors of pure germanium and its oxides. hazardous production, the maximum permissible concentration in the air is 2 mg/cub.m.

Contact with germanium chloride may cause skin irritation; if germanium compounds are ingested in large doses, the liver or kidneys may be damaged.

The chemical element germanium is in the fourth group (main subgroup) in the periodic table of elements. It belongs to the family of metals, its relative atomic mass is 73. By mass, the content of germanium in the earth's crust is estimated at 0.00007 percent by mass.

History of discovery

The chemical element germanium was established thanks to the predictions of Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev. It was they who predicted the existence of eca-silicon and gave recommendations for its search.

Believed that this metal element found in titanium and zirconium ores. Mendeleev tried to find this chemical element on his own, but his attempts were unsuccessful. Only fifteen years later, a mineral called argyrodite was found at a mine located in Himmelfürst. This compound owes its name to the silver found in this mineral.

The chemical element germanium in the composition was discovered only after a group of chemists from the Freiberg Mining Academy began research. Under the leadership of K. Winkler, they found that the share of oxides of zinc, iron, as well as sulfur and mercury accounted for only 93 percent of the mineral. Winkler suggested that the remaining seven percent came from a chemical element unknown at the time. After additional chemical experiments Germanium was discovered. The chemist reported his discovery in a report and presented the information obtained about the properties of the new element to the German Chemical Society.

The chemical element germanium was presented by Winkler as a non-metal, by analogy with antimony and arsenic. The chemist wanted to call it neptunium, but this name was already in use. Then they began to call it germanium. The chemical element discovered by Winkler sparked serious debate among the leading chemists of the time. The German scientist Richter suggested that this is the same ecasilicium that Mendeleev spoke about. After some time, this assumption was confirmed, which proved the viability of the periodic law created by the great Russian chemist.

Physical properties

How can germanium be characterized? The chemical element has atomic number 32 in Mendeleev. This metal melts at 937.4 °C. The boiling point of this substance is 2700 °C.

Germanium is an element that was first used in Japan for medical purposes. After numerous studies of organogermanium compounds conducted on animals, as well as in human studies, it was possible to discover positive impact such ores on living organisms. In 1967, Dr. K. Asai was able to discover the fact that organic germanium has a huge range of biological effects.

Biological activity

What is the characteristic of the chemical element germanium? It is capable of transporting oxygen throughout all tissues of a living organism. Once in the blood, it behaves in a similar way to hemoglobin. Germanium guarantees the full functioning of all systems of the human body.

It is this metal that stimulates the proliferation of immune cells. It, in the form of organic compounds, allows the formation of gamma interferons, which suppress the proliferation of microbes.

Germanium prevents the formation of malignant tumors and prevents the development of metastases. Organic compounds of this chemical element contribute to the production of interferon, a protective protein molecule that is produced by the body as a protective reaction to the appearance of foreign bodies.


The antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties of germanium have become the basis for its areas of application. In Germany, this element was mainly obtained as a by-product of processing non-ferrous ores. In different ways, which depend on the composition of the feedstock, isolated germanium concentrate. Its composition contained no more than 10 percent metal.

How exactly in semiconductor modern technology is germanium used? The characteristics of the element given earlier confirm the possibility of its use for the production of triodes, diodes, power rectifiers, and crystal detectors. Germanium is also used in the creation of dosimetric instruments, devices that are necessary for measuring the strength of constant and alternating magnetic fields.

A significant area of ​​application of this metal is the manufacture of detectors infrared radiation.

Promising is the use of not only germanium itself, but also some of its compounds.

Chemical properties

Germanium at room temperature Quite resistant to moisture and air oxygen.

In the series - germanium - tin) there is an increase in the reducing ability.

Germanium is resistant to solutions of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids; it does not interact with alkali solutions. Moreover, this metal dissolves quite quickly in aqua regia (seven nitric and hydrochloric acids), as well as in an alkaline solution of hydrogen peroxide.

How to give full description chemical element? Germanium and its alloys must be analyzed not only according to physical, chemical properties, but also areas of application. The process of germanium oxidation with nitric acid proceeds quite slowly.

Being in nature

Let's try to characterize the chemical element. Germanium is found in nature only in the form of compounds. Among the most common germanium-containing minerals in nature, we highlight germanite and argyrodite. In addition, germanium is present in zinc sulfides and silicates, and in small quantities it is found in various types coal.

Harm to health

What effect does germanium have on the body? A chemical element whose electronic formula is 1e; 8 e; 18th; 7 e, may have a negative impact on human body. For example, when loading germanium concentrate, grinding, as well as loading the dioxide of this metal, occupational diseases may appear. Other sources harmful to health include the process of melting germanium powder into bars and producing carbon monoxide.

Adsorbed germanium can be quickly eliminated from the body, mostly through urine. There is currently no detailed information on how toxic inorganic compounds Germany.

Germanium tetrachloride has an irritating effect on the skin. In clinical trials, as well as with long-term oral administration of cumulative quantities that reached 16 grams of spirogermanium (an organic antitumor drug), as well as other germanium compounds, nephrotoxic and neurotoxic activity of this metal was discovered.

Such dosages are generally not typical for industrial enterprises. Those experiments that were carried out on animals were aimed at studying the effect of germanium and its compounds on a living organism. As a result, it was possible to establish a deterioration in health due to inhalation of a significant amount of germanium metal dust, as well as its dioxide.

Scientists have discovered serious morphological changes in the lungs of animals that are similar to proliferative processes. For example, significant thickening of the alveolar sections was detected, as well as hyperplasia of the lymphatic vessels around the bronchi, and thickening of the blood vessels.

Germanium dioxide is not irritating to the skin, but direct contact of this compound with the membrane of the eye leads to the formation of germanic acid, which is a serious eye irritant. With prolonged intraperitoneal injections, serious changes in the peripheral blood were detected.

Important facts

The most harmful compounds of germanium are germanium chloride and hydride. The latter substance provokes serious poisoning. As a result of a morphological examination of the organs of animals that died during the acute phase, significant disturbances in the circulatory system were shown, as well as cellular modifications in parenchymal organs. Scientists have concluded that the hydride is a multi-purpose poison that affects the nervous system and inhibits the peripheral circulatory system.

Germanium tetrachloride

He is a strong irritant respiratory system, eyes, skin. At a concentration of 13 mg/m3 it is capable of suppressing cellular level pulmonary response. As the concentration of this substance increases, serious irritation of the upper respiratory tract and significant changes in the rhythm and frequency of breathing are observed.

Poisoning with this substance leads to catarrhal-desquamative bronchitis and interstitial pneumonia.


Since in nature germanium is present as an impurity in nickel, polymetallic, and tungsten ores, several labor-intensive processes related to ore enrichment are carried out in industry to isolate pure metal. Germanium oxide is first isolated from it, then it is reduced with hydrogen at an elevated temperature to obtain a simple metal:

GeO2 + 2H2 = Ge + 2H2O.

Electronic properties and isotopes

Germanium is considered an indirect gap typical semiconductor. The value of its dielectric statistical constant is 16, and the value of its electron affinity is 4 eV.

In a thin film of doped gallium, germanium can be given a superconducting state.

There are five isotopes of this metal present in nature. Of these, four are stable, and the fifth undergoes double beta decay, the half-life is 1.58 × 10 21 years.


Currently, organic compounds of this metal are used in different areas industry. Transparency in the infrared spectral region of metallic germanium of ultra-high purity is important for the manufacture of optical elements of infrared optics: prisms, lenses, optical windows of modern sensors. The most common area of ​​use of germanium is the creation of optics for thermal imaging cameras, which operate in the wavelength range from 8 to 14 microns.

Similar devices are used in military equipment for infrared guidance systems, night vision, passive thermal imaging, fire protection systems. Germanium also has a high refractive index, which is necessary for anti-reflective coating.

In radio engineering, transistors based on germanium have characteristics that in many respects exceed those of silicon elements. The reverse currents of germanium elements are significantly higher than those of their silicon counterparts, which makes it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of such radio devices. Considering that germanium is not as common in nature as silicon, silicon semiconductor elements are mainly used in radio devices.

Germanium(Latin Germanium), Ge, chemical element of group IV of the periodic system of Mendeleev; serial number 32, atomic mass 72.59; gray-white solid with a metallic sheen. Natural Germanium is a mixture of five stable isotopes with mass numbers 70, 72, 73, 74 and 76. The existence and properties of Germanium were predicted in 1871 by D.I. Mendeleev and named this still unknown element eca-silicon due to the similarity of its properties with silicon. In 1886, the German chemist K. Winkler discovered argyrodite in the mineral new element, who named Germany after his country; Germanium turned out to be quite identical to eca-silicon. Until the second half of the 20th century practical application Germany remained very limited. Industrial production Germany arose in connection with the development of semiconductor electronics.

The total content of germanium in the earth's crust is 7·10 -4% by mass, that is, more than, for example, antimony, silver, bismuth. However, Germany's own minerals are extremely rare. Almost all of them are sulfosalts: germanite Cu 2 (Cu, Fe, Ge, Zn) 2 (S, As) 4, argyrodite Ag 8 GeS 6, confieldite Ag 8 (Sn, Ge) S 6 and others. The bulk of Germany is scattered in the earth's crust in large number rocks and minerals: in sulfide ores of non-ferrous metals, in iron ores, in some oxide minerals (chromite, magnetite, rutile and others), in granites, diabases and basalts. In addition, Germanium is present in almost all silicates, in some coal and oil deposits.

Physical properties Germany. Germanium crystallizes in a cubic diamond-type structure, the unit cell parameter a = 5.6575 Å. The density of solid germanium is 5.327 g/cm 3 (25°C); liquid 5.557 (1000°C); t pl 937.5°C; boiling point about 2700°C; thermal conductivity coefficient ~60 W/(m K), or 0.14 cal/(cm sec deg) at 25°C. Even very pure germanium is brittle at ordinary temperatures, but above 550°C it is susceptible to plastic deformation. Hardness Germany on the mineralogical scale 6-6.5; compressibility coefficient (in the pressure range 0-120 H/m 2, or 0-12000 kgf/mm 2) 1.4·10 -7 m 2 /mn (1.4·10 -6 cm 2 /kgf); surface tension 0.6 n/m (600 dynes/cm). Germanium is a typical semiconductor with a band gap of 1.104·10 -19 J or 0.69 eV (25°C); electrical resistivity Germany high purity 0.60 ohm m (60 ohm cm) at 25°C; electron mobility 3900 and hole mobility 1900 cm 2 /v sec (25°C) (with an impurity content of less than 10 -8%). Transparent to infrared rays with a wavelength greater than 2 microns.

Chemical properties Germany. IN chemical compounds Germanium usually exhibits valences of 2 and 4, with compounds of 4-valent germanium being more stable. At room temperature, Germanium is resistant to air, water, alkali solutions and dilute hydrochloric and sulfuric acids, but easily dissolves in aqua regia and an alkaline solution of hydrogen peroxide. Nitric acid oxidizes slowly. When heated in air to 500-700°C, germanium is oxidized to the oxides GeO and GeO 2. Germany (IV) oxide - white powder with melting point 1116°C; solubility in water 4.3 g/l (20°C). According to its chemical properties, it is amphoteric, soluble in alkalis and with difficulty in mineral acids. It is obtained by calcination of the hydrate precipitate (GeO 3 ·nH 2 O) released during the hydrolysis of GeCl 4 tetrachloride. By fusing GeO 2 with other oxides, germanic acid derivatives can be obtained - metal germanates (Li 2 GeO 3, Na 2 GeO 3 and others) - solids with high temperatures melting.

When germanium reacts with halogens, the corresponding tetrahalides are formed. The reaction proceeds most easily with fluorine and chlorine (already at room temperature), then with bromine (low heating) and with iodine (at 700-800°C in the presence of CO). One of the most important compounds Germany tetrachloride GeCl 4 is a colorless liquid; t pl -49.5°C; boiling point 83.1°C; density 1.84 g/cm 3 (20°C). It is strongly hydrolyzed with water, releasing a precipitate of hydrated oxide (IV). It is obtained by chlorinating metallic germanium or reacting GeO 2 with concentrated HCl. Also known are Germanium dihalides of the general formula GeX 2 , GeCl monochloride, hexachlorodigermane Ge 2 Cl 6 and Germanium oxychlorides (for example, CeOCl 2 ).

Sulfur reacts vigorously with Germanium at 900-1000°C to form disulfide GeS 2 - a white solid, melting point 825°C. GeS monosulfide and similar compounds of Germany with selenium and tellurium, which are semiconductors, are also described. Hydrogen slightly reacts with Germanium at 1000-1100°C to form germine (GeH) X, an unstable and highly volatile compound. By reacting germanides with dilute hydrochloric acid, germanide hydrogens of the series Ge n H 2n+2 up to Ge 9 H 20 can be obtained. Germylene of the composition GeH 2 is also known. Germanium does not react directly with nitrogen, but there is a nitride Ge 3 N 4, obtained by the action of ammonia on Germanium at 700-800°C. Germanium does not interact with carbon. Germanium forms compounds with many metals - germanides.

Numerous complex compounds of Germany are known, which acquire all higher value as in analytical chemistry Germany, and in the processes of obtaining it. Germanium forms complex compounds with organic hydroxyl-containing molecules (polyhydric alcohols, polybasic acids and others). Germany heteropolyacids were obtained. Just like other elements of group IV, germanium is characterized by the formation of organometallic compounds, an example of which is tetraethylgermane (C 2 H 5) 4 Ge 3.

Receipt Germany. In industrial practice, Germanium is obtained mainly from by-products of processing non-ferrous metal ores (zinc blende, zinc-copper-lead polymetallic concentrates) containing 0.001-0.1% Germanium. Ashes from coal combustion, dust from gas generators and waste from coke plants are also used as raw materials. Originally from the sources listed in various ways, depending on the composition of the raw material, germanium concentrate is obtained (2-10% Germany). Extraction of Germany from concentrate usually includes the following stages: 1) chlorination of the concentrate with hydrochloric acid, a mixture of it with chlorine in an aqueous medium or other chlorinating agents to obtain technical GeCl 4 . To purify GeCl 4, rectification and extraction of impurities with concentrated HCl are used. 2) Hydrolysis of GeCl 4 and calcination of hydrolysis products to obtain GeO 2. 3) Reduction of GeO 2 with hydrogen or ammonia to metal. To isolate very pure germanium, used in semiconductor devices, zone melting of the metal is carried out. Single-crystalline Germanium, required for the semiconductor industry, is usually obtained by zone melting or the Czochralski method.

Application Germany. Germanium is one of the most valuable materials in modern semiconductor technology. It is used to make diodes, triodes, crystal detectors and power rectifiers. Monocrystalline Germanium is also used in dosimetric instruments and instruments that measure the strength of constant and alternating magnetic fields. An important area of ​​application in Germany is infrared technology, in particular the production of infrared radiation detectors operating in the range of 8-14 microns. Many alloys containing germanium, glasses based on GeO 2 and other germanium compounds are promising for practical use.

Germanium- an extremely valuable element of the periodic table for humans. His unique properties, as a semiconductor, made it possible to create diodes that are widely used in various measuring instruments and radios. It is needed for the production of lenses and optical fiber.

However, technical advances are only part of the merits of this element. Organic germanium compounds have rare therapeutic properties, having a broad biological effect on human health and well-being, and this feature is more expensive than any precious metals.

History of the discovery of germanium

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, analyzing his periodic table of elements, in 1871 suggested that it was missing another element belonging to group IV. He described its properties, emphasized its similarities with silicon, and named it eca-silicon.

A few years later, in 1886, in February, a professor at the Freiberg Mining Academy discovered argyrodite, a new silver compound. Its full analysis was entrusted to Clemens Winkler, professor of technical chemistry and the best analyst at the academy. After studying the new mineral, he isolated 7% of its weight as a separate unidentified substance. A thorough study of its properties showed that this is the eca-silicon predicted by Mendeleev. It is important that the method of isolating eca-silicon used by Winkler is still used in its industrial production.

History of the name Germany

Ecasilicon occupies position 32 in the periodic table. At first, Clemens Winkler wanted to give it the name Neptune, in honor of the planet, which was also first predicted and discovered later. However, it turned out that one falsely discovered component was already called that and unnecessary confusion and controversy could arise.

As a result, Winkler chose the name Germanium for him in honor of his country, in order to remove all differences. Dmitry Ivanovich supported this decision, assigning this name to his “brainchild”.

What does germanium look like?

This expensive and rare element, like glass, is fragile. A standard germanium ingot looks like a cylinder with a diameter of 10 to 35 mm. The color of germanium depends on its surface treatment and can be black, steel-like or silver. His appearance easily confused with silicon - its closest relative and competitor.

To see small germanium parts in devices you need special means increase.

Application of organic germanium in medicine

The organic compound germanium was synthesized by the Japanese, Dr. K. Asai in 1967. He proved that it has antitumor properties. Continued research has proven that various germanium compounds have such important properties for humans as pain relief, lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of anemia, strengthening the immune system and destroying harmful bacteria.

Directions of influence of germanium in the body:

  • Promotes saturation of tissues with oxygen and,
  • Accelerates wound healing,
  • Helps cleanse cells and tissues of toxins and poisons,
  • Improves the condition of the central nervous system and its functioning,
  • Accelerates recovery after heavy physical activity,
  • Increases overall human performance,
  • Strengthens defensive reactions the entire immune system.

The role of organic germanium in the immune system and oxygen transport

The ability of germanium to carry oxygen at the level of body tissues is especially valuable for preventing hypoxia (oxygen deficiency). This also reduces the likelihood of developing blood hypoxia, which occurs when the amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells decreases. Delivery of oxygen to any cell can reduce the risk of oxygen starvation and save the cells most sensitive to lack of oxygen from death: the brain, kidney and liver tissue, and heart muscles.


GERMANIUM-I; m. Chemical element (Ge), solid grayish-white color with a metallic sheen (is the main semiconductor material). Germanium plate.

Germanium, oh, oh. G-th raw materials. G. ingot.


(Latin Germanium), chemical element of group IV of the periodic table. The name is from the Latin Germania - Germany, in honor of the homeland of K. A. Winkler. Silver-gray crystals; density 5.33 g/cm 3, t pl 938.3ºC. Disseminated in nature (own minerals are rare); extracted from non-ferrous metal ores. Semiconductor material for electronic devices (diodes, transistors, etc.), component of alloys, material for lenses in IR devices, ionizing radiation detectors.


GERMANIUM (lat. Germanium), Ge (read “hertempmanium”), chemical element with atomic number 32, atomic weight 72.61. Natural germanium consists of five isotopes with mass numbers 70 (content in the natural mixture 20.51% by weight), 72 (27.43%), 73 (7.76%), 74 (36.54%), and 76 ( 7.76%). Outer electron layer 4 configuration s 2 p 2 . Oxidation states +4, +2 (valency IV, II). Located in group IVA, in period 4 of the periodic table of elements.
History of discovery
Was discovered by K. A. Winkler (cm. WINKLER Clemens Alexander)(and named after his homeland - Germany) in 1886 during the analysis of the mineral argyrodite Ag 8 GeS 6 after the existence of this element and some of its properties were predicted by D. I. Mendeleev (cm. MENDELEEV Dmitry Ivanovich).
Being in nature
The content in the earth's crust is 1.5·10 -4% by weight. Refers to scattered elements. It is not found in nature in free form. Contained as an impurity in silicates, sedimentary iron, polymetallic, nickel and tungsten ores, coals, peat, oils, thermal waters and algae. The most important minerals: germanite Cu 3 (Ge,Fe,Ga)(S,As) 4, stottite FeGe(OH) 6, plumbogermanite (Pb,Ge,Ga) 2 SO 4 (OH) 2 2H 2 O, argyrodite Ag 8 GeS 6, rhenierite Cu 3 (Fe,Ge,Zn)(S,As) 4.
Obtaining germanium
To obtain germanium, by-products of processing non-ferrous metal ores, ash from coal combustion, and some coke chemical products are used. Raw materials containing Ge are enriched by flotation. Then the concentrate is converted into GeO 2 oxide, which is reduced with hydrogen (cm. HYDROGEN):
GeO 2 + 4H 2 = Ge + 2H 2 O
Germanium of semiconductor purity with an impurity content of 10 -3 -10 -4% is obtained by zone melting (cm. ZONE MELTING), crystallization (cm. CRYSTALLIZATION) or thermolysis of volatile monogermane GeH 4:
GeH 4 = Ge + 2H 2,
which is formed during the decomposition of active metal compounds with Ge - germanides by acids:
Mg 2 Ge + 4HCl = GeH 4 – + 2MgCl 2
Physical and chemical properties
Germanium is a silvery substance with a metallic luster. Crystal lattice of stable modification (Ge I), cubic, face-centered, diamond type, A= 0.533 nm (at high pressures three other modifications were obtained). Melting point 938.25 °C, boiling point 2850 °C, density 5.33 kg/dm3. It has semiconductor properties, the band gap is 0.66 eV (at 300 K). Germanium is transparent to infrared radiation with a wavelength greater than 2 microns.
The chemical properties of Ge are similar to silicon. (cm. SILICON). Under normal conditions, resistant to oxygen (cm. OXYGEN), water vapor, dilute acids. In the presence of strong complexing agents or oxidizing agents, Ge reacts with acids when heated:
Ge + H 2 SO 4 conc = Ge(SO 4) 2 + 2SO 2 + 4H 2 O,
Ge + 6HF = H 2 + 2H 2,
Ge + 4HNO 3 conc. = H 2 GeO 3 + 4NO 2 + 2H 2 O
Ge reacts with aqua regia (cm. AQUA REGIA):
Ge + 4HNO 3 + 12HCl = GeCl 4 + 4NO + 8H 2 O.
Ge interacts with alkali solutions in the presence of oxidizing agents:
Ge + 2NaOH + 2H 2 O 2 = Na 2.
When heated in air to 700 °C, Ge ignites. Ge easily interacts with halogens (cm. HALOGEN) and gray (cm. SULFUR):
Ge + 2I 2 = GeI 4
With hydrogen (cm. HYDROGEN), nitrogen (cm. NITROGEN), carbon (cm. CARBON) germanium does not react directly; compounds with these elements are obtained indirectly. For example, nitride Ge 3 N 4 is formed by dissolving germanium diiodide GeI 2 in liquid ammonia:
GeI 2 + NH 3 liquid -> n -> Ge 3 N 4
Germanium (IV) oxide, GeO 2, is a white crystalline substance that exists in two modifications. One of the modifications is partially soluble in water with the formation of complex germanic acids. Exhibits amphoteric properties.
GeO 2 reacts with alkalis as an acid oxide:
GeO 2 + 2NaOH = Na 2 GeO 3 + H 2 O
GeO 2 interacts with acids:
GeO 2 + 4HCl = GeCl 4 + 2H 2 O
Ge tetrahalides are non-polar compounds that are easily hydrolyzed by water.
3GeF 4 + 2H 2 O = GeO 2 + 2H 2 GeF 6
Tetrahalides are obtained by direct reaction:
Ge + 2Cl 2 = GeCl 4
or thermal decomposition:
BaGeF 6 = GeF 4 + BaF 2
Germanium hydrides are similar in chemical properties to silicon hydrides, but monogermane GeH 4 is more stable than monosilane SiH 4 . Germanes form homologous series Gen H 2n+2, Gen H 2n and others, but these series are shorter than those of silanes.
Monogerman GeH 4 is a gas that is stable in air and does not react with water. At long-term storage decomposes into H 2 and Ge. Monogermane is obtained by reducing germanium dioxide GeO 2 with sodium borohydride NaBH 4:
GeO 2 + NaBH 4 = GeH 4 + NaBO 2.
A very unstable GeO monoxide is formed by moderate heating of a mixture of germanium and GeO 2 dioxide:
Ge + GeO 2 = 2GeO.
Ge(II) compounds are easily disproportionate to release Ge:
2GeCl 2 -> Ge + GeCl 4
Germanium disulfide GeS 2 is a white amorphous or crystalline substance, obtained by precipitation of H 2 S from acidic solutions of GeCl 4:
GeCl 4 + 2H 2 S = GeS 2 Ї + 4HCl
GeS 2 dissolves in alkalis and ammonium or alkali metal sulfides:
GeS 2 + 6NaOH = Na 2 + 2Na 2 S,
GeS 2 + (NH 4) 2 S = (NH 4) 2 GeS 3
Ge can be part of organic compounds. Known are (CH 3) 4 Ge, (C 6 H 5) 4 Ge, (CH 3) 3 GeBr, (C 2 H 5) 3 GeOH and others.
Germanium is a semiconductor material used in technology and radio electronics in the production of transistors and microcircuits. Thin films of Ge deposited on glass are used as resistors in radar installations. Alloys of Ge with metals are used in sensors and detectors. Germanium dioxide is used in the production of glasses that transmit infrared radiation.

Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .


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    - (symbol Ge), white-gray metal element of group IV periodic table MENDELEEV, in which the properties of yet undiscovered elements, in particular germanium, were predicted (1871). The element was discovered in 1886. A by-product of zinc smelting... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    Ge (from Latin Germania Germany * a. germanium; n. Germanium; f. germanium; i. germanio), chemical. element of group IV periodic. Mendeleev's system, at.sci. 32, at. m. 72.59. Natural gas consists of 4 stable isotopes 70Ge (20.55%), 72Ge... ... Geological encyclopedia

    - (Ge), synthetic single crystal, PP, point symmetry group m3m, density 5.327 g/cm3, Tmelt=936 °C, solid. on the Mohs scale 6, at. m. 72.60. Transparent in the IR region l from 1.5 to 20 microns; optically anisotropic, for l=1.80 µm coefficient. refraction n=4,143.… … Physical encyclopedia

    Noun, number of synonyms: 3 semiconductor (7) eca-silicon (1) element (159) ... Dictionary of synonyms

    GERMANIUM- chem. element, symbol Ge (lat. Germanium), at. n. 32, at. m. 72.59; brittle silver-gray crystalline substance, density 5327 kg/m3, bil = 937.5°C. Scattered in nature; it is mined mainly by processing zinc blende and... ... Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia



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