Water bodies of the Transbaikal region. Investment and urban planning passport

Transbaikalia- natural and geographical area in the eastern part of Russia, east and southeast of Lake Baikal. The Trans-Baikal Territory, Buryatia and partly the Irkutsk region are located here. I wonder what this land is all about?

The relatively small mountain-steppe land surprises with the originality and uniqueness of the flora and fauna. On wide river valleys, meadow pads, and low hills with gentle slopes, steppe communities are common, characteristic only of this region. Animals and fauna have a great influence on the formation of flora and fauna. flora located nearby the Mongolian steppes.
Feather grass, leimus, tansy steppes are filled with bright sunlight, the sonorous voices of birds, and the smells of fragrant herbs.
There are many salty, bitter-salty and fresh lakes in the Uldza-Torey Basin. The largest are Zun-Torey and Barun-Torey with a cyclical hydrological regime.
The surface of the water reaches 800 square kilometers. One of the largest bird migration routes passes through these lakes. Ornithologists count more than three hundred species of birds. One hundred and forty bird species remain to nest. Among them are the relict gull, white-naped crane, demoiselle, bustard, Asian snipe godwit, swan goose, steppe eagle, as well as rare Eastern Siberia birds: great cormorant, blackfin, gull-billed and white-cheeked tern, avocet, stilt, shelduck, ogre, Mongolian ground sparrow and others.
This uniqueness of the natural complex has always attracted the attention of scientists, who constantly and with great curiosity explore this region, and each of them always finds something new here.
But unfortunately, as a result of people’s production activities, the development of land for crops cultivated plants The steppe ecosystem is disrupted for many years or, even worse, is not restored; the organisms that make it up die or migrate. Based on this, preserving the natural resources of the earth is the most important task of man.
The definition of “endless” is applicable to the Trans-Baikal Territory, because its unique lands stretch over many thousands of kilometers, which miraculously combine truly unique natural resources with the identity of the multinational population of this region.
The climate of Transbaikalia can be characterized as sharply continental. It is characterized by long winters with severe frosts and warm short summer. The peculiarities of the climate are determined by the fact that the region is sufficiently remote from the oceans and seas, elevated relative to sea level, and the relief is mountain-basin.
Due to its harsh climate, this land is generously endowed with a variety of natural resources.
THE PLANT WORLD OF TRANSBAIKALIA is very diverse. This is due to the complexity geological structure, diversity of natural conditions, long history of development
The mountainous terrain, which creates a variety of habitats, contributed to the preservation of relics from different geological times in ecological niches. Their preservation was facilitated by the absence of continuous cover glaciation.
The indigenous zonal vegetation cover of the territory is formed by steppe, forest and alpine plant communities. Among the non-zonal, often edaphically determined communities, shrub thickets, meadows, swamps, salt marshes and aquatic vegetation are widespread.

Water spaces are represented by the basins of Baikal, Amur, and Lena. The uniqueness of this region is of genuine interest to scientists all over the world. The flora and fauna of the region includes many species of plants, animals and birds listed in the Red Book.
Mineral resources of the Trans-Baikal Territory are represented by deposits of coal and iron ore, non-ferrous and precious metals, development is underway large quantity deposits.
The history of the land of Transbaikalia goes back many centuries and is famous for its extensive cultural heritage. This land attracts tourists from all over the world with its virginity and open spaces.

Mogoituysky district of Trans-Baikal Territory

Water resources

The district's water resources are represented by a dense network of large and small rivers and streams, numerous lakes, mineral springs, etc. The largest rivers have the greatest influence on the natural environment and vegetation: Onon, Olengui, Ilya, Aga and others. All of them belong to the Amur basin; only a small number of rivers flow into lakes, forming a drainage region. For example, the Suduntui River flows into Lake Nozhei from west side, dries out completely in dry times. Many rivers are tributaries of large rivers in the Chita region. So, the right tributaries of the Ingoda are the Olengui and Tura. Large left tributaries of the Onon River are Ilya and Aga.

The Aga River originates after the confluence of two watercourses, Khoito-Agi and Ur-do-Agi, flowing through the Duldurginsky (the Khoito-Ara river originates in this area), Aginsky, Mogoituysky and Shilkinsky districts, with a total length of 167 km and flows into a wide channel with slow flow into the Onon River. The number of tributaries is about 27 pcs.

The Aga River basin extends in a northeast direction, its area at the mouth is 8000 m2. Three zones are distinguished on the territory of the basin: steppe, forest-steppe, mountain-taiga. According to the conditions of the river water regime, the Aga River basin belongs to the Far Eastern type with a sharp predominance of rain runoff. The river bed is winding. The river's floodplain is two-sided and mostly flat. The width of the river is 10-30 m, the width of the tributaries is 5-10 m. The tributaries of the river. The Aga are small, many of them dry up in the summer, which is why the Aga itself is a shallow river, 1.0-2.5 m deep. winter time Ice dams form. The flood occurs in the summer months after heavy rains. The river bed is also winding, in places it is divided into branches and channels. The bottom is rocky and sandy-pebble. The banks are steep, 1-2 m high. The river floodplain is overgrown with bushes and imprisoned in places. In summer, during rains, the river experiences floods and floods with a water level of 1.5-3.5 m.

According to the hydrological water regime of rivers and features water bodies the western territory is included in the Ingoda-Middle Onon hydrological region. The largest river in the district is the Onon River, which runs along the southern border of the district.

All rivers and streams in the area are characterized by rocky beds with a large number shallows, riffles, fast and medium currents. Due to the lack of snow in winters and the predominance of winter period low temperatures small rivers, as well as shallow places, freeze to the bottom. The main food is precipitation and numerous streams fed by springs. When it rains, all rivers overflow and overflow their banks, flooding all floodplain areas. In the first half of summer and dry years, the water flow decreases greatly, and they dry out. This was clearly visible in 1998, when all the small rivers dried up, the Onon, Aga, Ilya and other rivers became very shallow. Their width and depth were minimal. Such anomalous phenomena in climatic rhythms are clearly visible in the water content of rivers. Uneven distribution of moisture during the growing season adversely affects the growth and development of plants, as well as the entire regime of rivers and streams.

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Mogoituysky district of Trans-Baikal Territory

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Features of the nature of the Trans-Baikal Territory

The Trans-Baikal Territory is part of the Siberian Federal District and is one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

It occupies the eastern part of Transbaikalia and borders on Buryatia in the west, the northwestern border goes with the Irkutsk region, the northeastern border runs with the Republic of Sakha, and its neighbor in the east is Amur region, the southeastern border goes with China and Mongolia.

The territory is located a considerable distance from the oceans - 1000 km from the Pacific Ocean, and 2000 km from the Arctic Ocean.

On the formation of the relief of this mountainous area great influence had both endogenous and exogenous processes, therefore the main role belongs to medium-altitude mountains.

To exogenous, i.e. external processes include chemical and physical weathering, permafrost phenomena, and the activity of rivers and glaciers. Erosion and accumulative activity also play a big role in this.

Some areas of the region have a pronounced originality in the structure of the relief. Northern region The region is part of the Stanovoi Upland, its territory is high mountain. The Kodar and Udokan ridges stand out here.

In the area between the Chikoya and Ingoda rivers there is a southwestern region, which is the northern part of the Khentei-Chikoy highlands. The height of the mountains here reaches 2500 m, and the nature is unique.

North of Chikoy and Ingoda is located Central region, the mountains here rise to a height of 1500 m. The southeastern region is characterized by mid- and low-altitude mountain ranges in the extreme southeast of the territory. The formation of the relief of this area is greatly influenced by river activity and wind.

The region is located within a sharply continental climate, which is characterized by cold and long winters, short and hot summers. Due to the fact that the territory of the region from north to south has a large extent, solar radiation arrives unevenly - in the north 90 kcal/sq. cm, and in the south 126 kcal/sq. cm.

In most of the region, the average January temperature is -25...-30 degrees. Average temperature July in the north is +13 degrees, and in the south +20 degrees. The maximum rises to +42 degrees.

Note 1

A special feature of the climate is the significant annual duration of sunshine, which is 2592 hours, while in Sochi this duration is 2154 hours.

Precipitation falls unevenly - in the southern steppe regions from 200-300 mm, in the mountain-taiga zone the amount increases to 450 mm, in the north of the region - 600 mm.

Geographical features and natural conditions contributed to the diversity of the plant world.

Three vegetation zones are clearly visible on the territory of the region:

  1. mountain taiga zone;
  2. forest-steppe zone;
  3. steppe zone.

For steppe zone characteristic cereal plants, in the mountain-steppe zone wormwood, hairy gerbil, and three-cut chamaeroosa grow.

Classic forest-steppe, represented by deciduous forests and meadow steppes, is rare here.

The Transbaikal forest-steppe is made up of pine, birch, and deciduous forests.

The rocky slopes are covered with shrubby steppes with plants such as large-fruited elm, meadowsweet, and cinquefoil.

In the taiga part there are southern and middle taiga. In the southern taiga there are grass, grass-shrub, pine-larch and pine forests.

Typical for the middle taiga are mossy larch forests, and the undergrowth is represented by birch trees. Also found are dwarf birch, alder, and dwarf cedar. Lichens, cladoniaceous and cetrariaceous plant species are common in the high-mountain tundra. There are arctous, cassiopia, lingonberry. Marsh plants are represented by reeds, manna, reeds, hedgehogs, and chastukha.

The diverse fauna is home to representatives of different natural areas.

Natural resources of the region

The mineral resource base is represented by various types of minerals. Industrial reserves of a large group of resources have been explored here.

In the depths of the region there are reserves of iron ore, concentrated in the complex ores of the Chineiki deposit - these are the main reserves of iron.

The Udokan copper deposit is one of the largest in the world. Copper reserves here account for 20% of Russian reserves.

Lead and zinc reserves are concentrated in the Argun region. About 500 deposits and occurrences of lead and zinc are located in the area of ​​the uranium-gold polymetallic belt.

Molybdenum deposits are represented in the Bugdainskoye and Zhirekenskoye deposits. Antimony and gold from the Ithakinskoye deposit, Orlovskoye lithium and tantalum deposit.

The region contains the largest uranium reserves - Argunskoye, Streltsovskoye, Yubileynoye, Novogodneye, Antey and other deposits. The region is the largest uranium-bearing province in Russia.

There are reserves in the north, west and southeast coal. There is brown coal - Urtuyskoye, Kharanorskoye, Chernovskoye deposits. The total reserves of 9 coal deposits are 2040.3 million tons, the forecast is 1762.0 million tons. The total reserves of brown coal are 2.24 billion tons.

There are reserves of zeolites in the south of Transbaikalia, a complex raw material of synnyrites for the production of aluminum. The Larginskoye magnesite deposit is one of the largest in the country.

More than 1,000 small gold deposits have been discovered, 23 silver deposits have been explored - Udokanskoye, Bugdainskoye, Novo-Shirokinskoye, etc.

The internal waters of the region belong to the Amur basin, lake. Baikal, Lena. There is a drainage region - Uldza-Toreyskaya.

Note 2

Transbaikalia is the Central Asian global watershed of the Arctic and Pacific oceans.

The hydropower potential of the Trans-Baikal Territory is significant, but practically not realized. There are about 15 thousand lakes, among them large ones - Zun-Torey, Barun-Torey, and two large reservoirs.

There are resorts based on 7 mineral springs, of which there are about 300 known. The composition of water from mineral springs is varied - thermal-radon, magnesium-potassium, ferrous-hydrocarbonate, cold-carbon dioxide.

Different regions are characterized by their own soils - soddy forest non-podzolized soils were formed in the southern taiga, mountain-taiga podzolized soils are common in the middle taiga, chernozems and chestnut soils are characteristic of the steppes, and meadow-permafrost and meadow-chernozem soils are typical in the intermountain basins. In general, mountain taiga podzolic soils are predominant in the region.

Wood reserves are abundant and forests cover about 70% of the territory, but are unevenly distributed. In the south of the region, forest cover is 5-10%, in the southwest and north – 90%. Light coniferous taiga dominates. The total area of ​​the forest fund is 33383.8 thousand hectares.

Specially protected areas of the Trans-Baikal Territory

At the beginning of 2008, there were 95 specially protected areas in the Trans-Baikal Territory natural areas federal and regional significance.

These included 2 reserves, 1 national park, 17 reserves, 65 natural monuments, 10 health-improving areas and resorts.

Daursky and Sukhondinsky state reserves have international nature conservation status. They are biosphere reserves of the MAB Program - “Man and the Biosphere” of UNESCO.

Daurian natural biosphere reserve located in the area of ​​lakes Barun-Torey and Zun-Torey. The main task of the reserve is to restore and preserve in their natural state the steppe, lake, and swamp complexes of southeastern Transbaikalia.

The Sukhondinsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve is located in the elevated part of the Khentei-Chikoy Highlands. The goal of the reserve is to preserve the undisturbed ecosystems of the taiga Transbaikalia. Within this reserve, at an altitude of 2500 m, is the Sokhondo char, a former tertiary extinct volcano, which indigenous people considered sacred.

The next biosphere reserve and reserve of federal significance, “Tsasucheisky Bor,” is part of the international Russian-Mongolian-Chinese reserve “Dauria”.

In general, the creation of specially protected natural areas within the Trans-Baikal Territory has a positive trend and their creation has a common goal - not only to preserve and restore natural complexes, but also to maintain the ecological balance of the region in its natural state.

Water resources are among the most important natural factors in the socio-economic growth of the Baikal region. It is very rich in water. Here are located significant areas of the largest basins of the Russian Federation: the Yenisei (including the Angara and Baikal), Lena and Amur; such large rivers as the Angara, Lena, Olekma, Argun, Selenga, Lower Tunguska, etc. flow through; The largest reservoir of high-quality fresh water on the planet is located - Lake. ; there are extensive reservoirs of the Angarsk cascade of hydroelectric power stations: Irkutsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk; there are many medium and small rivers, as well as significant reserves groundwater various aquifers. Thanks to Baikal, which holds 23 thousand km 3 of water, the region occupies a special place even among other well-supplied Siberian regions: the volume of Baikal waters accounts for more than a quarter of the fresh lake water reserves of the globe.

However, stationary water reserves should be considered mainly as a necessary component of the environment, which presupposes their preservation in a relatively unchanged state, and only a small part of the huge reserves of Baikal waters, limited to a certain proportion of annually renewable resources, can be used for water supply. Actively used water resources are, as a rule, surface and groundwater resources, or total river flow.

The river flow in an average year in terms of water content in the region is 473 km 3 . Of this, ⅔ belongs to the Irkutsk region, 18% to the Republic of Buryatia and 16% to the Trans-Baikal Territory. The region is home to the global watershed of the Arctic and Pacific oceans, as well as the endorheic Central Asian region. Therefore, it is here that the main area of ​​formation of the flow of the above rivers (except for the Selenga) is located, and the overwhelming majority of the river flow of the region (about 95%) is formed on its territory (local flow). About 75% of this runoff is of surface origin, and about 25% is of underground origin. On average, about a third of the river flow is sustainable, which determines very favorable opportunities for water supply to the economy and population of the Baikal region. It is especially necessary to note the very high (67% of the total river flow) concentration of the “golden fund” of water resources - sustainable river flow - in the Angara, which is due to its high regulation by Baikal and a cascade of large reservoirs and is of paramount importance - that is why along the banks there are largest cities and enterprises of the region.

Hydropower resources

The most important advantage of the region’s hydropower potential is the presence of the most efficient hydropower resources in the country, the Angara. The exceptional economic efficiency of the Angarsk hydroelectric power stations is due to the unique natural conditions their construction and operation - the high water content and fall of the Angara, its high natural regulation by Lake Baikal, the convenience of the selected sites for concentrating pressure. Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain a large amount of the cheapest electricity in Russia, and, consequently, a significant economic (rent) effect for both its producers and consumers.

The main indicator of the use of hydropower potential is the average annual electricity generation at existing hydroelectric power stations, which today amounts to 48.76 billion kWh. There are three powerful hydroelectric power stations in operation in the region: (4.1 billion kWh), (22.6 billion kWh) and (21.7 billion kWh) and one lower power on Mamakan - Mamakanskaya (0.36 billion kWh).

The Angara cascade has currently developed 81.2% of the potential and technically possible to use hydropower resources of the Angara within the region, and with the commissioning of the Boguchanskaya HPP in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the degree of development of the river increases to 94%. Consequently, the vast majority of the most economical hydropower resources are already actively used in hydropower. Construction underway The Telmamskaya HPP on Mamakan, the design of the Mokskaya HPP on Vitim (on the border of the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Buryat HPP) is underway - the only real hydropower project outside the Irkutsk region. In the long term, it is possible to use the hydropower potential of Lena, Chuna, Kirenga, Oka, Biryusa, Irkut, Chary, Bol. Patoma and other rivers. The energy potential of river runoff of large and medium-sized rivers in the Irkutsk region alone exceeds 200 billion kWh of average annual electricity generation.



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