Educational stories for children 7 years old. Best short stories for kids

Fairy tales are poetic stories of extraordinary events and adventures involving fictional characters. In modern Russian, the concept of the word "fairy tale" has acquired its meaning since the 17th century. Until that moment, the word "fable" was supposedly used in this meaning.

One of the main features of a fairy tale is that it is always based on a fictional story, with a happy ending, where good triumphs over evil. The stories contain a certain hint, which enables the child to learn to recognize good and evil, to comprehend life on illustrative examples.

Children's fairy tales read online

Reading fairy tales is one of the main and milestones on your child's path to life. A variety of stories make it clear that the world around us is quite contradictory and unpredictable. Listening to stories about the adventures of the main characters, children learn to appreciate love, honesty, friendship and kindness.

Reading fairy tales is useful not only for children. Having matured, we forget that in the end, good always triumphs over evil, that all adversity is unimportant, and the beautiful princess is waiting for her prince on a white horse. To give a little good mood and plunge into the fairy-tale world is quite simple!

Stories for the little ones

Stories for the little ones: how to choose books with stories for the little ones, what to pay attention to when reading, how to teach to understand books without pictures. Texts of stories for reading to children 1-2 years old.

Stories for the little ones: what and how to read to children 1-2 years old

The choice of children's books in stores is now huge! And books - toys, and books - cuttings in the form of different animals, cars, nesting dolls, toys, textile books for the development of fine motor skills, books - lacing, floating waterproof books for swimming, talking books, music books, huge thick collections of poems and fairy tales for the little ones. And it's wonderful that from the very first years of life, the baby has the opportunity to get acquainted with beautiful and interesting children's books in all their diversity.

But today we will talk about other books - traditional books with stories for kids. They are less popular than books with fairy tales or poems, but they are very necessary for young children! It is in the stories that the child gets to know the world around him, the life of people.

How to choose books with stories for the little ones?

First.For the smallest ones, not thick collections of fairy tales or stories are more suitable for reading, but thin picture books. One book is one story in pictures, or several short stories.

Second. Pictures in a book for children 1-2 years old should be realistic. That is, the illustrations in the book should not contain blue cows or hares with short ears and long tails. From the picture, the baby should get an accurate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe world around him, children of this age still do not understand humor! Illustrations are needed to clarify ideas about the world, and not to confuse the baby. Naturally, realism does not exclude decorative details - let us recall, for example, illustrations for fairy tales by the famous artist Y. Vasnetsov.

The angle in which the hero of the story is depicted is very important - all the heroes of the story should be easily recognizable by the child in the pictures.

Third. At an early stage of understanding literature, a drawing represents for the child the surrounding life itself, which cannot be replaced by a word. That's why it is necessary that the child can follow the pictures step by step what they are told about(remember the story "Chicken" by K.I. Chukovsky).

For the smallest children, the picture book is alive! They feed the painted horse, stroke the cat, talk to the pictures, and can even wait “when the bird will fly away” from the picture.

Fourth. It is very important that the first books of the baby are beautiful. It is at an early age that children develop an understanding of beauty. They like beautiful clothes, a beautifully decorated room, beautiful flowers or beautiful pictures. And they clearly have a preference for beautiful objects and books.

How to read stories to the smallest: 4 simple rules

First. Stories can and should not only be read from a book, but also told! And this is very important! What is the use of storytelling? In the fact that in the case of narration, your word is a “living word”!

When you tell your baby a simple story, fairy tale or story, you look into his eyes, you can pause if necessary, slow down the pace of speech, introduce a new intonation, you see the baby's reaction to the story and you can take it into account. In addition, the child sees your face, emotions, the process of your speech.

So it's better preview the story and then read it to your child. If you are “attached” to the text and bury yourself in it while reading, then the baby will quickly become distracted and lose interest.

Reading the story is our dialogue with the child about the book, but not the monologue of an adult buried in the text.

It's great when you know your favorite stories by heart and tell them simply from the heart at the right moment - without a book.

I have a system of cards with short stories and poems - they are always with me. And at the right time, you can always use them if you need to remember something.

Second. When you bring home a new book, you don't have to start reading it right away. Give the book to the baby first- let him get to know her, examine her, flip through the pages, look at the pictures and play with them - feed the horse, share her impressions with you (these can be just exclamations, pointing gestures, intonation, if the baby does not speak yet).

After the first acquaintance with the book, look at the pictures with the baby, tell the child what is drawn on them. In this case, it is better to quote words from the text of the story, which the baby will later hear when reading it. For example: “Masha has a sled. Misha has a sled. Tolya has a sled. Galya has a sled.
One dad without a sled” (according to the story of Y. Tayts).
Pay attention to interesting or unusual details in the illustrations (the clothes of the characters, the objects in their hands, what is around them), consider them and name them.

After the first acquaintance with the book, you can read the story to the baby. If you start reading a new book right away, then the children will not listen - they are drawn to the book, they want to pick it up, they want to turn the pages, stroke the cover, they begin to get distracted.

Third. At the age of 1 year 6 months to 2 years, it is very important to teach the baby to perceive the story without visual support (i.e. without a picture or staging according to the content of the story). Otherwise, the baby may develop a not very useful habit. This is a habit of waiting for the display of toys and uttering words only on this condition. If you do not teach the baby to listen to speech up to 2 years, then in the future the child hardly enters into a dialogue, constantly requires pictures, does not answer questions, does not perceive audio recordings or reading books without pictures, it is difficult to perceive speech by ear without visual support. Examples of stories for reading to children without visual support can be found below.

What stories can children understand without pictures?

  • Up to 2 years kids understand the story of adults about the events that take place in this moment time or very well known to them.
  • After 2 years babies begin to understand, without showing pictures, the stories of adults about those events that are familiar to them from past experience.
  • A with 2 years 6 months children begin to understand, without showing pictures, the stories of adults about those events that did not happen in their lives, but they are familiar with similar phenomena or with individual elements of the plot of the story. Also, from the age of 2 years 6 months, the child can convey the content of a familiar fairy tale or story on questions (that is, he can answer the questions of an adult on the content of the story).

Fourth. What to do first - watch a cartoon based on a story or read the text of a story? First, we introduce the baby to the book - we look at the illustrations, we read the story. This is the base. And later you can watch a cartoon based on a familiar book with stories. In a cartoon, most often the baby does not perceive the text, because. fascinated by flashing pictures.

Stories for toddlers 1-2 years old

It is very important that in the text of stories for kids there were bright, expressive figurative words. How we miss them modern speech! Let's look at our heritage. Here are some stories for the little ones written by Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky. They can not only be read from a book, but also told when we introduce children to animals. The stories are given in abbreviation - fragments are presented that are suitable specifically for children 1-2 years old.

Stories for little K.D. Ushinsky

Mice. K.D. Ushinsky

Mice gathered at their mink, old and small. They have black eyes, small paws, teeth, gray fur coats, ears sticking out at the top, tails dragging along the ground.

Vaska. K.D. Ushinsky

Cat-cat - a gray pubis. Vasya is affectionate and cunning: velvet paws, sharp claws. Vasyutka has delicate ears, a long mustache, and a silk fur coat. The cat caresses, arches, wags its tail, closes its eyes, sings a song.

Cockerel with family. K.D. Ushinsky

A cockerel walks around the yard: a red comb on its head, a red beard under its nose. Petya's nose is a chisel, Petya's tail is a wheel; patterns on the tail, spurs on the legs. With his paws, Petya rakes a bunch, he convenes hens with chickens: “Troublesome hostesses! Get together with the chickens, I brought you grains!

Goat. K.D. Ushinsky

A hairy goat walks, a bearded goat walks, waving his mugs, shaking his beards, tapping his hooves: he walks bleating, calling goats and kids.

Sow. K.D. Ushinsky

The snout of the sow is not smart: it rests on the ground with its nose; mouth to ears, and ears dangling like rags; there are four hooves on each leg, and he stumbles when he walks. The tail of the sowfish is a screw, the spine is a hump, the bristles stick out on the spine. She eats for three, gets fat for five.

Geese. K.D. Ushinsky

The hostess came out and beckons the geese home: “Pull-pull! White geese, gray geese, go home!”

And the geese stretched their long necks, spread their red paws, flap their wings, open their noses: “Giga! We don't want to go home! We are fine here too!”

Cow. K.D. Ushinsky

An ugly cow, but gives milk. Her forehead is wide, her ears are to the sides, her teeth are missing in her mouth, but her mug is large. She tears grass, chews gum, drinks swill, mooing and roaring, calling the hostess.

Eagle. K.D. Ushinsky

Gray-winged eagle, king of all birds. He builds nests on rocks and on old oaks; flies high, sees far. The nose of the eagle is sickle, the claws are hooked, the wings are long; the eagle flies in the clouds, looking out for prey from above.

Woodpecker. K.D. Ushinsky

Knock-Knock! In a dense forest, on a pine tree, a black woodpecker is carpentry. It clings with its paws, rests with its tail, taps with its nose, scares goosebumps and goats because of the bark.

Lisa Patrikeevna. K.D. Ushinsky

The gossip-fox has sharp teeth, a thin stigma, ears on the top of the head, a tail at the fly away, and a warm fur coat. Kuma is well dressed up: wool is fluffy, golden, there is a waistcoat on her chest, and a white tie around her neck. The fox walks quietly, bends down to the ground, as if bowing. He wears his fluffy tail carefully; digs deep holes, many entrances and exits; likes chickens, ducks, not a rabbit.

The next two stories are stories from the 20th century. They are written in a very accessible language, and are understandable to kids even without pictures.

Stories for little Ya Thais

The story of Y. Taits "Geese"

My grandmother had geese on the collective farm. They hissed. They pinched. They were talking: "Ha-ha!" "Ha-ha!" "Aha!" "Ha-ha!"
Nadia was afraid of them. She screamed:
- Grandma, geese! Grandma said:
- You take a stick.
Nadia took a stick, but how she would swing at the geese.
- Get out of here!
The geese turned and walked away.
Nadia asked:
- What, scared?
And the geese answered:

The story of Y. Taits "Train"

Everywhere snow. Masha has a sled. Misha has a sled. Tolya has a sled. Galya has a sled.
One dad without a sled.
He took Galina's sled, hitched it to the Tolins, Tolins to the Mishins, Mishins to the Mashins. Got a train.
Misha screams:
— Tu-tu!
He is a machinist.
Masha screams:
- Your tickets!
She is a conductor.
And dad pulls the rope and says:
- Choo-choo... Choo-choo...
So he's a ship.

At the age of 1 year 6 months to 2 years, it is very important to start teaching the child to listen to stories without visual support - that is, without showing pictures according to the content of the story, without staging or showing a toy. I made a selection of such stories for kids, understandable to them from the content itself. In the selection, the stories are grouped by age: from 1 year 9 months to 2 years, from 2 years to 2 years 6 months, from 2 years 6 months to 2 years 11 months.

Stories for children 1-2 years old without showing

We teach kids to listen and understand speech without visual support (that is, without a picture, scene, showing objects)

Stories without showing for children from 1 year 9 months to 2 years

Sveta and the dog (Author - K.L. Pechora)

Sveta went for a walk, put on a hat, coat and walked with her legs - top-top. And there the dog barks: “Ah-ah!”. Don't be afraid, Sveta, the dog doesn't bite!

Who went for a walk? Whom did she meet?

Cat feeding. Author - K.L. Pechora

The cat came home, meows: "Meow-meow." Wants to eat. Mom poured milk for the cat and said: “Here, kitty, drink milk!”. And the cat drank the milk.

Who did I tell you about?

What was the cat doing?

What did her mother give her?

Stories for children from 2 years to 2 years 6 months without showing

Tanechka will sleep. Author - K.L. Pechora

The girl Tanechka is tired. Played all day. Mom said: Let's go bye. I'll put you on the bed. I'll sing a song." Tanya does not want to sleep Ai-yay-yay! All the kids are already asleep. Tanya lay down on the bed. She closed her eyes, and her mother sang a song to her: “Bayu-bayu-bayu. I'm rocking the tank." Hush, guys. Tanechka is sleeping.

You can repeat the story twice. Questions to the child to test understanding of speech:
- Who am I talking about?
- What did Tanechka's mother sing?
- Tanechka doesn't want to sleep? Ah ah ah.
- Where did mom put Tanya?
- Tanechka fell asleep?

Ball. The author of the story is L.S. Slavina

Once upon a time there was a boy named Petya. He had a dog named Sharik. Once Petya called Sharik: "Sharik, Sharik, come here, I brought you meat." But Sharik is not. Petya began to look for him. There is no Sharik anywhere: neither in the garden nor in the room. And Sharik hid under the bed, and no one saw him there.

Doll bed. The author of the story is L.S. Slavina

Once upon a time there was a girl Galya, she had a doll Katya. Galya played with the doll and put her to bed to sleep. Suddenly the bed broke. There is no place for the Katya doll to sleep. The girl Galya took a hammer and nails and fixed the crib herself. The doll has a bed now.

Tanya and brother The author of the story is L.S. Slavina

Once upon a time there was a girl Tanya. She had a little brother, a little boy. The mother gave the children to eat, and she left. Tanya ate and began to play, but the little brother could not eat on his own, he began to cry. Then Tanya took a spoon and fed her brother, and then they started playing together.

Ship. The author of the story is L.S. Slavina

Once upon a time there was a girl Natasha. Dad bought her a boat in the store. Natasha took a large basin, poured water and let the boat float, and put a bunny in the boat. Suddenly the boat capsized and the bunny fell into the water. Natasha pulled the bunny out of the water, wiped it off and put it to sleep.

Assistants. The author of the story is N. Kalinina

Sasha and Alyosha helped set the table. Everyone sat down to dinner. The soup was poured, but there was nothing to eat. Here are the helpers! The table was set, but the spoons were not laid.

Cube to cube. The author of the story is Y. Taits

Masha puts a cube on a cube, a cube on a cube, a cube on a cube. Built a tall tower. Misha came running
- Give me a tower!
- I'm not giving it!
- Give me a cube!
- Take one cube!
Misha held out his hand - and grab the lowest cube. And instantly - bang-tara-rah! - the whole Machine Tower is raz-va-li-las!

River. The author of the story is Y. Taits

Our Masha does not like porridge, she screams: “I don’t want to! I do not want!" Mom took a spoon, spent it over porridge, and it turned out to be a path. Mom took the milkman, poured milk, it turned out a river.
- Come on, Masha, drink the river, have a snack on the shore.
I drank the whole river, ate all the banks, one plate remained.

Stories without showing for children from 2 years 6 months to 2 years 11 months.

About a girl Katya and a little kitten.

The author of the story is V.V. Gerbova

“Katya went out for a walk. She went to the sandbox and began to make cakes. She baked a lot of cookies. Tired. She decided to rest and sat down on a bench. Suddenly he hears: meow. The kitten meows: so thinly, plaintively. “Kiss-kiss-kiss,” Katya called. And a little black fluffy lump crawled out from under the bench. Katya took the kitten in her arms, and he purred: murry-murr, murry-murr. Sang and sang and fell asleep. And Katya sits quietly, does not want to wake the kitten.
- I'm looking for you, I'm looking for you! - said the grandmother, going up to Katya. - Why are you quiet?
- Ts-ts-ts, - Katya put her finger to her lips and pointed to the sleeping kitten.
Then Katya and her grandmother went around all the neighbors to find out if someone had lost a small black kitten that can purr loudly. But the kitten turned out to be a draw. And grandma let Katya take him home.”

Tricky shoes

Olenka has very tricky shoes. Only Olya gapes ... they - once! .. and put on the wrong leg.
Once Olya looked at her shoes for a long time and sternly, brought them up. She looked and looked and suddenly noticed that the shoe had only one cheek.
If you put the shoes cheek to cheek, they will definitely put on the wrong foot. Miracles and more!
And if the shoes have cheeks on different sides, the shoes will be put on correctly. You can check.
And Olenka's shoes are cunning, but she outwitted them. Mom bought Olenka shoes with straps. Olya put them so that the straps were side by side. And ... dac! ... for the straps with both hands at once!
Olenka spread her arms to the sides and quietly put her shoes on the floor.
And the left shoe was immediately put on the left leg.
And the right shoe was put on the right leg.
That's all the tricks!
The main thing is that the straps are side by side!

I don't want to be offended.

Today the big red brick decided to leave us.
“I want,” he said, “to be part of a big machine or a ship. Part of a train or plane.
And I don’t want the children to offend me: they threw me on the floor, kicked me with their feet, like some kind of ball. I don't like being thrown and kicked.
I met a large red brick near the front door. If you don't believe me, see for yourself...

Children are sledding. Author - K.L. Pechora

I'll tell you something now. About the girl Lena, the boy Vanya and their grandmother. Grandmother told her grandchildren: "And now we'll go for a walk." Lena and Vanya were delighted and ran into the corridor to get dressed. Grandmother helped them put on a hat, warm boots, a fur coat and mittens. It's cold outside! The children took the sled, got into the elevator with their grandmother and went outside. The sun is in the yard. Snow white - white! Vanya and grandmother put Lena on a sled and took her for a ride. Then Lena and Vanya went sledding down the hill. Wow, how the sled rolled - quickly - quickly! How nice and fun! Grandmother said: "Well done, and did not fall." - "Grandma, can I still ride down the hill?" - “You can, just hold on!”. And they still rolled down the hill.

Check your understanding of the story by asking:
Where did Lena and Vanya go?
- With whom did the children go for a walk?
What did they take with them?
- What did they do on the street?
What did grandma tell them?

One of the favorite books of the little ones is stories in pictures. Below I will give the texts of several classic stories for kids in pictures.

Children's books with stories and fairy tales in pictures

Story in pictures. K.I. Chukovsky Chicken

“There was a chicken in the world. He was small - like this!
But he thought that he was very big, and he lifted his head up importantly - like that!
And he had a mother. Mom loved him very much. Mom was like this!
Mom fed him worms. And there were these worms - just like that!
Once a black cat ran into my mother and drove her out of the yard. And the cat was - here it is!
The chicken was left alone at the fence. Suddenly he sees: a beautiful big rooster flew up on the fence, stretched out his neck - like that! - and shouted at the top of his lungs:
— Ku-ka-re-ku! – and importantly looked around. - Am I not a daring fellow, am I not a good fellow!
The chicken liked it very much. He craned his neck too—that's it! - and that was the strength squeaked:
— Pi-pi-pi-pi! I am also a nerd! I'm a good guy too!
But he stumbled and flopped into a puddle - like that! A frog was sitting in a puddle. She saw him and laughed.
— Ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha! You are far from a rooster!
And there was a frog - like this!
Then the mother ran up to the chicken. She took pity on him and caressed him - like that!

Stories in pictures for the little ones E. Charushina

Hen. E. Charushin

A hen with chickens walked around the yard. Suddenly it began to rain. The hen quickly sat down on the ground, spread all her feathers and clucked: “Kvoh-quoh-quoh-quoh!” - it means: hide quickly. And all the chickens climbed under her wings, buried themselves in her warm feathers. Who at all
hid, in whom only the legs are visible, in whom the head sticks out, and in whom only the eye peeps out.
And the two chickens did not listen to their mother and did not hide. They stand, squeak and wonder: what is this dripping on their heads?

Dog. E. Charushin

Sharik has a thick, warm fur coat - he runs all winter through the frost. And his house without a stove is just a doghouse, and there straw is laid, but he is not cold. Sharik barks, guards the good, does not let evil people and thieves into the yard - for this everyone loves him and feeds him well.

Cat. E. Charushin

This cat is Maruska. She caught a mouse in a closet, for which her mistress fed her with milk. Maruska is sitting on the mat, full and contented. She sings songs - purrs, and her kitten is small - he is not interested in purring. He plays with himself - he catches himself by the tail, snorts at everyone, puffs up, bristles.

Ram. E. Charushin

Wow, what a cool-horned and soft! This is a good sheep, not a simple one. This ram has thick wool, thin hair - thin; it is good to knit mittens from his wool, jerseys, stockings, socks, all clothes can be woven and felt boots. And everything will be warm - warm.

Goat. E. Charushin

A goat is walking down the street, hurrying home. At home, her mistress will feed and drink. And if the mistress hesitates, the goat will steal something for herself. In the hallway he will devour a broom, in the kitchen he will grab bread, in the garden he will eat seedlings, in the garden he will tear off the bark from an apple tree. What a thieving, mischievous! And goat's milk is delicious, perhaps even tastier than cow's.

Pig. E. Charushin

Here is Khavronya - a beauty - all smeared - smeared, rolled in the mud, bathed in a puddle, all sides and snout with a snout in the mud.
- Go, Khavronyushka, rinse yourself in the river, wash off the dirt. And then run to the pigsty, they will wash you there and clean you, you will be as clean as a cucumber.
“Oink-oink,” he says.
“I don’t want to,” he says.
- I feel better here!

Turkey. E. Charushin

A turkey walks around the yard, puffed up like a balloon, and is angry with everyone. It furrows its wings on the ground and its tail is widely unfolded. And the guys walked by and let's tease him:
Hey Indian, Indian, show yourself!
India, walk around the yard!
He pouted even more and how he mutters:
What a chatterer-mumbler!

Duck. E. Charushin

The duck dives in the pond, bathes, touches its feathers with its beak. The feather is laid to the feather so that they lie flat. It will be smoothed, cleaned, it will look into the water, as in a mirror - that's how good it is! And screams:
— Quack-quack-quack!

Bear. E. Charushin

A bear is sitting - a sweet tooth, eating raspberries.
Champs, purrs, smacks his lips. Not one berry plucks, but the whole bush sucks - only bare twigs remain.
Well, you are greedy, bear! Well, gluttonous!
Look, eat up - your stomach will hurt!

A few more fairy tales and short stories for the little ones from classic children's literature.

How a pig learned to speak. L. Panteleev

Once I saw a very young girl teaching a pig
talk. She got a very smart and obedient pig, but for some reason
He didn't want to talk like a human being. And the girl, no matter how hard she tried -
nothing came out of her.
She told him, I remember, says:
- Piglet, say: "mother"!
And he answered her:
- Oink-oink.
She told him:
- Piglet, say: "daddy"!
And he told her:
- Oink-oink!
She is:
Say "tree"!
And he:
- Oink-oink.
- Say "flower"!
And he:
- Oink-oink.
- Say hello!
And he:
- Oink-oink.
- Say goodbye!
And he:
- Oink-oink.
I looked, looked, listened, listened, I felt sorry for both the pig and
girl. I say:
“You know what, my dear, you should still tell him something simpler.
to tell. And then he is still small, it is difficult for him to pronounce such words.
She says:
- And what is faster? What word?
- Well, ask him, for example, to say: "oink-oink."
The girl thought a little and said:
- Piglet, please say: "oink-oink"!
The pig looked at her and said:
- Oink-oink!
The girl was surprised, delighted, clapped her hands.
- Well, - he says, - finally! Learned!

Chicken and duckling. V. Suteev

Hatched from a Duckling egg.
- I hatched! - he said.
"Me too," said the Chicken.

“I want to be friends with you,” said the Duckling.
"Me too," said the Chicken.

“I’m going for a walk,” said the Duckling.
"Me too," said the Chicken.

“I am digging a hole,” said the Duckling.
"Me too," said the Chicken.

“I found a worm,” said the Duckling.
"Me too," said the Chicken.

“I caught a butterfly,” said the Duckling.
"Me too," said the Chicken.

“I am not afraid of the frog,” said the Duckling.
“I… too…” whispered the Chicken.

“I want to swim,” said the Duckling.
"Me too," said the Chicken.

“I swim,” said the Duckling.
- Me too! shouted the Chicken.

- Save! ..
— Hold on! - shouted the Duckling.
“Bul-bul-bul…” said the Chicken.

Pulled out the Duckling Chicken.

“I’m going to swim again,” said the Duckling.
“I don’t,” said the Chicken.

Donald Bisset. Ga-ha-ha (from 2 years old)

There lived a gosling named William. But his mother always called him Willie.
- It's time to go for a walk, Willy! Mom told him. - Call the others, ha-ha-ha!
Willy was very fond of gagging, calling everyone for a walk.
- Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha! - and he sang all the way.
Once on a walk he met a kitten. Cute black kitten with white front paws. Willy liked him very much.
- Ha-ha-ha! he said to the kitten. - Ha-ha-ha!
- Meow! - answered the kitten.
Willy was surprised. What does "meow" mean? He always thought that cats, like geese, said "ha-ha-ha!"

He went on. I nibbled on the grass along the way. The day was wonderful. The sun was shining and the birds were singing.
- Ha-ha-ha! Willy sang.
- WOF WOF! - answered the dog running along the road.
- Wow! - said the horse.
- N-but! shouted the milkman to his horse.

Poor Willie didn't understand a word. A farmer passed by and called to Willy:
- Hi, gosling!
- Ha-ha-ha! Willie answered.

Then the children ran. One boy ran up to Willy and shouted:
- Kush!
Willie was upset. He even had a dry throat.
- I know I'm just a gosling. But why shout “shoo” to me?

In the pond, he saw a goldfish, but for all his “ha-ha-ha” the fish only wagged its tail and did not say a word.
Willy went further and met a herd of cows.
- Mu-u-u! - said the cows. - Mu-u-u-u-u-u!

“Well, at least someone would say “ha-ha-ha” to me,” thought Willy. - No one to even talk to. That's boredom!"
- Zhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzh! buzzed the bee.
Pigeons cooed, ducks quacked, and ravens croaked from the tops of the trees. And no one, no one said “ha-ha-ha” to him!

Poor Willy even began to cry, and tears dripped from his beak onto his pretty red paws.
- Ha-ha-ha! cried Willy.
And suddenly, from afar, a native “ha-ha-ha” was heard.
And then a car appeared on the road.
- Ha-ha-ha! the car said. All English cars say 'ha-ha-ha', not 'b-b-b'.
- Ha-ha-ha! Willy rejoiced.
- Ha-ha-ha! - said the car and drove past.
Willie couldn't take his eyes off the car. He felt like the happiest gosling in the world.
- Ha-ha-ha! - repeated the car and disappeared around the corner.
- Ha-ha-ha! Willie called after him.

Cheslav Yancharsky. Mishka's Adventures - Ushastika (stories for children from 2 years old and older)

Here are some examples from this wonderful children's book for kids.

In the shop

It was in a toy store. Teddy bears sat and stood on the shelves.
Among them, one bear howled, which had been sitting in its corner for a long time.
Other bears have already got to the guys and went out into the street with a smile. And no one paid attention to this bear, maybe because he was sitting in a corner.

Every day the bear became more and more upset: he had no one to play with. And one ear drooped from grief.
“It doesn’t matter,” the bear consoled himself. - If a fairy tale flies into one ear now, it will not fly out of the other ear. The drooping ear will not let you in.

One day the bear found a red umbrella on his shelf. He grabbed it in his paws, opened it and bravely jumped down. And then he quietly made his way out of the store. At first he was frightened, there were too many people on his face. But when he met two guys, Zosia and Jacek, his fear passed. The guys smiled at the bear. What a smile it was!
- Who are you looking for, little bear? the guys asked.
- I'm looking for guys.
- Go with us.
- Went! - the bear was delighted.
And they walked together.


There was a courtyard in front of the house where Jacek and Zosia lived. The main dog in this courtyard was Kruchek. And then there still lived a red-haired Cockerel.
When the bear went out for the first time into the yard for a walk, Kruchek immediately jumped up to him. And then came the Cockerel.
- Hello! - said the little bear.
- Hello! they said to him in reply. - We saw how you came with Jacek and Zosia. Why are your ears drooping? Listen, what's your name?
The bear told what happened with the ear. And he was very upset. Because he didn't have a name.
"Don't worry," Kruchek told him. - And then the other ear will droop. We will call you Ushastik. Mishka Ushastik. I agree?
Mishka liked the name very much. He clapped his paws and said:
- Now I'm Mishka Ushastik!

Mishka, Mishka, meet, this is our Bunny.
The bunny nibbled on the grass.
But Mishka saw only two long ears. And then a muzzle that moved funny. The bunny was frightened by Mishka, jumped and disappeared behind the fence.
But then he felt ashamed and returned.
- In vain you are afraid, Bunny, - Kruchek told him. - Meet our new friend. His name is Mishka Ushastik.
Ushastik looked at the long fluffy ears of the Bunny and sighed, thinking about his drooping ear.

Suddenly the Bunny said:

Bear, what a beautiful ear you have ...

I am growing too

It was raining at night.
- Look. Ushastik, - said Zosya, - everything grew up after the rain. Radishes in the garden, grass, and weeds too ...
Ushastik looked at the grass, wondered, shook his head. And then he began to tumble in the grass. I didn’t even notice how a cloud ran up and covered the sun. It began to rain, Mishka came to his senses and hurried to the house.
And then he suddenly thought: “If it’s raining, then everything will grow up again. I'll stay in the yard. I will grow up and be the size of a big forest bear.”
And so it remained, standing in the middle of the yard.
“Kwa-kva-kva,” was heard nearby.
“This is a frog,” Ushastik guessed, “it’s true, he also wants to grow up.”
The May rain is short.

The sun shone again, the birds chirped, and silver drops sparkled on the leaves.
Bear Ushastik stood on tiptoe and shouted:
- Zosya, Zosya, I grew up!
“Kwa-kva-kva, ha-ha-ha,” said the frog. - Well, you're funny, Mishka. You haven't grown at all, you're just wet.

Stories for the little ones very different, but they are all kind, cheerful, filled with love for children and life, and interesting. I wish you pleasant moments of communication with amazing children's writers and artists, new discoveries and achievement of new steps in the development of your kids :).

I want to finish the article with Lev Tokmakov's statement about how to distinguish a real children's book from other books:

“In a real children's book created by a great master, there is always something that decisively raises it above everyday life, pulls it out of the obligatory series of accompanying early childhood items. Diapers, applesauce, a tricycle - everything is gradually leaving, never to return. And Only a children's book is given to a person for life.

You can read more about educational games and activities for the little ones:

What are the pyramids, how to choose them, how to teach a child to assemble a toy, 15 ideas for classes.

Poems for waking up, feeding, dressing, playing, putting to bed, bathing.

A child who has learned to put sounds into syllables, syllables into words, and words into sentences needs to improve his reading skill through systematic training. But reading is a rather laborious and monotonous activity, and many children lose interest in it. Therefore we offer small texts words are divided into syllables.

First read the story to your child, and if it is long, you can read its beginning. This will interest the child. Then invite him to read the text. After each work, questions are given that help the child to understand what they have read and comprehend the basic information that they have learned from the text. After discussing the text, suggest reading it again.

Smart Bo-beak

So-nya and co-ba-ka Bo-beak gu-la-li.
So-nya played-ra-la with a doll.
Therefore, So-nya be-be-zha-la to-my, and the doll for-would-la.
Bo-bik found a doll-lu and brought it to So-ne.
B. Korsunskaya

Answer the questions.
1. Who did Sonya walk with?
2. Where did Sonya leave her doll?
3. Who brought the doll home?

The bird made a nest on a bush. De-ti our nest-up and took off on the ground.
- Look, Vasya, three birds!
In the morning, de-ti came, and the nest-before it was empty. It would be a pity.

Answer the questions.
1. What did the children do with the nest?
2. Why was the nest empty the next morning?
3. Did the children do well? How would you do?
4. Do you think this work is a fairy tale, a story or a poem?

Pet-ti and Mi-shi had a horse. They began to argue: whose horse. Did they tear each other apart.
- Give me - my horse.
- No, you give me - the horse is not yours, but mine.
Mother came, took a horse, and nobody's horse became.

Answer the questions.
1. Why did Petya and Misha quarrel?
2. What did mom do?
3. Did the children play horse well? Why are you so

It is advisable to use the example of these works to show children the genre features of poems, stories and fairy tales.

Genre oral fiction, which contains events unusual in the everyday sense (fantastic, wonderful or worldly) and is distinguished by a special compositional and stylistic construction. In fairy tales there are fairy-tale characters, talking animals, unprecedented miracles happen.

Poem- a small piece of poetry in verse. The verses are read smoothly and musically, they have rhythm, meter and rhyme.

Story- small literary form; a narrative work of small volume with a small number of characters and the short duration of the events depicted. The story describes a case from life, some bright event that really happened or could happen.

In order not to discourage reading, do not force him to read texts that are uninteresting and inaccessible to his understanding. It happens that a child takes a book he knows and reads it “by heart”. Necessarily read to your child every day poems, fairy tales, stories.

Daily reading enhances emotionality, develops culture, horizons and intellect, helps to understand human experience.

Koldina D.N. I read on my own. - M.: TC Sphere, 2011. - 32 p. (Candy).

L. Tolstoy "Jump"

true story

One ship went around the world and returned home. The weather was calm, all the people were on deck. A big monkey was spinning among the people and amused everyone. This monkey writhed, jumped, made funny faces, mimicked people, and it was clear that she knew that she was being amused, and therefore dispersed even more.

She jumped up to the twelve-year-old boy, the son of the captain of the ship, tore off his hat from his head, put it on and quickly climbed up the mast. Everyone laughed, but the boy was left without a hat and did not know himself whether to laugh or cry.

The monkey sat down on the first rung of the mast, took off his hat and began to tear it with his teeth and paws. She seemed to be teasing the boy, pointing at him and making faces at him. The boy threatened her and shouted at her, but she tore her hat even more angrily. The sailors began to laugh louder, and the boy blushed, threw off his jacket and rushed to the mast after the monkey. In one minute he climbed the rope to the first rung; but the monkey was even more agile and faster than he, at the very moment when he thought to grab his hat, climbed even higher.

"Then you won't leave me!" the boy shouted and climbed higher.

The monkey again beckoned him, climbed even higher, but the boy was already disassembled by the enthusiasm, and he did not lag behind. So the monkey and the boy reached the very top in one minute. At the very top, the monkey stretched out to its full length and, catching the rope with its back hand, hung its hat on the edge of the last crossbar, and itself climbed to the top of the mast and from there writhed, showed teeth and rejoiced. From the mast to the end of the crossbar, where the hat hung, was two arshins, so that it was impossible to get it except to let go of the rope and the mast.

But the boy was very angry. He dropped the mast and stepped onto the crossbar. Everyone on deck looked and laughed at what the monkey and the captain's son were doing; but when they saw that he let go the rope and stepped on the crossbar, shaking his arms, everyone froze with fear.

He had only to stumble - and he would have been smashed to smithereens on the deck. Yes, even if he did not stumble, but reached the edge of the crossbar and took his hat, it would be difficult for him to turn around and walk back to the mast. Everyone silently looked at him and waited for what would happen.

Suddenly, some of the people gasped in fear. The boy came to his senses from this cry, looked down and staggered.

At this time, the captain of the ship, the boy's father, left the cabin. He carried a gun to shoot seagulls. He saw his son on the mast and immediately took aim at his son and shouted:

- In water! Jump in the water now! I'll shoot!

The boy staggered, but did not understand.

“Jump or I’ll shoot you!.. One, two…” And as soon as his father called out “three,” the boy swung his head down and jumped.

Like a cannonball, the boy's body slammed into the sea, and before the waves had time to close it, twenty young sailors jumped from the ship into the sea. Forty seconds later - they seemed like debts to everyone - the boy's body surfaced. They grabbed him and dragged him onto the ship. After a few minutes, water poured from his mouth and nose, and he began to breathe.

When the captain saw this, he suddenly screamed, as if something was choking him, and ran to his cabin so that no one would see him crying.

A. Kuprin "Elephant"

The little girl is unwell. Every day Dr. Mikhail Petrovich, whom she has known for a long time, visits her. And sometimes he brings with him two more doctors, strangers. They turn the girl over on her back and on her stomach, listen to something with her ear to her body, pull her eyelids down and look. At the same time, they somehow importantly snore, their faces are strict, and they speak among themselves in an incomprehensible language.

Then they move from the nursery to the living room, where their mother is waiting for them. The most important doctor - tall, gray-haired, in gold glasses - tells her about something seriously and for a long time. The door is not closed, and the girl from her bed can see and hear everything. She does not understand much, but she knows that it is about her. Mom looks at the doctor with big, tired, tear-stained eyes. Saying goodbye, the head doctor says loudly:

- The main thing is not to let her get bored. Fulfill all her whims.

“Ah, doctor, but she wants nothing!”

“Well, I don’t know… remember what she liked before, before her illness. Toys... some treats...

— No, no, doctor, she doesn't want anything...

“Well, try to entertain her somehow... Well, at least with something... I give you my word of honor that if you manage to make her laugh, to cheer her up, that will be the best medicine. Understand that your daughter is sick with indifference to life, and nothing else. Goodbye, ma'am!

“Dear Nadia, my dear girl,” says my mother, “do you want something?”

“No, Mom, I don’t want anything.

“Do you want me to put all your dolls on your bed?” We will supply an armchair, a sofa, a table and a tea set. The dolls will drink tea and talk about the weather and the health of their children.

- Thank you, mom ... I don’t feel like ... I’m bored ...

- All right, my girl, don't need dolls. Or maybe call Katya or Zhenechka to you? You love them so much.

- Don't, Mom. The truth is, you don't have to. I don't want anything, I don't want anything. I am so bored!

Do you want me to bring you some chocolate?

But the girl does not answer and looks at the ceiling with motionless, unhappy eyes. She has no pain and no fever. But she is getting thinner and weaker every day. Whatever they do to her, she doesn't care, and she doesn't need anything. So she lies for whole days and whole nights, quiet, sad. Sometimes she will doze off for half an hour, but even in her dream she sees something gray, long, boring, like an autumn rain.

When the door to the living room is opened from the nursery, and further from the living room to the study, the girl sees her father. Dad walks quickly from corner to corner and smokes everything, smokes. Sometimes he comes into the nursery, sits on the edge of the bed and softly strokes Nadia's legs. Then suddenly he gets up and goes to the window. He whistles something, looking out into the street, but his shoulders are shaking. Then he hurriedly puts the handkerchief to one eye, to the other, and, as if angry, goes to his office. Then he again runs from corner to corner and keeps smoking, smoking, smoking ... And the office becomes all blue from tobacco smoke.

But one morning the girl wakes up a little more cheerful than usual. She saw something in a dream, but she cannot remember what it was, and looks long and attentively into her mother's eyes.

- Do you need something? Mom asks.

But the girl suddenly remembers her dream and says in a whisper, as if in secret:

- Mom ... can I have ... an elephant? Just not the one shown in the picture ... Can I?

- Of course, my girl, of course, you can.

She goes to the office and tells her dad that the girl wants an elephant. Dad immediately puts on his coat and hat and leaves somewhere. Half an hour later he returns with an expensive beautiful toy. This is a big gray elephant who shakes his head and wags his tail; the elephant has a red saddle, and on the saddle is a golden tent, and three little men are sitting in it. But the girl looks at the toy as indifferently as she does at the ceiling and walls, and says languidly:

- Not. It's not like that at all. I wanted a real, live elephant, but this one is dead.

“Just look, Nadya,” says dad. “We’ll start him up now, and he will be very, very much alive.

The elephant is turned on with a key, and, shaking his head and waving his tail, he begins to step over his feet and slowly walks along the table. The girl is not at all interested and even bored, but in order not to upset her father, she whispers meekly:

“I thank you very, very much, dear papa. I don't think anyone has such an interesting toy... Just... remember... you promised to take me to the menagerie a long time ago, to see a real elephant... And you never took me.

“But listen, my dear girl, understand that this is impossible. The elephant is very big, it's up to the ceiling, it won't fit in our rooms... And besides, where can I get it?

- Dad, I don’t need such a big one ... Bring me at least a small one, only alive. Well, at least just about such a ... At least a baby elephant.

“Dear girl, I am glad to do everything for you, but I cannot do this. After all, it's the same as if you suddenly told me: dad, get me the sun from the sky.

The girl smiles sadly

“What a fool you are, dad. Don't I know that the sun can't be reached because it burns! And the moon is also impossible. No, I would like an elephant... a real one.

And she quietly closes her eyes and whispers:

— I'm tired... Excuse me, dad...

Dad grabs his hair and runs into the office. There he flickers from corner to corner for a while. Then he resolutely throws a half-smoked cigarette on the floor (for which he always gets it from his mother) and shouts to the maid:

- Olga! Coat and hat!

The wife comes into the front.

Where are you, Sasha? she asks.

He breathes heavily as he buttons up his coat.

“I myself, Mashenka, don’t know where... Only it seems that by tonight I will actually bring here, to us, a real elephant.”

His wife looks at him worriedly.

"Darling, are you well?" Do you have a headache? Maybe you didn't sleep well today?

“I didn’t sleep at all,” he replies angrily. I see you want to ask if I'm crazy? Not yet. Goodbye! Everything will be visible in the evening.

And he disappears, slamming the front door loudly.

Two hours later, he sits in the menagerie, in the front row, and watches how the learned animals, on the orders of the owner, make different things. Clever dogs jump, somersault, dance, sing to music, put words from large cardboard letters. Monkeys - some in red skirts, others in blue pants - walk on a tightrope and ride a big poodle. Huge red lions gallop through burning hoops. A clumsy seal fires a pistol. Finally, the elephants are brought out. There are three of them: one large, two very small, dwarfs, but still much larger than a horse. It is strange to watch how these huge animals, seemingly so clumsy and heavy, perform the most difficult tricks that even a very dexterous person cannot do. Particularly different is the big elephant. He first stands on his hind legs, sits down, stands on his head, legs up, walks on wooden bottles, walks on a rolling barrel, turns the pages of a large cardboard book with his trunk, and finally sits down at the table and, tied with a napkin, dines, just like a well-bred boy.

The show ends. The spectators disperse. Nadia's father approaches the fat German, the owner of the menagerie. The owner stands behind a wooden partition and holds a large black cigar in his mouth.

“Excuse me, please,” Nadya’s father says. - Can you let your elephant go to my house for a while?

The German opens his eyes and even his mouth wide in surprise, causing the cigar to fall to the ground. Groaning, he bends over, picks up the cigar, puts it back in his mouth, and only then says:

— Let go? Elephant? Home? I do not understand.

It can be seen from the German’s eyes that he also wants to ask if Nadya’s father has a headache... But the father hastily explains what’s the matter: his only daughter Nadya is sick with some strange disease, which even the doctors don’t understand properly. She has been lying in bed for a month now, she is losing weight, weakening every day, she is not interested in anything, she is bored and slowly goes out. Doctors tell her to entertain, but she doesn't like anything; they tell her to fulfill all her desires, but she has no desires. Today she wanted to see a live elephant. Is it really impossible to do this?

- Well, here ... Of course, I hope that my girl will recover. But ... but ... what if her illness ends badly ... what if the girl dies? .. Just think: after all, the thought will torment me all my life that I did not fulfill her last, very last desire! ..

The German frowns and scratches his little finger in thought left eyebrow. Finally he asks:

— Hm... And how old is your girl?

— Um... My Lisa is also six... But, you know, it will cost you dearly. You will have to bring the elephant at night and only take it back the next night. During the day you can't. The public will gather, and there will be one scandal ... Thus, it turns out that I lose the whole day, and you must return the loss to me.

“Oh, of course, of course… don’t worry about it…”

- Then: will the police allow one elephant to enter one house?

- I'll arrange it. Allow.

- Another question: will the owner of your house allow one elephant to enter his house?

- Let me. I am the owner of this house.

— Aha! This is even better. And then another question: which floor do you live on?

— In the second.

— Hm... That's not so good... Do you have a wide staircase in your house, a high ceiling, a large room, wide doors and a very strong floor? Because my Tommy is three arshins and four inches high and five and a half arshins long. In addition, it weighs one hundred and twelve pounds.

Nadia's father thinks for a minute.

— Do you know what? he says. “Let’s go to my place now and look at everything on the spot. If necessary, I will order to expand the passage in the walls.

- Very well! - agrees the owner of the menagerie.

At night, the elephant is taken to visit a sick girl.

In a white blanket, he strides importantly along the very middle of the street, shaking his head and twisting and then developing his trunk. Around him, despite the late hour, a large crowd. But the elephant pays no attention to her: every day he sees hundreds of people in the menagerie. Only once did he get a little angry.

Some street boy ran up to his very feet and began to grimace for the amusement of onlookers.

Then the elephant calmly took off his hat with his trunk and threw it over the neighboring fence, studded with nails.

The policeman walks among the crowd and persuades her:

“Gentlemen, please leave. And what do you find so unusual here? I'm surprised! It's like they've never seen a live elephant on the street.

They approach the house. On the stairs, as well as all the way of the elephant, up to the dining room, all the doors were thrown wide open, for which it was necessary to beat off the door locks with a hammer.

But in front of the stairs, the elephant stops in anxiety and becomes stubborn.

“We must give him some kind of treat ...” says the German. "Some sweet bun or something... But... Tommy!" Wow... Tommy!

Nadine's father runs to a nearby bakery and buys a big round pistachio cake. The elephant shows a desire to swallow it whole, along with the cardboard box, but the German gives him only a quarter. The cake is to Tommy's taste, and he holds out his trunk for a second slice. However, the German turns out to be more cunning. Holding a delicacy in his hand, he climbs up from step to step, and the elephant with an outstretched trunk, with splayed ears, involuntarily follows him. On the court, Tommy gets the second piece.

In this way, he is led into the dining room, from where all the furniture has been taken out in advance, and the floor is thickly covered with straw ... The elephant is tied by the leg to a ring screwed into the floor. Put before him fresh carrots, cabbage and turnips. The German is located nearby, on the couch. The lights go out and everyone goes to bed.

The next day, the girl wakes up a little before light and first of all asks:

- What about an elephant? He came?

“Come,” Mom says. - But only he ordered that Nadia first wash herself, and then eat a soft-boiled egg and drink hot milk.

- Is he kind?

- He is kind. Eat, girl. Now we will go to him.

- Is he funny?

— A little. Put on a warm jacket.

The egg is quickly eaten, the milk is drunk. They put Nadya in the same stroller in which she rode when she was still so small that she could not walk at all, and they are taken to the dining room.

The elephant turns out to be much larger than Nadia thought when she looked at it in the picture. He is only a little shorter than the door, and occupies half the dining room in length. The skin on it is rough, in heavy folds. The legs are thick as pillars. A long tail with something like a broom at the end. Head in big cones. The ears are large, like mugs, and hang down. The eyes are quite tiny, but smart and kind. Fangs are cut off. The trunk is like a long snake and ends in two nostrils, and between them is a movable, flexible finger. If an elephant extended its trunk to its full length, it would probably reach the window with it.

The girl is not scared at all. She is only a little struck by the enormous size of the animal. But the nanny, sixteen-year-old Polya, begins to squeal with fear.

The owner of the elephant, a German, comes up to the carriage and says:

Good morning, young lady! Please don't be afraid. Tommy is very kind and loves children.

The girl holds out her small, pale hand to the German.

- Hello. How are you? she answers. “I'm not at all afraid. And what is his name?

“Hi, Tommy,” the girl says, bowing her head. Because the elephant is so big, she does not dare to say “you” to him. - How did you sleep that night?

She holds out her hand to him. The elephant carefully takes and shakes her thin fingers with his movable strong finger and does it much more gently than Dr. Mikhail Petrovich. At the same time, the elephant shakes its head, and its small eyes are completely narrowed, as if laughing.

Does he understand everything? the German girl asks.

- Oh, absolutely everything, young lady!

But he doesn't speak?

Yes, but he doesn't speak. You know, I also have one daughter, just as small as you. Her name is Liza. Tommy is a big, very big buddy with her.

“Have you had your tea yet, Tommy?” the girl asks.

The elephant again extends its trunk and blows warm strong breath into the very face of the girl, which is why the light hair on the girl's head scatters in all directions.

Nadia laughs and claps her hands. The German laughs hard. He himself is as big, fat and good-natured as an elephant, and it seems to Nadia that they both look alike. Maybe they are related?

— No, he didn't drink tea, young lady. But he enjoys drinking sugar water. He also loves buns.

They bring a tray of rolls. The girl feeds the elephant. He deftly grabs the roll with his finger and, bending his trunk into a ring, hides it somewhere down under his head, where his funny, triangular, furry lower lip moves. You can hear the bun rustling against dry skin. Tommy does the same with the other roll, and the third, and the fourth, and the fifth, and nods his head in gratitude, and his little eyes narrow even more with pleasure. And the girl laughs happily.

When all the rolls are eaten, Nadia introduces the elephant to her dolls:

“Look, Tommy, this fancy doll is Sonya. She is a very kind child, but a little capricious and does not want to eat soup. And this is Natasha, Sonya's daughter. She is already starting to learn and knows almost all the letters. And this is Matryoshka. This is my very first doll. You see, she has no nose, and her head is glued on, and there is no more hair. But still, you can’t kick the old woman out of the house. Really, Tommy? She used to be Sonya's mother, and now she serves as our cook. Well, let's play, Tommy: you will be a dad, and I will be a mom, and these will be our children.

Tommy agrees. He laughs, takes Matryoshka by the neck and drags it into his mouth. But this is just a joke. Having lightly chewed the doll, he again puts it on the girl's knees, though a little wet and rumpled.

Then Nadia shows him a large book with pictures and explains:

- This is a horse, this is a canary, this is a gun ... Here is a cage with a bird, here is a bucket, a mirror, a stove, a shovel, a crow ... And this, look, this is an elephant! Doesn't it really look like it? Are elephants really that small, Tommy?

Tommy finds that there are never such little elephants in the world. In general, he does not like this picture. He grabs the edge of the page with his finger and turns it over.

The hour of dinner comes, but the girl cannot be torn away from the elephant. The German comes to the rescue

“Let me arrange it all. They will have lunch together.

He orders the elephant to sit down. The elephant obediently sits down, which causes the floor in the whole apartment to shake, the dishes in the closet rattle, and plaster falls from the ceiling of the lower tenants. A girl sits in front of him. A table is placed between them. The tablecloth is tied around the elephant's neck, and the new friends begin to dine. The girl is eating chicken soup and a cutlet, and the elephant is eating various vegetables and a salad. The girl is given a tiny glass of sherry, and the elephant is warm water with a glass of rum, and he happily pulls this drink out of the bowl with his trunk. Then they get a sweet: the girl gets a cup of cocoa, and the elephant gets half a cake, this time hazelnut. The German at this time is sitting with dad in the living room and with the same pleasure as the elephant, he drinks beer, only in larger quantities.

After dinner some of my father's acquaintances come; they are still warned about the elephant in the hall, so that they are not afraid. At first they do not believe, and then, seeing Tommy, they press close to the door.

Don't be afraid, he's kind! The girl reassures them.

But the acquaintances hurriedly leave for the living room and, without spending even five minutes, leave.

Evening comes. Late. It's time for the girl to sleep. However, it cannot be pulled away from the elephant. She falls asleep next to him, and she, already sleepy, is taken to the nursery. She doesn't even hear her being undressed.

That night, Nadia sees in a dream that she has married Tommy and they have many children, little cheerful elephants. The elephant, which was taken to the menagerie at night, also sees in a dream a sweet, affectionate girl. In addition, he dreams of large cakes, walnut and pistachio, the size of a gate ...

In the morning the girl wakes up cheerful, fresh, and, as in the old days, when she was still healthy, she shouts to the whole house, loudly and impatiently:

- Mo-loch-ka!

Hearing this cry, mother joyfully hurries.

But the girl immediately remembers yesterday and asks:

- And the elephant?

They explain to her that the elephant has gone home on business, that he has children who cannot be left alone, that he asked to bow to Nadia and that he is waiting for her to visit him when she is healthy.

The girl smiles slyly and says:

"Tell Tommy I'm all right now!"

B. Zhitkov "How I caught little men"

When I was little, I was taken to live with my grandmother. My grandmother had a shelf above the table. And on the shelf is a steamboat. I have never seen such a thing. He was quite real, only small. He had a trumpet: yellow and on it were two black belts. And two masts. And from the masts, rope ladders went to the sides. At the stern stood a booth, like a house. Polished, with windows and a door. And quite aft - a copper steering wheel. Below the stern is the steering wheel. And the screw in front of the steering wheel shone like a copper rosette. There are two anchors on the bow. Ah, how wonderful! If only I had one!

I immediately asked my grandmother to play with a steamboat. My grandmother allowed me everything. And then suddenly she frowned:

- Don't ask for that. Not only to play - do not dare to touch. Never! This is a treasured memory for me.

I saw that even crying would not help.

And the steamboat stood importantly on a shelf on lacquered stands. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

And grandma:

"Give me your word of honor that you won't touch it." And then I'd better hide from sin.

And went to the shelf.

“Honest, honest, grandma!” - and grabbed the grandmother by the skirt.

Grandma didn't take the steamer away.

I kept looking at the steamboat. I climbed into a chair to see better. And more and more he seemed real to me. And by all means, the door in the booth should open. And maybe people live in it. Small, just the size of a steamboat. It turned out that they should be just below the match. I waited to see if any of them would look out the window. They're probably watching. And when no one is at home, they go out on deck. They probably climb the ladders on the masts.

And a little noise - like mice: yurk into the cabin. Down - and hide. I looked for a long time when I was alone in the room. Nobody looked out. I hid behind the door and looked through the crack. And they are cunning, damned little men, they know that I am peeping. Aha! They work at night when no one can frighten them away. Tricky.

I began to quickly swallow tea. And asked to sleep.

Grandma says:

- What is it? You can’t force yourself into bed, but here you are asking to sleep at such an early hour.

And so, when they had settled down, the grandmother turned off the light. And you can't see the boat. I tossed and turned on purpose, so that the bed creaked.

- Why are you all tossing and turning?

- And I'm afraid to sleep without light. There is always a night light at home. - I lied: at night it is dark tightly at home.

Grandmother cursed, but got up. I poked around for a long time and arranged a night light. He burned badly. But you could still see how the steamboat gleamed on the shelf.

I covered my head with a blanket, made myself a house and a small hole. And from the hole he looked without moving. Soon I looked so closely that everything on the steamboat became perfectly visible to me. I looked for a long time. The room was completely quiet. Only the clock was ticking. Suddenly, something rustled softly. I was alert - this rustle on the steamer. And just like that, the door opened. My breath hitched. I moved forward a little. The damn bed creaked. I scared the man!

Now there was nothing to look forward to, and I fell asleep. I fell asleep with grief.

The next day, here's what I came up with. The humans must be eating something. If you give them candy, it's a whole load for them. It is necessary to break off a piece of candy and put it on the steamer, near the booth. Right next to the doors. But such a piece, so as not to immediately crawl into their doors. Here they will open the doors at night, look out through the crack. Wow! Candy! For them, it's like a box. Now they will jump out, rather drag the confectionery to themselves. They are at the door, but she does not climb! Now they run away, bring hatchets - small, small, but quite real - and they will start baling with these hatchets: bale-bale! bale bale! And quickly swipe the confectionery through the door. They are cunning, they just want everything to be nimble. Not to be caught. Here they are imported with confectionery. Here, even if I creak, they still won’t be in time: the confetti will get stuck in the door - neither here nor there. Let them run away, but it will still be visible how they dragged confectionery. Or maybe someone will miss the hatchet out of fright. Where will they pick up! And I will find a tiny real hatchet on the deck of the steamboat, sharp, very sharp.

And so, secretly from my grandmother, I chopped off a piece of candy, just what I wanted. I waited a minute while my grandmother was fiddling in the kitchen, kicking her feet twice on the table, and put the lollipop right next to the door on the steamboat. Theirs half a step from the door to the lollipop. He got down from the table, wiped with his sleeve what he had inherited with his feet. Grandma didn't notice.

During the day I surreptitiously glanced at the steamboat. My grandmother took me for a walk. I was afraid that during this time the little men would pull away the candy and I would not catch them. I deliberately sniffed on the road that I was cold, and we returned soon. The first thing I looked at was the steamboat! Lollipop as it was - in place. Well, yes! They are fools to undertake such a thing during the day!

At night, when my grandmother fell asleep, I settled myself in a house made of a blanket and began to look. This time the night-light burned wonderfully, and the lollipop shone like an icicle in the sun with a sharp flame. I looked, looked at this light and fell asleep, as luck would have it! The humans outsmarted me. I looked in the morning - there was no candy, but I got up before everyone else, in one shirt I ran to look. Then he looked from the chair - of course, there was no hatchet. But why did they have to give up: they worked slowly, without interference, and not even a crumb was lying around anywhere - they picked everything up.

Another time I put bread. I even heard some fuss at night. The damned night light barely smoked, I could not see anything. But in the morning there was no bread. Just a few crumbs left. Well, it’s understandable, they don’t particularly feel sorry for bread, not sweets: there every crumb is a lollipop for them.

I decided that they had shops on both sides of the steamboat. Full length. And they sit side by side during the day and whisper softly. About your business. And at night, when everyone is asleep, they have work here.

I thought about people all the time. I wanted to take a cloth, like a small rug, and put it near the door. Wet a cloth with ink. They will run out, they will not notice right away, their legs will get dirty and they will leave their legacy all over the steamer. At least I can see what kind of legs they have. Maybe some barefoot, to quieter steps. No, they are terribly cunning and will only laugh at all my things.

I couldn't take it anymore.

And so - I decided without fail to take a steamboat and see and catch little men. At least one. You just need to arrange so that you stay alone at home. My grandmother dragged me everywhere with her, to all the guests. All to some old women. Sit down and don't touch anything. You can only stroke the cat. And the grandmother whispers with them for half a day.

So I see - my grandmother is getting ready: she began to collect cookies in a box for these old women - to drink tea there. I ran into the hallway, got out my knitted mittens and rubbed my forehead and cheeks - my whole muzzle, in a word. No regrets. And quietly lay down on the bed.

Grandmother suddenly missed:

— Borya, Boryushka, where are you?

I remain silent and close my eyes.

Grandma to me:

- What are you laying down?

- My head hurts.

She touched her forehead.

- Look at me! Sit at home. I'll go back, I'll take raspberries at the pharmacy. I'll be back soon. I won't sit for long. And you undress and go to bed. Lie down, lie down without talking.

She began to help me, laid me down, covered me with a blanket and kept saying: "I'll be right back, in a living spirit."

Grandma locked me up. I waited five minutes: what if he comes back? Have you forgotten something there?

And then I jumped out of bed as I was, in a shirt. I jumped up on the table and took the steamboat from the shelf. I immediately realized with my hands that he was iron, very real. I pressed it to my ear and began to listen: are they moving? But, of course, they fell silent. They understood that I grabbed their steamer. Aha! Sit there on a bench and be silent like mice. I got down from the table and began to shake the steamer. They will shake themselves off, not sit on the benches, and I will hear how they hang out there.

But it was quiet inside.

I understood: they were sitting on the benches, their legs were tucked up and their hands clung to the seats with all their might. They sit like glued on.

Aha! So wait. I'll tuck in and raise the deck. And I will cover you all there. I began to get a table knife from the cupboard, but I did not take my eyes off the steamer, so that the little men would not jump out. I began to pick up the deck. Wow, it's all so tight. Finally managed to slip the knife a little. But the masts went up with the deck. And the masts were not allowed to rise these rope ladders that went from the masts to the sides. They had to be cut off - otherwise nothing. I stopped for a moment. Just for a moment. But now, with a hurried hand, he began to cut these ladders. Sawed them with a dull knife. Done, they are all hung, the masts are free. I began to raise the deck with a knife. I was afraid to immediately give a big gap. They will rush all at once and run away. I left a crack to climb through alone. He will climb, and I will clap him! - and slam it shut like a bug in the palm of your hand. I waited and kept my hand ready to grab.

Not one climbs! I then decided to immediately turn the deck away and slam it in the middle with my hand. At least one will fit. You just need to do it right away: they are probably already prepared there - you open it, and the little men squirt all to the sides.

I quickly opened the deck and slammed my hand inside. Nothing. Nothing at all! There weren't even benches. Bare sides. Like in a saucepan. I raised my hand. And at hand, of course, nothing. My hands were trembling as I put the deck back on. Everything became crooked. And no ladders can be attached. They chatted at random. Somehow I pushed the deck back into place and put the steamboat on the shelf. Now everything is gone!

I quickly threw myself into bed, wrapped myself up in my head.

I hear the key in the door.

- Grandmother! I whispered under the covers. - Grandmother, dear, dear, what have I done!

And my grandmother stood over me and stroked my head:

Why are you crying, why are you crying? You are my dear, Boryushka! See how soon I am?

She hasn't seen the steamboat yet.

M. Zoshchenko "Great Travelers"

When I was six years old, I didn't know that the Earth was spherical.

But Styopka, the master's son, with whose parents we lived in the dacha, explained to me what the Earth is. He said:

- The earth is a circle. And if everything goes straight, you can go around the whole Earth and still come to the very place where you came from.

And when I did not believe, Styopka hit me on the back of the head and said:

- I'd rather go on a trip around the world with your sister Lelya than I'll take you. I have no interest in traveling with fools.

But I wanted to travel, and I gave Styopka a penknife. Styopka liked my knife, and he agreed to take me on a trip around the world.

Styopka arranged a general meeting of travelers in the garden. And there he said to me and Lele:

“Tomorrow, when your parents leave for the city, and my mother goes to the river to wash clothes, we will do what we have planned. We will go all straight and straight, crossing mountains and deserts. And we will go straight ahead until we come back here, even if it took us a whole year.

Lela said:

“What if, Stepochka, we meet Indians?”

“As for the Indians,” Styopa answered, “we will take the Indian tribes as prisoners.

- And who do not want to go into captivity? I asked timidly.

“Those who don’t want to,” Styopa answered, “we won’t take them prisoner.

Lela asked:

Will three rubles be enough for this trip? I'll take from my piggy bank.

Stepka said:

- Three rubles will certainly be enough for us for this trip, because we will only need money to buy seeds and sweets. As for food, on the way we will kill various small animals and roast their tender meat on a fire.

Styopka ran to the barn and brought back a sack of flour. And in this bag we put bread and sugar. Then they put different dishes: plates, glasses, forks and knives. Then, after thinking, they put down a magic lantern, colored pencils, a clay washstand and a magnifying glass for lighting fires. And besides, they stuffed two blankets and a pillow from the ottoman into the bag.

In addition, I prepared three slingshots, a fishing rod and a net for catching tropical butterflies.

And the next day, when our parents left for the city, and Stepka's mother went to the river to rinse clothes, we left our village of Peski.

We went along the road through the forest.

Stepkin's dog Tuzik ran ahead. Styopka followed her with a huge sack over his head. Stepka was followed by Lelya with a skipping rope. And behind Lelya, with three slingshots, a net and a fishing rod, I followed.

We walked for about an hour.

Finally Styopa said:

— The bag is devilishly heavy. And I won't carry it alone. Let everyone take turns carrying this bag.

Then Lelya took this bag and carried it.

But she did not carry him for long, because she was exhausted.

She threw the bag on the ground and said:

- Now let Minka carry it!

When this bag was put on top of me, I gasped in surprise, the bag was so heavy.

But I was even more surprised when I walked with this bag along the road. I was bent to the ground, and I, like a pendulum, swayed from side to side. Until finally, after walking ten steps, he fell into a ditch with this bag.

And first the bag fell into the ditch, and then, on the bag, I fell. And although I was light, nevertheless I managed to crush all the glasses, almost all the plates and the clay washstand.

We sadly pulled the shards out of the bag. And Styopka hit me on the back of the head, said that people like me should stay at home, and not embark on a trip around the world.

Then Styopka whistled the dog and wanted to adapt it for carrying weights. But nothing came of it, because Tuzik did not understand what we wanted from him.

Moreover, we ourselves did not really understand how we could adapt Tuzik for this.

Then Styopka ordered us all to carry this bag together.

Grabbing the corners, we carried the bag. But it was uncomfortable and hard to carry. Nevertheless, we walked for another two hours. And finally they came out of the forest to the lawn.

Here Styopka decided to make a halt. He said:

“Whenever we rest or when we go to bed, I will stretch out my legs in the direction in which we need to go. All great travelers have done this, and because of this they have not strayed from their straight path.

And Styopka sat down by the road, stretching his legs forward.

We untied the bag and began to eat.

We ate bread sprinkled with granulated sugar.

Suddenly, wasps began to circle above us. And one of them, wanting to taste my sugar, stung me on the cheek.

It made my cheek swell like a pie. And I wanted to go home. But Styopka did not allow me to think about it. He said:

“Anyone who wants to return home, I will tie to a tree and leave to be eaten by ants.

I walked behind everyone, whining and whimpering. My cheek burned and itched.

Lelya was also not happy about the trip. She sighed and dreamed of returning home.

We continued to walk in a bad mood.

And only Tuzik's mood was wow. With his tail up, he was chasing birds and with his barking brought unnecessary noise into our journey.

Finally it got dark. Styopka threw the sack on the ground. And we decided to spend the night here.

We collected firewood for the fire. And Styopka took out a magnifying glass from the bag to kindle a fire.

But, not finding the sun in the sky, Styopka became despondent. And we were upset too. And having eaten bread, they lay down in the dark.

Styopka solemnly lay down with his feet forward, saying that in the morning it would be clear to us which way to go.

Styopka immediately began to snore. And Acey sniffed too. But Lelya and I could not sleep for a long time. We were frightened by the dark forest and the noise of the trees.

Lelya suddenly mistook a dry branch under her head for a snake and screamed in horror.

A fallen cone from a tree scared me to the point that I jumped on the ground like a ball.

Finally we dozed off.

I woke up from the fact that Lelya was tugging at my shoulders. It was an early morning. And the sun hasn't risen yet.

Lelya whispered to me:

- Minka, while Styopka is sleeping, let's turn his legs in the opposite direction. And then he will lead us where Makar did not drive calves.

We looked at Stepka. He slept with a blissful smile.

Lelya and I grabbed his legs and in an instant turned them in the opposite direction, so that Styopka's head described half a circle.

But Styopka did not wake up from this.

He only groaned in his sleep and waved his arms, muttering: "Hey, here, to me..."

He probably dreamed that he was capturing the Indians, but they did not want to and resisted.

We began to wait for Styopka to wake up.

He woke up with the first rays of the sun and, looking at his feet, said:

- We would be good if I lay my feet anywhere. So we wouldn't know which way to go. And now, thanks to my legs, we all know where to go.

And Styopka waved his hand in the direction of the road along which we had been walking yesterday.

We ate bread, drank some water from the ditch and set off. The road was familiar from yesterday's journey. And Styopka kept opening his mouth in surprise. However, he said:

- A trip around the world differs from other trips in that everything repeats itself, since the Earth is a circle.

Wheels creaked from behind. This is some uncle riding in an empty cart.

Stepka said:

- For the speed of travel and in order to quickly go around the Earth, it would not be bad for us to sit in this cart.

We began to ask to be taken. The good-natured uncle stopped the cart and allowed us to get into it.

We rolled fast. And we drove no more than two hours.

Suddenly, our village Peski appeared ahead.

Styopka, opening his mouth in amazement, said:

“Here is a village exactly like our village Peski. This happens when traveling around the world.

But Styopka was even more amazed when we approached the river and drove up to the pier.

We got out of the cart.

Indeed, this was our Pisky pier, and a steamer had just approached it.

Stepka whispered:

Have we circumnavigated the Earth?

Lelya snorted, and I laughed too.

But then we saw our parents and our grandmother on the pier - they had just left the ship.

And next to them we saw our nanny, who was crying something to them. We ran to our parents.

And the parents laughed with joy that they saw us.

The nanny said:

“Children, I thought you drowned yesterday.

Lela said:

— If we had drowned yesterday, we could not go on a trip around the world.

Mom exclaimed:

- What do I hear! They must be punished.

Grandmother, tearing off a branch, said:

“I propose to flog the children. Let Minka be whipped by mom. And I take on Lelya. And I will give her, as the eldest, no less than twenty rods.

Papa said:

- spanking is old method raising children. And it doesn't do any good. Even without a spanking, the children realized what a stupid thing they had done.

Mom sighed and said:

“Ah, I have stupid children!” Go on a trip around the world, not knowing geography and multiplication tables - well, what is it!

Papa said:

It is not enough to know geography and the multiplication table. To go on a trip around the world, you must have a higher education in the amount of five courses. You need to know everything that is taught there, including cosmography. And those who embark on a long journey without this knowledge come to sad results.

With these words we came home. And sat down to dinner. And our parents laughed and gasped as they listened to our stories of yesterday's adventure.

Papa said:

- All is well that ends well.

And he did not punish us for our trip around the world and for the fact that we lost the pillow from the ottoman.

As for Styopka, his own mother locked him in the bathhouse, and there our great traveler spent the whole day with his dog Tuzik.

And the next day, his mother let him out. And we began to play with him as if nothing had happened.



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