Larch windows with double glazed windows. What do consumers think about wooden windows with double glazing? Review Reviews

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Any apartment is characterized by the presence modern windows. This building element can emphasize the uniqueness of the interior and decorate the room. This is especially true for wooden windows, which are distinguished by their environmental friendliness. Pine and larch are often used to make such products. Please note that on the website of the Okna City company you can buy luxurious wooden windows, look at the link.

Features of wooden products

Natural wood has always been distinguished by its aesthetics, nobleness and high performance properties. Such windows are the most expensive. The cost is formed by the high price of natural wood. It’s not difficult to find out more about windows made of different types of wood by following the link to the website

Natural material is environmentally friendly, but for long term service of the product and resistance to precipitation, the wood is impregnated with special chemical compounds and cover polyurethane paint. This prevents wood from cracking and rotting, but also reduces breathability.

Making a wooden window is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. For product compliance European level quality, it is important to follow all the necessary steps technological process. The selected wood must go through several stages of preparation. They include drying, removal of defective areas, impregnation chemicals, varnish coating. All these steps are necessary to protect the wood from weathering and give the window an aesthetic appearance.

Glued laminated timber is used instead of the usual metal profile. Fittings and double-glazed windows are selected depending on the type of wood and the expected load on the product. Common materials for making modern windows are pine, larch, and other trees.

Advantages of wooden products:

  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • tightness of the structure;
  • sound insulation;
  • protection from cold.

Pine windows

The most common material for making wooden windows is pine. It is a soft wood that is easy to work with. This quality of the material makes pine products inexpensive and can be produced in a short time.

The pine profile is lightweight, which reduces the load on the fittings (it will last longer). The tree is resistant to temperature changes and does not interfere with natural air exchange. Windows using pine look beautiful and fit into interiors with dark and light shades of furniture. Also a unique element can be decorative overlay on a double glazed window.

Disadvantages include the fragility of the material. Due to their softness, pine frames are susceptible to dents and scratches. If they are not varnished, rotting processes may occur there, and the wood itself may turn blue. To prevent destructive processes and increase service life, pine wood is saturated with chemicals. For this purpose the method is used deep impregnation. After it, the pine becomes resistant to rotting and mechanical stress, but acquires properties similar to plastic. Such windows can release chemicals into the room.

The advantage of modern pine windows is their affordability and aesthetics. Wood is considered more environmentally friendly material, especially in comparison with plastic. The pine profile has good sound insulation, retains heat in the room, and has a beautiful appearance.

Larch windows

In nature, this tree produces phytoncides, which prevent viral diseases. Wood has antiseptic properties, so fungus and mold do not develop in it. Larch windows are optimal combination excellent quality and value of the product.

Larch wood is characterized by high strength (30% higher than pine) and moisture resistance. In terms of hardness, this species is on par with oak. Wood is more difficult to process and dry than other materials. Products made from it are optimally suited for areas with a humid climate, eliminating wood rotting and swelling, mold and mildew. Larch wood gives the windows a unique look and makes them stand out from the general interior thanks to its reddish tint.

Frames and window sills made of larch can withstand increased loads. They are wear resistant. There will be no furrows or dents left on the windowsill from objects placed on it. Wood does not require impregnation with special chemicals, that is, it remains a durable and environmentally friendly material.

Choosing a window and caring for it

To purchase a high-quality wooden window, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Appearance of the product, its color. Aesthetics and reliability.
  • Wood material and quality. They must be free of defects.
  • Processing. The wood should not have cracks or nicks. The wood must be impregnated with special protective compounds that extend the service life of the product. Finishing can hide defects (covering paints) or emphasize the advantages of wood and its texture (varnishes).
  • Accessories. It must be of high quality.

Wooden windows do not require special care. Cleaning consists of wiping the product with a damp cloth. Must be updated once every 5 years protective coating tree. Such products are suitable for city apartments, private houses and cottages. They fit perfectly into any room, match furniture, and complement the interior with their solidity and nobility.

Windows - important detail room interior. They serve as the main source of light, provide air exchange and a favorable microclimate in the room. Below in the article we will talk about two wood materials, often used in production window designs: pine and larch. After reviewing the information about the properties of these woods, you will make a wise decision for yourself.

Larch windows: quality plus beauty

Larch wood has antiseptic properties, so it is not susceptible to mold and mildew. In addition, it exhibits high resistance to sea water, which even destroys a concrete monolith. Among the advantages window profile made of larch:

  • excellent strength, comparable to similar oak products;
  • reliability;
  • resistance to significant temperature changes and rotting processes;
  • good sound and heat insulation.

Having given preference to a larch profile, the owner equips his home with high-quality windows of a noble “appearance”. Natural yellowish tint wooden frames does not require painting. Double-glazed windows fit stylishly into the interior decoration of the room and become its highlight, eye-catching.

Pine is the queen of inexpensive windows

A wonderful raw material for budget wood windows. Pine grows in almost all regions (there are no transportation costs), it has a soft structure, which makes wood processing easier, so products made from it are inexpensive. Compared to oak profiles, pine windows are much lighter, but this does not affect their service life. Wood also tolerates sudden temperature changes, allows air to pass through well and keeps the room warm.

The external beauty of a pine frame helps in creating stylish interior living room, office, bedroom and other premises. This is facilitated by the striped texture of the wood. And the variety of its tones is additional opportunity add a special touch to the design of any room. We also take into account that pine windows are not only varnished, but, if necessary, painted in the desired color.

According to statistics, when choosing wood for windows, many people take into account the opinions of friends, their own preferences and whether they have seen similar products somewhere else. And only a few listen to the opinions of experts. And this is important, if only because the quality and properties of wooden windows largely depend on the choice of wood. Therefore, today we will talk about how to make this choice.

Types of wood for windows

In the manufacture of wooden windows you can use the most different breeds wood There are no special restrictions here. At the same time, only a few are truly common in this area. for us it is larches, oak and pine. Their popularity can be explained by the fact that these trees grow almost everywhere in our area. Accordingly, their cost is quite adequate.

Although you can also find windows from other types on the market. Structures made from merbau and Siberian cedar are in demand. But they also cost much more. But according to operational properties practically no different from the same larch, for example.

And in order to decide which type of window to choose from, we suggest considering these three most popular options.


This is a coniferous species. The wood has resin ducts. Thanks to this, it exudes a pleasant forest aroma, even if it is treated with special protective compounds. It also releases special substances into the air that have a beneficial effect on human health. Therefore, if you install pine windows at home, it will be easy to breathe into the room. This is especially important for those who suffer from respiratory diseases.

The advantages of pine, which are manifested in the manufacture of windows, include:

  • Flexibility and ease of processing. Working with pine is a real pleasure. Therefore, windows of any shape can be made from it, including carved ones.
  • High breathability. Pine windows provide excellent ventilation of the room.
  • Easy to repair. Even if such a window fails, you can correct the shortcomings yourself.
  • Durability. The structures serve for more than seventy years.
  • Affordable price. Due to the fact that pine grows everywhere and is easy to process, products made from it are not inexpensive.

Disadvantages of pine:

  • Fragility. Because of strong blows or other mechanical impacts, damage may appear on the windows.
  • Probability of shrinkage. If the structure is not properly processed, it will react to environmental changes.
  • Simplicity of appearance. Wooden windows those made from pine do not look as attractive as those made from larch.


This is also a coniferous species, so it has all the same advantages as pine. And also nearby our own. For example, larch windows look much more attractive. Especially if it is late wood, which has an unusual dark brown hue.

At correct processing such wood can last for more than a century. And according to their own technical specifications Larch is thirty percent stronger than pine. Plus it doesn't warp that much.

Advantages of larch windows:

  • High strength. These structures are difficult to damage, even if subjected to severe loads.
  • Resistance to warping. Larch is unique coniferous tree, which practically does not rot and does not even allow neighboring structures to rot.
  • Durability. Products made from larch have successfully served for more than a hundred years.
  • Breathability. Such windows provide optimal air exchange.
  • Health benefits. Windows made of natural larch will fill the air forest aroma and will have a beneficial effect on the health of those living in the premises.

Disadvantages of larch:

  • Difficulty of processing. Only specialists can cope with the manufacture of larch windows, because the wood itself contains many resin passages.
  • Low resistance to mechanical stress. Such windows can be damaged if force is applied.

It is considered one of the strongest breeds. Oak windows can last for centuries. And even with aging, they only acquire an increasingly attractive appearance if they receive the necessary care.

Among the advantages of oak windows, experts highlight the high strength and hardness of the material itself. At the same time, it is easy to paint. Oak also perfectly resists various influences. It is not afraid of rotting and does not crack over time.

But windows made from this wood also have disadvantages. For example, making them is even more difficult than products made from larch. And oak itself is not easy to polish. Such designs are very expensive.

What to choose?

All three options are of fairly high quality. But the optimal ratio of both is observed precisely in larch. In terms of its parameters and cost, it is exactly in the middle. And its windows will perfectly complement any room.

Wood is considered one of the most ancient building materials and an experienced specialist, a carpenter or joiner, always knows what type of wood is needed for a particular product. The differences can be quite significant depending on the type of tree, its age and location. The main thing, of course, is the type of wood: one has hard wood, the other is loose, one has a beautiful texture, and the other has no annual rings visible at all. One grows quickly, the other slowly, one was cut down in a neighboring forest, and the other was brought from overseas, which means the cost of such materials is different.

Let's move on to specifics and see what kind of wood they are made from. domestic producers.


Pine wood is the most common material for construction joinery, including windows. have excellent value for money, first of all, because pine is considered the most common coniferous tree, perfectly adapted to climates from moderate southern to northernmost latitudes. Pine is easy to process; the relatively low density of its wood allows the product to be treated with protective compounds that increase its moisture resistance. According to the regions of their growth, southern and northern pines differ in wood density - the northern pine, which has more dense wood and a small distance between annual rings. Traditionally most quality material obtained from Karelian, Angara pine and other northern regions. Interestingly, the harvesting time also matters: a tree cut down in winter shows minimal shrinkage.


Larch- this is a Siberian tree, although it is also found in Europe, but it was the Siberian tree that gained fame most moisture resistant of all coniferous species , least susceptible to rotting. Larch is what builders choose wooden houses near reservoirs for laying the lower part of the house: in case of a possible flood, it is not in danger of rotting. Larch wood is durable, has a beautiful texture with bright growth rings. Larch is a hard wood; products made from it are strong and durable, but it is difficult to process. More resin pockets make the carpenter’s work even more painstaking. Windows have long been made from larch in the north, as from the least thermally conductive wood, they are still made everywhere today, they are more expensive than pine, but much cheaper than oak.


Of all deciduous species, oak stands apart. Not only for his majestic appearance, but also for his hardness proverbial. Oak wood contains a lot of tannins, it is quite heavy and difficult to process, and requires long drying. Although the windows and doors of ancient European castles are made of oak, our modern domestic manufacturers use wood from trees grown in the foothills to make windows North Caucasus. Oak frames work well for windows large sizes , since they will not shrink under the weight of the glass unit.


beautiful and healing tree linden wood is not very durable, but has another excellent property: a pleasant aroma and no harmful emissions when exposed to hot, humid air. This makes it indispensable for making windows for baths, steam rooms or saunas. This limits its use in window production.


A deciduous tree native to Malaysia, belonging to the group that makes up the so-called mahogany. It is considered the most popular of this group and is widely used in Europe due to its relatively low cost compared to other types of valuable wood. However, our domestic industry classifies meranti as an exotic species, primarily because of its richness in its own forest resources. In addition, although the actual processing of meranti wood is not too complicated, on a production scale it requires certain skills and special rooms equipped with powerful ventilation. The reason is simple: instead of the usual shavings, meranti wood produces wood dust. A special feature of the structure of meranti wood is its diversity color shades , which makes it difficult to select a pattern.

Cedar, poplar, alder, aspen

This is a list of well-known tree species that are not used to make windows. They have beautiful wood, but it is too soft and unreliable, and may not withstand the weight of the double-glazed window.

An important point when building a house is the installation of windows. Everyone knows that windows serve to let light in and ventilate a room.

The construction market today provides wide choice structures and materials intended for the construction of buildings and structures for a wide variety of purposes.

Wooden windows are valued for their environmental friendliness and aesthetic appearance. A house with such windows seems more comfortable. Let's find out what type of wood is best to make your windows from.

Larch is perhaps one of the most ideal materials for the manufacture of windows. This is a durable wood that is resistant to even sea ​​water, which can destroy concrete. Advantages of wood windows:

  • Reliability
  • Strength
  • Resistant to temperature changes and moisture
  • Rot resistance
  • Good thermal insulation and frost resistance
  • Fire resistance

By installing windows made of larch wood, you will become the owner of beautiful, noble-looking windows with a natural shade of yellowish color. The windows themselves are already aesthetically pleasing and you don’t even have to paint them.

The price of larch windows compared to oak and ash is much lower. Windows made of larch meet all standards of wooden euro-windows. In terms of its characteristics, this wood is in many ways superior to the wood of other tree species, such as pine and oak.

The birthplace of larch is Siberia. Therefore, it can easily adapt to absolutely any region. By choosing wooden larch windows, you will give yourself coziness and comfort for many years.

Oak wood occupies a strong position in the niche construction market. Has a tint light brown, gets a little darker over time. Oak is easy to process, which is very important in the production of windows various forms. Such as round, arched and standard.

Wooden oak windows can be found on the facades historical buildings, palaces, in the premises of palaces. If you want to install an exclusive oak window, you can provide your sketch to the manufacturer. Their price is high, but these costs will be repaid by the long and reliable service of oak windows.

Just imagine how many useful advantages and qualities oak wooden windows have:

  • High strength
  • Quality
  • Durability
  • Complete sound insulation
  • Beautiful texture
  • Resistance to any manifestations of mold and mildew

Such a window can become a special highlight of your interior decor. The sashes in oak windows are practically silent and are located quite tightly in relation to the frame.

The most budget and economical option wooden windows are windows made of pine wood. This is due to the fact that this tree grows almost everywhere. Today, pine can satisfy the needs of every consumer.

Windows made of pine are usually painted. The color can be chosen according to your wishes. Its characteristics are somewhat lower than those of larch and oak, but, nevertheless, pine windows are popular due to their low cost and environmental friendliness.

The wood texture is striped. The spectrum of pine shades varies from lighter to darker tones. Several types of pine can be used in the manufacture of windows, which makes the purchase of such windows accessible to all segments of the population.

Let's consider the advantages and advantages of pine windows:

  • Durability
  • Low cost
  • Possibility of coloring
  • Good thermophysical properties
  • Long service life
  • Density and strength of wood

Also watch an interesting video with expert advice on what material is best to choose wooden windows from.



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