Single lever mixer with thermostat. Bathroom faucets with thermostat shower: operating principle, reviews. Thermostatic mixer: how it works

2-3 times more expensive standard models without automatic maintenance set water temperature.
The high cost is explained by the more complex design of this type of plumbing.

But does it make sense to overpay and is it worth buying a thermostatic mixer for an apartment or house? Let's figure it out.

What is a thermostatic mixer

The thermostatic mixer has a special mechanism (thermostat), which is capable of producing water at the outlet at a given temperature with an error of 1 to 5 degrees, depending on the model and manufacturer (for the Chinese the error is high, for Europeans it is minimal).

Let's say you set the temperature on the mixer to 39 degrees.
Now the water in the shower or spout will always be supplied close to this indicator (38-40 degrees).

And even if pressure surges begin in the water supply, the temperature in the thermostatic mixer will not change.
That is, a mixer with a thermostat saves you from temperature changes in the shower.

It also allows you to avoid fiddling with the lever or valves every time, looking for optimal combination cold and hot water.
It is enough to set the temperature once and wash constantly with maximum comfort.

How does this work.

Without going into technical details, the principle of operation is as follows: the mixer contains a material that reacts to temperature, expanding and contracting.

When the water is too hot material expands and thereby reduces the flow of hot water from the water supply.
If it is too cold, on the contrary, it increases intake.

The material reacts to temperature changes almost instantly, which is why the adjustment is so precise.
Plus, the thermostat is a mechanical device, so it is as reliable as possible.
You can read more about the device.

When is it important to use a thermostatic mixer?

Installation of a thermostatic mixer is recommended in the following cases:

1. With constant pressure drops in the water supply.

Changes can occur when neighbors turn on the water or when the water turns on in the bathroom and kitchen at the same time.
In some homes, the water supply is simply uneven.

2. When using storage water heaters.

In electrical and gas boilers the water is heated to a temperature of 70-85 degrees.
Therefore, if there is a sudden shutdown of the supply cold water When taking a shower with a regular faucet, you can get a serious burn.

3. When using instantaneous gas water heaters.

When using geysers It is often difficult to achieve a comfortable water temperature, especially during pressure surges in the water supply.
A thermostatic mixer will eliminate this problem once and for all.

In addition, modern gas water heaters sometimes they “glitch” and turn on the maximum gas supply with medium or low water pressure.
The mixer will help here too, protecting you from burns.

With flow-through electric water heaters everything is much more complicated.
It is not always possible to use a mixer with a thermostat in combination with them and each case must be considered individually.

4. If there are small children in the apartment.

Children can turn on the faucet themselves hot water and get burned.
Therefore, to be on the safe side, a thermostat on faucets in the bathroom and kitchen won’t hurt.

Drawing conclusions

If you do not have small children and problems with pressure drop in the water supply, then you do not need a thermostatic mixer.
However, it is much more convenient with it, so if you have cash it makes sense to try.

But keep in mind that you get used to the automatic temperature control very, very quickly.
It will be quite difficult to switch back to a standard mixer due to the habit of not adjusting the temperature manually and due to a decrease in the level of comfort.

By the way:
For those who like contrast showers, the thermostatic mixer will not be entirely convenient.
For this healing procedure, it is still better to use

An ordinary mixer can become a real housewife's assistant if it is improved with a thermostatic device that automatically maintains the set temperature.

This is no longer a new product, but a convenient device for everyday use. There are faucets with thermostat electronic And mechanical. Some models do contactless, which makes them even more convenient.

What is a thermostat?

The European community has long been accustomed to reasonable consumption of energy, heat and water. That is why the Europeans came into use with regulators and temperature sensors and much more, including faucets with thermostats. All of them allow you to save quality use benefits of civilization.

The temperature is switched by the regulator usually in 4 °C steps

It is noteworthy that in the mixer, which is capable of always delivering water at the desired temperature, there is no thermostat as such. But there is:

  • temperature scale, on which the desired indicator is set,
  • temperature limiter, he blocks its increase and always keeps it no higher than the given one,
  • heat regulator, capable of changing the ratio of cold and hot water so that the consumer receives water at a given temperature,
  • water pressure regulator, which turns the water flow on and off, making it as convenient as possible at the outlet.

Before the mixer starts operating, the water temperature is set and then its pressure is adjusted. With high-quality operation of the device, you will be able to have:

  1. Supply of water at a comfortable temperature.
  2. Constant water jet pressure.

Almost every manufacturer and kitchen has separate lines of faucets with thermostats. These can be simple but functional models, or they can be designer masterpieces.

The principle of operation of faucets with a thermostat is similar, whether in cheap or mega-expensive devices. The main task is to mix the streams of hot and cold water to the desired temperature.

A thermoelement is installed inside the body, which prepares the water. The more powerful the device, the faster the thermoelement is able to regulate water flows, reducing one of them as necessary by increasing the flow of the other.

Working principle of a thermostatic mixer

Typically, the adjustment of water flows at the mixing stage is carried out in a couple of seconds, so the consumer does not notice any changes in temperature.

The nuances of operating a mixer with a thermostat

Some faucets with a thermostat have a water blocker that completely stops the water flow if the set temperature does not meet. Such a device will never allow the user to get burned or, on the contrary, to be doused with it. ice water. But in houses where the water supply is provided by public utilities, with such a thermostat you may not get any water at all.

There is one more point that may be unpleasant. In plumbing systems where there are fairly large pressure surges, it happens that warm water begins to flow from a pipe with cold water instead. A thermostatic mixer will automatically turn off the hot water, lowering the overall temperature. Ultimately, the consumer will receive weak pressure.

The water blocker will prevent you from getting burned or doused with cold water.

The same thing happens when the hot water flow is not warm enough. In both cases, you will have to set a new temperature, which is not entirely convenient. If the pressure in the system is always stable, and temperature differences in the water flows are insignificant, then using such a device will not cause problems.

Types of devices

Devices that prepare water to a comfortable temperature and supply it to the consumer differ, including in purpose. So, there are faucets with a thermostat for:

  • soul,
  • shells,
  • bidet.
  • universal use.

It is customary to divide devices according to the method of fastening. There are faucets with thermostats, both for open (visible) and closed installation.

The construction industry today produces faucets with two types of thermostats:

  • electronic,
  • mechanical.

Faucet with electronic thermostat

This device has a liquid crystal monitor, which displays the temperature indicators of the supplied water. Their control is push-button or touch. In such devices you can create a number of programs and turn on the desired one at a certain time.

In electronic - the temperature is set by buttons or a regulator and displayed on the screen

There are devices that are programmed to display additional readings, including water analysis. The cost of such devices is several times higher than conventional electronic ones, not to mention mechanical faucets with an electronic thermostat.

Electronic devices are powered by batteries or network adapter. The manufacturer can provide them with the ability to respond to special sensors, including infrared ones. This remote control can even be carried out from another room.

The disadvantages include the fact that it is extremely difficult and not in every city.

Mechanics as eternal as the world

Mechanical models of faucets with a thermostat have levers, valves and handles, with the help of which the thermostat and water flow regulator are controlled.

In mechanical - the temperature is set by a rotary controller

In some cases, they are much more reliable and more adapted to Russian realities. At least, switching the temperature here occurs manually, and therefore is sometimes faster.

The design of faucets with a mechanical thermostat is more minimalist and more varied in style. Prices for branded devices start from 4,000 rubles.

The main disadvantage of almost all types of mixers is their dependence on the liquid pressure in the water supply. It is difficult to call it stable, and this is where some problems arise - the water flowing from the tap is sometimes colder, sometimes hotter. Of course, you can put up with this, but not always - if you consider that the difference in pressure in cold and hot water supply can at times be significant, then a not very good picture emerges. At one point, you can scald your hands with water from the mixer. Such problems are easily solved by a thermostatic mixer, which will be discussed in this article. Together with the site, we will understand the principle of its operation, advantages and disadvantages, varieties and self-installation.

Thermostatic mixer photo

Thermostatic mixer: how it works

The main goal pursued by the developers of the thermostat mixer was to obtain a stable and constant temperature at the outlet, regardless of the water pressure in the pipeline. The result exceeded all expectations - the mixer not only copes with the task perfectly, but also has convenient control and excellent appearance, which is important for the modern user. Moreover, in addition to the above advantages, one can also highlight the simple principle of operation of a thermostatic mixer - simple design provides long term operation and inexpensive repairs.

How does it work modern miracle plumbing equipment? In principle, it’s quite simple, and its whole secret lies in special valve, which, reacting to changes in water flow in one pipeline, simultaneously changes it in another - it does this according to the specified operating modes. Let's just say that if the pressure of hot water in the pipeline decreases sharply, then the reaction of the thermal valve will be expressed in a decrease in the amount of cold water supplied to the mixing chamber. There are two types of such devices - the work of the first is based solely on mechanics, and the work of the second is based on the interaction of mechanics and modern electronics.

The working principle of a thermostatic mixer photo

Now coming to the question, how to use an automatic thermostatic mixer? As mentioned above, it works quite simply and visually is practically no different from its ordinary relative - the same pair of handles, body and spout. The difference between them is that one of these handles is a temperature regulator (divisions with degrees are marked on it), and the second is responsible for water pressure. Once you have installed the required comfortable temperature water, then you just need to open and close the tap.

To eliminate the consequences of the curiosity of the younger generation, the temperature switch is additionally equipped with a fuse that works exclusively to increase the temperature.

Advantages of thermostatic mixers

We have already mentioned a little about the advantages of mixers with a thermostat above - the main one is the stability of the temperature of the pouring liquid. But besides this, there are other advantages that should not be forgotten.

If we talk about the disadvantages of thermostatic mixers, then in addition to its cost, which is difficult to attribute to negative points, we can highlight such a nuance as the dependence on the presence of water in both pipelines at once. If there is no water in one of them, the valve automatically shuts off the water supply from the other pipeline. Not all models of such mixers have this disadvantage - some of them are equipped with a special switch that allows you to open the valve manually and use what you have.

The design and operating principle of a thermostatic mixer can be seen in the video.

Types of thermostatic mixers

There is no need to talk much about the types of thermostatic mixers - by and large, any type of modern mixers can be equipped with a device for maintaining a stable water temperature. Therefore, we will simply list the most common options.

In principle, you can additionally select a thermostatic mixer for, for, and so on - as mentioned above, they can be different, like, in general, all other types of devices for mixing cold and hot water.

Installation of a thermostatic mixer

By and large, installing a thermostatic mixer is not so difficult - in this respect it is not much different from others similar products. The difference is observed exclusively in two important points.

What else do you need to know about connecting a thermostatic mixer? This is about protecting it from all sorts of disasters that happen to our water supply systems, or rather, to the water in them. Here we need to take into account the following factors: firstly, our water is dirty (additional filters are needed); secondly, pressure surges and hydraulic shocks occur quite often (when introducing water into a house or apartment, gearboxes adjusted in accordance with the characteristics of thermostatic mixers will not be superfluous) and, thirdly, check valves, the need for installation of which is trumpeted by almost all manufacturers (they can also be mounted at the water inlet into the apartment).

In conclusion, I will say a few words about the central thermostatic mixer - there is a type of these devices that can ensure the operation of almost all plumbing fixtures at the same time. The thing seems to be good, but not without its drawbacks - for example, sometimes you want to take a hot bath, so that, as they say, it chills you to the marrow of your bones. You understand that in such a situation you will have to temporarily refrain from using other plumbing fixtures. It's the same as connecting several to one tuner - all screens will have the same channels. If we talk about such a mixer, or rather about its installation, then, in my opinion, the best option will install it exclusively on sinks - all other plumbing fixtures must be equipped with separate thermostats.

Installation of a thermostatic mixer photo

Basically, that's all that can be said about a thermostatic mixer. This thing is good, but it requires special approach, especially when it comes to self-installation. By and large, if you don’t want to immediately ruin an expensive device, then it is better to entrust its installation to professionals.

Mixers with temperature control are gradually gaining well-deserved popularity. Such devices belong to a new generation and include not only a mixer in the traditional sense, but also a special one. It is the latter that serves to automatically regulate a certain water temperature.

The main advantage of faucets of this kind is the ability to set a specific water temperature. Regardless of the pressure in water pipe, adjusting the water in the mixer allows you to maintain the temperature that was initially set. It is regulated by two knobs, the first of which is used to regulate the pressure, and the second sets the desired heating level.

The use of equipment with a thermostat is especially useful in cases where there are children or self-adjustment water temperature is difficult due to the difference in pressure in the hot and cold water supply pipes. For the first case, no less relevant will be a model in which a special child lock is additionally installed, which works on the principle of a fuse and keeps the device strictly at the set temperature, not allowing it to be changed.

How did the thermostat mixer come about?

For the first time, the possibility of regulating water temperature was considered by those known for their good habit make the most efficient use of resources such as energy, water and heat. It was they who introduced special regulators and sensors into use, including a mixer with adjustable water temperature.

It is worth noting that thermostats are not directly installed on the devices, however, they are capable of delivering the required heating water through the use of elements such as:

  • scale on which the required indicator is set;
  • a special temperature limiter used to block its increase and maintain a given level;
  • a heat regulator that serves to change the ratio of water from different taps;
  • pressure regulating device maximum convenience user.

Benefits of use

  1. Economical. Such installations are especially convenient for those apartments and houses that are equipped electrical appliances for heating. The water temperature in the mixer is adjusted as accurately as possible, and therefore there is no overconsumption of hot water, which means that energy costs for heating it are significantly reduced.
  2. Independence from neighbors, whose use of water often determines the water temperature in other apartments.
  3. Possibility to use comfortably instantaneous water heaters, which is often accompanied by significant changes in water temperature.
  4. Reducing the danger of using autonomous water heating systems, maximum temperature in which it reaches up to 80°C.

The operating principle of mixers with the ability to regulate water is approximately the same, regardless of their cost. The main task of each of them is to mix hot water with cold until the required temperature is reached and then supply it to the user.

Water preparation is carried out in a special element, which is located inside the housing. The speed of water flow regulation largely depends on its power, but in any case, this process usually takes only a few seconds.


Such devices differ from each other depending on their purpose. For example, a faucet for regulating water temperature in a bathroom will be different from the one used for a kitchen. All such devices are divided into mixers for:

  • bathroom;
  • shells;
  • kitchens;
  • soul;
  • bidet;
  • universal use.

Modern faucets with the ability to adjust water can be electronic or mechanical. The electronic one is equipped with an LCD monitor, which displays all indicators of water supply temperature. It is controlled using buttons or a touch panel - you just need to set the desired program and set specific times for more efficient use of the mixer.

Some models can also be programmed to display additional readings, including even such complex ones as water analysis. Naturally, their price is several times higher than the cost of conventional electronic mixers that do not have a similar function.

Electronic faucets operate on batteries or from the mains, and today you can also purchase devices that are controlled remotely, using special ones - you can set them up even while in the next room.

Operating principle of thermostatic mixers mechanical type simpler - such models work through the use of valves, levers and handles - it is with their help that the temperature and water pressure are controlled. Despite their simplicity, mechanical models of mixers in some cases may be more appropriate than their electronic counterparts.

The design of mechanical faucets is more minimalist, however, the choice of styles for all types of such products modern manufacturers They offer a fairly large size, and therefore they can be selected depending on the interior and user preferences, which is important. Manufacturers of such equipment use various stylistic solutions, thereby paying due attention to the aesthetic side of creating faucets. That is why products of this kind, for the most part, are not only functional, but also extremely attractive in appearance.

Installation features

Considering that the vast majority of thermostatic mixer models on our market come from abroad, it is not surprising that, in accordance with European standards, cold water is connected to devices with right side, and the hot one is on the left.

Valid in CIS countries reverse scheme, and therefore, in order to avoid possible confusion in the process of connecting the equipment, you should verify its origin and, if necessary, change the location of the entrance of the ducts leading to the thermostat.

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A kitchen and bathroom faucet should be convenient and reliable, and its use should be practical and safe. An article about the principles of operation and operation, as well as how to install a thermostatic mixer.

The kitchen and bathroom are intended primarily to use water - for cooking, for washing and washing, for all household needs and concerns. All plumbing system tied to the main thing - the water supply tap, which in turn is part of the mixer, a device whose task is to comfortably mix hot and cold water. Why is such a faucet appropriate for a bathroom and how to install it correctly and reliably?

Thermostatic mixer in the kitchen

Thermostatic, unlike a conventional mixer, not only performs the functions of determining the pressure and mixing hot and cold water, but also controls the strength of this pressure and the set temperature.

Thermostatic mixer and its operating principle

The operation of the thermostat is based on simple mechanics: a thermoelement is installed inside the mixer - a movable limiter that reacts to changes in the set temperature.

This movable limiter is a plastic cylinder with a copper tip and a paraffin base (sometimes a base of wax or other similar material that can instantly expand under elevated temperatures). The plastic sleeve-limiter is located inside a special cartridge in metal pipe, into which hot and cold water flows.

When water flows more than high temperature the wax expands and moves the plastic cylinder into the cartridge, reducing the space for hot water while increasing the space for cold water.

Thermostatic mixer design diagram

At temperatures above 58C, the thermoelement completely shuts off the flow of water to prevent serious burns.

The adjustment occurs instantly and in both directions, adapting to water flows: reducing the temperature of hot water will reduce the amount of cold water, again when the position of the cartridge changes: cooled paraffin will move plastic limiter so that hot water arrives in larger quantities.

There is a mixer with a thermostat that regulates not only the temperature, but also the pressure, controlling the strength of the incoming stream, based on approximately the same mechanical principle: increasing pressure means less space in the cartridge for water to flow, decreasing pressure means more space.

The thermostatic mixer is safe for all members of your family

Features and functions of electronic models

Bathroom faucet with electronic thermostat- a more expensive and technically complex model that requires batteries or an AC adapter. The choice of temperature and water pressure is based on electronic temperature and pressure sensors, which not only regulate the water supply automatically, but also display the indicators on special screens. Such devices can have push-button, touch, or remote control. But in living conditions Such equipment is unnecessary and is more often used in medical institutions, public restrooms, swimming pools or saunas.

Mixer with electronic thermostat

Advantages and disadvantages of a thermostatic mixer

In the kitchen, this mixer is not always appropriate and convenient. This is due to the frequent need to use only cold water for cooking or other needs. In such cases, the problem is solved by installing a special tap for drinking water with filter.

A bathroom faucet with a thermostat is a convenient, necessary thing and has no drawbacks from a technical point of view. The main disadvantages are the higher price and possible additional hassle during installation. However, they are more than offset by the advantages and disadvantages:

  • safety: any likelihood of any unpleasant sensations when taking a shower, and most importantly, burns, is eliminated. This is important in a house where old people and children live. This is convenient when arranging showers and cramped bathtubs, when even jumping away from the hot jet will not be possible.
  • efficiency: the mechanism does not need to be adjusted each time, passing streams of water until the desired pressure and temperature are found. In addition, the device is initially configured for water saving mode.
  • convenience and comfort: one click on the lever turns the water on and off. There is no need to use two hands, which is important when own wash, and when caring for children, and when performing any other multifunctional activities in the bathroom.

Thermostatic electronic mixer with touch sensors

General questions about installing a thermostatic standard mixer

Thermal mixer models differ significantly in installation features and purpose. Faucets are available for hidden and open installation. In addition, there are models for showers, bidets, sinks, and kitchens.

Since there is no universal model of a mixer with a thermostat, there cannot be an exact algorithm for installing it. However, there is a need to describe the main difficulties and nuances of installing concealed and open-mounted thermal mixers in the bathroom.

Installation diagram of a standard open-mounted thermostatic mixer

One of the main notes is proper connection to the hot and cold water system. Mixers with thermostat use European system water supply standards, which do not correspond to domestic ones. Russian systems The water pipes are arranged according to the principle: on the left is cold water, on the right is hot water. Therefore, when installing a mixer with a thermostat, most likely, the pipes - the entry points of hot and cold water - will have to be swapped.

Important! The choice of model and installation of the water supply must be done before the installation of the mixer with a thermostat begins.

The second note concerns the initial setting of water temperature - calibration. The thermostat is initially set to a neutral position at 38C, but it needs to be fixed using a thermometer and a regulator.

Advice. To calibrate, you need to remove the protective cover of the mixer, turn on the water and, by rotating the special valve of the mixer, set the desired temperature, based on the data of an ordinary thermometer.

Faucets with thermostat for shower or bath/shower

Mixer thermostat open system Bath and shower installation is a small metal cylinder that is connected to the hot and cold water pipes and to which a hose and shower head are then connected.

Concealed thermostatic mixer

A device like this is the simplest mechanism to connect. In conditions modern apartments it can be installed most easily.

Important! The distance between the hot and cold water pipes for the mixer is universal, so there are all possibilities for installation. All that remains is to check the relationship between the supply of cold and hot water in the thermostat and the plumbing system.

Models this series presented in two options:

  • faucet with bath spout and shower head and hose,
  • faucet with shower head and shower hose, without bath spout.
  • Mixer thermostat closed system installation for bath and shower is a more complex device in terms of installation: it will require the installation of some parts into the wall or false walls made of plasterboard. In this case, only a small plate with one or two regulators for turning on and switching water will remain on the bathroom wall.

Important! The absence of external parts is both an advantage and a disadvantage of the model: the design looks laconic, space is used economically, however, in case of repair or replacement of parts, dismantling the wall and tiles cannot be avoided.

The water outlet in such models can be presented in several options:

  • upper shower spout with nozzle, which is mounted in the ceiling,
  • upper shower spout with nozzle, which is mounted in the ceiling, flexible hose and shower head,
  • an upper shower spout with a nozzle that is mounted in the ceiling, and a spout (gander) for the bathtub.

Devices of this kind can also be sold separately: a thermostatic mixer for a closed installation system will require careful selection of the remaining elements: a hose, a shower head and spout, and a bath spout.



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