Which septic tank to choose for a private home? Choosing a septic tank for a summer residence: which is better, design, characteristics, reviews Reliable septic tanks for individual houses

Installation of a septic tank – practical way solving the problem of wastewater disposal during the construction of a local sewerage system. But, you see, among the diversity ready-made structures Sometimes it's not easy to make a choice.

To simplify the task, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with an overview of the main types of treatment facilities and popular models from leading manufacturers. We will tell you which septic tank to choose based on the characteristics of its operation, and outline the main parameters of the device that must be taken into account when purchasing.

For a better understanding of the issue, we have supplemented the information with photographs. various models recyclers, as well as diagrams for their installation.

A septic tank is a waterproof structure consisting of one or more sections or divided into two or three compartments or chambers. But any sewage treatment plant has its own characteristics.

Therefore, in order to choose a recycler wisely, it is necessary to analyze the types of equipment on the market, understand the principle of their operation and determine for yourself the feasibility of using a particular model.

Types of materials used

Septic tanks, which are the main element of local sewerage, are classified according to different criteria.

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If you try to decide which septic tank is better for a dacha with non-permanent residence, then you will quickly understand that there is no definite answer here. Family budget, “productivity”, geological features of the site - this is an incomplete list of selection criteria, therefore in each individual case the best solution there will be something of its own. But in any case, the very nature of seasonal residence already imposes some fundamental restrictions on the choice of design.

There are universal solutions, but they also have certain limitations.

Classification of septic tanks

According to the principle of operation of a septic tank, there are the following types:

    Cumulative. If we take a strict approach, then this is not a septic tank, but simply a container for collecting wastewater, the prototype of which is a cesspool. Previously, there were no special requirements for the tightness of the walls and bottom of such an underground tank. Now this is a mandatory condition, non-compliance with which is punishable as damage to the land. Therefore, instead of a “pit,” a finished container is buried in the ground or made from reinforced concrete (prefabricated or monolithic).

    Anaerobic. This is a classic example of an underground local treatment station, where wastewater, in the process of flowing from chamber to chamber, is separated and processed by bacteria without access to oxygen. The degree of purification reaches 60-70%, and clarified wastewater undergoes additional treatment with aerobic bacteria in filtration fields, trenches or wells.

    Aerobic. The design is built in such a way that a full cycle of wastewater treatment with aerobic bacteria occurs inside the septic tank to a level of 95-98%. This is an energy-dependent species, since forced air supply is necessary for the life of microorganisms.

Comparison of the characteristics of the aerobic septic tank BARS-Aero and TOPAS

Advantages and disadvantages of septic tanks in dacha conditions

Each type has its own set of advantages:

    A storage septic tank for summer living is still one of the most popular options. The advantages include: low price, simple device, ability to accept all types of wastewater, regardless of their “acid-base” balance. It is not subject to standards regarding the minimum distance from water sources, residential buildings and site boundaries - the wastewater is kept inside a sealed container for the entire period between pumping.

    The only drawback is the need to frequently call a sewer truck, the periods between the arrival of which depend on the volume of the septic tank and the intensity of use. The load on it can be reduced, the duration of operation without pumping can be increased if the wastewater is divided into gray and black, and the water drained from the shower stall, bathhouse and washbasin is drained into its own filter or drainage well.

Effluent from a storage septic tank without electricity must be pumped out periodically

    An anaerobic septic tank consists of two or three chambers connected in one housing or separated into separate containers. By correctly selecting the volume of the chambers and their relationship to each other, the productivity and degree of wastewater treatment are regulated to a “clarified” state, which allows them to be discharged into soil treatment and filtration devices.

    Anaerobic septic tanks are energy-independent. The entire liquid part of the wastewater is ultimately discharged into the ground. Containers are cleaned only of solid fractions that settle at the bottom of sealed chambers during the process of separation and processing by bacteria. The frequency of pumping can range from several months to several years - it depends on the volume of wastewater, the number of residents and visitors, and the length of stay. This is the best option for a septic tank for a summer residence permanent residence without electricity (even when it is available). But provided that the size of the site and its plan allow the installation to be carried out without violating the requirements of the regulations.

    The main disadvantage is the rather strict requirements for location relative to water intake, reservoirs, residential buildings and site boundaries. In addition, when constructing filter fields and wells, there are restrictions on the type of soil and the depth of groundwater.

In some cases, a pump is used to remove treated wastewater

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer design and installation services for sewerage and water supply. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

    Aerobic septic tank, despite practically complete cleaning drains, are rarely used for non-permanent residence. To create living conditions for microflora that process wastewater, a constant flow of air is required, which is ensured by the operation of the compressor.

    When the electricity is turned off, aerobic bacteria die, and to start a septic tank, a fairly large amount of work must be done to prepare the system.

    Another reason against interruptions in the functioning of an aerobic septic tank (even if the compressor is running) is the death of bacteria in the absence of “fresh” wastewater containing organic matter, which serves as a food medium for them. But this is not main drawback. According to the manufacturer of septic tanks Topas, after startup it takes 2-3 weeks to reach the design level of cleaning. That is, if they live at the dacha in the summer, then it should be turned on in the spring and turned off in the fall.

    For the same reason, such a septic tank is not suitable for use in winter if people live in a country house non-permanently, when people come here only on weekends.

For the life of bacteria that live in an aerobic septic tank, a constant influx of wastewater is necessary - during long interruptions in work, the colony of bacteria will have to be repopulated

    Combined septic tanks. A design of this type provides for at least two sealed chambers (in practice, at least three). In the first chamber, the wastewater is divided into fractions and clarified with the help of anaerobic bacteria; in the second, purification with aerobic bacteria occurs.

    The advantage of this configuration over the previous option is considered to be higher productivity and less load on the biological phase of purification by aerobic microorganisms. But these are energy-dependent models that have the same disadvantages as septic tanks for non-permanent residences.

Septic tank materials

In both types of septic tanks for non-permanent residences, there must be a container with a sealed bottom and walls.

Septic tanks made of polymers

If you choose among ready-made models, septic tanks are made of durable polymers that are not subject to corrosion and can withstand prolonged exposure to an aggressive environment. These include low-density polyethylene, polypropylene and fiberglass.

All factory containers are designed for a certain pressure both from the inside when filled with wastewater, and from the outside as a result of soil pressure - the thickness of the walls and a set of stiffening ribs guarantee a constant shape.

Most often, factory septic tanks are made using plastic containers.

Each type of polymer has its own disadvantages, but they are not fundamental. The main common feature is the low weight of the container. Even when full specific gravity the septic tank, taking into account the solid fractions of wastewater, does not exceed 1100 kg/m 3, and even near the ground bulk density not less than 1500 kg/m 3, not to mention the compacted state in its natural form. Therefore, heaving forces will tend to push the septic tank upward, especially if it is empty. When installing a plastic septic tank, it must be secured to a solid base in the form of a concrete slab. And on very heaving soils, it is recommended to backfill the pit with excavated soil mixed with sand.

Note! In any case, during a long break the container should not remain empty. Standard recommendation during the period of absence - fill 3/4 of the volume so that the walls can better withstand soil pressure and the colony of anaerobic bacteria does not die out completely.

Video description

Biological sewage treatment stations for non-permanent residences have their own conservation process for winter period. Everything is clearly shown in the video:

Metal septic tanks

Polymer septic tanks have replaced metal containers, but they are still found. Among the offers on the metal septic tank market there are three types of containers:

    factory products with fixed characteristics;

    production to order custom sizes;

    sale of used steel tanks and containers for technical liquids, which are modified for storage septic tanks.

Unlike polymer ones, such containers have a large margin of safety: the minimum metal thickness is 4 mm, and for large-volume containers - 8-12 mm. But the service life of metal septic tanks summer cottage, even with anti-corrosion treatment, is lower than that of plastic ones.

Reinforced concrete rings

One of the most popular materials when installing sewer systems for non-permanent residences is iron. concrete rings KS series. They come in different diameters and heights, which allow you to create a structure of optimal volume.

Advantages: high strength and stability in the ground. Concrete has a tendency to get wet during prolonged contact with a humid environment, but this disadvantage is compensated for waterproofing treatment surfaces.

High-quality waterproofing is the key long work septic tank made of reinforced concrete rings

Installation of a septic tank is a little more complicated than installation finished container. Essentially it's a team reinforced concrete structure from several containers, each of which consists of several rings (including a filter well without a bottom with perforated walls). But in every region there are construction organizations specializing in such a turnkey service.

Selecting the volume of the septic tank

With the volume of the storage septic tank, everything is very clear - the larger it is, the less often you will have to call a machine to clean it. And if we divide the wastewater into black and gray, then a medium-sized tank will be enough for a “weekend” cottage for the entire season.

An example of separating wastewater into “black” and “gray”

The shape and dimensions of the storage septic tank are dictated not only by the required capacity, but also depend on the free space on the site, which would provide free access for the vehicle to the technological hatch. The standard location is somewhere in the middle between the wall of the dacha on the side of the bathroom and the border of the site adjacent to the road. There are usually no problems with the depth of the container - power vacuum pump The sewer truck guarantees pumping of sewage from a depth of up to 4 m.

The volume of a septic tank without pumping is determined by a simple formula - the number of people is multiplied by the water consumption rate of 200 l/day and a factor of 3 (the number of days it takes to disinfect wastewater with bacteria). Sometimes they add 20-25% for the “volley” reset when guests arrive. This total volume is distributed between the chambers. For a two-chamber septic tank (excluding the filter well), at least 2/3 is given to the first tank, for a three-chamber septic tank - at least ½.

Video description

See the following video for the pros and cons of septic tanks and biological stations:


No matter how simple a septic tank for a non-permanent residence may seem, its installation should be done by professionals. Especially if it is an anaerobic septic tank. And the complexity is not even in the installation itself, but in the choice of methods for soil wastewater treatment. Specialists will take into account as fully as possible the geological features of the site and the filtering abilities of the soil.

Owners of any country house Those organizing an autonomous sewage system have to solve the problem of which septic tank is better. The fact is that designs of this type are available for sale in a wide variety, which imposes a certain complexity on choosing the appropriate option.

The essence of the question

A septic tank is a waterproof container that includes one or more compartments (chambers). Like any other design, the treatment plant also has its own characteristics. When deciding which septic tank to choose, you have to study the freely available options and understand how they work. This will make it possible to make the right decision in favor of one model or another.

Material of manufacture

Several criteria are used to classify septic tanks.

One of them is the type of material used:

  • Reinforced concrete rings. These finished structures are characterized by good reliability and resistance to corrosion. The disadvantages of the products include their large mass, which implies the use of special mechanisms for installation.
  • Monolithic concrete. Structures of this type are constructed locally using the pouring method. concrete mortar, for which the formwork is first laid. Concrete is prepared at the work site, or ordered from the nearest reinforced concrete plant.
  • Brick or foam blocks. To do this, the bottom and walls of the excavated pit undergo intensive sealing with clay mortar or modern coating materials. Masonry is carried out traditional way, with offset rows.
  • Steel containers. They are characterized by low cost and excellent resistance to mechanical loads. A serious disadvantage of steel products is their tendency to rust, which requires additional waterproofing work.
  • Polymer materials. This type of septic tank for a private home is lightweight and belongs to budget options. However, in mode low temperatures the polymer becomes brittle and begins to crack. In addition, structures of this type are often damaged by rodents.
  • Fiberglass. These durable, lightweight models are chemical resistant, making them practical and durable.

Regardless of what the septic tank for a permanent home is made of, it is important to pay attention to its strength and tightness. Under no circumstances should internal waste flow into environment.


According to the specific function they perform, septic tanks for country houses and cottages are divided into three groups:

  1. Cumulative. Structures of this type consist of a durable sealed container or paired communicating wells. A feature of the maintenance of storage septic tanks is the need for constant pumping of wastewater. To do this, you need to order a special machine with a barrel and a compressor.
  2. Septic tanks. The complexes include ground treatment modules. Without them, the degree of waste purification does not exceed 70-75%. Sedimentation tanks include one or several compartments. Recycling of accumulations involves separating liquids from solids. All this is accompanied by fermentation, for which anaerobes are introduced into the liquid.
  3. Deep biological treatment modules. These autonomous septic tanks for a private home consist of a set of compartments, which allows for the gradual chemical, biological and mechanical decomposition of waste. Organic residues are so harmless that they can be discharged directly into a body of water or soil. Read also: "Autonomous sewage system for a private house - types, device features, selection rules."

When comparing septic tanks for a country house, first of all they pay attention to the most simple designs accumulative type. Their functioning is based on the gradual separation of waste trapped inside. As a result, more massive inclusions move to the bottom, and liquid effluent rises. The operation of settling tanks is also based on the natural separation of insoluble inclusions from water: this is called the settling process.

To bring the separated liquid to a safe state, septic tanks for cottages are equipped with infiltrators. In appearance, these are containers without a bottom, acting like aeration platforms. After waste enters the infiltrators, they are further cleaned. Next, in transit through the soil filter, the liquid is removed to the outside.

Choosing a deep cleaning septic tank involves the use of a complex technique that provokes the gradual decomposition of waste. First, solid particles precipitate, then organic substances undergo bioprocessing. Next, the chemical module and the final cleaning filter are switched on. A comparison of septic tanks shows that only deep cleaning units are capable of bringing the degree of purification to 95-98%. After clarification and antiseptic treatment, the processed masses are allowed to be released into the environment.

Optimal options

When choosing a septic tank for a country house, you need to focus on certain criteria. First of all, they pay attention to the specifics of the home and the needs of the people living in it. The price of the device depends on the material it is made of, the capacity and number of design modules, the type of wastewater treatment technology used, and the use of additional devices.

What types of septic tanks are there for a private home by type of design and additional equipment:

  • With compressors and drainage pumps.
  • With filters and float level gauges.
  • With automatic control devices.

Compressors are part of biological treatment complexes. Their task is to supply oxidizing oxygen flows to support the life of aerobes. Drainage pumps the movement of wastewater inside the septic tank is stimulated. They are also used to remove purified liquid in cases where the main complex is located below the discharge point.

Why factory models are better than homemade ones

To save money, some owners suburban areas Tires, bricks or concrete rings are used to make septic tanks. To build such a structure, you have to spend a lot of time and effort. With your own hands you can build not only the simplest storage tanks, but also modular purifiers consisting of a series of interconnected settling tanks. This makes it possible to achieve fairly good water clarification.

However, from the point of view of practicality and efficiency, the best septic tank for a permanent residence is still a factory design. As a rule, products of this type are certified to comply with construction and environmental requirements.

Soil characteristics and depth of groundwater passage

In the process of searching for the best septic tank for a country house, it is necessary to take into account the geological features of the area. For example, wastewater treatment plants in combination with an infiltrator or absorption shaft, they require the passage of groundwater 1 m below the cut of the potential bottom of the groundwater treatment complex. Discharge of purified liquid into the surrounding area is permitted only if there is a layer of sand, gravel or pebbles below the post-treatment system. These can also be sandy plastic soils.

Apply post-treatment to clay soils no point. The fact is that the degree of water absorption by clay, loams and hard soils is almost zero level. As a result, the drainage into the soil will stop, and the septic tank itself will fill with water. In such a situation, additional water supply is usually used, discharging wastewater into ditches or centralized communications. In the case of groundwater close to the surface of the earth, the use of autonomous purification complexes encounters great difficulties. This also applies to areas where the groundwater level rises sharply during spring snowmelt or heavy rains.

There are the following types of septic tanks for dachas with a high groundwater level:

  1. Sealed storage tanks. As they fill, it is necessary to pump out and remove wastewater.
  2. VOCs. Pumps are used to pump purified liquid.

When selecting a septic tank for an area with a high level of groundwater, the cheapest option is to purchase a polymer container. It provides for biological treatment and further removal of liquid to the storage tank.

There are two options for emptying the storage tank. If there is a central sewer line nearby, wastewater can be pumped into it using a pump. In other cases, you have to invite sewage trucks to pump out. To do this, it is necessary to arrange in advance a convenient access to the location of the tank.

Characteristics of a septic tank

To determine the volume of the receiving block or section, it is necessary to start from the average daily rate of wastewater per resident. At the same time, they are guided by daily consumption with a standard set of plumbing fixtures - 200 l/1 person. As modern standards state, the wastewater storage tank must be capable of receiving a three-day volume from each person. If there are four people in a family, the capacity of the septic tank is calculated as 4x200x3 = 2.4 m3. For those houses where guests are often received, the volume of the receiving capacity must be increased by 20-30%.

Modern factory-made septic tanks for a private home are usually marked with an indication of the number of people they are able to serve. The optimal depth of the container is considered to be 1.5-3 m. In cases where a container of greater depth is used, additional obstacles may appear when pumping out accumulations of contents with a sewer truck.

Performance level

To choose the best septic tank for a country house that would not fail and work flawlessly, you need to take into account the type of home and the performance of the device:

  • Seasonal accommodation. At those dachas that are intended exclusively for holidays on weekends and during the warm season, there is no point in installing expensive treatment facilities consisting of several chambers. The best option for cases where the average daily volume of waste does not exceed 1 m 3 are single-chamber septic tanks of small capacity. The weight of compact complexes is quite small. This facilitates their transportation and installation activities for deepening into the pit. It is quite possible to carry out such work independently, without involving special equipment.
  • Permanent residence. If a country house is intended for year-round use, it is recommended to use complex septic tanks for a permanent residence 4 5. A good option are sedimentation tanks equipped with ground treatment. This primarily applies to low-level areas groundwater. To ensure good efficiency of individual sewerage, it is recommended to use aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in its operation. They are introduced into containers, which leads to “eating” of organic matter. Thanks to the use of biological decomposition of wastewater, waste products are brought to the state of industrial water.

It is best to install deep cleaning modules in those dachas near which there are natural bodies of water. The fact is that after the deep purification procedure, the wastewater is so safe that it is allowed to be discharged into rivers and lakes.

Domestic models

Russian manufacturers produce autonomous septic tanks for country houses for several decades now. During this period, a number of companies specializing in similar products appeared. Some models simply duplicate imported septic tanks from leading European brands. But in most cases we are talking about truly unique developments for filtering wastewater.

The names of domestically produced septic tanks that are most popular:

  • Eurobion. The product of many years of development by leading engineers of the Yubas production association. Complexes of this type incorporate innovative membranes manufactured according to unique technology. Thanks to the use of a rhythmic aeration tank, the complexes can be used during long-term downtime of the sewer system.
  • Poplar. The manufacturer of this reliable septic tank is the Eco-Grand company. The device is characterized by very high-quality cleaning (up to 99%). Thanks to the introduction of original production schemes that provide access to the primary chamber, the procedure for servicing the departments was simplified. To remove large sewage waste, you do not need the help of specialists.
  • Aster. Complexes from trademark"Unilos", capable of delivering a level of purification from harmful inclusions of up to 75%. The company is represented on the market with several developments designed for different numbers of consumers. To additionally equip the module, a compressor is used, which makes it possible to carry out filtration in several stages. After passing through all stages of treatment, wastewater can be discharged into the environment.
  • Tank. Brand of septic tanks from the Triton-Plastic company. The model line of this manufacturer consists of devices of various capacities, from compact tanks with a capacity of 600 l/day, to powerful stations with a capacity of 1200 l/day. Their characteristics coincide with those of standard multi-stage complexes for processing waste products.
  • Triton. This product also belongs to the Triton-plastic company. There are several modifications of this development on the market. They are distinguished by the shape of the tanks and cleaning methods. Models in the “micro” and “mini” categories have a capacity of 450 and 750 liters, and storage tanks marked “H” and “T” are designed for processing wastewater in volumes of 10,000 liters or more.
  • Tver. Septic tank with pumping for a private home from the Engineering Equipment brand. Integrated approach includes the use of both mechanical and biological methods. The modular line has a four-level method for clarifying waste products. The station's productivity is at the level of 750-1500 m 3 / day.
  • Topas. Models of this type are characterized by low electrical energy consumption. Thanks to the use of four sections, the degree of wastewater purification reaches 98%.

In the process of solving the problem of which septic tank to choose for a private home, it is recommended to pay attention to the products of the Triton-Plastic company. They are distinguished by the significant thickness of the body walls and the use of stiffeners. As a result, the structure is able to resist large external influences. This is very valuable, taking into account the climate realities of some Russian regions, with their characteristic frost heaving of the soil and sharp temperature changes. Such structures are protected from floating during spring snowmelt, when the groundwater level rises sharply. When installing structures of this type, you do not need to use special concrete and metal weighting materials.

One of the best septic tanks for a home is considered to be the development of the Leader production association. We are talking about a whole complex consisting of polypropylene sections: three-stage filtration is used inside this type of equipment. We are talking about mechanical, aerobic and biofiltration treatment, which makes it possible to discharge liquid into natural reservoirs.

Among the most popular septic tanks, the Rostok treatment plants from the EcoProm company stand out. This company has long specialized in the manufacture of anaerobic complex stations, and has achieved a lot of success in this field. However, it is worth considering that these devices are able to produce a waste purity level of 65-70%. To bring wastewater to levels acceptable for discharge into the environment, it is recommended to use drainage tunnels.

Each of the septic tanks mentioned in this review has a set of individual characteristics, which allows the buyer to choose the most suitable one for himself. best option. In addition to tank volume, productivity and cleaning method great value has the cost of treatment plants. Another big advantage of factory complexes is the possibility of completing them through docking additional modules. This stimulates an increase in the volume and productivity of the treatment complex.

Bottom line

If there is no centralized sewage system in a private house, there is only one way out - to acquire an autonomous wastewater disposal system. There is no clear answer to the question of which septic tank is the best. Much depends on the purpose of the house and the number of people living in it. Thus, for permanent residences, it is advisable to use full-fledged treatment facilities with a multi-stage filtration system. The wastewater that passes through such a complex is allowed to be discharged into the nearest reservoir or ditch.

As for seasonal dachas, when searching for which septic tank to choose for a private home, it is recommended to pay attention to the simplest septic tanks. To save money, such structures that resemble cesspools, are arranged by the dacha owners. For this, concrete rings, bricks or waste tires are most often used. However, the most reliable septic tanks are considered to be factory-made models made of fiberglass, which are not afraid of frost heaving and spring floods.

Are you choosing a septic tank for a country house and trying to determine which one is better? We compared the price of non-volatile septic tanks 17 various types and did brief description their features.

IN this comparison we limited ourselves only non-volatile septic tanks volume three or less cubic meters, which are designed to serve a home with permanent residence of up to five people. In total, the sample included 58 of the most popular models on the market.

Brief information:
Non-volatile septic tanks
– containers with one, two or more chambers where purification occurs waste water due to the active activity of anaerobic bacteria (without the participation of oxygen). Bacteria decompose organic waste with the formation of gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen and others), water and mineral sediment.
: low price.
Disadvantages of non-volatile septic tanks: average degree of purification (50-80%), slow purification, the need for soil post-treatment of wastewater, the formation of a large amount of sludge and the need for its periodic pumping.

Local treatment facilities (volatile septic tanks) – septic tanks, where the main work is performed by more active aerobic bacteria, which require oxygen for their life. It is delivered using small electric air pumps (aerators), while simultaneously mixing the activated sludge.
Advantages of non-volatile septic tanks: high degree of purification (up to 98%), faster wastewater treatment, extremely low sludge formation, no need for soil treatment.
Disadvantages of volatile septic tanks: high price, need to connect to the power grid and pay for energy consumption (50-250 rubles/month), periodic maintenance.

How do non-volatile septic tanks differ from each other?

Number of cameras

For septic tanks with a volume of less than 5 m3, SNiP allows only one chamber, however the best option it is considered to have two or more cameras. Due to this, the quality of cleaning is partially improved.

Availability of biofilters

Biofilters mean special devices with a developed surface, where microorganisms are fixed, increasing the degree and speed of waste processing. Usually, brush loading is used as biofilters (brushes made from synthetic materials) or various synthetic fabrics. Expanded clay backfill can also be used, through which the purified water flows by gravity.

Opportunities for modernization

Some models can be combined into chains, thereby increasing the volume of processed waste and increasing the degree of purification.
Some models have the potential to install aeration units, which will make it possible to later turn them into treatment plants with a high degree of purification (up to 98%), which do not require periodic pumping.

How big should a septic tank be?

Calculating the volume of a septic tank is a separate task. What matters here is the temperature of the water in the septic tank, the concentration of suspended solids, the volume of wastewater and volley discharges, the processing speed and much more. It is generally accepted, including based on SNiP, that the average volume of daily water disposal per person is 200 liters. In this case, the wastewater must remain in the septic tank for at least three days. Therefore, the volume of the septic tank should be taken at a rate of at least 600 liters (0.6 m3) per permanent resident. And the more, the better.

Table of non-volatile septic tanks

We collected data on 58 popular septic tank models and placed them in one table, indicating the main characteristics and the price set by the manufacturer. Since septic tanks have a number of significant differences, below we have added a brief description of their main features so that everyone can choose the model that suits them best.

In short, it is better to take the septic tank that has more chambers, more filters and a larger volume, and at the same time has a minimum price. And it is by this that the table is sorted. The final choice is yours.

model sections volume production, l./day* (person) biofilter manufacturer's price, rub.
Microbe 450 2 450 150 (0-n.d.) No 9700
Microbe 600 2 600 200 (1-n.d.) No 12200
Microbe 750 2 750 250 (1-n.d.) No 13700
Microbe 900 2 900 300 (1-n.d.) No 14200
Microbe 1200 2 1200 450 (2-n.d.) No 16900
Tank-1 2 1200 600 (2-3) 1 19600
Tank Universal-1 n.d. 1000 400 (1-2) 1 19700
Microbe 1800 2 1800 800 (3-n.d.) No 19900
Ball 1100 1 1100 350 (1-2) 1 20280
Termit-Profi 1.2F 2 1200 400 (2-2) 1 22000
Tank Universal-1.5 n.d. 1500 600 (2-3) 1 23700
Triton-T 1 3 1000 n.d. (1-2) 1 24500
"Mole" horizontal 1.2 1 1170 n.d. (2-n.d.) 1 25000
Microbe 2400 2 2400 1000 (4-n.d.) No 26400
Tank-2 3 2000 800 (3-4) 1 26700
Termit-Standard 2F 2 2000 700 (3-4) 1 26700
Rostock Mini 2 1000 300 (1-2) 1 26800
Tank Universal-2 (2015) 3 2200 800 (3-6) 1 29700
Triton-ED 1800 2 1800 600 (3-3) No 29900
Triton-T 1.5 3 1500 n.d. (2-3) 1 30000
Termit-Standard 2.5F 2 2500 1000 (4-5) 1 30400
Termite-Transformer 1.5 4 1500 550 (2-3) 2 30500
Termit-Profi 2F 2 2000 700 (3-4) 1 31400
Triton-ED 2000 2 2000 700 (3-4) No 31500
Tank-2.5 3 2500 1000 (4-5) 1 31700
Purges 1800 2 1800 650 (3-4) 2 33490
Rostock Dachny 2 1500 450 (2-3) 1 33800
Purges 2000 2 2000 700 (3-4) 2 34280
Termit-Standard 3F 3 3000 1400 (5-6) 1 34900
Termit-Profi 2.5F 2 2500 1000 (4-5) 1 36400
Tank-3 3 3000 1200 (5-6) 1 36700
Cleanings 2500 2 2500 850 (4-5) 2 36840
Termite-Transformer 2.5 4 2500 1000 (4-5) 2 38000
Tank Universal-3 (2015) 3 3000 1200 (5-10) 1 38700
Triton-T 2 3 2000 n.d. (3-4) 1 39000
Clean B-5 3 1500 700 (2-4) 2 42000
Termit-Profi 3F 3 3000 1400 (5-6) 1 42100
Bioton B 2 3 2000 n.d. (3-4) 1 43000
Triton-ED 3500 2 3500 1200 (5-6) No 43500
"Mole" vertical 1.8 1 1800 n.d. (3-n.d.) 1 45000
Cleanings 3000 2 3000 1000 (5-6) 2 45400
Triton-T 2.5 3 2500 n.d. (4-5) 1 48000
Bioton B 2.5 3 2500 n.d. (4-6) 1 48500
Rostock Countryside 2 2400 880 (4-5) 1 49800
"Mole" vertical 1.8 2 1800 n.d. (3-n.d.) 1 50000
"Mole" vertical 2.4 1 2400 n.d. (4-n.d.) 1 53000
Bioton B 2 3 3000 n.d. (5-6) 1 53500
Flotenk-STA-1.5 2 1500 n.d. (2-n.d.) No 54900
FloTenk-YES 3 2 2800 n.d. (4-5) No 54900
"Mole" vertical 2.4 2 2400 n.d. (4-n.d.) 1 58000
Rostock Cottage 2 3000 1150 (5-6) 1 58800
Flotenk-STA-2 2 2000 n.d. (3-n.d.) No 59900
"Mole" vertical 3 1 3000 n.d. (5-n.d.) 1 62000
"Mole" vertical 2.4 3 2400 n.d. (4-n.d.) 1 63000
Clean B-7 3 2500 n.d. (4-6) 2 63700
"Mole" vertical 3 2 3000 n.d. (5-n.d.) 1 67000
Flotenk-STA-3 2 3000 n.d. (5-n.d.) No 69900
"Mole" vertical 3 3 3000 n.d. (5-n.d.) 1 72000

* - declared cleaning performance of liters per day. The first number in brackets indicates maximum quantity permanent residents served, calculated using a methodology close to SNiP. The second number is the maximum number of people declared by the manufacturer.

Comparative description of septic tank models

Septic tank "Tank"

Manufacturer: Triton-Plastic. The classic version of a septic tank made of polypropylene. At the outlet there is a biofilter with floating loading. The younger model is two-chamber. The rest are three-chamber.

Septic tank "Tank Universal"

Manufacturer: Triton-Plastic. A modification of the previous septic tank, the volume of which can be increased by installing additional modules.

Septic tank "Microbe"

Manufacturer: Triton-Plastic. An inexpensive series of compact two-chamber septic tanks with a relatively low degree of purification.

Septic tank "Triton-ED"

Manufacturer: Triton-Plastic. The simplest vertical two-chamber septic tank with the ability to combine two modules to increase the volume and quality of cleaning.

Septic tank "Triton-T"

Manufacturer: Triton-Plastic. Three-chamber model with built-in biofilter.

Septic tank "Flotenk-STA"

Manufacturer: "Flotenk". The simplest fiberglass two-chamber septic tank. Increased strength.

Living outside the city has many advantages. Silence, the absence of neighbors behind the wall, clean air - who among the residents of megacities does not dream of this? But for a country house to be comfortable, it is necessary to have basic utilities in the house. And if in most villages it is possible to connect houses to the electrical network, then centralized systems There are usually no sewers. Therefore, summer residents have to build a local sewer system and, therefore, decide how to choose a septic tank for their summer house.

What should the local sewer system look like? summer cottage? Of course, reliable, efficient, not requiring constant monitoring and at the same time inexpensive. But before you decide which septic tank to buy for your dacha, you need to evaluate the operating conditions of the installation, since a septic tank model that is ideal for one dacha may not be suitable for another.

After all, some country houses are used as permanent housing, so they need to be equipped with productive installations. And if the dacha is a place that is used for periodic recreation on weekends and holidays, you can choose simpler and cheaper sewerage options.

Determining productivity and volume

Before choosing a treatment plant for your dacha, you need to decide on the water consumption in the house, since the most important characteristic - the productivity of the installation and its volume - depends on this. How to determine water consumption in a house? This indicator depends on two factors:

  • Number of people using water (number of household members and guests, if they regularly visit the house);
  • Equipping the house with plumbing. If the house has a standard (as in an ordinary city apartment) set of plumbing fixtures, then according to accepted standards the daily fluid consumption per person is 200 liters. If the house, for example, does not have a bathtub, but only a shower, then the water consumption will be less, and when the dacha is equipped with a swimming pool connected to common system sewerage, then, on the contrary, the number will increase.

So, to calculate the performance of a septic tank, you need to determine the daily water consumption. For example, if 4 people live in a house, then the consumption and, therefore, the daily productivity should be equal to 800 liters.

But the volume of the septic tank chambers must be such that it can accommodate the volume of wastewater that accumulates over three days. That is, in our example, a family of four needs a volume of 2.5 cubic meters (3 * 800 = 2400 liters, rounded up, we get 2500 liters or 2.5 cubic meters).

Advice! When choosing the performance of a septic tank, you need to take into account not only the number of permanent residents, but also the number of guests who visit the house on a regular basis. And since a septic tank is purchased for more than a dozen years, it is worth considering the possibility of increasing the size of the family.

Deciding on the type of treatment plant

Having selected the optimal volume, you need to decide which type of septic tank will be best for the given conditions. When comparing septic tanks for summer cottages, we can distinguish three main types that differ in their operating principles.

Cumulative type

When planning to choose a simple septic tank for your dacha, you should opt for a storage tank. This is an ordinary sealed tank in which wastewater flowing through a pipeline from the house is accumulated. As wastewater accumulates, it will need to be pumped out using sewage disposal equipment. Advantages of this option:

  • Cheap installation;
  • Simplicity of the device;
  • Environmental safety.


  • The need for regular cleaning. And what? more quantity drains, the more often you will have to clean the septic tank;
  • Unpleasant odor spreading throughout the area during pumping.

This version of the septic tank is perfect for dachas that are not used for permanent residence, that is, when large volume drains. In this case, with a large volume of septic tank capacity, it will have to be cleaned 1-3 times during the summer, that is, maintenance costs will not be too high.

Anaerobic with aeration fields

When choosing the best septic tank for their dacha, most owners choose this option. Such septic tanks not only collect wastewater, but also clean it, so they will have to be cleaned much less frequently than storage tanks. Even if you live in the house full-time, cleaning will need to be done approximately once a year.

And at the same time, anaerobic septic tanks are relatively inexpensive, despite the fact that they are capable of providing a high degree of wastewater treatment. The advantages of this option:

  • Reliability and simplicity of the device;
  • Environmental safety;
  • Relatively low cost;
  • Full autonomy, septic tanks do not require connection to power.

Advice! Anaerobic septic tanks can be purchased in the form ready installation or build the cameras yourself. The latter option is certainly cheaper, but its implementation will require a lot of time and labor.

The disadvantages of anaerobic septic tanks include the need to build aeration fields. Aeration fields need to be changed approximately once every 10 years, since the filter layers become silted and cease to perform their functions, which requires additional labor and money.

In addition, it is extremely difficult to equip filtration fields if the soil on the site is clayey and does not drain water well. Or the soil waters are located very high, which does not allow additional moisture to be absorbed into the soil.

Normally operating anaerobic septic tanks do not spread throughout the site bad smell. The appearance of a smell is a signal of a system malfunction. This is possible when the filtration fields become clogged and the number of bacteria decreases.

Advice! Ready-made septic tanks are often sold complete with devices for soil treatment equipment - infiltrators. Installation of such devices is not too labor-intensive, which generally reduces labor costs for sewer system equipment.

To correct the situation, the following measures are taken:

  • Cleaning the cells using sewage disposal equipment;
  • The use of special biological additives that will restore the number of bacterial colonies;
  • Replacing filter fields.

Aerobic type

When reviewing septic tanks for summer cottages, it is impossible not to mention modern installations - septic tanks with aerobic wastewater treatment. These are compact stations that use biological processing of wastewater using aerobic, that is, bacteria that exist in an oxygen-saturated environment.

Such purification allows you to quickly and effectively remove impurities, as a result, the outlet water is 98-100% purified, that is, these installations do not require the construction of filtration fields. The advantages of this option:

  • The units are compact, operate without odor or noise;
  • High degree of wastewater treatment, allowing water to be discharged from the septic tank without additional purification;
  • Stations can be installed under any geological conditions on the site;
  • There is no need to call vacuum cleaners to clean the stations. You can remove the sludge that accumulates in the sludge receptacle yourself.

The disadvantages of using biological treatment stations include:

  • Energy dependence. The stations are equipped with compressors, aerators and other devices that require connection to electrical networks;
  • High price. Biological treatment stations are quite expensive, so they are rarely installed in dachas.

However, if you plan to build big house for permanent residence, then if there is a large volume of wastewater, the choice of a biotreatment plant will be justified.

Deciding on the body material

When purchasing a ready-made wastewater treatment plant, the consumer does not have much choice. Most models have a plastic body, since modern polymer materials have excellent technical and performance characteristics. Advantages of plastic septic tanks:

  • Reliability and long term services. Despite constant contact With sewage, plastic does not break down. Therefore, the polymer body of the septic tank can last 50 years or more without requiring replacement;
  • Elasticity. The walls of the septic tank body are quite elastic, so they can easily withstand the loads created by the soil;
  • Light weight. This circumstance significantly facilitates installation and, in some cases, allows you to do without the use of lifting equipment.

However, the light weight of the septic tank is also its disadvantage, since under the influence of soil waters filling the pit, the light body of the septic tank can simply float to the surface, destroying the entire sewerage system.

To prevent such occurrence emergency situation, plastic septic tanks installed on a slab made of reinforced concrete and secured to it using belts made of synthetic materials. When planning to build a septic tank on their own, summer residents usually use:

  • Reinforced concrete well rings;
  • Plastic Eurocubes;
  • Plastic barrels and other suitable materials.

When building a local sewer system, almost every homeowner is concerned with the question of how to choose a septic tank for their dacha - which one is better to buy from the proposed installations? Or is it better to build the cameras yourself? It is almost impossible to give a definite answer suitable for everyone. Since the choice of installation should be made taking into account local operating conditions: water consumption, frequency of use of the house, geological conditions on the site.



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