How to make a raft from plastic bottles for fishing and recreation. Raft made from plastic buckets DIY mattress made from plastic bottles

Over the years we have linked various inflatable boats, a canoe in order to create a floating stage on which the musicians played. Due to the growing popularity and limited number of seats on the boats, it was decided to build raft for a music festival with your own hands.

Step 1: Gathering materials for the raft

For the floating stage it was necessary to collect enough plastic containers. Plastic buckets can be used for different purposes. 5 gallon buckets are ideal for the raft. They are very durable. In addition, I collected 2 liter And 1 gallon bottles. At that moment I had no ideas regarding the design, I was simply tasked with assembling as much as possible more materials and all this had to be done in one year! The final design consists of plastic buckets and 2 liter bottles, but in next year there are already plans to expand the raft using plastic canisters.

Step 2: Calculations First

My parents built the house in the early 80's including these shutters. 30 years later, these shutters would become the basis of my entire project. Search work has been done correct design for the raft. The entire project is based on Archimedes' principle.

Archimedes' law is formulated as follows: a body immersed in a liquid (or gas) is acted upon by a buoyant force equal to the weight of the liquid (or gas) in the volume of the body.

Let's use a volume to kilograms of pressure converter.

1 l = 1 kg; 1 gallon = 3.79 l = 3.79 kg; 5 gallons=18.93 l=18.93 kg.

After that let's tie first 6 buckets each shutters. The whole design has evolved, but this has made it easier to move the buckets at a time when there was doubt about the choice between a catamaran and a raft. In the end, the choice settled on a raft. Considering several options for flooring, it became clear that the initial choice would take up more buoyancy than planned.

Step 3: Testing

Firstly, the raft was tested with only 20 buckets and a lightweight deck. Size approx. 2.1 m by 1.8 m. Each bucket has its own fastening, What attached to the bottom of the deck.

I wanted to conduct tests to make sure that this was not a waste of time. The cavities inside the raft are not completely filled and therefore in this configuration it will not go on its first voyage. It's not a waste of time, but there were a lot of doubts.

It was necessary to distribute the weight over the entire surface of the raft in order to maintain balance. All this was a trial test, it helped to understand the existing problems.

Step 4: "Wings"

We will replace the front and back boards with longer ones to create additional places for mounting buckets. 4 additional buckets and 70 two-liter bottles are added to the “wings”. Every kit from two liter bottles ( 35 each side) forced the addition of additional projections to allow buckets in each corner of the raft, for increase in stability the entire structure.

All that's left is to sand it, paint it, and transport it down into the bayou.

Step 5: Final test and descent

Everything was completed the night before launch, and a few finishing touches were made on the day of launch. For transportation, the raft was turned on its side; before the trip, it was necessary to check how the mesh held the sets of bottles.

Each of the buckets that were located in the corners and the torpedoes from the bottles were removable, which made it more convenient to transport and launch.

This homemade became the center of attention and enjoyed great success! We sailed on it throughout the entire festival (3 days).

Additional measurements, calculations and notes:

To flood the raft, it is necessary to place more on its surface 594 kg.

24 plastic buckets can keep you afloat 454 kg.

70 two liter bottles 140 kg.

Need to so that the buoyancy reserve is at 25% was greater than the loaded mass.

594 kg*75%=445 kg for cargo and materials (flooring, people, etc.).

Final calculation: deck – 68 kg, 4 passengers per 90 kg every. 454-428=26 kg. Total 166 kg(taking into account 25% buoyancy) remains for safe navigation.

Thank you for your attention. Happy sailing everyone!

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

Going down the river is great fun for those who prefer active recreation. And the lack of a raft should not be an obstacle to the implementation of such an idea. A simple raft can be easily built with your own hands from plastic bottles.

Materials and tools

A raft is a floating device that can be constructed from various materials. Traditionally, rafts are made of wood. At least that's what our ancestors did. It is important to consider that at that time they did not really have any alternatives.

However, is it possible modern man stop in a flight of fancy. In the heads of the “Kulibins” are sometimes born unique ideas, embodying which it is possible to create original swimming equipment from a material that does not need to be purchased at all, incurring financial losses. To create a swimming device, you can use recycled materials that have already completed their main “mission”.

Plastic bottle – excellent material, from which you can build a raft of a simple design, or, by allocating more time for work, you can even create a boat, catamaran, or mini-yacht. It depends on the wishes of the performer himself.

To create an original raft, you need to prepare a sufficient number of plastic bottles. To improve buoyancy, you can additionally use foam. To connect plastic bottles into a single structure, you will need tape, twine, and ropes. Some options will also require tarpaulin bags and boards.

A raft made from plastic bottles can support the weight of even an adult. Sometimes craftsmen build rafts on which several people can simultaneously accommodate and feel comfortable.

Before you begin the practical construction of the raft, it is recommended to first prepare the bottles so that they will better float in the future.

Firstly, you should immediately reject containers in which even minor damage or holes are found. Secondly, it is better to avoid flattened containers. They will complicate the assembly process; in addition, a flattened container can no longer “boast” of good buoyancy.

Remove the stickers from each selected container, wash the bottles thoroughly and place them in open form V freezer for a few minutes. Then they are removed, immediately screwed on with lids and left to lie in a warm room.

The container will gradually heat up, and the air inside the bottle will also heat up in the same way. The air pressure will increase, as a result of which this simple technique will give the container additional rigidity and density.

These qualities are especially important for a swimming device.

Raft creation process

Before starting to create the structure, it is still necessary to clarify how many “passengers” this raft should subsequently transport. If a boat is built from bottles for one person, then significantly less materials will be required, and it will be lighter and safer.

To build the raft, we suggest performing the steps in the sequence indicated in the instructions.

First you need to take four identical bottles, place them tightly one against the other, and wrap them with waterproof tape. When rewinding, it is important to ensure that the containers are tightly connected. If the bottles dangle, there is a risk of rapid failure of the raft.

After rewinding the bottles, one block is obtained. To construct a raft, a sufficient number of such blocks will be required, depending on the size of the craft.

The advantage of creating separate blocks is that they can be quickly and easily replaced in the event of damage.

To make it convenient to place on the raft, boards and a sheet of plywood are laid and secured on top of the connected blocks. To protect wooden base, lay a tarpaulin or very thick oilcloth on top.

This completes the process of creating a simple swimming device. However, many are not limited to such actions, but continue to improve the design, increasing both the aesthetics of the craft and the level of comfort for “seafarers”.

Using bottles you can also create:

  • sides;
  • benches;
  • mini-cabins;
  • shelter from the sun.

Bottle arrangement options

There are several options for connecting plastic bottles:

  • creating a design for horizontal placement of bottles;
  • creating blocks when placing containers vertically;
  • using large containers (in this case they can be placed in the corners of the raft, attached to the surface and not connected to each other);
  • constructing a raft from small containers, which are placed in polypropylene bags.


The option of horizontal arrangement of bottles is acceptable for those who want to quickly build a raft. However, such a floating device in its characteristics is more like an inflatable mattress. It cannot be used as a means of making one want to go on a trip down the river.

When placing containers horizontally, it is important to ensure that all necks are directed in the same direction. In each subsequent row, the neck of the bottle should rest against the bottom of the bottles of the previous row.

When the watercraft is constructed, it is recommended to wrap it with tape again, especially paying attention to the outer rows. The tape will not only strengthen the structure, but will also protect the outermost bottles from damage when the side accidentally comes into contact with a snag.


When placing bottles vertically, blocks (formed squares) are initially created. Then the blocks are connected to each other in such a quantity as to create a deck of the required size. When creating a deck, the bottles are positioned so that the neck is at the bottom. It is better to lay linoleum or matting on top of the bottoms rather than plywood.

From large containers

If twenty-liter containers or canisters are available, the process of constructing a raft will be quick. From wooden beam The frame of the floating craft is being constructed, plywood will need to be secured on top, a tarpaulin will need to be laid, and containers will need to be attached and secured along the edges. The result will be a raft that can support even a large company.

From small containers

If you want to build a spacious raft, but only small containers are available, and you can only allocate a limited amount of time to create a watercraft, then it is recommended to arm yourself with a little trick.

Small bottles are placed in polypropylene bags, which are then tied tightly. The bags are connected to each other and then used in a similar way to large-volume containers.

In the video, you can once again watch the entire process of creating a raft so that not a single unanswered question is left. After constructing a standard raft, you can not limit the flight of your imagination, but invent and construct additional elements, resulting in a unique “yacht” or an entire “ship”.

By spending a little free time and showing your creativity, you can create a unique raft with your own hands from plastic bottles, on which you can ride along the river or go fishing.


As a child, I had some old book with all sorts of wonderful crafts (a camera out of a box, a telephone out of cans, it seems) and there was something like this raft. True, not from plastic bottles, of course, but from their inflatable balls. There was no plastic as such then (at the time of the book’s release)


  1. The book was called “One Hundred Conceits of Two Friends”!


Lena, next time invite Dmitry to film the process if there is no one among your own to hire 😀


After reading the article I remembered summer holidays in the village. My friends, whom I only saw during the holidays, surprised me every time with their skills and abilities to do something unusual. Either they would build a dugout, or a house on a tree or from turf, and all sorts of floating devices were the most favorite topic. They were built from plastic bottles and wood, and the hippest ones were those that had an inner tube from a tractor wheel. Bottle rafts were the most unreliable. At first we swam on such rafts, then the bottles floated on us, as the bags were constantly untied =)


The craving for “sea travel” is probably inherent in everyone)) And this raft also has such a serious environmental background. This is how young people should be encouraged to clean up natural recreational areas! What else could you come up with that would be so intricate for the rest of the (non-aquatic) garbage? 🙂


I saw such a raft in action among fishermen.


Anyone can make such an unusual raft from plastic bottles. For this you need the following materials:

  • 10 bottles of 5 liters,
  • 84 bottles and 2 liter volume,
  • 4 identical small boards,
  • nails,
  • bags – 4 pcs.,
  • waterproof tape,
  • oars.

How to make a raft from plastic bottles

If you are going to build a quality raft, you will need a lot of time. For example, I did it in two and a half hours. It all depends on you and your skill. It is better to build such a raft together, it is much more convenient and faster.

To begin, take 5 five-liter bottles and glue them together, side by side, in a row, with waterproof tape. Please note that the tape must be waterproof, otherwise your raft will quickly fall apart. You need to glue by wrapping each bottle - this is important. Perform the same operation with the remaining 5 liter bottles.

Thus, you have 2 rows of glued bottles. The next task is to glue these rows together so that you get a small raft. You need to glue the bottles together as tightly as possible, don’t skimp on tape.

Now let's start with 2 liter bottles.

We take 7 bottles and, just like five-liter bottles, glue them together in one row. You need to make 12 such rows.

After this, we take a bag and place three rows of bottles in it, on top of each other. We fill the rest of the bags in the same way. The end result was 4 bags of empty bottles. Carefully wrap each bag tightly with tape.

Of course, we can’t do without oars. If you have them, that’s good, but if not, then I think you can easily make them, but I’ll still tell you how: To do this, we take two wide boards - twos, about a meter long, and saw each one like this to make two blades. That's it, the oars are ready.

Let's continue, take 4 identical small boards and nail them to each other so that we get a square. We attach a bag with our plastic bottles to each outer side of the square. It is best to attach using ropes and tape.

We place our glued empty five-liter containers in the middle of the square. We securely attach them to the boards. The entire surface of the raft should be at the same level. If desired, the raft can be covered with waterproof fabric.

The raft is ready.

Such a raft can support 2-3 people. And this design itself is very reliable and durable. The main thing is that all bottles are straight and with tightly closed lids. It is best to tear off the labels from the bottles.

Careful storage of the raft is important. After use, you should not leave it in water, as it will quickly deteriorate. This simple design will allow you to relax, go fishing or just ride. With a little effort, materials and time, you will get a great raft. It's interesting, it's economical, it's fun.

Making a raft for river rafting with your own hands is quite simple, the main thing is to understand the basic principles. This floating craft has a fairly simple design; without special knowledge and skills, you can easily build a fishing raft with your own hands from wood and scrap materials.

Large raft with tent

Materials and components

To build a good log raft with your own hands, you need to make the following key structural components:

  1. Frame.
  2. Components for holding the structure on the water (pontoons).
  3. Control systems.
  4. Flooring and roofing.
  5. Safety details.
  6. Compartments for various things.

The frame is the basis of the structure on which all other components are fixed. It is necessary to achieve the highest possible strength of the frame in order to prevent destruction under sufficiently high loads to which the structure will necessarily be subjected during use. It is important to try to minimize its weight. This is important for the convenience of launching the structure into the water. At the same time, the frame must be rigid and resistant to deformation. Otherwise, the integrity of the structure may be damaged right on the water, which is fraught with the most negative consequences.

Typically, rafts are constructed in an inflatable or wooden configuration. In the case of wood, a log frame is used as a frame base. In an inflatable structure, the base is constructed with lathing.

It is extremely important to comply correct proportions raft dimensions. The ratio of width to length should be 1:3. In case of a significant deviation from this norm, the stability and controllability of the boat will be impaired.

Pontoons are designed to hold a structure on the water. They can be made from a variety of available materials. Here you should build on what is at your disposal.

The most popular pontoon options:

  • cameras;
  • plastic bottles;
  • barrels;
  • tree;
  • polystyrene foam

It is very easy to make a raft from chambers with your own hands; this is one of the most affordable and easy to implement options.

It must be equipped with properly equipped controls.

Most often used:

  • The rows are shaped like large oars. As a rule, they are operated by two people; working alone is quite difficult. Sometimes very large rows are built, which can be controlled by 4 people at once. In terms of efficiency, this solution is very good. The structure not only turns easily, but can also move freely against the current. Such control is relevant for large rafts descending onto large, deep rivers with fairly fast currents.
  • Poles – optimal solution for small rivers. Using a pole, you need to push off from the bottom, thereby ensuring the movement of the structure. In terms of efficiency, this method is significantly inferior to the previous one.
  • The movable keel is mounted on the aft part of the structure and is a steering mechanism.

It is not necessary to make a flooring, but it is advisable; this will make the use of the watercraft much more comfortable. The roof can be made in any form, based on the available materials.

The design must include safety elements. They must be responsible for the stability of people during movement and, which is extremely important, in any collisions. For this purpose, special footrests are equipped. Hands are usually protected by control elements. It is necessary to provide special posts on the sides to allow you to hold on in the event of collisions or strong currents. And if possible, it is worth taking inflatable vests on the raft.

To conveniently store things and protect them from getting wet, raised platforms are equipped for folding everything you need. You can set up a kind of “greenhouse”, a structure that can be quickly covered with film if necessary. The crew can also hide in it during rain. To store documents, you should use special hermetically sealed bags.

You can set up a special place for a fire to heat food. If you are planning a long rafting, it is worth equipping comfortable places for sleep and relaxation.

How to build a raft with your own hands - video, drawings and photos

See what the finished raft, made by yourself, looks like in the photo:

Wooden raft

This is one of the simplest and easiest structures to construct. This raft is made entirely of wood.

And the video below demonstrates the process of launching a raft made from plastic kegs, made by yourself:

But, in this case, not only wood is used, but also large plastic containers, ensuring its free retention on the water. Therefore, if you want to make a raft from 200 liter barrels with your own hands, the drawings and videos will definitely come in handy.

First, let's talk about simple wooden rafts. First of all, you need to be puzzled by the selection suitable wood. It is important to use only dry materials. Usually a thickness of 10 cm is sufficient; such a raft is easy to build and launch. It is very easy to check whether the tree is suitable. Just put the log in the water, if it sinks at most halfway, this is the right material.

The wood does not need any special treatment. Just remove unnecessary branches and try to achieve as smooth a surface as possible. If the logs differ slightly in thickness, thinner ones are placed in the middle of the structure. As you approach the edges, the logs should thicken. Thanks to this, the structure will be very durable.

Stack the logs side by side and place them on top cross beams. Nails or strong ropes can be used as connecting elements. You can use wire and other available materials that will strengthen the structure. But, if you use a rope, you must first moisten it. This is necessary so that when wet in water the nodes do not relax, otherwise the structure may even collapse. It is better to make connections using U-shaped brackets.

After connecting the logs, the raft can already be used. But to make operation more comfortable, you can make a flooring. Plywood, boards, sheets of tin and other available materials are suitable for this.

You can use not only wood, but also combine it with various available materials that provide better buoyancy. You can use, for example, pieces of foam plastic and similar lightweight materials that do not get wet and do not sink in water.

For example, this solution is demonstrated in the following video:

How to make a raft from inner tubes with your own hands (video)

Very often, car inner tubes are used as pontoons on homemade rafts. They are easy enough to find. This solution is very effective. Compared to wooden version, such a raft has many advantages. Its weight is significantly lower, making it easy to carry on the shore or in shallow water. On the water it is more stable and easier to control.

The photo below shows a raft with a sail, made by yourself. Its peculiarity lies precisely in the presence of a sail, due to which movement on water is ensured. Here is the sail itself primitive type, but completely fulfills the task. Since the raft is built on chambers, it is lightweight and glides well through the water, so even a small wind is enough for movement. Naturally, you should not rely only on a sail; you must also take oars or, at least, a pole on the raft.

Raft on tubes

So, we make a light raft with our own hands using inner tubes.

Main features of the construction process:

  1. The cameras need to be placed in 2 even rows and then connected. A rope is perfect for this, and nylon rope is best, but any other rope will do. The advantage of nylon is that it does not stretch when exposed to moisture.
  2. Wood beams are placed on top of the chambers. To connect them to the cameras, also use ropes.
  3. The beams serve as a platform for installing the decking. It is advisable to use boards. If they are not available, use any available materials suitable for solving this problem. It is advisable to process the material in advance so that all parts are identical and even. Thanks to this, there will be no gaps on the deck. Make sure that the beams protrude somewhat beyond the chambers and flooring. This is necessary so that the beams absorb possible collisions with obstacles.
  4. Approximately in the middle, provide the simplest design in the form of a box covered with film. Things that should not get wet will be stored here. Even all kinds of wooden scraps are suitable for this.
  5. Set up oar racks on both sides.

Take 1-2 spare tubes on the raft, as there is a risk of them being damaged by all sorts of obstacles. Even if the chamber bursts, the raft, naturally, will not sink, but controllability will noticeably deteriorate.

Ready raft on tubes

How to make a raft from plastic bottles with your own hands (video, photo)

One of the most popular options is to use simple plastic bottles. You can use both small and 20-liter ones. Bottles are quite easy to find, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties with materials. The frame of the raft can be made of wood, to which it can be tied large number bottles Make sure each bottle is screwed tightly.

It's easiest with large bottles. With little ones it’s a little more difficult, but still doable. But we need a lot more of these bottles. For example, a small raft requires about 100 bottles.

Bottle raft

The easiest way is to place the bottles horizontally. You can connect them using tape, and to increase strength, additionally tie them with ropes. Use special moisture-resistant adhesive tape. Point the bottle necks in one direction. Moreover, in rows the bottles should be connected as follows: necks to necks, bottoms to bottoms, so the design will be as compact and stable as possible on the water.

One of good options– pack bottles in bags. Depending on the size of the raft, prepare required quantity bottles Such pontoons turn out to be very voluminous, which will ensure good stability and high carrying capacity of the raft. The bags must be tied tightly so that the bottles remain on the water. in the right place. The bags can be tied to the frame with ropes and tape. We invite you to watch the video “How I built a raft with my own hands,” which demonstrates the construction of a large raft from bottles in bags. The design turned out to be very large, stable and load-lifting.

The video also demonstrates the fusion of several people with a large number things on such a raft:

Bottles can also be placed in vertical position. Divide the bottles into blocks of 4, joined together. Then connect these blocks into rows. Any structure, including a wooden frame, can be used as the basis for a raft.

Bottles are arranged vertically

One of the most successful and easy to implement solutions is to make a raft from 200 liter barrels with your own hands. You can also use barrels of other sizes. The difficulty lies in the availability of the material; it is not always possible to obtain the required number of such barrels. If you have unnecessary ones, it is best to make a raft out of them. Depending on the size of the structure, determine the required number of barrels. For a small raft, 6-8 pieces are enough. It is important to securely tighten the barrels, preferably using sealant, this will prevent leaks. You can use beams or boards as a frame. It is advisable to make the flooring from boards. Inside the frame you also need to provide several separate beams to which the barrels will be attached. Use ropes to secure the barrels.

Raft on barrels

Raft care

If you plan to use the raft more than once, it must be maintained to extend its service life. The structure must be thoroughly dried after each fusion. To do this, simply take it ashore and leave it in a dry place. With rafts on bottles, barrels or tubes, everything is simple because they are lightweight. In the case of a heavy wooden raft, it is better to equip special guides on the shore to facilitate landing.

It is advisable to move the raft indoors for the winter. If this is not possible, it is necessary to arrange suitable conditions storage right on the shore. At a minimum, it must be carefully covered with a tarpaulin. It is advisable to saturate the structure special means, repelling moisture, this will significantly increase durability.



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