From prose to life: photos of houses with a mezzanine in the modern world. House with a mezzanine: differences from an attic and an overview of comfortable layout options House with a mezzanine - design features and layout options

What is a mezzanine and what does a house look like with it? These questions often arise before people who are planning to engage in individual construction, and just in front of the curious. Almost everyone knows that this is a type of add-on, but what exactly is it? Many people confuse a mezzanine with an attic. To eliminate this error, let’s look in detail at what the word “mezzanine” means.

General information

In order for people who are not strong in architectural knowledge to understand what a “mezzanine” is, they need to consider the following. A mezzanine is a superstructure above residential building, which in most cases is located in the center, but is equipped with its own roof. As a rule, there is access to a balcony from the mezzanine.

This type of building structure can take many different forms:

  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • hexagonal;
  • cylindrical;
  • cruciform.

Usually the mezzanine is given the appearance of a square. Basically, it has a utilitarian rather than decorative function. Although the house with a mezzanine, in accordance with building codes, is considered as a one-story building, it has a number of undeniable advantages over an ordinary one-story building.

Design advantages

What is a mezzanine from the point of view of architectural solutions? What benefits do the owners of such a house receive? Here are some of its main advantages:

  • To organize a powerful stove draft in a house, it is necessary to have a chimney length of no less than five meters. The superstructure in the form of a mezzanine just makes it possible to place a pipe of impressive length in the home space, without the use of additional braces.
  • The ceiling area above which the mezzanine is located will require significantly lower costs when insulating it. This, in turn, will put less load on the foundation and increase the service life of the entire building.
  • Due to the fact that the mezzanine is not a second floor in the full sense of the word, due to its special design, there is no need for additional heating costs required in a two-story building.

Pros of isolation

In addition to the above advantages associated with the mezzanine design, there are others that the isolation of this room provides. These include the following:

  • Due to the isolation of the mezzanine, in winter period(if it is not in demand), the room can be locked so as not to waste heat.
  • The mezzanine is a great place for privacy. No noise from other rooms penetrates here. Here you can work fruitfully, and children can do homework, rest easy.
  • Since the staircase leading to the second floor is usually located in the rear of the house, it is possible to rent out the mezzanine to tenants.

To understand even better what a mezzanine is, let’s consider it in comparison with the attic, with which it is very often confused.

Difference from the attic

Although the mezzanine and attic have common features, they fundamentally differ from each other in that the first is a living space with its own roof, and the second is essentially an attic that does not have its own roof, and is subject to improvement if the owners wish. Here are some other differences between these designs in detail:

  1. Roof. The mezzanine is straight, the attic is inclined. As a result, staying in the attic for a long time is not comfortable enough.
  2. Construction period. The mezzanine is erected when the main building is already in a state of readiness, while the attic is built simultaneously with the house.
  3. Walls. In the mezzanine they have a vertical direction up to a certain level, and then gradually move into the roof. In the attic they go immediately at an angle from the floor.
  4. Illumination. On the mezzanine it is more intense and natural. By increasing the level of masonry vertical walls. When erecting it, you can increase the area window openings, creating a curly window. In addition to being decorative, it becomes possible to receive more light than through the usual rectangular hole.

Options for arranging a mezzanine

Mezzanine roofs come in a variety of configurations - both primitive, flat, with two slopes, and the most original and even bizarre. As a rule, developers settle on the gable option, which has both advantages and disadvantages. In order for the mezzanine space to be used most optimally, it is recommended to make its side walls one and a half meters high. Then the height of the entire superstructure will be 2.5 meters.

Sometimes mezzanines are built above the garage. In this case, you can enter the room directly using a special street staircase. In the superstructure you can equip a gym for training on exercise machines, a home cinema, a workshop, and a room for playing billiards. Very often, residents prefer to arrange a bedroom on the mezzanine for adult family members or for guests staying overnight.

Other options

The mezzanine provides many options for its use. These include solutions such as a creative workshop, office, library, children's room. Some manage to arrange an “autonomous” existence for themselves on the mezzanine. They are adding to the bedroom small kitchen, bathroom and dressing room and equip a separate entrance from the street.

At the same time, you should not skimp on lighting in the mezzanine - both natural and artificial. Then the room will be more complete and may not be inferior to others that are residential. It is preferable to cover the walls with paint or wallpaper in light colors. Furniture, like textiles, is also better to buy light-colored. This technique helps visual increase space.

There is another very close value the words "mezzanine". Let's look at it in more detail below.

Other meaning

Considering the interpretation of the word “mezzanine”, one cannot help but mention the warehouse mezzanine. It is a structure consisting of metal shelving. They are divided among themselves by floors with floor panels, which can be made of various materials. For example, such as plywood, chipboard, grating or a solid sheet of metal with a notch, corrugated sheet.

Warehouse mezzanines are designed to maximize space height by increasing the number of floors in a warehouse. They have two varieties: mezzanines located on a platform and multi-tier shelving systems. The mezzanine design makes it possible to increase useful warehouse space, and also allows for additional office space and additional retail space.

Word parsing

To carry out a lexical analysis of the word “mezzanine”, we will use data from dictionaries: linguistic terms, synonyms, homonyms, antonyms, as well as phraseological dictionary. Based on the analysis of the information contained in them, the following conclusions can be drawn:

K category: Attics and balconies

Mezzanine design features

Mezzanines are attic rooms, in which the outer walls rise vertically to a certain level, and then smoothly turn into the roof slope (Fig. 1). This architectural technique, by reducing the proportion of overlap hidden behind the sides of the attic, allows for more efficient use of the total area (Fig. 2). Practice shows that maximum effect in use, the overlap area can be achieved with a vertical wall height of 150 cm. In this case, the total height of the mezzanine should remain at least 240 cm (Fig. 3). Then almost all 100% of the area can be used as useful. If a mezzanine with straight (not broken) walls is planned, then the roof structure changes (Fig. 4, 5).

Design options There can be many roofs for houses with mezzanines: from the simplest options under a gable roof to the most bizarre shapes that only the designer’s imagination is capable of (Fig. 6). A relatively simple design diagram of a gable roof with a mezzanine, arranged according to a system of hanging rafters, is shown in Fig. 7 and fig. 8.

The given design diagram of a mezzanine is quite typical for most regions of our country. There are some disadvantages to this scheme. The relatively small height of the vertical enclosing structures leads to the need to construct side walls of the mezzanine,

Rice. 1. Schematic representation of the built-on mezzanine wall: 1 - facade wall of the “house”; 2 - mezzanine wall

Rice. 2. Facade side finished house with mezzanine: 1 - front wall of the mezzanine with a hip roof structure

Rice. 3. Useful area of ​​the mezzanine with a front vertical wall height of 1500 mm: 1 - front mezzanine wall with a window; 2 - mezzanine ceiling at a height of 2400 mm; 3 - rear wall of the mezzanine, formed by the roof slope; 4 - dormer window

behind the sidewalls of which most of the area disappears attic floor. Of course, these areas can be used as auxiliary areas, arranging unique storage rooms behind the sidewalls. However, these areas cannot be used as residential premises.

The mezzanine can be built on top of an already existing house, If bearing capacity foundations are designed for additional loads. A variant of such a typical superstructure is shown in Fig. 9.

Mezzanines in luxury houses and cottages are built according to other design schemes. Here, a system of layered rafters is used more, using a system of pitched roofs or a combination of gable and pitched roof.

Rice. 4. Mezzanine with a height of vertical walls of 2400 mm: 1 - front wall; 2 - window; 3 - useful area of ​​the mezzanine; 4 - mezzanine floor; 5 - attic window; b - window sill

Rice. 5. Facade view hip roof houses where the mezzanine wall has a height of at least 2400 mm: 1 - mezzanine wall; 2 - mezzanine roof

Rice. 6. The roof structure of a house where there is a mezzanine with vertical walls 1500 mm high: 1 - mezzanine walls; 2 - mezzanine covering

Rice. 7. Relatively simple design of a gable roof with a mezzanine: 1 - vertical bars mezzanine; 2 - side beams-rafters of the mezzanine; 3 - mezzanine roof; 4 - hanging rafter

Rice. 8. The structure of the roof, shown in Fig. 13 in section: 1 - mezzanine support beam; 2 - mezzanine truss; 3 - Mauerlat; 4 - side rafters of the mezzanine; 3 - mezzanine floor; 6 - ridge pad; 7 - ridge beam; 8 - floor of the house; 9 - rafter; 10 - main area of ​​the mezzanine; 11 - auxiliary room

As an example, we can take a two-story cottage structure with a bay window under a gable roof, in which the attic part - the mezzanine - is located entirely within one slope due to the bay window (Fig. 10). This architectural technique is possible thanks to the bay window, which becomes a support for the mezzanine.

The advantage of a mezzanine over a simple attic is also manifested in the expansion of natural lighting possibilities interior spaces. When the mezzanine “rises” due to the laying of vertical walls by at least 0.8-1.1 m, it becomes possible to further increase the window area by installing a vertical window frame, which creates a plastic continuation of the window opening and enriches the interior space of the “broken window”. The glazing area increases even more due to the extension window (Fig. 11). In addition to its enhanced aesthetic qualities, such a window has significantly large area and the level of illumination in the interior spaces of the mezzanine and attic.

“House with a mezzanine” - most people associate this phrase with the story of the same name by A.P. Chekhov. We begin to think about what a mezzanine is when the question of construction or acquisition arises. You can learn a lot from this review useful information about houses with a mezzanine, photos of structures and descriptions best projects will help you decide if you want to have this addition in your home.

Mezzanine - what is it? The photos presented in this section clearly demonstrate what this design looks like.

What benefits does a mezzanine guarantee to its owners? First of all, its presence significantly increases the living area of ​​the building. Having a separate entrance from the lower floor (as a rule, a screw is used), it provides its occupant with privacy. It is for this reason that a house with a superstructure is often purchased by creative people, setting up a studio or workshop there. Thanks to the protrusion of the superstructure above the common part of the building, the room in it turns out to be very bright and cozy. For more sunlight access window openings do .

From a technical point of view, building a half-tier is much easier than full floor. Almost all construction is carried out from the attic, the rest of the work is carried out using scaffolding. In addition, the presence of such a design will help save fuel costs during the cold season. After all, you choose the dimensions of the added room yourself, thereby eliminating the presence of wasted space. If there is no need for additional space in the house, the superstructure can be closed and not heated, without disturbing the main part of the housing.

Important! You can organize a mezzanine in an already constructed building. To do this, you do not need to rebuild the main floor; it will be enough to make adjustments to the attic.

Related article:

Such designs can significantly increase living space. In the article we will take a detailed look at the projects and photos of finished buildings, useful tips, which will allow you to build a house yourself or with the help of specialists without errors.

Types of mezzanines depending on design features

Half tier may be different forms and sizes. In the classic version, architects use the square shape. Sometimes the superstructure is built in the form of a cross with access to four sides of the house. However, high-tech building materials, which are widely used in modern world, allow you to create designs of completely different, sometimes bizarre shapes. The photos below are proof of this.

Very often the superstructure ends in a terrace. It is very comfortable and allows you to fully enjoy the view from the window. It should be noted that mezzanine is not only a superstructure in the attic part of the house. It can also be organized indoors if the height of the walls allows. This design can often be found in luxury apartments, where the ceiling height reaches 3.5-4 meters.

The design of houses with half-tiers has its own characteristics. There are many roofing options; the choice depends only on the imagination and skill of the architect. At self-construction more often used gable roof. The protrusion of the superstructure is formed by three walls, and the attic space not used for housing is equipped under. The option of a pitched roof is also common. But if you want to move away from classic options roofing and make your home unique with a domed or pyramidal roof, use the services of professional architects. requires specialized knowledge. Otherwise, you risk the durability and reliability of your home.

It is advisable to begin construction of the mezzanine immediately after the construction of the main floor. This will save you from additional costs for dismantling the roof when creating a superstructure in an already functioning home. In this section we will present you photos and videos successful projects, which may be useful to you in the future with a half-tier.

Arranging a mezzanine, choosing a style

The interior decoration of the superstructure depends on what function the room will perform.

Useful advice! First of all, you should decide whether the room in the superstructure will be used year-round or only in the warm season. This will determine the heating supply option.

What is a mezzanine? Mezzanine is a room small size, built on the roof of a residential private house with separate walls and windows (in other words, an extension to the attic).

The beautiful, airy structure has long been associated with the patriarchal life of the Russian suburbs, manorial estates, picturesque suburban buildings, and is an integral part of the picturesque style of “romantic realism”.

Often artists from different countries painted the mezzanine in their paintings, where they depicted the interiors of fictional or real streets.

Design Features

The mezzanine is usually located in the middle of the roof, which allows you to increase usable area Houses. In form it can be:

  • square;
  • hexagonal;
  • rectangular;
  • cylindrical.

The roof of the extension has a steep slope; it can be single-pitch, gable, combined, multi-level. Often such a room is equipped large windows with glass inserts above the window openings. In some cases, an external balcony is attached to the front side of the mezzanine.

What advantages does it have?

Such an extension has numerous advantages:

  • large windows allow you to create natural light interior space of the room;
  • increase the total area of ​​the home without additional load on the foundation;
  • the mezzanine can be used as a room for any purpose: office, library, bedroom, children's room;
  • with its help they mask and strengthen the chimney pipe;
  • To erect this type of superstructure, you do not need to use special equipment, since all work is carried out through attic space;

Mezzanine attached general appearance the house has extraordinary features, it opens beautiful view from the window. In France, such extensions were rented by students for living, and in Russia they began to be used everywhere in the 19th century as part of wooden and stone houses. Most often, the mezzanine had three windows, its own roof and pediment.

How is it applied and formatted?

This room can be used as:

  • office;
  • game room;
  • workshop;
  • libraries;
  • summer bedroom;
  • children's room;
  • warehouse;
  • recreation areas;
  • billiard room;
  • bathroom

The mezzanine can be equipped as a guest room or as a separate living space for tenants, since the residents in it can exist independently from common house. Especially if it has a bathroom, a dressing room and a separate entrance from the street.

Editorial advice: when arranging a mezzanine, it is better to use furniture made to order custom sizes. This will make it possible to take into account the non-standard nature of the room, making its internal space comfortable and convenient.

When decorating a room, it is better to give preference to light shades. This will help hide defects and shortcomings in the interior and visually increase its area.

Differences from the attic

An attic is an attic space located directly under a high roof, where windows are most often built in.

A mezzanine is a superstructure over a house with its own roof, windows, and pediment. They can also be distinguished from each other by: design features:

  1. Roof. At the attic it is inclined, and at the mezzanine it is straight.
  2. Application. The attic is used mainly as an attic, and the mezzanine as a living space or as decorative decoration Houses.
  3. The mezzanine has the best natural light.
  4. The attic is built simultaneously with the house and is an integral part of it. A mezzanine can be completed in an already finished building.

How to decorate a house with a mezzanine, see the following video:

Oddly enough, very often we have to deal with the fact that people who consider themselves well versed in architecture confuse an attic with a mezzanine.
Let's be clear on this issue.

It's hard to say which came first.
But let's start with attics , if only because, unlike the mezzanine, it has an author.

The largest French architect of the 17th century Francois Mansart when creating the palace Maison-Laffite found near Paris interesting solution attic space. With the help of a high roof in the form of a truncated pyramid with built-in small windows he received additional living space.

Palace of Maisons-Laffite (1642 - 1649)

It is believed that it was from then on that these types of premises acquired the status of apartments and began to be called attics.

In Paris, the owners of apartment buildings, quickly adopting this innovation, turned tax-free attic spaces into rows of cramped rooms rented out to low-income students, artists, painters and other people in the creative professions.

"Poor Poet"
(Karl Spitzweg, 1839)

The facade of the attic is formed entirely or partially by the sloping surface of the roof with windows built into it.

These components create a unique comfort attic floor, used today very widely both in Western European countries and in Russia (and not only in the construction of dachas and garden houses, but also luxury housing).

Unlike the attic mezzanine (from Italian mezzonino), which is a superstructure over the middle part of a residential building, most often with three small windows and a pediment, has its own roof.

Mid-19th century house with a mezzanine in Vologda
(Zasetsky's house?)

Long before the 19th century, in provincial Russian cities, the prototype of the mezzanine was a small room-light in the upper part of the house.

The mezzanine with a solemn pediment, built in the classical style, was a prominent decoration of the city estate and manor houses of the local nobility and wealthy merchants of Russia in the century before last.



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